Как переводится among.

Among, amongst 1. Among is now roughly ten times more common than amongst. It is the oldest form, which gave rise to the by forms amonges (14c, no longer in use) and among(e)st (16c). There is no demonstrable difference of meaning between the two … Modern English usage

among - [ə muŋ′] prep. 1. in the company of; surrounded by; included with a group of 2. from place to place in 1. Mixed or mingled; surrounded by. They heard, And from… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

among - (prep.) early 12c., from O.E. onmang, from phrase on gemang in a crowd, from gemengan to mingle (see MINGLE (Cf. mingle)). Collective prefix ge dropped 12c. leaving onmong, amang, among. Cf. O.S. angimang among, amid; O.Fris. mong among … Etymology dictionary

among - in the middle of; between amid, amidst, betwixt, encompassed by, in dispersion through, in the midst of, in the thick of, mid, surrounded by, with; concept 586 Ant. away from, outside, separate among in a group by all of, by the… … New thesaurus

among - adverb amid, amidst, between, in the middle of, parenthetically Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

among - *between … New Dictionary of Synonyms

among - (chiefly Brit. also amongst) PREPOSITION 1) surrounded by; in the middle of. 2) included or occurring in. 3) shared by; between. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary

among - [[t]əmʌ̱ŋ] ♦ (The form amongst is also used, but is more literary.) 1) PREP Someone or something that is situated or moving among a group of things or people is surrounded by them. ...youths in their late teens sitting among adults... They… … English dictionary

among - a|mong [ ə mʌŋ ] preposition *** 1.) included in a larger group a) used for saying that someone or something is included in a particular group of people or things: His family connections helped ensure his position among the elite. from among… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

among */*/*/ - UK [əˈmʌŋ] / US preposition 1) included in a larger group a) used for saying that someone or something is included in a particular group of people or things His family connections helped ensure his position among the elite. from among (= from a… … English dictionary


  • Among The Tibetans , . This little know gem by the doyenne of women travellers in the East describes a journey on horseback through the Himalayas and into Tibet, where she spent four months. Enchanted by the… Купить за 3803 руб
  • Among the Ruins of the Kingdom , Douglas Hatten. The Kingdom of Melekh is now a forgotten dream, little more than ancient ruins and a note in history. The world of men is once more divided, while a sinister threat grows in the desolate…

Англо-русский перевод AMONG

transcription, транскрипция: [ əˈmʌŋ ]

1) между, посреди, среди

a village among the hills — деревня в горах

they quarrelled among themselves — они перессорились

amid , amidst , between , betwixt

2) из числа, в числе

I rate him among my friends. — Я считаю его своим другом.

He is numbered among the dead. — Его считают убитым.

We were among the crowd that gathered there. — Мы были среди собравшейся там толпы.

one among a thousand — один из тысячи

4) среди, у

among the ancient Greeks — у древних греков

English-Russian dictionary of general lexicon. Англо-Русский словарь по общей лексике. 2005

  • Англо-Русские словари
  • Англо-Русский словарь по общей лексике

Еще значения слова и перевод AMONG с английского на русский язык в англо-русских словарях и с русского на английский язык в русско-английских словарях.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «AMONG» in dictionaries.

  • AMONG — inter. FROM ~: ex
    English interlingue dictionary
  • AMONG — əˈməŋ preposition or amongst -ŋzt, -ŋ(k)st Etymology: among from Middle English, fr, Old English on gemonge, on gemange, from on …
    Webster"s New International English Dictionary
  • AMONG — /euh mung"/ , prep. 1. in, into, or through the midst of; in association or connection with; surrounded by: He …
    Random House Webster"s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • AMONG — preposition also amongst -ˈməŋ(k)st Etymology: among from Middle English, from Old English on gemonge, from on + gemonge, dative of …
    Merriam-Webster"s Collegiate English vocabulary
  • AMONG — also amongst prep — предлог
    1. посреди, среди, между;
      a village among the hills деревня в горах;
      they quarrelled among themselves они перессорились

      Примеры использования

      1. He had been born among them, he had lived among them, and though he had strayed for a time, it was well to come back among them.

        Среди тружеников он родился, среди них жил, и, хотя на время от них отошел, приятно снова оказаться среди своих.

        Мартин Иден. Джек Лондон, стр. 352
      2. Before passing the threshold, I paused to admire a quantity of grotesque carving lavished over the front, and especially about the principal door; above which, among a wilderness of crumbling griffins and shameless little boys, I detected the date

        Прежде чем переступить порог, я остановился полюбоваться гротескными барельефами, которые ваятель разбросал, не скупясь, по фасаду, насажав их особенно щедро над главной дверью, где в хаотическом сплетении облезлых гриффонов и бесстыдных мальчуганов я разобрал дату

        Грозовой перевал. Эмили Джейн Бронте, стр. 2
      3. The company all stared at me as I passed straight among them.

        Гости с удивлением уставились на меня, когда я решительно прошла среди них.

        Джейн Эйр. Шарлотта Бронте, стр. 225
    2. из числа, в числе;
      I rate him among my friends я считаю его своим другом;
      he is numbered among the dead его считают убитым

      Примеры использования

      1. Mr. Bennet was among

      2. Дракула. Брэм Стокер, стр. 1
      3. Among the newcomers were two young men, one of handsome presence with a bold, frank countenance and manner; the other a ruffled, glum-faced person, heavily built and roughly dressed.

        Среди тех, кто только что сел в поезд, были двое, оба молодые, один - красивый, с дерзким, открытым лицом и такой же повадкой; другой - озабоченный, угрюмый, грузноватого телосложения, просто одетый.

        Сердца и руки. О. Генри, стр. 1
    3. из;
      one among a thousand один из тысячи

      Примеры использования

      1. I could think of no one among my contemporaries who had achieved so considerable a position on so little talent.

        Не припомню ни одного из своих современников, кто добился бы такого значительного положения с таким небольшим талантом.

        Пироги и пиво, или скелет в шкафу. Уильям Сомерсет Моэм, стр. 3
      2. She went to the open door and stood in it and looked out among the tomato vines and "jimpson" weeds that constituted the garden.

        Подойдя к открытой настежь двери, она остановилась на пороге и обвела взглядом свой огород - грядки помидоров, заросшие дурманом.

        Приключения Тома Сойера. Марк Твен, стр. 2
      3. Mr. Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr. Bingley.

        Мистер Беннет все же одним из первых навестил мистера Бингли.

        Гордость и предубеждение. Джейн Остин, стр. 3
    4. у, среди;
      among the ancient Greeks у древних греков

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