Irfanview 64 bit русская версия. Установка плагинов и русификатора для IrfanView

Capturing, sharing and saving Images are an important part of our lives. We take so many photos, largely because our phones have opened up the opportunity for us to snap away wherever we are with great freedom. While not every photo is worthy of being kept, it is easy to amass a library of hundreds of photos.

We will want to show many of these images to others, perhaps individually, or perhaps in a slideshow -- for example of holiday photos or family day photos. Some will need a touch-up before they can be used perhaps altering their colours, or adding effects, or changing their size, cropping, combining, there are many ways to make different uses of a single image.

IrfanView offers facilities to do all these things in one, small-footprint application. It has a clean and simple user interface so that it"s not daunting for beginners, but behind that lies a very powerful and useful application that might not have all the features of a high profile, professional image editing tool, but which does enough to meet many of our needs.


Easy to apply filters and effects: It is remarkably easy to get quite dramatic results really quickly. A quick menu selection -- no more than a couple of clicks -- allows you to easily play with image colours and apply a wide range of filters and effects.

Slideshow creation: One of the reasons we take photos is to show them to other people. With IrfanView it is easy to combine multiple images into a slideshow that can run completely independently of the application because it is created as an executable file. This means a slideshow can easily be shared with other people, who can enjoy it as a standalone.

Watermarking: You might want to add a watermark to an image to identify a picture as yours in order to stop other people using your photos without your permission, or maybe to theme photos as belonging to a particular set. Adding a watermark is easy. Just define the watermark, and the n it can be added time after time after time to any image you select with a couple of clicks.

Many file formats supported: Well over a hundred different graphics file formats are supported, in addition to many video formats. Conversion between different formats is easy and it you can convert either in batches or as single files.

Image creation: There are various ways to create new images such as splitting an image into tiles whose dimensions you set, and combining images to create panoramas. You can write and draw onto images using a simple set of paint tools that comprise various brush, line, shape and fill tools, so that they can be personalised or made specific to a particular use.

Scanning: IrfanView will acquire images direct from your scanner, so there"s no need to go through a separate scanning application before you start working on an image.

Go straight to other editors: For those times when IrfanView doesn"t offer what is needed you can open an image you are viewing into another image editor from within IrfanView. So it is easy to switch out if you find your creativity is limited by what"s on offer here, without wasting any time.

Plugins: New features are relatively easy to add thanks to support for plugins. There are a lot of plugins available, and they allow for some quite specialised features to be added by those who need them, without making everything available to everyone -- which would make the application feel rather bloated. See a full list of current plugins .


Simple user interface: The simple user interface and rather old-fashioned design be seen as a positive or a negative. It is relatively easy for newcomers to be productive really quickly, and there are no distracting visual aspects to the general look and feel of IrfanView. But on the other hand some will think the look is very old fashioned.

Bottom line

IrfanView is a well featured image editor, with lots of options, yet they are sensibly arranged and easy to get to at speed. As a result, IrfanView can be used to produce good results really quickly. Plug-ins mean you can add specialist features without the whole application becoming bloated with features many people will never use. The somewhat basic look will put some people off, but don"t be swayed. The beauty of this application is under the skin.

IrfanView – один из старейших универсальных бесплатных просмотрщиков изображений на компьютере, позволяющий их редактировать.

Установка плагинов и русификатора для IrfanView

Программа обладает большими возможностями и понимает огромное количество форматов изображений (JPG, GIF, IMG, EXR, RAW,WBMP и др.) и аудио/видео файлов (AVI, MOV, MP3, WMV и др.), но только в том случае, когда вы устанавливаете и плагины IrfanView. После скачивания и установки программы, загрузите и установите плагины, соответствующие версии вашей системы (32 или 64 бит). При желании можно скачать русификатор IrfanView. Плагины устанавливаются в папку программы. Русификатор распаковывается в папку IrfanView (по умолчанию C:\Program Files\IrfanView\). С помощью установленных плагинов становятся доступными большое количество эффектов, применяемых для изменения первоначально загруженного изображения.

Работа с IrfanView

Запуская IrfanView первый раз, зайдите во вкладку Сервис (Options) и измените язык интерфейса программы на русский. Если вам удобнее пользоваться английской версией программы, пропустите этот шаг. В уже отражаемой на русском языке вкладке Сервис выберите Настройки - типы файлов, ассоциирующиеся с IrfanView, опции их просмотра, редактирования и обзора, слайдшоу и т.д.

IrfanView как редактор изображений

Используя IrfanView, вы можете не только просматривать, но и редактировать загруженные на ПК изображения. Здесь есть все необходимые опции для изменения цвета, размера, поворота, контрастности, резкости и других качеств обрабатываемой фотографии. В случае, если вас не устраивают полученный результат, значок «Стрелки» с наклоном налево отменит ваши действия.

Используемая уже более двадцати лет, IrfanView сочетает в себе такие достоинства как: небольшой размер, легкость в установке и большое количество функций. Она поддерживает более 90 форматов и обладает высокой скоростью.

IrfanView is a fast, compact, small and free image viewer and converter that will work on almost all Microsoft® Windows® versions (including XP, Vista,7,8 and latest version 10).

A powerful graphic viewer, designed from the scratch to be simple for beginners and powerful for professionals. IrfanView is the first Windows® graphic viewer that comes with support for multiple (animated) GIF, Multipage TIF, and Multiple ICO. It has support for many graphic file formats (regularly updated).

Just a couple of them: BMP, DIB, JPG, JPEG, PSD, PDF, GIF, TTF, TXT, ANI, CUR, CLP, DDS, CAM, Mac PICT, QTIF, MP4, WAD, WBMP, RAS, SUN, SFF, PPM (and many other graphic file formats supported).

Support has been extending over the years for video and audio files. Just a short list of them: WAV, AVI, WMA, WMV, MPG, MPEG, MP3, MID and many others (keep in mind that for some video and audio files like RA or MOV, MP4 - Real Player/Apple® Quicktime® required). It offers support for many languages, has preview and paint roles (you can draw arrows, lines or circles, etc.), toolbar skins, the slideshow is also present at this free and powerful graphic software. Also, it has support for Adobe® Photoshop® Filters software, Batch conversion (with his image processing), email, file search, printing, it can change color depth, it can add effects (Blur, Filter Factory, Sharpen, etc.). Capturing, extracting icons from DLL, EXE, ICLs are just a couple of other features that comes with this free graphic software.

Important : You can also download and use the IrfanView plugins from this page, available on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. They are listed below the 32-bit and 64-bit setup files. Please note that according to Irfan the standard IrfanView version includes only the most important PlugIns: Effects, Paint, Ansi2Unicode, Icons, Slideshow-EXE, RegionCapture Tools, Video, Metadata, and JPG-Transform.

Trademark Note 1 : Microsoft®, Windows® and other product names are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Trademark Note 2 : Adobe® and Photoshop® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Please note that we are required by law to respect and follow the trademark guidelines, more info can be :

IrfanView Review

If you are on the prowl for a free image editing tool, IrfanView software might be just what you are looking for. Years ago, IrfanView was strictly used as an image viewing tool. Nowadays, it has extensive editing capabilities. Both beginners and professionals alike will find that IrfanView provides considerable assistance for image editing.

Basic Design

Aside from empowering users to view and edit images, IrfanView also lets them read and save an array of video, graphic and audio files. All in all, the total number of supported formats and extensions is 115 graphic file formats plus 17 video/audio file formats. However, it is necessary to use some plug-ins to view certain file types. This no-cost visual tool is supported by Windows® OS including Windows® Vista, XP, 2008, 2003, 2000, 9x, NT ME, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. The program can also run with Mac® OS X® Winebottler and Linux"s Wine.

Aside from providing support for over 130 file extensions, the software also provides multi-language support (22 total), Adobe® Photoshop® Filters support an uber-popular slide show, the ability to save SCR / EXE files, the capacity to burn files to CDs and DVDs and capacity to draw shapes on-screen. A full installation of IrfanView with all of its features and plugins takes up considerably less space (10MB) than a lot of competing image viewers. Thankfully, the software is easy to install. All one has to do is browse to a mirrored site, download the executable file, click the file and install.

Image Editing

IrfanView has an array of image editing options. It is also capable of directing images to be opened through existing external graphics editors like Photoshop®. Open a picture, and you"ll see a status bar that provides the beginning size in pixel dimensions as well as the bits per pixel. The program displays an abundance of other information like zoom, image number in the folder, file date/time, etc. Go ahead and edit the image as you desire. Editing is made easy thanks to the program"s clean and straightforward interface. Just click the toolbars and menu to access editing options. You can rotate, apply watermarks, tweak the filters, add brightness, modify the color depth, flip, alter the canvas size or create picture frames with your customized colors and sizes.

Obviously, it doesn"t have great painting abilities such as GIMP or Adobe® Photoshop®. However, this is a lightweight player and viewer that has a different purpose. It is fast, easy to use and it can handle many graphic file formats. It is small - his size at the time that I am writing this review is fewer than 2 MB in size. Additionally, you can download plug-ins and other skins from official website (see download links up). When you use IrfanView, you’re limited only by your imagination. For example, did you know that you can create screensavers and slide shows? (all you need is IrfanView, install it and learn how to use it plus a small collection of images).

The best part after you created a screensaver or a slideshow is this: you can run them as stand alone executable on other computers (Microsoft Windows) that don"t have this program installed. I guess this says a lot about this free image viewer.

Negatives (none really)

Some have complained that there is no right-click menu on the main frame.

Update : Right click menu: the context menu for a window can be enabled in: Properties->Viewing" Use right mouse button for the context menu."

Others have commented that some of the program"s commands aren"t intuitive (I disagree, but some might have another opinion).

The Bottom Line

In the end, IrfanView is an excellent graphic viewer/editor. It reads an incredible number of file types, loads an array of external plugins and has a well-organized design. IrfanView"s abundance of positives certainly outweighs it"s few negatives.

I guess my words won"t be enough to describe this program at his real value. Many thanks to Irfan Skiljan for creating such a useful graphic software. IrfanView is my favorite graphic viewer software for Windows®. I used this gem for the first time back in 2001, and the program has two decades (20 YEARS!) of development behind. If you appreciate the author devotion, spread the word or even better; if possible, please donate.

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