Интересные особенности игры. Играем в Monster Warlord в Windows

Monster Warlord – это очередная приключенческая игра для смартфонов и планшетов, которая может удивить свои необычным двумерным миром.

Почему стоит скачать Monster Warlord на андроид?

В данном игровом приложении вам предстоит ловить большое количество различных монстров, которых затем можно будет приручить. Скачать Monster Warlord на андроид бесплатно игра чем-то напоминает знаменитую и шумную Pokemon Go. Только тут вам нужно будет всячески искать таких же зверей, но уже бродить не по реальному миру, а по виртуальному. Мир хоть и не считается настоящим, однако он намного интереснее ввиду того, что вас в нем будет ждать большое количество приключений, которые будут происходить с вами на протяжении всей одиночной компании. Кстати, в одиночном режиме игры есть неплохой сюжет, за которым придется тщательно следить, чтобы не запутаться в хронологии.

Скачать Monster Warlord на андроид бесплатно всего монстров насчитывается более сотни. И могут быть они нескольких стихий: земля, вода, огонь, воздух, а также тьма и свет. Каждое существо будет иметь свой уникальный атрибут, который будет отличать его от других монстров. Кстати, если у вас есть парочка одинаковых монстров, то вы можете провести объединение, после чего будет новое, более мощное во всех планах существо. Плюсов очень много, но также есть минусы. Например, не очень приятная на глаз графическая составляющая, которая весьма хорошо выглядит на всех гаджетах, но плохо оптимизирована.

Интересные особенности игры:

  1. Крутая графика последнего поколения, которая выглядит свежо, но имеет плохую оптимизацию под смартфоны и планшеты;
  2. Весьма необычный геймплей, который делает ее очень уникальной в своем роде;
  3. Возможность объединять нескольких одинаковых существ в более мощное;
  4. Имеется поддержка большинства языков, в том числе есть локализация под Россию.

Эта игра, в основном, рассчитана на любителей монстриков. В данной игре вам придется создавать, собирать и коллекционировать монстров разных стихий, видов и типажей. Но самое интересное, что, скрещивая самые разнообразные виды монстров, вы обязательно получите уникальнейший вид нового монстрика, который, собственно, и пополнит вашу армию.

И вот с этими вашими монстриками вы пойдете войной на соседей, захватывая различные королевства и земли. Суть игры Monster Warlord на Андроид очень проста: вы создаете более сильных, выносливых, мощных монстриков. Затем делаете из них громадную армию!!! И идете войной на более слабого соперника – все идеально просто.

А потом вы, захватывая все более плодородные земли, осваиваете различные стратегии ведения войны и скрещиваете все более разные виды монстров. Но не забывайте, что в мире монстриков может найтись и более сильный противник с наисильнейшей армией монстров. Так что не забывайте немного монстров оставлять на захваченной вами территории.

В общем, желаю удачи в этой, несомненно, интересной и увлекательной игре. Вы обязательно покорите различные королевства и земли и станете управлять самой мощной армией монстров во всем игровом мире! Удачи!

Download Monster Warlord for PC free at BrowserCam. Discover how to download and also Install Monster Warlord on PC (Windows) which is certainly created by Gamevil Inc.. with useful features. Ever wondered how you can download Monster Warlord PC? No worries, we shall break it down for everyone into fairly simple steps.

Out of various free and paid Android emulators designed for PC, it isn’t really an effortless step as you guess to decide on the most efficient Android emulator which executes well in your PC. Basically we would strongly suggest either Andy os or Bluestacks, both of them are unquestionably compatible with MAC and windows. We inform you to firstly check out the suggested System requirements to install the Android emulator on PC after that download and install provided that your PC satisfies the suggested OS prerequisites of the emulator. It is relatively simple to install the emulator when you are ready and simply consumes couple of minutes. Click the underneath download button to begin downloading the Monster Warlord .APK for your PC when you don’t get the app from play store.

How to Download Monster Warlord for PC or MAC:

1. Download BlueStacks for PC considering the download button displayed within this web page.

2. Embark on installing BlueStacks emulator simply by opening up the installer after the download process has finished.

3. Read the first 2 steps and click "Next" to proceed to another step of set up.

4. On the final step click the "Install" option to begin with the install process and click "Finish" once it is completed.At the last & final step click on "Install" to begin the actual installation process and you’ll be able to click "Finish" to finish the installation.

5. Within your windows start menu or desktop shortcut open BlueStacks app.

6. Before you could install Monster Warlord for pc, you’ll have to connect BlueStacks Android emulator with Google account.

7. Eventually, you must be driven to google playstore page where you can search for Monster Warlord app making use of search bar and then install Monster Warlord for PC or Computer.

It’s possible to install Monster Warlord for PC using the apk file if you can not discover the app within google playstore by clicking on the apk file BlueStacks software will install the app. You could stick to the above same process even though you are planning to choose Andy for PC or if you wish to pick free download and install Monster Warlord for MAC.

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Monster Warlord has made its way to be among one of the most exciting games out there. The game accompanies loads of features and promises to blow up your mind. If you are looking forward to get utmost entertainment in this amazing action game, then get ready to download the game and enjoy every bit of it! Monster Warlord Android App for PC. The game has made it its main objective to provide you with the most realistic effects inculcated in an amazing gameplay. The story of the game is not only inspiring but realistic as well, which provides you a real-life experience in the domain of action. Your main job in this game is collect and fight with various monsters in the magical world. While some monsters are extremely strong and fierce, others are very tender and cute and will simply melt away your heart! So are you ready to be a part of this amazing game which will provide you a lot of emotions as well as engage you in a lot of challenges? Let us inspect some of the unique features offered by this game in detail.

Collect hundreds of unique monsters

The main purpose of playing this game is to gather a lot of monsters out there. You will find monsters of every type, size, color and style. Each monster will have its own strengths and magical powers! The more monsters you collect, the better you become at this game. However, collecting some monsters will be a great challenge. You might also need to defeat a lot of them in order to capture them. In order to achieve this, you must be trained enough to engage in an amazing yet difficult battle. Yes, only the most powerful and courageous person will be victories in this dangerous game featuring some of the most fierce monsters in the world! If you are intrigued by this concept, then Monster Warlord Android App for PC is surely the perfect game for you.

Discover various types of monsters

The monsters in this game have been divided into various categories, based on their strengths and weaknesses. These categories or types define what strength the monster holds as well as provide a lot of information regarding those species. There are six different types which are will discover during the course of this game:

  1. Water
  2. Darkness
  3. Earth

There will be multiple monsters which could be related to each of these categories. You should make sure that you have at least one monster of each type. This is because you might need different type of monsters for different situations and scenarios. Moreover, the greater variety of monsters you have, the more are your chances of winning this game! So are you ready for this unique adventure?

Realistic and tough battles

The most intriguing thing about this game is the realistic and tough battles which it engages you in. Yes, you can fight a lot of battles with different monsters out there. There are also various options available to you during the battle. You can make use of your special abilities and magical powers in order to defeat the monsters. Monster Warlord Android App on PC features a lot of fighting styles and techniques which you can use in your battles. However, you must make sure that your health is good enough before you engage in a battle, since fatal injuries make your character in this game to die! So you must take all the possible precautions before you start a fierce battle with any monster.

Creative pictures and animations

You will be intrigued to witness the amazingly unique designs and animations in Monster Warlord Android App on PC. Most of the monsters have been designed in a unique and creative way which catch the interest of the user and engages him in the game. Moreover, the scenarios and landscapes in this game have also been designed in a very creative way. So if you have the slightest bit of attraction for this game, so download it right away and start enjoying the features offered by it. What else would one need?

How to Download Monster Warlord for your PC:

Step 1: Download the android emulator software Andy and it is available for free. Click here to download: Download

Step 2: Start the installation of Andy by clicking on the installer file you downloaded.

Step 3: When the software is ready to be used, start it and complete the sign up procedure and login with Google Play account.

Step 4: Start Google play store app and use its search tool to search Monster Warlord download.

Step 5: Find Monster Warlord and start the installation.

Step 6: Launch the game and you can now play Monster Warlord on pc using a mouse or your keyboard and even your touchscreen, you can use the control button to emulate the pinch function to zoom in and out.

Support: we maintain an online real-time Facebook support group if you have any issues with Andy OS to the installation process, you can use this link to access the group.


Download Apps/Games for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10

New style! New fun! The new concept of monster strategy game! Monster warlords! Enjoy the new strategy game

Monster Warlord APK helps you killing time,playing a game,make money,playing with friends,earn money,playing at work. If you need rpg game,strategy game,turn based,role playing,trading card,strategy board game,puzzle game, Monster Warlord APK is the best super fun,fast paced,free game,phone game,time sink.

Monster Warlord is a Adventure game developed by GAMEVIL Inc.. The latest version of Monster Warlord is 3.5.1. It was released on . You can download Monster Warlord 3.5.1 directly on Our site. Over 424955 users rating a average 4.3 of 5 about Monster Warlord. More than 50000000 is playing Monster Warlord right now. Coming to join them and download Monster Warlord directly!

What\’s New

The latest Monster Warlord update is here!
Check out these great new features!
Patch Notes:
New Monster Tier \”Ragnarok\”
Global World Boss!
New \”Oathbound\” Monster Egg added!
New Battle League Equipment
Bug Fixes


The best monster collecting battle game on mobile!

Collect hundreds of unique monsters and battle them in friendly competition!

– Catch rare and mysterious monsters by questing and battling!
– Discover all 6 types – Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Darkness and Holy!
– Each monster has its own special attributes and abilities- so the more the merrier!

– Combine two monsters to create a leaner, meaner, better one!
– With all-new PLUS Monsters, the combinations are endless!

– Engage in epic World Boss battles and climb to the top of the rankings!
– Raid mysterious Dungeons and return with large rewards and powerful monsters!

– Battle players from around the world in Global PvP!
– Avenge fallen allies and collect large bounties!

– Play with players from around the world!
– Form vast alliances and join close-knit clans!

Join the community at https://www.facebook.com/MonsterWarlordGAMEVIL

Website: http://www.gamevil.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/gamevil
Twitter: http://twitter.com/gamevil
YouTube: http://youtube.com/gamevil

* This game is available in English.
* There may be additional costs when trying to obtain certain items.

How to Play Monster Warlord on PC,Laptop,Windows

1.Download and Install XePlayer Android Emulator.Click "Download XePlayer" to download.

2.Run XePlayer Android Emulator and login Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search Monster Warlord and download,

or import the apk file from your PC Into XePlayer to install it.

4.Install Monster Warlord for PC.Now you can play Monster Warlord on PC.Have fun!

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