Military Pedagogy. Textbook for military universities

The textbook presents topical issues of modern military pedagogical theory and practice, as well as the problems of education, training and development of military personnel, their psychological preparation for combat operations. Important attention is paid to the formation of an officer's pedagogical culture, pedagogical prevention of deviant behavior among various categories of servicemen. A feature of the presented publication is that pedagogical phenomena and processes are considered from the standpoint of a personal-social-activity approach. The textbook is intended for commanders and bodies for work with personnel, teachers of military educational institutions, cadets, students, adjuncts, doctoral students, students of military departments and military training centers.

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  2. Second half of the 19th century - an important stage in the development of the theory and practice of training troops, especially officers. It was during this period that the first textbooks on military pedagogy appeared in Russia, and a military school was formed.

    The development of military pedagogy in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. is inextricably linked with reforms in all areas of public life in the Russian state. Already in 1862, at the suggestion of Field Marshal D. A. Milyutin, a network of military gymnasiums and pro-gymnasiums, military, cadet and special schools began to be created, and the number of military academies was expanded. Military gymnasiums and progymnasiums became educational institutions of military vocational orientation. 11 Bordunov S. V. Problems of the history of pedagogy of higher military school (XVIII - early XX century). M.: VU, 1996.p.389 In contrast to the cadet corps, the emphasis shifted towards general humanitarian and developmental disciplines. Junker, military and special schools (as well as the retained Finnish and Page cadet corps) trained junior and middle-level officers. At the Mikhailovsky Artillery, Nikolaev Engineering, Military Legal, Military Medical, Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff, military quartermaster courses and Oriental languages ​​courses trained staff officers who received higher military education. Teachers for military gymnasiums were trained at the Pedagogical Courses at the 2nd Military Gymnasium; The training continued for two years. Classes in military educational institutions were conducted by such outstanding scientists as D. I. Mendeleev, M. I. Dragomirov, S. P. Botkin, I. P. Pavlov, P. F. Lesgaft, K. D. Ushinsky and others.

    In Russia of this period, a coherent theory of officer training was developed, implemented in practice, taking into account the triune goal: equipping personnel with knowledge and skills, developing the thinking and mental abilities of trainees.

    The content, organization and methodology were determined by general didactic requirements, which played the role of teaching principles. These included consistency, feasibility, visibility, consciousness, vitality of training, taking into account the individual characteristics of the trainees, the strength and thoroughness of their assimilation of knowledge, the ability of the trainees to express what they learned in words. All these didactic requirements are interconnected, they form a system aimed at the formation of a comprehensive, developed, educated and independently thinking officer, able to make the most important decisions, not afraid of the responsibility to bring them to the end, capable of constantly engaging in self-improvement after graduating from a military educational institution.

    Many types of classes developed in the military school of pre-revolutionary Russia: lectures, practical exercises, rehearsals, military-scientific and scientific-educational trips and excursions, writing essays and scientific papers, exams, etc.

    In 1866, the Teacher's Seminary of the military department was opened in Moscow, which trained teachers for military progymnasiums. It should be especially noted that in 1870-1877 he headed the Teacher's Seminary. General A. N. Makarov involved the most prominent teachers of that time: K. D. Ushinsky, K. K. St. Hilaire, and others.

    In military schools during this period, a course was introduced on how to teach soldiers to read, write and count, regimental schools appeared in the troops (in 1875 alone, the number of literate soldiers increased from 10 to 36%).

    In 1879, Major A. V. Andreyanov published the first manual "Military Pedagogical Course", which was of great help in improving the pedagogical and methodological training of officers. During this period, an active discussion of the problems of training and education of soldiers took place on the pages of the press.

    The most important trend in the development of military pedagogical knowledge at the end of the 19th century. there was a desire to ensure the unity of training and education in the process of training officers and troops.

    Mostly at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. this was achieved by General M. I. Dragomirov, who studied the problem of military education in close connection with the training of personnel. The training of troops, according to the views of M. I. Dragomirov, was based on the following principles: to teach what is necessary in war; expediency; conscientiousness in learning; systematic and consistent; visibility; teach by example, show; assimilation strength; close connection between theory and practice. M. I. Dragomirov recommended that his officers, when training soldiers, avoid “bookish words”, speak in a simple and understandable language and set the following as the main training goals: the formation and improvement of the fighting qualities of a warrior, skillful possession of his weapon, the ability to coordinate his actions with the actions of his comrades ; development of dexterity and skill in overcoming obstacles encountered on the ground, etc. 11 Biochinsky IV Pedagogy of training officers of the ground forces (historical and pedagogical analysis). Kazan, 1991.p.254

    M. I. Dragomirov wrote a significant number of military pedagogical works, he is rightfully considered the founder of military pedagogy as a science. His system formed the main approaches to military training and education. M. I. Dragomirov revived the Suvorov ideas of a careful attitude towards a military man. “He who does not protect a soldier,” he said, “is not worthy of the honor of commanding him.” The victories of his division during the Russian-Turkish war testify to the effectiveness of the military-pedagogical system of M. I. Dragomirov.

    Along with Dragomirov, M. D. Skobelev, I. V. Gurko, G. A. Leer tried to introduce progressive pedagogical ideas into the practice of training troops. An important role in the development of the theory of military training and education was played by the scientist and admiral S. O. Makarov, who introduced the term "naval pedagogy". Of particular interest today are the works of N. D. Butovsky, presented from the position of a company commander.

    The goals and objectives of education were based on the requirements for the formation of the moral qualities of the personality of military personnel, and the corresponding content included mental, moral and physical education as components. According to the military educators of pre-revolutionary Russia, all these components should be closely linked in the educational process and at the same time participate in the formation of personality. At the same time, each of them performed its own specific functions and, being realized in practice, taking into account its characteristics, immediate tasks, methods and means of educational influence, could not be eliminated or replaced by another.

    The basis was moral education. It was he who received much attention both in military and in general pedagogical literature. Under moral education, as indicated in the Military Encyclopedia of that period, it was understood “... the impact on the mind and heart of a person in such a way as to develop in him the skills to be guided in service and activity by higher ideas and motives that serve as a source of military prowess, facilitating a person’s victory over opposing these virtues with passions and selfish instincts, especially over the animal sense of self-preservation.

    The goals and objectives of moral education were determined in order to gradually increase the moral burden as a young man receives a military education. So, if in the cadet corps the formation of universal moral values ​​among pupils was declared the main thing, then in military schools and academies the main emphasis was placed on the formation of professional and ethical standards and qualities of the officer's personality.

    In the military pedagogy of pre-revolutionary Russia, a kind of moral code of conduct was developed, aimed at educating the universal human and professional-ethical qualities of a person necessary for a Russian officer. 11 Beskrovny L. G. Russian army and navy in the 19th century. Military and economic potential of Russia. M., 1973.p.351

    The goals and objectives of the aesthetic, labor, patriotic and other types of education of military personnel were understood as inseparable from moral ones. With these foundations, the upbringing of love for work and one’s Fatherland, sincere faith and love for God, the development of love for the beautiful and sublime, etc., were associated.

    The next important element, an integral part of military education in pre-revolutionary Russia in the second half of the 19th - early 20th century. - mental education. It was understood as concern for the development, firstly, of a conscious habit to be aware of the requirements and tasks imposed by the service; secondly, the eye (intuition) - the ability to quickly assess and even guess the situation of a given action; thirdly, resourcefulness and quick judgment, ensuring the expediency of decisions (actions) that lead to the greatest success in the shortest way.

    Taking care of the moral and mental development, the officer corps of Russia was obliged to pay attention to the physical education of the personnel. The purpose of such was the strengthening of human health, the development of muscle and nerve strength, the transformation of a warrior into a tireless, hardy, unpretentious, kind, dexterous, courageous and agile.

    Moral, mental and physical education, being components of military education, represented the content side of a single process. They were inextricably linked and implemented in a complex way.

    The content, organization and methodology of education were determined by the general pedagogical requirements that act as its principles. These included: individualization of education; respect for the personal dignity of the pupils, care for them; respect and love of educators for educators and reasonable exactingness of the latter; reliance on the positive in the personality of the educated person; unity and consistency of educational influences.

    Modern principles of education of military personnel owe their formation and development to the theory and practice of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries.

    The goals, objectives, content and general pedagogical requirements for the process of education also determined the range of means as educational methods. They can be represented in several groups:

    * external educational means (personal impact and personal example of the commander, the impact of the external environment);

    * educational means provided for by laws and military regulations (awards and punishments, courts of officer honor, duels, officer meetings);

    * internal educational means (self-education and self-education).

    The personal influence of the officer on the personnel as an educational tool was expressed primarily in the guidance of the educated, in his advice and reminders. An officer who graduated from a military educational institution acted not only as a leader, but also as the elder brother of a soldier. The army in this case, through the labors of thousands of educator officers, had to turn into a huge house of moral, mental development and hygiene, remaining a school of honor, valor, discipline, healthy and reliable patriotism.

    However, the personal influence of the commander (educator) could only become an effective means when the officer does not force, but advises; does not reproach, but reminds. And in general, instead of material punishments and rewards, he uses exclusively moral measures or tries to make the subordinate himself find his reward and punishment in the favorable or unfavorable opinion of the boss about his actions or successes. 11 Beskrovny L. G. The Russian Army and Navy at the Beginning of the 20th Century. M., 1986.p.316

    At the same time, it should be noted that the personal influence of an officer (educator) was not limited to friendly relations, advice, reminders, and leadership of personnel. Orders, instructions, and control also served as educational means in pre-revolutionary Russia.

    An important place among the educational means provided for by laws and military regulations was assigned to the officer assembly and the court of officer honor functioning under it. The courts of honor, as stated in the disciplinary charter, are approved to protect the dignity of military service and maintain the valor of an officer's rank. They were entrusted with the following tasks: consideration of offenses incompatible with the concept of military honor and service, dignity, morality and nobility; analysis of quarrels that happened in the officer environment.

    Of particular interest for understanding the relations that developed in the officer environment of the Russian army, the sense of honor and dignity was the introduction in 1894 of duels between officers. Emperor Alexander III, as noted in the Military Almanac for 1901, granted the right to defend his honor with weapons, but limited this right to the court of the society of officers. The decision to duel was not made by the participant himself, but by the officers' assembly at their court of honor decided that the duel would be the only decent means of satisfying offended honor. And the officer could not but comply with the decision of such a meeting to participate in a duel. Refusal to fight was known as an act unworthy of an officer's honor. If the duel did not take place within two weeks, then those who refused to participate in it were obliged to personally apply for dismissal from the ranks of the Russian army. In this case, if such a request was not followed, the head of the military educational institution or the commander of the unit himself, on command, submitted documents for the dismissal of this officer.

    Along with the educational means provided for by laws and military regulations in the Russian army, a certain role was assigned to self-education and self-education as the most important internal educational means. An officer, according to the apt remark of M. I. Dragomirov, must work hard, continuously and tirelessly, if he wants to be worthy of his rank. Self-education and self-education of officers, according to military educators of pre-revolutionary Russia, was built on a solid foundation of mental, moral and physical education received within the walls of a military educational institution and in military units.

    It should be noted, however, that many officers at that time showed no interest in science and educational work with servicemen. Nevertheless, the reform of the military school had a beneficial effect on the officer corps of the Russian army, the system of training and education in it.

    A heavy blow for Russia and its army was the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). The command turned out to be incapable of leading subordinates in the conditions of hostilities. The army lost up to 30% of officers and 20% of soldiers. 11 Drummers A. V., Kiryashov N. I., Fedenko N. F. Soviet military pedagogy and psychology during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. M., 1987.p.261

    Since 1911, military pedagogical reforms began in the Russian army, the need for which was written by M. S. Galkin, M. D. Bonch-Bruevich, N. P. Biryukov, D. N. Treskin and others. However, the First World War showed significant shortcomings in the military professional training of soldiers and officers.

    COMBAT EXPERIENCE stable practical knowledge and skills acquired by command personnel, headquarters and troops (navy forces) in the course of hostilities. Accumulates and consolidates in a combat situation. It is one of the important qualities that contribute to the successful conduct of combat and operations, the ability to find the right solutions and perform complex combat missions.

    It is reflected in charters, instructions, instructions, directives and orders, military-historical and theoretical works, information bulletins and messages, in the preparation and conduct of subsequent military operations. Within the framework of combat experience, the "shelling of the troops" and their direct participation in a number of battles and operations are of particular importance. As the conditions of war change, previous combat experience may lose its significance or even turn into a negative factor.

    However, some of its elements retain their role and should be used in a revised form in subsequent wars. This provision also applies to modern conditions, despite the fundamental changes that have taken place in military affairs. Therefore, a deep critical analysis of the combat experience of the past and the introduction of its positive elements must be considered as one of the main tasks in the training of personnel of the Armed Forces.

    MILITARY GAME is a methodical form of training of command and control bodies of troops (naval forces) and officer cadres to improve knowledge and skills in assessing the situation, making decisions, planning operations and combat operations.

    The educational questions posed during the game are worked out on cards with the distribution of the role of the game participants according to the corresponding positions and the tasks they perform, assigned to them in accordance with the requirements of the service. In terms of scale, war games can be strategic, operational and tactical, in content - combined arms and special, in terms of the distribution of areas - one-sided and two-sided, single-stage and multi-stage.

    In a number of cases, in the course of war games, new questions of military art can be studied and explored. In special cases, war games are used to work out plans for upcoming operations and military operations, to evaluate various options for completing assigned tasks.

    MILITARY AND PROFESSIONAL TRAINING training of personnel for the impeccable and accurate performance of their professional duties and tasks in peacetime and wartime. It provides for the development of solid military-professional and special knowledge and skills, techniques for handling military equipment and weapons, the ability to use all potential opportunities in any situation.

    It underlies the training of officer cadres who have chosen military affairs as their profession, and military personnel who carry out military service under a contract for a fixed period, as a rule, exceeding the time of active service in accordance with the law on defense.

    MILITARY EDUCATION is the process of systematic and purposeful influence on the spiritual, moral and physical development of military personnel in order to form in them high political and moral-combat qualities necessary for military service and tasks in combat.

    It is carried out on the basis of the dominant ideology in society, legislative acts of the state, the requirements of military doctrine and the military oath in the course of the daily life of troops, combat training, educational and cultural work with personnel. It is one of the ways to strengthen the morale and discipline of the troops. Conducted in close coordination with military training.

    MILITARY TRAINING is an organized and purposeful process of arming the personnel of troops (naval forces) with the military knowledge and skills necessary to perform combat and service tasks.

    The main principles of military training are scientific character, the requirement to teach troops what is necessary in war, not to teach what turns out to be superfluous, unnecessary in battle, the maximum approximation of training to a combat situation, consciousness, relevance, systematic, consistency and accessibility of training, consolidation of knowledge, acquired skills, individual approach to trainees.

    It is carried out in the system of combat training, as well as in combat practice and daily official activities. The success of military training is ensured by a correct understanding of the nature and nature of modern warfare, operations and combat, limitation of conventions and the exclusion of concessions, careful preparation of each lesson and exercise, comprehensive consideration and reproduction of possible combat conditions, the level of professionalism of commanders, the skillful use of combat experience of past wars, the use the latest achievements of military pedagogical science, the improvement of teaching methods, the creation and effective use of a modern material and educational base.

    Military training is closely related to military education and is one of the main factors in increasing the combat readiness and combat capability of troops (naval forces).

    GROUP EXERCISES is a methodical form of operational and tactical training of officers. They consist in working out individual training issues, in which all participants act, as a rule, in one or two or three positions. They can be carried out on maps, on layouts of the terrain and directly on the terrain. In the course of them, as a rule, methods of performing combat missions in sequentially created variants of a combat situation are worked out. It is a means of preliminary training of military personnel for participation in more complex forms of command training, as well as in exercises with troops (forces).

    MANEUVERS are the highest form of training troops (naval forces). These are large-scale bilateral exercises of a strategic, operational-strategic or operational scale, involving a large number of command and control bodies, troops, forces and means of various types of the Armed Forces and combat arms (navy forces).

    They are an all-encompassing means of comprehensive training of command personnel, headquarters and troops (naval forces), checking and improving their combat readiness, and studying new issues of military art. In some cases, they pursue the goal of a show of force or disinformation, as was the case, for example, with the maneuvers carried out before the entry of the Allied Forces of the Warsaw Pact member states into Czechoslovakia in 1968.

    They are carried out, as a rule, with the partial mobilization of a number of formations and units (ships), their withdrawal to the maneuver area and subsequent deployment over a vast territory and water area of ​​the adjacent seas and oceans.

    In the Soviet Army, maneuvers were widely practiced in the 30s of the twentieth century. The most famous of these are maneuvers in the Kiev and Belorussian military districts, where for the first time in the presence of foreign military attaches of many states, military operations of various branches of the armed forces based on the principles of "deep combat" were practiced. With the beginning of the repression of military personnel in 1937-1938. were discontinued and forgotten. Restored in the 60-70s of the twentieth century. The most significant of these were the Dnepr and Ukraine maneuvers. They were held in the Belorussian and Kiev military districts, as well as on the territory of a number of adjacent districts.

    NATO Allied Forces annually practice large-scale OTEM FORJD maneuvers, which are divided into a number of private exercises conducted over a long period of time.

    MORAL SPIRIT OF THE ARMY AND ITS STRENGTHENING the spiritual readiness and ability of the troops (navy forces) to endure the hardships of war, actively conduct military operations in any situation and achieve victory over the enemy, consciously giving all their strength for this. It is one of the most important factors in the high combat potential of the Armed Forces, overcoming difficulties and achieving a decisive victory. An indicator of moral and psychological superiority over the enemy.

    It provides for a conscious attitude to this war, support for its goals, a deep understanding of one's military and patriotic duty, and a readiness to give all one's strength and life to fulfill the assigned tasks. It depends on the nature of the social structure of society, the degree of unity between the army and the people, and patriotism.

    Increasing and maintaining a high morale of the troops (naval forces) in all wars was a matter of special concern to generals and commanders, and in many cases led to victory over a numerically superior enemy.

    It is formed and developed in the general system of the spiritual education of the people, the preparation of those liable for military service, the moral and psychological preparation of the personnel of the Armed Forces. A favorable course of the war, victories achieved by the army and navy or, conversely, defeats, failures, and a difficult situation in the rear can have a great influence on the morale of the troops (naval forces).

    Religion, the education of the people on religious and national dogmas, has a certain influence on the morale of the troops. At the same time, morale can be undermined as a result of major defeats, inconsistencies between the goals of the war and the interests of the people, as well as as a result of enemy propaganda. In this case, appropriate countermeasures should be developed in advance.

    MILITARY PEDAGOGY is an integral part of general pedagogy and the field of military science. It studies the patterns of training, education and psychological hardening of military personnel and military teams, their preparation for the performance of combat missions, determines the principles, forms and methods of the educational process.

    As a field of scientific and practical knowledge, it is closely connected with operational, mobilization and combat training, military psychology. Gives directives to the commanding staff and staffs on the organization of all types of training of troops (naval forces) and their combat use.

    BATTLE TRAINING A system of measures for the training and military education of personnel, the coordination of subunits, units and formations of all types of the Armed Forces for conducting combat operations or performing other tasks in accordance with their intended purpose. The main goal of combat training is to increase the combat capability and combat readiness of the troops (naval forces), to develop in the military personnel the necessary qualities for conducting successful military operations.

    Includes individual training of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, ensigns and officers of the military level, training of subunits and units, coordination of units and formations, command training of officers and training of headquarters, services and command and control bodies.

    Covers a number of disciplines. The most important of them: tactical, fire, tactical-special, special, physical, drill and other types of training. The content and general direction of combat training are determined by the state's military doctrine, the probable nature of a possible war, the requirements of combat manuals, manuals and manuals, training courses, orders, plans, and programs.

    The main forms of combat training include theoretical and practical exercises, group exercises, training camps, demonstrative and instructor methodical exercises, tactical and special maneuvers, and exercises of various branches of the armed forces.

    The main requirement for combat training is its approximation to combat reality (teaching troops what is needed in a war), consistency, high quality, organization, a gradual transition from simple to complex, a combination of training and education in a single educational process, etc.

    The effectiveness of combat training is determined by its careful planning, comprehensive creative preparation of each lesson and exercise, developed modern material and training base, skillful use of training equipment, simulators, objective control tools, etc.

    TRAINING OF THE AF A DAILY system of measures for combat training and indoctrination of personnel of the troops and forces of the fleet, training of military personnel and combat coordination of subunits, units, formations and associations. Includes operational, combat, psychological and mobilization training.

    Each of these types of training has its own varieties. The training of the Armed Forces must be carried out systematically, purposefully, with the transition from simple to complex. If the state adopts a defensive military doctrine, it is mainly aimed at practicing defensive combat operations, preparing troops and fleet forces to repel sudden aggression by retaliatory actions.

    At the same time, the training system should ensure the readiness of the Armed Forces for all other actions, including delivering powerful strikes against the enemy, conducting counteroffensives and offensives, and the ability to successfully solve tasks in any conditions, terrain and weather.

    In the course of operational, combat and mobilization training, various forms and methods of training can be used: strategic, operational, tactical and special exercises, command-staff and staff exercises, military games, classes, training, training camps, reconnaissance trips, maneuvers, live firing, training flights, ship cruises, etc.

    In all cases of training of troops and naval forces, conventions must be reduced to a minimum, and concessions must be excluded. Training must fully comply with the tasks of wartime.

    MOBILIZATION TRAINING is a special type of training of command personnel, headquarters, military commissariats, and other command and control bodies of troops (naval forces). It is a set of organizational and training activities aimed at increasing the mobilization readiness of troops (naval forces) and practicing actions in the implementation of military mobilization.

    It consists in studying the basics of military mobilization, mobilization plans, the duties of officers and all personnel in managing mobilization, planning, organizing and implementing mobilization measures of all types, in practicing the actions of units and units during the transition to wartime states, commissioning military personnel, training weapons and military equipment for combat use.

    It is carried out by conducting mobilization gatherings and classes, training for the practical development of individual mobilization measures, random checks with training mobilization of units and formations, bringing them to full readiness.

    MORAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING A set of activities carried out in the army and navy to form high morale and combat qualities and psychological stability of personnel.

    It involves the education of military personnel of moral principles, hardening, activity, selflessness, courage, courage, military camaraderie, discipline, loyalty to one's military duty, readiness for self-sacrifice, mutual assistance, the ability to endure high moral and psychological stress, resist confusion and panic.

    It is achieved by the entire system of service and training of the Armed Forces, improved in exercises and directly in combat. To develop psychological stability, imitation of difficult combat conditions, a critical situation, and the performance of tasks in the event of mass defeats and heavy losses of troops is widely used.

    In modern conditions, especially in the case of the use of nuclear and high-precision conventional weapons, it is of particular importance, becoming one of the decisive factors in achieving success in operations and combat.

    OPERATIONAL TRAINING is the main type of training of operational control bodies, command personnel and headquarters of the strategic and operational level, coordination of formations of all types of the Armed Forces. Includes the study of the theoretical foundations of the strategy and operational art of own troops (naval forces) and a potential enemy, the theater of operations, improving the knowledge and practical skills of officials in directing subordinate troops (naval forces) in daily activities and during all types of operations, improving analysis methods and assessing the situation, making informed decisions, planning and preparing operations and combat operations, organizing interaction and all types of support, developing the art of command and control of troops (naval forces) in the conduct of hostilities.

    The most important task of operational training is also coordinating command and control bodies and keeping them ready to perform tasks in peacetime and wartime, mastering modern methods of work of commanders and staffs in managing daily life, the service of troops (naval forces) and their combat activities.

    The main forms of operational training are theoretical classes, group exercises, operational training, war games on maps, operational and operational-tactical command and staff exercises, including with designated troops (navy forces), maneuvers, strategic and operational exercises of formations, field trips. , operational, reconnaissance and military-historical trips.

    TRAINING COMBAT AND OPERATIONAL METHODS A set of rules, forms, methods and techniques for training and educating personnel, coordinating subunits, units, formations and command and control bodies (naval forces). Determines the procedure for organizing and conducting classes and exercises in various disciplines. It is based on the main provisions of military pedagogy.

    It provides for the creation of an instructive learning environment, increasing the intensity, efficiency and quality of the educational process, the rational use of the educational and material base, the development of reasonable criteria for assessing and monitoring the results of training and education.

    Recommendations on the methodology of combat and operational training are contained in the organizational and methodological instructions of headquarters, training manuals, manuals and instructions for conducting exercises and classes, programs and courses of combat training, etc.

    The methods of combat and operational training must be constantly developed and improved, and restructured to take into account the use of new training aids, automated control systems, means of designating and reproducing the situation.

    To improve the methodology, methodological training is organized, which includes conducting educational and methodological gatherings, demonstration classes and exercises, instructor-methodical classes, showing educational films, etc.

    MILITARY-HISTORICAL TRIP of the commanding staff to the area of ​​past operations to study their course on the ground, to get acquainted with the military-geographical conditions for the fulfillment of tasks, the nature of the actions of troops and forces.

    It is carried out as one of the forms of operational training and military-historical research work. It is an important means of studying military history, mastering combat experience, and drawing lessons for the future. It can be carried out by various methods: by listening to reports at selected points or lines, by analyzing combat episodes, by reproducing them with the participation of designated troops, etc.

    FIELD OPERATIONAL TRIP is a special type of operational training conducted on the ground and on movement routes. At the same time, defensive lines, initial areas, directions of action, water barriers, areas of their forcing, operational objects are studied, and methods for performing possible operational or operational-tactical tasks are worked out at established points.

    It can also be used to work out issues of interaction or individual options for conducting combat operations of troops.

    Field reconnaissance trip Departure of a group of commanding personnel to the area to get acquainted with the military-geographical conditions of certain directions or areas, to check the expediency of decisions made on the map, developed plans.

    For each reconnaissance trip, its purpose, main tasks, area and time, composition of reconnaissance groups, movement routes, points of work, issues to be resolved at each point are determined. A reconnaissance plan is drawn up, work points are assigned and equipped accordingly, and the procedure for working at each of them is established.

    FIELD (AIR, SEA) TRAINING is the basis of combat training of troops, aviation and naval forces, a complex of knowledge, skills and practical skills necessary for the successful completion of combat missions on the battlefield, in the air and at sea.

    It assumes a high level of practical training of personnel, combat coherence of subunits, units, formations and command and control bodies, their ability to skillfully use weapons and military equipment, use favorable terrain and weather conditions, successfully conduct combat operations in a complex, rapidly changing combat situation at any time of the year and in any meteorological conditions.

    It is one of the main indicators of the combat readiness and combat readiness of troops (naval forces) and characterizes the degree of readiness of units and formations of the combat arms of the ground forces to conduct combined arms combat in difficult terrain and weather conditions.

    Air training is a set of practical skills of flight personnel, as well as the degree of training and coordination of Air Force units, units and formations in conducting combat operations in the air and delivering effective air strikes against enemy ground and sea targets, overcoming its air defense system and evading enemy strikes in any air, ground and meteorological conditions.

    Maritime training is a set of practical skills of ship crews in conducting combat operations at sea in various combat, maritime and hydrometeorological conditions.

    In all cases, field, air and sea training presupposes the presence of high professional skills of the personnel, skillful use of the maximum capabilities of military equipment and weapons.

    EXERCISES Special, usually short-term exercises to develop the issues of command and control of troops (naval forces) and improve the skills of performing individual elements of actions (duties) in the course of the daily activities of troops (naval forces), bringing them to the highest degree of combat readiness, as well as conducting combat (operations) .

    They can be command, staff and command and staff, combined arms, fire, technical and special, single-stage and multi-stage. They are carried out on maps, on layouts of the terrain or at prepared command posts, without means of communication and with means of communication, as well as on simulators, combat vehicles, in firing camps, firing ranges, etc. They are the most important means of improving and consolidating the acquired knowledge and skills, bringing practical actions to automatism.

    TRAINING MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL BASE (MTB) is a set of material and technical means used for training and education of personnel, conducting exercises and classes, combat coordination of subunits, units, formations and command and control bodies.

    It is created and improved in accordance with the change in the nature of operations and combat operations, the development of the organizational structure and the equipment of troops (naval forces) in relation to the tasks and needs of combat, operational and mobilization training of the Armed Forces.

    Includes: training centers, ranges of all kinds, training fields, shooting ranges, tank tracks, autodromes, training classes, firing and other training camps, various simulators, training devices and accessories, other technical means, visual aids, target installations, various kinds of simulators, training films, as well as training (combat training) complexes of weapons and military equipment, training ships.

    At the beginning of the 21st century, the widespread introduction and use of computer technology, means of objective control, and automation of workplaces are of paramount importance in the development of educational MTB. The development, expansion and updating of the training MTB is carried out continuously on the basis of specially developed annual and long-term plans.

    EXERCISES AVIATION exercises conducted with formations, formations and units of various types and branches of aviation, as well as groupings of air defense zones and areas of the Air Force (Air Force and Air Defense armies, Air Force and Air Defense corps, Air Force and Air Defense divisions) in order to work out issues of their operational and combat applications in combined arms, air or anti-aircraft operations.

    For their implementation, an appropriate plan and plan are developed, a certain operational-tactical and air situation is created, the composition of aviation, air defense forces and means and the forces and means of both sides interacting with them is determined, aviation is relocated, the necessary flight resource and material consumption are established, appropriate target environment at the range.

    The subject and content of the exercises are determined depending on the purpose of the aviation formations and units involved in the exercise and the training goals set. In all cases, the exercises are conducted with real aviation flights and the practical implementation of combat missions. Usually arranged as bilateral. When planning and conducting such exercises, much attention should be paid to ensuring the safety of aviation flights.

    A special place in the development of tasks of operational and combat use in anti-aircraft operations (or their individual components) is given to groupings of areas and zones of air defense forces of the Air Force. This is largely facilitated by the imitation of the enemy by the forces of their own aviation.

    EXERCISES Naval exercises conducted with formations and formations of the Navy, as well as with consolidated groupings of fleet forces to work out a set of specific tasks in naval operations and fleet operations. Diverse forces of the fleet are usually involved in them, but there may also be exercises of homogeneous forces, at which questions of their combat use are studied.

    They are carried out in the established zones (regions) of the seas and oceans with ships going out to sea and with the actual use of weapons or with the so-called "silent shooting". In most cases, naval exercises are organized as bilateral or with a designated enemy. They are a decisive means of improving naval skills, coordinating the forces of the fleet and preparing it for operations in a difficult situation when fighting a strong naval enemy.

    COMMAND-STAFF (STAFF) EXERCISES are a form of training and combat coordination of command and control bodies. During the exercises, the preparation and conduct of an operation or battle are practiced against the background of a specially created military-political, strategic, operational or combat situation. As a rule, they are conducted on complex topics covering various types of combat operations and the entire set of tasks that may arise in the course of an operation and combat.

    The commanders (commanders), staffs in full force, command and control bodies of the combat arms (naval forces) and services take part in the command and staff exercises (KShU). The senior chief and his staff act as the leader. In the course of them, special attention is paid to working out the issues of preparing operations (combat actions), organizing interaction and support, as well as solving problems in the most important stages in the development of military operations. The most important exercises can be carried out with the participation of designated troops.

    Staff exercises (SHU) involve only headquarters and services. The commanders (commanders) act as leaders of the exercises. Particular attention is paid to the assessment of the situation, the execution of decisions, the development of documents on planning military operations and command and control.

    KShU and SHU differ:

    By scale - into strategic, operational-strategic, operational, operational-tactical and tactical;

    On the organization of management - with and without means of communication;

    By composition - attracted forces and means with designated troops (naval forces) and without them;

    By the nature of the goals set - ordinary, ostentatious, research, experimental and special;

    According to the methods of conducting - unilateral, bilateral, single-stage and multi-stage.

    The largest strategic exercises in the history of the Soviet Armed Forces were those held in 1987 on the territory of five military districts, as well as in the Black Sea and Baltic fleets.

    COMBINED ARMS EXERCISES exercises of combined arms units, formations and associations (motorized rifle and tank regiments, brigades, divisions, combined arms corps, combined arms and tank armies) with the involvement of Air Force units and formations, various types of troops and special forces, and in coastal areas - and fleet forces.

    They form the basis for the training of all types of aircraft. They are used to master the methods of conducting combined arms combat, corps and army operations, working out interaction and control. As a rule, they are timed to coincide with the completion of the corresponding stages of combat and operational training. Conducted on complex combined arms topics in various terrain conditions, usually using the territory of the training grounds. The development of the most important episodes in such exercises can be carried out with live firing, real missile launches and bombing.

    EXERCISES OF STRATEGIC ROCKET TROOPS exercises with formations and formations of the Strategic Missile Forces. They are carried out independently or in the system of large strategic exercises. They can be conducted without launches and with real combat launches of missiles, in which the warheads are replaced by cargo mock-ups and introduced into the training flight mission.

    During the exercises, the troops are usually put on high and full combat readiness, delivering missile strikes against one of the options for combat use, protecting missile launches from enemy attacks, restoring the combat capability of missile systems, and preparing for subsequent missile launches.

    In formations and units with mobile missile systems, in addition, combat patrols, access to field launch positions, maneuver to new position areas are mastered, issues of camouflage and other types of combat, special, technical and logistics support are carefully worked out. Particular attention is paid to improving control systems and preventing unauthorized missile launches.

    TRAINING WITH TROOPS is the main most effective form of training troops (naval forces), improving their field, air and naval skills, combat coordination of subunits, units and formations, and comprehensive training in issues of interaction, command and support.

    They are carried out with the participation of command and control bodies in full force of specially allocated troops (naval forces), combat assets and the corresponding forces and means of providing associations, formations, units, subunits. As a rule, appropriate means of reinforcing various types of troops and forces, as well as supporting aviation, are also involved in exercises, which makes it possible to control, maintain and increase the combat capability and combat readiness of troops (naval forces).


    - by scale - into strategic (operational-strategic), operational (operational-tactical) and tactical;

    - by target orientation - for ordinary, control (verification), research, demonstration, experimental;

    - by the nature of the actions being worked out - into combined arms, joint, aviation, naval, missile;

    - according to the composition of the participating units - into company, battalion (divisional and squadron), regimental, brigade, divisional, corps, army;

    - on the use of weapons - for exercises without live firing and with live firing (with the actual use of weapons);

    - according to the form of organization - into unilateral and bilateral, one-two- and multi-stage.

    The exercises of associations, formations and units of various types of the Armed Forces, combat arms and special forces differ in their nature, content, methods of preparation and conduct. They are based on the development of operational actions and the tactics of their use in operations and combat.

    Usually, exercises are held after the completion of individual training of troops (naval forces) and the training of small units (ships), most often at the completion of one or another stage of combat training. To conduct the exercise, a leadership headquarters is created, a district and military intermediary apparatus is appointed, points and communications of the leadership are organized, identification marks of the parties are established, training of the troops (navy forces), the leadership apparatus and the exercise area is carried out.

    In most cases, exercises are conducted continuously day and night for a set period of time, which is larger the larger the exercise. In some cases, during the exercise, partial lights out are allowed to prepare for the next stage of the exercise. For each exercise, the consumption of motor resources and all types of material resources is determined in advance. The exercise ends with the lights out, after which it is analyzed separately with the officers and separately with the personnel of the units.

    EXERCISE JOINT exercises during which issues of preparing and conducting joint operations (air, anti-air, airborne, anti-airborne) are practiced or coordination of command and control bodies, troops and forces of various types and nationalities that are part of one military bloc is carried out. To conduct such exercises, as a rule, a single plan, a general plan is developed, a joint leadership headquarters and a joint command are formed.

    Usually, the exercises are divided into stages in relation to the stages of the corresponding joint operations. In some cases, they can be carried out with the actual use of military means.

    EXERCISES SPECIAL exercises of formations and units of special branches of the armed forces (naval forces) - reconnaissance, electronic warfare, engineering, chemical, communications, space and others, as well as testing various types of support, for which an appropriate operational-tactical and special situation is created. Accordingly, reconnaissance, communications, engineering, chemical exercises, electronic warfare and camouflage exercises, special tactical, technical, rear, including medical, and transport exercises are distinguished.

    They are carried out independently or in the system of combined arms exercises, as a rule, with the involvement of the entire composition of formations, units or designated forces and means.

    During the exercises, units are deployed in advance in established areas in accordance with the training plan, an appropriate operational-tactical and special situation is created, the implementation of planned or suddenly arising tasks for the purpose of special troops, formations, units and support institutions is organized, the combat readiness and combat capability of special units is checked and formations, the effectiveness of various types of operational, combat, special, technical and logistics support.

    As a rule, they are organized as one-sided or carried out with a designated enemy.

    LOGISTICS EXERCISES Exercises for the integrated development of logistic support issues in various types of operations, the deployment of rear services and the performance by rear formations, units and institutions of tasks for their intended purpose. They are a special kind of special exercises. They are carried out independently or as part of combined arms (common fleet) exercises.

    In the course of the exercises, against the backdrop of the created operational-tactical and rear situation, they practice bringing the rear formations and units to full combat readiness, deploying and building up the rear, organizing its protection and defense, all types of logistics support when performing various operational and combat missions, separation, transportation and material maneuver. Along with general rear exercises, transport, medical and other special exercises in the rear may be conducted.


    SCIENTIFIC ASPECT No. 1 - 2013 - Samara: Publishing house of Aspect LLC, 2012. - 228p. Signed for publication on 10.04.2013. Xerox paper. The print is operational. Format 120x168 1/8. Volume 22.5 p.l.

    SCIENTIFIC ASPECT No. 4 - 2012 - Samara: Publishing House of LLC "Aspect", 2012. - V.1-2. – 304 p. Signed for publication on 10.01.2013. Xerox paper. The print is operational. Format 120x168 1/8. Volume 38p.l.


    Historical development of military pedagogy

    Shikharev Denis Nikolaevich- Post-graduate student of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University.

    Annotation: The relevance of the development of military pedagogy is revealed. The historical significance of military pedagogy in the development of the armed forces is emphasized. The entire period of development of military pedagogical thought is covered, from the practice-oriented stage of development to the scientific one. The results of the pedagogical activity of the army and navy training system at different times are presented as key factors in increasing the importance of military pedagogy.

    Keywords: Russian army, education, military pedagogy, period of development, military operations, education.

    In our time, in order to decompose historiography into time intervals and trace the formation of military pedagogy, it is necessary to conduct a series of historical studies. Revealing the problems in science and practice, highlight the stages of its development. Building in chronological sequence the socio-historical, scientific and theoretical conditions for the formation of the problem, ensuring its development.

    The training of aviation specialists both for the army, navy, other law enforcement agencies, and for civil aviation campaigns is based on modern pedagogical theories. Cultural and historical experience, traditions of education and upbringing, accumulated by the ancestors, have not become obsolete, moreover, practice shows that abandoning them does not give positive results.

    If it is said that history teaches nothing, then this is true of those who are indifferent to its lessons and consequences. History teaches those who care about the future. History teaches and gives strength to those who carefully study the experience of past generations and accept it, taking into account modern factors of social life.

    The army and navy have existed since the emergence of nation-states. Initially, these were a few permanent armed formations. For Russia, the period of formation of regular armed forces is determined no earlier than the 17th-18th centuries, which are associated with the names of consistent state military reformers - Peter the Great and his father Alexei Mikhailovich. Other names are also known - princes Svyatoslav, Igor, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Dmitry Pozharsky, who showed their military pedagogical successes with glorious military victories.

    In history, military-pedagogical practical thought was the leader. Scientific pedagogical thought developed and penetrated into the army as the latter developed.

    The entire period of development of military pedagogical thought can be divided into two stages:

    1. Practice-oriented stage. This is a stage that is characterized by the accumulation of pedagogical experience from the time of the emergence of civilization to the 17th-18th centuries. It ends with the works of such bright personalities of encyclopedic knowledge, philosophical mindset and practical pedagogical orientation as Ya.A. Comenius, John Locke, M.V. Lomonosov, J.-J. Rousseau. Peter I and, especially, A.V. Suvorov. Their meaningful and scientifically translated experience gave rise to the second stage in the development of military pedagogy.
    2. Scientific stage. The emergence of a social need for the purposeful formation of a person's personality has led to the need to highlight the cultural and historical foundations for the development of society and the processing of accumulated knowledge.

    The development of military-pedagogical thought and the national directions of military pedagogy depend on the development of pedagogy as a whole. The cultural and historical experience of the development of the Russian Armed Forces shows that military pedagogical knowledge and historical experience served as the basis for state and military construction. But, at the same time, domestic military pedagogical thought has its own characteristics, both in content and in organizational and temporal aspects.

    Every time the history of Russia found itself at a crossroads, the system of pedagogical activity was rebuilt, the system of training the army and navy changed. So it was under Peter I (XVII-XVIII centuries), Catherine II (XVIII century: G. Potemkin and Orlovs), Alexander II (1860-1870: D.A. Milyutin, M.I. Dragomirov), Nicholas II (1905-1912), V.I. Lenin (1918), I.V. Stalin (1925-1929 and at the end of the 40s).

    At the beginning, the process of transferring and generalizing the experience of education and military training was spontaneous, passing from one generation to the next in oral and practical forms. Soon, with the advent of writing, military pedagogical knowledge began to be reflected in chronicles, state acts, decrees, as well as in military historical works of art. In the future, acquiring new knowledge, organized forms, the army became stronger. Confirmation of this is the appearance of written statutes, instructions, instructions: “The Code of Service” (1556), “Boyar Sentence on Stanitsa and Guard Service” (1571), “Military Book” (1607), “Charter of Military, cannon and other matters related to military service "(1621)," Teaching and cunning of the military structure of infantry people "(1674), etc. Their main ideas are regular training and constant education of army soldiers. The soldier was required to honestly serve the sovereign, to know his place in the ranks and in battle, not to spare his “body”, to be ready to give his life for “his friends”.

    Formed on a regular base "amusing" regiments in the XVIII century. became the prototype of the Russian army with a regular system of training and education of soldiers.

    The results of the fighting at the beginning of the Northern War suggested the order and methods of training and educating soldiers in the spirit of patriotism.

    There were big changes in terms of preparing troops for practical training after the Narva defeat, where it was clear that the Russian army was psychologically unprepared for a field war, there was a lack of experience and training in tactics and education of soldiers. In the decrees of that time, the Russian regiments were allowed to engage in battle only in case of numerical superiority over the enemy. During the fighting, the troops were trained in combat, offensive, defensive actions, and victories raised the morale of the soldiers.

    The Northern War played a significant role in the promotion of military pedagogical practice. Adjustments were made to the duties of commanders to train and educate subordinates. The chiefs made a differentiated approach in training young recruits and old-timers, they began to teach "how to act in battle."

    During this period, the spiritual, moral (inspiring the fear of God) and military (devotion to the sovereign and the fatherland) aspects of education were developed. Practical educational activities in the army of Peter the Great were fundamentally different from those in the West. In the armies of European states, "cane" discipline was imposed, the soldier was considered as a "mechanism provided for by the article", and the officer - as a transmitter of commands (Frederick II). In Russia, moral principles were the main thing in education. Peter I entrusted the main functions of training and education of soldiers to the national officer cadres.

    After Peter I, in the 30-40s. 18th century in the preparation of the Russian army, negative trends began to prevail over the progressive innovations of Peter the Great. The new charters and instructions drawn up by the "temporaries": Osterman, Munnich, Biron and others worsened the content of the training of soldiers: outwardly they did not cease to meet Peter's requirements, but lost their personal, national character. In the training of the troops, the preparation of soldiers for service in a linear formation began to be carried out, they were taught to obey orders unquestioningly. In fact, they were "cannon fodder" and any initiative was punishable. The whole system underwent a change: service in the army was not at all prestigious, but rather became a punishment, they were given to the service for faults. There was no longer any talk of patriotism, the soldiers did not swear allegiance to the fatherland. Particularly slow-witted and disobedient were often subjected to physical torture.

    In the 50-60s. 18th century An important role in the formation of military pedagogy was played by eminent commanders and politicians: Suvorov A.V., Potemkin G.A. , Kutuzov M.I., Saltykov P.S., Rumyantsev P.A., Panin P.I. , and etc.

    President of the Military Collegium G.A. Potemkin (1784) continued the progressive traditions of military pedagogy. His instructions said that "a soldier is an honest title." The officers were independent, but were limited by the "Rules of the authorities", which did not allow the guilty soldiers to be punished with the use of force. His subordinates were some of the best commanders P.A. Rumyantsev and A.V. Suvorov. In the history of Russia, this outstanding personality has not yet been truly appreciated for his contribution to military strategy.

    Field Marshal P.A. Rumyantsev was one of the first to increase the effectiveness of military training using the experience of old-timers, passing them on to young soldiers. Constantly conducted training of troops, and in non-wartime - with special "attention". He considered the "moral element" the basis of the education of the "moral principle", while he shared education, moral training, training and physical training.

    In the same period of time with P.A. Rumyantsev A.V. Suvorov creates a multifaceted military pedagogical system, the priority features of which were:

    • the need for psychological preparation;
    • development and practical application of the method of designing combat operations;
    • education of subordinates in the process of active learning;
    • perception of the direct dependence of the results of the battle on the training and psychological stability of the troops, etc.

    A.V. Suvorov did not separate education from training, did not oppose one to the other. His education system was based on professional, moral education and physical training. In the works of A.V. Suvorov, the following tasks of professional education are visible: the development of courage, vigor, bravery, reliability, decisiveness and discipline among soldiers; the task of moral education is the formation of truthfulness, piety, loyal feelings. The military-pedagogical ideas of the great commander found confirmation in his glorious military victories. However, military-pedagogical ideas did not spread throughout the army because they were in conflict with the authorities and were not recognized in the upper strata of the tsarist military bureaucracy.

    At the end of the 18th century, thanks to the activities of I.I. Betsky, P.I. Shuvalova M.I. Kutuzova, M.V. Lomonosov, and others, for the first time in Russia, five military educational institutions of a closed type (cadet corps) are organized. Training acquires a planned and organizational character.

    At the beginning of the XIX century. in Russia, perestroika begins in the structure of public education. Since 1803, the size of the army has increased due to the available education for commoners. Gymnasiums for the military were formed together with the cadet corps. In 1832 a military academy was opened to train officers. Until 1809, Pavlovian combat regulations were in force, which excluded officer initiative, but in practice they continued to train soldiers in Suvorov style, which made it possible to win victories in battles.

    At that time in Russia, the paradox was that, on the one hand, democracy led to the emergence of officers with new views on military pedagogy, as well as progressive forms of training and education of soldiers. This is evidenced by a series of publications in the periodical press and in the Military Collection. On the other hand, the spirit of humility and servility was instilled in the officers' milieu by the government. The project of the Military Teachers' Institute did not receive its further development. Minister of Education Uvarov S.S. did not support the science of education. The officers were outraged by such a policy of the authorities and, as a result, an open protest arose from the "Decembrists" in 1825.

    After the Decembrist uprising was suppressed, a time of stagnation began in the country and the development of new methods for training soldiers was forgotten. The logical consequence of the external gloss, parade drill was the defeat of the Russian army in the Crimean War of 1853-1856.

    Second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries were marked by large-scale changes in many spheres of public life in Russia, and at the same time by the development of military pedagogy. Thanks to the Minister of War D.A. Milyutin. in the Russian state, military educational institutions were approved, such as: cadet and special schools, a number of military gymnasiums and progymnasiums, military academies. Developing and general humanities were taught in progymnasiums and gymnasiums. They were institutions with a military-professional orientation. In the cadet, military and special schools, the Finnish and Page Cadet Corps, junior and middle-level officers were trained.

    At the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff, at the Mikhailovsky Artillery School, at the military medical and military law academies, staff officers with higher education were trained. The military gymnasiums were taught by officers who had completed a 2-year course at the 2nd military gymnasium. In 1863 the Main Directorate of Military Educational Institutions was created for a more competent and streamlined management process in them. At the same time, a military pedagogical museum was created, which was responsible for disseminating the latest progressive ideas in the military field. In schools, soldiers began to be taught counting, writing, and literacy, and regimental schools appeared in the troops. According to statistics for 1875, the literacy of soldiers increased from 10 to 36%. Of course, not all officers of those times showed an interest in science and the education of soldiers. But still, the changes in the military school had a positive effect on Russian officers, on the structure of education and upbringing in the army.

    In connection with the foregoing, the approach to the quality of training of military specialists becomes fundamentally different, which should result in the formation of their readiness and ability to carry out real professional activities immediately after graduation.

    At present, a lot of work has been done on a thorough and objective rethinking of the domestic pedagogical experience. A coherent system of historical development of military pedagogy has been formed in Russia. Development is underway to create and improve a system of multi-level military education.

    But there are still a lot of paradoxes and unresolved problems in the Russian army. Many problems can be solved only by changes in politics and the social sphere. Knowing the history of pedagogy is important for every officer of the RF BC, who is able to think and solve the military pedagogical tasks inherent in his activity.


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