Less and less Kurgan children have lunch in school canteens: it is too expensive. “Can teachers eat in the school cafeteria? Photo by Tamara Khamitsevich

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In order for the nutrition of children to be established at a high level, varied and balanced, school cooks must have the appropriate education and high qualifications.

The normative regulation on the school canteen defines the relationship between parents or legal representatives of children and a general education institution. In accordance with it, the order is determined by which meals are organized for children in the school cafeteria. The staff of the school canteen is determined by the charter of the school, and this is taken into account when obtaining a license by an educational institution. How the school canteen will function and be provided is decided by the school administration.

The regulation on the school canteen is regulated by federal laws and other Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation. After the Regulation is approved by the director of the school in accordance with the documents of the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Pupils are provided with hot meals on the basis of an agreement between the school and parents. Meals for participants in the educational process are organized and produced in full compliance with the rules of fire safety, safety regulations, and it must also comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The main tasks of the Regulations include two main points: to form a healthy lifestyle for students and to educate their cultural self-awareness. Meals should be organized in accordance with a single cyclic menu, and additional meals should be organized at will through the buffet. School cooks must ensure the availability of products prepared on the spot, hot tea, coffee. Dairy products should be delivered to the buffet twice a week.

To account for the number of students who receive meals at school, it is necessary to have a production manager in the school canteen. He and the class teacher report daily to the accounting department on the actual number of children who received meals. In addition to lunches, children receive breakfasts, and those students who attend the GPA must also be provided with hot meals. The school canteen usually starts at 8 am and continues until 4 pm. Products from the buffet are sold only for cash, both to students and school staff.

Lunches, as well as breakfasts, are released only upon request, which the class teacher submits the day before. Teachers or class teachers must accompany the children to the canteen in accordance with the lists submitted in advance, and are also responsible for them and for the food that is sold according to the lists.

The order in the school cafeteria during the educational process should be ensured by the employees of the cafeteria, for this, attendants from the class that is on duty at the school are allocated to help them, they also help the cafeteria employees to serve drinks in glasses and bread, and also set tables for dinner. Each class teacher leads his class and is responsible for the order in the dining room and catering for his class. The cost of meals is regulated by order of the MA. Catering must comply with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological schedule. If food poisoning occurs or a case of acute intestinal infection is detected, the school administration is obliged to inform the local authorities of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

The employees of the dining room are subject to the rules of personal hygiene, which must be strictly observed. All persons working in the canteen must be healthy and undergo a medical examination, first of all, an accepted cook in the school canteen must have medical documents of the required sample. Before each shift, the school nurse must examine the open parts of the body of the canteen employees to identify pustular skin lesions.

The management of the dining room at the school should be carried out according to documents that comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the school. The general management of the canteen is entrusted to the principal of the school. The head of production is directly in charge of the school canteen, he, within the limits of his official duties, is responsible to parents, students and school management.

Depending on the number of students, the number of cooks in the school canteen is calculated. Other duties are also assigned to the production manager: he must prepare and submit to the management documents on the nutrition of students, develop regulations on the school canteen and school cafeteria, issue an order for the issuance of dairy products to students, draw up a schedule according to which students and school staff will eat. He also draws up a daily menu, prescribes job descriptions for his employees, maintains planning and accounting documentation, as well as technological documentation.

The staff of the school canteen is completed in accordance with the Charter of the school and is regulated by it. Labor relations between the school and employees of the school canteen are regulated in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Canteen workers are responsible for the timely preparation of quality food, they are required to inform students and teachers about the daily diet, and it is also their responsibility to take samples to determine the quality of the cooked food. All equipment must be properly stored and maintained by employees. The canteen should be open to the needs of students and staff. They also need to regularly improve their skills and submit reports to the school management in the manner prescribed by the Charter of the school.

The canteen is financed from several sources, it is the parents' payment for breakfasts and lunches, the money goes to the purchase of food and cooking. Also, funds come from the sale of food products through the buffet. Target subsidies are allocated for low-income students from the city or local budget. For all products sold through the buffet, a trade margin is set, its size is approved by law. Parents pay for hot meals to their personal school account, the basis is a receipt. All reports must be provided to the accounting department as reporting on the school for a specific period. Accounting every quarter removes the remnants of food in the dining room and buffet, expressing them by quantity and by amount of money.

Sanitary and epidemiological supervision employees control the rationality of nutrition and hygiene standards. The organoleptic indicators before the food arrives on the tables of the students are controlled by the commission, it is approved by the school principal once a year, it must include at least three people, including a health worker. The education committee controls the supply of products under the contract.

In accordance with the basic principles, nutrition should correspond to the energy value, satisfy the physiological needs for nutrients of the growing body of the child, and provide a convenient diet. To achieve the set goals, the canteen employees prepare breakfasts, lunches and afternoon snacks. They bake dough products, prepare semi-finished products, organize and serve holidays, evenings and other events. They also sell finished products through the buffet. Create and provide the required number of seats in the dining room.

In addition to paid lunches and breakfasts, the canteen provides free meals to some students in the form of social assistance to those children whose average family income is below the subsistence level in the region. For socially vulnerable students attending an extended day group, both breakfasts and lunches are provided free of charge. For those who do not go to the extended day group, only breakfast is provided.

The director of the school is responsible for the activities of the catering unit and canteen, as well as for the timely repair of the premises. The director is also responsible for the furniture, its availability and condition, for the technological equipment of the kitchen. He is also responsible for the timely payment of employees.

In order for hot meals for schoolchildren to be constantly improved and contain all the substances and vitamins necessary for a growing body, it is necessary to have a production manager in the school canteen.

In January, 46 new chefs will come to school canteens in Minsk. A correspondent of the Minsk-Novosti agency went to the Minsk State Vocational College of Culinary Arts and learned how specialists are trained for school catering.

It has its own kitchen, where future chefs hone their culinary skills. Practical classes are taught by teacher Daria Svetlovich. Noticing with what attention and surprise the correspondent examines multifunctional machines for cooking, he hurries to inform: such equipment has long been in the capital's schools.

- Ovens are a thing of the past. Today, the food units of educational institutions are equipped with combi steamers, which allow you to bake and steam. This way, the nutrients in the food are preserved as much as possible.- says Daria.

While we are talking with the teacher, the guys are doing a practical task - they are preparing borscht and casserole. The atmosphere is like in Hell's Kitchen. They work in an accelerated mode, everyone clearly knows their duties: someone is engaged in cutting vegetables, and someone is preparing the broth.

- In school canteens, it is important to be able to work quickly. We are preparing the kids for this. At the break, you need to feed 200 people, and the food must be fresh and hot, - Daria explains, watching the students.

But this does not mean that chefs learn to work on the machine. They attend electives, such as carving.

- At the last exhibition "Prodexpo-2017" they showed their creativity - decorative cuttings of fruits and vegetables. The children are assigned the 4th category, so during the exams they must not only prepare dishes of high quality, but also decorate them, says the teacher.

Here comes lunch. Satisfied pupils hold a plate of hot rich borscht in their hands. Looks appetizing. And how does it taste? Daria Svetlovich takes a sample - evaluates the taste, color, smell and texture of soup for children. Remains satisfied - sweet and sour, as expected. Then he asks the students:

- Girls, let's remember what types of soups borscht belongs to?

- To gas stations! - without thinking, the cooks answer in unison.

- How can borscht not lose its color during the cooking process?- I'm interested in young chefs.

- There are several ways. First: boil the vegetables separately in their skins. The second is to add vinegar or citric acid to the dish, the girls explain.

- But children shouldn't have vinegar.! - Daria Svetlovich notes. - They have good food. Therefore, we reduce the amount of salt, acid, do not use spices. In addition, the optimal temperature for serving a hot dish for a student is 50 degrees.

It is a misconception that all college graduates go to work in restaurants and cafes. Some get a job in school canteens: they like the work schedule, they are attracted by a guaranteed social package and a big summer vacation.

Sophomore Alexandra Shkutko says that cooking for children is more interesting than for adults.

- In college, we not only get acquainted with world cuisine, but also learn how to make the dish healthier. It's nice to hear when the kids in the garden say thank you to the chef after a delicious dinner. There is a return when you do everything with love, - says Sasha, who has already been in practice in student and garden canteens.

It's not easy for kids to cook. It just seems: it’s business-to cook semolina or barley porridge! And you try to make sure that it does not burn or is without lumps.

- Chefs cook according to the same recipes, where everything is strictly scheduled, and the dishes taste different for everyone. What's the secret?

- The master of his craft establishes a secret and unknown relationship with the products, - Sasha shares. - I have these tricks too..

- And how to feed the fussy?

- Children selectively relate to food, some eat poorly even at home. It's an eternal problem, - states Daria Svetlovich. - According to regulatory documents, we must observe the shift of the school menu: we cannot serve mashed potatoes every day, although the guys love it very much. Cooking viscous cereals, fish and chicken ...

- It is necessary to expand the range of dishes and products on the table of the student, - considers the teacher of special disciplines Maria Maksimovich. - Add pumpkin, zucchini, apples. The best chefs should work at children's catering enterprises.

In some schools in the Frunzensky district, students eat on a buffet basis. And they really like it.

- This form of serving dishes increases the interest of students in getting hot meals., - Elena Trublina, acting director of the KSHP of the Frunzensky district, is sure. - During lunch or breakfast, the guys come to the buffet line and choose any dish they like. The assortment is formed based on the established two-week menu. For example, we offer snacks, hot meals and drinks. Portions are reduced, so the student can take several types of dishes for lunch. We practice this form of nutrition in gymnasium No. 39, secondary school No. 125.

Additional Information

According to the Main Department of the Consumer Market of the Minsk City Executive Committee, the average salary of a cook in a school canteen is 560 rubles and depends on qualifications and rank.

Photo by Tamara Khamitsevich

With a round-the-clock stay, at least five meals a day must be provided. 1 hour before bedtime, as a second dinner, children are given a glass of fermented milk product (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, etc.).

The intervals between meals should not exceed 3.5-4 hours.

It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene by all employees of the catering department without exception.

Healthy persons who have undergone a medical examination in accordance with the current orders and instructions, as well as those who have attended a hygiene training course with passing a test, are allowed to work at the catering unit.

Monitoring compliance with the deadlines for passing (at least once every 3 months) medical examinations is assigned to the school health worker.

Each employee must have a personal medical book, which includes the results of medical examinations, information about infectious diseases, and the passing of the sanitary minimum.

The staff of the catering establishment is obliged to observe the following rules of personal hygiene:

Come to work in clean clothes and shoes;

Leave outerwear, headgear, personal items in the dressing room;

Cut nails short;

Before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, put on clean sanitary clothes in a specially designated place, after visiting the toilet, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, preferably disinfectant;

If there are signs of a cold or intestinal dysfunction, as well as suppuration, cuts, burns, inform the administration and contact a medical institution for treatment;

Report all cases of intestinal infections in the worker's family.

In the catering departments of schools it is strictly prohibited:

When preparing dishes, culinary and confectionery products, wear jewelry, varnish your nails, fasten overalls with pins;

Eating, smoking in the workplace. Eating and smoking are allowed in a specially designated room or place.

Every day, before the start of the shift, the health worker conducts an inspection of open surfaces of the body for the presence of pustular diseases in all workers. Persons with pustular skin diseases, festering cuts, burns, abrasions, as well as catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract are not allowed to work, but are transferred to another job. The results of the inspections are recorded in the journal of the established form.

Each catering unit should have a first aid kit with a set of medicines for first aid.

The organization and diet of students in educational institutions are subject to mandatory coordination with the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Hot meals for students must be organized by class (group) at breaks, lasting at least 20 minutes, in accordance with the mode of training sessions. In boarding schools, meals for students are organized in accordance with the daily routine. Each class (group) in the canteen should be assigned certain dining tables.

The organization of serving students with hot meals is recommended to be carried out by preliminary setting tables and (or) using distribution lines.

Preliminary table setting (serving) can be carried out by children on duty over 14 years old under the guidance of a teacher on duty.

The presence of students in the industrial premises of the canteen is not allowed. It is not allowed to involve students in work related to cooking, peeling vegetables, distributing prepared food, cutting bread, washing dishes, cleaning rooms.

List of products and dishes that are not allowed for sale

in public catering educational institutions

1. Food products with expired shelf life and signs of poor quality.

2. Leftover food from a previous meal and food prepared the day before.

3. Fruit and vegetable products with signs of spoilage.

4. Meat, offal of all types of farm animals, fish, poultry that have not passed veterinary control.

5. Offal, except liver, tongue, heart.

6. Ungutted bird.

7. Meat of wild animals.

8. Eggs and meat of waterfowl.

9. Eggs with contaminated shells, with a notch, "tek", "battle", as well as eggs from farms that are unfavorable for salmonellosis.

10. Canned food with broken cans, bombed, "crackers", cans with rust, deformed, without labels.

11. Cereals, flour, dried fruits and other products contaminated with various impurities or infected with barn pests.

12. Any food products of home (not industrial) production.

13. Cream confectionery (pastries and cakes).

14. Brawn, products from meat trimmings, diaphragms; head pulp rolls, blood and liver sausages.

15. Cottage cheese from unpasteurized milk, flask cottage cheese, flask sour cream without heat treatment.

16. Prostokvasha - “samokvass”.

17. Mushrooms and products (culinary products) prepared from them.

18. Kvass.

19. Milk and dairy products from farms that are unfavorable for the incidence of farm animals, as well as those that have not undergone primary processing and pasteurization.

20. Raw-smoked meat gastronomic products and sausages.

21. Dishes made from meat, poultry, fish that have not undergone heat treatment.

22. Deep-fried foods and products;

23. Food products not provided for in Annex No. 9

24. Vinegar, mustard, horseradish, hot peppers (red, black) and other hot (hot) seasonings.

25. Hot sauces, ketchups, mayonnaise, canned snacks, pickled vegetables and fruits.

26. Natural coffee; tonic, including energy drinks, alcohol.

27. Cooking fats, lard or lamb, margarine and other hydrogenated fats.

28. Apricot kernel, peanut.

29. Carbonated drinks.

30. Dairy products and ice cream based on vegetable fats.

31. Chewing gum.

32. Koumiss and other fermented milk products containing ethanol (more than 0.5%).

33. Caramel, including candy.

34. Canned food.

35. Jellied dishes (meat and fish), jellies, herring mincemeat.

36. Cold drinks and fruit drinks (without heat treatment) from fruit and berry raw materials.

37. Okroshka and cold soups.

38. Naval pasta (with minced meat), pasta with chopped egg.

39. Fried eggs.

40. Patés and pancakes with meat and cottage cheese.

41. First and second courses from/based on instant dry food concentrates.

When forming the diet of children and adolescents and cooking, the basic principles of organizing a rational, balanced, sparing diet should be observed, providing for:

  • compliance of the energy value (calorie content) of the diet with the age-related physiological needs of children and adolescents;
  • providing in the diet a certain ratio (balance) of the main nutrients in grams;
  • filling the deficiency of vitamins and other trace elements in the nutrition of schoolchildren by adjusting recipes and using enriched foods;
  • the maximum diversity of the diet (diversity is achieved by using a sufficient range of products and various methods of cooking);
  • technological processing of products, ensuring the taste of culinary products and the preservation of nutritional value;
  • compliance with the optimal diet and the correct distribution of the daily ration for individual meals during the day.

The institution should have an approximate 2-week menu developed on the basis of physiological needs for nutrients and approved standards, and have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for compliance with sanitary rules and standards.

Some foods such as bread, milk, meat, butter and vegetable oil, sugar, vegetables should be included in the menu daily. Fish, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream can be given 2-3 times a week. Avoid repeating the same dishes throughout the day and for several days.

Breakfast should consist of a snack, a hot dish and a hot drink, it is recommended to include vegetables and fruits.

Lunch should include an appetizer, a first course, a second course (a main hot dish of meat, fish or poultry) and a sweet dish. As an appetizer, you should use a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh or sauerkraut, carrots, beets, etc., with the addition of fresh herbs. It is allowed to use portioned vegetables (optional garnish) as an appetizer. To improve the taste, you can add fresh or dry fruits to the salad: apples, prunes, raisins and nuts.

Dinner should consist of a vegetable (curd) dish or porridge; the main second course (meat, fish or poultry), a drink (tea, juice, jelly). Additionally, it is recommended to include, as a second dinner, fruits or sour-milk products and bakery or confectionery products without cream.

In the absence of any products, a replacement should be selected for them, equivalent in terms of the content of basic nutrients, according to the product replacement table.

Nutritional standards must comply with the standards approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. For malnourished, weakened children, as well as for adolescents who significantly exceed the norms of physical development, additional nutrition can be provided at the conclusion of a doctor.

In all educational institutions, with the stay of children and adolescents in them for more than 3-4 hours, hot meals are organized, as well as the sale (free sale) of ready-made meals and buffet products (ready-to-eat products, industrial production and culinary products for intermediate nutrition students) in a sufficient range for cash and non-cash payments.

For the organization of additional nutrition for children and adolescents (buffet), bakery products of at least 1-2 items must be on sale. Bakery products (including rich ones) enriched with vitamins (vitamin-mineral mixtures) are sold.

For sale in canteens and canteens of educational institutions, as part of an additional range of food products for free sale, it is possible to recommend cereal breakfast cereals enriched with vitamins and minerals (weighing up to 50 g in a package, except for chips fried in oil), it is limited to include puffed corn, plain crackers without flavoring additives, except for natural ones (dill, garlic, etc.).

In canteens and buffets in educational institutions, flour confectionery products (gingerbread, gingerbread, muffins, rolls, waffles, and other products, except for cream ones) of industrial production in individual portioned (weighing up to 100g) packaging, as well as flour confectionery products can be sold in a limited assortment own production weighing up to 100 g (except products with cream).

From ready-made dishes and home-made culinary products, salads and home-made vinaigrettes (serving size from 30 to 200 g) are recommended for sale in buffets. Salads are dressed directly upon sale. From hot dishes, sausages baked in dough are recommended; boiled sausages with garnish; school pizza (50-1 OOg). Sausages can be cooked immediately before sale using microwave ovens. You can also serve hot sandwiches (with cheese, boiled or semi-smoked sausage, etc.). Hot sandwiches are prepared immediately before sale using convection heating or microwave ovens. The term for the implementation of these products is 3 hours from the moment of preparation with the obligatory use of refrigerated counters.

When organizing preferential meals for students at the expense of budgetary funds (or other sources of funding), it is preferable to organize meals in which all students receive hot breakfasts (on the second shift - afternoon snacks). At the same time, primary school students and children from low-income and socially unprotected families should be provided with full-fledged hot breakfasts in the first place.

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With the advent of autumn, a new school year began in many countries of the world, and children went to schools to acquire new knowledge, so to speak, “food for the mind”. But what about food for the stomach?

Not so long ago, we published a selection developed by the Sweetgreen restaurant chain, taking into account the lifestyle and national traditions of the population of different countries. It's time to find out what schoolchildren are actually fed during second breakfasts and lunches in different parts of our planet.

Let's make a small clarification right away - there are no single lunches in schools. In private schools, the food is better, in public schools it is often worse. And there are regions where food is not provided at all, and children bring lunch with them.

French schoolchildren eat in a way that even adults do not always dine. Their school lunch consists of french fries, mussels, artichoke, muffin, yogurt, grapefruit half and lemon tart.

Or baguette, fresh vegetable salad, couscous and vegetable stew with steak.

And there are other options:

Many Indians study in English schools, so school canteens have a vegetarian set of products on the menu: peas, corn, baked potatoes, cauliflower, pudding, fruit salad.

Ordinary schoolchildren are offered lasagna, pasta, burgers and homemade potatoes. Agree, the choice is great.

3. Sweden

Swedish schoolchildren prefer a dish of potatoes, cabbage and beans for lunch. There are always crackers and berry juice on the table.

The Czech school lunch menu consists of soup, rice with chicken goulash, dessert and hot tea.

There is also such an option as a sandwich with cheese, broccoli, mashed potatoes and peach.

5. Slovakia

Slovakia is next to the Czech Republic. Slovaks are big fans of fish dishes. On the school lunch table you will see smoked mackerel, bread, red pepper, tomato salad, kiwi, apples, milk and cake. Isn't it an interesting combination?

Or fish fillets, sweet potatoes, red peppers, radishes and carrots.

6. Spain

In this European country, the principles of healthy eating are instilled from childhood. Therefore, at school, for lunch, children are given vegetable cream soup, roast veal, salad, bread, oranges and bananas.

Italian children get a tasty and balanced meal for lunch, which consists of traditional pasta, fish, salad, bread and grapes.

In Finland, the school lunch mainly consists of vegetables rich in vitamins, pea soup, crispy bread and a sweet pancake with berries. Such a lunch does not overload the body and gives a fairly strong boost of energy.

Lunch for Baltic schoolchildren usually consists of a portion of rice with meat, red cabbage salad, bran bread and a cup of cocoa.

Or portions of potatoes, meat, carrots and cranberry juice.

Greek school canteens offer baked chicken with risoni (short pasta shaped like large grains of rice) for lunch, a traditional Greek dish - stuffed grape leaves, cucumber and tomato salad, yogurt with pomegranate and two oranges.

11. USA

Generations in the US have grown up eating fast food. Oddly enough, this country is one of the leaders in the most unhealthy school lunch. Here, students are offered pizza, celery with peanut butter, frito chips, fruit jelly, rice cookies, chocolate milk.

Cheeseburger, potato balls, ketchup, chocolate milk and chocolate pudding.

Spicy (!) hot dog with cheese, french fries and milk.

Nachos, french fries, ketchup, chocolate milk and peach.

And here is a very "modest" American lunch - a serving of chicken, mashed potatoes, carrots and water.

The traditional Brazilian school lunch includes meat with rice, green salad, pudding and strawberry juice.

13. Cuba

Old Havana. Rice is still considered the traditional food of Cuban schoolchildren. It is served with beans, a fried banana and a piece of fish.

In the Land of the Rising Sun, schoolchildren usually eat fried fish, dried seaweed, tomatoes, miso soup with potatoes, rice in a metal container, and milk.

Or sweet mochi rice with, again, sweet potatoes and black sesame seeds, tofu and seaweed soup, radish and seaweed salad, fried sea bass and tangerine.

Toasted curry bread, chicken with tomato sauce and pasta, scrambled eggs, potato salad, green beans, apple, tomato.

Mapo tofu, fish pie, apple, boiled quail egg, beef with bean sprouts and salmon rice

Some Japanese schools have a more traditional, in our opinion, menu: sausage, bun, coleslaw, tomatoes, french fries and soup.

Bread, watermelon, pasta, eggs and bacon, vegetable soup, milk, ketchup and butter.

South Korean schoolchildren enjoy broccoli and peppers, fried rice with tofu, sauerkraut and fish soup. An unpretentious and, at the same time, very useful lunch.

Traditionally, in schools in Buenos Aires, students eat a dish called "milanesa". It is nothing more than chicken fried in breadcrumbs and eggs, along with an empanada (stuffed patty) and potatoes or rice as a side dish.

17. Mali

In the capital of Mali, most schoolchildren study from noon to 3 pm so they can have lunch with their families or buy some food for themselves. Then they return to class before 5 pm

18. Indonesia

Another one of those countries where healthy eating is key. The school lunch consists of vegetables, meatball soup, tofu (bean curd) and rice. Schoolchildren are also given free sugar-coated rice, which they eat with groceries brought from home.

19. Ecuador

In this country, lunch for schoolchildren is prepared at home. Children bring with them pita bread, stewed turnips and mango or a sandwich with ham, cheese and tomato, as well as apples and a cereal drink.

20. Palestine

Here, too, it is customary to bring lunch with you. Children bring sandwiches called zaatar. This is a pita bread stuffed with dried thyme and sesame, poured with olive oil.

The lunch of Chinese schoolchildren is quite hearty and balanced. The menu of such a dinner consists of fish with rice, scrambled eggs with tomato sauce, cauliflower and soup.

Or bok choy, pork and mushrooms, yu-hsiang sauce, steamed bread and soup.

22. Haiti

The Haitian school lunch menu is quite simple, consisting of brown rice and beans. But it looks like the kids are full and happy.

Schoolchildren of this country have a very satisfying lunch. Here and fried anchovies, and scrambled eggs, roast with cabbage and tomatoes, soy sprouts, and even a chicken chop. Indeed, all the best is for children.

Fried fish in egg sauce, vegetables, crab meat and shrimp tempura, miso soup, black sesame rice, salad.

School lunches in this country vary by region. Usually it is rice, curry and chapati (pita made from wheat flour).

At the international school in Bangalore, schoolchildren are offered fish nuggets, spring rolls and salad.

25. Israel

The menu of a school lunch in Israel necessarily includes falafel - deep-fried balls of chopped chickpeas or beans. The dish is so popular in this country that it is considered national and, to some extent, its symbol. For this tasty dish, children put pita pieces, yoghurt with cucumber sauce and greens on their plates.

Kenyan schoolchildren get an avocado for lunch. Not good, right?

And their peers from Honduras rice porridge.

What do we have?

Often on the tables of Russian schoolchildren you can see soup, a cutlet with pasta, a little vegetables and juice for baby food. But most high school students prefer to bring lunch from home in a container or buy groceries from nearby stores.

Lunches of Ukrainian schoolchildren are rather monotonous. The menu usually consists of soup, buckwheat porridge or pasta with a cutlet, boiled beetroot salad seasoned with sunflower oil, bread and tea. You won't leave hungry after this meal. But kids don't really like school food.

Here, too, everything is traditional: viscous oatmeal, a sausage sandwich and a coffee drink with whole milk.

Grout with milk, bread, rice porridge, poultry fillet, salad, prunes compote.

It is worth noting that the time allotted for a lunch break in Europe and America does not differ significantly, it averages 1-1.5 hours.

Unfortunately, in our educational institutions the lunch break does not exceed 20-25 minutes. Although it has long been no secret that the slow consumption of food brings more benefits to the child's body than a quick swallow. Tasty and healthy food between classes at school is the key to good health of the younger generation.

Unfortunately, there are a number of problems in this area. Almost a quarter or 24.4% of school students in the region are not covered by hot meals due to the lack of appropriate conditions (suitability of the school building), as well as due to parents refusing to feed their children in the school canteen, who instead eat in the buffet. Many children complain that the food in school canteens is not tasty, and therefore they prefer to take something for a snack from home, in a buffet, or refuse to eat at all.

According to the press service of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Kurgan region, the decrease in the number of students who eat at school at the expense of parental funds is associated with the low solvency of parents, an increase in the cost of parental fees due to rising food prices. In addition, the menu is compiled on the basis of the amount of money available for catering, and not the physiological needs of children for nutrients and energy. Other unpleasant facts are also noted by the supervisory authority:

  • supply of products that do not meet the requirements of regulatory documents for quality and labeling due to the lack of proper control on the part of both food suppliers and responsible officials for their acceptance from the customer (educational institution);
  • insufficient level of training of workers of school catering units in the field of modern technologies of food preparation;
  • lack of proper medical control over catering due to the lack of a medical worker in each school.
- A significant factor in the prevention of diseases associated with catering in schools is the quality of prepared meals in terms of microbiological indicators. In 2017, the proportion of studied samples of ready meals that do not meet hygienic requirements for microbiological indicators is 3%, - said Svetlana Khomko, press secretary of the Office.

Of great importance in shaping the harmonious growth and development of the child are such components of organized nutrition as the calorie content of the diet and the content of vitamin C in artificially fortified meals. In dynamics over 2 years, the share of the studied samples of ready-made meals that do not meet hygienic requirements for caloric content decreased by 3.4%. The indicator of unsatisfactory samples for the investment of vitamin C is almost at the level of 2016 - 4.5%.

The main violations in the organization of food - incorrect maintenance of documentation on food control; violation of the rules for laying products in the process of preparing ready-made meals, as well as reducing portions; violation of the rules for artificial C-vitaminization of drinks; lack of an approved menu developed in the prescribed manner; non-fulfillment of nutritional standards (lack of poultry meat and cottage cheese, fruits and juices), untimely replacement of worn-out dishes, non-compliance with the conditions for taking and storing daily samples.

The figures speak eloquently about the situation with school meals: in 2017, 913 cases of administrative offense were initiated against the perpetrators, fines were imposed for a total amount of more than 3 million 800 thousand rubles. 172 cases were brought to court. 282 submissions were made to the heads of municipalities to eliminate the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of an administrative offense.

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