Test of the USSR in the post-war period. Test Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century

I option.

The presence of the Red Army contributed to the establishment of pro-Soviet governments in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, East Germany, and Austria.

2. What are the characteristic features of the Cold War? Choose three correct answers.

A. Rupture of diplomatic relations between the superpowers;

B. Arms race;

B. Local military conflicts;

D. Active peace negotiation process;

D. Ideological confrontation;

E. Direct military conflict between the USSR and the USA.

3. Determine the sources of economic recovery of the USSR after the war. Choose three correct answers.

A. Reparations from the defeated countries;

B. Market reforms in the economy;

B. Privatization of large industrial enterprises;

D. Attracting foreign capital;

D. Extraction of funds from agriculture;

E. Loans from the population.

4. Which of the listed facilities were built after the war? Choose three correct answers.

A. Stalingrad HPP;

B. Dneproges;

C. Railway Salekhard-Igarka;


D.South-Ukrainian channel;

E. White Sea-Baltic Canal.

5. Finish the sentence.

"According to the Constitution of the USSR, the highest authority in the country was ...".

6. What judicial political processes in the USSR belong to the post-war period? Choose three correct answers.

A. Leningrad case;

B. Case of doctors.

B. Mingrelian case;

G. The case of the Industrial Party;

D. Shakhty case;

E. Trial of the Mensheviks.

7. What characterizes education in the post-war period? Choose three correct answers.

A. Saving tuition fees;

B. Compulsory ten-year education;

B. Shortage of teaching staff;

D. The policy of "indigenization";

D. Rapid growth in the number of universities and technical schools;

E. Refusal of education for everyone, except for people from the proletarian environment.

8. Correlate the names of writers and the titles of their works.

1.Tvardovsky A.T.;

2. Fadeev A.A.;

3. Polevoy B.N.;

4. Nekrasov V.P.;

5. Panova V.F.

A. "In the trenches of Stalingrad";

B. "Satellites";

V. "Young Guard";

G. "The Tale of a Real Man";

D. "Vasily Terkin".

9. Which of the following events was the first confrontation between the USSR and the USA during the Cold War?

A. Korean War;

B. Caribbean crisis;

B. Berlin Crisis;

D.Vietnam war;

D. Afghan war.

10. Arrange the events in chronological order.

A. Beginning of the Korean War;

B. Monetary reform in the USSR;

B. Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad”;

G.XIX Congress of the VKPb;

D. Death of I. Stalin.

11. What, in your opinion, explains the growth of religious sentiment in the USSR after the war? Justify your answer.

12. Why, in your opinion, did the low standard of living in the country after the war not cause popular indignation and protests? Justify your answer.

II option.

1. Underline the extra in the text.

The USSR, USA, Great Britain, France, China, Canada became permanent members of the UN Security Council.

2. What is the purpose of the "Marshall Plan"? Choose three correct answers.

A. Recovery of the economy of Western Europe;

B. Strengthening economic ties with the USSR;

B. Creation of a military bloc;

D. Strengthening trade relations with Western Europe;

D. Financial assistance to former colonies;

E. Modernization of industrial capacities.

3. What is the currency reform of 1947? Choose three correct answers.

A. Replacement of State banknotes for rubles;

B. Increase in money supply;

B. Strengthening the ruble;

D. depreciation of the dollar;

D. Easing inflation;

E. Reducing the shortage of goods.

4. Which of the following factors caused the backlog of agriculture from other sectors of the economy? Choose three correct answers.

A. Low level of mechanization;

B. Mass repressions among collective farmers;

B. Land hunger;

G. Lack of interest among the peasants in increasing production;

D. Import of cheap imported products;

E. Low level of financing of agriculture.

5. Complete the sentence.

"In March 1946, the Supreme Soviet transformed the Council of People's Commissars into...".

6. What judicial political processes in the USSR belong to the post-war period? Choose three correct answers.

A. Case of scientists;

B. The Case of the Anti-Fascist Jewish Committee;

V. Mingrelian case;

G. The case of sabotage at power plants;

D. "Trial of the military";

E. The case of the "Trotsky-Zinoviev terrorist center."

7.What characterized science in the postwar period? Choose three correct answers.

A. Rapid development of genetics and cybernetics;

B. Creation of the first computer;

V.Strong backlog of Soviet science from Western;

G. Creation of the Soviet hydrogen bomb;

E. Refusal of the state from interfering in science;

E. Increasing the number of scientists.

8. Match the names of the directors and the titles of their films.

1. Pyryev I.A.;

2.Ptushko A.L.;

3. Barnet B.V.;

4. Gerasimov S.A.;

5. Kosheverova N.N.

A. "Cinderella";

B. "Young Guard";

V. "Sadko";

G. "The feat of a scout";

D. "The Legend of the Siberian Land."

9. Which of the listed states was not a member of the CMEA?

A. Poland;

B. Czechoslovakia;

B. Yugoslavia;


10. Arrange the events in chronological order.

A. Creation of CMEA;

B. "Marshall Plan";

B. Testing a hydrogen bomb in the USSR;

D. Beginning of the Korean War;

E. Cancellation of the card system.

11. What, in your opinion, explains the fact that the USSR was the most reading country in the world? Justify your answer.

12. Why do you think there was a population explosion in the USSR after the Great Patriotic War? Justify your answer.

Keys to the test.

I option.


5. Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

8. 1D, 2B, 3D, 4A, 5B.

10. A3, B2, V1, G4, D5.

II option.

5. Council of Ministers.

8. 1D, 2B, 3G, 4B, 5A.

OPTION 11. What explained the rapid pace of restoration of the national economy in the USSR in the post-war years ? 1) Using foreign loans; 2) Using the labor of prisoners and special settlers; 3) Reducing the military-industrial complex; 4) The enthusiasm of the people

2. The restoration of the Soviet economy after the end of the Great Patriotic War began : 1) with agriculture ; 2)with heavy industry ; 3)With light industry; 4) Mining industry

3. What was the result of Stalin's desire to weaken the "democratic impulse" in the first post-war decade? 1) Towards the democratization of the Soviet system; 2) To intensify repression; 3) Towards a revision of the Marxist-Leninist doctrine; 4) To a deep economic crisis

4. What characterized the political development of the USSR in the early postwar years? 1) Strengthening Stalinism; 2) Reducing the number of nomenclature workers; 3) Reducing the role of the party in the economic life of the country; 4) Softening national policy

5. The abolition of the card system for the distribution of products was carried out : 1) in 1945 2) in 1947 3) in 1950 4) in 1952

OPTION 21. What explained the rapid pace of restoration of the national economy in the USSR in the postwar years? 1) US assistance; 2) Decentralization of management; 3) Transfer of funds from the village to the city; 4) Introduction of market mechanisms

2. What caused the decline in productivity in agriculture in the postwar period? 1) Liquidation of collective farms; 2) Reduction of agricultural areas; 3) Refusal of non-economic coercion; 4) Strict regulation of agricultural labor.

3. What is the name of the compensation by the defeated state for damage to the victorious state? 1) Denunciations; 2)Reparations; 3)Repatriation; 4) Investments.

4. What characterized the political development of the USSR in the first post-war years?

1) Weakening of repressions; 2) Toughening of the political regime; 3) Decentralization of public administration; 4) Creation of conditions for the free development of the union republics

5. What did the population of collective farms lack in the 1940s?: 1) Salary; 2) old-age pensions; 3) passports; 4) medical care.

VAANT 3.1. The fourth five-year plan for the development of the national economy was adopted: 1) in 1944 2) in 1945 3) in 1946 4) in 1950

2. The first post-war elections to the Soviets were in: 1) 1946; 2) 1949; 3) 1952 ;4) 1953

3. Head of the State Planning Committee of the USSR: 1 TO. Voroshilov 2) N. Voznesensky 3) N. Bulganin 4) N. Khrushchev

4. Wrong treatment of which party leader was the reason for the start of the “doctors' case”: 1) A.A. Zhdanov; 2) K.E. Voroshilov; 3) G.K. Zhukov; 4) V. M. Molotov.

5. The activities of which body are mentioned in the memorandum addressed to Stalin?

"... Mikhoels and his like-minded people, as it was found out by their undercover development and investigation into the affairs of Jewish nationalists, used ... as a cover for carrying out anti-Soviet work."

Testing on the topic "The Soviet Union after the war (1945-1953)"

1. What are the results of the Great Patriotic War?

a) huge loss of life

b) curtailment of the cult of personality

c) the creation of a united Germany

d) expansion of the territory of the USSR

2. What methods were used by the government to rebuild the country?

a) transfer of funds from heavy industry to agriculture

b) the heroic labor of the Soviet people

c) a sharp rise in food prices after the war

d) reparations received from Germany

3. When was atomic weapons tested in the USSR?

a) 1947

b) 1948

c) 1949

4. When did the unification of the countries of the socialist bloc in the CMEA take place?

a) 1947 b) 1949 c) 1955

5. What changes have occurred in the government structures of power?

a) holding democratic elections

b) the Gulag system was abolished

c) transformation of the Council of People's Commissars into the Council of Ministers

6. Which of the upcoming trials was the last round of repression?

a) "doctors"

b) "Leningrad case"

c) "the case of the military"

7. In what branch of the national economy were the main investments made?

a) food industry

b) light industry

c) heavy industry

8. In what confrontation did the USSR and the USA military clash for the first time?

a) the Berlin crisis

b) the war in Korea

c) Soviet-Yugoslavian gap

9. What did the second world war lead to?

a) to the establishment of communist governments in Europe

b) to destroy fascism

c) to the growth of the influence of the USSR

10. What sources did the Soviet state rely on in restoring the country's economy after the war?

a) help from Western allies

b) a market economy was created

c) reparations from defeated Germany

d) the transfer of funds from the countryside to the city

11. Choose the correct statement:

a) scientific and technical developments were widely used in agriculture

b) scientific and technological developments have been widely used in PC

c) scientific and technical developments were widely used in light industry

12. What was a characteristic feature of the development of science and education after the war?

a) the fight against illiteracy

b) opening national schools

c) an increase in spending on science and education

13. What was the main idea of ​​the "Truman Doctrine"?

a) providing the USSR with financial assistance

b) the desire to prevent Soviet expansion

c) start negotiations on the limitation of arms

14. When was the formation of the NATO military-political bloc?

a) 1949

b) 1950

Years have passed.

Dead trees With unexpected strength they came to life again, Live branches were given out, green ...

A. Tvardovsky

USSR in 1945-1953 test

9-11 grade

Decipher the abbreviations:



UN -




"Cold War"

Expand the term : Iron curtain

  • The recovery period in the industry was 1) 25 years 2) more than 10 years 3) about 8 years 4) less than 5 years

2. Which of the following was characteristic of the economic development of the USSR in the postwar period? 1) permission in special cases to dissolve collective farms 2) increase in investment in the military industry 3) an increase in the scale of financial assistance to collective farms 4) the introduction of elements of a market economy into a socialist economy

3. Which of the following events took place in 1946? 1) the abolition of the card system for the distribution of products 2) creation of ministries 3) eviction of Chechens from their place of traditional residence 4) carrying out monetary reform

4. Which of the named feature films was accused of being unprincipled? 1) "Big Life" L. Lukov 2) "Spring" G. Alexandrov 3) "Kuban Cossacks" by I. Pyryev 4) "Chapaev" brothers Vasiliev

5. The export of equipment from Germany in order to compensate for the damage caused by the Nazi troops was called 1)reparations 2) conversion 3) repatriation 4) lend-lease

6. Which of the named events happened in 1949? 1) rupture of diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia 2) the establishment of a communist regime in Czechoslovakia 3) the creation of the North Atlantic bloc 4) the atomic bomb was created in the USA

7. In the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On decadent tendencies in Soviet music”, works 1) A. Alexandrova 2) I. Dunayevsky 3) V. Muradeli 4) M. Blanter

8. Head of the Anti-Fascist Jewish Committee, who died in 1948


9. The reduction in the number of army personnel is called 1) conversion 2) demobilization 3) demonopolization 4)preservation

10. The first atomic bomb in the Soviet Union, which broke the US monopoly on nuclear weapons, was tested in ...?

  • 1946
  • 1949
  • 1950
  • 1952

11. “After the war, he combines scientific and managerial work: the development of a plan for the 4th five-year plan and the work “The Military Economy of the USSR during the Patriotic War”. But on March 5, 1949, he was removed from the post of 1st Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and Chairman of the State Planning Commission, removed from the Politburo and expelled from the Central Committee of the party. The manuscript of the written book "The Political Economy of Communism" disappeared without a trace. On the eve of the removal, he spoke out against Stalin's proposal to impose a new tax on the peasants. In the autumn of 1949, he was arrested on the slander of Malenkov and Beria.

  • V.M. Molotov 2) G.M. Malenkov
  • 3) N.A. Voznesensky 4) L.M. Kaganovich

12. Which of the above was characteristic of the policy of the USSR in relation to the countries of the so-called socialist camp?

13. The US put forward a "Marshall Plan" in:

1) 1946

2) 1947

3) 1948

4) 1949

14. A characteristic feature of agriculture in the USSR in 1945-1953. was:

1) Excess labor force on collective farms

2) An increase in the size of the personal subsidiary plots of collective farmers

3) A significant increase in government procurement prices for agricultural products.

4) The heavy burden of taxes on collective farmers.

15. The CPSU (b) was renamed the CPSU in:

1) 1950 2) 1951 3) 1952 4) 1953

16. What were the representatives of the Soviet intelligentsia criticized for?

1. « And at the end of the war, and immediately after it, and in 1946, it seemed to quite wide circles of the intelligentsia that something was about to happen that was moving us in the direction of ».

2. … I am an internationalist, but they call me I do not divide science into Soviet and foreign. It makes no difference to me who made this or that discovery.”

3. head of the Writers' Union was criticized for the original version of the novel "The Young Guard", which did not show enough

4. songwriter - for the pessimism of the poem "Enemies burned their own hut ...".

17. Why the film was banned in March 1946 Who owns the words:

“Director S. Eisenstein in the second series of the film “...” discovered ignorance in the depiction of historical facts ...

18. What links these magazines, what events happened to them in the 40s?

19. The provision of assistance by the USSR to the countries of people's democracy in the first post-war years was dictated primarily

1) Expansion of trade and economic cooperation with these countries.

2) Restoring the European market and securing free trade

3) Fear of losing political influence on the states of Eastern Europe

4) The entry of these territories into the USSR.

20. JV Stalin demanded obedience from the countries of Eastern Europe and the implementation of political and socio-economic transformations according to the Soviet model. Any deviation from it was perceived extremely hostile. This was the reason for breaking off relations with:

1) Yugoslavia 2) Hungary 3) Albania 4) Romania

2 1. Read an excerpt from the memoirs and indicate their author:

It ended up that I was removed from the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces and sent to command the Odessa Military District, and at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks they removed me from the Central Committee without any wording. In 1947, a large group of generals and officers was arrested, and mainly those who who ever worked with me They were all physically forced to confess to plotting a "military conspiracy" against the Stalinist leadership.

1) M.N. Tukhachevsky

2) A.A. Novikov

3) K.K. Rokossovsky

4) G.K. Zhukov

22. Unsuccessful blockade of part of this city, undertaken on the instructions of I.V. Stalin, could not prevent the process of creating two independent states within one country.

1) Berlin 2) Prague 3) Budapest 4) Seoul.

23. Look at the picture and complete the task:

This poster is dedicated to:

2) Marshall Plan

3) Helsinki Accords

4) Decisions of the Potsdam Conference

24. What does this card indicate? Give a short answer

1950 – 1953 gg.

25. What military conflict of the 50s does this image speak of?

Dividing line along the 58th parallel.

26. What do you think, according to what model did the country begin to recover?

1) Preserving and strengthening the command economy 2) The pre-war model of super-centralization in planning and managing the economy 3) Continuation of the course taken before the war to complete the construction of socialism and build communism 4) Mobilization methods

27. The case of the Kremlin doctors, unreasonably accused of attempting to assassinate top Soviet leaders, was fabricated 1) in 1945

2) in 1947 3) in 1949

4) in 1952

28. Fill in the missing word

1. As before the war, from one to one and a half monthly salaries per year was spent on the purchase compulsory government loan.

2. By 1947 the system was preserved.

there was a sharp increase in population displacement caused by demobilization , Soviet citizens

3. In 194 ... a monetary reform was carried out, which provided for the exchange of 10 old rubles for 1 new

29. Look at the map and complete the task.

To which of the following states does the event depicted on the map belong:

1) Austria

2) Finland

3) Hungary

4) Germany

30. Look at the picture and complete the task:

When this photo was taken:

Task of an increased level of complexity:

A. Renaming the CPSU (b) into the CPSU

B. Resolution "On Unity in the Party"

B. Abolition of the State Defense Committee

G. The Case of the Anti-Soviet Bloc of Rights and Trotskyites.

B 1. Arrange the following events (phenomena) in chronological order. Specify the answer as a sequence of digits of the selected items.

A. Formation of the GDR

B. Churchill's Fulton speech

B. Munich agreement on the division of Czechoslovakia

D. Treaty of Rapal

IN 2. Which of the named sciences were banned in 1945-1953? Find two sciences in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated?

A. physiology B. genetics C. cybernetics D. economics 5) quantum mechanics

B 4. Compare the foreign policy of our country in the 30s and in the second half of the 40s. Select and write down in the first column the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column the serial numbers of the differences.

A. Attempt to create a system of collective security

B. Organization of the Union of the Countries of the Socialist Camp

B. Strained relations with Western countries

D. Promotion of communist ideology in other countries

similarities traits differences

B 5. Below are a number of state names. All of them, with the exception of one, were members of the CMEA.

A. Austria B. Hungary C. Poland D. Romania E. Czechoslovakia.

AT 6. Read the extract from the document and indicate the year of the event described in it:

The Soviet government declared: there is no secret of the atomic bomb. This meant that the Soviet Union had atomic weapons at its disposal. But in the West, an open and honest confession hastened to be declared a "propaganda trick." In ... a US Air Force plane, equipped with special equipment, delivered air samples taken at high altitude to the ground and left no doubt that an atomic bomb had been tested somewhere in Soviet Asia.

A. 1948 B. 1949 C. 1950 D. 1951

AT 6. As evidenced by the facts given in the document. When the events described happened, indicate the year

« The main cause of high mortality is dystrophy. The peasants of most regions of Moldova eat various poor-quality surrogates, as well as the corpses of dead animals. Lately there have been cases of cannibalism…”

From the information of the special services in the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the state of affairs in Moldova in 1947

AT 7. Read the document and determine the years of the events described:

We understand that during the war more grain was required to supply the army, and we gladly gave everything we collected, spared nothing in order to defeat the enemy. In ... year, despite the crop failure, they also handed over everything in order to restore the national economy as quickly as possible. We hoped that this year, having fulfilled the state grain delivery plan, we would be able to distribute approximately one kilogram each among workdays. Now we have fulfilled the state plan ahead of schedule by 200%, having delivered twice over the plan. But despite this, the regional committee of the CPSU (b) and the district committee brought us and all collective farms a firm task for above-plan delivery, which exceeds several times the state plans, so that there is nothing to distribute for workdays, and even the seeds will not be enough to fall asleep completely to sow in the new year.

A. 1946-1948 B. 1949-1950 V. 1951 - 1952 G. 1953-1954

NATO - North Atlantic military bloc

CPSU - Communist Party of the Soviet Union

UN - united nations organization

CMEA – Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

GDR – German Democratic Republic

ATS – Warsaw Pact Organization

IRON CURTAIN- system of measures aimed at external insulation

cold war- a state of tense confrontation in relations between the capitalist and socialist countries, led by the USA and the USSR.


  • 4(less than 5 years)
  • 2. (investment in the military-industrial complex)
  • 2 (creation of ministries)
  • 1 (“Big Life” by L. Lukov)
  • 1(reparations)
  • 3 (creation of NATO)
  • 23 (Muradeli?)
  • Michaels
  • 2 (demobilization)
  • 2(1949)

11. 3 (N. Voznesensky)

12. support for the idea of ​​multi-variant construction of socialism) resolution of a multi-party system in the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe)

13. 2 (1947)

  • 4(Heavy burden)
  • 3 (1952)
  • 1 Simonov liberalization; 2 L. Landau is a cosmopolitan; 3.A. Fadeev party leadership 4. M Isakovsky

17. Ivan the Terrible and Stalin

18. Criticism for publishing the works of M Zoshchenko and A Akhmatova on the pages of magazines

  • 3 (fear of losing political influence on the states of Eastern Europe
  • 1(Yugoslavia)

21.4 (Zhukov)

22. 1. (Berlin)

24. US nuclear targets in the USSR

25. Korean War (1950-1953)

  • 1.(preserving and strengthening the command economy)
  • 4(1952)
  • 1. bonds 2. card 3. 1947

29. 4. (Germany)


IN 1 - BGVA V1 -GVBA V2-BV V4- Similarity - VG differences - AB

V5- A (Austria) V6- B (1949) V6- 1946 Drought, famine V7- A (1946-1948)

http http://900igr.net/kartinki/istorija/SSSR-1945-1953/004-SSSR-1945-1953.html









http:// www.protown.ru/information/hide/5986.html











USSR after the war



USSR after the war 1. The monetary reform, during which the money supply in circulation was reduced, was carried out1) in 1946 2) in 1947 3) in 1950 4) in 1952

2. The nationalist movements in the first post-war years reached their greatest scope1) in Western Ukraine, the Baltic republics 2) in the Caucasus and Crimea 3) in Siberia and the Far East 4) in the Volga region

3. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed1) in 1945 2) in 1946 3) in 1949 4) in 1952

4. Mark the feature of the post-war life of a collective farmer.1) no old-age pension 2) 8-hour working day3) the creation of enlarged personal subsidiary plots 4) the maintenance of a fixed salary

5. Participated in the development of the fourth five-year plan1) N.S. Khrushchev 2) N.A. Voznesensky 3) A.A. Kuznetsov 4) G.K. Zhukov

6. Which of the above refers to the policy of I.V. Stalin 1945-1953?1) creation of a multi-party system 2) rehabilitation of peoples deported during the war3) repression 4) creation of labor exchanges

7. In the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad, creativity was criticized

1) A. Akhmatova 2) M. Isakovsky 3) A. Fadeeva 4) K. Simonova

8. The clash of interests between the USSR and the USA occurred in the early 1950s.1) in China 2) in Vietnam 3) in Mongolia 4) in Korea

9. 3. Member of the Politburo and Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, responsible for ideological work, whose name is associated with the persecution of cultural figures in the post-war years:

1) G.M. Malenkov; 2) L.P. Beria; 3) A.A. Zhdanov. 4) A.A. Kuznetsov

10. What events relate to the period 1945 -1949?

1) the creation of the Soviet atomic bomb 2) the rehabilitation of GULAG prisoners

3) the entry of the USSR into NATO 4) the creation of the CMEA 5) the creation of a system of socialism 6) the elimination of collective farms

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