See what "1988" is in other dictionaries. See what "1988" is in other dictionaries It is clear that due to his advanced age, the cat suffers from high blood pressure

Naphthalene is a substance naturally produced by termites to keep other insects away from their homes. In the human world, naphthalene is made from coal tar or petroleum. It was first synthesized in the 19th century. Since then, naphthalene has been actively used in everyday life.

Most often, naphthalene was used as a remedy against moths. In the Soviet Union, this substance was sold in hardware stores mainly in the form of balls, which were laid out in cabinets and on mezzanines.

The main disadvantage of naphthalene, of course, was its pungent smell, due to which harmful insects did not start in the house. However, this was far from the only negative quality of the substance. The fact is that naphthalene in no way harmed either the butterflies or their larvae. And over time, the moth became more resistant to the aroma of naphthalene and was no longer afraid of it. But, of course, it was not at all the low effectiveness of the drug that was the pretext for its ban.

Meet Rubble, the cat from Exeter, England, now called "the oldest cat in the world" writes Bored Panda.

This fluffy handsome man recently celebrated his 30th birthday!

Rubble and his owner, Michelle Foster, have been best friends since the day she received him as a gift for her 20th birthday, back in May 1988.


Michelle believes that the secret to Rubble's longevity is that she cares deeply for him, as if he were a child.


She never had her own children, so her tailed friend is surrounded by attention and care.


“He is a beautiful cat, although he became a little mischievous closer to old age,” she said, “There is still a lot of life in him, but I don’t really want him to be in the Guinness Book of Records. I don't think he'll like that kind of attention from other people. He is already old, and he wants peace and quiet.


The oldest cat that has ever lived, according to the book of records, is Creampie (Cream Pie), who was born on August 3, 1967 and lived until August 6, 2005 (an incredible 38 years and three days!).


The woman clearly remembers her 20th birthday, the day she and Rubble first met.


“My sister's friend had kittens,” she explained. “I was sad to live alone, so I was given one of them. Rubble is a very loyal cat. We traveled a lot."


“If you care about something and someone and really love, you go a long way. I have always treated him like a child - I have no children, but there was another cat named Meg who died at the age of 25.


It is understandable that due to his advanced age, the cat suffers from high blood pressure. He needs to take regular medications prescribed by veterinarians.


“Rubble is most likely the oldest cat in the UK. He is still strong and even quite active. Yes, he has blood pressure, but other than that, he's perfectly healthy."


"He enjoys going to the doctor, eating Whiskas Catmilk and Felix, and we've even been promised a free supply of medicine next month as a birthday present."


We are sure that the tailed one is very lucky with his family and we want to wish him good health! Happy birthday Rubble!


Here's how netizens reacted to the cat:

"Blessed is the man who can say, 'He's been my friend for 30 years.' That's wonderful."

"A great cat, indeed. The ancient Egyptians revered cats for a reason. They knew how special they were. I wish him a long life!"

“Isn’t this the case when, after the death of a beloved pet, parents quickly replace it with the same one so as not to upset their child? If so, then I already have a 38-year-old goldfish!”

"How happy I am for them! The cat looks very beautiful and well-groomed at such and such an age."

"A month ago I had to euthanize my cat due to illness. She was already 21 years old... Cats live a long time, as they are very smart creatures!"

"Recently, my cat died at the age of 16. 30 years is a truly impressive figure."

What do you think about the history and age of this cat?

Let's remember the significant events of the distant 1988. In that year, which according to the calendar is exactly comparable to the current year, a huge number of events took place that influenced the fate of the Soviet Union and its people.

On May 29, 1988, Ronald Reagan arrived in the USSR.

The President of the United States arrived on an official visit to the country, which a few years earlier he called the "Evil Empire" and called on the whole world for a crusade against the USSR ... The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere. The Soviet leader suddenly became more accommodating, made unprecedented compromises.
Meeting Gorbachev and Reagan.

1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia.

Meeting of MS Gorbachev with His Holiness Patriarch Pimen and members of the Holy Synod. Kremlin. May 7, 1988

Festive services were celebrated in Moscow churches throughout the week, and on June 11 an all-night vigil was held. Then the celebrations were held in Kyiv, Leningrad and Vladimir, and after June 18 - in the dioceses. After a 70-year period of planting atheism in the country, a new stage began in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church. June 12, 1988 In the Trinity Cathedral of St. Danilov Monastery, the Primates and representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches celebrated the Divine Liturgy and a festive moleben.

May 15, 1988 - the beginning of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

Seeing comrades on their last journey.

The Soviet Union sent troops to Afghanistan in 1979. During the 9 years of the war, about 600,000 Soviet servicemen visited there, more than 15,000 soldiers died and, according to various sources, up to two million Afghans. About 200 Soviet soldiers are still missing. On May 15, 1988, after the Geneva agreements concluded in April on a political settlement of the conflict, the USSR began the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. The last convoy with Soviet troops crossed the Afghan-Soviet border on February 15, 1989.
Soviet troops leave Afghanistan.

March 8 - The Ovechkin family of Soviet musicians hijacked a plane. On March 8, 1988, the passengers of the Tu-154 flying from Irkutsk to Leningrad were in high spirits. They did not yet know that the large Ovechkin family flying with them would hijack the plane in a few hours and demand to fly to London. Ninel Ovechkina and her children also had their own special plan, for which the exemplary family had been preparing for almost half a year - an airplane hijacking and a daring escape from the Soviet Union.

Musical group Seven Simeons.

On June 12, 1988, the final of the first beauty contest "Moscow Beauty" took place.

Masha Kalinina is the first Moscow beauty.

The first Soviet beauty contest was the contest "Moscow Beauty-88", and the first "officially" recognized domestic beauty was the tenth grader Masha Kalinina.

The beginning of the collapse of the USSR.

On November 16, the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR declared sovereignty, which was the beginning of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Rally on November 26, 1988 in Tallinn.

November 16, 1988 - the proclamation of the sovereignty of the Estonian SSR by the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR - the supremacy of the laws of the republic over the laws of the USSR was affirmed. This meant a challenge to the allied leadership and led to the collapse of the USSR. In 1989–90, other republics also proclaimed sovereignty.
People's Front of Tallinn.

A state of emergency has been introduced in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Starting from February 13, 1988, rallies were held every day on Lenin Square in Stepanakert, gathering 40-50 thousand people. The people demanded the withdrawal of Nagorno-Karabakh from Azerbaijan and reunification with Armenia.
Rally in Stepanakert.

The film "The Last Emperor" by Bernardo Bertolucci received 9 Oscars.

Created on a staged scale, the picture of Bernardo Bertolucci, who seemed to have decided to prove that he also knows how to make a magnificent movie designed for the general public, was received with particular enthusiasm in America, where he collected $ 44 million (in terms of 2008, this is $ 74, 3 million). The Last Emperor won nine Oscars (in addition to those already mentioned - awards for film, direction, editing and original music written by an international team consisting of the Japanese Ryuichi Sakamoto, the Englishman David Byrne and the Chinese Su Kon, as well as for the sound). In addition, the tape received many other awards in different countries - from Italy to Japan.

On October 16, the Latin American series Slave Izaura began to be shown on Soviet television for the first time.

Based on a 1976 novel by writer Bernardo Guimarães, this series was our first soap opera experience. The first series was released in the USSR on October 16, 1988. As expected, the series was ideologically consistent: it stigmatized slavery, exposed the aristocracy in an unfavorable light, and put ordinary honest people on a pedestal.

From the "Transcript of the meeting of the Commission of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU for additional study of materials related to the repressions that took place in the period of the 30-40s and early 50s.
“…For the agenda, I would like to consult. There was a lot of talk about the work of the Commission, and the following question hung in the air: why don't we take such a step as canceling the decisions of all the "troikas", since they were illegal as such? But we must be aware that this is a political act. You and I just cannot solve it, I put it on today's preliminary discussion.
Because there are certain contradictions. After all, the “troikas” also convicted persons who were engaged in espionage, banditry, sabotage, etc., that is, practically actions that are subject to criminal law. Then what comes out? We will cancel all the decisions of the "troikas", but then it is necessary to open criminal cases against persons who were involved in criminal cases. Or take the decisive step of canceling the decisions of the "triples" and make a reservation that: "those who have already served time for criminal cases ...", etc. And what happens? Will this be their rehabilitation as well, or what?
Tov. Savinkin N.I. It is necessary for the KGB, and the Prosecutor's Office, and the Ministry of Justice, and the Supreme Court to look.
Tov. Terebilov V.I. All decisions of the "troikas" are subject to review and cancellation, because only legal authorities could accuse. More than 90 percent of these cases do not contain any practical material. We actually rehabilitate on a clean slate, because there are really no charges.
But perhaps this is how to do it: to limit the time - before the start of the war. Because in wartime and after there is a part of such cases, and before the start of the war - I have not yet seen such a case.
But what else bothers me. If we consider it the way we are doing now, then we will disturb the people with these messages for at least 10 years. Let another year, two, three, but you need to finish with these things. It is almost impossible to review each of them individually. At the same time, I have such a political consideration that it is not worth doing this work without end, for a very long time, for many years. Legally, such a solution can be. But, probably, it is necessary to stipulate it for a period: before the start of the war. Moreover, there is another shade. After all, in fact, it will be the abolition by the judiciary of the decisions of non-judicial bodies - this is how we, as it were, make them lawful.
Then. These Special Meetings are a strange thing in general. They consisted of one person - the minister of the NKVD, or, it happened, of two people - the minister of the NKVD and the prosecutor. There were a little more such meetings - deputy. minister, minister of the NKVD and prosecutor.
Tov. Kryuchkov V.A. In essence, we make them a subject of law.
Tov. Yakovlev A.N. Let's think about this issue before the next meeting.
Tov. Chebrikov V.M. Maybe someone will make statistics to see a picture of what kind of volume there is, how many such cases, what they are.
Tov. Terebilov V.I. Today, in Izvestia, the Latvians published a message stating that they are rehabilitating the dispossessed, in fact, they are starting to carry out all this on the ground.
Tov. Pugo B.K. Let's say that before the war is a tempting approach. But in the republics, in the Baltics, this will begin again, as in 1938 - there was also this action.
Tov. Lukyanov A.I. There was a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, by which these "troikas" were legalized. Therefore, we are talking about canceling this decision in essence, recognizing it as invalid. And I'm in favor of doing so - before the war.
Tov. Sukharev A.Ya. It would seem to me that in this case our Commission would have to go to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR with a request to recognize these courts, these "troikas" as illegal. In principle, it is necessary to take such a step in order to make it political.”

Lukyanov A.I. I knew for sure that there were no decisions of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on "troikas". There is only according to the "Special Meeting of the NKVD.

It’s good that they don’t attract for parasitism: prose writers, poets and rockers (as rock musicians were called) could already throw a janitor’s broom, leave stokers and spit on the places of watchmen in kindergartens. This is probably good. But the fact that the standard of living is falling catastrophically is bad. Although we haven't eaten everything yet...

Since the end of November, radio stations "Freedom" and "Free Europe" have ceased to be jammed. Although now few people listened to them ...

The first cooperative banks

In 1988, the first wave of the emergence of cooperative and share commercial banks falls. Their appearance was allowed by paragraph 5 of article 23 of the law "On cooperation in the USSR", adopted on May 26, 1988, and was considered as the beginning of the formation of market relations in the country's economy.

The first cooperative bank "Soyuz" was registered on August 24, 1988 in the city of Chikment (Kazakhstan) with an authorized capital of 1 million rubles. In fact, the first commercial bank was, according to an employee of the State Bank, who oversees the creation of cooperative banks, "a transshipment center in the onion growing business, which then gave big and stable money."

On August 26, the Patent cooperative bank in Leningrad received a banking license. Then two cooperative banks opened in Moscow at once: Moskoopbank and Credit-Moscow, which was declared bankrupt in 2016.

November 11 is considered the founding day of Inkombank, which was once one of the five largest banks in Russia. In 1998 he was declared bankrupt.

On December 6, the commercial bank "Avtobank" appeared on the banking firmament, the leadership of which almost without exception consisted of women. Avtobank positioned itself as the backbone bank of the Russian car industry. After 10 years, the bank had a capital of almost 2 trillion rubles.

In the summer of 1988, the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League came up with the idea of ​​creating its own bank, which would serve the activities of commercial enterprises created on the initiative of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League.

At the end of 1988, under the auspices of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, the Commercial Investment Bank of Scientific and Technical Progress was created - the future bank "Intersectoral Scientific and Technical Programs" (Menatep), one of the founders of which (and chairman of the board) was Mikhail Khodorkovsky, former deputy secretary of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League Committee of Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology.

The next license from the State Bank for No. 42 at the beginning of January 1989 will be received by the Youth Commercial Bank with a controlling stake from the Central Committee of the Komsomol. The Komsomol has clearly changed its ideals. “Enough of life according to Ilyich! Our compass is Profit... Our idol is His Financial Majesty Capital, because he and only he leads to wealth as a norm of life. Enough to live Utopia, the road - to the Cause, which will enrich! These are lines from Khodorkovsky's book The Man with the Ruble (1992).

By December 31, 1988, there were 42 cooperative and commercial banks in the USSR ...

Autumn 1988

In the first days of October, a movement in support of perestroika took shape in Estonia, which received the pretentious name "People's Front". The initial tasks of the movement are to change the forms of government of the republic and the struggle for greater autonomy within the USSR. Even then it was clear that things were moving towards the proclamation of Estonian independence and its secession from the Soviet Union.

On November 16, the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR declared the sovereignty of the republic, that is, the supremacy of local laws over all-Union laws. However, almost three years remained from the declaration of sovereignty to the withdrawal from the USSR in August 1991...

On October 3, by order No. 206 of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, special police units were created, called OMON (Special Purpose Police Detachment). The "special purpose" involved the suppression of riots, national strife and the fight against criminal groups. 19 detachments were formed in three republics, some regions of the country and 12 cities, including Moscow, Leningrad, Minsk, and Riga. It was a forced measure to keep the state within its former borders, to stop the national massacre, to fight crime and mass crimes.

On October 15, No. 1195, the Council of Ministers of the USSR published a resolution "On the issue of securities by enterprises and organizations." And, despite the lack of a securities market, a legal (and economic) framework, the Council of Ministers decided to allow enterprises and organizations that have switched to full self-financing and self-financing to issue two types of shares: distributed among members of the labor collective of an enterprise or organization and among other enterprises and organizations. These shares were not freely available, so they were not shares in their pure form. However, this was the first step towards the privatization of state property and the next step in the economic stratification of society.

On November 15, 1988, the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR "On the creation of a department for combating organized crime" appeared. There was no longer any point in hiding that such a phenomenon did not exist in the Soviet country: the Gorby reforms led to such a sharp deterioration in the criminal situation in the country that almost all citizens of the Soviet country in one way or another encountered the activities of organized criminal groups.

The head of the department was Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Ivanovich Gurov, the same one who gave an interview to Yuri Shchekochikhin about the mafia in the USSR, published in Literaturnaya Gazeta in the summer of 1988.

For a year of work, Gurov's department has collected complete information on all thieves in law and leaders of organized crime groups, but the “face” command has not been received ...

Session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

From November 29 to December 1, the 12th Extraordinary Session of the USSR Supreme Council was held in the Conference Hall of the USSR Supreme Soviet in the Kremlin. .

The following items were on the agenda:

- "On measures to implement political reform in the field of state building";

- "On the elections of people's deputies of the USSR."

As a result, the Laws of the USSR "On Amendments and Additions to the Constitution of the USSR" and "On Elections of People's Deputies of the USSR" were adopted. Both laws worked for the "implementation of political reform in the field of state building."

Bomb for housewives (and not only)

"Slave Isaura" made a real and unexpected sensation in the USSR. When the Slaves were on TV, life on the streets came to a standstill. People were in a hurry to catch the next series in order to again sympathize with the honest girl Isaura (or even shed a tear) and other noble slaves, resent the evil machinations of the shameless and vile rich planter Leoncio and condemn the intrigues of the insidious Rosa and manager Francisco.

The series was a bomb not only for housewives. Everyone (or almost everyone) watched it, regardless of gender and age. And since the Soviet man was brought up in such a way that he took any relationship as close to his heart as personal, and cinematic emotions were perceived by him at face value, there were no indifferent to Brazilian passions among the audience.

Izaura was talked about at work, in public transport, in queues and telephone conversations. For Soviet people who do not understand where the country is heading (and they, along with it), "Slave Izaura" has become, if not a cure, then an outlet. After all, compared with the sorrows of the unfortunate Isaura, the troubles of our citizens were almost nothing.

The success of "Slave Izaura" was overwhelming. Therefore, already at the beginning of 1989, viewers were shown the continuation of the series. By the way, it was after watching “Slave Isaura” that summer cottages and garden plots of six acres began to be ironically called “fazendas” ...

Hostages from the fourth grade

Several TV shows, a sea of ​​publications, a dozen documentaries and one feature film are devoted to this occasion. The case was, indeed, unprecedented in the history of the USSR: on December 1, 1988, in the city of Ordzhonikidze, five terrorists with a criminal record took hostage a whole class of schoolchildren, along with a teacher, by deceiving them into a bus. Only 33 people. Then they made demands: money, weapons and a plane to Israel. All this was given to them in exchange for children.

They all seem to have succeeded. There were no diplomatic relations with Israel, but the fact that the hostages were children influenced the decision of the Israeli authorities. And when the plane with the terrorists landed at the airport near Tel Aviv, the criminals were arrested and, after serving a couple of days in an Israeli prison, were extradited to Moscow on the same plane on which they flew here.

The trial took place next spring. The leader of the gang received 15 years. The remaining participants in the attack - 14 each.

Disaster in Armenia

It was a real national disaster. On December 7, 1988, at about 11 o'clock Moscow time in the north-west of the Armenian SSR, in less than a minute, powerful tremors completely destroyed the city of Spitak and 58 nearby settlements. An earthquake of 7 on the Richter scale was recorded here. The cities of Leninakan, Kirovakan and Stepanavan and about 300 other villages received significant damage. Shaking in Yerevan too. In total, the earthquake covered an area with a population of 1 million people.

In the spring of 1988, the film "Assa" directed by Sergei Solovyov was released on the screens of the country. The format of this film is difficult to determine. Let's just call it drama. It was interesting to watch: the director poked several mysteries and ambiguities in the film, which were just interesting to solve.

"Dog's heart". It was shown on CT in the fall of 1988. Since then, from time to time I review it, because the film turned out to be brilliant. Actually, like the original source of Mikhail Bulgakov. Director Vladimir Bortko managed to cinematically convey the mood and emotions that dominate the story, as well as the atmosphere of the time of the 20s of the last century. The screen adaptation of The Master and Margarita in 2005 by the same Bortko will be different, uneven; in some places more poignant, in places, if not a failure, then with too noticeable conventions that were completely absent in The Heart of a Dog. In addition, the wonderful actor Yevgeny Evstigneev in the role of Professor Preobrazhensky, and, of course, Sharikov himself played by Vladimir Tolokonnikov "contributed" to the success of the film.

And also films were released on the screens of the country: a crime drama and an overtly commercial film "Thieves in Law" by Yuri Kara with the inimitable Valentin Gaft and Anna Samokhina in the lead roles; "Needle" by Rashid Nugmanov with Viktor Tsoi, Peter Mamonov and Alexander Bashirov (also inimitable) and the "Emergency of the district scale", which knocked out the prestige of the entire Lenin Komsomol.

The problematic film on the youth theme “Dear Elena Sergeevna” by Eldar Ryazanov, in which, together with Marina Neelova, the still very young Dmitry Maryanov starred, did not cause much resonance. Well, the blackmailing of the teacher by the students. Well, cynicism. Well, who are you going to surprise now?

I liked the movie "Kill the Dragon" by Mark Zakharov. I love fantasy films. If they are smart. And if such actors as Alexander Abdulov, Evgeny Leonov, Oleg Yankovsky, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Alexander Zbruev, Andrey Tolubeev star in them.

And, of course, we should recall two films that have become iconic in Soviet (and Russian) cinema: “Little Vera” and “My name is Arlekino”. But enough has been written about them...

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