Collection of tests of the exam in Russian. Handbook for preparation for the exam

Handbook for preparation for the exam

Background information to all tasks: 1 - 26. If you do not know something, do not remember, you do not understand, you are here. Simple, available, many examples.

Training Test Task Collection: 1 - 24

Training tests with answers to all tasks


Interactive Course preparation for the exam in Russian. 26 sections. Individual statistics of achievements. Options are formed for each personally at new visits. Fully corresponds to the new format of the USE.

  • Ege-navigator by subscription


Who are interested in training options for the Russian language with answers and comments? Our new series "Ege-replient" for you.

Collection of writings in the Russian language (Task 26)

It is easier to learn how to write essays on the source text, if you know exactly what the requirements of the USE to task 26 in the Russian language. The seals of the graduates shows typical errors and shortcomings.

Final winter essay

All about graduation essay. Concept. Criteria check in school. Evaluation criteria in universities. Sample work.

Workshop on ORFOPII

Nouns from the FII list. How to remember them? Intensive training in interactive form

Helpful information

The word ege acts on people fascinating. Most long before the exam begins to treat him as a fatal line: terrible and inevitable. It seems that the will and the mind of people at the same time are paralyzed ... The distinct images of the conveyor, meat grinders or flow, carrying unfortunately unknown where ... What is the consequence of such a relationship to the upcoming test? Passivity, indifference or, on the contrary, feverish activity, meaningless bustle, excessive nervous tension. Get reliable information about the upcoming exam.

Useless information

Even during difficult or serious work, you can find a reason to joke. Rubric for those who want to relax a little

Self-defense. If you need an appeal

At the appeal is better not to tune in advance. There is such a vitality: often people attract situations about which are too much thinking. The appeal situation is not the most pleasant. I would like you to avoid it. But if the appeal is inevitable, it is better to know how to file it.
Therefore, I consider it important to talk about this topic.

Background information to all tasks: 1 - 26. If you do not know something, do not remember, you do not understand, you are here. Simple, available, many examples.
Author "Director": Kutyreva N. A.

  • Demonstration version of Kimov EGE in Russian 2015

    Delure in the Russian language 2015 in interactive form.
    A demonstration option 2016 years in interactive view with answers and comments

  • Task 1. Information processing of written texts

    What is the main information? How to find it?

  • Task 2. Communication means of proposals in the text

    How to restore the missing text component?

  • Task 3. The lexical meaning of the word

    Multivalued words. How to determine the meaning of such a word in context?

  • Task 4. Orphoepic standards (staging)

    Orphoepic pattern. Effective words and forms of words.

  • Task 5. Lexical norms (the use of words in accordance with the lexical value and required

    What are paronyms? What is difficult in them? List of 2015 words. And interactive dictionary

  • Task 6. Morphological norms (formation of word forms)

    Many tomato? Their order? Pomah? No, no and NO! Ege fights low culture of speech. Find out what forms belong to the mistakes and check ourselves

  • Task 7. Syntactic standards. Norms of coordination. Control rules

    How do we build phrases, do you always comply with the syntactic standards? Find out what errors are allowed most often. IMPORTANT AND FOR EGE, AND LIFE

  • Task 8. Spelling of roots

    Task logic 8. The focus of the root spelling rules that you studied in 1 - 6 classes

  • Task 9. Spelling consoles

    How do Russian consoles write? Apply the rules studied in 1 - 5 classes

  • Task 10. Spelling of suffixes of different parts of speech (except suffixes with n and nn)

    Most suffixes you studied in 5 - 6 classes. We repeat the "necessary" rules

  • Task 11. Spelling of personal endings of verbs and swinging suffixes

    How not to get confused? We offer step-by-step tactics

  • Task 12. Spelling is not

    Traditionally, an incentive topic requiring increased attention

  • Task 13. Fusion, defisc, separate writing words

    Effective words. The main thing is to distinguish homonyms

  • Task 14. Spelling is - and -n - in different parts of speech

    The most mistreatment topic in the school year of the Russian language

  • Task 15. Signs of punctuation in a simple complicated sentence (with homogeneous members). Punctuation in a complex proposal and a simple sentence with homogeneous members.

    Logic task 15. In which sentences you need only one comma?

  • Task 16. Proinition signs in proposals with separate members (definitions, circumstances, applications, additions)

    Separate or not? What are the separations?

  • Task 17. Proinition signs in sentences with words and structures, grammatically not related to members of the sentence

    Introductory words and combinations. Cases of Omonimia. What words are often confused with introductory words?

  • Task 18. Plopania signs in a complex proposal

    A varieties of a complex proposal from the point of view of punctuation. Employment cases

  • 5 best benefits for preparation for the exam in Russian


    russian language and literature teacher

    MBOU "Gymnasium №5" Bryansk

    I will pass the exam! Russian language. Workshop and diagnostics. Tsybulko I.P., Vasilievy I.P., Alexandrov V.N.

    1. I will pass the exam! Russian Jay. Modular course. Practice and diagnostics. Tutorial for general educational organizations. Ed. I.P.Sybulko. M.: "Enlightenment", 2017.-320 s.

    2. Download this manual can be

    3. The material is set out available.

    Professional assessment

    1. The tasks presented in the manual are convenient for understanding, consistent with real kimamam, they can be used in the lessons of the Russian language at the stage of generalizing the material and prepare for the USE, as well as in the independent work of students.

    2. The level of complexity of tasks is different, from basic to elevated complexity.

    3. All the topics of the school year of the Russian language are wide and fully worked.

    5. The material submitted to the manual is conveniently systematized, corresponds to the kimam in the Russian language.

    6. The tests presented in the manual objectively assess the degree of reading of students to the exam.

    7. This manual can be used under the guidance of the teacher from grade 7, separate tasks-from grade 6.

    8. Illustrations and tables, as already noted, absent, but it is not necessary to prepare for the exam in the Russian language.

    9. The allowance is quite expensive, the minimum cost is 320 rubles. Us, teachers of the Russian language, it is known that all the books I.P.TSybulkoit is more expensive than other authors, and we understand why. I.P.TSybulko heads Federal Commission of Developers of Control Measuring Materials in the Russian Language and is not shy of successfully and expensive to sell its books.


    1. This manual can be used for self-preparation, for frontal work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. A system of homework from the lesson to the lesson is especially interesting to the manual, the execution of which provides both repetition and a leading acquaintance with the material.

    3. The benefits, as already mentioned, high.

    5. All the skills that are checked for the exam in the Russian language forms this manual. I would like to note the rich material for checking the morphological and syntactic standards. For porous manuals, it is also possible to organize effective work on the writing in the format of the EGE. The manual contains a rich selection of modern texts, the algorithm for performing tasks for writing creative work.

    6. Chances of getting a high score on the exam, if you have a good preparation for this manual, great, but provided that the work will be kept under the guidance of the teacher. Relying only on independent training on this manual is not worth it.

    Ege. Russian language. Independent preparation for the exam. Highest mark.

    1. Russian language. Independent preparation for the exam. Highest mark.Syrava G.T., Serebryakova O.A.M.: "Exam", 2017.-352 p.

    3. The material is described available, I would like to note the richest theoretical material, the glossary of the term EGE.

    4. Registration of art. There are no illustrations that are guided methodally.

    5. Offset paper, offset printing.

    Professional assessment

    1. The tasks presented in the manual are convenient for understanding that correspond to real kimam The manual is intended to teachers using tests to prepare students for a single state exam, it can also be used by students for self-preparation and self-control. With the help of the manual, the teacher can organize a system of homework, which will make the necessary skills, first of all the revised.

    3. All the topics of the school course of the Russian language have been worked out widely and fully, the unconditional merit of the authors is the serious study of topics in morphology, which is largely overlooking the scam, but necessary for the formation of common grammatical thinking.

    4. Comments to the answers are understandable and accessible to schoolchildren.

    7. This manual can be used under the guidance of the teacher from grade 7, individual tasks, in particular, the spelling of the roots and consoles, from grade 5. Especially valuable for teacher-practice may be material on spelling, in particular, the spelling of homonymous parts of speech. This material can be used by the teacher in the lessons starting from grade 7.

    8. The illustrations, as already noted, are absent, but it is not necessary to prepare for the exam in the Russian language. The schemes and tables presented in the theoretical part allow you to visually familiarize yourself with the material studied, are appropriate and methodically literate.

    9. The cost of benefits and the benefits of its practical application are correct, the average cost of 260 rubles.


    1. This manual can be used for self-preparation, for frontal work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. Especially valuable in the manual seems to study by themes on morphology, these materials can be used on average when preparing for olympiads and intellectual marathons, in extracurricular work.

    2. Parents, far from the exam and Russian, most likely, will be difficult to check, using this manual, how a child is coping with the exam preparation.

    4. The manual complies with all the latest requirements of the EGE.

    5. All the skills that are checked for the exam in the Russian language forms this manual. I would like to note a rich material for checking the morphological and orthoepic standards, to study and consolidate the topics by vocabulary.

    Ege 2017. Russian. 50 options for typical test tasks.Vasilievy I.P., Gostev Yu.N., Lvov V.V.

    1.Eye. -2017 . Russian language. 50 options for typical text tasks.Vasilievy I.P., Gus, Yu.N., Lvov V.V.,M.: Publisher "Exam", 2017.. -488 p.

    2. Download this manual can

    provides readers information about the structure and content of KIM in the Russian language, the degree of difficulty of tasks.

    4. Registration of art. There are no illustrations that are guided methodally.

    5. Offset paper, offset printing.

    Professional assessment

    1. The tasks presented in the manual are convenient for understanding, correspond to real kimamthere are answers to all test options, comments to the answers; Samples of forms used on the exam to record responses. The manual is intended to teachers using tests to prepare students for a single state exam, it can also be used by students for self-preparation and self-control. With the help of the manual, the teacher can organize a system of homework, which will make the necessary skills. Especially valuable is the material with the answers to the task 24. The table presents an exemplary circle of problems and the position of the author, which will allow students to be correctly nourished in the texts, competently write an essay, following the algorithm.

    4. Comments to the answers are understandable and accessible to schoolchildren.

    5. The material implemented in the manual is systematized convenient, corresponds to kimam in the Russian language.

    6. The tests are present in the manual objectively assess the degree of student preparedness to the exam.

    7. This manual can be used under the guidance of the teacher from grade 7.

    9. The cost of benefits and the benefits of its practical application are correct, the average cost of 230 rubles.


    1. This manual can be used for self-preparation, for frontal work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. Especially valuable in the manual seems to select texts, they are understandable to modern schoolchildren, the problems raised in them are relevant, interesting to high school students.

    3. The price of the benefit and the benefits of its application, as already mentioned, are correctly correlated.

    4. The manual complies with all the latest requirements of the EGE.

    6. Chances of getting a high score on the exam, if you have a good preparation for this manual, great, but provided that the work will be kept under the guidance of the teacher. Alternatively, it is not necessary to rely on independent training on this manual, it is not necessary to consider this manual and as the only one in preparation for the exam, because comments to the answers are given only to two options (No. 20 and 31), which is certainly not enough to prepare for exam.

    Ege 2017. Russian. A complex of materials for the preparation of students. Drabkin S.V., Subbotin D.I.

    1. Drabkina S.V. Ege.Russian language. A set of events for the preparation of students. Tutorial.-M.: Intellect-Center, 2017.-320 p.

    2. Download this manual can

    3. The manual sets out theoretical material in the most structured form, which allows you to independently master the topics in the Russian language.

    4. Registration of art. There are no illustrations that are guided methodally.

    5. Offset paper, offset printing.

    Professional assessment

    1. This manual presents a phased preparation system for the exam in the Russian language, providing first, acquaintance with the content of examination tasks, secondly, algorithms and reasoning samples for their correct decision. The manual contains logically a sequence of actions required to select the correct response given in the form of algorithms. Typical errors are considered that students are allowed when performing tasks. The methodological recommendations for writing an essay-reasoning are given samples of essays. A set of typical training tasks with guidelines and answers allows you to consolidate the knowledge gained and prepare for the surge of the Russian language. The manual placed exemplary options of the exam, 2017. The manual is addressed to high school students, independently or under the guidance of the teacher who is preparing for the exam. It can be used by a teacher in practical work when working out the necessary skills in the Russian language.

    2. The level of complexity of tasks is different, from basic to elevated complexity, work with a manual will provide both overcoming the minimum threshold and obtaining a high score on the exam.

    3. All the topics of the school year of the Russian language are worked out wide and fully, the unconditional merit of the authors is a detailed commentary on solving such complex themes as "identifying the main information contained in the text", "means of communication of proposals in the text", "contextual definition of lexical meaning of multivalued words. "

    4. Comments to the answers are understandable and accessible to schoolchildren, the assignment algorithm is shown step by step, a sample of the application of the algorithm, comment on the task is presented, there are tasks for independent work.

    5. The material implemented in the manual is systematized convenient, corresponds to kimam in the Russian language.

    6. The tests are present in the manual objectively assess the degree of student preparedness to the exam.

    7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher from grade 8, the theoretical material can be represented by students from grade 7, in particular, the assignment algorithm and comment on them.

    8. The illustrations, as already noted, are absent, but it is not necessary to prepare for the exam in the Russian language. The schemes and tables presented in the theoretical part allow you to visually familiarize yourself with the material studied, are appropriate and methodically literate. In the manual there are tables missing in many other benefits.

    9. The cost of benefits and the benefits of its practical application are correct, the average cost of 300 rubles.


    1. This manual can be used for independent training of students, a teacher for the organization of frontal, pair and individual work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. Particularly valuable in the manual seems to be theoretical material, assignment algorithms, these materials can be used on average when preparing for Olympiads and intelligent marathons, in extracurricular work.

    2. Parents can be used by this manual, check how the child copes with the exam preparation.

    3. The price of the benefit and the benefits of its application, as already mentioned, are correctly correlated.

    4. The manual complies with all the latest requirements of the EGE.

    5. All the skills that are checked for the exam in the Russian language forms this manual. I would like to note a rich theoretical material on all themes of the exam.

    6. Chances of getting a high score on the exam, if you have a good preparation for this manual, great, but provided that the work will be kept under the guidance of the teacher.

    Ege 2017. Russian. 1000 tasks with answers. All tasks of part 1. Syrava G.T.

    1. Egoryeva E.G. EGE: 1000 tasks with answers. All tasks of part 1. -M.: Publisher "Exam", 2017..-415 s.

    2. Download this manual can

    3. The material is set out available, It will help students not only to summarize and systematize the knowledge gained in all sections of the language science, but also to evaluate their level of preparation for the upcoming exam.

    4. Registration of art. There are no illustrations that are guided methodally.

    5. Offset paper, offset printing.

    Professional assessment

    1. The collection contains a large number of tasks corresponding to the demoment of control measuring materials of the exam in the Russian language of 2017, solving which graduates will be able to acquire practical skills to fulfill the tasks of the exam and in the minimum time to eliminate existing gaps in knowledge. The manual is intended to teachers using tests to prepare students for a single state exam, it can also be used by students for self-preparation and self-control. With the help of the manual, the teacher can organize a system of homework, which will make the necessary skills.

    2. The level of complexity of tasks average, however, work with the manual will ensure not only overcoming the minimum threshold, but also to obtain a high score on the exam.

    3. All the topics of the school year of the Russian language are worked out widely and fully, in strict accordance with the kimami exam.

    4. Comments to the answers are understandable and accessible to schoolchildren.

    5. The material implemented in the manual is systematized convenient, corresponds to kimam in the Russian language.

    6. The tests are present in the manual objectively assess the degree of student preparedness to the exam.

    7. This manual can be used under the guidance of the teacher from grade 5.

    8. The illustrations, as already noted, are absent, but it is not necessary to prepare for the exam in the Russian language.

    9. The cost of benefits and the benefits of its practical application are correct, the average cost of 200 rubles.


    1. This manual can be used for independent training of high school students, for front work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. Especially valuable in the manual seems to selection of tasks for the development of morphological and syntactic standards.

    2. Parents are likely to be difficult to check using this manual how a child is coping with the exam preparation.

    3. The price of the benefit and the benefits of its application, as already mentioned, are correctly correlated.

    4. The manual complies with all the latest requirements of the EGE.

    5. All the skills that are checked for the exam in the Russian language forms this manual.

    6. Chances of getting a high score on the exam, if you have a good preparation for this manual, great, but provided that the work will be kept under the guidance of the teacher. It is not necessary to rely on independent training on this manual, it is not necessary to also consider this manual and as the only one in preparation for the exam.

    Training tests with answers to all tasks.

    • Demo version (demonstration) FIPI EGE in Russian 2016 with answers and comments

      FII DEVELIA 2016 in interactive view with answers and comments

    • Task 1. Information processing of written texts

      Exercise 1 Checks the ability to work with the information contained in the short text.
      No knowledge is required. You only need to carefully read and comprehend the text, and then relate your understanding with the proposed wording

    • Task 2. Communication means of proposals in the text

      In task 2. It is necessary that the text and the nuances of the meaning of meaning, restore the missing semantic component. It is expressed by a word or a combination of words proposed for choice

    • Task 3. The lexical meaning of the word

      It would seem that the usual words: Cup, product, show, number, approach ...But all these words are meaningful, and to determine in which of the meanings presented in the dictionary, they are used in the proposed texts, may not be just

    • Task 4. Orphoepic standards (staging)

      Task 4. Checks the ownership of orthoepic (accentological) standards. Know, due to the many causes of the bug on the emphasis, not uncommon. Often people do not suspect that they put the emphasis incorrectly. The volume of words is determined by the list of phii

    • Task 5. Lexic standards (the use of words in accordance with the lexical value and the requirement of lexical compatibility)

      Task 5. dedicated to the use of words-paronyms. Prepare will help In it will find the interpretation of values \u200b\u200band examples of the lexical combination of words

    • Task 6. Morphological norms (formation of word forms)

      Task 6. One of the most complex and voluminous tasks. You need to know typical mistakes in the formation of forms of nouns, adjectives, numerical, pronouns, impoverished, verbs and be able to notice them in a number of examples proposed for analysis

    • Task 7. Syntactic standards. Norms of coordination. Control rules

      Task 7. introduced in 2015. In the 2016 EGE version, changes have been made. We offer you already updated training options for task 7. Remember: it can bring as many as 5 points. Therefore, it requires special attention when preparing

    • Task 8. Spelling of roots

      Task 8. - A simple task in which it is necessary to correctly define the spell "Verse-Vladen" or, picking up the test word, correctly burn the selected word in the answer

    • Task 9. Spelling consoles

      Task 9. Volumenny, but unearned. The spelling of the consoles is checked. Recall how Russian consoles are written

    • Task 10. Spelling of suffixes of different parts of speech (except suffixes with n and nn)

      Task 10. Volumenny, but unearned. The spelling of suffixes is checked. Recall how Russian suffixes are written

    • Task 11. Spelling of personal endings of verbs and swinging suffixes

      Task 11. Requires attention. If in the tests you allow mistakes, get acquainted with step-by-step tactics. For this, see a reference book for preparation for the exam

    • Task 12. Spelling is not

      Task 12. requires understanding the topic, attention and knowledge, in what cases is no or neither becomes a prefix

    • Task 13. Fusion, defisc, separate writing words

      To perform task 13 we need to remember the basic rules for the fusion, separate and dephysic writing words and learn to distinguish between homonyms

    • Task 14. Spelling is - and -n - in different parts of speech

      Task 14. encompasses a number of rules for writing H and NN. This is one of the most mistakes. Requires attention and knowledge

    • Task 15. Signs of punctuation in a simple complicated sentence (with homogeneous members). Punctuation in a complex proposal and a simple sentence with homogeneous members.

      For task 15. You can get 2 source points. To do this, it is necessary to correctly arrange the punctuation marks in five sentences and choose two of them in which only one comma is needed.

    • Task 16. Proinition signs in proposals with separate members (definitions, circumstances, applications, additions)

      Task 16. - One of the complex. Find out what isolation and what types of samples are found in Kima

    • Task 17. Proinition signs in sentences with words and structures, grammatically not related to members of the sentence

      Task 17. Checks the ability to learn the introductory words and combinations and not the path with the homonymic members of the sentence. Recall the lists of inner words. Find out which words are not introductory

    • Task 18. Plopania signs in a complex proposal

      Task 18. Dedicated to the punctuation design of complex proposals. Consider various cases found in Kima

Latest section materials:

In the word My all the consonant sounds are ringing
In the word My all the consonant sounds are ringing

Answers: 1 - b; 2 - in, e; 3 - a, g; 4 - b, d; 5 B; 6 - g; 7 - b; 8 - 1) a, 2) a, 3) b, 4) b; 9 - a; 10 - b; 11 - 1) b, 2) a, 3) b, ...

In the word My all consonant sounds ringing consonants sounds ringing missile flag war victory
In the word My all consonant sounds ringing consonants sounds ringing missile flag war victory

Answers: 1 - b; 2 - in, e; 3 - a, g; 4 - b, d; 5 B; 6 - g; 7 - b; 8 - 1) a, 2) a, 3) b, 4) b; 9 - a; 10 - b; 11 - 1) b, 2) a, 3) b, ...

Handbook for preparation for the exam
Handbook for preparation for the exam

Handbook to prepare for Essailing information to all tasks: 1 - 26. If you don't know something, do not remember, you do not understand, you are here ....