Mercury retrograde in a year.

In 2018, all fast planets will go through retrograde periods, which does not happen every year. If you don’t have to get used to us, it happens retrograde 3-4 times a year for 20 days, then a rarer occurrence, it happens retrograde once every 2 years, for 80 days. Retrograde of Venus occurs about once every year and a half and lasts about 40 days. The social planets - Jupiter and the higher planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto become retrograde every year. Let me remind you that the Sun and Moon are never retrograde.

Thus, in the coming year we have the entire set of retrograde periods of the planets. This indicates the exacerbation of old problems that will require new solutions. This also gives the possibility of complex karmic scenarios in 2018, especially in the period from June-August 2018.

The table below gives the most important aspects of 2018 andthe retro periods of all planets in 2018 are given, but in order to interpret them more accurately, you need to understand the specifics of retrograde periods and their phases.

Retrograde movement or movement back is not a real, but a path of the planet visible from the Earth. The retrograde effect occurs due to the difference in the speeds of the Earth and the planet relative to the Sun.When we interpret the transit of a retrograde planet, we are not only dealing with the retrograde phase itself, but we are considering the entire retro period, which is called the “retrograde loop”. Retrograde loops of planets are longer periods of time than the distance from point R to point D. They cover the entire segment of the Zodiac in degrees, in which the planet passes the retrograde path. The countdown of the retrograde loop begins from the moment when the direct planet enters the degree of the sign, to which it will return at its extreme point of retrograde, turning to the direct movement - D. And the exit from the loop is the time when the planet passes through the degree from which retrograde movement began - R.

Entering the retrograde phase, the planet slows down to stationarity (stop - SR), and slowly turning around, returns along the recently passed segment of the sign - (R), so that at the end of the retrograde period, stop again - (SD) and turn to the direct line (D) movement along a path already traveled twice.

Retrograde periods and decision making

In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac, which it has already passed in its direct motion. From an esoteric point of view, this is a return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained, slowing down in business. Therefore, when the fast planets are retrograde: , and , the beginning of fundamentally new affairs and projects designed for the future is not recommended, such an undertaking comes with difficulties, complications, and does not give the result that a person is counting on. At such a time, external conditions, laws, circumstances change, they will not remain the same and familiar, but they have not yet been determined. During the retro periods of personal planets, we do not have all the information necessary for an adequate assessment. It is unsafe to draw final conclusions and make decisions at such a time - the situation, circumstances will change, and the decision made may turn out to be erroneous.

During periods of retrograde, long overdue cases are often launched, which for various reasons were postponed and not resolved. At this time, there is a return to solving old problems and issues. The event itself may not occur directly on the loop, but it is formed on the loop, but occurs after the retrograde phase. Under such conditions, this is the most “safe” scenario for resolving issues and developing the situation. Making its way through one sector of the Zodiac three times, the planet poses a problem - during the first passage (1), calls to look for ways to solve it - during retrograde passage (2) and gives a way out of the situation and a solution in a new way - during the third, direct passage through that same plot (3).

When the inner planets - Mercury and Venus - become retrograde, they begin to go into conjunction with the Sun. The conjunction of retrograde or with the Sun is the "lower conjunction" - NS. This is a symbolic new moon, the beginning of their cycles with the Sun - a time of awareness of ongoing events on the topic of the planet, their behavior, their mental and communicative approaches (), or their emotional reactions, values ​​\u200b\u200band attachments (). If during this period there are repetitions of already former troubles, it is necessary to consider their cause, and at the point of “lower connection” an answer will come, a new way of solving problems on the topic of the planet will open, which we can use in the future. At the stage from the “bottom connection” to the return to directness (SD) - all forces must be directed to solving old cases, repaying debts, and putting an end to lingering problems. The next stage of the retro-loop - from the beginning of directness to the exit from the loop - at this time there is a set of potential, preparation for new steps, thinking about new ideas for or awareness of emotional preferences, values ​​and ways to achieve inner harmony, ethical principles for. At this stage, you need to complete unresolved problems, relationships that need to end, as unresolved problems and imperfections will move into the next cycle. The conjunction of the Sun with direct Mercury or Venus is the "upper conjunction" - BC - the symbolic full moon of the cycle.

When the outer planets - Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto become retrograde, they begin to go into opposition with the Sun. The planet's opposition to the Sun is the symbolic full moon phase of their cycle and an important transit period to pay attention to. The sun - "consciousness, individuality" and the principle of the planet at this time are separated by poles in our consciousness. This is the culmination of the cycle of the planet and the Sun, and the culmination of the themes and situations of this cycle, the period of awareness of non-constructive approaches, the revision and definition of new approaches. This period provides an opportunity to realize which of our habitual reactions and ways of implementing the planetary principle must be revised in order to remain adequate and effective.

On retro periods, repetition of the action can be successful. For example, a couple had a fictitious divorce and remarried on Mercury retrograde. Since then, for 21 years they have been living in a strong marriage.


When analyzing the transit of a personal retro-planet on the natal chart, the planetary status of the planets should be taken into account. The fast planets are in "subordination" to the slow ones. A personal planet can realize the tasks set by the parallel transit of a slow planet, i.e. against the background of social conditions created by the loops of slow planets - Jupiter, Saturn, etc., an opportunity is created for the event to be realized on a personal level.

It is important to observe during what exact transits of slow planets the aspect of a personal planet goes in a retro-loop to the natal chart. Look at which house of your natal chart Mercury or Mars retrograde is transiting. Is there a connection with the natal planet, ASC or MC? What aspects will the planets make while in the loop and what events will take place in your life? All this will help you to understand the transit cycle of Mercury and Mars more personally for you personally, and will be a good practical experience in studying transits and in mastering forecasting techniques.

● Below are the upcoming retrograde periods of the planets in 2018. Dates and times indicate when a planet enters a retrograde loop, when it turns retrograde (SR), when it returns to direct motion (SD), and when it exits a retrograde loop. Degrees and days near (SR) and (SD) are days of stop. The important aspects of the planets during the year are also given.

GMT time. For Kyiv we add +2 in winter and +3 in summertime, for Moscow +3 all year round.

Retrograde periods of the planets in 2018

Mercury retrograde periods 2018

There are 3-4 retrograde periods of Mercury every year. In 2018 there will be 3 retrograde periods of Mercury. Now more about the dates of the onset of retrograde (SR) and the transition to directness (SD), as well as the dates of entry and exit from the retro loops (in the table, the designation R-loop).

July 07 Mercury enters the R-loop
July 26 at 04:57 at 23°27" Leo - SR
August 19 at 04:20 Mercury becomes direct at 11°31" Leo - SD
September 02 Mercury exits the R-loop

III. Mercury retrograde from November 17 to December 06 in Sagittarius and Scorpio

01 December at 11:13 returns to Scorpio
December 06 at 21:17 Mercury direct at 27°16" Scorpio – SD

Important aspects of Mercury in 2018:

Venus will be retrograde from October 05 to November 16, 2018 in Scorpio and Libra

Important aspects of Venus in 2018:

Mars will be retrograde from June 26 to August 27, 2018 in Aquarius and Capricorn

Important aspects of Mars in 2018:

A planet's retrograde is its apparent reverse motion across the sky as observed from Earth. In reality, the planets never move backwards on their way around the Sun, however we live on Earth and judge things from an earthly point of view.

In the past, astrologers believed that the reverse movement of the planets brings bad luck, because it goes against the natural order - the movement forward. But now the prevailing view is that a retrograde planet does not necessarily bring something bad. Rather, it provides a chance to recognize, understand and correct past mistakes.

There are eight retrograde planets in 2018: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. The influence of a retrograde planet is individual for everyone, since it matters which house of the natal chart the retrograde loop falls into. You should also consider what aspects make the stationarity points of the planets to the personal planets of the natal chart.

Mercury retrograde

Mercury goes into retrograde motion three times a year, for a period of 19 to 24 days. In 2018, there are three periods of retro Mercury. In parentheses are the degrees of stationarity of the planet.

As a communication planet, Mercury retrograde creates a certain level of turmoil in the areas it is in charge of: negotiations, buying and selling, contracts, documents, travel, transportation, mail, etc. Mercury governs our mind - how we perceive and interpret the information we receive from the environment, how we transmit this information to others.

At this time, mistakes, misunderstandings, problems in the field of communications and transport are likely. It is not recommended to sign important contracts, buy expensive things (especially communications equipment and vehicles), start new projects, open a business. However, Mercury retrograde is good for planning, getting back to work in progress, and preparing for what comes next.

Retrograde Venus

Venus goes retrograde every 18 months, with a retrograde period of about 6 weeks. In 2018, Venus stops on October 5 at 10° 50' Scorpio, goes back to 25° 15' Libra, and resumes direct movement on November 16.

As the planet of love and values, Venus retrograde gives us the opportunity to re-evaluate what we value - love and marital relationships, personal preferences and affections. These periods are considered by most astrologers to be unsuitable for marriage and the beginning of a new relationship. However, the resumption of old relations is quite likely. It is undesirable to make important decisions regarding finances. delays and confusion in financial affairs are possible. It is not recommended to make investments on retro Venus, because what money was invested in may subsequently fall in value.

Retrograde Mars

Mars goes retrograde every two years for a period of 55 to 80 days. In 2018, the planet moves back from June 26 (9° 13' Aquarius) to August 29 (28° 37' Capricorn).

When Mars is direct, it is active and energetic, but when Mars is retro, its energy is essentially turned inward and action becomes difficult. Travel can be delayed, repairs left unfinished, new ventures unprofitable, etc.

Retrograde Jupiter

Jupiter goes retrograde every year for about 120 days. In 2018, this planet turns retrograde on March 8 at 23°13' Scorpio, then on July 10, returning to 13°20' Scorpio, turns into a direct direction.

Retro Jupiter can create confusion and confusion in the areas it is responsible for: legal affairs, higher education, travel, research, foreign relations. However, there are also some benefits. While Jupiter is moving back, it is good to reconsider your views on life, ideals and beliefs. Retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio awakens interest in metaphysics and mysterious phenomena, perhaps the occult and magic.

Retrograde Saturn

Saturn moves back each year for about 140 days. In 2018, Saturn turns retrograde on April 17 at 9° 8' Capricorn. The end of the retro Saturn period is September 7 at 2°32' Capricorn.

At this time, the amount of responsibility may increase, creating a feeling of heaviness. However, this is a good time to work on long-term plans and work out a strategy to overcome obstacles.

Retrograde Uranus

Uranus moves backward every year for about 148 days. Uranus retrograde period from August 8, 2018 (2°33' Taurus) to January 6, 2019 (28°35') Aries.

Strange and unusual events are possible that will change the picture of the world. Inner freedom is in the spotlight, your personality is undergoing changes, so that those close to you do not know what to expect from you.

Retrograde Neptune

Neptune goes into retrograde every year for a period of about 150 days. In 2018, this happens from June 18 (16°29' Pisces) to November 25 (13°41' Pisces).

Retro Neptune draws attention to spirituality and inner peace. New dreams and desires appear, but most of them are not destined to come true, because Neptune is the master of illusions. The influence of Neptune in Pisces is confusing, dissolving the boundaries of reality. Stay practical and work on what is reasonable and achievable.

Retrograde Pluto

Pluto goes retrograde every year for 5 or 6 months. In 2018, the planet moves back from April 21st (21°17' Capricorn) to October 1st (18°45' Capricorn).

At this time, it is good to think about what your relationship is with the people and structures that have power over you. Pluto is associated with transformation, so painful topics can rise to the surface. As a result, you will become aware of your true motivation and deepest needs, although this is not always pleasant.

Responsible for success in business and communication between people, the planet will reverse for the third time at the end of November. Mercury retrograde in November 2018 will be most acutely felt by people born under the signs of Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.

For them, this will be a real test of strength and an opportunity to reach a new social level. But everyone else should prepare for a period of instability, when instead of some planned events, others will occur.

Mercury retrograde 2018: exact dates and times

Already on Monday, October 29, 2018, Mercury will significantly slow down and enter the retro loop under the sign of Scorpio, which will negatively affect the rhythm of life and relationships between people. The fastest planet in the solar system dictates its own laws of life for people and it is very important to know what not to do during this period:

  • Planning a wedding, divorce or engagement;
  • Acquisition of real estate or equipment for the home;
  • Go on a business trip.

People will face distorted information and the need to redo the work that has been done before. The blame for everything will be haste and the desire to embrace the immensity, which will have a bad effect on the quality of work.

From November 17, 2018, Mercury retrograde will begin to actively slow down those processes that were previously considered to be well established. This is a good time for a change of scenery, vacation, vacation or a little rest from everyday worries. Until the end of the month, the general tension of the situation will remain, fraught with scandals, a showdown and a desire to achieve what is desired by force.

From December 6, 2018, Mercury retrograde will be in the sign of Sagittarius, causing confrontations between lovers and temporary difficulties in communication. It is unlikely that it will be possible to start a new relationship at this time, the main thing is to save what you already have.

Only at the end of the Year of the Yellow Dog on December 24, 2018, Mercury will completely exit the distorted stream, giving people the opportunity to improve their financial well-being and pay off old debts.

Mercury retrograde 2018: what can be done

This is a great time to rebuild relationships, start repairs, resell things, and return to those you appreciate and love. Mercury retrograde 2018 will help to glue previously broken ties, restore justice, and find lost things.

On this day, you can plan trips to relatives, visits to places that are dear to your heart for some reason, purchase of antiques and general cleaning of the house. In the period from November 17 to December 24, 2018, information that you could hardly perceive before will be perfectly absorbed. Success will be brought by things bought at a sale or through private announcements: you can buy a good quality product at the lowest price.

The real favorites of Fortune will be those who decide to tie the knot with a person for the second time. This may be a remarriage or a return to the family, it is possible that those couples who previously lived in a civil marriage will start a trip to the registry office.

You can make a real journey into the past and visit friends with whom life connected you at school, college or in your youth. Then the feeling of deja vu will be a joy and even give impetus to the creation of new partnerships.

Retrograde planets in 2018

The last month of autumn will make many people feel nostalgic for the people, events and things that have passed away due to the coincidence of the retrograde period of two planets at once. So, the retrograde Venus in October 2018 will completely leave the retro-loop only by December 18. Such a combination of two important planets will double all negative trends for lovers, businessmen and adventurers.

This is not the time for adventures and risky operations, as your excessive desire for innovative change may be misunderstood by others. In the days of November, when Mercury is retrograde in 2018, politicians and entrepreneurs who know how to present the values ​​of past years in a favorable light, using the classic formulations of relationships and demonstratively highlighting family traditions as a priority, will take to the crest of the wave.

People will tend to choose calm, predictable leaders who know how to use the experience of the past, revive old foundations and give people hope for regaining previously lost greatness. In this light, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who dreams of the revival of the USSR, and Donald Trump, who promises to make America great again, will be in a very advantageous position.

They will be expected to pay more attention to the pressing problems of their citizens and to renounce aggressive foreign policy. Such trends will force them to reduce funding for projects in other countries and direct cash flows to the benefit of their countries.

The impact of retrograde planets in 2018 on business

If we talk about the sphere of finance, then the retrograde Mercury of 2018 can negatively affect those who prefer to buy currency and give excellent earnings to those who will be able to profitably sell what they bought in a more favorable period of time.

It can be predicted that the dollar and the euro will rise again in price, so it is not recommended to buy foreign banknotes during the retrograde period of Mercury and Venus in 2018. But you can safely invest in goods, construction, repairs, all this will result in additional profit in the future.

The influence of retrograde planets in 2018 on business will result in the need to re-sign deals, re-issue permits, finish the work that has been haunting you for a long period of time.

During the period when Mercury retrograde in 2018, you can turn to fortune tellers or clairvoyants for help in order to remove negativity from your life and remove programs that block progress towards the goal. The spell will help charge amulets with positive energy, the most powerful of which are aquamarine, amazonite, blue lace agate, hematite, fluorite, smoky quartz and black tourmaline.

The last period of Mercury retrograde in 2018 will bring a lot of news related to a new look at old traditions. In the period from November 17 to December 24, 2018, the focus will be on couples who previously broke off relations for some reason, and now decide to reunite their destinies. People will watch old movies with interest, actively buy used things, and also try to reanimate relationships with previously objectionable lovers.

In contact with

The retrograde movement of the planets does not mean that the planets change direction. But to an observer on Earth, the wheel appears to be spinning in the opposite direction. The energy radiation of the planets is refracted. It has been noticed that during the period of retrograde motion, the radiation of the energy of the planets - the communications of Mercury, the feelings and finances of Venus, the activity or aggression of Mars comes in a distorted, unusual format.

So, retrograde Mercury affects the failures of equipment to work, delays correspondence, distorts the meaning of what was said.

Venus in retrograde makes you remember past feelings, ignoring the present, and also slows down the flow of funds and proceeds from the work you have begun.

Retrograde Mars is quite rare, but a long-lasting phenomenon. This period is marked by an increase in the level of aggressiveness, refusal to fulfill obligations and contradictions leading to quarrels and ending relationships.

To reduce or completely avoid the negative influence in these areas, you should rely on your Sun, see the big picture and not lose sight of personal development goals. Mercury, Venus and Mars serve the luminaries and cannot interfere with the fulfillment of the main mission.

So, it is worth preparing mentally for the upcoming adventures in, helping others to overcome circumstances and embarrassment. Remember - the owners of the retrograde position of the planet in the horoscope will be able to help others more and feel more confident in the appropriate periods.

Mercury retrograde

Already on March 9, Mercury will slow down, returning to normal movement only on May 3. The Aries sign is conducive to expansion, hooliganism and requires a breakthrough in new business. Therefore, the keywords for this period are we are not in a hurry, we control aggression, we pacify and strictly educate the inner child. Haste is the main drawback of the sign of the fire element. Demanding immediate gratification or a response can upset any balance - both in relationships and in business. Success is not far off, but the smart ones do not climb on the rampage, look for workarounds and take care of the rear.

A complete retrograde loop covers the period from July 7 to September 2. Key words for the Leo sign - do not be cruel, do not control, do not give attention and other things for nothing, always set a reasonable price, do not burn those around you with your ego. Carefully collect information and do not close the process on yourself, because it is easy to burn out doing everything alone.

On October 29, Mercury enters a retrograde loop. On December 24th, it will completely come out of the distorted stream. You should not strive after ideas without preparing the material ground. The return of Mercury in Scorpio advises to carefully check the financial justification of new ideas, partnerships. It is more important than ever to pay off your debts. During this period, it is good to repair, resell, return to your favorite places and to your favorite people.

Retrograde Venus

On September 3, Venus will enter a retrograde motion loop. The previous period of retrograde movement of Venus fell on March-April 2017. The sphere of influence of Venus is feelings, social behavior, finances and ways to earn and spend. This is a time of nostalgia for past relationships, lost love, desires to return to the past, to rejuvenate.

The signs of Scorpio and Libra suggest that the main theme of Venus will be sex, money and the legality of owning both. Key words for this period - do not fall into the excitement of love, check the reliability and legitimacy of our connections and incomes, pay on time, find a balance in relations with others and bring harmony to those areas where we made a mistake or lost ourselves. The return and absolution of sins, the rejection of selfish impulses in favor of universal harmony. Leave to stay. To return the sparks of love to yourself, to get the remaining financial opportunities in order to start the new year with a sense of fullness and harmony. On December 18, Venus will exit the retrograde loop to usher in a new phase of life.

Retrograde Mars

An unpleasant long period, especially for men, repeating every two years. During this time, it is possible to carry out personnel changes, stop the unfavorable course of the process, change their environment and abandon costly expansion. On May 12, Mars will slowly begin to move into a retrograde loop.

It is the unhurried movement of the planet that delays appointments, profits, postpones moving and everything related to appropriation - be it relationships or property issues. In August, Mars will return from the sign of Aquarius, which determines with whom we work, live and make friends, into the sign of Capricorn, which requires the system as a whole to be adjusted. Capricorn is ambitious, hardworking and practical.

It is likely that Mars retrograde in Capricorn can help clear the space of utopian ideas and personalities. Mars is dangerous because conflicts escalate in a retrograde, energy is directed in the wrong direction, wasted. Therefore, the key words for this long period are not in a hurry to believe in a word, actions are more important than words, aggression kills love and spirituality, anger destroys the body and soul. It is good to repair, restore, return to old proven relationships, visit favorite places and recover physically, giving up excesses. The world can wait until the system of interconnections receives a material basis and legal status.

Only by October 8 can we be sure that we have made every effort for positive changes and a rebuilt, modified and improved version of ourselves, the ark is moving into a better future. There is a lot of work to be done to improve life both in society as a whole and on a personal level. It is worth rolling up your sleeves, not being afraid of hard and tedious, in Capricorn, work.

Those who can manage anger and are able to see the whole picture, take long steps along the path of progress, will be able to support others, serve as a support for the weak-willed or weak, and will be rewarded for stamina and courage. The reward can be new friends, like-minded people, loyalty and flourishing.

For astrology, retrograde planets in 2018 are very important, because these periods are marked by a slow motion of the celestial bodies of the solar system in relation to the Earth, which has a special imprint on different areas of people's lives.

The concept of "retrograde" carries the meaning of "moving backwards." But since the planets do not have the ability to move in the opposite direction, it is worth explaining why every planet has a retrograde period. All celestial bodies, moving in their orbit, periodically slow down around the sun. To an observer from Earth, it seems that the planet is moving forward and backward, but in fact it first overtakes the globe, and then lags behind. This feature of celestial bodies “move” backwards is called retrograde.

Due to the different speeds of the planets, they affect the behavior and life of a person in different ways. Astrologers advise to be attentive to what the slowdown of each celestial body brings into our lives. Most often, the retrograde influence of any planet determines the movement back and in everything on earth. This is a return to unfinished business, the resumption of old problems, a rollback to obsolete relationships. Planets hinder the affairs of those areas of life in which they rule.

In 2018, all the planets in the solar system will have a retrograde period. And Mercury is marked in this state even 3 times. The closest and largest planets have the strongest influence on a person. How their behavior will affect our lives, we will consider further.

The first planet of the solar system is responsible for human communications. His management is contacts, business, communication, business, deals, trips, any movement, including career advancement. Retrograde Mercury strongly affects the behavior of scammers, thieves, liars. During this period, they are activated more than ever.

Mercury, due to its close proximity to the Sun, is most often retrograde. In 2018, as already noted, it will “backward” in the following periods:

  • spring: March 23-April 15;
  • summer: July 26-August 19;
  • late autumn: November 17-December 7.

What are the best things to delay?

Do not start new businesses, postpone the launch of projects (perhaps they will lead to conflicts and failures), postpone the opening of a business (there is a danger of ruin or deceit).

Do not accept promotion offers. Most likely, the new position will be “not up to the task”, or will not bring satisfaction.

Do not make small purchases related to the acquisition of storage media, as well as means of communication (they will “fail”).

It is better not to buy any vehicles (car, bicycle, motorcycle, roller skates, skateboards).

Traveling is only for urgent matters. On the way, you need to be vigilant when communicating with little-known people because of the risk of being deceived. Rest and travel is better to postpone for another period. It is also better to choose a different time to move to a new place of residence.

Don't lend money to anyone.

Writers, musicians and people whose profession is connected with creative information and the production of ideas can expect a creative crisis. You should not be upset, but it is better to allow yourself to take a break and devote time to completing all old tasks and projects.

What can you do during Mercury retrograde?

Renewal of old connections will bring only positive emotions.

Meditations, reflections on the meaning of life, rethinking of the past - everything will give a new impetus to development.

All old affairs are easily completed during Mercury retrograde. Creative projects completed at this time will bring good results to their author.

Venus retrograde 2018

Venus influences love and other relationships of people. Kindness, beauty, sensuality, love, prosperity are the influence of a normally moving planet. The retrograde period will be marked by opposite qualities: the risk of separation, damage to new beautiful things, the danger of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as possible problems with money.

Venus's "inhibition" in 2018 will fall on the autumn season of the year from October 5 to November 16. At this time, it is better not to start the following things:

  • Do not set a wedding date and do not celebrate the celebration. There is a high risk of divorce for such marriages.
  • Do not do plastic surgery because of the risk of complications.
  • Postpone the purchase of jewelry, jewelry and other beautiful things. There is a risk of breakage, loss. From the same position, you should not invest in new "attractive" projects. Also, don't lend money.

Mars Retrograde 2018

Mars only goes retrograde once every two years. 2018 is just marked by this period, so for the time from June 27 to August 27, you need to take into account the influence of one of the planets closest to us.

Retrograde Mars warns about caution in literally everything:

Athletes should be more careful in training and performances because of the risk of injury.

Lovers need to be more restrained, since the influence of the red planet can not excite the highest feelings, so there is a high risk of separation due to a trifling quarrel.

You should be more careful in your relationships with other people. Any aggression can cause an even greater response, which can lead to assault and other negative consequences.

Any large purchase (household appliances, furniture, car) may be defective. Therefore, it is better not to make purchases during this period.

There is no need to renew old relationships, even if the temptation to start over is strong. Retrograde Mars will bring nothing but quarrels and misunderstandings. But just for the final break in relations, this time is best suited.

What can be done:

It is best to complete "hanging" projects and affairs at this time, since retrograde Mars affects the speed of reaction. Any work during this time will be quick and short. At the same time, the new relationship will also turn out to be an express romance, but the repair that has lasted for years, just when you try to finish it, can really be completed. At the same time, no obstacles are foreseen, everything will argue, get along by itself. When Mars is retrograde, you can safely make a list of unfinished business.

Jupiter retrograde 2018

The period of retrograde Jupiter is marked in people by an increased adventurous mood, and the desire to get what they want at all costs. This is the period from March 9 to July 10, 2018. Do not listen to anyone, go your own way, take risks - these desires overcome a person during the "braking" of Jupiter. However, knowing about these features, it is better not to start new projects, not open a business and not make deals. Taking risks or turning life upside down is also not worth it. Fortune is resting at this time, so undertakings will not end in anything good.

It is better during this period to look inside yourself, to know your fears, to reconsider your mistakes. To allow the creative and active soil of one's aspirations to ripen in order to sow new beginnings into it.

Saturn retrograde 2018

What not to do at this time:

It is better not to start a business, and not to reorganize the enterprise. Also, a marriage concluded at this time risks being unhappy. You should not start playing sports, switch to a special type of diet, go on a diet, and in general, force yourself to change your lifestyle.

What things will be useful:

It is best at this time to relax, accept life, and yourself in it, with all the shortcomings and virtues. Be patient with people. It is also good to start reading books that you have long wanted to read. You can attend a training seminar or sign up for courses. It is not bad to devote this time to your ancestors: to visit your parents, visit grandparents, visit relatives. It may turn out that they will give advice that is very important for further development, because Saturn is closely connected with the older generation and family ties.

Uranus retrograde 2018

The period of retrograde for Uranus, like for all planets distant from the Sun, lasts longer than others - from 4 to 5 months. In 2018, Uranus will begin to slow down on August 7, and will only end retrograde on January 6, 2019.

In the retro period of Uranus, you should not do the following:

Do not engage in extreme sports (diving, rock climbing, parachuting, trampolines). And in general, it is better not to take risks once again.

It is advisable not to plan air travel, since it is at this time that air transport breakdowns most often occur. Of course, a 5-month period should not undermine important travel, however, when choosing a mode of transportation, it is best to use land transport.

What actions will be effective:

During this period, insights often appear and new ideas arise. They can bear good fruit in the future, so it's best to write down everything that comes to mind.

Any undertakings to change one's own destiny and lifestyle will be fruitful.

Neptune retrograde 2018

When Neptune reigns in the horoscope, it is very easy to get confused, because this planet is a satellite of doubt. On the other hand, Neptune strengthens faith, but it is still easier to thoroughly get confused with it than to thoroughly understand the problem. Intuition during Neptune retrograde tells you how to act, but the fluctuations are strong, and doubts do not allow you to listen to the inner voice.

The eighth planet of the solar system will slow down in 2018 from the beginning of summer until almost the end of autumn - June 19 - November 25. The most appropriate activity during the period of Neptune retrograde is to rethink life and define new horizons. In this period of time, one can often notice the appearance of psychic abilities, glimpses of clairvoyance and prophetic dreams. It is worth listening to these clues of the subconscious in order to use them for introspection, and even, perhaps, to find your own meaning in life. Fortune telling in this period will be effective and truthful.

Pluto retrograde 2018

Due to its remoteness from all planets and small volume, Pluto is less than other bodies flying around the Sun, affects human behavior. And although this remote quasi-planet practically does not interfere in the daily life of a person, its influence is always noticeable on a public basis. Retrograde affects changes in the state system and private political beliefs of each individual.

The long retrograde period of all distant planets makes it possible to make the most of this time for certain purposes. Pluto will slow down relative to Earth from April 22 to October 1, 2018. And this period is best used for reflection and meditation. To cleanse the mind of prejudices, unnecessary views, attitudes and principles, the time is right. At the same time, not only spiritual cleansing, but also a more earthly one will benefit: clean the house of old and broken things, get rid of hateful relationships, change the occupation to the one to which the soul lies. During the retrograde period of Pluto, any changes will not be perceived as a sacrifice, deliverance will be a rebirth into something better, pure.

Below is a table with dates, the exact start and end times of the retrograde period for each of the planets in the solar system. The table also indicates in which sign of the zodiac the planet will be at that moment. These signs need to pay more attention when planning affairs, and be sure to take into account the periods of influence of retrograde planets in your daily life, as their influence will be stronger than other signs.

Planet in retrogradeStart/end date of the retrograde periodStart / end time of the retrograde periodMovement phaseWhat sign of the zodiac is the planet in?
Uranus2.01.2018 17:10 EndingAries
Jupiter9.03.2018 7:46 StartScorpion
Mercury23.03.2018 3:18 StartAries
Mercury15.04.2018 12:21 EndingAries
Saturn18.04.2018 4:46 StartCapricorn
Pluto22.04.2018 18:26 StartCapricorn
Neptune19.06.2018 2:27 StartFish
Mars27.06.2018 0:04 StartAquarius
Jupiter10.07.2018 20:03 EndingScorpion
Mercury26.07.2018 8:01 Starta lion
Uranus7.08.2018 19:49 StartTaurus
Mercury19.08.2018 7:25 Endinga lion
Mars27.08.2018 17:05 EndingCapricorn
Saturn6.09.2018 14:08 EndingCapricorn
Pluto1.10.2018 5:03 EndingCapricorn
Venus5.10.2018 22:04 StartScorpion
Venus16.11.2018 13:51 EndingScales
Mercury17.11.2018 4:33 StartSagittarius
Neptune25.11.2018 4:07 EndingFish
Mercury7.12.2018 0:22 EndingScorpion

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