Solution of trigonometric equations. Trigonometric Equations Solve the trigonometric equation sinx 1 2

The video course "Get an A" includes all the topics necessary for the successful passing of the exam in mathematics by 60-65 points. Completely all tasks 1-13 of the Profile USE in mathematics. Also suitable for passing the Basic USE in mathematics. If you want to pass the exam with 90-100 points, you need to solve part 1 in 30 minutes and without mistakes!

Preparation course for the exam for grades 10-11, as well as for teachers. Everything you need to solve part 1 of the exam in mathematics (the first 12 problems) and problem 13 (trigonometry). And this is more than 70 points on the Unified State Examination, and neither a hundred-point student nor a humanist can do without them.

All the necessary theory. Quick solutions, traps and secrets of the exam. All relevant tasks of part 1 from the Bank of FIPI tasks have been analyzed. The course fully complies with the requirements of the USE-2018.

The course contains 5 large topics, 2.5 hours each. Each topic is given from scratch, simply and clearly.

Hundreds of exam tasks. Text problems and probability theory. Simple and easy to remember problem solving algorithms. Geometry. Theory, reference material, analysis of all types of USE tasks. Stereometry. Cunning tricks for solving, useful cheat sheets, development of spatial imagination. Trigonometry from scratch - to task 13. Understanding instead of cramming. Visual explanation of complex concepts. Algebra. Roots, powers and logarithms, function and derivative. Base for solving complex problems of the 2nd part of the exam.

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Once I witnessed a conversation between two applicants:

– When do you need to add 2πn, and when - πn? I can't remember!

- And I have the same problem.

I wanted to say to them: “It is not necessary to memorize, but to understand!”

This article is addressed primarily to high school students and, I hope, will help them with "understanding" to solve the simplest trigonometric equations:

Number circle

Along with the concept of a number line, there is also the concept of a number circle. As we know, in a rectangular coordinate system, a circle with a center at the point (0; 0) and a radius of 1 is called a unit circle. Imagine a number line with a thin thread and wind it around this circle: the reference point (point 0), attach it to the “right” point of the unit circle, wrap the positive semiaxis counterclockwise, and the negative semiaxis in the direction (Fig. 1). Such a unit circle is called a number circle.

Number circle properties

  • Every real number is at one point on the number circle.
  • There are infinitely many real numbers on each point of the number circle. Since the length of the unit circle is 2π, the difference between any two numbers at one point on the circle is equal to one of the numbers ±2π; ±4π; ±6π; …

Let's conclude: knowing one of the numbers of point A, we can find all the numbers of point A.

Let's draw the AC diameter (Fig. 2). Since x_0 is one of the numbers of the point A, then the numbers x_0±π ; x_0±3π; x_0±5π; … and only they will be the numbers of the point C. Let's choose one of these numbers, say, x_0+π, and use it to write down all the numbers of the point C: x_C=x_0+π+2πk ,k∈Z. Note that the numbers at points A and C can be combined into one formula: x_(A ; C)=x_0+πk ,k∈Z (for k = 0; ±2; ±4; ... we get the numbers of point A, and for k = ±1, ±3, ±5, … are the numbers of the point C).

Let's conclude: knowing one of the numbers on one of the points A or C of the diameter AC, we can find all the numbers on these points.

  • Two opposite numbers are located on points of the circle that are symmetrical about the abscissa axis.

Let's draw a vertical chord AB (Fig. 2). Since points A and B are symmetrical about the Ox axis, the number -x_0 is located at point B and, therefore, all numbers of point B are given by the formula: x_B=-x_0+2πk ,k∈Z. We write the numbers at points A and B with one formula: x_(A ; B)=±x_0+2πk ,k∈Z. Let's conclude: knowing one of the numbers at one of the points A or B of the vertical chord AB, we can find all the numbers at these points. Consider the horizontal chord AD and find the numbers of the point D (Fig. 2). Since BD is the diameter and the number -x_0 belongs to point B, then -x_0 + π is one of the numbers of point D and, therefore, all numbers of this point are given by the formula x_D=-x_0+π+2πk ,k∈Z. Numbers at points A and D can be written using one formula: x_(A ; D)=(-1)^k∙x_0+πk ,k∈Z . (for k= 0; ±2; ±4; ... we get the numbers of point A, and for k = ±1; ±3; ±5; ... - the numbers of point D).

Let's conclude: knowing one of the numbers at one of the points A or D of the horizontal chord AD, we can find all the numbers at these points.

Sixteen main points of the number circle

In practice, the solution of most of the simplest trigonometric equations is associated with sixteen points of the circle (Fig. 3). What are these dots? Red, blue and green dots divide the circle into 12 equal parts. Since the length of the semicircle is π, the length of the arc A1A2 is π/2, the length of the arc A1B1 is π/6, and the length of the arc A1C1 is π/3.

Now we can specify one number on the points:

π/3 on С1 and

The vertices of the orange square are the midpoints of the arcs of each quarter, so the length of the arc A1D1 is equal to π/4, and hence π/4 is one of the numbers of the point D1. Using the properties of the number circle, we can write down all the numbers at all the marked points of our circle using formulas. The figure also shows the coordinates of these points (we omit the description of their acquisition).

Having learned the above, we now have sufficient preparation for solving special cases (for nine values ​​of the number a) the simplest equations.

Solve Equations


– What is required of us?

Find all those numbers x whose sine is 1/2.

Recall the definition of sine: sinx - the ordinate of the point of the number circle, on which the number x is located. On the circle we have two points, the ordinate of which is equal to 1/2. These are the ends of the horizontal chord B1B2. This means that the requirement “solve the equation sinx=1⁄2” is equivalent to the requirement “find all numbers at point B1 and all numbers at point B2”.

2)sinx=-√3⁄2 .

We need to find all the numbers at the points C4 and C3.

3) sinx=1. On the circle we have only one point with ordinate 1 - point A2 and, therefore, we need to find only all the numbers of this point.

Answer: x=π/2+2πk , k∈Z .

4)sinx=-1 .

Only point A_4 has ordinate -1. All numbers of this point will be the horses of the equation.

Answer: x=-π/2+2πk , k∈Z .

5) sinx=0 .

On the circle we have two points with ordinate 0 - points A1 and A3. You can specify the numbers on each of the points separately, but given that these points are diametrically opposed, it is better to combine them into one formula: x=πk ,k∈Z .

Answer: x=πk ,k∈Z .

6)cosx=√2⁄2 .

Recall the definition of cosine: cosx - abscissa of the point of the numerical circle on which the number x is located. On the circle we have two points with the abscissa √2⁄2 - the ends of the horizontal chord D1D4. We need to find all the numbers at these points. We write them down by combining them into one formula.

Answer: x=±π/4+2πk , k∈Z .

7) cosx=-1⁄2 .

We need to find the numbers at the points C_2 and C_3 .

Answer: x=±2π/3+2πk , k∈Z .

10) cosx=0 .

Only points A2 and A4 have abscissa 0, which means that all numbers at each of these points will be solutions to the equation.

The solutions of the equation of the system are the numbers at the points B_3 and B_4. Inequality cosx<0 удовлетворяют только числа b_3
Answer: x=-5π/6+2πk , k∈Z .

Note that for any admissible value of x, the second factor is positive and, therefore, the equation is equivalent to the system

The solutions of the system equation are the number of points D_2 and D_3 . The numbers of the point D_2 do not satisfy the inequality sinx≤0.5, but the numbers of the point D_3 do., with full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required.

The main methods for solving trigonometric equations are: reducing equations to the simplest ones (using trigonometric formulas), introducing new variables, factoring. Let's consider their application with examples. Pay attention to the registration of the solution of trigonometric equations.

A necessary condition for the successful solution of trigonometric equations is the knowledge of trigonometric formulas (topic 13 of work 6).


1. Equations Reducing to the Simplest.

1) Solve the equation



2) Find the roots of the equation

(sinx + cosx) 2 = 1 – sinxcosx belonging to the segment .



2. Equations Reducing to Quadratic Equations.

1) Solve the equation 2 sin 2 x - cosx -1 = 0.

Decision: Using the formula sin 2 x \u003d 1 - cos 2 x, we get


2) Solve the equation cos 2x = 1 + 4 cosx.

Decision: Using the formula cos 2x = 2 cos 2 x - 1, we get


3) Solve the equation tgx - 2ctgx + 1 = 0



3. Homogeneous equations

1) Solve the equation 2sinx - 3cosx = 0

Solution: Let cosx = 0, then 2sinx = 0 and sinx = 0 - a contradiction with the fact that sin 2 x + cos 2 x = 1. So cosx ≠ 0 and you can divide the equation by cosx. Get


2) Solve the equation 1 + 7 cos 2 x = 3 sin 2x


Using the formulas 1 = sin 2 x + cos 2 x and sin 2x = 2 sinxcosx, we get

sin2x + cos2x + 7cos2x = 6sinxcosx
sin2x - 6sinxcosx+ 8cos2x = 0

Let cosx = 0, then sin 2 x = 0 and sinx = 0 - a contradiction with the fact that sin 2 x + cos 2 x = 1.
So cosx ≠ 0 and we can divide the equation by cos 2 x . Get

tg 2x – 6 tgx + 8 = 0
Denote tgx = y
y 2 – 6 y + 8 = 0
y 1 = 4; y2=2
a) tanx = 4, x= arctg4 + 2 k, k
b) tgx = 2, x= arctg2 + 2 k, k .

Answer: arctg4 + 2 k, arctan2 + 2 k, k

4. Equations of the form a sinx + b cosx = with, with≠ 0.

1) Solve the equation.



5. Equations Solved by Factorization.

1) Solve the equation sin2x - sinx = 0.

The root of the equation f (X) = φ ( X) can only serve as the number 0. Let's check this:

cos 0 = 0 + 1 - the equality is true.

The number 0 is the only root of this equation.

Answer: 0.

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