The psychological impact of its means and types. Psychological means of influence

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Polytechnic University"


Discipline: "Psychology of Management"

Topic: "The concept and types of psychological influence"


Tatrieva Zeynap Magomedovna

Faculty: Public Administration and Management

Specialty: Management

Specialty code: 080200.62

Course 4, Student ID: 1513231

Department: correspondence


Anashenkova Irina Vsevolodovna

Moscow 2016


The problem of individual psychological influence is especially relevant now, when relations between people, even in a business environment, are no longer so formally regulated. Each person becomes the target of the influence of many other people who previously did not have the opportunity to influence anyone due to their lack of appropriate status and powers. On the other hand, the possibilities have expanded not only to influence, but also to resist the influence of others, so the success of influence has become much more dependent on the individual psychological capabilities of those who influence and those who are experiencing the influence.

Meanwhile, the methods of influence, consciously or unconsciously used by the participants in the group training, are also far from always justified from a moral and ethical point of view, psychologically error-free and effective. The difficulties are aggravated by the fact that these three characteristics are relatively independent of each other and can occur in different combinations. Influence can be "unrighteous" from a moral and ethical point of view, but at the same time, very skillful and momentarily effective, such as manipulation. On the other hand, it can be "righteous", but completely illiterate, from a psychological point of view, built and ineffective.

At the same time, the psychological "literacy" of building influence and its effectiveness by no means always turn out to be on the same pole. This is explained, firstly, by the fact that the very criteria for the effectiveness of influence are controversial. For example, very often the concept of momentary effectiveness of influence does not coincide with the concept of its psychological constructiveness, that is, its effectiveness in the long term. Second, psychological literacy only means that psychological rules are being followed.

Psychological influence concept

Psychological influence is the impact on the mental state, feelings, thoughts and actions of other people using exclusively psychological means: verbal, paralinguistic or non-verbal. References to the possibility of using social sanctions or physical means of influence should also be considered psychological means, at least as long as these threats are not triggered. The threat of dismissal or beatings are psychological means, the fact of dismissal or beatings is no longer there, these are already social and physical influences. They undoubtedly have a psychological effect, but they themselves are not psychological means.

A characteristic feature of psychological influence is that the partner who is influenced has the opportunity to respond to him with psychological means. In other words, he is given the right to answer and the time for this answer.

In real life, it is difficult to assess how likely it is that a threat can be triggered, and how quickly it can happen. Therefore, many types of people's influence on each other are mixed, combining psychological, social, and sometimes physical means. However, such methods of influencing and resisting them should be considered already in the context of social confrontation, social struggle or physical self-defense.

Psychological influence is the prerogative of more civilized human relationships. Here the interaction takes on the character of a psychological contact between two psychic worlds. Any external means are too coarse for his delicate fabric.

So, psychological influence is the influence on the state, thoughts, feelings and actions of another person with the help of exclusively psychological means, with the granting of him the right and time to respond to this influence.

Resistance to someone else's influence is resistance to the influence of another person with the help of psychological means.

The initiator of influence is the one of the partners who is the first to attempt to influence in any of the known (or unknown) ways.

The addressee of influence is the one of the partners to whom the first attempt at influence is directed. In further interaction, the initiative can pass from one partner to another in attempts to influence each other, but each time the one who first began the series of interactions will be called the initiator, and the one who first experienced its influence - the addressee.

Open psychological interaction is a mutual influence, the goals of which are announced in advance or not hidden.

Latent psychological interaction - mutual influence, the goals of which are not announced or disguised as the goals of open interaction.

Psychological means of influence

Psychological tools = verbal cues + paralinguistic cues + non-verbal cues.

Verbal signals are words, and above all their meaning, but also the nature of the words used, the selection of expressions, the correctness of speech, or various types of its incorrectness.

Paralinguistic signals - features of the pronunciation of speech, individual words and sounds.

Non-verbal signals - the relative position of interlocutors in space, postures, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, appearance, touches, smells.

Types of psychological influence

Type of influence


1. Belief

Conscious reasoned influence on another person or group of people, with the aim of changing their judgment, attitude, intention or decision

2. Self-promotion

Announcement of their goals and presentation of evidence of their competence and qualifications in order to be appreciated and thereby gain advantages in elections, in appointment to office, etc.

3. Suggestion

Deliberate unreasoned impact on a person or a group of people, with the goal of changing their state, attitude to something and predisposition to certain actions

4. Infection

The transfer of their state or relationship to another person or group of people who somehow (not yet found an explanation) adopt this state or attitude. The state can be transmitted both involuntarily and voluntarily, assimilated - also involuntarily or voluntarily

5. Awakening the impulse to imitate

The ability to evoke the desire to be like yourself. This ability can be either involuntarily manifested or used voluntarily. The desire to imitate and imitate (copying someone else's behavior and way of thinking) can also be both voluntary and involuntary

6. Building favor

Attracting the addressee's involuntary attention to oneself by the initiator showing his own originality and attractiveness, making favorable judgments about the addressee, imitating him or providing him with a service

7. Request

Appeal to the addressee with an appeal to satisfy the needs or desires of the initiator of the impact

8. Coercion

The threat of the initiator using his controlling powers in order to get the desired behavior from the addressee. Controlling capabilities are the powers to deprive the addressee of any benefits or to change the conditions of his life and work. In the most severe forms of coercion, threats of physical harm can be used.

9. Destructive criticism

Expressing disparaging or offensive judgments about a person's personality and / or gross aggressive condemnation, vilification or ridicule of his deeds and actions. The destructiveness of such criticism lies in the fact that it does not allow a person to "save face", diverts his strength to fight the negative emotions that have arisen, takes away his faith in himself

10. Manipulation

Latent urge of the addressee to experience certain states, make decisions and / or perform actions necessary for the initiator to achieve his own goals

The above classification meets not so much the requirements of logical correspondence as the phenomenology of the experience of influence by both sides. The experience of destructive criticism is qualitatively different from the experience that arises in the process of persuasion. This difference in quality can be easily recalled by any person. The subject of destructive criticism is the addressee of the impact itself, the subject of persuasion is something more abstract, detached from him, and therefore not so painfully perceived. Even if a person is persuaded that he has made a mistake, it is the mistake that is discussed, not the person who made it. The distinction between persuasion and destructive criticism is thus at issue.

On the other hand, in its form, destructive criticism is often indistinguishable from the formulas of suggestion: "You are an irresponsible person. Everything you touch turns into nothing." However, the initiator of the influence has as its perceived goal the "improvement" of the behavior of the addressee of the influence (and the unconscious goal is liberation from annoyance and anger, manifestation of force or revenge). He by no means has in mind the consolidation and consolidation of those behavioral models that describe the formulas he uses. It is characteristic that the consolidation of negative behavior patterns is one of the most destructive and paradoxical effects of destructive criticism. It is also known that in the formulas of suggestion and auto-training, positive formulations are strongly preferred over the negation of negative ones (for example, the formula "I am calm" is preferable to the formula "I am not worried").

individual psychological impact training

The concept of psychologically constructive influence

Psychologically constructive influence must meet three criteria:

· It does not destroy the personality of the people participating in it and their relationships;

· It is psychologically correct (competently, unmistakably);

· It satisfies the needs of both parties.

Psychologically constructive resistance to influence must also meet these three criteria. In reality, influence and opposition to influence are two sides of a single interaction process, therefore it is more correct to talk about mutual psychological influence.

Psychologically correct (competent, unmistakable) will be such an attempt to influence, in which: the psychological characteristics of the partner and the current situation are taken into account, the "correct" psychological methods of influence are applied.

For an influence to be considered psychologically constructive, all three of the above criteria must be met. For example, it is obvious that psychologically unmistakable can be a destructive influence on another person. Therefore, the concepts of psychological constructiveness and psychological correctness (infallibility) are intersecting, but not coinciding.

If the exerted influence meets the criteria of psychological constructiveness, its addressee has two ways:

succumb to the influence;

constructively resist it in correct psychological ways.

Traditionally, the behavior described by the formula "succumb to the influence" is considered in our domestic culture a sign of weakness and immaturity of the personality. It is more customary to say "yielded to bad influence" than "yielded to good influence." They "succumb" to a bad influence, but they "exert" a good influence. Meanwhile, the experience of the author of this article in interviewing applicants for the positions of managers and directors of multinational companies shows that one of the most important abilities of a leader in modern Western business culture is his flexibility, the ability to succumb to influence and change his behavior and his assessments. Many questions of Western interviewers are aimed at identifying this ability: "When is it difficult to convince you?" or "How can a subordinate influence your decision?"

The process of mutual influence is a clash of two or more wills, consciously or unconsciously fighting for assimilation to themselves, their plans, designs, desires, feelings and actions of other people, their plans, designs, desires, feelings and actions.At the same time, the symmetry of assimilation is by no means necessary here, for example, it is enough to compare the feelings or actions of another person to our intentions, but it is not at all necessary that his intentions coincide with ours. Various types of coercion and manipulation provide many examples of this kind. The peculiarity of the psychologically constructive influence is that the assimilation of partners to each other occurs with their mutual consent.


By convincing the other person of something or giving him an idea, what are we really trying to achieve? For example, what are we trying to achieve by convincing the director of a firm that candidate A should be hired, not candidate B? What are we really striving for when we instill in a child that he should be independent? What purpose are we pursuing when we encourage students or subordinates to follow our example or copy our behavior? The traditional answer to these questions is expressed by two well-known everyday formulas: "this is done for the benefit of the cause" and "this is done for the benefit of these people." But is it? Is the purpose of our influence really good for the cause or for other people?

The explanation, apparently, is that the craving for absolute truth in real life is much less inherent in us than the inescapable striving to establish ourselves in the fact of our own existence and in the significance of this existence. The ability to act on others is a sure sign that you exist and that this existence matters. By persuading, inspiring, causing the desire to imitate ourselves, we help ourselves to believe that we exist and this existence matters. It is obvious that from this point of view any such influence is selfish, and - for this reason alone - is unrighteous. It is dictated by considerations of one's own benefit, and not, "benefit for the cause," "benefit to others," or, in general, "the highest benefit."

So, the true goal of "disinterested" influence is to confirm the significance of one's own existence. However, there are unintended influences that, at first glance, refute this statement. It is typical for some people, for example, to influence others by the mere fact of their presence. Their word is weighty, no matter what they say, their gaze humbles or inspires inspiration, their laughter, enthusiasm are contagious, their behavior involuntarily wants to imitate, and their goals are called their own. This is the action of a charismatic or charming person. In the Oxford Explanatory Dictionary, charisma is defined as psychological attraction, the ability to evoke commitment and enthusiasm in people to achieve them.

List of used literature

1. Davletchina S. B. Conflictology. Textbook for students of correspondence courses. - Ulan-Ude: VSGTU Publishing House, 2005 .-- 174 p.

2. Nemov R.S. "General psychology." - Vlados, 2003 .-- 400 p.

3. Practical Psychology A textbook for university students - 6th edition, revised. and add. - M: Academic Project, 2001 .-- 480 p.

4. Sorokun P.A. Fundamentals of Psychology. - Pskov: PGPU, 2005 - 312 p.

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The need to study personal psychological influence has acquired particular relevance at the present time. New economic relations also require new interpersonal relationships: more effective work with personnel, the ability to negotiate, predict social events and anticipate various situations of everyday life. There is a growing number of requirements for the training of managers who are able to effectively manage personnel, who are capable of dialogical, partner communication, and not monologue and authoritarian ones, who are able to recognize constructive, civilized ways of influencing others from manipulation, to determine “permissible” methods of influence from “unlawful” and capable of themselves apply these types of influence. Here, the problem of the versatility of personal influence and mutual influence acquires special significance, which can manifest itself as a personality trait, an individual ability, on the one hand, and as a process of interaction, mutual influence, on the other.

The comprehensive goal of this module involves the study and assimilation of educational information about scientific ideas and psychological patterns of influence and its consequences.

As a result, students will be able to:

  • 1) get acquainted with modern scientific ideas about the goals, reasons, conditions and mechanisms for the implementation of psychological influence.
  • 2) have an idea of ​​the various psychological classifications of the types of influence and resistance to influence.

Features of psychological influence

Psychological influence is the impact on the mental state, feelings, thoughts and actions of other people using exclusively psychological means: verbal, paralinguistic or non-verbal. References to the possibility of using social sanctions or physical means of influence should also be considered psychological means, at least as long as these threats are not triggered. The threat of dismissal or beatings are psychological means, the fact of dismissal or beatings is no longer there, these are already social and physical influences. They undoubtedly have a psychological effect, but they themselves are not psychological means.

A characteristic feature of psychological influence is that the partner who is influenced has the opportunity to respond to him with psychological means. In other words, he is given the right to answer and the time for this answer.

In real life, it is difficult to assess how likely it is that a threat can be triggered, and how quickly it can happen. Therefore, many types of people's influence on each other are mixed, combining psychological, social, and sometimes physical means. However, such methods of influencing and resisting them should be considered already in the context of social confrontation, social struggle or physical self-defense.

Psychological influence is the prerogative of more civilized human relationships. Here the interaction takes on the character of a psychological contact between two psychic worlds. Any external means are too coarse for his delicate fabric.

So, psychological influence is the influence on the state, thoughts, feelings and actions of another person with the help of exclusively psychological means, with the granting of him the right and time to respond to this influence.

Resistance to someone else's influence is resistance to the influence of another person with the help of psychological means.

Nadezhda Suvorova

Every day we are exposed to psychological pressure. Sometimes it’s annoying, and sometimes we don’t even know that we are being manipulated. Psychological impact is a powerful tool in the right hands. To master the techniques, you need to thoroughly study the personality traits and possible ways of influencing the consciousness of people.

What types of influence are there and how to protect yourself from other people's influence, we will talk in this article.

The concept of psychological impact

This is a complex and multifaceted term. In short, the psychological impact is the manipulation of the human subconscious, which occurs contrary to common sense. allow you to control human behavior.

At the dawn of civilization, shamans and tribal leaders had the skills of psychological influence. They used primitive methods: body language, voice intonations, rituals and drugs that cloud the mind.

With the development of science and technology, there are so many ways to manipulate the subconscious that each of us uses them daily and does not suspect it.

The goal of psychological impact

Regardless of the object (one person or a group), there is a specific goal of psychological impact behind the process:

Using other people to meet personal needs.
Gaining authority in the group.
Creation of the framework and standards of society.
Gaining a sense of significance.
Proof of your existence.

Most manipulation attempts are based on selfish goals. We see a person who is emotionally weaker than us, and we strive to subdue him. One needs to be listened to, the other to carry out assignments for him. These are the goals that we achieve through psychological influence.

Some use this skill for good purposes, others are driven by selfishness. But in the first and in the second case, the true goal is to prove their own importance to society and to establish the fact of their existence. Psychology does not distinguish between good and bad motives; it studies methods and methods of influence, discovering new facts.

It is difficult to see through a skillful master, especially if he acts on you and your environment. In practice, it is easier to convince several people than one. This is the fault of the herd feeling and the development of the mass media. We blindly believe in what we are told on TV.

Methods of psychological influence

Diverse. Politicians and dictators are fluent in each of them:

Belief. Impact with arguments.
Self-promotion. Demonstrating your advantages over other people to gain the trust of others.
Suggestion. Impact with no arguments.
Infection. Transferring your feelings and emotions to other people.
Stimulating the desire to imitate. With words and actions, awaken people to imitate you.
Inducing favor. Convincing your good intentions and goals.
Request. Expressing your desires and asking for their satisfaction.
Compulsion. Pressure and intimidation with threats.
Destructive criticism. Suppression of the person's personality, ridicule and insult of the person.
Manipulation. Indirect awakening to action or judgment.

The types of psychological influence have similar and different features, some are suitable for achieving a quick result, others for influencing a person over time.

Psychological tools

It's one thing when a person is nearby and you can convince him with words, eyes, movements, intonation. But what if the goal is the consciousness of an audience of people in different cities and even countries.

For this, tools of psychological influence are used:

Military means.
Trade and financial sanctions.
Political means.
Fine and.

Managing the masses with these tools leads to overwhelming results. We are used to believing what we read on the Internet and see on TV, and it would never occur to us that this is another method of psychological influence. Let's take as an example the canons of beauty that were 50 years ago and exist now. Both were dictated by fashion through the media to sell their products.


This method has three components: thesis, arguments, and demonstration. First, you formulate a specific position - this is the thesis, then you form the arguments, and at the end, using a demonstration, you convince the target audience.

The method is very effective if you know the secrets of persuasion:

terms and arguments should be as simple and understandable as possible;
use only those facts that you are sure of the veracity;
take into account the personality traits of the interlocutor;
conduct a conversation without discussing other people;
your speech should be simple, without complex epithets and catchphrases.

Much of your success depends on the arguments you present. The effect is possessed by those arguments that are supported by well-known facts, relate specifically to the topic of the conversation, are interesting to the interlocutor and have not lost their relevance.


This method has no arguments or facts. He acts on a person differently. With its help, you can impose your opinion on a person and force them to act in your interests.

Suggestion is direct and indirect. In the first case, you express your point of view directly and expect obedience. This method is used by parents, educators, teachers. In the second case, techniques are selected that subtly nudge them into action. This is the method used by advertisers.

The following factors affect the effectiveness of suggestion:

the age of the person or target audience;
condition (tiredness, fatigue);
your authority;
type of personality of a person who is psychologically influenced.


This is the third main method of influencing the personality. It is aimed at a mass of people, not at one individual. Religious sects and fan clubs are a striking example of psychological influence through infection.

People knew that there was a method of infection even at the dawn of civilized society, when mass rituals with ritual dances and entering a trance were held around an idol or altar.

Today this method is widely studied. It is better known as mass psychology or crowd phenomenon. A rare person will be able to resist the general impulse and go against the crowd.

Infection can be identified by the following features:

transition to a state of unconsciousness;
orientation of thoughts and feelings in one direction;
the desire to implement ideas into reality right here and now;
loss of personality;
disabling logic;
unwillingness to be responsible for their actions.

Persuasion, suggestion and infection are the “three whales” on which psychological influence is based. But other methods are popular among those who wish to control the behavior and mind of people.

Methods of protection from psychological influences

Today, each of us has access to information about the methods of psychological influence and how to master them, therefore, suggested people often have to be a puppet in someone's hands and fulfill his requests and wishes. In order not to find yourself in a similar situation, you should be able to resist manipulators and maintain a sobriety of mind.

Methods of protection from psychological influence:

In any situation, you should analyze whether you need to obey the words of another person or not, what will be the benefit from this. In most cases, you will not be able to specifically answer the question of why you need to do something. And this is the first sign that they want to influence you;
rational approach. If you are asked to perform specific actions, then suggest your own option, which will be more convenient for you. This will lead the manipulator into a stupor, and he will lose power over you;
belief in one's own righteousness. If they are trying to impose someone else's opinion on you, do not blindly believe someone else's words. It is better to analyze the provided arguments, compare with your own;
Change your behavior. Manipulators read information about the characteristics of your personality from the manner of communication and behavior. Lead such people to a standstill by trying on different roles;

distrust should become your habit. We are not talking about close people who wish you well. But if a stranger or work colleague suddenly begins to take an interest in you and impose his communication, be wary and try to notice signs of a manipulator in his words and behavior;
analyze past mistakes. Focus on situations where you have been manipulated. Think about how you allowed this and what to do in order not to repeat the sad experience;
demand an explanation. If you are being persuaded to do something, ask a lot of questions. The manipulator will betray himself if he tries to deceive you, to evade an answer;
do not do what is expected of you. Often, when we first meet, we show ourselves better than we really are. People around you take advantage of this situation, and you have to fulfill their requests in order not to lose confidence. But you have the right to change and there is no need to act to the detriment of yourself and others;
do not test. This is a powerful incentive to make you obey. Accept your mistakes and do not let others pressure you with memories of the past.

Psychological impact can work wonders: help loved ones, change them for the better. But greedy individuals use it for selfish purposes, so it is worth protecting yourself and your family from negative influences.

February 17, 2014 11:06 am

According to domestic and foreign experts, psychological impact is divided into the following types:

1) informational and psychological,

2) psychogenic,

3) psychoanalytic,

4) neuro - linguistic,

5) psychotronic,

6) psychotropic.

1. Informational and psychological impact(often called informational - propaganda, ideological) - this is the impact of words, information.

Psychological influence of this type sets as its main goal the formation of certain ideological (social) ideas, views, perceptions, beliefs, at the same time it evokes positive or negative emotions, feelings and even violent mass reactions in people.

2. Psychogenic effects is a consequence

a) physical impact on the brain of an individual, as a result of which there is a violation of normal neuro-mental activity. For example, a person suffers a brain injury, as a result of which he loses the ability to think rationally, his memory disappears, etc. Or he is exposed to such physical factors (sound, lighting, temperature, etc.), which, through certain physiological reactions, change the state of his psyche;

b) the shock impact of environmental conditions or some events (for example, quarantine of massive destruction, numerous victims, etc.) on a person's consciousness, as a result of which he is unable to act rationally, loses orientation in space, experiences affect and depression, falls into a panic, a stupor, etc.

The less prepared a person is for the psycho-traumatic influences of the surrounding reality, the more pronounced his mental trauma, called psychogenic losses.

A frequent, but very indicative case of mental influence is the influence of color on the psychophysiological and emotional state of a person. .

Thus, it has been experimentally established that when exposed to purple, red, orange and yellow colors, a person's breathing and pulse deepen and deepen, his blood pressure rises, and green, blue, blue and violet colors have the opposite effect. The first group of colors is exciting, the second is soothing.

There are some patterns in the preference of certain colors:

a) Associated with the type of the human nervous system. So, people with a weak nervous system most often like red and yellow, people with a strong nervous system - green and blue.

b) Associated with the historical past of the ethnos of which he is a representative, and with his individual life experience. Red color, for example, is associated with the sight of blood or the reflection of a fire, therefore it causes anxiety and anxiety, increases activity. Blue, which appears in hereditary memory as the color of the sky, evokes a sentimental mood. Black color is identical to darkness and causes sadness.

In Western civilization, white is usually associated with light and purity; it evokes an upbeat, solemn mood. However, in Japanese, Chinese and some other Asian cultures, it is combined with the concept of cold and emptiness, the equivalent of which is death. Hence the white color of burial shrouds and mourning clothes of the Japanese and Chinese, mourning coloring among primitive peoples.

A close relationship has been established that exists between color and sound. So, the colors corresponding to the even intonations of the human voice are green and purple. They bind with minor expression. Yellow, black and red, on the contrary, carry a very strong emotional charge. Red and yellow colors are associated with the voices of announcers who are in a state of positive attitude. The voices of people in a state of depression, apathy and anxiety are consistently associated with gray, blue and brown.

Blue is the color most consistent with the state of sadness, gray and brown - fear and fatigue. Thus, positive emotional states correspond to the red - yellow edge of the spectrum, and negative - blue - violet. Normal, emotionally neutral expression corresponds to the middle - green part of the spectrum. Brightness and saturation also play a significant role: darker and less saturated colors are consistently associated with depressed, apathetic and anxious voices.

Certain color combinations have a definite emotional impact. For example, using complementary colors creates harmony and maximum enjoyment. In turn, the wrong color combination creates anxiety and opposite feelings. By the way, the principle of influence of color spots embedded in a computer virus is used to develop some methods of using psychotronic weapons.

The main goal of using color in psychological influence is the correct design of information and propaganda materials. Complementing and emotionally enriching their content with a gamut of colors, it is possible to provoke certain reactions of the object. In this case, it is assumed that:

Correctly chosen color scheme allows you to create the desired emotional background, conducive to the perception and assimilation of the text;

Colors, incorrectly chosen in relation to the content, cause displeasure;

A negative reaction to a color combination can spread to the content of the text, which reduces the effectiveness of its psychological impact in general. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the effect of color on the readability of the inscriptions:

People notice colored inscriptions 35% more often than black and white;

Good visibility and clear perception are provided if the colors are displayed: on yellow - black, on white - blue, green or black, on red - green and vice versa;

Poor visibility and inadequate perception occurs when colors are displayed: on white - red, orange or yellow, on black - orange, red, green and vice versa.

Thus, the use of a correctly selected color scheme allows you to create the desired emotional background, conducive to the perception and assimilation of the text. Incorrectly selected colors in relation to the content cause dissonance of emotional perception. In such cases, the negative reaction to the color combination can spread both to the content of the text and to the people who prepared it. This is used by specialists in psychological warfare, as well as dishonest people and corrupt media.

3. Psychoanalytic (psychocorrectional) impact- This is the effect on the subconscious of a person by therapeutic means, especially in a state of hypnosis or deep sleep. There are also methods that exclude conscious resistance, both of an individual individual and a group of people in the waking state.

In particular, in the process of sound control of the psyche of people and their behavior, verbal suggestions (commands) in encoded form are displayed on any medium of sound information (audio cassettes, radio or television broadcasts, noise effects). A person listens to music or the sound of the surf in the rest room, follows the dialogues of the film's character, and does not suspect that they contain commands that are not perceived by consciousness, but always fixed by the subconscious, forcing him to subsequently do what is prescribed.

4.Neuro-linguistic impact(NLP - neurolinguistic programming) is a type of psychological influence that changes people's motivation by introducing special linguistic programs into their minds.

In this case, the main object of influence is the neurophysiological activity of the brain, the emotional-volitional states that have arisen due to it. The main means of influence are specially selected verbal (verbal) and non-verbal linguistic programs, the assimilation of the content of which allows you to change in a given direction the beliefs, views and ideas of a person (both an individual individual and entire groups of people). The subject of neurolinguistic influence is a specialist (instructor).

The instructor first identifies contradictory (conflicting) views and beliefs in the psyche, as well as negative emotional states (experiences, moods, feelings) arising from this and disturbing people. At the next stage, he, through special techniques, helps them realize the discomfort of their real state (socio-economic, cultural, physical and, as a result, psychological) and makes changes in consciousness, forcing people to perceive life situations in a different way and build relationships with other people.

After, under the influence of the instructor, a person “understands” what he “needs”, he independently (but under the influence of the stereotype of perception inherent in his consciousness) begins to collect information about his daily activities, about his states and experiences. Comparing his real, present at the moment state with the desired (possible), he determines what his resources he needs to mobilize and what exactly needs to be done in order to achieve the comfort of feelings and moods.

The formula for changes in the psyche of an object under the influence of an instructor is schematically as follows (Fig. 1).

Knowledge is power, power is knowledge.
F. Bacon
Definition of the concept of "psychological influence"
By influence, we mean psychological influence. Let's start with the most successful, in our opinion, definitions of this concept.
“Influence (in psychology) is the process and result of an individual changing the behavior of another person, his attitudes, intentions, ideas, assessments, etc. in the course of interaction with him. "
Influence in the process1 of psychological influence is the result of the activity of the subject of influence, leading to a change in any characteristics of the personality of the object, its consciousness, subconsciousness and behavior.
It is interesting to compare the concepts of "influence" and "power". Power is based on the existing system of needs, attitudes, relationships, stereotypes, statuses, etc. The influence is manifested through their change.
Psychological influence is a process and result of effective (successful) psychological influence, therefore it is natural to turn to the definition of the latter.
“Impact is psychological, when it has an external origin in relation to the addressee (recipient) and, being reflected by it, leads to a change in the psychological regulators of a person’s specific activity. In this case, we can talk about both externally oriented and internally oriented activity. The result of this may be a change in the severity, orientation, significance for the subject of various manifestations of activity. Psychological impact can be considered both as a process leading to a change in the psychological basis of a specific activity, and as a result (the actual change). "
G.A. Kovalev combines the concepts of "psychological impact" and "influence". Under the psychological influence (influence), he understands "the process, which
which regulates (self-regulation) the activity of interacting equidistant systems of a certain psychological content, the result of which is the maintenance of the functional state of these systems or changes in the state of at least one OF THEM.
The concept of psychological "space-time" or the concept of "chronotope" acts as an operational unit of psychological analysis of the category of influence (influence).
From the general definition of the psyche and its spatio-temporal organization, we can conclude that in its essence, psychological impact is the "penetration" of one person or a group of persons into the psyche of another person (or a group of persons). The goal and result of such "penetration" is the change, restructuring of individual or group mental phenomena (views, attitudes, motives, attitudes, states, etc.).
Psychological influence is the influence on the state, thoughts, feelings and actions of another person with the help of exclusively psychological means with the granting of him the right and time to respond to this influence.
However, the words “granting the right and time to respond to the impact” are questionable. In some types of influence (for example, when manipulating and when attacking), they try not to grant this right.
Therefore, we are inclined to accept for further work only the part of this definition of influence highlighted in bold italics.
All the above definitions, mutually complementing each other, reveal different sides of the concept of "psychological influence".
In what follows, for brevity, we will use the term “influence”, meaning “psychological influence”.

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