Nature, plants and animals of the Voronezh region. Diverse and enchanting nature of the Voronezh region Basic information about the surface of the Voronezh region

The Voronezh region is a subject of the Russian Federation, an area in the center of the European part of Russia. Formed June 13, 1934. It is part of the Central Federal District. The administrative center of the region is the city of Voronezh. Head of the Administration of the Voronezh Region - Alexei Vasilyevich Gordeev.

The territory is 52.6 thousand square kilometers. The operational length of railways passing through the territory of the region is 1,060.1 km. The total length of roads in the region is 11,443.3 km, including: federal significance - 802.9 km; regional significance - 7418.4 km; - local significance - 1960 km; departmental and private roads - 1,262 km. The population of the region is 2,335,789 people.

The Voronezh region is part of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation and borders on the Belgorod, Volgograd, Kursk, Lipetsk, Rostov, Saratov and Tambov regions of the Russian Federation, as well as on the Lugansk region of Ukraine.

The Voronezh Region is located in the central part of the Russian Plain. The average height of its surface above sea level is about 180 m. The nature of the relief of the region is not the same. It includes high and low areas.

The climate is temperate continental with well-defined seasons. Winter is rather cold, summer is warm. In general, western, northwestern and southeastern winds prevail in the region. Winds have the highest frequency, the speed of which varies from 1 to 3 m/s. Atmospheric precipitation in the region is unevenly distributed.

The region is one of the forest-deficient ones, as evidenced by the average forest cover in the forested area, equal to 501.69 thousand hectares (9.62% of the region's territory). Oak forests (oak, ash, maple, linden) and coniferous plantations predominate along the river banks, occupying 103.395 thousand hectares (20.4% of the total forest area), which determine the fire danger of forests. Large forests (Shilov Forest along the Osered River, Tellerman Ship Grove along the Vorona River, Usmansky Forest along the Usman River, Khrenovsky Forest along the Bityug River) and preserved areas of indigenous steppes are protected areas. Reserves of federal significance have been created, the total area of ​​which in the region is 34,572 hectares.

There are 738 lakes and 2408 ponds on the territory of the region, 1343 rivers with a length of more than 10 km flow. The main river is the Don, 530 of its 1870 km flows through the territory of the region, forming a basin with an area of ​​422,000 km².

Branches of specialization in the Voronezh region

The mineral resource base of the Voronezh region is represented by deposits of non-metallic raw materials, mainly building materials (sands, clays, chalk, granites, cement raw materials, ocher, limestone, sandstone), especially in the western and southern regions of the region. On the territory of Semiluksky, Khokholsky and Nizhnedevitsky districts of the region there are reserves of phosphorites. The region has practically unlimited chalk reserves. The Voronezh region has significant reserves of nickel, copper and platinum.

The city of Voronezh is the administrative center of the Voronezh region.

Administratively, the region includes:

1) 3 urban districts - Voronezh, Novovoronezh, Borisoglebsk;

2) 31 municipal districts,

3) 29 urban and 462 rural settlements.

According to the structure of the economy, the Voronezh region is industrial-agrarian. The industry is dominated by mechanical engineering, electric power, the chemical industry and the processing of agricultural raw materials. They account for 4/5 of the total industrial output. The branch of specialization of the region is the food industry (27%), the second place is occupied by mechanical engineering and metalworking (23%), the third place is the electric power industry (18%).

The industry of the region specializes in the production of machine tools, excavators, metal bridge structures, forging and pressing and mining and processing equipment, electronic equipment (including televisions), passenger airplanes-airbuses, synthetic rubber and tires, refractory products, granulated sugar, oil mills. fat and meat products.

The Voronezh Region is a major supplier of agricultural products: it produces grain (mainly wheat), sugar beets, sunflowers and other industrial crops, potatoes and vegetables. In general, the profile of agriculture is sugar beet with sunflower and grain crops, dairy and meat cattle breeding, pig breeding and sheep breeding. The average per capita coefficient for the production of cereals is 2.4.

An important competitive advantage of the region is the presence of a powerful intellectual potential in the scientific and technical sphere. Scientific research is carried out by 65 scientific organizations, research institutes, design bureaus, where more than 700 doctors and 3,500 candidates of sciences work.

In total, 107 economic facilities operate on the territory of the Voronezh region, which have significant reserves of chemically and fire-explosive substances. The largest number of chemically hazardous facilities is located in the following cities: Voronezh (17 facilities), Rossosh (4 facilities). The population living in these cities is about 1 million people. Stocks of emergency chemically hazardous substances amount to over 6 thousand tons.

1. Chernozem soils

More than 80% of the territory of the Voronezh region is covered with chernozems - the most fertile soils on Earth. The land fund of the region is 5.22 million hectares. These soils are the main wealth of the Voronezh region.

2. "Voronezh Sea"

"Voronezh Sea" - this is how the locals call the Voronezh reservoir, was built in 1972, and became the first man-made reservoir of such a scale in the history of our country within the city. The Voronezh Sea was conceived for the water supply of the industrial organizations of the city. The reservoir is located within the city, dividing it into two banks, left and right.

3. Homeland of the Orlovsky trotter

The Oryol trotter breed was bred at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century at the Khrenovsky stud farm in the Russian Empire, Voronezh province, in the village of Khrenovoye. Named Orlovskaya in honor of its creator - Count Alexei Orlov-Chesmensky. The best representatives of the breed have been awarded gold medals at the World and Russian exhibitions more than once, won the highest awards at many prestigious competitions.

4. Voronezh "Katyusha"

For a long time, the formidable weapon of the Great Patriotic War - rocket launchers, known under the name "Katyusha", will remain in the memory of our people. The first rocket launchers, called BM-13 in official documents, were manufactured at the Voronezh excavator plant named after the Comintern. The development of their production was started at the plant in the first days of the war, and already on June 27, 1941, the first two rocket launchers were assembled. The production of Katyushas in Voronezh continued until late autumn, until the plant was moved to the Urals.

5. Motherland of the Airborne Forces

The date of birth of the Airborne Forces is considered to be August 2, 1930. On this day, during the pilot exercises of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District on the outskirts of the city of Voronezh, for the first time in the USSR, a full-fledged landing of a combat group was carried out.

6. Il-2 aircraft

Aircraft designed by S.V. Ilyushin was recognized during the Second World War as the best attack aircraft in the world. For the ratio between speed, maneuverability, armament and armor protection, the Il-2 was called the "flying tank", and the Germans - the "black death".

Serial production of Il-2 attack aircraft began in 1940 in Voronezh, and before the start of World War II, about one and a half thousand of them were manufactured at the Voronezh Aviation Plant. In memory of the labor feat of workers and engineers of the Voronezh Aviation Plant, the “flying tank” Il-2 in 1979 stood up for eternal parking in the square in front of the plant.

7. Homeland of the first domestic video recorder

"Electronics VM-12"- the first Soviet cassette video recorder. It was produced in 1984-1995 at NPO Elektronika (Voronezh), Videofon (Voronezh), Spektr (Novgorod), Plant named after the 24th Party Congress (Novgorod), Tantal (Saratov) and Positron (Leningrad). Different parts of the VCR were made in different cities.

8. Cradle of the Russian Navy

The Voronezh province acquired historical significance with the decision of Peter I to build its own fleet to defend against the Ottoman Empire. It was in our area in 1696 that the tsar found the most convenient place for building sailboats - here are suitable rivers and oak and pine forests.

About 215 ships were built at the Voronezh shipyard alone, including Goto Predestination, the first Russian battleship, a historical copy of which was recreated in 2014 as a museum ship on Admiralteyskaya Square in Voronezh.

9. Artistic crafts of the Voronezh region

Voronezh land has long been famous for its craftsmen. Already in the middle of the 19th century, folk art crafts developed in different villages and cities of the Voronezh province. Embroidery, lace-making, pottery, making clay toys, wood carving, knitting, carpet making and many others are famous.

10. Voronezh sweets

"Voronezh", "Songs of Koltsov", "Nikitinsky"- branded sweets of the Voronezh confectionery factory, which are made only in our city. For more than 80 years, the factory, producing more than 100 types of confectionery products: various types of sweets, caramel, dragees, cookies, waffles, marshmallows and marmalade, pleases residents and guests of the city with its sweet products.

11. Voronezh universities

Land of students. There are more than 30 universities in the regional center. Among the oldest is the Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I (celebrated 105 years) - the second higher agricultural educational institution opened in the Russian Empire. Voronezh State University will celebrate its centenary in 2018.

12. Culture and art

The Voronezh land gave birth to and inspired many world-famous personalities. These are poets and writers Alexey Koltsov, Ivan Nikitin, Gavriil Troepolsky, Samuil Marshak, Yuri Goncharov, Andrey Platonov and Nobel laureate Ivan Bunin, collector of fairy tales Alexander Afanasiev. Masterpieces of painters Ivan Kramskoy and Nicholas Ge dream to own museums and galleries all over the world. Thanks to the collector of Russian folk songs Mitrofan Pyatnitsky and composer Konstantin Massalitinov everyone knows the original Voronezh folklore.

13. Russian folk choir. M.E. Pyatnitsky

Mitrofan Efimovich Pyatnitsky (1864 - 1927) was born in the village of Alexandrovka, Bobrovsky district, Voronezh province. He was a connoisseur of singing art, a famous "collector" of Russian folk songs, and for the first time in Russia, in 1911, he organized a peasant folk choir, which today is known far beyond the borders of our country.

14. Chalk caves

Almost all caves of the Voronezh region are places of worship. These are underground churches and monasteries. The caves were carved in the high banks of the Don, Quiet Sosna, Bityug and other rivers. This was done by the hands of monks and other pious people.

In total, there were more than 40 chalk cave temples on the Voronezh land, many of which were destroyed. Today you can visit 3 chalk cave temples: , and .

15. Festivals

Festivals are held annually in Voronezh: the International Festival (since 2003), the All-Russian Festival of Japanese Animation (since 2000), the Poeteh Open Poetry Festival (since 2007).

Since 2011, Voronezh has been hosting the annual international since 2014 open-air, which has become one of the most beloved musical events of the Central Black Earth Region for the whole family. Since 2015, during the autumn school holidays,

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Learn more about Voronezh, the Voronezh region and the Central Chernozem region with us!

Voronezh is a city that bears the title of the City of Military Glory, as well as a city included by the Russian Ministry of Culture in the list of historical cities with a large number of attractions.

Voronezh is a Russian city located on the banks of the river of the same name, which is a tributary of the Don. The remoteness of Voronezh from Moscow is 470 kilometers. In 2008, Voronezh occupied the fifteenth place in terms of population in Russia, at that time there were almost 840 thousand people in it.

Voronezh has a well-developed industry, including high-tech. There are many different hotels in the city. The aviation and space industry brought considerable fame to Voronezh: mass production of the TU-144, a passenger supersonic liner, began here, and the first airbus IL-86 was created. By the way, the engines for the Vostok spacecraft, on which Yuri Gagarin made his legendary flight, were also created in Voronezh. Currently, in the economy of Voronezh, a significant place, in addition to mechanical engineering and metal processing, is occupied by such industries as chemical (including oil processing), food, light, electronic, printing and woodworking industries. In the last few years, the sphere of trade and services began to develop in Voronezh, since 2006 business centers and shopping and entertainment complexes have been built.

Voronezh is a city with a lot of entertainment for every taste. Modern Voronezh is a major transport interchange, it has two railway stations (Voronezh-One and Voronezh-Two Kursky), currently the third station is under design. From the point of view of highways, the Voronezh region is also important both in federal (M4 highway) and regional terms (A144 highway), there are two bus stations in the city. Just five kilometers from Voronezh is Voronezh Airport, which in 1995 received international status. As for intracity transport, until recently, it was possible to move around Voronezh by buses, trams, trolleybuses and fixed-route taxis, but in April 2009, 83 years after the first Voronezh tram entered the track, tram traffic in the city was closed. A project for the construction of a subway in Voronezh is currently being developed.

Voronezh is a naval city, despite the fact that it is not located on the sea coast, because it was here that the first regular navy of our country was formed. It happened in the 17th century, on October 20, 1696. And in the spring of 1700, the first Russian battleship was launched in Voronezh. Currently, one of the submarine nuclear cruisers in service with the Russian Navy is named after the city of Voronezh.

The military history of Voronezh is not limited to the history of the creation of the military fleet. For a significant contribution to the achievement of Victory in the Second World War, the city of Voronezh was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the First Class in 1975, and in March 1986 - the Order of Lenin. And more recently, in 2008, on February 16, Voronezh was awarded the honorary title of the City of Military Glory.

Voronezh residents have the opportunity to study in one of the fifty-three colleges and thirty-six universities in the city, and for those who are younger, there are one hundred and sixteen kindergartens and one hundred and twenty-eight schools.

The cultural life of Voronezh is also rich in events. For example, in 2005, the first cello festival in Russia was held here. Voronezh theaters delight with their performances - the Voronezh Academic Drama Theater named after V.I. Koltsov, the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Chamber Theatre, the Youth Theater and the Shut Puppet Theater, there are also five cinemas, a philharmonic society, concert halls, and a stationary circus in the city. In Voronezh, there are also quite a few interesting museums to visit: museums of local lore, literature, fire, fine arts named after Kramskoy, military glory and many others. We also recommend visiting the Public Museum of Sergei Yesenin.

Among the famous Voronezh residents are two - Fektistov K.P. and Kosberg S.A. - have received a high honor: two lunar craters are named after them. Special attention deserves the opportunity to visit the houses-museums of famous people: Nikitin, Koltsov, Durov.


Brief description of the Voronezh region

1.Name - Voronezh region

2.Position on the mapVoronezh region borderswith the Tambov, Saratov, Volgograd, Rostov, Belgorod, Kursk and Lipetsk regions, as well as with Ukraine. Region area is 52.4 thousand km². The population for 2013 is 2,330,377 people. Administrative center - Voronezh city .

3.Nature of the Voronezh regionThe Voronezh Region is located in the central part of the East European Plain. In the west of the region is the southern part of the Central Russian Upland, with heights of 220-260 m. The main river of the region is the Don. .The climate of the Voronezh region- temperate continental.Located in forest-steppe and steppe zones. The soils of the Voronezh region are mainly chernozems. The natural vegetation has been almost completely replaced by fields. Small portions of the steppes have been preserved in protected areas. Forests cover 8.3% of the region's territory. These are pine, oak, oak-pine forests, alder and aspen forests.In the Voronezh region live: foxes, hares, wolves, beavers, ferrets, wild boars, roe deer, spotted deer and other mammals. From rare birds: steppe eagle, bustard, golden eagle.
There are 172 protected natural areas in the region. The largest of them are the Khopersky and Voronezh nature reserves. The wildlife of the Voronezh region needs universal care and respect.

4. Features of the economy a The Voronezh region, having natural chernozems occupying 75% of its area, is a major producer of agricultural products and a supplier of food for the industrial regions of Russia: the cultivation of grain (barley, wheat, rye) and industrial (sunflower, sugar beet) crops. The industry is represented by enterprises of mechanical engineering and machine processing (Machine Tool Plant; Voronezhselmash), radio electronics (Electronics Plant), the production of airbuses, mining and processing equipment, bridge structures and much more.

5. Ecology of Voronezh and environmental problems of the Voronezh regionDirectly in Voronezh, the main contribution to air pollution is made by vehicles and enterprises of the fuel and energy complex. The main pollutants of the Don River are organic matter, phosphates, nitrogen, iron, copper compounds and petroleum products. The Voronezh reservoir remains the most polluted. Atmospheric air pollution by vehicle exhaust gases is the most important environmental problem for the Voronezh region. There are 42 enterprises discharging wastewater into surface water bodies.The main problems in the region are the issues of waste storage, violations are allowed in the field of forest management. The development of nickel rocks in the Novokhopersk district has become a big environmental problem, which threatens an ecological catastrophe not only in our region, but also in other regions. The destruction of rare animals and plants is also a problem in our region.

6.Environmental protection. Measures are being taken to protect water bodies, reconstruction, overhaul and construction of new treatment facilities, repair and cleaning of filtration fields; construction of industrial storm sewers; clearing riverbeds and reservoirs. Restoring the number of rare plants and animals, listing endangered species in the Red Book, reforestation, rallies and protests to prevent the development of nickel deposits.

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