English learning app ios. What is Anki English Word Memorization Software? How to Improve Reading Skills Using Mobile Devices

Modern people who want to learn foreign languages ​​have already chosen mobile applications as an educational tool. This method has its advantages: ubiquitous availability, a new level of interactivity and a more creative approach to the learning process. However, are all apps equally effective in improving your language skills?

After talking with familiar linguists and having studied the ratings, we have identified three applications that are recognized as the most effective for learning English. Our choice fell on products such as Lingualeo, Duolingo and Puzzle English. All of them are noticeably different from each other, but what application would we recommend using to pump up your language skills?

We would recommend the Duolingo app for those who are learning a language from scratch. Cards with words and pictures, familiar to us from elementary grades, have now been digitalized and acquired interactive functionality. The first thing that catches your eye is the possibility of learning several languages: in addition to English, there is German, French and Spanish.

Of the three apps, Duolingo is the simplest and most focused on vocabulary. For grammar, we would advise you to turn to other services, as well as for phonetics.

The application is free to use, there is no subscription, but there is one catch. If you don't exercise every day, you lose energy, and, as is the case in mobile begging games, you can restore it by spending diamonds. The diamonds themselves are available as an in-app purchase and are sold for real money. The presence of such a temptation can be costly for a lazy person, and an unscrupulous student can take advantage of this opportunity, eventually leaving himself without knowledge, and his parents without money.

Name: Duolingo
Publisher/Developer: Duolingo
Price: For free
Compatibility: Universal Application
Link: Install

The iconic Lingualeo is a much more interesting product that covers all contexts of language learning: vocabulary, grammar, and listening. In addition to the presentation of the rules, the program has the opportunity to test your knowledge in a playful way.

For all the achievements in learning the language, you are rewarded with meatballs, which you need to feed daily to the lion cub - a kind of Tamagotchi living in the application. An original and unusual solution that encourages not to abandon training. Who knows, suddenly something will happen to the lion cub if it is not fed for a long time.

In theory, the app is free to use, only the number of words you can learn per day will be limited. In addition, access to some functions will open only when subscribing, which is not very good, since I would like to test any paid function for free first.

A separate plus of Lingualeo is the presence of multimedia content and the ability to learn English with the help of entertaining videos, music videos and TED lectures. All in all, a decent product that will help you improve your language skills. Unless I would like to be able to test some of the features available for money for free.

Name: LinguaLeo
Publisher/Developer: LinguaLeo
Price: For free
Compatibility: Universal Application
Link: Install

And the last participant in our competition is the Puzzle English application, which is available as a mobile application for iOS and Android, as well as a website. The app is considered one of the best in its segment, and during our testing, we did not regret including it in our top three.

Having studied this product, we can immediately give it virtual "gold", since the program includes the functionality of the two previous participants, plus something else. First of all, by this “something” we mean video lectures recorded with the participation of professional speakers and telling about grammatical rules.

This is a noticeable advantage over other products, as many note that information is better absorbed not in the process of reading, but when listening to an interesting story. In Puzzle English, the material is presented in an accessible and lively manner, which will make it possible not only to assimilate fresh information, but also to have fun.

As the name implies, the tasks and exercises in the program are made in the form of puzzles in which you need to compose the necessary phrases and sentences from disparate words. Puzzles are offered in video and audio formats, depending on how it is easier for you to perceive the information.

After getting acquainted with the new material, you will definitely need to pass a test, and if you fail the test, the system will not let you through to the next lesson. And no in-app purchases and diamonds will save you - only diligent study!

The pleasant moment is that the application is free, and within one week you can try all the functionality of the program completely free of charge. This will allow you to understand if this course is right for you and if it is worth the money.

Depending on your needs, budget, or language level, you can choose the app to your liking. But in our opinion, the most successful choice would be Puzzle English, with the help of which, by the way, the president of Kyrgyzstan was recently able to learn English.

Name: Puzzle English
Publisher/Developer: LLC Puzzle English
Price: For free
In-App Purchases: Yes
Compatibility: Universal Application

English is the most popular language in the world, and its study can be useful to almost everyone. At the moment, the App Store is full of applications that allow you to improve your level of knowledge of foreign languages. In this collection, I bring to your attention 8 iPhone apps that can help you learn English and increase your vocabulary.

English with Words (overview)

The application is an assistant in learning English words. In the free version, 5 lessons are available for the user. The lesson consists of several exercises, including memorizing cards, choosing the right audio translation and other mini-games that train memory. Purchasing the full version of the application gives you access to 8000 voiced words, divided into thematic sections and provided with pictures. The application does not require an Internet connection, it has the ability to add your own lessons. English with Words has a built-in dictionary of 40,000 words. The program is suitable for people who speak English at any level.

Easy ten (overview)

The application allows you to personally choose English words for memorization, discarding those already familiar to the user. The words marked for learning are available in a special player that reproduces English and Russian voice acting. The progress in learning the language can be observed in the calendar. You can compare your progress with other users using the rating calculated by the application. By default, a 3-day subscription is available for free use, which you can buy or renew for free by inviting friends, talking about the application on social networks or entering a promo code. The application has a nice interface and will be able to remind you to pay attention to the lessons at the time specified by the user.


A simple utility that will allow you to learn English from scratch or consolidate existing skills. Lingvist adapts to your level of language proficiency and helps you quickly improve it by suggesting the most common words and phrases. The application contains grammar tips and exercises, voices words in a high-quality virtual voice, and also supports speech recognition and offers visual progress tracking.


The application will help in learning 11 languages, including English. Learning begins by looking at perfectly sounded flashcards. The next step is listening to the dialogue and practicing listening comprehension. The application allows you to send the user's written texts for verification. The final test, which helps to confidently consolidate the knowledge gained in each block, includes the repetition of several completed exercises. Busuu has a built-in reminder system that will not let you forget about learning English. The application allows you to study not only individual words, but also sentences related to a specific topic.

LinguaLeo (review)

One of the most popular services for learning English. The application presents the entire learning process as an exciting and colorful game, so working with LinguaLeo will be useful not only for adults, but also for children. The program will help to replenish vocabulary by training new sets of words or phrases in several modes: word translation, vocabulary cards, constructor, listening and jungle. The latter is remarkable in that it contains about 80 thousand text materials in English. It is worth noting that the application can be used without the mandatory investment of money and the purchase of a premium subscription, although this possibility is also present.


The application contains 16 lessons, 2 of which are available in the free version. Each lesson is accompanied by an abstract with rules, a dictionary and a visual table that helps to form phrases. From the very first lesson, the application offers to memorize not individual words, but whole sentences, compiled according to the rules of English grammar. In addition to notes, the application has 4 training modes and includes not only theory, but also practice in the form of conversational topics.

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine life without a phone, so each of us has one.

However, not everyone thinks that the phone is not only a means of communication and entertainment, but also an opportunity to improve their knowledge of the English language.


In this article, I will give you the best English learning apps to help you learn a language using your phone.

So, let's begin.

Applications on the phone to learn English

What apps will help you improve your English using your phone?

Let's take a look at them.

1. Duolingo

Duolingo is a very popular language learning resource around the world.

This application contains lessons on various topics: both vocabulary and grammar.

The lessons include:

  • Sentence writing exercises
  • Spelling and translation of words
  • Recording phrases by ear

As you move forward, the program reminds you to repeat the material covered earlier.

The app also has daily reminders. The application will write you letters, show notifications, build visit schedules.

The application is completely free.

Attention: Learn English for a long time but can't speak? Find out in Moscow how to speak after 1 month of ESL classes.

2. Puzzle English

Puzzle English is an application for learning English, which is aimed at practicing listening.

Audio puzzles are the simplest exercises for understanding English speech by ear, suitable for beginners. The announcer pronounces the phrase very clearly, and you need to put it together like a puzzle of individual words.

Video puzzles - listening with the help of videos. This task is more difficult. Here you are not listening to the announcer, but to living people. Choose a video (there are more than 1200 of them) and watch it with subtitles, then do the exercise - collect word puzzles.

3. Skyeng listening

This application is a simulator for English listening.

Includes a huge selection of audio recordings. They can be rewound, you can include subtitles for them, and also select a difficult or easy listening mode.

After listening, you perform a special exercise with which you will check how well you understood what you heard.

The exercise includes 3 questions on the audio you have listened to.

You can select the difficulty level of the audio you listen to.

4. 6 minutes english bbc

An application containing podcasts (small audio recordings on various topics) from the British company BBC.

Episodes are built in the form of dialogues. The presenters discuss topics from different spheres of life, which perfectly expands the vocabulary and horizons of the listener.

As you might guess from the title, the episodes are about 6 minutes long. Each issue is accompanied by the text of the dialogue.

Note: You are listening to pure British English (not American).

5. Abbyy lingvo

ABBYY Lingvo is a mobile application for translating words and set phrases.

Translation is given in Russian. Each word is given a large number of examples of use.

A lot of words are voiced by native speakers, so you can listen to how a particular word is pronounced correctly in both versions (British and American).


Develop your listening skills and broaden your horizons with TED talks.

Check out over 2,000 TED talks by amazing people on a variety of topics and backgrounds, from technology and science to amazing facts about inner psychology.

You can enable subtitles for each video.

7. Ledict longman

Free version of the Longman dictionary.

Pros of this app:

  • Gives the meaning of a word in English
  • You can listen to the American and British versions of the word

8. Busuu

Busuu has over 30,000 words and phrases on over 150 topics.

All courses are divided by difficulty - from elementary to advanced. Depending on it, the course may include reading exercises, writing small texts, polls, vocabulary tests and dialogues (listen, pronounce, compare).

9. Phrasal verbs

Application for learning English phrasal verbs.

For each phrasal verb:

  • Translation is given
  • Meaning is given (in English)
  • A picture is drawn
  • Voiced pronunciation
  • There are several voice acting examples.

There are also short jokes, with a few phrasal verbs in the text, and a drill.

10 Couchsurfing

The main objective of the application is to enable visiting people to stay with local residents, get acquainted with the culture, customs, sightseeing, visit various places (cafes, bars, cinemas, shops, etc.).

If you have time and desire, you can show foreigners your city and at the same time practice English.

If you are going to another city, then you can look for who will be happy to have guests there and try to get an invitation.

What applications do you use? Share in the comments.

This article will help everyone who wants or has long been trying to learn English and not only. I have compiled a selection of various applications, courses and programs for learning English which he used himself. They can be used both on the road and at home, on a mobile phone or netbook. If you can not decide on the course you need, then leave comments with questions below, I will definitely answer and help with the choice. So let's get started.

Duolingo: Learn Languages ​​for Free

"Undoubtedly the best free app for learning languages." -The Wall Street Journal


Rosetta Stone Course and Totale Copanion (mobile versions from Rosetta Stone on Android OS)

Now you can practice language learning with Rosetta Stone on Android devices. If you need an analogue of the PC version, which is described above, then your choice is Rosetta Stone Course. It is enough to register and you will be able to access free lessons. Don't confuse with Totale Companion as it is a dedicated application that will also help you learn a new language when you are on the road or away from your computer. The application is free, but use it, which is a huge minus of the application, only subscribers of the Totale course can use it for the entire period of their subscription. The full version of Rosetta Stone Course is paid, but there are also free lessons for several languages. If you are interested in this program, then look for it in the Play Market.

English according to the method of Dr. Pimsler for Russian speakers (90 lessons, full course). Audio-lingual course by Paul Pimsleur

Year of issue: 2005
Dr. Paul Pimsleur
Course type: audiolingual
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Format: mp3

Course Description:
You don't need any textbooks! No need to cram anything! The basis of the course is the perception of English speech and pronunciation of phrases aloud. Dr. Pimsleur's language programs are the only form of language learning that includes an original, patented memory training technique that ensures you remember what you're learning. The course was created specifically for Russian speakers learning English. It consists of 90 lessons recorded in mp3 format. Explanations and comments of the student in the course you hear in Russian, and speech in American English.

Download Paul Pimsleur course

ABBYY Lingvo Dictionaries

  • Year of issue: 2012
  • Genre: Dictionaries
  • Developer: ABBYY® Lingvo®
  • Interface language: Multilingual
  • Platform: Android 2.2+
  • Interface: Russian
  • Additionally: The program supports installation on SD (OS 2.2 and higher)
  • Installer type: apk

Description. Perhaps the most popular dictionary for mobile devices based on the Android operating system and not only. The application provides fast and accurate translation of words and phrases without an internet connection. It is worth noting the ability of the application to search for translations of words and phrases in several dictionaries at once, as well as high-quality content from the world's leading publishers. Using this dictionary, you will open access to more than 250 translation, explanatory and thematic dictionaries for 30 languages, from which the user can easily form a vocabulary set to solve their problems. The most necessary for us is a translation from Russian and vice versa: Russian - English, plus Spanish, Italian, Latin, German and French. Thanks to its functionality, ABBYY Lingvo for Android will become an indispensable assistant when traveling, studying or at a business meeting. Thematic dictionaries are available for purchase from the application. These dictionaries will allow you to find a more accurate translation of words and phrases, as well as get additional information: other translations, transcriptions, synonyms, usage examples and correct pronunciation from native speakers.

Key features:

  • Detailed vocabulary material with many meanings, examples of word usage and tables with word forms
  • Pronunciation of words voiced by native speakers (in terms of dictionaries)
  • A single dictionary card with entries from several dictionaries
  • Suggestions when searching for a word or phrase
  • Search for words in any grammatical form
  • Quick translation of words from the clipboard


Move the "Lingvo" folder from the archive to the ABBYY folder on the phone's internal memory (sdcard0) and install the *apk file through your device's file managers.

Learning English is one of my many hobbies. English comes in handy all the time: for understanding games and programs, while traveling abroad. Before Chinese becomes the main international language, you need to learn English. My favorite learning method is watching American or British series with subtitles. More precisely, I watch TV shows for pleasure, but at the same time it turns out that I listen to English speech and try to learn new words and expressions.

For iOS, a great variety of applications for learning English have been released. A lot of rubbish, but a lot of good programs. I'll try to select the top ten applications within the .

English with LinguaLeo: English Tutorial from Scratch

Let's start with the popular online service LinguaLeo. It became known to me 5-6 years ago, when it was just being born. Then I participated in the very beginning of testing it on iOS. At the time, the app was terrible. Now this is a good app.

Inside there are lessons, workouts, videos with subtitles, grammar lessons. Several study methods. The service itself is free, but additional premium features require a subscription.


Multi-platform free service for learning English (and other languages). The developers have tried to make the process of learning a language no longer burdensome: there are tests, listening, translation of applications. The total list of vocabulary given in Duolingo is about 3000 words. The authors claim that this is sufficient for everyday speech. The main thing is to use these words correctly.

Memrise: a comprehensive memory system for learning languages

The authors of the application claim that Memrise allows you to memorize up to 44 new words per hour. The application contains free courses for different levels of users (but especially recommended for beginners). The application is based on the method of memorizing words by repeated repetition in various situations.

The app is free but comes with a Pro subscription option that gives you unlimited access to language games.


Firstly, I recommend watching the 16-hour English program on Youtube, which was hosted on the Culture channel by Russian translator Dmitry Petrov. He explains many points in English in an understandable and accessible language.

Second, download a program based on this program. The application consists of lessons, which in turn are a set of tests.

Learn Languages ​​with Rosetta Stone

I used the program from Rosetta Stone 12 years ago on a PC. Then it was a pirated version of the application. For a poor student, the cost of the program was prohibitive. And now the cost of the course at 14,990 rubles will scare away most of the audience. On the other hand, by paying such an amount, the incentive to learn the language will increase many times over. Within the program are as many as 24 courses.

Training is built on visual cards. A distinctive feature of Rosetta Stone is the ability to practice your own pronunciation.

easy ten

Easy Ten is positioning itself as a tool for learning languages ​​at 10 words a day. Allegedly, 15 minutes a day is enough to learn English. Words are selected by the user depending on his level of preparation. Easy Ten is the perfect word learning app for your Apple Watch. The program has a system of smart reminders.

Minus - an expensive subscription, given that the program was created only to replenish vocabulary.

English with Words

Another shareware application for vocabulary replenishment. The words are divided into lessons. The method used is the repetition of words through various game tests.

Wingua - English

Another popular service that provides various exercises: from repeated repetition of words to listening. There is British and American English, there are lessons of varying degrees of difficulty. In addition to words, the program allows you to learn the rules. The program is shareware. When you first log in, you get a premium access for a week.


PROVERBidioms is a set of 4 pictures, each of which contains several dozens of idioms (stable phrases). You have to look for them, and it's not easy. Funny thing!

Scribblenauts Unlimited

The only game in this top 10. Scribblenauts Unlimited lets you get creative and test your vocabulary. In the game, the entire passage depends on the correct spelling and use of English words. The main character writes the words in his notebook and they appear in reality.

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