Pros and cons of higher education. Is it really necessary for success? Prestigious universities

The Russian education system has undergone significant changes over the past ten years. The era of changes began in 2003, when it was decided to "adjust" the domestic system to European standards. Russia has become a participant in the Bologna Process, the goal of which is to form a single zone of European education. The consequences of this decision are still controversial.

Nevertheless, Russian universities, in accordance with Western standards, now produce masters and bachelors. Despite all the changes, the quality of education has significantly decreased, the cost has increased, graduation from the university has ceased to be a guarantee of successful employment, and a Russian diploma abroad in most cases has to be confirmed. Graduates are increasingly faced with the question of the need to enter a university. For the answer to which, one should weigh all the advantages and difficulties of this type of training.

Benefits of higher education

Parents and teachers tell the graduates about the importance and necessity of getting an education at the university, and this is no coincidence. Such a diploma really increases the chances of a successful future, and for the following reasons:

Employment... Despite the fact that modern employers often value real experience and practical skills over theoretical knowledge, a diploma still gives a competitive advantage. This is an excellent indicator of a person's learning ability, not to mention system knowledge and a broad outlook. From the point of view of the employer, such an employee is more promising, and it will not be difficult to teach him the specifics of the work.

Choice of profession... For those who, in principle, do not want to spend five or six years of life, studying textbooks, mastering theoretical training, access to some professional areas will simply be closed. First of all, it is, of course, medicine, pedagogy and jurisprudence. Without the necessary knowledge, it is difficult to become, for example, an architect or biophysicist, to acquire the profession of an engineer or diplomat.

Career... If you conduct a comparative analysis of a certain number of large companies, you will notice that middle managers, and even more so top managers, have one, and more often several higher educations in various fields. And this is done not for prestige, but for gaining knowledge that is simply necessary for competent business management in a highly competitive environment. It is rather difficult for an employee who does not have a diploma to move up the career ladder, since with the same level of professionalism, a promotion will be offered to a more "educated" colleague.

Favourite buisness... You can only enjoy your daily routine if you have great love for your work. The search for their direction and profession for some people continues for a long time, and higher education can help in this matter. Having one diploma on hand, it is much easier and faster to get another profession or undergo retraining.

Higher education. What are the disadvantages?

Despite the indisputable benefits, a person who decides to graduate from a university, nevertheless, will face certain problems and difficulties. First of all, it is, of course, reduced availability of training due to high cost... You can take training at the state expense only once, having the required number of points for admission. In case of receiving a second education or an insufficient number of points, you will have to pay for training. Moreover, getting to the commercial department of a state university is also not easy, the enrollment is also based on a competition.

The cost of educational services will depend on the chosen faculty, region and the educational institution itself, but recently the amounts have grown significantly. Students whose parents cannot fully pay for their education are often forced to combine work and study, which is a serious burden. Another challenge is the length of training.

For several years spent within the walls of the university, a theoretical base has been formed, but practical skills and experience are also necessary for employment, which forces students to get a job. Another disadvantage of the modern educational system in Russia is its quality. The number of private universities is growing steadily, a really high level of education and a good reputation, few have.

As a result, having spent a decent amount and time on training, a graduate of a similar university does not receive the necessary knowledge... Therefore, upon admission, it is important to pay attention to the state accreditation and license of the educational institution in question. Too low payment for the services provided and the location of the academic building should also alert future students and their parents.


The pros and cons of getting a higher education can be debated endlessly. As a result, everyone makes the final decision himself, depending on plans for the future. If there is a goal to make a career in a Russian or foreign large company, to master a serious profession or to obtain an academic degree, obtaining a university diploma will be a necessary step towards this goal. Modern realities, however, are such that even with a great desire, not everyone now has the opportunity to receive this type of education.

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When choosing to receive higher education abroad, it is worth, for a start, to understand the specifics of education and the peculiarities of the separation of educational structures. Also, you should take a responsible attitude to the choice of your future profession, since, having received a European diploma, naturally, you want to get a well-paid position in a prestigious company. Students who are not residents of the country prefer to enroll in private universities, since the latter have more contacts with foreign employers. In the Republic of Poland, private higher education institutions are also called non-public or international. They are chosen by Ukrainians and other foreigners, and there are good reasons for this, which we will talk about in more detail in this article.

What is the prospect of studying in international business universities?

For some applicants, the form of ownership of a higher education institution does not matter at all, because not everyone knows that the priority of promoting students to the labor market depends on this. The prospects that a Polish international higher education institution opens up are as follows:
- access to the international and world labor markets;
- internship in foreign companies;
- saved personal or parental funds;
- an individual approach to each student;
- the presence of a career bureau, employment agency or a similar organization at the university, which are, in almost all international universities.

If an international university is specialized in the direction of business, it is even more promising, since the specialties that are taught in it are in demand and graduates manage to find a job in the first three months after receiving a high-quality diploma.

Polish international universities to choose from

In the Republic of Poland there are officially almost 500 higher educational institutions of various forms of ownership and type. Noting the best business universities, UP-STUDY specialists draw your attention to the following structures:
1. Wroclaw University of Business. This is a powerful educational structure that annually enrolls hundreds of applicants from different countries, not only in Europe, but also in the world, into the ranks of its students. The only university that is profiled in the direction of tourism and business. Has high rates of employment and allows you to master bachelor's and master's degrees.
2. Academy of Finance and Business Vistula in Warsaw. This is one of the first international educational institutions that has the best teachers not only in Polish-speaking areas, but also in English. An extensive selection of specialties, an ideal ratio between price and quality, a beautiful building in a prestigious area of \u200b\u200bthe city and well-equipped auditoriums. One of the most internationalized Polish international institutions of higher education, which teaches students from more than 50 countries.

Students who study in international educational institutions can count on the most comfortable conditions. Also, they have the opportunity to study for several months, a semester or even an academic year at universities in other countries, thanks to bilateral agreements with foreign universities. To make their studies even cheaper, students take part in competitions for winning grants, or look for a part-time job in their free time. In the second case, in addition to material benefits, students acquire practical interaction skills in a European team and invaluable experience.
Summing up, it is worth emphasizing that Polish international universities are in demand not only among foreigners, but also among residents of the country. All those young people who plan to realize their potential in the world labor market choose private universities. In addition to a European diploma, loyal fees and comfortable conditions, they can offer many other benefits.

Going to college now is the norm and necessity. for most. Higher education has always been appreciated. However, unfortunately the quality of education and the training system is increasingly poor. And this, naturally, there are reasons.

First of all, it blarge number useless items in universities . Meanwhile,a large number of subjects are needed at school, in order to broaden your horizons and understand what can really interest a person. But, notice, the student made his choice and entered a certain specialty, and means now he needs specific basic knowledge only by profession . In reality, programmers are taught philosophy, sociology and cultural studies and a huge number of completely unnecessary subjects.

Secondly,mention should be made of wiperand time. What is the consequence of a large number of unnecessary items. Usually , a student spends 6-7 hours at the university, which is almost a working day. And so on for five years. And besides this, the search for various abstracts and the preparation of laboratory work. Generally, it turns out 5 years of full-time work. AND by the way the more the number of useless items in the schedule and the less interest they cause in the student, the more time he loses.

AND, finally,it is no secret that knowledge in all subjects, except for those of interest to the student, is erased from memory in the next two weeks after passing the exam.

On the other hand, when they talk about the need and importance of higher education, they often mention diploma and its positive impact on employment. In a word, All employers look at your diploma and many of them attach great importance to it. Hence, if you are planning to build a career in a specific field, then a diploma in the relevant specialty will be a very good help.

However, another plus of higher education must be put in the first place. it acquiring connections and communication with like-minded people . Trust me, A lot of successful people met their business partners at universities. Consider There are many people here who are interested in the same things as you, and who are on the same level with you. Well, finally, the institute can help you in self-development.

For instance , if you wish, you will definitely learn something new and interesting. And also, at the university you will learn planning and discipline. Meanwhile, you have to go to college, and even if you postpone complex assignments until the end of the semester, you still have to do them. If your laziness or incomprehension ( usually, first) does not allow you to quickly enough cope with laboratory work, coursework and passing exams, then do not build illusions - and at work (it does not matter - for someone, or for yourself) you will not succeed.

What other pros and cons of studying at a university can you name? Should I go to university after school? Why? Do you think it is possible to find a good job without special education?

It is no secret that there is a possibility of purchasing a diploma. Would you dare to do this? Substantiate your opinion.

Pay attention to the words that are highlighted in the text. Try using them.

Strive for self-realization? Do you want to simultaneously study at a university and continue to work without wasting precious time, laying the foundation for future career advancement? The ideal solution is distance learning at the Synergy Moscow University of Finance and Industry.

Stop postponing higher education for later! Study at a convenient time for yourself, regardless of location, health status, status and material security. Studying in this format compares favorably with traditional forms of education.

First is mass character and general availability... Just imagine that tens of thousands of people from Russia and neighboring countries study together with you at the same university and on the same distance program. In the course of training, you will be able to establish useful business relationships, make new friends. All that is needed for this is a computer with the Internet.

The second advantage is speed and mobilitythat will allow you to independently plan your career and choose the time for study (before or after work, at lunchtime and even in the middle of the night).

The third and main "plus" - low cost... On average, the distance learning program of MFPU "Synergy" will cost you 2-3 times cheaper than the full-time program. You do not have to spend a month on the way to the university, living in the city and textbooks, because you can study in a place convenient for you (at home, in transport, on a business trip) and at any time of the day.

Upon admission, you get personal access to sources of educational information (electronic libraries, test items, etc.), which will significantly increase the efficiency of mastering the material. And the use of the latest information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process will help to master them perfectly.

Study individually distance learning will have a positive effect on your personality and will greatly improve your character. You can:

  • develop intellectual and creative abilities,
  • improve communication skills,
  • increase self-esteem through awareness of the positive results of work,
  • strengthen character and gain self-confidence,
  • become more responsible and purposeful,
  • learn how to independently solve complex problems,
  • better master computer technology.

And most importantly, training at the Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy" is prestige and prospects... After all, for 25 years the only innovative university in Russia that is a member of the International Association of Universities and the Magna Charta Universitatum, as well as four times awarded the international accreditation AMBA (Association of MBA's, London), managed to accumulate strong partnerships with foreign universities and business schools... As a result, upon completion of training, you will receive state diploma with a European application and the opportunity to develop a career.

Leave an electronic application right now, and our specialists will help you with the choice of direction and level of training!

| Maxim Gorokhin | 8162

Each prestige depends on success and is lost after failure.
Z. Freud.

University prestige - what is meant by this? Big name? The number of "successful" graduates? Highly qualified teaching staff? Preparation for specialties in demand? Each of these factors is important and valuable, but the general, final concept of "prestige" is still in the quality of education that you can get at this university.

Many students on the threshold of university entrance campaigns are beginning to doubt which university to apply to. Someone initially decided on an educational institution and goes to their goal with a firmly planned step, someone is guided by financial capabilities, someone - by the prestige of the university.

What are the main advantages of studying at a prestigious university, a university with a loud and well-known name?

Prestigious universities. Benefits

Many universities are considered prestigious because they have a number of advantages over "ordinary" ones. Here are the main ones:

One of the very first and probably the most important advantages of well-known universities is the quality of education. Be that as it may, true professionals work in such higher educational institutions. And this does not mean at all that teachers in other universities are not professionals. However, it is common for any person to strive for the best, and no recognition is given just like that;

Benefits when looking for a job are career prospects. Having received a diploma from a prestigious university, you will have some advantage over other applicants. A big name is always heard, and if your university is known throughout the country, then this will significantly increase your chances of getting the desired job;

The ability to diversify your social circle. This rule is valid for any university, however, as a rule, ambitious and purposeful people enter prestigious universities, especially if they receive education on a budgetary basis. Acquaintance and long-term communication with people with these qualities will only have a positive effect on you.

Prestigious universities. disadvantages

As strange as it may sound, studying at a prestigious university also has a number of significant drawbacks compared to getting an education at a lesser-known educational institution:

The financial side of the issue. You always have to pay for quality. Many universities, which are considered prestigious, are beyond the means of ordinary people who do not have high incomes;

High requirements. A prestigious university will not spoil its reputation and make concessions to a student who does not want to study as expected. Competitions for such universities are usually very high, and, accordingly, the choice of the university is also high;

Excessive requirements after graduation. Many graduates of prestigious universities are not inclined to lower the bar and strive to get a well-paid job immediately after graduation. This aspiration, of course, is good, but it is necessary to take into account the level of training, knowledge and experience.

All of the aforementioned advantages and disadvantages are effective only if you really want to learn and get decent knowledge. If you only need the "crust" of a prestigious university, then in most cases it will have the same weight as the diplomas of similar students of less prestigious universities.

Prestigious universities. Rating

So, what universities are considered the most prestigious in Russia. Among the top ten:

A place,
2015 year
A place,
year 2014
1 1
2 2
3 4
4 3
5 6
6 5
7 7
8 9
9 8
10 10

When deciding on the choice of a university, its prestige should not be a decisive factor for you. Check out student reviews, the availability of a hostel, compare your financial capabilities with your desires. If nothing prevents you from entering a well-known educational institution, then, of course, submit your documents there. But if for some reason you cannot afford education at a prestigious university, do not despair. Ultimately, everything depends only on you. Your level of training, the desire to acquire theoretical and practical skills, self-development - that's what is really valuable. And in an ordinary, unknown university, you can get an excellent, decent education, if you want it. After all, as you know, walking can only be taught to those who take steps on their own.

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