Fracture during the war. When a radical fracture occurred during the Great Patriotic War

Started at the end of 1942 with the beginning of the counteroffensiveness of the Soviet Army - after the victory in Stalingrad battle. An incredible feat of Soviet soldiers (the price of life is more than 1.2 million soldiers) turned over all the flow Second World War. Stalingrad Hell was reflected in hundreds of literary works, musical works, theater, cinema, television, computer games.

February 2, 1943 General Tank Army Poules was completely destroyed, the rest of the ship veschit divisions, the 8th Italian Army of Gariboldi, the 2nd Hungarian Army, the 3rd and 4th Romanian Army and the 369th Croatian Regiment were defeated in Stalingrad Cotelet And scattered. It is difficult to describe hysteria Hitlerwho realized that the Soviet Union was by no means "Colossus on clay legs" (as he himself said before), and blitzkrieg « Barbarossa"Not only flew to hell, but the whole course of the war began to threaten the defeat.

At this time, the whole of Europe froze, watching the progress of hostilities on the Eastern Front. Both German generals and the Allies of the USSR antihytler coalition It was realized that the most important battles of the World War at that time were held in the territory of the Soviet Union.

August 23 was liberated by Kharkov and began battle for Dnipro. September 22, Soviet troops began to forcing Dnipro, and during the subsequent Korsun-Shevchenkovsky operation Surrounded and defeated the German troops. In October began Kiev offensive operation And on November 6, the capital of the Ukrainian SSR was liberated from the fascist invaders.

Immediately after the Kursk arc, an operation was taken the liberation of Donbass. Donbass surgery On August 13, 1943, the troops of the Southern Front, which on the eve of the fascists from Kuban, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog began on the eve. The most fierce battles unfolded in the area of \u200b\u200bKuybyshevo-Marinovka-Snownight. Fascists occupied the dominant height, known as Saur-Mogila. During repeated assaults, the height passed from hand to hand several times, until August 31, the Soviet soldiers did not finally occupy her, and the Germans retreated. During the entire Donbass operation (especially in the defense breakthrough Mius Front, up to 800 thousand people died, although these data are not verified. After the war, the memorial complex was built on the Saur grave, unfortunately, destroyed during the battles in August 2014, when the height also passed several times in the hands of the Ukrainian military, then the army of the Donetsk Republic. On September 5, the 4th Ukrainian Front released an important industrial center - Artemovsk, and on September 8 - Stalino (Donetsk). By September 22, 1943, the Nazis were ousted to Zaporizhia, and the Operation on the liberation of Donbass was completed.

November 28, 1943 in Tehran (Iran) took place Tehran conferencewhich gathered the leaders of the USSR governments ( Stalin), Great Britain (Churchill) and USA (Roosevelt). During the meeting of the heads of state, finally, decided to open Second Front. Recall that the bombing of the Germans of London began in September 1940, and the Japanese as early as December 7, 1941 during attacks on Pearl Harbor Destroyed more than half of the Pacific Fleet of Americans and killed two and a half thousand US citizens. During the conference agents Hitlerthey tried to organize the terrorist attack and eliminate the leaders of the USSR, the USA and England, fortunately, unsuccessfully. Based on this event in 1980, Mosfilm removed Tehran-43.

By the end of 1942, the fracture during the Great Patriotic War, gradually moved to a new stage - the offensive of the Soviet army to fascist Germany and its allies. Not the last role in this fracture played Soviet partisans. Partisan traffic It was carried out with the support of the Soviet government. The reconnaissance and sabotage activities of Soviet citizens in the rear of the enemy in the occupied territories produced no less effect than the actions of the guerrilla Denis Davydov in

Municipal General Education

gymnasium №8 them. LM Marasinova

Development of a lesson on the topic:

"The beginning of the indigenous fracture in the Great Patriotic War."

Warestikina O.V.

teacher history I category

Theme lesson: "The beginning of the indigenous fracture in the Great Patriotic War "is studying in the course of Russia's history in grade 9.

Tasks lesson:

    Educational:studying Stalingrad Battle:

    Stages of battle

    Military actions

    Heroism of Soviet people

    Rear during the Stalingrad battle


    • development of critical thinking with a variety of tasks;

      learning students to work in groups, analyze documents;


formation of patriotism and respect for state veterans in students.

Number of students:3 groups of 6 people.

Equipment:map on the board and cards on the tables of students, documents on the blocks of tasks, the exhibition of books on the Stalingrad battle, photocouples, decorated board.

Board:quote (see below), Lesson Theme, Cluster - Stalingrad Battle, Date and Stages of Battle, Table (Closed)

Lesson plan:

    Organizing time.

    Teacher's introductory word.

    Beginning of the Stalingrad battle.

    Stalingrad Battle: A Turnstanding Stage.

    The defeat of the German fascist troops near Stalingrad.

    Results and consequences of battle.

    Summing up the lesson.

During the classes.

      1. Organizing time ( greeting, checking readiness for lesson ).

      1. Teacher's introductory word.

All under the legs of the globe.

I live. Breathe. I sing.

But in memory is always with me

Killed in battle.

Let all the names do not call,

No blood relatives.

Not because I live,

What did they die?

What they owe - I know.

And even if not only verse,

Will be the life of my

Soldier's death.

S. Schipachev

In world history there are events that forever persist in the memory of mankind make up a golden foundation of the history of peoples and states. Such events include the brilliant victory of the Soviet people in the Stalingrad battle.

72 years ago, the word "Stalingrad" entered the vocabulary of all languages \u200b\u200bof the world and since that time recalls the battle, which, in terms of sweep, voltage and consequences, surpassed all armed clashes of past times. This battle is legitimately called the battle of the twentieth century. Stalingrad forever entered the chronicle of history as a symbol of invincibility of the USSR.

Theme of our lesson "The beginning of the indigenous fracture in the Great Patriotic War", § 25 (recording in a notebook).

The purpose of the lesson: Why in the winter in winter 1942 - 1943 Began a radical fracture in the Second World War?

Question student: How do you understand the meaning of the words "root fracture"?

Question student: What do you know about the Battle of Stalingrad? (Each group writes its representation on the board)

In this lesson, we will consider in more detail the stages, the move and the value of the Stalingrad battle and back to the cluster at the end of the lesson, adding it to new information.

After the defeat of the German-fascist troops near Moscow and the wreck of a strategy of a lightning war, the German command decided to return the strategic initiative on the Soviet-German front, and bring to the end the main objectives of the Barbarossa Plan. For the summer of 1942, the Wehrmacht developed a plan under the codenate name "Braunschweig". The enemy was still strong. The Germans retained the quantitative and qualitative superiority of their troops, the strategic initiative. The lack of a second front in Europe allowed the German command to set 237 divisions by the Soviet troops. (work teacher on the map) German troops under the command of General F.-V. Paulus had to strike in the direction of Stalingrad, cut the experienses between Don and Volga and capture the city. It was assumed that tank and motorized troops would strike along the Volga with the task of going to Astrakhan and paralyze the movement along the main water path of Russians. The success of such an operation together with the exit of the German troops to the North Caucasus, would mean the rejection of the center from sources of raw materials and food.

III. Beginning of the Stalingrad battle.

Stalingrad battle took place from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943, and consisted of three periods:

Stage 1. 07/17 - 12.09. 1942 - Defensive battles of Soviet troops on the approaches to Stalingrad (write to the notebook).

In the lesson, we characterize each period by analyzing documents in groups.

Group 1 - analyzes the documents of the relationship of opponents (table).

Group 2 - analyzes the documents of Germany's plans (directive).

Group 3 - analyzes documents of the USSR plans (Order No. 227).

After analyzing the documents, the table is filled on the board:

The ratio of the forces of the USSR and Germany in the Battle of Stalingrad.


Summer 1942.

November 1942.


Military superiority

the USSR

Military backlog

Stop the promotion of the enemy

The bid of the Supreme Commander Based on the analysis of the situation determined the value of Stalingrad, which it is here that the decisive struggle will unfold at this stage of war. (The work of the teacher on the map) in July 1942, when the enemy broke into the emitting don, the Stalingrad battle began. Hitlermen wanted to go to the Volga and to seize the city, which had been preparing for defense for several months: defensive structures were built: external, medium, domestic and urban, 3860 km long. At the most important directions, anti-tank Rips were dug. 30 partisan detachments were formed. In the appeals of that time, it was said about the help of the warriors of the front; It was necessary to double and lose the release of tanks, artillery, mortars. From all the ends of the USSR, there were echelons with military equipment and ammunition, since by order of SVGK scientists from September 1941 to mid-1942 improved the technical equipment of the armed forces.

On July 28, 1942, the People's Commissar of Defense was issued orders No. 227 "Neither step back", where it was said that it was necessary to defend each meter of Soviet Earth to the last drop of blood. The struggle against cowards and panicoers was announced, penalty battalions were introduced.

(The work of the teacher on the map) September 12, 1942 ended the defensive battle of Soviet troops in a large radiation of Don. 62nd Army under the command of General V.I. Chuikova and 64th Army General Shumilov were cut off from the city. The enemy was northeast and south-west of Stalingrad at 2 - 10 km from the city. The city switched to siege position. The 2nd period of the Stalingrad battle began.

IV. Stalingrad Battle: A Turnstanding Stage.

Stage 2. 09/12 - 18.11. 1942 - Fights in the city; The offensive of the Soviet troops of the north-west and south of Stalingrad (write to the notebook).

On the banks of the Volga, the fate of the country was solved. Therefore, the whole world watched this battle. In Washington and London, in Paris and Belgrade, in Berlin and Rome - everywhere people felt and understood - the fate of the USSR is solved here.

1 group - schoolboy statement, volunteer letters;

2 Group - Letters of Soviet soldiers from the front, inscriptions on the walls of Stalingrad;

3 Group - Table about the ratio of forces.

After working in the group, the table acquires a finished look:


Summer 1942.

November 1942.


Military superiority

Capture Stalingrad, access to Astrakhan

Military backlog

Strengthen in Stalingrad, cut the Volga

the USSR

Military backlog

Stop the promotion of the enemy

Military superiority

Destroy the Stalingrad grouping of the enemy.

In September 1942, battles began on the streets of the city. Soviet soldiers had to beat up to twelve and more enemy attacks during the day. The battles walked for each quarter, for each street, house, floor. At this time, a sniper movement is deployed. Only in the 62nd army had more than 400 snipers. Sniper Vasily Zaitsev destroyed more than 300 fascists.

An honorable place in the heroic chronicle occupies the name of Sergeant Yakova Pavlova, under the command of which a group of 20 people defended the house on January 9 within 58 days. "House Pavlova" remained impregnable.

Fierce fights unfolded in the Mamaeva Kurgan area. Height passed many times from hand to hand. After the liberation of the city on her slopes on each square meter of the Earth, 500 to 1200 minutes were chosen, grenades. In the spring of 1943, there was no green grass in this Kurgan: she was bright from the metal.

On November 11, the Germans took another attempt to master the city. The Barricade plant has managed to go to the Volga and cut off the 138th division from the main forces of the Red Army. And it was the last success of enemy forces in Stalingrad. From mid-November 1942, the Germans switched to defense. Since September, SVGK began training a counteroffensive in the winter campaign of 1942 - 1943. RKKA was ready to move from defense to the offensive, open a new stage of the Great Patriotic War. This operation went down in history as an operation "Uranus". The third, and the last, stage of the Stalingrad battle began.

V. The defeat of the German fascist troops near Stalingrad.

3 stage. 19.11.42 - 02.02.43. Counteroffensive red army; Surroundings and destruction of the enemy grouping (write to the notebook).

(The work of the teacher on the map) The troops of the South-Western (N.F. Vatutin), Stalingrad (A.I. Yeremenko) and Donskoy (K.K. Rokossovsky) were participated in the counteroffensive. The counteroffensive began on November 19, 1942. Having broke through the defense of the enemy, the Soviet troops surrounded him from the south and south-west and on November 23 in the area of \u200b\u200bKalach-on-Don, the South-West and Stalingrad Front joined, closed the ring of the environment.

Work in groups - Document Analysis:

1 group - letters of German participants of the battle;

3 Group - Speech Hitler.

Participants in the battle were our countrymen: 20-year-old Tankist A. Naumov, mechanic-driver T-34 N. Dololazkin and many others.

The environment was 22 enemy divisions and more than 160 parts of up to 300 thousand people. On December 29, the Germans tried from the city of Kotelnikovo to help the deposited (General E. Von Manstein), but to no avail. After the refusal of the Germans to capitulate, the troops of the Don Front on January 10, 1943 began to eliminate the surrounded group, which was completed on February 2, 1943 more than 90 thousand people were taken. The Germans and their allies lost 1.5 million people in battles under Stalingrad. After the surrender of the Army of Paulus in Germany, a three-day state mourning was announced.

Work in groups - Document Analysis:

2 Group - Articles from a foreign press.

Vi. Results and consequences of battle.

Return to cluster (add new information about the battle, which learned in class).

Stalingrad battle (for example).

    Heroism of the Soviet people.

    Destruction of Stalingrad.

    The environment of the Germans.

    Medal "For Defense of Stalingrad".

Question to students:So why exactly in winter 1942 - 43 years. Began a radical fracture in the Great Patriotic War?

VII. Summing up the lesson

Total lesson:

From here, from the battlefields of the Battle of the Battle of Battle, began a radical fracture in the Great Patriotic War, which ended in the victory in the Kursk arc. This event we will study in the next lesson.

Evaluation of students for work in the lesson. Homework - §25

List of additional literature.

    Heroes of fiery years. Cost. Sidorov I.I., Rumyantsev b.p. Yaroslavl: Verkhne-Volga Book Publishing House, 1985.

    Zhukov GK Memories and reflections. T.2. M.: UP News, 1988.

    HISTORY OF WAR AND MILITARY ART. Ed. THEM. Bagramyan. M.: Military Publishing House of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, 1970.

    Krylov N.I. Stalingrad border. M.: Military Publishing House, 1984.

    Commander. Ed. Rusakova E.V. M.: Roman-Gazeta, 1995.

    Teaching history in school. Scientific and theoretical and methodical magazine. №6, 2005.

    One hundred great battles. Ed. Jacket A.N. M.: Veva, 1998.

    Shtemenko S.M. General Staff during the war years. M.: Military Publishing House, 1989.

    Yakovlev N.N. Marshal Zhukov. M.: Izvestia, 1995.


Stage 1. 07/17 - 12.09. 1942 - Defensive battles of Soviet troops on the approaches to Stalingrad.


(From Order No. 227 of the People's Commissar of the Defense of the USSR)

... It's time to finish a retreat. No step back! This should now be our main call.

It is necessary to stubbornly, to the last drop of blood to protect each position, each meter of Soviet territory, clinging for every block of Soviet land and defend him to the last opportunity ...

Let's die, but do not depart!

(Marthercher Statement A. Zykalina on the Krasnoarmeysky rally)

Nazis want to challenge us into the shackles. We, to whom the Communist Party gave freedom, a new life. The blood flows blood on the Soviet Earth. Today, fascist monsters ruin and destroy Ukrainians, Belarusians, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians. Tomorrow, if you admit them, they spawn in the heart of our Motherland - Moscow, burst into the sunny Caucasus, will penetrate into Central Asia, the flowering fields of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan. Turkmenistan. No, people will never forgive us if we miss the enemy into the depths of the country. There is nowhere to retreat. Let's die, but do not depart!

When drawing up a 1942 campaign plan, we were guided by the following settings:

a) the east front troops are no longer able to adopt

throughout the front, as it was in 1941;

b) the offensive must be limited to in one site.

front, namely, southern;

c) the purpose of the offensive: to completely turn off the Donbass from the military-economic balance of Russia, to cut off the supply of oil along the Volga and capture the main bases of oil supply, which, according to our assessment, were in Maykop and Grozny. The exit to the Volga was not planned immediately on a wide plot, it was assumed to go out in one of the places to then capture the strategically important center - Stalingrad. In the future, it was assumed if Moscow's success and isolation from the south to take a turn to the north (in the condition that our allies would take on the river. Don). I find it difficult to call any time for this operation. The entire operation on the southern plot of the fairing was to end the large environment of the entire southwestern and southern groups of the Red Army, which were covered by our army groups "A" and "B".

"If during ... operations (meaning the third of the consecutive operations that made up the" main operation "of the German-fascist troops on the Eastern Front), especially as a result of the capture of non-dedicated bridges, it will be possible to create bridgeheads east or south of p. Don, - it must be used. In any case, it is necessary to try to achieve Stalingrad or at least to expose it to our heavy weapons so that it has lost its importance as the center of the military industry and the Communication Knot "

The ratio of forces in the Stalingrad direction

in july1942

Forces and means

Red Army

Germany and its allies

People (thousand people)

Number of tanks



Number of aircraft


Stage 2. 09/12 - 18.11. 1942 - Fights in the city; The offensive of the Soviet troops north-west and south of Stalingrad.

Please send to the defense of the hometown

(Statement statement G. Mezhvalova in Berezovsky RK VLKSM Stalingrad region)


I am 14 years old, but I really ask you to send me to the defense of our hometown. And enroll me in intelligence. I pledge to beat the enemy to the last drop of blood.

G. Meadevalov

Mother agreed

Given the patriotic desire ...

(From the Resolution of the Stalingrad Regional Committee of the Volksm

The Commander Office, taking into account the patriotic desire of Komsomol members and young people, decides:

    To oblige a district committee, the Civil Code of the WLKSM from November 7 to 15, 1942 to hold the selection of 200 Komsomol members and young people who voluntarily want to go to the protection of the city. For this purpose, conduct massive youth rallies, Komsomol collections.

    All volunteers skip through the medical and mandate committee. Send sent to the city of Kamyshin, providing them with warm clothes, food, organizing friendly wires for them ...

The enemy will be destroyed.

(Letter of the commander of the 284th Rifle Division Colonel N. F. Batyuk Wife and Children)

Hello, dear wife Maria Efimovna! Hello, dear children! I send you a hot father's fighting Hi and the best wishes. Children to study on perfectly, and mom does not miss and have fun. I am writing you very often, there are no letters from you yet. Today I have something night alarming. I sit, I read, and the Duma is all about Ukraine. Therefore, I decided to write, and when I write, it seems to me that I am talking to you. Now the aircraft are bombed, from the air movement the spirit captures, the enemy shoots with luminous bullets, rockets throws. As on masquerade. From time to time I go out of the dugout to look at this sight. Fires around, and behind a large river, sneaking in Russian songs. Sometimes it is disappointed that we have given a lot of Russian land, it's a shame to tears, but still the enemy will be destroyed, there is no doubt, and it will instill strength and confidence in the future, in victory.

Today I was lucky - the shell fell in one meter, but did not bother. This is my third such case for war.

Write, Musya, how you live like children.

With greetings, your ... friend and fighter Kolya.

Swear our mother homeland. Great Party.

(From the oath of volunteers, defenders of Stalingrad)

Stalingrad, 1942

German barbarians destroyed Stalingrad - the city of our youth, our happiness. They turned into piles of ruins and ashes of schools and institutions where we studied, plants and laboratories, where we worked, palaces, theaters and parks, where we rested.

They destroyed what was created by the work of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, all we were proud of what was protected and kept ...

We go to the combat rows of the Red Army to defend you, so that under your walls to defeat and discard German invaders, we go into battle raised by the sacred feeling of burning hatred of the enemy ...

Entering the volunteers in the ranks of the defenders of the native Stalingrad, we bring our Mother Motherland, our great Bolshevik Party is a solemn oath:

I swear to fight for every top of the Stalingrad Earth, without sparing the life and blood of his ... stand in front of the enemy to death. Beat the enemy everywhere. Avenger him for Stalingrad, for destroyed plants, working quarters, schools, for each burned house ...

I swear to revenge the German-fascist invaders for our lugged land ... For every destroyed ear on the collective farm field, for each progress of the collective farm yard ... Klyatsya courageously and persistently, while there is breathing in the chest, while blood flows, fight the enemy in the veins Holy Earth, for native Stalingrad.

They stood to death ...

(Inscriptions on the wall of the house on the square them. Lenin in Stalingrad)

Not later than November 1942

"Mother is homeland!

Here heroically fought with the enemy Guardsmen Rodimitseva Alexey Anikin, Pavel Dovzhenko. "

"This house was defended by Guard Sergeant Yakov Fedotovich Pavlov!"

Workers of one of the factories of Ufa wrote General V. I. Chuikov:

"Dear comrade commander! We know that you are hard: death is tested above you, but we, workers, assure you and your fighters that we will work with all my might, do not count with time and fatigue, we will give you above plan what we can squeeze out of Our machines and muscles. We encourage you: do not look back, you are behind you unshakable wall your fathers and mother, wives and children who are waiting for victory from you. So be sure the bolder and death of the fascist reptiles. "

The ratio of forces in the Stalingrad direction in November 1942

Forces and means

Red Army

Germany and its allies

People (thousand people)



Number of tanks


Number of guns and mortars

14 934

10 290

Number of aircraft



3 stage. 19.11.42 - 02.02.43. Counteroffensive red army; Surroundings and destruction of a grouping of the enemy.

In the newspaper "Folkisher Beobachter" was printed by the speech of Hitler, uttered by the name 9 of November 1942 in Munich, which he stated:

"Our Stalingrad! .. In several homes, Russians are sitting. Well, let them sit. This is their personal matter. And our business is done. The city, the name of Stalin, in our hands. The greatest Russian artery - Volga - paralyzed. And there is no such strength in the world that can move us from this place.

I tell you - a person, I have never been deceiving you, a person who has providening the burden and responsibility for this greatest in the history of mankind of war. I know, you believe me, and you can be sure, I repeat, with all the responsibility of God and history, - we will never leave Stalingrad. Never. No matter how much this Bolsheviks want. "

Writes in his diary one of the fascist boys Wilhelm Hoffman, who served in a regular, and then in the Battalion Office of the 267th Infantry Regiment of the 94th Infantry Division.

The diary has begun in May 1942. From the diary, we see that at first the Nazis Bulching:

"On July 29, the record in the diary reads: the company says that the Russian troops are completely broken, they can not hold on. To get out on the Volga and take Stalingrad for our armies is not such a difficult thing. The Führer knows where the weak place among the Russians, the victory is close ... "

"Stalingrad is hell! Happy those that receive only injuries, they will certainly be at home and will celebrate victory with their relatives. "

Gitlerian still believes in victory. But every day this faith fell. Here are still records:

"In Germany, everyone is convinced that Stalingrad is fully ours. How deeply they are mistaken! If they saw the Stalingrad with our army! .. "

"The Russians switched to the offensive throughout the front. There are fierce battles. Here it is, Volga, here she is, victory, and a speedy date with relatives. Obviously, see you in that light. "

"Horses have already ate all. I am ready to eat a cat, they say, her meat is very tasty. The soldiers became similar to the dead or on the distraught people looking for something to stick into the mouth. They are no longer hiding from Russian shells, there are no strength to go, bend and hide. Whether damn this war! "

Thus, a militant fasting from the Nazis Warrior under Stalingrad was shot down, who, without sparing his life, was fighting for his native land, for the happiness of Soviet people.

Recognition of the enemy.

(From the notes of the German Ober-Lieutenant Gogo Weiner)

Autumn 1942

... We used to know the devilish stubbornness of the Russians too well, which they show in battle ... But such persistence we did not expect a dog from such persistence. It turned out to be too unpleasant surprise. Our regiment melts, like a piece of sugar in boiling water. This


some kind of hellish meat grinder in which

grind our parts ... I can't eat and sleep. I tear from this damned city ...

Yes, this is an opponent!

(From the letter of the German soldier native)

Autumn 1942

... Now there are fights in Stalingrad, what has not been for the whole hike in Russia. The worst of all street bon, the struggle for every home. Here the Russians are very amazing. I will give you only one example so that you understand what is going on here. When we approached Stalingrad, we had 140 people, and by November 1 left left 16. Not a single officer remained. Of the Stalingrad daily export more than a thousand wounded. Yes, this is an opponent! ..

Ring shrinks ...

(From the diary of the Moto Easter Drone of Marsen Ludwig (field mail 18212)

21 / x1. Surrounded.

30 / XI. Power exclusively from horse meat without any fats.

7 / X. II. I took 200 grams of bread.

12 / X. II. Food from rotten potatoes.

I5 / XII. He suffer severely because of thin boots.

19 / X. II. Kolyuya shrinks.

26 / XII. For the first time ate a cat,

1.I. New Year. Russians do not give rest. Very bad mood.

Rotary point in the fate of Europe and the whole world.

(From the review of the journalist W. Styd, made in London Radio)

... What is the place for future historians battle for Stalingrad? This great military test is not equal and can lead to exclusively significant consequences. It is impossible to find in the history of any example of the environment and the complete destruction of the precipitating army and 330 thousand people ... historians can consider the battle under Stalingrad as a turning point in the fate of Europe and, perhaps, the whole world.

The valiant feat of the Russian army will live

In centuries.

(From the message of the newspaper "New York Gerald Tribun")

The defeat of the Stalingrad reminds the inevitable death of Hitler and his army, which experienced the greatest catastrophe near Stalingrad, which ever fell into the German army since there is Germany ... The epic battle for Stalingrad ended. It means that the Nazis have already exceeded the top of their power and from now on, their fall begins to which they are doomed. The valiant feat of the Russian army will live in centuries.

Pretty frankly on the decomposition of the Hitler's army near Stalingrad tells in his memoirs a former reconnaissance of the 6th Army Paulus Ioachim Vider:

"Army," he says, "she was ripped out with increasing speed, she did not constitute more military force, and there was only a lot of exhausted people who brought even more terrible flour every new day ... pathetic, exhausted figures, wrapped in Shinels, cloak tents and rags. Based on sticks, they barely wrapped on frosthed legs wrapped with straw and blankets. Thus, the remnants of that once could have a mighty army, which in the summer, confident in the victory, rushed to the Volga ... Yes, these were the very soldiers who were so recently self-confident winners in many countries of Europe. Now they were pursued by the enemy on the heels and had a death after a day ...

We carried our total war in all corners of Europe, a detrimental way to invade the fate of other nations ... We sowed Mount and Death, and now they ruthlessly turned against us. The steppe at Don and Volga absorbed the streams of precious human blood. "

Stalingrad Battle (17.VII .42 - 2.II .43)

I defense period

Began batches of the 62nd Army (Commander General V. I. Chuikov) against the superior forces of the 6th Army of General Paulus on crossings through the River Chir and Tsimma. In mid-August 1942, battles were already on the nearest approach to the city. From the south to Stalingrad, the 4th tank army opponents was promoted, the attacks of which reflected the 64th Army (Commander General M. with Shumilov). August 23, 1942 enemy

he broke through to the Volga and cut off the 62nd Army from the Stalingrad Front.

On August 25, 1942, a siege situation was introduced in Stalingrad. On August 28, 1942, the Soviet troops stopped the enemy on the northwestern approaches to Stalingrad, but the next day the enemy broke through the defense of the Soviet troops and reached the bypass channel, where he was stopped.

II period of defense

The fights occurred in the city itself, and not only for the districts of the city and the street, but also for individual houses. Both sides carried huge losses. On November 11, 1942, the Fascists took the last assault on the city, but were able to seize only the southern part of the territory of the Barricade plant. From mid-November 1942, the invaders go to defense.

Period of counteroffensive

Heroic Rolim Stalin Grad permensed conditions for the transition of Soviet troops H counter project. The Council of South-West (Commander N. F. Vatutin), Stalingrad (Commander General L. I. Yeremenko) and Donskoye (Commander General K. K. Rokossovsky) Fronts were participating in the counteroffensiveness. The counteroffensive start began on November 19, 1942. Breakdown by the defense of the enemy, the Soviet troops surrounded it from the south and south-west and on November 23 in the area of \u200b\u200bKalach-on-Don, the advanced joints of the South-Western and Stalingrad fronts were connected and closed the ring. In the environment, 22 enemy divisions and more than 160 separate parts of up to 3.40 thousand people were survened. On December 29, an enemy group was defeated, published from the Kotelnikov district to revenue besieged. Soviet aviation threw the fascist command to create an air bridge for the supply of surrounded troops with food and ammunition. After the enemy's refusal to capitulate the troops of the Don Front on January 10, 1943 began to eliminate the surrounded group, which was completed on February 2 - 4, 1943

Breakdown to "clusters" is a pedagogical strategy that helps students freely reflect on some topic. The Cluster Method is used at the call stage and reflections before the topic is defined, as well as to summarize the results of studying the topic to cause students new associations. This activity serves as a means of informing a student about such connections, the existence of which he did not suspect.

It is often encountered such that without repeating one topic and coming to the exam, it came across it. In order to prevent this for this, it is necessary to repeat the indigenous fracture during the Great Patriotic War. This is one of the leading topics on the exam and not repetition, it can turn the fatal mistake for you. Especially to prevent this situation, it is worth reading this material that briefly decompose the facts on the shelves.


If you first hear about the radical fracture, or a little forgot about what he represents, we will give him a definition.

The radical fracture is the transition of the initiative and strength from Germany to the USSR, which occurred in the second half of 1942-1943. It concerns both the volume of ammunition and the number of the army.

In most, the Stalingrad battle has affected the fracture, after which everything has changed. The USSR plan called "Uranus" became a decisive step. It is worth knowing that they were led by G.K. Zhukov. We will return to this later.

Main events

First, let's consider the entire course of events, which led to the consequences decisive in this war.

Stalingrad battle began on July 17, 1942 and lasted until February of the following. Several attempts of the Soviet army in the defeat of the German troops were unsuccessful. German troops received powerful reinforcement, and our Soviet army lost an increasing number of people. It is worth remembering that Germany was important to win in this battle, since at that time there was only one road at which oil and bread products could be obtained. Broken this road, no one would be able to get the necessary raw materials and products.

Stalingrad battle. Map

Stalin, seeing what comes from the south side published everyone known and now the order "Neither step back". The command of the USSR urgently organized the defense of the city, all the forces of the country were sent to the city. Despite the fact that the Soviet army had large losses the Germans could not capture the city.

The second period of the battle for Stalingrad laid the beginning of the Frame. As mentioned above it was possible thanks to the operation "Uranus". The essence of the operation was that the army was required to combine the fronts, which was supposed to entail the destruction of enemies. And already on February 2, the plan was successfully worked out. From this point on, the army received new ammunition and uniforms, this gave the technical superiority of the USSR.

The latter, which means that the final stage of the fracture was the battle on the Kursk arc. It occurred from July 5 to August 23, forty-third year. One of the main dates in this battle can be considered July 12, when a huge battle took place, and later, the USSR troops won.

Kursk battle. Map

The Army of Germany suffered huge losses, and our country wanted an eagle, Belgorod and Kharkov. After the victory in the Kursk battle, a radical fracture was finally achieved. He meant that Germany could no longer restore its superiority in the war, which allowed the Soviet Union to win his territories, as well as pierce the way to Berlin.

This is perhaps everything worth knowing about the events that happened at the time of the fracture.


It is important to remember the results of the fracture.

  • The pros for the USSR should be attributed to the restoration of its territory, since we returned a large number of cities
  • Also, the result was the conference (Tehran). It gathered the heads of the powers such as the USSR, the USA and the United Kingdom. The conference took place in 1943.
  • Well, finally - the radio. It is thanks to the fracture, Germany was defeated.
    This is one of the main results that wrapped with the pros, but do not forget about numerous losses.
  • Knowing this small material can be with confidence to take an exam.

Let's repeat all the main dates to deal with the end to the end and in the events that occurred during the fracture period.

  • Stalingrad Battle-beginning in 1942 on July 17.
  • The "Uranus" plan was made on February 2, forty-third year.
  • Battle on the Kursk Arc July 5, August 23, 1943.
  • The main date for the fracture is July 12, the victory of the USSR troops.

Relying on these dates you not only remember the period of the fracture, but also the key events of the war, which will be only a plus for you. However, it is important to remember not only events, but also other nuances associated with them. Therefore, we invite you.

Stalingrad Battle has greatly influenced the root fracture during it began on the seventeenth of July 1942 and lasted until the second of February, a thousand nine hundred and forty-third year. All combat processes occurred inside the city. The leadership of the famous generals V. I. Chuikov, A. I. Podim citizens, conducted over the defense movement. The German command was necessary in the shortest possible time to master Stalingrad. Thanks to its seizure, the Volga transport artery was automatically cut, which served the only time for the difficult time to deliver bread and petroleum products.

Plan that turned the course of military events

Based on the Soviet Plan under the secret name "Uranus", in November, a thousand nine hundred and forty-second-year-old, the troops of the Red Army were carried out by a fracture in the conduct of the battle - they switched to the offensive, and a few days later, the German group was entrusted, this action was carried out under the direct command of General F . Poules background.

Starting from November 1942 and ending with December 1943, according to the strategic initiative, which was strongly strengthened in the hands of the Soviet leadership, the Red Army gradually passed from defense actions to ideally thoughtful strategic offensions. It is for this reason that this period of war is given the name "Native Fracture".

The defeat of the fascist grouping

As a result of the environment near Stalingrad, the huge army of Hitlerists was in the seizure of three hundred thirty thousand people. Based on the secret title "Ring", the Soviet troops began the defeat of the fascist group, the premature division of it on the southern and northern parts. The first capitulate southern, but over time and the North.

The value of the Stalingrad battle is that:

1) the fundamental fracture of the in this bloody battle occurred;
2) the anti-fascist European countries have strengthened the struggle against the fascists;
3) there was an aggravation of the foreign policy relations of Germany with its immediate military allies.

The Red Army rushes again into battle

December 1942 was marked by the beginning of the onset of the Red Army in the Caucasus. In January 1943, the Soviet army partially broke the blockade, and this is as much as the root fracture of war. The Battle of Battle on the Kursk Dug was planned by representatives of the German command for the winter of 1943 based on the "Citadel" plan, the Nazis planned the environment and the destruction of the troops of the Voronezh and Central Fronts, which were focused directly on the Kursk ledge.

The Soviet command predicted the course of the events of the preparing operations, as a result of which the forces were concentrated for the onset. The battle on July 1943 fell, its duration was about two months. The course of this battle can be divided into two main periods: the first is marked by the defensive battle, the second - counterattacks.

And on our street there came a great holiday

In 1943, a large-scale battle occurred under Prokhorovka, and the following cities were released: Eagle and Belgorod. Thanks to this event, the first time for the entire course of the war was given a festive salute. By the twenty-third of August, the battle was completed, which was also marked by the North Caucasus, Rostov, Voronezh, Orlovskaya, Kursk region.

In December 1943, the liberation of the capital of Ukraine was released, and the enemy went far from the neighborhoods of the city. These great events are marked by a radical fracture during the war.

1. After the victory in the Stalingrad battle in early 1943, the strategic initiative in the war went to the Red (Soviet) army, which did not miss it until the end of the war. 1943 - 1945 Became the time of liberation of the territory of the USSR and the complete defeat of the enemy on its territory. 1943 became not only the year of the indigenous fracture in the war, but also significant changes in the essence and structure of the army itself.

- After the Stalingrad battle, it was decided to abandon the old name - the Red Army, which the army wore exactly 25 years, except for this, the army continued to be referred to name for the workers' peasant;

- A new name was introduced - the Soviet Army;

- the army's image was changed - military ranks were eliminated by the previous ones invented by the Bolsheviks, as well as the attributes introduced by the Bolsheviks - the signs of differences (stripes) on the sleeves and the collar instead of the pursuit, hats-Budennovka, etc.;

- straps were restored, canceled after the revolution, classic military ranks and a generally accepted military uniform;

- Together with the image in 1943, the essence of the army was also changed - she stopped being considered as a combat detachment of workers and peasants, other than the armies of the whole world, and turned into a national modern army.

2. In March - June 1943, the reformed Soviet army developed the success of the Stalingrad battle and held a successful offensive to the West. As a result of the offensive in June 1943, the so-called Kursk arc was formed - a deep ledge of liberated territories in the West, which was wedged into the position of the German-fascist troops. This strategic situation decided to use the German command, which decided to survive the Kursk protrusion and turn the "Kursk arc" in the "Kursk boiler" - to surround and defeat the coming Soviet army under Kursk. To implement this purpose, Hitler accepted an unprecedented decision - to pull the coupie for the entire German army and put on the map of the fate of the whole war. However, Hitler did not take into account the fact that on the eve of the Kursk battle of British intelligence, deciphered in 1943 the system of super secretalous German ciphers "Enigma", handed over to the Soviet command a detailed plan for the Germans to conduct a battle - strategy, accurate dates and time of military operations, commanders' names, plans movement of troops. Based on this information, the Soviet battle plan was developed, which took into account the plans of the Germans, their strengths and weaknesses. Germany led this battle, like all the other battles of 1943 - 1945. "Blindly".

By the beginning of July 1943, the best forces of both Soviet and German armies were torn to the coupie - about 3 million people, 5 thousand tanks, 10 thousand guns on both sides. Kursk battle lasted about 50 days - from July 5 to August 23, 1943:

- The battle began in the situation unprofitable for the Germans - knowing the exact date of the offensive and the location of the troops, an hour before the offensive, the Soviet army began the most powerful art preparation in the history of Wars (German positions were fired from all types of guns, artillery, the reactive mortars "Katyusha", were subjected to enhanced bombardments , as a result of which the actions of the Germans were disorganized from the very beginning);

- Then the Soviet army gave the Germans to start an offensive, as a result of which many German parts fell into the "traps" of the Soviet Army, ran into pre-prepared mine fields were counted for the Soviet troops;

- the most severe were tank battles, only under the village of Prokhorovka there was a frontal clash of 1,200 Soviet and German tanks;

- exhausted by the German army, the Soviet army passed into a counteroffensive and dismissed the German army into two parts;

- At the same time, using British intelligence, the Soviet army destroyed German headquarters and team points - the German army lost controllability;

- At the same time, the partisans began a large-scale rail war (the operation "Concert" and others) - hesitated and allowed under the sloped tens of echelons with German military equipment and food that blew up the German army;

- At the end of August 1943, the exhausted German army was surrounded and crushed.

During the Kursk battle, Wehrmacht's loss was more than half a million soldiers, 1600 tanks, 3,700 aircraft, 5,000 guns. The defeat on the Kursk arc became for Germany a disaster. Germany in the summer of 1943 was in the same situation as the USSR in 1941, - during one battle lost the bulk of the army. Having lost all the army at once, Germany moved to defense, and the territory of most of the USSR was relatively quickly relieved by the Soviet Army by the end of 1943.

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