Olga Marquez: the school of the ideal body on the example of her own weight loss. Olga Marquez: the school of the ideal body on the example of her own weight loss The cult of the ideal body schedule

In our articles on the site, we often refer readers to the materials of the Sect School. Why? In short, the “School of the Ideal Body” offers the most “healthy” weight loss format: proper nutrition plus physical activity.

Well, we decided to devote a whole article to a detailed review of the "Sect". Especially for those who really want to lose weight, but do not yet know how ...

It all started with the fact that a few years ago, the soloist of the Yekaterinburg reggae group Alai Oli, Olga Markes, decided to lose weight. But definitely for health benefits. After sorting out a bunch of conflicting information, she began to test everything on herself a little bit.

Having mastered the basics of nutrition and dietology, Olga accidentally stumbled on Youtube video with short interval training. And it turned out that the combination of daily exercise with proper nutrition gives amazing results!

In interviews after concerts, Marquez was often asked about how she manages to keep herself in shape. And after some time, the soloist of the reggae group created a separate group on LiveJournal to share her experience of losing weight there.

As a result, a community with the intriguing name #sekta was formed. Workouts were posted there daily and food diaries were checked there. The program is constantly being adjusted and supplemented.

Three years later, the framework of the blog no longer contained all the accumulated amount of information. In March 2013, Sect School opened its first offline branch for group training in St. Petersburg. More than a hundred wishing to lose weight came to the opening.

Today, in 15 cities of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, there are 24 Sekt School halls, a distance learning program has been launched, there is a Youtube channel, VKontakte and Facebook groups, and even a healthy food delivery service.

Naturally, the project has nothing to do with religious fanatics. "School Sect" is just a name: comical, provocative and memorable.

How to lose weight in the "School Sect"

First, a few words about organizational moments. The paid programs of the "Schools of the Sect" are designed for those who want to lose weight with a group under the supervision of professionals. And looking ahead, let’s say that the results of the participants are very impressive (there are hundreds of “before” and “after” photos on the Web).

Posted by Ideal Body School # Sekta (@sektaschool) May 26, 2016 at 2:44 pm PDT

The most effective option is, of course, full-time training under the supervision of curators who adapt training and nutrition for each participant. The program is designed for 12 weeks. Training takes place in one of the 24 rooms of the "School of the Sect" six times a week for 1-1.5 hours. The issue price is 4000-6000 rubles (depending on the city and the hall).

Online training at the "School of the Ideal Body" lasts 9 weeks and gives you the opportunity to join the community of losing weight from anywhere in the world. Training takes place through a chat and a mini-group on the VKontakte social network.

The group includes 20-25 students, curators and the project team. Every day, materials on nutrition and training are posted in a closed group. Participants' food diaries are submitted for verification through their personal account and chat. There you can ask any questions and share your results / emotions / doubts.

Distance learning can be done anywhere, anytime. All you need is an Internet connection, a mat, comfortable sneakers and… a determined attitude to the result.

Online training is paid weekly (1150 rubles for each week). At the end of the course, you can stay in the group forever and use its materials for free.

Due to what they lose weight in the Sect

We hasten to reassure you: the “School of the Sect” does not offer anything revolutionary or dangerous. Strictly speaking, the Sect course is not even a weight loss program (and certainly not a diet). For 9-12 weeks, the curators work on the eating habits of the “students” and teach them how to train effectively. And the acquired knowledge and techniques remain with the participants forever.

Posted by Ideal Body School # Sekta (@sektaschool) Jan 27, 2016 at 4:40 PST


Sports from the “School Sekt” are strength or interval cardio workouts with your own weight. Exercises are performed at a fast pace and are aimed at working out all muscle groups.

Interval training here is called "workout" - a block of several exercises, divided into short intervals. It is much more difficult, but also much more effective than regular fitness.

Each exercise is performed approximately according to the same algorithm. For example, 20 seconds wrung out at a fast pace, rested 10 seconds, again wrung out 20 seconds, rested 10 seconds again - and so on seven times in a row. In the description for each workout, the duration of the intervals and their number are indicated.

The "School Sect" has complexes with basic exercises and their variations (push-ups, squats, jumps). And there are complexes based on yoga, callanetics and Pilates.


In the "School of the Sect" they eat 5-6 times a day every 2-3 hours in small portions (200 ml or a faceted glass). A prerequisite is to honestly keep a food diary.

Posted by @mister_kapitanushka Jun 4, 2016 at 1:35 PDT

You will have to write down EVERYTHING that you drank and ate during the day: the time of the meal, its composition, weight and method of preparation. You will even add a cup of cappuccino, a tiny candy and 50 g of strawberries to the diary. But you don't have to count calories!

Here is an approximate menu for the day from the "School Sect":

- a glass of water after waking up;

- breakfast: slow carbohydrates (buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice, lentils, durum wheat pasta, unsweetened muesli, whole grain bread);

- snacks in the morning: vegetable salads and fruits;

- lunch and snacks in the afternoon: protein and fiber (meat, fish, boiled eggs, ground fiber with fermented baked milk or kefir, cheese, salads, vegetable stews);

- dinner: carbohydrates and fruits are excluded. You can fish, lean boiled meat, eggs, legumes, cheese, cottage cheese, kefir and mushrooms.

From the diet of the "sectarian" food waste is completely excluded: chips, margarine, fast food, mayonnaise, sugar, white flour and alcohol.

Publication from Food Delivery in Moscow (@sekta_food) May 4, 2016 at 2:05 PDT

A few "commandments" of proper nutrition from the "School of the Sect":

- you should not starve;

- drink two liters of pure water a day;

- deserved - eat "yummy" once a week;

- do not weigh yourself until the end of the course;

- discover new healthy foods: bulgur, quinoa, mung beans, chickpeas, lentils;

- no seasonings, sugar, salt and fruits in the first week.

You will have to spend some time learning when, how much and what you can eat during the day. You will need to plan meals for the week ahead. And carry healthy lunches and snacks with you if you work in the office or often go on business trips.

Support from trainers and group members

In the Sect Schools online program, feedback is provided by a closed VKontakte group and chat.

Some of the trainers who are losing weight lack support (“they don’t answer questions”, “they only criticize and scold”, “they don’t explain anything”). Other participants complain about the overload of information (“the chat is full of messages around the clock”, “I spend more time studying the instructions for the exercises than doing them”).

One thing is for sure - in the "School of the Sect" you will definitely not be left alone with your problems. If you don’t succeed in the exercise or you break loose and ate a chocolate bar, they will scold you, and sympathize, and tell you how to fix the situation. Well, of course, such a “group” weight loss format makes you constantly compare your results with the successes of other participants.

Why do we personally like the "School Sect"

Firstly, they have a lot of useful and free information on nutrition and training. Articles on the site, videos on Youtube (including morning workouts) and even simple healthy food recipes in the Facebook group.

Their powerful motivating component in the main group is also captivating. And although the “School of the Sect” is a paid product, you can also learn a lot of useful things from free materials.

Secondly, this is a very open and transparent project, which employs more than 300 professionals: doctors, trainers, consultants and even scientists. The Sect School program is based on a scientific basis (dietology, psychology, anatomy and biochemistry). The scientific department includes microbiologists, general practitioners, biochemists, food technologists, endocrinologists, sports doctors and even obstetrician-gynecologists.

Detailed information about the Sect School is presented on the LiveJournal page. There you can learn about how it all began, about nutrition and training, about current projects and branches of the Sect. The page has links to both video lectures and testimonials from program participants. There is no such complete and structured information about the "School of the Sect" on the Web. Highly recommended to study!

Thirdly, the project boasts a serious scientific approach. Unlike classic diets, you will not be starved and forced to sit "only on carbohydrates" or "only on proteins." In addition, the "School Sect" does not offer participants dangerous chemicals, pills or powders with side effects.

Thanks to the materials of the Sekt School, you are GUARANTEED to understand the principles of proper nutrition and learn how to plan your diet on your own.

Posted by Ideal Body School # Sekta (@sektaschool) Apr 25, 2016 at 11:34 PDT

You will love oatmeal and broccoli and you will fall out of love with mayonnaise and chips. Stop adding salt to food and overeat at night. Perhaps you will quit smoking. You will start to enjoy your workouts. And, finally, you will love your body and get rid of a bunch of complexes!

Cons School Sect

The disadvantages of the project can be considered quite strict nutrition rules (especially at the beginning). In general, the Sekt School gravitates towards an ascetic and vegetarian diet. The recommendations of the curators, although they offer a well-balanced and healthy diet, usually confuse beginners.

In addition, the format of group work adopted in the "Sect" is not suitable for everyone.

But do not rush to put an end to "sectarianism"! To become a member of the Sect School, it is not necessary to give up meat, biscuits and milk! You will (or yourself) decide which of their recommendations to use and to what extent.

In addition, they have a lot of useful information that is available absolutely free of charge and not only to course participants.

I almost completed the distance learning course at #Sekta Ideal Body School. Want to know what's going on there?) I'll tell you.

History of creation

#Sekta has been in existence since 2011, with about 25,000 people already trained. The number of curators exceeds 150 people, there are branches in 15 cities. At first it was a LiveJournal blog, then offline training, now it's an online platform based on several Vkontakte groups. Pregnant with the first son of Jerzy, Olga Markes then invited one curator to St. Petersburg, for whom she rented an apartment with money paid by people who attended training - at first there were only 40 people. A month later, a hall opened in Moscow, then in Yekaterinburg. Online learning coming soon.

In the summer of 2013, #sektacamp (summer camp #sekta) started. The tradition has become annual.

In 2013 #sekta branches were opened in 9 cities.

In 2014, a scientific department appeared in #sekta, which streamlined and structured knowledge.

In 2014, departments of sektamen (for men), sektalite (for the elderly and people with a high BMI), sektamama (for pregnant women and those who gave birth) appeared.

#sekta open training in Gorky Park

In 2015, the Sekta Global movement was launched with instruction in English.

Every week, 2,200 people receive distance learning.

The wait before starting the program is now 2 weeks.

The cost of one week of distance in Moscow is 1150 rubles.

The name "sect" arose by chance - in a blog comment on the description of the burpee, some user wrote "What are you talking about? Is it a sect?" So it happened)

Principles and weeks

Each week on #sekta has its own goals and its own special task.

Food by #sekta

Basic nutrition rules

food diary

What will you eat?

Every morning, all 9 weeks, sectarians eat the same thing - oatmeal (or buckwheat) on water without salt and sugar. Not any oatmeal is allowed - the best cereals and those cereals that are cooked for 10-30 minutes, minimally processed. Flakes Nordic and Bystrov are strictly prohibited.

In the next one or two meals, focus on slow carbohydrates (buckwheat, quinoa, bulgur, brown rice, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread, millet, barley). Vegetable fats (oils) and vegetables are added to each meal. For the rest of the day, the emphasis is on protein with vegetables. At least one meal should include vegetable protein. Eat at least 4-5 servings of fiber per day.

You need to eat 1-2 hours before an evening workout (carbohydrate intake), 30-60 minutes after a workout (protein intake). There should be at least 5 meals during the day. There are no evening time limits - if you stay up late, keep eating after six.

What should be avoided? Foods with added sugar (chocolate, candy, sweet yogurt, pastries, ice cream), processed foods (wheat flour, flour products, white rice, corn flakes), starchy vegetables (potatoes, tominambour, sweet potato, yams).

Fats (unsaturated) are supposed to be drawn mainly from healthy natural sources. Allowed olive, rapeseed, sesame, sunflower, corn, soybean oils, avocados (1 serving = 1/2 avocado), olives, fish, nuts, seeds. Cheeses, meat, lard, butter are not prohibited, but limited. Prohibited: commercial baked goods, packaged snacks (cookies, chips, crackers), fried foods, candy.

As for proteins, everything is debatable: apparently, due to the fact that the “top” of #sekta is vegetarians, it is proposed to focus mainly on vegetable protein, whether you like it or not. Protein norm for #sekta women is 60-70 g per day, for men - 80-90 g. Protein powders, bars and artificially fortified protein products are not approved.

The diary records everything that was eaten during the day. Everything. In the evening, the diary is copied and sent to a closed group for verification by the curator. It is most convenient to keep a diary using the #sekta application - not only meals are recorded there, but also snacks, water, drinks, workouts, and on Sunday - "Sunday yummy".

Drinking immediately after eating is not allowed - this increases the volume of the stomach. You can drink 10-15 minutes after eating. Caution: Do not drink coffee with oatmeal. This rule will take some getting used to.

Snacks are allowed: 30 minutes after a meal or 30 minutes before a meal. What you can eat: fruit (one a day, only in the morning, fruit is prohibited in the first week), vegetable, salad (without protein), cottage cheese, cheese. legumes, meat, fish, a glass of liquid sour milk, a handful of nuts / seeds. Be careful with nuts: for a serving of 20 pieces they will scold you - too much fat.

In the first three weeks, complex foods, salt, spices are prohibited - in the initial weeks, even my banana and oatmeal cookies were criticized. No soups - the food is as ascetic as possible. It is understood that this is how our tongue learns to distinguish the pure tastes of natural products.

After three weeks, ascetic nutrition is completed, and salting food can be started from the second week.

What #sekta is good for is its educational work. If at the beginning of training you did not distinguish proteins from carbohydrates, you were confused in terms, then by the end of the ninth you will know everything like our father.

Time slots

Intervals between meals should be 2-4 hours. If you, for example, have breakfast at 8 and then have lunch at one in the afternoon, you will be scolded. The meaning of this rule is that you should not have time to feel hungry - then your body will not begin to store the calories received at lunch and optimizes metabolism. Immediately after a morning workout, you need to eat oatmeal. This is where the countdown starts.

Serving size

Serving for women - no more than 250 ml at a time (350 ml for men). A serving should fit in a faceted glass. Attention: food is not measured in grams, but in volume! Yes, it's hard to get enough of this - but the curators do not get tired of repeating that the feeling of satiety will come in 10-15 minutes and you need to be patient. They also claim that such nutrition will help to cope with heartburn, heaviness after eating and intestinal obstruction.

#Sekta and alcohol: One time not Shiraz?

No, never, never, under any circumstances. #Sekta is extremely negative about alcohol during the course. It is believed that any alcohol in any quantity negates the results of two days before taking and two days after. If the curator notices alcohol in your diary, he forbids you to do workouts for another two days after.


  • climb

  • glass of water

  • training - one of three to choose from. Each is accompanied by great videos. The first is interval, 10 circles of 2 exercises, each lasting 50 seconds, 50 seconds of running with high knees, 50 seconds of plank with lunges. Substitution - squats (each exercise on #sekta is accompanied by a replacement in case you cannot complete the proposed exercise). The second is interval, a little easier, without jumps, but with the same 10 circles with 2 exercises of 50 seconds each. Third - 20 minutes of yoga (don't think it's easy - it's surya namaskar ("sun salutation") to perform even harder than the intervals). After finishing the workout, which will take you 15-20 minutes, you should perform 2 exercises for problem areas. The following problem areas are indicated: inner thigh, outer thigh, buttocks, abs, arms, back. The exercises are heavy, but you need to do 50 repetitions (which is almost unrealistic in the case of the arms). On the back, a complex of physiotherapy exercises is offered for people with spinal problems. More recently, Olga Marquez recorded a separate exercise as a bonus - "vacuum", for flattening the abdomen.

  • shower/brush/oil

  • Oatmeal.

An evening workout will take you 30 to 60 minutes.

Monday: fit test (4 rounds of 5 exercises - jump squats; push-ups; running with high knees; jump lunges; press). All results should be recorded and compared in a week - in theory they should grow.

Tuesday: pilates or callanetics.

Wednesday: intervals

Thursday: yoga

Friday: intervals

Saturday: intervals

Sunday: rest

On critical days, sectarians advise to be more careful with yourself: skip training in case of weakness or malaise, do not do exercises for the press, and exclude jumping and running. It is necessary to prefer a tampon as protection and wear a sports slimming bra. During yoga practice, avoid inverted poses.

From the third week, it is proposed to add a press massage to the training, which the sectarians do according to the training video from the curator.

Sunday yummy

The sectarians call the forbidden meal on Sunday with this vile phrase. Here, too, there are some rules: yummy is an exercise in mindfulness of nutrition. You need to eat a yummy in the first half of the day, serving size - up to 250 ml, sweet - only as a snack between two carbohydrate meals, hearty - as a second meal.

#Sekta and personal care

From the second week, sectarians begin to take care of their skin - get rid of cellulite. You will need to buy a brush made of natural bristles and massage the problem areas with it before the shower. Then - a contrast shower, after which it is necessary to apply natural oil without fragrances and additives to the body.

Spoiler: the natural bristle brush really helped the author of these lines to minimize cellulite.


The Sektafood project is a food delivery service for everyone who adheres to #sekta nutrition principles. If you don't have enough time to prepare your meals, you can order food for delivery, which will be lovingly cooked for you in accordance with all the rules and nicely packaged. The service operates in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Saratov.

Our opinion

#Sekta is good. It streamlines your life, gives new knowledge. You pay attention to yourself, become an autonomous person, and women very often may not have enough of this. If you strictly adhere to the instructions of the curators for 9 weeks, you will certainly lose weight. The author of these lines constantly violated the principles of nutrition, and quite harshly at that - but nevertheless, he still lost 2 kg in 6 weeks and significantly reduced in volume. A natural bristle brush is a great find, you definitely shouldn't throw it away. There are significantly more vegetables in the refrigerator, which is always good. With a sect, you always know exactly what you're going to eat, which in some ways simplifies (and in some ways complicates) life.

There will be many difficult moments. Doing a morning work is hard. Forcing yourself to do an hour-long evening work is even harder. It's hard to carry food containers with you to work. It's hard to eat tasteless oatmeal in the morning. However, we strongly recommend that you do not give up these rules after 9 weeks - especially exercise. With them, you can even refuse to go to the gym. Do not think that bodyweight exercises are so useless. Your muscles will really hurt the next day after working out!

What else? Do not expect rapid and serious weight loss, as on a protein diet - the curators do not approve of protein in the morning, which is very strange for experienced athletes and protein-obsessed fitness girls. It will be difficult in the first weeks to force yourself to swallow carbohydrates in such quantities. The cult has also been accused of being too fixated on food, which can lead to eating disorders.

How do we imagine the ideal - impeccable, which is not ashamed to voice, emphasizing all the charms of the figure ... Probably, yes. But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of such an achievement. It is for such people that the School of the Ideal Body of Olga Marquez exists. Let's reveal her secrets.

The story of Olga Marquez losing weight and the idea of ​​​​creating the School of the Ideal Body

In fact, the creation of a weight loss school has come a long way, and it began at a time when the author had just entered the university. It was then that she noticed that the time spent on textbooks and food was reflected in her appearance.

Olga Marquez gained an extra 10-15 kilograms in the first year. Moreover, it was not even the number on the scales that confused her, but which her body acquired. It was then that Olga decided.

For two years, Marquez tried to get in shape in various ways: not eating after six in the evening, giving up other carbohydrates as well, but the results were not encouraging.

Marquez realized that he needed to apply various theories that did not run counter to common sense and experiment on himself.

Olga was constantly looking for various elements of this mosaic, because after losing weight, you begin to look at food like a wolf, regularly break down, get angry. This became a problem, because the goal was achieved, but the girl did not feel happier.

Realizing this truth, Marquez developed another goal: to become a fulfilling, satisfied life and look great at the same time.

After quite a long way to go, a blog was created that helped a few more people. On this site, the experience of many people who have tried and sought knowledge has been collected.
When the girl was expecting a baby, in 2011, she and her husband moved to St. Petersburg. Since there was a lot of free time, Olga had the idea to open her own school to help people with the same problems that she herself once had. At the same time, the author created a new profession - curator. Moreover, his duties included not just advice on, namely (,), which will lead to the intended goal.

After a while, halls opened in Moscow and Yekaterinburg, and since 2013 the annual project #sektacamp (summer camp #sekta) has started. In the same year, branches were opened in nine more cities of Russia.

Developing systematically, the school formed a scientific department that streamlined and structured the experience, and in 2014 personalized programs appeared:

  • sextamen();
  • sektamama (for expectant mothers and those who have given birth);
  • sektalite (and elevated people).
Two years ago, the movement began to take place with support in English.

Did you know? "Sect" is a non-random name of the project. Somehow in the comments the question was asked: “What are you talking about? Sect?". Since then, they have been called that.

Philosophy of direction

The key to success: acquiring new, correct ones, do not allow self-pity and win. As soon as this happens, everything old that a person wants to get rid of will return. And the goal of the team is to change something, to help, to give the necessary knowledge. As soon as complete information is received, the person is ready for healing.

Which is better - the perfect body or mental balance

The ideal body school says that everything you do should be done in a beautiful way, with respect and love for your body. Only then can you avoid mental trauma and really achieve results.

Otherwise, a person falls into an emotional vacuum, which he subsequently fills with food. If you want to get results, say to yourself: "Yes, maybe my body is not perfect, but I'm already on the way to becoming better."

The second rule to follow: do not make comparisons between your body and the bodies of stars or models. Such a comparison, on the contrary, worsens and draws towards.
Never, ever scold yourself, do not harass yourself. Treat yourself as you would - point to, lift your spirits, support, don't get angry. If you can’t do the whole complex, thank the body for doing at least a few.

Refusing everything, of course, is not necessary, but some foods (including those containing sugar, starchy) should be avoided:

  • sweets;
  • sweet or filled;
  • ice cream;
  • compotes;
  • or with sugar
  • snacks (, cookies, crackers);
  • white;
  • white flour and products from it;
  • wheat flour of the highest grades and products from it;
  • sweet potato.

Everything is recommended to be obtained exclusively from natural sources. So, you can use:
  • (, rapeseed, soybean, sesame);
  • olives.
In limited quantities, you can eat, and butter.

Since the main adherents of the Sect School of the Ideal Body, whose photos “before” and “after” the start of the trainings are presented on the official website of the School, this is their basis.

The basic rule is to keep a food diary and write down everything that you ate during the day. At the end of the day, the diary is filled out and sent to the curator for verification.
In the proposed application #sekta, it is more convenient to keep a food diary, it takes into account both, and full-fledged, and, and, and “holiday goodies”.

Drinking after meals is taboo (it expands the size of the stomach). you can only 10-15 minutes after eating. You can't drink a cup.

There should be a certain time between meals (for example, 2-4 hours). The essence of this regime: you should not experience feelings, only in this case the body will not accumulate calories.


The name speaks for itself - one-on-one contact.

Such a program is ideal for busy people who do not have enough time to collect and study the necessary information. It is also suitable for those who do not like the group format of classes.

With a personal approach, the system adapts to a particular student and depends on his lifestyle, the availability of free, and opportunities. The main factor is trust.

Examples of people after completing the course

#sekta is a mass of stories that can be told endlessly.

  1. Galina S., 49 years old. Trained under the #sektalite program. I got it by accident (my daughter secretly applied). Initial weight - 104 kg. The name "sect" scared, but kept a sense of responsibility. In the end, it dragged on. Today I fell in love with morning workouts, walks a lot, dances. But the main thing is a change of habits.
  2. Lena, 25 years old. For the last 2 years I have been living in constant depression. After a chance meeting with a guy, I got into #sekta. Life has changed entirely. Initial weight - 56 kg. After some time, the scales showed 54, and then 52 kg. I tried to skip training, but the team did not allow me to return to my old life, for which I am very grateful to her.
  3. Sasha S., 21 years old. At first I was just a blog subscriber. But in the summer of 2011 I decided to take on my body. By autumn, I managed to lose 8 kg and come to 42 clothing sizes. The hardest thing was to accept that #sekta is not just a diet, but a way of life.
  4. Dasha K., 25 years old. I read the blog for 10 months and decided to start training. In a month already there was a result - a minus of 4 kg. A huge bonus: skin problems of the hands (dermatitis) disappeared and digestion improved.
  5. Oksana, 20 years old. I came to the School, having got acquainted with the work of the Alai Oli group. The first workouts were difficult, but over time I felt that I was full of strength and energy (as if cleansed).
  6. Cyril, 25 years old. Starting weight - 103 kg. For a month on detox, I managed to get rid of 7 kg. I was happy like a child, but at the same time I was worried about what would happen if the diet ended. In social networks I came across #sekta. The first lesson ended in a semi-conscious state and streams of sweat. As a result - minus 21 kg and many new friends.

As you can see, Olga Marquez's #sekta Ideal Body School is not only a sure way to get the desired body, but also an indispensable assistant in acquiring the right habits. And all this is possible in just 9 weeks. Then there is only one thing left: to adhere to the basic principles and live in harmony with oneself.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

"Sekta" is the name of the international school of the ideal body, which operates in many cities of Russia, as well as in Kyiv and Minsk. A person from any region can join the school remotely, receiving training videos and nutrition advice via the Internet. Within the framework of the "Sect" there is an online store of ready-made dietary dishes called "Sectafood".

School features

"Sect" suggests using and to build an ideal body. It does not give guarantees of any results, since they are individual and depend on your perseverance, motivation, and willingness to follow the recommendations of the school's specialists. "Sect" gives you the opportunity to choose the best weight loss method for you. In addition to the standard, the following programs operate within the school:

Sektalight. Intended for the elderly or patients with severe. Assumes loads of reduced intensity. Work with eating habits takes place in stages - a person is not immediately put on a strict diet so that he does not give up the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bweight loss due to poor tolerance to low-calorie nutrition. Particular attention is paid to the psychological support of the client.

Sectamama. Designed for pregnant women and young mothers who want to restore their body after childbirth. The intensity of the loads is controlled based on the woman's body weight, the level of her physical fitness, and the state of the body. Future or already established mothers are engaged in groups, which allows women to quickly overcome postpartum depression, expanding their social circle. They also develop eating habits to prevent future weight gain.

Sectman. Designed for men. The main focus is on strength training. Men receive advice from experienced coaches who have achieved sports results themselves. The diet takes into account the increased need for during exercise. Calorie content is calculated according to the needs of the man.

SektaVIP. Designed for people who want to get an individual weight loss program, and are willing to pay 3,000 rubles a week for it. Your personal diet is analyzed and adjusted, based on the state of the figure and your goals. You receive individual advice on both nutrition and training.

Some features of classes in the school of the ideal body "Sect":

  • six-day schedule (Sunday - day off);
  • classes for 1-1.5 hours, in the gym, in groups of up to 30 people;
  • duration of classes in the "Sect" - 9 weeks;
  • the need to keep a food diary, which is checked daily by the group curator;
  • with distance learning - the opportunity to stay in the "Sect" for an unlimited amount of time, if you have paid and completed all 9 weeks of the course.

Nutrition principles

Some people believe that some special principles of nutrition are professed at the Sect school, which make it possible, with the help of a certain “secret” set of products, to quickly reduce weight without feeling hungry. There is nothing like it. You will eat according to generally accepted weight loss schemes.

Features of the proposed diet (information from the reviews of people who have taken a weight loss course in the "Sect"):

  • food groups that are harmful to the figure are prohibited: sweets, smoked meats, too fatty or salty foods, fried foods, milk;
  • do not eat dairy products containing more than 5% fat;
  • once a week - fasting day;
  • fruits and spices are prohibited in the first week;
  • you should drink 2 liters of water per day;
  • two weeks out of 9 - refusal of animal food with an increase in the proportion of legumes in the diet;
  • the day always starts with or ;
  • fractional diet;
  • on Sundays, you can eat one product that is harmful to the figure, but only until 4 pm.

The advantage of following a diet at the Sekt Ideal Body School over regular, home-based weight loss on low-calorie foods:

  • communication - you will lose weight in the company;
  • additional motivation - you will see the results of other program participants;
  • reducing the risk of injury - you will work out under the guidance of a coach;
  • reducing the risk of a negative impact of diet on health - you will lose weight under the control of a nutritionist;
  • constant course correction - if you follow the diet incorrectly, you will be pointed out to errors (the curator will constantly check your food diary);
  • knowledge that will remain with you - in the future you will be able to independently maintain your body in perfect condition;
  • prestige - you can brag to your friends where you lost weight, and how much money you paid for it.


The cost differs, depending on the place of your residence, the chosen weight loss program and the form of training. It can be face-to-face or remote. For distance learning at the school of the ideal body, the same price applies for all regions - 1150 rubles per week. Full-time form costs from 500 rubles (Omsk) to 1300 rubles (Moscow) per week. Other cities occupy an intermediate position in terms of price - cheaper than in Moscow, but more expensive than in Omsk. The highest price has an individual weight loss course (SektaVIP program) - 3000 rubles per month.

How can you characterize such prices? Probably, it is quite possible to follow a diet and exercise at home, for free. But as practice shows, almost no one does this due to lack of proper motivation and constant postponing the start of the diet to a later date. Perhaps the "Sect" will become a springboard for such people, changing their eating habits and giving self-confidence.

However, the price seems really out of proportion to the services the school provides. All the knowledge that you get there can be gleaned from books for free. All the workouts that will be sent to you on video during distance learning can be viewed for free on YouTube. It turns out that you pay mainly for motivation, control of your actions and the opportunity to lose weight in the company of the same applicants for a slim figure.


There are a lot of reviews on the Internet from Sect customers. Not everyone has achieved ideal body condition, but most people have had results. Reasons for positive reviews:

  • there is a result - body weight decreases;
  • good atmosphere in the team;
  • a variety of workouts that do not tire;
  • you can find many recipes for dietary dishes;
  • psychological support throughout the training.

Reasons for negative reviews:

  • expensive;
  • it is not always possible to communicate with the curator on an individual basis due to the large number of people in the group;
  • Difficulty following a diet
  • Difficulty with training
  • there are no “magic” ways to lose weight without effort;
  • distance learning takes place in an inconvenient format.

Some people lied to the curators, which they did not hesitate to admit in the reviews. They wrote down in a diary not everything they ate during the day. Naturally, such clients did not receive results and were disappointed with Sekta.

In general, from the reviews it can be concluded that full-time education leads to a positive result much more often than distance learning. People like it more, it has much fewer flaws. Online learning does not create a team atmosphere. The temptation to deceive a curator who will never see you in real life will be very great. In addition, there are reports of poor organization of training, untimely checks of the food diary.


School of the ideal body "Sect" is an expensive but effective way to lose weight. We recommend that you study in person, as distance learning is ineffective. We learned about this from reviews in which training and dieting via the Internet are often criticized by clients.

You will lose weight in the "Sect" with the help of diet and exercise. Most likely, you will not learn anything new there. The advantage of losing weight at school lies mainly in the increased motivation that curators and a team of like-minded people create.

If you want to get more information about the "Sect", you can read the book of its founder - Olga Marquez:


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