Study and work abroad. Types of foreign schools

Going abroad and getting rich - the "American dream" haunts many residents of the post-Soviet space. Who among us has not dreamed of living in a beautiful house abroad, driving an expensive car and relaxing in resorts? But on the way from dreaming to action, many face difficulties, for example, finding a job. How to find a worthy place? What is needed for this? This is what will be discussed in our today's article. Are you ready to absorb?

First, let's figure out what a job abroad is. Conventionally, all types of earnings abroad can be divided into three types:

  • work for everyone;
  • work for students;
  • work for specialists.

Each type of employment has its own characteristics and requirements, you need to prepare various documents and master a number of skills.

Work abroad for everyone

The easiest and most popular way to get a job abroad is to earn some money during a certain season. Such tourist countries as Turkey, Egypt, Greece, etc. are happy to invite you to cooperate for service in hotels and restaurants. Indeed, it is convenient to go to a beauty salon in Bulgaria and meet a master there who speaks your language. But foreign resorts are visited not only by citizens of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries, which means that knowledge of the language will be needed to communicate with the employer, the local population and foreign tourists. Ideally, you need to know the local dialect and script, but mastering Chinese characters or Arabic script can take years. In this case, English will come to the rescue, an international language, the study of which is compulsory in most schools in the world.

In addition to knowing the language, you will need a notarized translation of documents, a work visa to live in the country and medical insurance. You can get a job as a maid, waiter or strawberry picker without certain skills. To work abroad in a hairdresser or nail service, you will need experience of similar work at home. Specialized firms engaged in employment abroad will help you find vacancies and help with the interview, as well as prepare the documents. You can start searching for vacancies from the Rospersonal website.

It should be borne in mind that the service personnel receive a small salary. However, when converted into domestic currency, the amounts are significant, therefore, you can earn good money and return home. Foreign companies are interested in attracting employees from other countries, because the labor of compatriots, as a rule, costs much more.

Work in Europe

One of the most demanded areas of work abroad is employment in Europe. Most of the countries of the European Union are on the same continent with us, so getting there is much easier than to the countries of the Americas. Our compatriots are also attracted by the beauty of European cities, their rich history and culture. In addition to the vacancies described above, people often go to Europe to work as an Au-Pair - a governess and a housekeeper in one person. The essence of the work is to help children with their studies, as well as to do simple homework. In exchange, the Au-Pair receives accommodation in the family's home and a cash reward. This type of work assumes full employment with weekends and free evenings, during which you can attend various courses, as well as sightseeing. You can find a family willing to hire a foreign tutor on the Aupaiway website.

Work for students

It makes sense to think about a future career already during training, especially since student exchange programs and foreign internships have all the necessary conditions for students. Of course, it is quite difficult to go to work abroad without spending a penny of money. The internship involves paying for a study visa, paperwork and travel. But the rest of the living expenses and payment of the tuition itself are often paid by the inviting party. You can also expect to receive a scholarship or combine training with a part-time job, which will take away not only important skills in the specialty from the trip, but also financial benefits.

The search for a suitable program should start with the appropriate department in your educational institution. If the university does not have connections with the country to which you want to go, start your search from the other side. Any large university has its own website, which necessarily has a section dedicated to working with foreign students. Make a list of the most demanded universities in the country and start a methodical study of materials on their official pages.

Work in the USA

As attractive as Europe is, distant America with its hamburgers, Hollywood and the Statue of Liberty continues to confidently attract young people. The Work & Travel program has been created especially for those who do not like to waste time. It allows you to spend the summer in one of the states of America, earn some decent money and at the same time see the country. The program is designed for 3-4 months, and the last one is necessarily allocated for traveling around the country. Participants must certainly be 1-4 year students of the university. Thus, the US government is trying to minimize cases of illegal migration - after all, the student is likely to return to his homeland to complete his education and receive a diploma. The second prerequisite is, of course, knowledge of the English language - without it, there is simply nothing to do in the United States. You can learn more about participation in Work & Travel, as well as submit an application on this resource.

Students have the opportunity to work in shops, hotels and restaurants, while receiving $ 7-8 per hour. Housing, as a rule, is provided by the employer, the payment for it does not exceed $ 100 per month. The number of working hours per week is determined by the participant himself. Some people choose to work 50-60 hours a week in order to get as much money as possible. Others go to America to improve their language skills and get new experiences, and therefore work no more than 40 hours, leaving evenings and weekends free.

In addition, it is worth remembering the Green Card - a document that will allow you to live and work in the United States on a full-fledged basis, and after a certain time you will be able to become official citizens of the United States. Thanks to her, you can:

  • work;
  • live in any state;
  • own real estate;
  • study in a public school;
  • get a local driving license;
  • enlist in certain branches of the US Armed Forces;
  • receive health insurance benefits for seniors;
  • receive social security benefits, age and disability benefits.

By the way, if, of course, you are not threatened with work at the request of an American employer, reunification with an American family, marriage with a US citizen / citizen or political asylum, then you can take part in the free lottery and try to win a Green Card only in October of each year, and find out the results - in May. So don't wait!

Work for specialists

Young people who have already graduated from higher education can count on high-paying jobs abroad. Large foreign companies in the field of IT technologies, oil refining and light industry are interested in qualified specialists and are ready to take on the difficulties of registering a foreign employee. To get a good contract job, you must provide documents of relevant education, which are quoted abroad. In some cases, you may need to go through the qualification confirmation procedure, which takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money.

To get a high-paying job abroad, you should slightly change the approach to finding vacancies. Here you should focus not on sites for employment abroad, but on specific employers. Make a list of companies that might benefit from your services and send your resume to HR e-mail. Recently, CVs in video format have become more and more popular.

Most large companies, as a rule, operate in the international arena, therefore, the main requirement is not only proficiency in English at a conversational level, but also a fluent understanding of highly specialized terminology. If you have doubts about your language skills, then sign up for courses in the desired specialty.


As the famous aphorism says: “What difference does it make how old your sneakers are if you walk in them in Paris”. Don't be afraid to follow your dreams. Whether your specialization is IT, medicine or architecture, our English courses via Skype will help you understand the jungle of terminology and take the first step towards your dream of working abroad!

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Work and Study Programs is a range of programs available in countries such as Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The essence of the program is always the same - combining study and work abroad for several months. But the requirements for participants, conditions, direction of study and employment opportunities vary from country to country. Thanks to this, everyone can choose the ideal program for themselves. To make it easier to do this, today we will tell you the distinctive features of each of the programs and highlight their nuances.

Distinctive features

Looking ahead, I would like to emphasize that all of the programs listed below have common features that make them so popular:

  • long-term study of English or vocational education;
  • work abroad;
  • earnings from 9 euros per hour (on average);
  • unforgettable journey;
  • the opportunity to enter a local university without exams;
  • extension of status in the country without leaving it;
  • immigration prospects.

Work and Study Ireland


Like other programs in the Work and Study category, Canadian consists of two elements - study and work. The duration of the program varies from 24 to 44-48 weeks. In the first case, the duration is broken down into elements in the following ratio: 12 weeks of training in the Hospitality Operations program and parallel employment; and 12 weeks of work only. In the second case - 4 weeks of learning English, 20 weeks of training in the Hospitality Operations program + parallel employment and 20 weeks of work only.

A distinctive feature is professional education within the program.

The training is conducted on the basis of a Canadian college in Vancouver. Classes are held in the morning from Monday to Friday, which gives enough free time for parallel employment. The Hospitality Operations course is designed not only for those students who have an education or experience in the field, but also for those new to this business.

The tourism and hospitality industry is one of the fastest growing in the world, therefore a Canadian certificate in this specialty has professional value. Students can work in Canada from the first day of college. There are no restrictions on the choice of vacancies, so the program participant selects any vacancy for himself.

The program is suitable for anyone who wants to live and work in Canada, get an education in the field of hospitality, or simply improve their knowledge of the English language. The program can be attended by students, graduates or young professionals, under the age of 26, who speak English at a good level.

Work and Study New Zealand


The total duration of the program varies from 4 to 12 months. At the same time, throughout the entire duration of the program, the participant is engaged in English and at the same time has the opportunity to find a job. Due to the fact that the training takes place from Monday to Friday, on the first day, the participants have enough time to work. Since there are no restrictions on the directions for employment, the participant can independently choose any vacancy. International students are allowed to work in Australia no more than 20 hours per week.

A distinctive feature is direct admission to Australian universities.

Work and Study Australia is ideal for those who would like to improve their English skills, work abroad, and those who are eyeing Australia as a country for their future life.

All programs of the Work and Study category open up a lot of opportunities for their participants, but each of them has its own unique flavor. There is no program among them that will be better than the other in terms of objective parameters, but each of them will find its participant!

You can find out more about each of the programs by clicking on the hyperlinks in the text, or on our website in the "Career" section. Your questions and applications - we will be happy to help you!

Recently I decided to get a second education, but just not in Russia. Knowing about the quality education that my peers in Europe and America receive, I also wanted to follow their example. According to statistics, 10% of Russian students annually go to study and conquer the USA, Canada, Czech Republic, England, China and other countries. The issue of free education abroad is still relevant today.

In which countries can a Russian student study for free?

First of all, I decided to decide in which country it would be easier for me to live, where education would be cheaper for me.

Note that you can only study for free at public universities. They provide free education to foreigners.

In other organizations, tuition is paid.

Many people call the training "free" in quotation marks. The reason is that you should provide for themselves , you will have to spend not only on food, but also on a library, a gym and other services of an educational institution. Everything is paid annual contribution ... In addition, if you yourself are not applying to the university under the funding program, then you will need to transfer money to your bank account, which would be enough for accommodation and meals throughout the entire period of study .

Since I work and can provide myself, I did not pay attention to the "free" education. Studying in Russia, we also spend on accommodation and meals. Moreover, considerable sums are spent on renting housing, and if I will live in a student dormitory then my costs will be much reduced.

So, I will list foreign countries where you can get free education and with what entrance requirements:

Note that educational institutions of the Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, China and other countries provide the opportunity to receive free education for Russian students.

But education at universities is not conducted in English, but only in the native language of this country, for example, Czech, Chinese, etc.

Despite this, they are admitted to universities without exams, after school and after completing the first year of a Russian institute.

Basic requirements for incoming foreigners

Each university and country has its own requirements, however, they are almost the same.

Foreign applicants can enter universities, taking into account the following requirements:

Documents required for study abroad

A standard package of documents includes:

Each document submitted to the commission plays an important role.

If you do not submit any document, you may be refused admission.

5 ways to study abroad for free

There are several methods for obtaining free education abroad. All forms directly associated with gratuitous aid ... It can be provided to students by an educational institution, the state, a private entrepreneur, a representative of a public fund.

I will list 5 ways of such training:

  • Grants or so-called social assistance to students , which is intended for educational expenses, the implementation of a professional project, training in summer schools, courses, etc. The grant is issued in a lump sum in the form of an incentive. You can receive it again.
  • Scholarship ... When receiving a scholarship, which can cover the cost of all or part of the training, a motivation letter plays a huge role. The scholarship can be awarded for achievements in the volunteer, sports, creative, academic fields, or other talents. The scholarship can be issued by the university itself, or by the Russian state.
  • Research scholarship ... This way of getting an education is intended for those who have graduated from the "HSE" and are planning to enroll in a master's program for further research activities. This scholarship can be issued by the state, representatives of private or public funds.
  • Assistant ... Designed for those who wish to enter doctoral studies. In addition to training, you will work as an assistant professor. His responsibilities include reading introductory courses in your specialty, participating in research projects that your department implements. Such financial support can be provided by both the state and the institution itself.
  • Global Education Program ... A program was developed so that a student studying at the expense of the budget of the Russian Federation abroad, after graduating from the university under the master's, postgraduate, doctoral programs, returned to Russia and worked at the enterprise for 3 years. This is a great opportunity to get a free education and have a job after graduation.

So, as you understood, get free education abroad is possible ... The main thing is to have a desire. When choosing an educational institution, I rely on entrance exams and requirements.

If you are also going to study abroad, then my advice: think over everything to the smallest detail, how you will finance your studies, how much money will be needed for accommodation, meals and other expenses, what exact documents should be sent to the university upon admission.

Many students would like to have the opportunity to study abroad, get acquainted with the culture of Western countries, as well as gain work experience and a good salary during their stay abroad. Not everyone can afford to study in Europe or the USA. Today this problem can be considered solved - in domestic countries there are numerous programs for students abroad, where they can get the most of what they planned from a trip abroad. What scholarship programs exist, what are their features, and what are the options for a student to travel abroad?

What programs are there for students abroad?

Existing exchange programs for students and professionals provide unique opportunities for inexpensive, interesting and profitable pastime abroad. The main goal of educational programs is to increase knowledge, improve language skills, as well as get the maximum amount of positive emotions and feelings from being abroad. Many programs provide not only the possibility of training, but also earnings. All existing exchange programs for students can be roughly divided into several categories:

  • Culture Exchange. Programs are valid for schoolchildren and students. The main goal is to get acquainted with the cultural characteristics of the country and in-depth study of a foreign language. Making money while staying in the country is an excellent chance to immerse yourself in the national characteristics of countries and improve communication skills with other people.
  • Internship abroad. In this case, we are talking about special scholarship programs, according to which students and young professionals can gain practical skills, experience and knowledge in their specialty. Such programs provide for both training in educational institutions of other countries and work in the professional industry.

Both the first and the second type of programs are very popular among compatriots, therefore, numerous travel agencies and organizations in domestic countries conclude agreements on cooperation with foreign universities, and are also participants in such programs.

How do the programs work?

Each program has its own characteristic features - readers will be able to see this below. If we combine all programs belonging to a certain category, we can deduce the general patterns of the functioning of programs:

  • Programs for students that provide for cultural exchange are as follows: the student chooses a specific program and country, as well as the conditions for participation and stay abroad. As a rule, the programs are as follows: students stay abroad and move into families, after that they get a certain job (employment options are provided by programs), depending on their own level of knowledge, and can also take part in educational programs that are provided according to the main program.
  • Internship and study abroad programs are as follows: a student or young specialist chooses a suitable scholarship program that is provided by educational institutions in foreign countries. After that, he prepares all the necessary documents for participation in the program and submits an application. If a student is chosen according to the program, he is provided with all the necessary conditions for obtaining practical skills and work experience in the chosen specialty, he is given the opportunity to live on campuses of educational institutions and study in them.

What are the benefits of student programs?

Programs for students abroad have the following advantages:

  • Gaining work experience in a specialty;
  • Opportunity to study at foreign universities;
  • Immersion in the national flavor of the country;
  • Familiarization with cultural characteristics;
  • Improving language skills;
  • Possibility of getting good wages.

There are several major benefits behind each program, the rest are minor. Depending on the student's choice, it is possible either to study the cultural characteristics and color of the country, or to study and work in a specialty, etc.

What are the popular programs for students abroad?

Consider which scholarship programs to study abroad, as well as general programs for students, are the most popular and what options a student can choose in order to realize the opportunity to study, rest and work abroad.

Work and Travel USA

For the first time, the program began its activities in 1957. This youth student exchange program is the most popular in the world (as of 2014). Work and Travel gives students the opportunity to live in the USA for several months, work in American companies, improve their own language skills and receive good wages.

In addition to advantages, the program also has disadvantages - participants can only be full-time students, there are age restrictions, and participation requires investments (which pay off over time).


The program is active in the USA and Europe. Before its appearance in domestic countries, Work and Travel was the most popular among students. Students can participate in the program in Germany, France or the United States. Students go abroad for a year, where they live with families, receive pocket money, and have the opportunity to enter a university. Participants can be not only students, and almost no investment is required.

Among the shortcomings of the program are the need to perform household chores in the family and care for children, as well as the ban on work.

Educational programs

There are a huge variety of scholarship and educational programs for students from all over the world. As an example, consider programs in Canada and Germany.

There are dozens of educational institutions in Canada that offer training (both completely and conditionally free) for domestic students. For example, scholarships for bachelors are provided by Conestoga College, University of British Columbia, York University, Concordia University, Dalhouse University, Vancouver Island University and others. The number of scholarship programs in educational institutions ranges from a few dozen to 280 at Conestoga College.

Germany has a special Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and numerous funds for students who want to study in Germany. The most famous foundations are the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Bonn and Hohenheim University Programs.

In addition to the above, special scholarship programs exist in universities in almost all European countries, the United States and many Asian countries (for example, the PRC has allocated 57 scholarships for students for 2015-16).

How to become a participant of the study abroad program?

To participate in a foreign study program for students, you must choose the program itself, which is most suitable for your own purposes. After that, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements that are put forward according to the program, as well as the documentation that must be submitted to participate in the program. In all cases, the required documents differ, so it is impossible to draw up a single list.

In all cases, students are required to submit documents that confirm the fact of completing their education in domestic universities. In addition, scholarship programs provide for excellent knowledge of at least English, confirmed by IELTS / TOEFL certificates. The third general condition is the presence of a passport with a visa. In all other cases, the requirements are different.

Tuition fees for foreign programs

There are both completely free and paid programs. For example, scholarship programs in the United States can cost from 2 to 7 thousand dollars, in Canada - from 1 to 9 thousand Canadian dollars. Accordingly, in other countries, the rates also differ depending on the types and conditions of the scholarship programs.

“Foreign countries will help us,” Ostap Bender assured us. Indeed, learning English abroad is more fashionable than ever. But is it worth changing the coziness of your hometown, where walls help, for an educational journey? Let's find it out in the article. You will learn how you can learn a language abroad for children and adults, what are the pros and cons of each of the methods. And our teachers will tell you about their own experience of pumping English abroad.

Pros and Cons of Studying English Abroad

Before looking at the different ways to learn a language abroad, let's weigh the pros and cons of a study trip. First, we offer you several reasons to pack your bags for the sake of improving your knowledge.

1. Immersion in the language environment

2. Overcoming the language barrier

Everyone who has been abroad will remember how difficult it is to start speaking English. But it is the need to somehow communicate with others that will make you forget about embarrassment and fears. And let the first phrases be given with difficulty and stuttering - this will be the first step to free oral speech.

3. Acquaintance with another country

Abroad, you will not only study, but also get acquainted with the culture of another country, and also see new interesting places. Of course, this is much more interesting and more motivating than sitting at home with the Blue Murphy in her arms.

4. Expanding the circle of acquaintances

On the trip, you will definitely meet new people. Make friends with them, exchange contacts, for example Skype, and when you arrive home continue to chat with them online. Thus, you can find yourself an interesting companion to practice speaking.

5. Acquaintance with different accents

While traveling, you will most likely communicate in English with people of different nationalities. At first, you may not even understand their words because of the accent. Do not worry, gradually your ears will get used to it, and you will easily understand what the interlocutor wants to tell you. You will also make sure that your accent is not the worst version of English :-)

Now let's add a fly in the ointment to our barrel of honey: pay attention to what pitfalls await you when studying abroad.

1. Miracle will not happen

Studying English abroad, although effective, is still not a guarantee that upon arrival you will speak like a native speaker or immediately pass the international exam for the highest score. Your success (as in any business) directly depends only on your own efforts. Knowledge will not appear in your head as if by magic. To get the most out of it, you will also have to learn new words, repeat the phrases you hear, understand grammatical constructions, etc.

2. From Pre-Intermediate and above

We do not recommend learning the language "from scratch" abroad: it is unrealistic to understand explanations in a language you do not know, and if they explain everything to you in Russian, the meaning of the trip is almost lost. We recommend educational trips to people with a level not lower than Pre-Intermediate.

3. Avoid compatriots

Of course, it is always nice to have a person next to you who understands the native language and the peculiarities of the Russian national mentality. However, this may result in the fact that you will talk with a new friend in Russian, that is, you will “emerge” from the linguistic environment, and the goal of the trip will not be achieved.

4. A blow to the wallet

Traveling abroad is not cheap anyway. Even if you choose a volunteer project, you still have to pay money for the preparation of documents, insurance, meals, etc. Learning a language within the country is still cheaper, especially since you can study with a teacher from the UK or the USA right at home. For example, our school has.

5. Difficulties in translating acclimatization

No matter how trite it may sound, but not all people easily tolerate climate change, and poor health can interfere with your studies. So choose your country and time of year carefully for your trip. Also, familiarize yourself with the traditions of the inhabitants of another country before traveling, then the culture shock will not be so strong.

How to learn English abroad for adults

Adults, of course, find it easier to find a suitable option for studying English abroad: you are an independent person and will not be confused even in case of unforeseen situations, so you can choose not only expensive and proven, but also more affordable and slightly more risky options.

Language school - expensive but safe

A language school abroad can be located in any country, including a non-English one. As a rule, you are given daily English lessons with native speakers in the first part of the day, and you can spend the second part on excursions or talking in English with your classmates. Typically, schools provide meals and accommodation in a residence or family. They will also help you with obtaining a visa, insurance and other documents.

1. Safety 1. High cost

This is the most expensive way to study English abroad, as every aspect of the program is thought out and you pay for it: tickets, accommodation, meals, etc.

2. Professional teachers

In good schools, you are taught by experienced teachers with specialized training, often native speakers.

2. Large groups

Many schools are trying to cut costs and organize groups of 20-30 people. The larger the group, the less time will be devoted to you and the less productive the training will be.

3. Availability of a training program

The purpose of the school is to teach you, so you will follow a structured curriculum rather than idle time abroad.

3. Few activities, a lot of free time

Some schools have the sin of holding few classes and not organizing any entertainment for students.

4. Convenience

Usually the school takes care of all the paperwork, booking tickets, finding accommodation, etc. You only need to express your preferences and pay for the course.

4. Poor living conditions

There is a risk of getting into an untidy hostel or an unpleasant family. So carefully read the reviews of the former students of the chosen institution.

Experience as a teacher: 9 years

Experience at Englex: 6 months

Studying in the UK has always been considered very prestigious, and British diplomas and certificates are recognized all over the world. Studying in the UK gives people a tremendous opportunity not only to improve their English, but also to gain a rewarding experience of life in a different culture. This will allow in the future to choose among the most promising job offers in any country in the world. And a new circle of friends will help to establish relationships with the most talented, motivated and wealthy people from different countries, because it is these students who strive for the best - education in the UK.

If long-term training is not for you, take short-term courses during your holidays or vacations. In addition to the invaluable baggage of knowledge, skills and abilities, you will receive a certificate that will help you impress employers. It's also a great chance to travel around Foggy Albion: Edinburgh, Birmingham, York, Liverpool, Oxford, Cambridge, Brighton, Stonehenge ... and London, of course! "If you are tired of London, you are tired of life," said the famous English poet Samuel Johnson.

In my experience, the most popular study trips in the UK are 18-21 days long. During this time, children / students are taught at a British school, usually 4 lessons a day. And also various entertainment events are organized for them: visits to attractions, stadiums, matches, parks, attractions, museums, other cities, etc. Students live with families, which makes it possible to get acquainted with the life of the British, find new friends from different countries. In addition to practicing English, for children it is an excellent experience of solving non-standard life situations and staying outside the comfort zone. Everyone is happy with such internships. Many go there (or to a new school) every year.

Recently, a student of mine (29 years old) traveled to the United States for a month using the same scheme. He lived and studied in Los Angeles. After training, I appreciated his progress, he began to speak faster and more confidently. Now he is teaching me new American English slang phrases that he learned there. It is interesting!

Volunteering - cheap and cheerful

Volunteering is voluntary assistance to nature, animals or those in need. Volunteer groups are staffed with people from all over the world, and their language of communication is English. Therefore, on such a trip, willy-nilly, you will speak a lot and often in English. Volunteer groups can work in any country in the world. You yourself choose the duration of the program (usually from 2 weeks to a year), the country of residence and the job you want to do.

1. Affordable price

The donation to a volunteer organization is less than the tuition fee for a language school.

1. These are not courses

You will not specifically engage in language learning, but simply immerse yourself in a language environment where you will have to speak English.

2. The ability to help others

You not only satisfy your own thirst for knowledge, but also help people.

2. Can be dangerous

Projects can involve quite hard or traumatic work.

3. Interesting business

Volunteering is not always about the suffering. You can, for example, help baby turtles grow or organize festivals in Australia. If you wish, you can find something to your liking.

3. Age restriction

The vast majority of volunteer projects are designed for people under 30.

4. Possibility of earning

Some programs do not imply free help, but work for a small monetary reward. You won't be able to make good money, but enough for souvenirs.

4. Responsibilities are not always pleasant

Not every person will agree to clean up after animals or dig in the garden under the scorching sun. Think about whether you are ready for the test.

Experience as a teacher: 10 years

Experience at Englex: Seven months

I started taking part in volunteer projects as a student. Usually it was work in sports and health camps for children, which gave a lot of experience, not only from a professional point of view.

After graduation, I left for the USA, where I was lucky to meet a wonderful family and their friends who not only traveled to Africa and worked with local children, but also took part in American projects in their hometown. At first I worked in a kindergarten with preschool children. These were extracurricular activities of an entertaining nature, organizing holidays, helping educators during excursions, hikes and other events. The kindergarten and then the school were for the children of immigrants, so it was doubly interesting. Different cultures, different customs, demeanor merge in one team, although there was a big problem in communication. Therefore, we explained ourselves as best we could. Among the volunteers there were also students from South Africa, Brazilians, Germans, Koreans, Mexicans. Often traditional cultural events were organized for the children: parents brought food, we did small concerts. Of course, we also represented our countries at these events.

Volunteering is a great opportunity to try yourself in different professions and find out what you enjoy doing. In addition to school projects, there were fairs for which we prepared traditional Russian food and made small souvenirs. On holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, I took part in a local organization, distributing food and things to people in need, and we also delivered food to the elderly who were left alone on the holiday.

This work took up to 5 hours a day, but brought a lot of pleasure. This gave me the opportunity to see a lot of interesting things and travel, visit museums, exhibitions, parks, observatories, storage facilities, where in ordinary life I would hardly have got. With children, we also went to the salt lakes of Utah, where they showed us how to collect salt. We were in the mountains for small excavations, at the thermal springs in the Arok park, in the dinosaur museums and the open-air village of old settlements, and many other places.

I did not stop my volunteer work while living in Ireland, where I worked with a local sports organization working with children with disabilities. Basically, it was helping teachers during trips, after classes, since each such child requires attention. Of course, sometimes even after a couple of hours of work you feel like a squeezed lemon, but then when you meet these kids in the city and they hug you, and their parents say their thanks, you feel that even a couple of hours a day gives a huge result!

Work & Travel USA - affordable and interesting

Work & Travel USA is a special student exchange program that allows them to live and work in the USA for some time, interacting with native English speakers on a daily basis. Requirements for knowledge of English are not high. As a rule, students are offered low-skilled jobs: waiters, salesmen, camp counselors, lifeguards, etc. When contacting a company that sends students for this program, you can choose the type of work.

1. Affordable cost

Of course, you will need to pay a fee, insurance, paperwork, etc., however, students are usually given discounts for all of this.

1. Age restriction

Only students can participate in this program.

2. Opportunity to earn

Your expenses can be fully paid off thanks to good pay for work abroad.

2. Difficult work is possible

If you are not ready to work in a low-skilled position, it is better to leave the program.

3. Convenience

You do not need to look for housing and work yourself, a special company is engaged in this.

3. Not always good living conditions

The housing provided is not always in good condition, and if you live in a family, you will have to get used to people with a completely different mentality.

4. Support

Abroad, you will have a coordinator to help in case of problems.

4. Difficulties with housing

The employer can provide you with housing, but in many cases you will have to find an apartment yourself. It is not easy and quite expensive.

Programs for children

Are you a responsible parent looking for an English study abroad program for your child? Then the mini-review that we have given below will be useful to you.

FLEX - exciting, but far away and for a long time

FLEX is an exchange program for high school students. The organizer and sponsor is the US Government, which pays all expenses of the participants. After passing the competition, schoolchildren are sent to the United States for one academic year, where they study in regular schools with their American peers. At the moment, the program has been suspended in Russia for 2 years, but it is expected to resume recruitment for the 2017-2018 academic year.

1. Completely free

The US government bears all costs and also helps with paperwork. In addition, schoolchildren are given small amounts of pocket money.

1. The risk of getting to an irresponsible representative

The program has many representatives who can negligently do their job, for example, put you in a troubled family.

2. Immersion in an environment without compatriots

The organizers try to distribute schoolchildren so that residents of one country do not get to one school. That is, your child will only communicate in English.

2. One soldier in the field

The child will have to solve all the problems that arise in a foreign country on his own. There is a risk of getting into an irresponsible host organization.

3. Study abroad

In most cases, a student can transfer grades from an American school to a domestic one. That is, he will not lose a year of study, but will be able to continue it upon arrival home.

3. Psychological discomfort

Two great stress awaits the child: the first is a collision with a foreign culture, the second is a return to our realities.

4. Practical knowledge

During a year in the country, the student will receive good knowledge, begin to think in English, communicating daily exclusively in this language. In addition, at this age, memory quickly and efficiently assimilates information.

4. Quite high requirements for the level of English

Your child will need not only to understand others, but also to study school subjects in English. It is quite difficult due to the abundance of terms in each subject.

Experience as a teacher: 7 years

Experience at Englex: 3 years

Children's language camp - useful and fun

Children's language camps offer to spend from one week of vacation or more, learning English. They exist both in our country and abroad. We will focus on foreign options, because it is native speakers who teach there, and the child has less chances of finding a talkative compatriot and chatting all the holidays in Russian.

1. Safety

The organizers care about the safety of children and do not leave them unattended.

1. High prices

The cost of staying in the camp is high, and not everyone can afford it.

2. Instilling a love of language

In the camp, knowledge is presented in an easy and interesting way, so that the child will be happy to learn English.

2. Psychological difficulties

Some children find it difficult to be without parents in a foreign country with a different culture.

3. Productive learning

It has a curriculum and professional teachers, so the time will be good.

3. The problem with teachers

Since the children are not very versed in the subject and will not complain, some organizers, instead of professional teachers, give lessons to native speakers without appropriate education or teachers for whom English is not native.

4. Child development

Summer camps organize not only training, but also exciting leisure activities for the child in such a way that children develop comprehensively.

4. It is difficult to assess the quality of studies

It is difficult for a child to assess the quality of teaching. It will also be difficult for you to draw conclusions: the responsibility for the lack of achievements may be placed on the child, and not on the teacher.

We've only listed the main pros and cons of each of the popular ways to learn English abroad, but perhaps you also have something to say about this. Maybe you tried studying at a language school or did you volunteer in Europe? Please share your experience in the comments to this article.

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