Incredible photos of sharp boundaries at the confluence of seas or rivers! Why doesn't the water mix? Caribbean and Atlantic Ocean.

All myths cannot be broken at once, especially when they are created every day by those who wish, but as such questions arrive and a little technical or analytical research is carried out, it is possible and I would even say it is necessary.

Just recently, an old acquaintance of mine and a good friend with whom I have not seen for a long time wrote to me. Nothing ordinary "hello how are you, haven't seen each other for a long time", and also in the text of the letter he said that he had read my works and decided to ask a question that tormented him for a long time - Why in some places fresh and salty sea water does not mix. Thus, the topic for the next post in LabOrder (laboratory of orders) was determined.

I have already come across this question, and often in conversations with the same people - religious, who at every opportunity mentioned that the Holy Quran says about the non-mixing of fresh and salt water, and used this statement as an argument in favor of the fact that this book knows what until now science cannot explain. Earlier, I simply brushed aside such "arguments" due to the fact that I am an agnostic, and have an irreparable conviction that often religion either does not correctly interpret physical phenomena, or creates and demonstrates certain tricks in order to attract more adherents to its ranks. But since the person asked, all the more so my old acquaintance - let's figure it out.

First, let's ask the holy book what it says about immiscible waters, specifically and in the text. Why text? Often, everyone interprets certain words, in which it is not clear in what translation, and wishful thinking.

Since this surah consists of 77 ayats, we will consider only the ayat we need where this statement about the non-mixing of water is mentioned. ayat

<<25:53. Аллах - Тот, кто создал два моря рядом: в одном море - пресная вода, а в другом море - солёная. Оба моря рядом друг с другом, но Он поставил нерушимую преграду между ними, и они не смешиваются благодаря благоволению Аллаха и Его милосердию к людям>>

But even on this site there is already a substitution of concepts and a re-interpretation of original statements. From what I ask people reading such literature, to be careful. For example, here is the translation of the Quran by Valeria Porokhova (Al Furqan 25:53):

<<Он - Тот, Кто в путь пустил два моря:

Pleasant and insipid are one

Salty and bitter are different.

He put a barrier between them -

Such an indestructible barrier

(That never allows them to merge) >>

It should also be noted that this phenomenon is repeated in Surah ayat 19-20.

Pleasant and bland - Salty and bitter. Well, now it is more or less reliably seen what, where and where. It is quite possible that the example of the seas is a metaphor and nothing more. But let's even say so.

In general, I repeat that the main argument is often the fact that the Holy Book mentions the truth that was not yet known to science before the village. And even they say that the famous inventor of scuba gear and oceanographer Jacques Cousteau converted to Islam when he first saw this phenomenon in reality. But I'm afraid it might happen, as with the astronaut Armstrong.

In order to begin to understand this problem, we need to list the places on the planet and the conditions in which a similar phenomenon is observed, where water from one reservoir does not mix with water from another.

<< Галоклин - слой воды, в котором солёность резко изменяется с глубиной (наблюдается большой вертикальный градиент солёности). Один из видов хемоклина. Ввиду того, что солёность влияет на плотность воды, галоклин может играть роль в её вертикальной стратификации (англ.) (расслоении). Повышение солёности на 1 кг/м3 приводит к увеличению плотности морской воды приблизительно на 0,7 кг/м3 >>

<<…А. И. Воейков впервые дал верное объяснение наличию теплой воды на глубинах северной части Индийского океана. Он утверждал, что В БАБ-ЭЛЬ-МАНДЕБСКОМ ПРОЛИВЕ ДОЛЖНО СУЩЕСТВОВАТЬ НИЖНЕЕ ТЕЧЕНИЕ ОЧЕНЬ ТЕПЛОЙ И СОЛЕНОЙ ВОДЫ ИЗ КРАСНОГО МОРЯ В ИНДИЙСКИЙ ОКЕАН. Впоследствии это БЫЛО ДВАЖДЫ ПОДТВЕРЖДЕНО НАБЛЮДЕНИЯМИ в указанном проливе: во время плаваний С. О. МАКАРОВА на «Витязе» в 1886-1889 гг. И АНГЛИЙСКОЙ ЭКСПЕДИЦИЕЙ на судне «Старк» в 1898 г.>>

2) The Strait of Gibraltar - between the Iberian Peninsula and the northwestern coast of Africa, connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

If you believe this photo, then it was taken in this place. And the interface that is visible on it is the difference in salinity, which for some reason does not mix.

Again, there are no reliable sources of information that this phenomenon in this form can be observed as shown in the picture above, again, besides yourself you know which sites. Moreover, in different sources, this image is attributed to a different location. Okay, let's see where we have here "fresh" and where is "salty". The Atlantic Ocean is salty, as well as the Mediterranean Sea, which is saltier than the ocean itself. It has been established that the water exchange between these two reservoirs along the upper reaches brings 42.3 thousand km3 to the Mediterranean Sea, and the lower 40.8 thousand km3 of water per year carries out from the sea. What kind of "non-mixing" of water we are talking about, we can only guess.

Also, if you believe Valeria Porokhova herself, this barrier and a clear separation is observed in almost every river that flows into any sea (on video from 2:00). Yeah, especially where we are talking about the Volga and the Caspian Sea, where there the cosmonaut could see the border of the division? History is silent.

Watch your hands.

Obviously, and most likely, the first thing that surprises people is the clear interface, which is shown in the photographs to confirm that the water does not really mix. But my dears, how can water not mix if the world water exchange is almost a fundamental law. Only in part, a relatively blurred interface can be observed due to a number of physical phenomena that can be observed either temporarily or at different depths depending on the changing water temperature, salinity, surface tension and currents carrying it at different speeds, thereby slowing down the diffusion process. I repeat, regarding the clear dividing line that some people claim and the lack of water exchange, in such places, alas, there are no official and reliable sources.

Why not bring in confirmation an isolated lake that would have a similar clear section, "sweet - a slide" of water. Maybe because there is no such thing?

More and more often, it is the straits and the connections of rivers with seas that are cited as an example. As a result of the combination of two different waters, where the phenomenon appears on which the diffusion process takes place according to the above factors. Why, for example, is no one surprised by such a borderline that occurs in nature?

Maybe because these obvious things were simply not written in Scripture?

On the other hand, no one claims that in the Holy Book, there is generally a detailed explanation of anything except how - it was done by God and in His Name!

What is the root of this trick? Yes, the fact that 1400 years ago in the Koran it was already described, and science is only now making such discoveries. Well, okay. Science simply, in addition to making discoveries, is trying to explain them in this way, by the way, its key difference from any religion that simply points to God.

That is, what do deeply religious people want to convey to us? And the fact that 1400 years ago, the only one who knew that when two water reservoirs were connected there would be some kind of dividing line, it was the Holy Scripture of the Koran. And until that moment, for some reason, no one noticed this phenomenon among people who had already been using the fleet for at least 4000 years. That's it.

And finally, watch this video (I didn't give it the name). Do you still think that deeply religious people who mix reality with faith are capable of professionalism in a particular profession? Especially such as pilots, doctors, scientists, physicists, teachers, designers, etc. ..?

Two seas that do not mix are described in the Quran!

While exploring the expanses of water in the Strait of Gibraltar, Jacques Yves Cousteau discovered an amazing fact that cannot be explained by science: the existence of two water layers that do not mix with each other. They seem to be separated by a film and have a clear border between them. Each of them has its own temperature, its own salt composition, flora and fauna. These are the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean in contact with each other in the Strait of Gibraltar.

“In 1962,” says Jacques Cousteau, “German scientists discovered that in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, where the waters of the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea converge, the waters of the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean do not mix. Following the example of our colleagues, we began to find out if the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea are mixing. First, we examined the water of the Mediterranean Sea - its natural salinity, density and inherent life forms. We did the same in the Atlantic Ocean. These two masses of water have been meeting in the Strait of Gibraltar for thousands of years and it would be logical to assume that these two huge masses of water should have mixed long ago - their salinity and density should have become the same, or at least similar. But even in the places where they converge closest, each of them retains its properties. In other words, at the confluence of two masses of water, the water curtain did not allow them to mix. "

Upon discovering this obvious and incredible fact, the scientist was extremely surprised. “For a long time I rested on my laurels with this amazing phenomenon, which cannot be explained by the laws of physics and chemistry,” writes Cousteau. But the scientist experienced even greater surprise and admiration when he learned that this was written in the Koran 1400 years ago. He learned about this from Dr. Maurice Boucaya, a Frenchman who converted to Islam. “When I told him about my discovery, he skeptically told me that it was said in the Koran 1400 years ago.

It was like a bolt from the blue to me. Indeed, it turned out that way when I looked at the translations of the Koran. Then I exclaimed: “I swear that this Quran, from which modern science is 1,400 years behind, cannot be human speech. This is the true speech of the Almighty. "

After that, I accepted Islam and every day I was amazed at the truth, justice, ease, usefulness of this religion. I am infinitely grateful that He opened his eyes to the Truth, "- writes further Cousteau.


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As we discussed with you and it turns out very many did not know the exact number. Check yourself out on the link earlier. And now about the seas.

When you see the seas on a map, you probably get the impression that they just smoothly merge into each other and into the oceans. But in fact, the boundaries of the seas do not only run along the seabed. Different density, salinity and temperature lead to the fact that at the junction of the seas two walls seem to bump into each other. In several places on Earth, this is even visually noticeable!

The boundaries of the seas (or sea and ocean) are most clearly visible where a vertical halocline occurs. What is this phenomenon?

Ocean wedges are clear boundaries in the middle of the ocean between water masses with different physical and biological characteristics. There are several types of them. For example thermoclines are boundaries between waters with significant temperature differences. The largest and most pronounced thermoclines are, of course, the boundaries between the northern Atlantic waters and the warm golf stream.

The most amazing are the chemoclines, the boundaries between waters with different microclimate and chemical composition. Before the oil spill disaster, the most famous chemocline was the border of the famous Sargasso Sea. Now this chemocline is almost covered with a copper basin, fish from the outer oceans burst into the original get-together and ravaged the cozy sea.

And the most spectacular visually, perhaps, are the haloclines - barriers between waters with varying degrees of salinity.

Jacques Yves Cousteau discovered the same phenomenon while exploring the Strait of Gibraltar. The layers of water of different salinity seem to be separated by a film. Each layer has its own flora and fauna!

For a halocline to appear, one body of water must be five times saltier than the other. In this case, the physical laws will prevent the waters from mixing. Anyone can see a halocline in a glass by pouring a layer of fresh water and a layer of salt water into it.

Now imagine a vertical halocline that occurs when two seas collide, in one of which the percentage of salt is five times higher than in the other. The border will be vertical.

To see this phenomenon with your own eyes, travel to the Danish city of Skagen. This is where you will see the place where the North Sea meets the Baltic. Even small waves with lambs can often be observed at the border of the watershed: it is the waves of two seas that bump into each other.

The watershed boundary is so prominent for several reasons:

The Baltic Sea is much inferior in salinity to the North Sea, their density is different;
- the meeting of the seas takes place in a small area and, moreover, in shallow water, which makes it difficult to mix the waters;
- The Baltic Sea is tidal, its waters practically do not go beyond the basin.

But, despite the spectacular border of these two seas, their waters are gradually mixing. This is the only reason why the Baltic Sea has at least a little salinity. If it were not for the influx of salt streams from the North Sea through this bottleneck meeting, the Baltic would generally be a huge freshwater lake.

A similar effect can be seen in southwest Alaska. There the Pacific Ocean meets the waters of the Gulf of Alaska. They also cannot mix right away, and not only because of the difference in salinity. The ocean and the bay have different water compositions. The effect is very colorful: the waters vary greatly in color. The Pacific Ocean is darker, and the Gulf of Alaska replenished with glacial waters is light turquoise.

The visual boundaries of water basins can be seen on the border of the White and Barents Seas, in the Bab el-Mandeb and Gibraltar straits. In other places, water boundaries also exist, but they are smoother and not visible to the eye, since the mixing of waters occurs more intensively. And yet, while vacationing in Greece, Cyprus and some other island resorts, it is easy to notice that the sea on one side of the island behaves completely differently than the sea washing the opposite coast.

So, once again, the most spectacular merge points:

1. North Sea and Baltic Sea

The meeting point of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea near Skagen, Denmark. Water does not mix due to its different density.

2. Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean

The meeting point of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean in the Strait of Gibraltar. The water does not mix due to the difference in density and salinity.

3. Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean

The meeting point of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean in the Antilles region.

The meeting point of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean on Eleuthera Island, Bahamas. Left - Caribbean Sea (turquoise water), right - Atlantic Ocean (blue water).

4. Suriname River and Atlantic Ocean

The meeting point of the Suriname River and the Atlantic Ocean in South America.

5. Uruguay River and its tributary

The confluence of the Uruguay River and its tributary in the province of Misiones, Argentina. One of them is cleared for the needs of agriculture, the other becomes almost red with clay during the rainy season.

6. Rio Negro and Solimoes (section of the Amazon)

Six miles from Manaus in Brazil, the Rio Negro and Solimoes rivers join but do not mix for 4 kilometers. The Rio Negro has dark water, while the Solimoes has light. This phenomenon is explained by the difference in temperature and flow rate. The Rio Negro flows at a speed of 2 km / h and a temperature of 28 degrees Celsius, while the Solimoins flows at a speed of 4 to 6 km / h and a temperature of 22 degrees Celsius.

7. Moselle and Rhine

The confluence of the Moselle and Rhine rivers in the city of Koblenz, Germany. The Rhine is lighter, the Moselle is darker.

8. Ilz, Danube and Inn

The confluence of the three rivers Ilz, Danube and Inn in Passau, Germany. Ilz is a small mountain river (in the 3rd photo in the lower left corner), the Danube in the middle and the Inn of a light color. The Inn, although wider and fuller than the Danube at the confluence, is considered a tributary.

9. Alaknanda and Bhagirathi

The confluence of the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi rivers in Devaprayag, India. Alaknanda is dark, Bhagirathi is light.

10. Irtysh and Ulba

The confluence of the Irtysh and Ulba rivers in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan. Irtysh is clean, Ulba is cloudy.

11. Jialing and Yangtze

The confluence of the Jialing and Yangtze rivers in Chongqing, China. The Jialing River stretches for 119 km. In the city of Chongqing, it flows into the Yangtze River. The clear waters of Jialing meet the brown waters of the Yangtze.

12. Irtysh and Om

The confluence of the Irtysh and Om rivers in Omsk, Russia. Irtysh is cloudy, Om is transparent.

13. Irtysh and Tobol

The confluence of the Irtysh and Tobol rivers near Tobolsk, Tyumen region, Russia. Irtysh - light, cloudy, Tobol - dark, transparent.

14. Chuuya and Katun

The confluence of the Chuya and Katun rivers in the Ongudai region of the Altai Republic, Russia. The Chuya water in this place (after the confluence with the Chaganuzun River) acquires an unusual cloudy white lead color and seems dense and thick. Katun is clean and turquoise. Connecting together, they form a single two-color stream with a clear boundary and flow for some time without mixing.

15. Green and Colorado

The confluence of the Green and Colorado Rivers in Canyonlands National Park, Utah, USA. Green is green and Colorado is brown. The channels of these rivers run through rocks of different composition, which is why the colors of the water are so contrasting.

16. Rona and Arv

The confluence of the Rhone and Arve rivers in Geneva, Switzerland. The river on the left is the transparent Rhone, which comes out of Lake Leman. The river on the right is the muddy Arves, which is fed by many of the glaciers of the Chamonix Valley.

Haloclines are common in water-filled caves near the ocean. The less dense fresh water from the ground forms a layer above the salt water from the ocean. For underwater cavers, this can cause an optical illusion of airspace in caves. Swimming through the halocline causes disturbance and mixing of the layers.

The halocline can be easily reproduced and observed in a glass or other transparent vessel. If fresh water is slowly poured over salt water, preventing mixing (for example, with a spoon held horizontally at the water level), the halocline will be visible to the eye. This is a result of the different refractive indices of salt and fresh water.

Here's even more details and what is

Why the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans do not mix, you will learn from this article.

Why don't the Atlantic and Pacific oceans mix?

In the Gulf of Alaska, there is a place where the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans meet, but their waters do not mix. As you already understood, this phenomenon can be observed in the southwestern part of the coast of Alaska.

Have you ever wondered why two oceans do not mix in the Gulf of Alaska? One reason for this is the fresh, melt water from glaciers that enters the ocean, which is lighter in water. Created the difference in the density and level of salt in the waters of the oceans, which prevents it from mixing. NS then the conditional border of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean is created only by a strip of foam. The scientific name for this phenomenon is halocline (salinity jump layer), which denotes the transition boundary between water with different salinity. The water of one ocean is 5 times saltier than the other.

For the first time this amazing phenomenon was observed by the traveler, scientist and oceanographer Jacques Yves Cousteau, when he explored the waters of the Strait of Gibraltar. He showed the world the existence of 2 layers of water that do not mix with each other. The waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans are, as it were, separated by a film that creates clear boundaries. And of course, they are very different among themselves - each layer has its own characteristic temperature, salt composition, flora and fauna, even the color of water. And this is the most amazing thing.

Not such a rare phenomenon is the visible border between communicating bodies of water: two seas, a sea and an ocean, a river and a tributary, etc. And nevertheless, it always looks so unusual that one involuntarily wonders: why their waters don't mix?

1. North Sea and Baltic Sea

The meeting point of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea near Skagen, Denmark. Water does not mix due to its different density.

2. Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean

The meeting point of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean in the Strait of Gibraltar. The water does not mix due to the difference in density and salinity.

3. Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean

The meeting point of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean in the Antilles region.

The meeting point of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean on Eleuthera Island, Bahamas. Left - Caribbean Sea (turquoise water), right - Atlantic Ocean (blue water).

4. Suriname River and Atlantic Ocean

The meeting point of the Suriname River and the Atlantic Ocean in South America.

5. Uruguay River and its tributary

The confluence of the Uruguay River and its tributary in the province of Misiones, Argentina. One of them is cleared for the needs of agriculture, the other becomes almost red with clay during the rainy season.

6. Rio Negro and Solimoes (section of the Amazon)

Six miles from Manaus in Brazil, the Rio Negro and Solimoes rivers join but do not mix for 4 kilometers. The Rio Negro has dark water, while the Solimoes has light. This phenomenon is explained by the difference in temperature and flow rate. The Rio Negro flows at a speed of 2 km / h and a temperature of 28 degrees Celsius, while the Solimoins flows at a speed of 4 to 6 km / h and a temperature of 22 degrees Celsius.

7. Moselle and Rhine

The confluence of the Moselle and Rhine rivers in the city of Koblenz, Germany. The Rhine is lighter, the Moselle is darker.

8. Ilz, Danube and Inn

The confluence of the three rivers Ilz, Danube and Inn in Passau, Germany. Ilz is a small mountain river (in the 3rd photo in the lower left corner), the Danube in the middle and the Inn of light color. The Inn, although wider and fuller than the Danube at the confluence, is considered a tributary.

9. Alaknanda and Bhagirathi

The confluence of the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi rivers in Devaprayag, India. Alaknanda is dark, Bhagirathi is light.

10. Irtysh and Ulba

The confluence of the Irtysh and Ulba rivers in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan. Irtysh is clean, Ulba is cloudy.

11. Jialing and Yangtze

The confluence of the Jialing and Yangtze rivers in Chongqing, China. The Jialing River stretches for 119 km. In the city of Chongqing, it flows into the Yangtze River. The clear waters of Jialing meet the brown waters of the Yangtze.

12. Irtysh and Om

The confluence of the Irtysh and Om rivers in Omsk, Russia. Irtysh is cloudy, Om is transparent.

13. Irtysh and Tobol

The confluence of the Irtysh and Tobol rivers near Tobolsk, Tyumen region, Russia. Irtysh - light, cloudy, Tobol - dark, transparent.

14. Chuuya and Katun

The confluence of the Chuya and Katun rivers in the Ongudai region of the Altai Republic, Russia. The Chuya water in this place (after the confluence with the Chaganuzun River) acquires an unusual cloudy white lead color and seems dense and thick. Katun is clean and turquoise. Connecting together, they form a single two-color stream with a clear boundary and flow for some time without mixing.

15. Green and Colorado

The confluence of the Green and Colorado Rivers in Canyonlands National Park, Utah, USA. Green is green and Colorado is brown. The channels of these rivers run through rocks of different composition, which is why the colors of the water are so contrasting.

16. Rona and Arv

The confluence of the Rhone and Arve rivers in Geneva, Switzerland. The river on the left is the transparent Rhone, which comes out of Lake Leman. The river on the right is the muddy Arves, which is fed by many of the glaciers of the Chamonix Valley.

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