German maps of Antarctica. New Swabia: the secret base of the Third Reich in Antarctica

Nazis in Antarctica
... In 1954, a sensational article appeared in the American newspaper National Policy that Adolf Hitler did not die at all in his Berlin bunker in May 1945, but slipped away to Antarctica in a submarine and lives there in a "country residence" under called New Bertesgaden.

The corpse found by Soviet soldiers in the courtyard of the Reich Chancellery was allegedly the corpse of one of Hitler's doubles - Klaus Buschter, a Jew from Antwerp (* 49).

The official news of the death of the most important world villain, which has flown around the entire globe, put an end to all doubts and fabrications about the failed retribution, which allowed the Fuhrer to begin creating a new, Fourth Reich in harsh polar conditions.

“... In Antarctica,” writes the National Policy, “it would be practically impossible to find“ this demoniac ”of any, even the most numerous expedition. Would it be possible to comb through all these plains, alleys and mountains covered with eternal ice and snow?

At best, thousands and tens of thousands of searchers with ships, planes, helicopters and special equipment would be required. Meanwhile, in Germany, plans to create a permanent base in Antarctica began to be seriously developed back in 1938, and over the next seven years, regular flights between Germany and Antarctica began on the research vessel "Schwabia", later, with the outbreak of war, replaced by a division of submarines , which received the new name "Fuhrer's Convoy" and included 35 submarines.

Before the war, mining equipment, railroads, electric locomotives, trolleys, tractors, milling cutters for cutting tunnels in the rock mass were delivered to the construction area of ​​the Antarctic base on "Schwabia" ...

Submarines transported everything else. "Base 211", founded in the Schirmacher Bay and turned into a cargo transshipment port, attracted scientists, engineers, and highly skilled workers in large numbers.

And here are the memoirs of retired American Colonel Windell Stevens, who at the end of the 80s told everyone who wanted to listen to him about a German documentary report he had once seen, allegedly found by Australians in 1957 and transferred to US military intelligence:

“Our intelligence, where I worked at the end of the war,” recalls Stevens, “knew that the Germans were building twenty-four very large cargo submarines with a displacement of 5,000 tons each - an unprecedented value for this type of vessel, and all these submarines were launched on the water, equipped with experienced crews, and then disappeared without a trace.

To this day, we have absolutely no idea where they went. They did not surrender after the war in any port of the world, and their remains have not been found anywhere either. It's a mystery, but it can certainly be solved thanks to this Australian documentary, which shows large German cargo submarines in Antarctica, ice around them, crews on decks waiting to be moored..."

So, a new version has appeared about the last refuge of the German Fuhrer. A very good version, because it keeps the minds of millions of overly impressionable media consumers on their toes. In the fascinating book of the famous explorer of the "otherworldly" Karel Velazquez "Under the same sky" some moments of the "German Antarctic epic" are highlighted.

On the basis of some secret documents that came to him from nowhere and no one knows at what time (as well as no one knows where then disappeared), Velasquez claims that in addition to the latest cargo submarines, the Fuhrer's Convoy also included about a hundred (!) Conventional combat submarines, and in July-August 1945 (after the end of the war in Europe), two of these boats surrendered to the Argentine authorities in the port of Mar del Plata. The captains of these ships were Otto Wehrmouth (U-530) and Heinz Schaeffer (U-977).

During interrogations conducted by specialists from the British and American intelligence services, these "sea wolves" allegedly admitted that they repeatedly made voyages from Germany to Antarctica, to the shores of New Swabia, and on the night of April 13, 1945, both submarines began their last transoceanic transition.

Loaded in Kiel with large sealed boxes that contained the most valuable relics of the Third Reich and Hitler's personal belongings, Schaeffer took his boat out into the ocean. On board U-530, in addition to the cargo, about 30 more people unknown to Captain Vermouth were taken, and the faces of some were hidden by surgical bandages.

The allies could not find out more from the surrendered submariners, and although Vermouth was nevertheless accused of having taken Adolf Hitler himself to South America, he stubbornly denied this, and since no evidence was found, all these accusations hung in the air. But Velasquez eventually managed to learn much more.

"Flying Saucers" of the Nazis

As already mentioned, the interest that the leaders of Nazi Germany showed on the eve of World War II in this distant and lifeless region of the globe could not be rationally explained, despite the widespread version of the preparations for the evacuation of the leaders and values ​​​​of the Reich in case of its defeat in the coming war.

But Velazquez quickly found that "reasonable explanation", and even backed it up with some documents.

The gist of the matter was as follows. Long before the start of the Second World War, and even before Hitler came to power in Germany, there were such mystical societies as "TULE" and "VRIL", and the first was nothing more than a "German branch" ... of the Teutonic Order itself, and the second, more closed - a kind of Masonic lodge with a pronounced occult beginning.

Both societies worked in close contact with the ANNENERBE organization, and among other things, with the help of the financial resources of the patron society, they searched all over the world for documentation related to the occult orders. Non-traditional methods of obtaining knowledge were also practiced. The most experienced mediums and contactees were involved in sessions with the "gods" - under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, in a state of trance, they contacted the so-called "Outer Minds".

One fine day, supposedly occult "keys" worked, and through one of the contactees information of a man-made nature was received, which made it possible to obtain drawings and descriptions of "flying disks", which in their characteristics significantly exceeded all aviation equipment of that time.

“In the archives of the III Reich,” Velasquez informs his readers, “drawings were found that in general terms explain the principles of “twisting” the so-called thin physical fields, which make it possible to create some kind of techno-magic apparatus. One of the developers of "terrestrial versions" of techno-magic devices is the famous Dr. Walter Schumacher (*50).

According to the documentation I received, the electrodynamic machines designed by this scientist, using the rapid rotation of piezotron elements, not only changed the structure of time around them, but also hovered in the air contrary to all previously known laws of gravity. There is evidence that an apparatus with such capabilities was sent in 1939 near Munich, to Augsburg, where its research was continued at a secret Air Force training ground. As a result, the technical division of the SS-1 created a whole series of "flying discs" of the "Vril" type.

Similar information was received by the TULE Group through its own channels. The "saucer", built according to the drawings received by the "contactees" of this society, received the code name "Schütz" and was additionally equipped with jet boosters, which led to its disaster, which occurred in Norway in the winter of 1940. Judging by the secrecy with which all the work was carried out, there is every reason to believe that Hitler was not made aware of these experiments at all ...

The next generation of "flying saucers" was the "Haunebu" series. As it appears from the secret US Air Force intelligence documentary "UFO in the Third Reich", which came to me under mysterious circumstances, some of the ideas and technologies of the ancient Indians are used in these devices. Engines for "Haunebu" designed the most prominent Austrian scientist in the field of fluid motion Walter Shtauberg.

All work was supervised personally by Himmler, who did not spare any funds to finance such grandiose projects. With the help of additional appropriations, an SS development center with enhanced capabilities - Bouvet-IV - was created, in which a top-secret "flying saucer" project - "Hauneburu-X-Boot" with a diameter of 26 meters was soon developed.

The so-called "perpetual motion machine" - a tachyonator-70 with a diameter of 23 meters - was used as a mover on the "Hauneburu-X-Boot". The control was carried out by means of a pulsed magnetic field generator under the index "4A-sic". The device could develop a practical speed of about 6000 km / h, but by increasing the engine thrust it was planned to reach a speed four times greater ...

However, the most important achievement of German designers was the adaptation of the saucer to the most extreme conditions, which turned it into the most real spacecraft, and its normal carrying capacity was no less than 100 tons.

Serial production of this model was scheduled for 1944, but by that time the next, more advanced version, the Hauneburus-I, was tested, intended for air combat with enemy naval squadrons. The diameter of the "plate" was 76 meters, and four gun turrets from the battleship "Lutzow" were mounted on it, each of which had three 203 mm caliber guns mounted.

In March 1945, this "saucer" made one revolution around the Earth at an altitude of more than 40 kilometers and landed in Japan, at the naval base of the Japanese fleet in Kure, where the onboard guns were replaced at the local shipyard with nine Japanese 460 mm caliber guns from the battleship "Yamato" (*51). The "Hauneburus-I" was driven by a free-energy engine that used the almost inexhaustible energy of gravity (*52).

By the end of the war, the Nazis had nine research facilities, which tested a variety of "flying disc" projects. All these enterprises with scientists and key figures from the leadership of the Third Reich were successfully evacuated from Germany. I have reliable information that they were transported to a place called "New Swabia".

Today it may already be a decent-sized complex. Maybe these large 5000-ton cargo submarines are also located there ... Many competent sources claim that since 1942, thousands and thousands of prisoners of concentration camps, as well as many scientists, engineers, pilots, were transferred to the South Pole with the help of submarines and politicians with families and members of the Hitler Youth - the gene pool of the future "pure race".

Contactee Randy Winters provided me with information that in the bowels of Antarctica there is a whole underground city called New Berlin with a population of more than ... five million people - and this is in addition to the numerous villages and outposts scattered throughout New Swabia! The main occupation of the inhabitants of New Berlin is genetic engineering and space flights.

To generate all the energy necessary for the needs of such a huge conglomerate, the so-called "Kohler converters" are used - devices that operate on the same principle as the "flying disc" engines, that is, using the energy of the earth's gravity.

Indirect confirmation of the existence of the base are repeated observations of UFOs in the area of ​​the South Pole. They quite often see "plates" and "cigars" hovering in the air, and in 1976 Japanese researchers from the Antarctic scientific station "Showa", located in the Lützow-Holm Bay on the western edge of Queen Maud Land, using the latest equipment, simultaneously spotted 1 round objects that "dived" to Antarctica from space and disappeared from the screens.

The same Randy Winters reports that in the post-war years, the German Antarctic colony came into contact with a civilization from the constellation Pleiades, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bNew Berlin there is a real alien spaceport. After the war, the aliens took on the service of some of the Germans. Since then, at least two generations of Germans have grown up in Antarctica, going to school with alien children and interacting with them from an early age.

Today they fly, work and live aboard unearthly spaceships. And they no longer have those desires to rule over the planet that their fathers and grandfathers had, because, having known the depths of the Cosmos, they realized that there are things in the world that are much more significant ... "


In 1961, a significant event took place in the official history of Antarctica - uranium deposits were officially discovered in its depths. And not just deposits, but entire DEPOSITS, comparable in their importance to the scale of the entire continent, and even the entire civilized world, and the richest ores are located just in New Swabia - Queen Maud Land.

Many years have passed since then, and the development of minerals in Antarctica is prohibited by the provisions of the famous Treaty of 1959. According to some reports, the percentage of uranium in Antarctic ore is at least 30% - this is a whole third more than in the world's richest deposits in the Congo, from which the United States has drawn "explosives" for its atomic and nuclear arsenals for many years. In 1938, the problem with enriched uranium was not yet as acute as in the post-war years, but some exploration of uranium deposits was still carried out.

Even the "father of the atomic bomb" Robert Oppenheimer in 1937 made a statement that a country intending to produce weapons, the principle of which is based on the fission of the atomic nucleus, should seriously take care of reliable and sufficient sources of the necessary raw materials. There were practically no such sources in Europe and America.

But such sources were in Africa - Congo, Angola, Namibia. While it was only about development, the Americans had enough of their own, rather poor deposits in Canada, the Germans had enough of their own in Böblingen, and no one then seriously thought about the development of "overseas mines".

But the Germans, despite Hitler's frank disregard for the new type of weapon, became clear before everyone else that European uranium sources were of little use for the mass production of an atomic bomb, since the uranium content in the available ore was too negligible, and even an emergency construction could not solve the problem. enrichment plants. On the eve of a major European war, it would be unreasonable to rely on African deposits, and that's when it was decided to probe the "no man's continent" - Antarctica.

Digging through the collection of rock samples brought from Antarctica by the German polar explorer Wilhelm Filchner (*53) in 1912, the head of the Nazi "atomic project" Dr. Werner Heisenberg quite reasonably suggested that the richest reserves of high-quality uranium could be in the bowels of Queen Maud Earth. Intoxicated by his political victories in Europe (the annexation of Austria and the division of Czechoslovakia), Hitler easily allowed himself to be persuaded by Himmler, Goering and Raeder to agree to send an equipped expedition to distant Antarctica in search of mythical "roots".

At the celebration on the occasion of the completion of the building of the new Reich Chancellery, Hitler smugly said: “Well, okay! If in this divided, redistributed Europe, a couple of states can be annexed to the Reich in a few days, then no problems are foreseen with Antarctica, and even more so ...” (In Steiss "I heard Hitler" 1989)

Meanwhile, in Antarctica, the events already described above were taking place. Two German expeditions, one after the other, combed the whole of New Swabia up and down and founded a well-equipped "base 211" on the shores of the Russian Gulf (quickly renamed Bismarck Bay). Regular communication was established between the Reich and the "conquered country", which made it possible to quickly transfer a significant number of workers and engineers to New Swabia to develop uranium deposits.

The selection of guards for the rapidly expanding work was assigned to none other than Hauptstarführer Otto Skorzeny, who had just completed his "business" in Austria and Germany (key participation in the "Anschluss" in March, and in "Crystal Night" ( * 54 ) on August 38th). The extraction of extremely uranium-rich ore was deployed by the beginning of 1940, until the British fleet cut off oxygen to these promising undertakings ...

Concerned about the successes of the Nazis, the Americans, having correctly understood their intentions, but completely wrongly oriented in the goals pursued by the Germans, urgently mobilized their "Papanin" - R. Byrd, and sent him at the head of another expedition to establish American sovereignty over the Antarctic coal found earlier by the same Byrd .

The American admiral, not endowed with much imagination, did not come up with anything better than to establish two small stations on Stennington Island in the Bellingshausen Sea and at the foot of Mount Erebus on the border of the Ross Ice Shelf ("Little America" ​​and "McMurdo"), but start producing at least and massive, but ineffective aerial photography of the entire western coast, lying between these two points.

It was strictly forbidden for him to enter into a conflict with the Germans - President Roosevelt still did not really know why he needed these icy plains, and the time had not come to enter a new world war. And only after a while the British opened Roosevelt's eyes to the ugly truth, but it was too late - the Argentines, who felt the profit, poured into Antarctica in a noisy horde.


This is an excerpt from a book Alexander Vladimirovich Biryuk

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Any editions are often visited by strange people. In October 2002, when the whole country insulted the ridiculous death of Sergei Bodrov's group, while filming under a glacier in the Karmadon Gorge, a smartly dressed man of about 45 came to the editorial office of the weekly where I worked.

He introduced himself as Nikolai Alekseevich, an independent scientist from the Pogoda-69 center. Their group of scientists geophysicists, as it turned out, has been operating independently for a dozen years, and on full self-sustainment is engaged in global projects around the globe.

Nikolai Alekseevich told a lot of incredible things, in particular, the tragedy in the Caucasus, according to him, was caused by the actions of their devices: they pumped heat flows from the Mediterranean to the Russian Plain to increase the growing season.

A glacier in the Caucasus accidentally happened to be in the path of this flow: the rocky substrate warmed up, and the unplanned glacier slid down the water film. I asked about the power of their heat control devices and got the answer: "Only a few watts and the size of a small suitcase." “But it is true that the Globe is not arranged at all as science claims, and it is hollow inside,” I did not let up. "Are there secret entrances to the interior of the Earth in Antarctica?".

Nikolai Alekseevich nodded in the affirmative, and said that they had recorded by their methods that bodies of large masses were rapidly moving under the ice of Antarctica. They move along linear routes. But what it is, they could not determine. After that, I began to have great respect for the stories of my old friend, State Duma deputy Alexander Vengerovsky, who headed the Intelligence Subcommittee for four years and claimed that he knew that Adolf Hitler had been hiding in Antarctica at a base in the Earth's cavity for many years. Now Antarctica is rapidly freed from ice. Over the past year, having lost more than 10% of millennial ice in its ice shell.

Gateway to the South

In August 1944, the leadership of the Gestapo and the SS gathered for a secret meeting in the Strasbourg Hotel Maisonrouge. The meeting of the leaders of the secret services was conducted by SS Obergruppenführer Ernst Kaltenbrunner. For two days the color of the SD and Gestapo military intelligence headquarters discussed and approved the plans for the escape of the top of Nazi Germany from Europe, which was soon to be occupied by the troops of the anti-Hitler coalition. South America was chosen as the main direction of flight. The operation, codenamed "Gateway", involved the forces of the SS and SD residencies around the world. Operation Gateway saved the lives of many high-ranking Nazis. Already in 1951, the unfinished fascists established cooperation and organized a secret alliance, the so-called Black International. The secret activities of the organization were under the vigilant control of the US CIA. It turned out that since 1938, US strategic intelligence has introduced its people into one of the regional organizations of the SS. American agents operated in the centers for the production of false certificates and documents, which were located in the Austrian Bad Aussee and the Czech Laufen. Because of this, the Americans were aware of many of the plans of the Nazis. Day in and day out, they were aware of the false documents for Gestapo chief Muller and Reichsmarschall Himmler. Himmler's certificate was issued in the name of Sergeant Heinrich Gitzinger, and the chief of military intelligence, Kaltenbruner, received a passport in the name of Arthur Scheidler.

American intelligence officers were also aware of the new life of Adolf Eichmann under the name of Adolf Barth. And for many years he managed to hide in South America. The American intelligence services "forgot" to share this information with the Israelis, and they had to chase their compatriot, the organizer of the repression and genocide of Jews, for almost twenty years.

Soviet intelligence also did not lag behind, and had a direct channel of access to Hitler's first deputy in the National Socialist Party, Martin Bormann. In Moscow, already at the end of the war, the details of Martin Bormann's operation "Rheingold" - Rhine Gold, which he began in mid-1944, were known. Declared a state secret, this operation consisted in the evacuation of the main values ​​of the Nazi Party and the SS from Europe. Jewelry, diamonds were hidden, secret deposits were made. The operation was personally controlled by Hitler. The Nazis managed to hide hundreds of millions of dollars worth of valuables. These capitals are still working for organizations that are part of the Black International. These funds were hunted by the special services of the USA and the USSR, and, as you know, some of these funds were used by them for operations in post-war Europe.

Some details of Operation Rheingold are known. The export of valuables was carried out from Europe, blocked by the Allied fleets in three submarines. Known names of submarine captains: Heinz Schafer, Hans Wermuth, and Dietrich Niebuhr. Secret loading was carried out in the port of Saint-Nazaire, and unloading in shelters on the coast of Argentina, Patagonia, Brazil and Antarctica.

The Nazis prepared ahead of time for themselves a springboard for retreat. So in 1948, American intelligence attacked the trail of a certain Perez de Guzman, a wealthy businessman. As it turned out, this was the same Dietrich Niebuhr, who was first a diplomat of Nazi Germany, and then the captain of a submarine that took the Nazis out of Europe. It was he who took Martin Bormann to Argentina, who under the name of the German Jew Saul Goldstein lived quietly in Argentina and Brazil. Bormann underwent plastic surgery after the war and died in Argentina in the winter of 1973. All this time he was under the close guardianship of agents of the USSR and the USA. For the political leadership of the USSR and the USA, the arrest of Martin Bormann was undesirable, through him the secret services of the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition had access to part of the financial resources hidden by the Nazis during Operation Rhine Gold. Through controlled Nazi No. 2 Martin Bormann and saboteur No. 1 Otto Skorzeny, who was also hiding in South America, intelligence tried to reach out to Adolf Hitler himself.

Skull cap with hole

Hitler officially committed suicide by shooting himself with a pistol, and after that, to be sure, by taking poison. The textbook version of the death of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun in an underground bunker under the Reich Chancellery suits official historians and the world elite.

Joseph Stalin until 1948 was skeptical about the operational materials of the NKVD about the death of the Fuhrer, more trusting the information of military intelligence. From their materials it followed that on May 1, 1945, a group of German tanks broke through from Berlin at high speed moving northwest at the site of the 52nd Guards Rifle Division. On May 2, it was destroyed by units of the 1st Army of the Polish Army. Several powerful civilian vehicles were seen in the ranks of the convoy; after the breakthrough, the cars left the convoy and disappeared in an unknown direction. In these cars, there was Hitler and his entourage. Later it became known that the exit corridor was deliberately organized by someone in the ranks of our and Polish troops ...

It is known that the examination of the remains of Hitler and Eva Braun, found in a pit near the Reich Chancellery, was carried out extremely sloppily. On the basis of her materials, the experts found that a forgery had been committed by Soviet special agents. The main evidence of the "authenticity" of the charred remains of the Fuhrer and his wife were dentures and fillings. According to the Americans, gold bridges made by her order were put into the oral cavity of the remains of "Eva Braun" by the NKVD specialists, but, as it turned out, they were not used by Hitler's girlfriend during her lifetime. The same fraud was done with the "Hitler's skull". The fakes were made according to the schemes of the Fuhrer's personal dentist - K.H. Blaschke, by the dental technician F. Echtmann. Both were captured by SMERSH agents and wrote explanations under their dictation, recognizing the authenticity of their creations. The “remains of Hitler and Eva Braun” were buried in a secret place near Leipzig immediately after the “successful” identification of the burnt bones. In 1972, they were dug up and burned by order of Andropov. The ashes were scattered in a secret place. The question is why did they do it? Because, at that time, science, with the help of genetic analysis, could already give an exact answer, whose remains are these. That is why we were shown at the exhibition "The Agony of the Third Reich" in the State Archives of Russia in the summer of 2001, which President Vladimir Putin also visited, only the top cover of the "Hitler's skull" with a bullet hole and a piece of the lower jaw. And where are the parts by which you can recreate a portrait likeness? Where are the genetic tests? There was no scientific evidence of the authenticity of the exhibits, except for the protocols and reports of the Smershevites dated May 1945, at the exhibition. The newspapers were full of stories from archive keepers that the Fuhrer's bones, it turns out, had been lying around in a shoebox for a long time, without accompanying documents, in the vaults of the Lubyanka...

Secret Antarctica

In the late forties, Stalin was presented with American intelligence data that Adolf Hitler was alive and hiding in New Schwabeland, at a secret Nazi base in Antarctica, in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land. Soviet and Western intelligence completely missed the creation of this base, which consisted of two settlements in Antarctica. Beginning in 1938, the German Navy regularly made expeditions to Antarctica. According to the German scientific theory, which the Nazi leadership adhered to, the Earth inside is hollow, it was in the Antarctic region that there were entrances to giant underground cavities with warm air. The famous submariner Admiral Denis was the discoverer of underground cavities. The Germans who explored Antarctica called the underground caves a paradise. Since 1940, on the personal instructions of Hitler, the construction of two underground bases on Queen Maud Land began.

Similar bases were built before the Second World War and in the Soviet Union. One was built in the Kuibyshev area, now Samara, now the shelter has been declassified, and there is a museum "Stalin's Headquarters" in it. Another, in the Ural Mountains, is still operating, and its location is a state secret. Similar facilities were built and are being built by the United States. For several decades, Japan has been building a repository of its civilization on the territory of Canada, where it stores all the most valuable: scientific forecasts regarding Japan are very pessimistic, and the Japanese are afraid of geological cataclysms.

Since 1942, the transfer of future residents of scientists and specialists of the Ahnenerbe SS complex scientific center began to New Schwabeland, the leaders of the Nazi party and the state were later evacuated there, and production facilities were also created there. The construction of secret settlements was carried out by the hands of prisoners of war, and fresh forces were regularly supplied to replace those who were out of action. The bases were guarded by SS troops equipped with the latest submarines, jet aircraft were based at underground airfields, and rocket launchers equipped with nuclear warheads were on alert. German science, in conditions of military isolation, managed to create nuclear weapons at the end of the war based on other physical principles than those used by US and Russian scientists. These were nuclear charges, based on "implosive" physics. At their bases and facilities in the Amazon and Argentina, the Germans worked out the latest jet aircraft and tested an implosive nuclear charge. According to the information of American intelligence, which became known to our special services, at the end of 1944, the Nazis placed five V-5 ballistic missiles on combat duty in Queen Maud Land. They were created and managed to be tested by the designer Wernher von Braun, for shelling the territory of Great Britain and the USA in the last months of the war. Then, on the basis of these developments, the US and the USSR built their missile forces.

Fuhrer's last war

Despite the fact that the Americans knew about the existence of a Nazi shelter in Antarctica, at first it was decided not to touch them. But then, out of fear that the high technologies known to them could spread from Schwabeland and fall into the hands of neo-Nazis who were thirsting for revenge, they wanted to destroy the Fuhrer's secret hideout. In January 1947, the US Navy sent a squadron of ships with an aircraft carrier under the command of Rear Admiral Byrd to the Antarctic region. Sea and air battles took place along the ice-covered shores. There were losses on both sides. The American landing on the base was repulsed and Schwabeland held out. The Americans equipped punitive expeditions twice, the last one in 1949. Only the threat of the German Nazis on the open air radio to use nuclear weapons during the second operation forced the Americans to retreat. The war in Antarctica was strictly classified, information about it is still not known to the world.

The existence of Hitler's last refuge in Antarctica became a US and Soviet state secret. The secret stay of Adolf Hitler in Antarctica suited the great powers quite well. Adolf Hitler had a mass of revealing materials that could destabilize the situation in the world, and they did not touch him.

In Antarctica, "scientific" research began urgently. Soviet polar explorers from Antarctica were popular for a long time as the first cosmonauts. The Soviet Union and the United States created dozens of "scientific" stations: under their cover, a ring of tracking points was formed, but it was not possible to organize a complete blockade. Even modern satellite control in this region of the planet is very limited in its capabilities. The implosive nuclear weapons created in New Schwabeland until recently made it possible to deter any aggressor. In addition, German scientists already at the end of the war developed combat lasers and "flying saucers", devices that use other physical principles to move in space. Many discoveries and developments of German scientists, which went to the countries of the winners, remain classified in our time.

Beria and Hitler never met

According to the Nazis, Adolf Hitler died at a base in Antarctica in 1971. According to other sources, he lived until 1982. Hitler only once made a trip to the "mainland" in the town of Heliopolis on the outskirts of Cairo, which is located on the island of Zemelek. In 1953, he had a meeting with Martin Bormann and his personal pilot Hans Baur, who was released from a Soviet prison specifically for this. At this meeting, Hitler was given an oral message from the head of the Soviet intelligence services, Lavrenty Beria. Beria informed the Fuhrer about his plans to transfer the Soviet zone of occupation of Germany to the Western Allies and about the project of German reunification. He asked for the support of secret Nazi organizations, his far-reaching plans. Principal consent to support such actions of Beria from the Fuhrer was received. By the way, Beria reported to the members of the Politburo about his plans for the reunification of Germany, but did not receive support. Beria's opponents involved the military intelligence of the GRU. What army wants to give back what they have won? As soon as the leadership settled down, they just began to live in villas and carry clothes to devastated Russia. It is no longer a secret that our generals and marshals, including the legendary Georgy Zhukov, transported furniture, libraries and other belongings from the occupied zone of Germany by wagons. This "trough" for the military ended with General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, who gave the go-ahead for a united Germany 40 years later. The actions of the military, led by Marshal Zhukov, thwarted Beria's plans, he was accused of espionage and treason, and destroyed in the basement of the NKVD prison without trial or investigation.

In the early eighties, both the USSR and the USA dismantled the tracking points for Schwabeland. Interest in the ice continent temporarily faded. This was due to the fact that all the old Nazis died out, and the new ones, according to rumors, did not want to live there. According to some reports, Schwabeland was destroyed by the Nazis themselves, according to others, the Americans created a nuclear submarine base in its place.

How myths are created

In July 2002, in the article "Operation - Bury Forever" published in several publications, I put forward a version that the possibility of establishing by genetic analysis by microparticles in the Ipatiev house, where the royal family was shot, who was actually shot in Yekaterinburg, forced authorities urgently demolish the ill-fated house. The Bolsheviks acted out the farce of killing members of the royal family, and they themselves milked the tsar-father for information about his bank deposits, leaving him and his family alive for this. And for many years they hid him in the Novo Athos monastery near Sukhumi. And then, in a “miraculous” way, the remains of members of the royal family were “suddenly” found at the beginning of perestroika. They have undergone "relevant" examinations. The king and his family were buried magnificently. But the Russian Orthodox Church did not agree with the official version of the ownership of the remains and did not officially participate in the farce of the funeral. The remains of Tsarevich Alexei and his sister Anastasia were never presented to the public. Vice-speaker Alexander Vengerovsky, who knew the whole story with the remains very well through a deputy’s request, then demanded that the commission for the burial of the royal family and its chairman Viktor Chernomyrdin analyze the remains of Tsarevich Alexei, whose grave, according to him, was in Saratov. Deputy Vengerovsky gave the exact coordinates of the grave, where, according to his data, Tsarevich Alexei, who died in 1964, was buried. He said: “After some time, I was informed that the grave in Saratov was desecrated, and there were no remains in it. There was nothing to identify."

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    Nazi base in Antarctica. Truth and Myth

    There are many myths associated with the Third Reich, reflecting not only the mystical views of the leaders of Nazism. Under some of them there is a very real ground, but for a person who is used to relying on facts, they look even more fantastic than statements about the magical power of the Spear of St. Mauritius, which can influence the fate of mankind. A striking example of this kind of myth is the stories about the existence of a Nazi military base in Antarctica, known in military history as Base 211.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, there was the so-called “hollow earth theory”. According to this theory, there is an empty space inside our planet where organic life can exist. One can recall the scientific and artistic novel of the famous Russian geologist, geographer and writer V. Obruchev "Plutonia", where he described a journey into the Earth. His heroes saw an underground luminary, prehistoric animals and primitive people. But the scientist was far from the idea of ​​popularizing views that were not supported by scientific evidence.

    He used the "hollow earth" theory to give the younger generation knowledge of the prehistoric past of the earth. On the contrary, the followers of this theory firmly believed that people could exist in hypothetical underground cavities, and dreamed of establishing a race of “underground Aryans” there. They were sure that it was possible to get into these dungeons through a system of caves in the Himalayas, Tibet, the Pamirs, the Andes, the Carpathians and other mountain formations. But, according to them, the easiest way to do this was in Antarctica.

    The theory excited the minds of some scientists, and even more, the townsfolk. It is not for nothing that the writer Howard Lafcraft, quite famous at that time, in his famous novel “The Ridges of Madness”, which is still popular among a certain circle of readers, depicted underground Antarctica as the habitat of the ancient pre-human race of Elders, who arrived on our planet from another Galaxy.

    But along with this race, the author placed in the depths of the planet terrible, shoggots, who accumulated in themselves all the evil of the universe and tried to gain supreme power over the world. Lovecraft's novel can hardly be called prophetic. But attempts to establish an evil inclination in Antarctica, obviously, were made. And it is connected precisely with the Third Reich. It is up to the reader to judge to what extent the information is plausible.

    The myth of the Nazi military Base 211 in Antarctica looks like this:

    Influenced by esoteric teachings about prehistoric civilizations and the "hollow earth" theory, the Nazis became interested in the fifth continent. There is evidence that in 1937-1939 they actually sent two expeditions to Antarctica. One of them was led by Captain Alfred Ritscher.

    The Luftwaffe planes that were part of it photographed the vast Antarctic territories, and several thousand pennants with a swastika were dropped in the Queen Maud Land area. April 12, 1939 - Ritscher reported to Goering that his team had covered an area of ​​about 9,000 m2 with pennants and photographed 350,000 m2 of the Antarctic territory. So the Nazis sought to claim the Third Reich's right to this part of Antarctica, rich in uranium deposits. The part of the peninsula where the pennants fell was called New Swabia and was declared part of the future Millennium Reich.

    According to allegations, after the end of the Second World War, some documents appeared in the hands of the Allies, indicating that Nazi submarines managed to find a system of interconnected caves with warm air in Antarctica. The Nazis allegedly called them "paradise".

    It is possible that after reconnaissance, the Nazis began to build their fortifications in New Swabia. This can be evidenced by the statement made in 1943 by Admiral Karl Doenitz: "The German submarine fleet is proud of the fact that on the other side of the world it created Shangri-La for the Fuhrer - an impregnable fortress."

    Presumably, the construction cargo was transported by submarines from the Fuhrer's Convoy, which included 35 submarines. There is information about the participation in the operation of two aircraft carrier cruisers, in particular the Schwabenland. There is evidence that from the beginning of 1942, on the personal instructions of Adolf Hitler, Ahnenerbe specialists, scientists and selected members of the Hitler Youth were transferred to New Swabia as carriers of the Aryan gene pool.

    There is also evidence that at the very end of the war in the port of Kiel, torpedo weapons were removed from several submarines, because they were strictly forbidden to engage in battle during this voyage, and loaded with containers with unknown cargoes. In addition, the submarines took on board mysterious passengers whose faces were hidden by surgical bandages, possibly due to plastic surgery. There were reports in the press that at least 100 submarines were involved in the transfer of people to Antarctica.

    As you can see, the passengers of the submarines were not only privileged Nazis, but also prisoners of concentration camps, who, in the harsh conditions of Antarctica, had to carry out the construction of underground bastions. It is clear that others were brought in to replace those who could not stand it. Probably, none of them could survive, since there were no witnesses of the grandiose construction left.

    Proponents of the hypothesis that the Fuhrer and Eva Braun survived, as a version of their miraculous rescue, call the use of one of these submarines in order to shelter Hitler, Eva and other mysteriously disappeared leaders of the Third Reich in Antarctica. January 16, 1948 - The Chilean magazine "Zig-Zag" published an article that reported the following. Allegedly on April 30, 1945, Luftwaffe Captain Peter Baumgart took the Fuhrer on board his plane and delivered him to the deserted coast of Norway. There, Hitler boarded the submarine, which headed for Antarctica.

    Three months after the end of the war near the coast of Argentina, two German submarines 11-977 and 11-530 under the command of Heinz Schaumfler (Schaeffer) and Otto Vermount (according to other sources, Wilhelm Bernhart) were captured by the Americans. As it was found out, they were part of the Fuhrer's Convoy unit and in April 1945 they took on board a highly secret cargo and 5 passengers, whose faces were covered with masks. Mysterious passengers left the submarine near the Schirmacher oasis in Antarctica. Later, G. Schaumfleur was repeatedly accused of being the one who transported the Fuhrer to South America.

    The captain categorically denied this during interrogations conducted by employees of the American and British services. 1952 - he repeated all this in a book that was dryly and succinctly called "11-977". And when his friend and colleague, the captain of the submarine 11-530, wanted to publish his manuscript about this expedition, telling the whole truth in it, Schaumfleur wrote to him in a letter that all three submarines that took part in that operation were now peacefully sleeping at the bottom of the Atlantic and, "maybe it's better not to wake them?"

    Then he reminded his friend about the military oath and advised not to be frank: “We all swore an oath to secrecy, we did nothing wrong and only carried out the order, fighting for our beloved Germany. For her survival. Therefore, think again, and maybe it is even better to present everything as a fiction? What can you achieve by telling the truth about what our mission was? And who can suffer because of your revelations? Think about it!" But the "old comrade" Willy did not heed his advice. The version of events he presented further confused historians, who found in it many oddities and inconsistencies.

    The Nazi underground shelter in Antarctica is most often codenamed Base 211. Over time, in the imagination of the supporters of the existence of Base 211, it grew to the size of a huge underground city "New Berlin" with a population of two million, which allegedly exists to this day. According to allegations, its inhabitants are engaged in space flights and genetic engineering. The latter branch of science, however, arose in the early 1970s, so the Nazis did not have access to its secrets.

    The same can be said about space flights, which began to develop in the late 1950s. And yet, there is an unsubstantiated opinion that as early as the end of World War II, the Nazis built interplanetary aircraft capable of flying to the Moon and other planets of the solar system. In addition, German engineers allegedly created supersonic diskettes powered by rocket and nuclear engines (it is known that the development and implementation of such engines dates back to the post-war period).

    The successes of the Germans in the field of creating a new generation of aircraft were allegedly confirmed by the large-scale American polar expedition "High Jump" (1946-1947), led by the famous polar explorer, Admiral Richard Evelyn Baird. It consisted of 14 ships, 25 aircraft and helicopters of carrier-based aviation. The number of participants was more than 4,000 people. All this armada after some time approached the shores of Queen Maud's Land.

    The main goal of the expedition was to eliminate Base 211 and German submarines. At first, events unfolded successfully. The researchers took about 49,000 pictures of the coast. However, then something strange began to happen. At the end of February 1947, the expedition was forced to hastily leave Antarctica. According to the official version, she completed all the assigned tasks. But lovers of sensation assure: in fact, on February 26, 1947, the American landing force sent ashore to eliminate Base 211 was destroyed, and the ships were attacked by aircraft. The destroyer "Murdoch" was sunk, 9 aircraft were destroyed. Byrd was forced to enter into negotiations with the Nazis and accept their terms.

    The question arises whether Baird's interview can be trusted, given his mental state. By the way, mental problems were discovered in him during the second American expedition of 1933-1935. Baird, then still Rear Admiral, spent the winter of 1934 alone at the Bowling Advance Base meteorological station. Staying in the conditions of the polar night at a temperature of minus 50-60 degrees and faulty heating greatly undermined the health of the polar explorer. During the evacuation, he was diagnosed with carbon monoxide poisoning and mental disorders.

    Shortly after the completion of the expedition, Baird ended up in a psychiatric hospital, where he spent a long 5 years. According to the logic of lovers of historical secrets, real or imaginary, the cause of his illness was the shock of what he saw. Immediately upon his return, the admiral managed to give an interview to the journalist of the International News Service, Leah van Atta. In it, he said that he was very concerned that the flying machines that he saw in Antarctica could attack the United States. And he named discoveries that are of great importance for the security of the United States as the reason for curtailing the expedition. The press greedily seized on the sensation. Since that time, the situation has acquired new details, sometimes quite strange.

    1948 - in the Western European magazine "Brizant" it was reported that the Americans during the fourth Antarctic expedition were attacked from the air. One warship and four warplanes were destroyed. Soldiers who took part in the expedition, who wished to remain anonymous, testified that they were attacked by "flying disks emerging from under the water." In addition, they witnessed strange atmospheric phenomena, and many received mental disorders.

    An excerpt was also cited from Byrd's report at a secret meeting of the special commission, where he allegedly stated: “America needs to take defensive actions against enemy fighters flying out of the polar regions. In the event of a new war, the United States may be attacked by an enemy with the ability to fly from one pole to another at incredible speeds! But there was no official confirmation or refutation of this publication.

    1959 - a certain Amadeo Giannini published a message that Richard Byrd, during one of his research flights, encountered an inexplicable phenomenon: “Near the pole, Rear Admiral noticed a mysterious spot, shimmering either yellow, or red, or purple. Flying up to him, he noticed something resembling a mountain range. Byrd flew over it and thought he was seeing a mirage: forests, rivers, meadows where animals grazed, as well as strange devices that looked like "flying saucers", and something similar to a city with buildings carved from crystal.

    The external thermometer began to heat up sharply until it froze at a stunning mark: +23 ° C! And this is the South Pole! There was no radio communication with the earth ... ”But by that time Byrd had already died and could neither confirm nor refute the information published by Giannini. In addition, it was clearly not about the expedition of 1946-1947. At that time, Byrd was already an admiral, and not a rear admiral. The question arises why, having encountered an inexplicable phenomenon during previous expeditions, he did not make this fact known to his leadership or the public.

    The admiral's widow added fuel to the fire. Referring to her husband's logbook (if all the materials of the expedition were classified, it is not clear how he could fall into the wrong hands), she said that Baird came into contact with a highly developed civilization that mastered new types of energy and with their help received food, lighting and fuel for transport. According to her, the inhabitants of Antarctica tried to establish contacts with people, but their aircraft were destroyed.

    Ernest Zündel suggested that the diskettes built by the Nazis in 1938–1939. It should be noted that to confirm his conclusions, he used the fantastic novel Idols Against Thule by SS Ober-Sturmführer Wilhelm Landig, published in 1971. His heroes fly on a vertically taking off round V-7 aircraft with a glass dome and turbine engine. Since Zuydel does not refer to more reliable sources to support his thesis, his statements should hardly be taken into account.

    But to a greater extent, the shocking information is still connected with the Nazis. Oddly enough, in this situation they act as peacekeepers. There is a version that Baird in 1947 met with a tall blue-eyed blond (typical Aryan), a representative of the German Antarctic base. In broken English, he conveyed to the American government demands to stop nuclear tests that threatened the well-being of the Germans in Antarctica. Later, Byrd allegedly met with the leadership of the German Antarctic colony and signed an agreement on peaceful coexistence and the exchange of American raw materials for advanced German technology.

    Indirect confirmation of this is allegedly a fragment of the recently declassified transcript of Byrd's testimony, where he testified:

    “We need protection from high-speed and highly maneuverable German fighters active in polar latitudes. Such aircraft do not need multiple refueling to hit targets anywhere in the world. These machines, which caused damage to our expedition, are completely, from the smelting of metal to the last screw, produced under the ice, in factory buildings, arranged in cavities of natural origin. Anticipating the reasonable question about energy sources, I will say that there is a nuclear power plant operating there. The Germans carried out the transfer of specialists, food, everything necessary for establishing production and life from 1935 to 1945. They didn't let us in."

    Since the Americans have not seen anything resembling discos since that time, as well as information about the use of previously unknown production technologies, including in Antarctic conditions, this information should be considered fictitious.

    Information about Byrd's fate also causes bewilderment. According to one version, shortly after the 1946–1947 expedition, he died of a massive heart attack and was buried at Arlington Cemetery. In reality, he was allegedly being prepared for the next expedition to Queen Maud Land, where he had to meet with Colonel Maximillian Hartmann, keeper of the Spear of Destiny, thanks to which Hartmann had the authority of the Protector of the Nazi colony in Antarctica.

    The result of the meeting was the “Intention for Cooperation”, signed by Hartmann. The Protector Colonel allegedly guaranteed the transfer of technical documentation for an aircraft that is capable of becoming invisible to people and radars when certain speeds are reached.

    Contrary to elementary logic, Byrd allegedly brought to America not only a protocol of intent, but also a model of the latest aircraft. Outwardly, he resembled a flattened flounder, emitted a blinding light in the first minutes of the flight, and then became invisible and was able to hit any enemy target.

    It is difficult to say how, in the case of the veracity of this version, Baird's "resurrection" was framed. It is even more difficult to explain the assertion that the admiral died as a result of an accident on one of the first nuclear submarines heading for Antarctica and sank along the way. After all, it is reliably known that he died on March 12, 1957 in Boston and was buried with military honors. And shortly before his death, he flew over the South Pole for the third and last time.

    Thus, it can be stated that the existence of a Nazi base in Antarctica is unproven. Although, perhaps, attempts were made to create it in wartime. The Nazis were generally masters at creating such shelters. In particular, it is known that they set up a jump airfield in the Arctic and, based on it, shot down planes that were ferried to the Soviet Union from America through the Far East. Its remains were discovered beyond the Arctic Circle only in the 70s of the XX century.

    So, there is no reason to assert that the High Jump expedition was purely military in nature. It is known that she had the goal of testing personnel and equipment in the event of a war in Antarctic waters. But it included not only the military, but also scientists and various specialists, including cartographers. They studied in detail the coastline of the mainland, mapped the outlines of Western and Eastern Antarctica (Queen Maud Land belongs to East Antarctica). Aerial photography, geographical, geological, meteorological and seismological studies were carried out.

    In our time, the polar stations "Mizuho" (Japan), "Sanae" (South Africa), "Novolazarevskaya" (Russia), "Molodezhnaya" (Russia) and others operate on Queen Maud Land. It is unlikely that the mysterious base or traces of its stay would not have been discovered by them, and the Nazis, having the most powerful weapons in the world, would have suffered such a neighborhood at their side.

    This myth is so rooted in the minds of many people that the people have long ceased to distinguish truth from fiction, which gives a vast field of activity for clever hoaxers who have been given out to the public for years " on the mountain» tons of literature, films and other information garbage. It is enough to google for the phrase " Nazis in Antarctica”, as a shaft of all sorts of rubbish on this topic will fall on you. The main idea of ​​this article:

    There were no Nazi bases in Antarctica and there could not be any!

    The whole mythology built around this possible Nazi sanctuary is nothing but the product of a wild fantasy, the starting point of which was the activity of German submarines off the coast of this continent during the Second World War.

    People are so arranged, unfortunately, that they always prefer to find some mystical interpretation of facts and events, instead of bringing together obvious facts and drawing the right conclusions!

    The solution, all these years, lay on the surface, but no one bothered to turn their attention to it.

    To begin with, I will designate two fiducial points that will help readers understand what's what.

    Reference point first.

    Already in 1943, two years before the end of World War II, after the defeat at Stalingrad and on the Kursk Bulge, among the top leadership of Nazi Germany, the understanding of the unpleasant fact that the war was generally lost, and that one should look for the so-called. " alternate airfields».

    Few of them wanted to die for the glory of the millennial Reich, and therefore these people began to work out ways to escape.

    If the issue with the stolen valuables was solved simply (the same Switzerland accepted gold, jewelry and currency from the Nazis for storage without any questions), then the main question is “ Where to hide?!"was very sharply on the agenda.

    The Nazi bosses understood that there were not enough places on the planet where they could escape, so that with their bloody track record they could continue to live in peace without the risk of being extradited to international justice.

    One of these refuges turned out to be a distant Latin American country. Argentina.

    So here you go second reference point.

    Argentina in the pre-war period was a typical third world country.

    To bring Argentina to the forefront, at least within South America, investments and technologies were required first of all, but the main contenders for this role (the United States, Great Britain and some European countries) themselves were going through hard times.

    Then the eyes of the Argentine leadership turned towards Germany, where Adolf Hitler came to power and, under the leadership of the Nazis, the Germans began to demonstrate downright miracles in economic recovery.

    The important circumstance also played a role here, that in Argentina since the 19th century there was a fairly large German community, which never lost contact with the Fatherland.

    In the period 1941-1943. in Argentina, the so-called. " United Officers Group”(one of the leaders, if not the head, was none other than Juan Peron).

    This organization put forward the slogan " For great Argentina!”, arguing that Argentina should assume a dominant role in the South American continent, while openly supporting the Nazis. In June 1943, the highest military officials, with the participation of Peron, carried out a coup d'état.

    Did you pay attention to the coincidence of the dates of the coup d'état in Argentina and the period of the beginning of the decline of fascist Germany? That's what I paid my attention to!

    So, I'm moving on to the most important.

    Having seized power in Argentina, the putschists began to forge closer ties with the top of Nazi Germany, quite logically assuming that since the days of fascism were numbered, the main actors would look for a way to more securely hide their hard-earned goods (and themselves, of course) somewhere in more calm place.

    Nazi bosses appreciated the proposal of Argentina and began to work out ways to deliver valuables (as well as the right people) across the Atlantic. The safest and, moreover, the only acceptable way, of course, was transportation by submarines.

    In service with the Kriegsmarine, the main "workhorses" were submarines of the VII and IX series. The range of their autonomous navigation was quite enough to get to Argentina and return back, and on the way they were supplied with fuel and supplies not only by special mother boats, but also by secret supply ships (remember the famous film "Submarine" with Jürgen Prochnov in the title role ?).

    Establishing regular submarine flights from Germany to Argentina was not such a difficult task, but it turned out to be not so easy to provide secrecy this event! You see, in those years, submarines were all diesel(or rather, diesel-electric), and besides, although they were called submarines, they physically could not stay underwater for a long time!

    Submarines of that time were diving- that is, they had to overcome most of the way on the surface, and plunged under water before an attack or if it was necessary to escape from the chase. The speed on the surface was at least twice as high as in the underwater position, and the cruising range could not be compared!

    Therefore, German submariners involuntarily had to take a lot of risks, overcoming most of the way to Argentina and back on the surface. And in those years, any sailor on the planet could unmistakably determine that a discovered submarine belonged to the German Navy by the specific shape of the felling fence.

    It is clear that the captains of the German submarines gave the command for an urgent dive in case of any nix, but the risk of detection could not be completely ruled out. There was a very high chance of being discovered by the crew of some merchant ship of a neutral power, and then in London or Washington they would certainly be interested in what German submarines were doing in the South Atlantic at a decent distance from the theaters of war.

    The Nazis understood that it was impossible in any case " substitute"of their Argentinean friends, because the Americans could well have" press on the nail» the leadership of this country and then all plans would go down the drain! Therefore, the leaders of Nazi Germany, realizing that in any case it was impossible to avoid detection of their submarines on the way to Argentina, they came up with an elegant combination designed to confuse the enemy.

    As smart people say in such cases:

    "If you want to securely hide a thing, put it in a conspicuous place!"

    I'll tell you now what the Nazis came up with.

    But first I want to show you a contour map of the world, which shows (in blue and brown, respectively) Argentina and Germany. As you can see, the path is not short, about 6 thousand nautical miles.

    And here is another map for you - and it shows that the distance from the southern tip of Argentina to the coast of Antarctica is relatively small, about 800 kilometers (even less in nautical miles).

    The essence of " feint with ears”, arranged by the Nazis, consisted in the fact that the Kriegsmarine submarines, having reached Argentina, unloaded their cargo in some quiet bay away from prying eyes, and then, instead of immediately going back, made a march towards Antarctica!

    There they portrayed violent activity, almost openly going on the air and breaking their bivouacs.

    This was done with the sole purpose of confusing American and British intelligence.

    The Nazis were well aware that neither the British nor the Americans in those days had the opportunity to send their warships to that area in order to find out for what purpose German submarines dart off the coast of Antarctica.

    Rather, the Nazis had a chic informational cover.

    The fact is that back in 1938, the German expedition claimed Germany's rights to part of the Queen Maud Land. The entire surveyed area was called "New Swabia" and began to be considered part of the territory of the Reich.

    The question is, for what purpose did Berlin decide " stake out» a piece of Antarctica? Did the Nazis really dream of building their top-secret base in this cold land in the late 1930s?!

    But no! Everything is much more prosaic here. It was the so-called. " demonstration of the flag"- that is, in this way, Germany showed the whole world that she had returned to the ranks of the leading powers of the planet.

    The Nazis were not going to do anything significant in Antarctica at all, for this they had neither the strength, nor the means, nor the desire - for them the very fact of a nominal presence in this region was important. Show off and show off again, you know!

    Thus, when German submarines began to roam off the coast of Antarctica, this did not cause much concern in Washington and London, because in that region the anti-Hitler coalition had neither military bases nor military-political interests.

    So the Americans and the British just took " on a pencil» these strange maneuvers of German submariners. Like, we’ll figure it out later, but for now we’re already up to our necks, especially since the German submarines did not pose a particular danger to navigation in that region.

    Meanwhile, the German submariners, revealingly and without hiding frolicking off the coast of Antarctica, lay down on the return course. This is how the Germans managed to deceive their opponents and lull their vigilance.

    Subsequently, when these strange raids of German submarines to the shores of Antarctica became public, a conspiracy version of secret Nazi bases instantly arose.

    The logic of the layman is always extremely straightforward - since the Nazis would not just send their combat submarines to such a distance and burn expensive diesel fuel, then this was done for a reason! Therefore, they were hiding something in this Antarctica. And they hid! Sensation!!!

    This is how the myth of Nazi super-secret bases in Antarctica arose.

    After all, give the people various secrets, you don’t need to deceive them, they themselves are glad to be deceived. The fancier the fiction, the more likely it is to be believed. As is customary, assorted hoaxers immediately joined the case, who spawned a bunch of all sorts of nonsense in the form of articles, books and films.

    First, a myth arose about a super-secret Nazi base in Antarctica, but this seemed not enough, therefore, having decided to go further in their violent fantasies, the hoaxers inflated the myth of the flying saucers of the Third Reich, and subsequently the indomitable flight of their imagination created the myth of Nazi bases on the moon. Why be trifles here, let's go on fantasizing - the Nazis have long controlled our Galaxy and even the Universe! Joke…

    Therefore, when it has already become clear where the legs of the myth grow from, let's see if the Nazis could really build a top-secret base in Antarctica.

    I answer this question with full responsibility - no, they could not! And they didn't want to!

    Let's go in order.

    First of all, the construction of such an object requires a huge amount of construction equipment, building materials, fuel, provisions, personnel, etc. etc. - and all this, mind you, was aggravated by no means resort conditions for work.

    Secondly, with what money was Nazi Germany going to build such a base?

    Not so long ago, I published an article here on Kont “There is such a guy named Jens ...”, in which he talked about the Olavsvern submarine base in Norway, which was built during the Cold War back in 1967 near the border of the USSR.

    Like must always be compared with like!

    So, the cost of building a base in Olavsvern was US$494 million at 1960s prices! Taking into account inflation these days, this amount looks even more impressive - you can safely multiply it by ten.

    The money at that time was very impressive, so the NATO leadership had to, as they say, put a hat around in order to scrape together the required amount for the construction of this hole in the rock.

    Consequently, the construction of a base in Antarctica would have cost the Nazis a comparable amount (if not more, given the remoteness of the construction site). Did Nazi Germany have money for such a miracle project? I highly doubt it!

    But even if the Nazis had found such money, the question is, how could they deliver everything necessary for the construction of the base to Antarctica?

    How was the delivery of hundreds of thousands of tons of building materials, dozens of units of construction equipment, raw materials, specialists and other supplies carried out?!

    Submarines?! Don't make fun of my slippers! Have you seen submarines of that time? There is nowhere to put an extra box of cartridges, it was so crowded and cramped inside.

    On transport ships? And where did the Nazis get them in such numbers? Borrowed from the same Argentina with the risk of being immediately discovered ?! It doesn’t roll at all, you must agree ...

    Okay, let's assume that the Nazis, by some miracle, managed to secretly build this Antarctic base.

    Moreover, the hoaxers claim that the Nazis did not just sit out on this base in anticipation of better times. Allegedly, military-industrial enterprises were located there, which produced military products of the super-duper class.

    In this regard, again, the question of the vital activity of this Antarctic base the size of an average city arises sharply - after all, the numerous personnel of the base need to be fed, watered, provided with heat and electricity. Plus to bring raw materials for production.

    And where do you want to get all this? Indeed, in Antarctica, by definition, there are no farmlands of their own, therefore provisions and other things necessary for life had to be delivered from somewhere, moreover, by transport ships and aircraft. But the transport workers constantly scurrying back and forth would certainly attract attention. How the developed port infrastructure would attract attention (the Nazis were not going to unload transports with their bare hands!).

    With the power supply of the base is also a continuous problem! A nuclear reactor could have been a way out, but, you see, the Nazis in those years did not have the technologies for building nuclear power plants (we don’t take into account conspiracy theories about the atomic successes of Nazi Germany, obviously sucked from the finger).

    Consequently, the power supply of the base would depend entirely on diesel generators, which, of course, need a huge amount of diesel fuel. And with fuel, especially diesel, Nazi Germany always had problems (it was not enough even for the needs of the Navy).

    Also, one cannot disregard the fact that such a base, like any man-made object, strongly “phonites”, especially in the infrared range. It is almost impossible to reliably hide such an object away from prying eyes. In any case, he would have been discovered - if not by us, then by the Americans!

    But so far, all that researchers in Antarctica have been able to find are traces of temporary German submarine camps. No tunnels in the rocks (as in Olavsvern), no piers, no anything resembling a human dwelling - zero at all! Somewhat sparsely, very sparsely. But they searched, still searched ...

    Hence, there are no and never were any Nazi top-secret bases in Antarctica.

    It was just a distraction by the Nazis in order to hide the true routes of German submarines from enemy intelligence!

    This is confirmed, by the way, by many facts. I'll name a couple of them.

    Fact one.

    May 2, 1945, having learned about the fall of Berlin and Hitler's suicide, the commander of the German submarine U-977 (type VII-C) Heinz Schaeffer decided to leave Kristiansund (Norway) and head to the shores of Argentina.

    On July 23, 1945, the submarine crossed the equator, and on August 17, U-977 arrived at the port of Buenos Aires and surrendered to the local authorities.

    Two months earlier, on July 10, 1945, another German submarine, U-530 (IX series) also arrived in Argentina and surrendered to the Argentine authorities.

    The Americans, suspecting Heinz Schaeffer of being the one who secretly brought Adolf Hitler out of Germany, interrogated him for a long time and with prejudice, but achieved nothing and eventually released him on all four sides.

    Subsequently, Heinz Schaeffer even wrote a book about these events. You can read it.

    What do these facts indicate? First of all, they say that the German submariners knew the routes from Germany to Argentina very well!

    They knew because swam there many times before. Everything is simple!

    Agree, what was the reason for the same Schaeffer to take risks and go to the other end of the world? He was obviously not a stupid person and would not have gone at random to distant Argentina. Is it because he and his crew sailed there without much thought, because they knew not only the route for sure, but were also one hundred percent sure that it was in Argentina that they would be granted political asylum ?!

    I come to the conclusion that during the years of World War II, the U-977 submarine, along with dozens of other German submarines, made secret flights to Argentina more than once, taking valuables and necessary people there from Germany.

    Heinz Schaeffer simply hid from everyone the fact of a clever hoax with Antarctica, and thereby filled the fog even more.

    Fact two.

    After the fall of Nazi Germany, a large number of Nazi criminals calmly moved ... Where would you think? That's right - to the blessed Argentina!

    Agree that if the Nazis had that same top-secret base in Antarctica, why did they need to seek refuge in this distant Latin American country after the end of World War II?

    But the fact remains - many Nazis were transported to Argentina by obtaining passports at the Rome office of the Red Cross, then an Argentine tourist visa was put into these passports (moreover, the previously valid requirement for a health certificate and a return ticket was somehow canceled in those days due to decree of the Argentine authorities).

    And then these Nazi criminals disappeared forever from sight - because in Argentina they were given new documents and even had plastic surgery. As a result, very soon, instead of the SS Sturmbannfuehrer wanted by everyone, an Argentine citizen of German origin calmly traveled around the world!

    But this is how the especially notorious Nazis, who were afraid for their lives, were encrypted.

    For example, Kurt Tank, the creator of the famous Focke-Wulf 190 fighter, did not hide from anyone at all, he calmly moved to Argentina, where he worked very fruitfully for the Argentine defense industry from 1945 to 1954 (like Reimar Horten, the creator of aircraft according to the scheme " flying wing).

    Thus, we have to admit that Argentina simply rushed in time and " took off the cream from the agonizing Nazi regime in Germany.

    This country received not only a huge amount of valuables from the Nazis, but also a large number of highly qualified specialists and advanced military technologies of the Third Reich, which allowed it to make a qualitative leap in the development of its military-industrial complex.

    Money doesn't smell!

    Thus, summarizing all of the above, I want to summarize what I have said above.

    Conclusion one. There were no Nazi bases in Antarctica!

    Second conclusion. The myth about these bases arose because the German submariners carried out the so-called. " cover operation in order to hide from prying eyes the true destination, which was Argentina.

    After unloading in quiet inconspicuous bays on the Argentine coast, the Kriegsmarine submarines were specially sent to the coast of Antarctica, where they portrayed violent activity in order to confuse American and British intelligence. Having frolicked enough off the coast of Antarctica, the German submarines lay down on the reverse course and returned to their bases.

    If anyone wanted to find those very secret Nazi bases, they should have looked for them not in cold and inhospitable Antarctica, but very close by - in warm and friendly Argentina! It turns out that they were not looking there. Or they did not want to search for quite objective reasons, preferring to let in more fog in the form of myths.

    The developments of the Third Reich in the field of “flying saucers” are known today. However, the number of questions has not diminished over the years. How successful were the Germans in this? Who helped them? Was the work curtailed after the war or continued in other, secret regions of the globe? How true are the rumors that the Nazis had contact with extraterrestrial civilizations?

    (The flag of New Swabia has three crosses at once: the swastika, the Norwegian cross and the Southern Cross constellation, which is visible only in the southern part of the Earth from the equator.)

    ... Oddly enough, but the answers to these questions should be sought in the distant past. Researchers of the secret history of the Third Reich today already know a lot about its mystical roots and those behind the scenes forces that brought Hitler to power and directed Hitler's activities. The foundation of the ideology of fascism was laid by secret societies long before the emergence of the Nazi state, but this worldview became an active force after the defeat of Germany in the First World War. In 1918, a circle of people who already had experience in international secret societies founded a branch of the Teutonic Knights in Munich - the Thule Society (after the name of the legendary Arctic country - the cradle of mankind). Its official goal is to study the ancient Germanic culture, but the true tasks were much deeper.

    The theorists of fascism found a suitable candidate for their goals - the power-hungry, mystical experience and, moreover, drug-addicted Corporal Adolf Hitler, and inspired him with the idea of ​​world domination of the German nation. At the end of 1918, the young occultist Hitler was admitted to the Thule Society and quickly became one of its most active members. And soon the ideas of the Thule theorists were reflected in his book My Struggle.

    Roughly speaking, the "Thule" society solved the problem of bringing the German race to domination in the visible - material - world. But "he who sees in National Socialism only a political movement knows little about it." These words belong to Hitler himself. The fact is that the occult owners of “Thule” had another, no less important goal - to win in the invisible, metaphysical world, so to speak, “other world”. For this purpose, more closed structures were created in Germany. So, in 1919, a secret “Lodge of Light” was founded (later “Vril” - according to the ancient Indian name for the cosmic energy of life). Later, in 1933, the elite mystical order "Ahnenerbe" (Ahnenerbe - "Heritage of the Ancestors"), which since 1939, at the initiative of Himmler, became the main research structure within the SS. Having fifty research institutes under its control, the Ahnenerbe society was searching for ancient knowledge that would allow developing the latest technologies, controlling human consciousness using magical methods, and carrying out genetic manipulations in order to create a “superman”.

    Non-traditional methods of obtaining knowledge were also practiced - under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, in a state of trance or contact with the Higher Unknowns, or, as they were called, “Outer Minds”. The ancient occult “keys” (formulas, spells, etc.) found with the help of “Ahnenerbe” were also used, which allowed establishing contact with “Aliens”. For "sessions with the gods" the most experienced mediums and contactees were involved (Maria Otte and others). For the purity of the results, the experiments were carried out independently in the "Thule" and "Vril" societies. It is claimed that some occult "keys" worked and through independent "channels" almost identical information of a technogenic nature was received. In particular, drawings and descriptions of “flying discs”, which in their characteristics significantly exceeded the aviation technology of that time.
    Another task that was set before scientists and, according to rumors, was partially solved was the creation of a “time machine” that allows one to penetrate into the depths of history and obtain knowledge of ancient high civilizations, in particular, information about the magical methods of Atlantis, which was considered the ancestral home of the Aryan race. Of particular interest to Nazi scientists was the technical knowledge of the Atlanteans, which, according to legend, helped build huge sea vessels and airships driven by an unknown force.

    Drawings were found in the archives of the Third Reich, explaining the principles of “twisting” thin physical fields, which allow creating some kind of techno-magic apparatus. The acquired knowledge was transferred to leading scientists for their “translation” into an engineering language that was understandable to designers.

    One of the developers of techno-magical devices is the famous scientist Dr. V. O. Shuma. According to the evidence, his electrodynamic machines, which used rapid rotation, not only changed the structure of time around them, but also hovered in the air. (Today, scientists already know that rapidly rotating objects change not only the gravitational field around them, but also space-time characteristics. So there is nothing fantastic in the fact that when developing the “time machine”, Nazi scientists got the effect of anti-gravity, no. Another thing, how manageable these processes were.) There is evidence that an apparatus with such capabilities was sent near Munich, to Augsburg, where its research continued. As a result, the SS1 engineering division created a series of "flying discs" of the Vril type.

    The next generation of "flying saucers" was the "Haunebu" series. These devices are believed to use some of the ideas and technologies of the ancient Indians, as well as the engines of Viktor Schauberger, the most prominent scientist in the field of fluid movement, who created something similar to a “perpetual motion machine”. There is information about the development in the IV experimental design center of the SS, subordinate to the Black Sun society, of a particularly secret “flying saucer” “Honebu-2” (Haunebu-II). In his book "German flying saucers" O. Bergmann gives some of its technical characteristics. Diameter 26.3 meters. Engine: "Thule"-tachyonator 70, with a diameter of 23.1 meters. Control: impulse magnetic field generator 4a. Speed: 6000 km / h (estimated - 21000 km / h). Flight duration: 55 hours and more. Adaptability for flights in outer space - 100 percent. The crew of nine people, with passengers - twenty people. Planned serial production: late 1943 - early 1944.

    The fate of this development is unknown, but the American researcher Vladimir Terzicki (V. Terzicki) reports that the further development of this series was the Haunebu-III apparatus, designed to combat air with naval squadrons. The diameter of the “plate” was 76 meters, the height was 30 meters. Four gun turrets were installed on it, in each of which three 27 cm caliber guns from the Meisenau cruiser were mounted. Terziyski claims: in March 1945, this “saucer” made one revolution around the Earth and landed in Japan, where the onboard guns were replaced with nine Japanese 45 cm caliber guns from the Yamato cruiser (not a cruiser, but a super battleship, these are two big differences - approx. . ed.). The "dish" was driven by "a free-energy engine that ... used the almost inexhaustible energy of gravity."

    In the late 50s, the Australians found among the captured films a German documentary film-report on the research project of the V-7 flying disc, about which nothing was known until that time. To what extent this project was implemented is not yet clear, but it is known for certain that the famous specialist in “special operations” Otto Skorzeny was instructed in the middle of the war to create a detachment of pilots of 250 people to control “flying saucers” and manned missiles.

    ... There is nothing incredible in the reports about gravitational engines. Today, scientists working in the field of alternative energy sources know the so-called Hans Kohler converter, which converts gravitational energy into electrical energy. There is evidence that these converters were used in the so-called tachyonators (electromagnetic gravitational engines) "Thule" and "Andromeda", produced in Germany in 1942-1945 at the Siemens and AEG factories. It is indicated that the same converters were used as energy sources not only on “flying disks”, but also on some giant (5000-ton) submarines and underground bases.

    The results were obtained by the scientists of "Ahnenerbe" in other non-traditional fields of knowledge: in psychotronics, parapsychology, in the use of "subtle" energies to control individual and mass consciousness, etc. It is believed that the trophy documents relating to the metaphysical developments of the Third Reich gave a new impetus to similar work in the USA and the USSR, which until that time underestimated such research or curtailed it. Due to the extreme secrecy of information about the results of the activities of German secret societies, it is difficult to separate facts from rumors and legends today. However, the incredible mental transformation that took place in a matter of years with the cautious and rational German inhabitants, who suddenly turned into an obedient crowd, fanatically believing in crazy ideas about their exclusivity and world domination, makes one wonder...

    …In search of the most ancient magical knowledge, “Ahnenerbe” organized expeditions to the most remote corners of the globe: to Tibet, South America, Antarctica... Special attention was paid to the latter.

    This area is still full of secrets and mysteries. Apparently, we still have to learn a lot of unexpected things, including what the ancients knew about. Officially, Antarctica was discovered by the Russian expedition of F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev in 1820. However, indefatigable archivists discovered ancient maps, from which it followed that they knew about Antarctica long before this historical event. One of the maps, compiled in 1513 by the Turkish admiral Piri Reis, was discovered in 1929. Others have surfaced: the French geographer Orontius Phineus from 1532, Philippe Buache, dated 1737. Fake? Let's not rush...
    All these maps depict the outlines of Antarctica very accurately, but ... without the ice cover. Moreover, on the Buache map, the strait is perfectly visible, dividing the continent into two parts. And its presence under the ice layer was established by the latest methods only in recent decades. We add that international expeditions that checked the Piri Reis map found out that it is more accurate than maps compiled in the 20th century. Seismic surveys have confirmed what no one guessed: some of the mountains of Queen Maud Land, which until now were considered part of a single massif, turned out to be in fact islands, as indicated on the old map. So there is no question of falsification, most likely. But where did such information come from people who lived several centuries before the discovery of Antarctica?

    Both Reis and Buache claimed that they used ancient Greek originals when compiling maps. After the maps were discovered, a variety of hypotheses were put forward about their origin. Most of them boil down to the fact that the original maps were compiled by some high civilization that existed at a time when the coasts of Antarctica were not yet covered with ice, that is, before the global cataclysm. It has been argued that Antarctica is the former Atlantis. One of the arguments: the dimensions of this legendary country (30,000 x 20,000 stadia according to Plato, 1 stadia - 185 meters) approximately correspond to the size of Antarctica.

    Naturally, the Ahnenerbe scientists, who scoured the world in search of traces of the Atlantic civilization, could not pass by this hypothesis. Moreover, it was in perfect agreement with their philosophy, which asserted, in particular, that at the poles of the planet there are entrances to huge cavities inside the Earth. And Antarctica became one of the main targets of Nazi scientists.

    ... The interest shown by the leaders of Germany on the eve of World War II to this distant and lifeless region of the globe could not be rationally explained then. Meanwhile, attention to Antarctica was exceptional. In 1938-1939, the Germans organized two Antarctic expeditions, in which the Luftwaffe pilots not only examined, but also staked out for the Third Reich a huge (the size of Germany) territory of this continent - Queen Maud Land (soon she received name "New Swabia"). Returning to Hamburg, the expedition commander Ritscher reported on April 12, 1939: “I completed the mission entrusted to me by Marshal Goering. For the first time, German aircraft flew over the Antarctic continent. Every 25 kilometers, our planes dropped pennants. We have covered an area of ​​approximately 600,000 square kilometers. Of these, 350,000 were photographed.”

    Goering's air aces did their job. It was the turn of the “sea wolves” of the “fuhrer of submarines” Admiral Karl Dönitz (1891-1981) to act. And submarines secretly headed for the shores of Antarctica. The well-known writer and historian M. Demidenko reports that, while sorting through top-secret SS archives, he discovered documents indicating that a submarine squadron during an expedition to Queen Maud Land found a whole system of interconnected caves with warm air. “My submariners have discovered a true earthly paradise,” Dönitz said then. And in 1943, another mysterious phrase sounded from his lips: “The German submarine fleet is proud of the fact that on the other side of the world it created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer.”

    It turns out that for five years the Germans had been carrying out carefully concealed work to create a Nazi secret base in Antarctica, code-named "Base 211". In any case, this is stated by a number of independent researchers. According to eyewitnesses, already from the beginning of 1939, regular (once every three months) flights of the research ship “Schwabia” began between Antarctica and Germany. Bergman, in his book German Flying Saucers, claims that from this year and for several years, mining equipment and other equipment, including railroads, trolleys and huge cutters for tunneling, were constantly sent to Antarctica. Apparently, submarines were also used to deliver goods. And not just ordinary ones.

    ... Retired American Colonel Wendelle C. Stevens reports: “Our intelligence, where I worked at the end of the war, knew that the Germans were building eight very large cargo submarines (were Kohler converters installed on them? - V.Sh .) and all of them were launched, completed and then disappeared without a trace. To this day, we have no idea where they went. They are not on the ocean floor, and they are not in any port that we know of. This is a mystery, but it can be solved thanks to this Australian documentary (we mentioned it above. - V.Sh.), which shows large German cargo submarines in Antarctica, ice around them, crews stand on decks waiting for a stop at the pier ".

    By the end of the war, Stevens claims, the Germans had nine research facilities that were testing "flying disc" projects. “Eight of these enterprises, along with scientists and key figures, were successfully evacuated from Germany. The ninth building is blown up... We have classified information that some of these research facilities have been moved to a place called "New Swabia"... Today it may already be a fairly large complex. Maybe those big cargo submarines are there. We believe that at least one (or more) disc development facilities have been moved to Antarctica. We have information that one was evacuated to the Amazon region, and the other to the northern coast of Norway, where there is a large German population. They were evacuated to secret underground facilities...”

    Well-known researchers of the Antarctic mysteries of the Third Reich R. Vesko, V. Terziyski, D. Childress claim that since 1942, thousands of concentration camp prisoners (labor force), as well as prominent scientists, pilots and politicians with families, have been transferred to the South Pole with the help of submarines and members of the Hitler Youth - the gene pool of the future "pure" race.

    In addition to the mysterious giant submarines, at least a hundred serial U-class submarines were used for these purposes, including the top-secret Fuhrer Convoy, which included 35 submarines. At the very end of the war in Kiel, these elite submarines were stripped of all military equipment and loaded containers with some valuable cargo. The submarines also took on board some mysterious passengers and a large amount of food. The fate of only two boats from this convoy is known for certain. One of them, "U-530", under the command of 25-year-old Otto Wehrmouth, left Kiel on April 13, 1945 and delivered to Antarctica the relics of the Third Reich and Hitler's personal belongings, as well as passengers whose faces were hidden by surgical bandages. Another, "U-977", under the command of Heinz Schaeffer, repeated this route a little later, but what and whom she transported is unknown.

    Both of these submarines arrived in the Argentine port of Mar del Plata in the summer of 1945 (July 10 and August 17, respectively) and surrendered to the authorities. Apparently, the testimonies given by the submariners during interrogations extremely excited the Americans, and at the end of 1946, the famous Antarctic explorer, American Admiral Richard E. Byrd (Byrd), received an order to destroy the Nazi base in New Swabia ...

    …Operation High Jump was disguised as an ordinary research expedition, and not everyone guessed that a powerful naval squadron was headed for the shores of Antarctica. An aircraft carrier, 13 ships of various types, 25 aircraft and helicopters, more than four thousand people, a six-month supply of food - these data speak for themselves.

    ... It would seem that everything went according to plan: 49 thousand photographs were taken in a month. And suddenly something happened, about which the US authorities are silent until now. On March 3, 1947, the expedition that had just begun was urgently turned off, and the ships hurriedly headed home. A year later, in May 1948, some details surfaced on the pages of the European magazine Brizant. It was reported that the expedition met stiff resistance from the enemy. At least one ship, dozens of people, four combat aircraft were lost, nine more aircraft had to be left as unusable. What exactly happened can only be guessed at. We do not have original documents, however, according to the press, the crew members who dared to reminisce spoke about “flying discs” that “surfaced from under the water” and attacked them, about strange atmospheric phenomena that caused mental disorders. Journalists cite an excerpt from the report of R. Byrd, allegedly made at a secret meeting of the special commission:

    “The United States needs to take defensive actions against enemy fighters flying out of the polar regions. In the event of a new war, America could be attacked by an enemy that has the ability to fly from one pole to another with incredible speed!”

    ... Almost ten years later, Admiral Byrd led a new polar expedition, in which he died under mysterious circumstances. After his death, information appeared in the press allegedly from the diary of the admiral himself. It follows from them that during the 1947 expedition, the plane on which he flew out for reconnaissance was forced to land by strange aircraft, “similar to British soldiers' helmets.” The admiral was approached by a tall, blond, blue-eyed man who, in broken English, delivered an appeal to the American government demanding an end to nuclear testing. Some of the sources claim that after this meeting, an agreement was signed between the Nazi colony in Antarctica and the American government to exchange German advanced technologies for American raw materials.

    ... A number of researchers believe that the German base in Antarctica has survived to this day. Moreover, they talk about the existence of a whole underground city called “New Berlin” with a population of two million people. The main occupation of its inhabitants are genetic engineering and space flights. However, direct evidence in favor of this version has not yet been presented. The main argument of those who doubt the existence of a polar base is the difficulty of delivering there the colossal amount of fuel needed to generate electricity. The argument is serious, but too traditional, and they object to it: if Kohler converters are created, then the need for fuel is minimal.

    ... Indirect confirmation of the existence of the base is called the repeated sightings of UFOs in the area of ​​the South Pole. Often they see “plates” and “cigars” hanging in the air. And in 1976, Japanese researchers, using the latest equipment, simultaneously spotted nineteen round objects that “dipped” from space to Antarctica and disappeared from the screens. The ufological chronicle periodically throws up food for talking about German UFOs. Here are just two typical messages.

    November 5, 1957 USA, Nebraska. Late in the evening, a businessman - grain buyer Raymond Schmidt came to the sheriff of the city of Kearny and told a story that happened to him near the city. The car in which he was driving along the Boston-San Francisco highway suddenly stalled and stopped. When he got out of it to see what had happened, he noticed a huge “metal cigar” not far from the road in a forest clearing. Right in front of his eyes, a hatch opened and a man in ordinary clothes appeared on the retracted platform. In perfect German—Schmidt's native language—the stranger invited him to board the ship. Inside, the businessman saw two men and two women of quite ordinary appearance, but moving in an unusual way - they seemed to be sliding on the floor. Schmidt also remembered some kind of flaming pipes filled with a colored liquid. After about half an hour he was asked to leave, the “cigar” silently rose into the air and disappeared behind the forest.

    November 6, 1957 USA, Tennessee, Dante (near Knoxville). At half past six in the morning, an elongated object of “indeterminate color” landed in a field a hundred meters from the Clark family home. Twelve-year-old Everett Clark, who was walking his dog at the time, said that the two men and two women who came out of the apparatus spoke to each other “like German soldiers from a movie.” The Clarks' dog rushed towards them with a desperate bark, and after it other neighbors' dogs. The strangers at first unsuccessfully tried to catch one of the dogs that jumped up to them, but then they abandoned this idea, went into the object, and the device silently flew away. Reporter Carson Brewer of the Knoxville News Sentinel found grass down at the site in a 7.5 by 1.5 meter patch.

    Naturally, many researchers have a desire to lay the responsibility for such cases on the Germans. “It seems that some of the ships that we see today are nothing more than a further development of German disk technology. Thus, in fact, it may be that we are periodically visited by the Germans” (W. Stevens).

    Are they related to aliens? Today there is contact information (which, however, should always be treated with caution) that such a connection exists. It is believed that contact with a civilization from the Pleiades constellation occurred long ago - even before the Second World War - and had a significant impact on the scientific and technological developments of the Third Reich. Until the very end of the war, the Nazi leaders hoped for direct alien military assistance, but they never received it.

    Contactee R. Winters from Miami (USA) reports the existence of a real alien spaceport of the Pleiadian civilizations in the Amazon jungle at the present time. He also says that after the war, the aliens took on the service of some of the Germans. Since then, at least two generations of Germans have grown up there, who went to school with children of aliens and interacted with them from an early age. Today they fly, work and live aboard extraterrestrial spacecraft. And they do not have those desires to rule over the planet that their fathers and grandfathers had, because, having known the depths of space, they realized that there are things much more significant ...

    Vitaly SHELEPOV, colonel, candidate of technical sciences

    And now is the time to remember that many legends and myths are associated with the history of Antarctica, most of which date back to the times of the German Third Reich. Those interested in alternative versions of historical events can easily find a lot of materials on the World Wide Web regarding the strange interest of the leaders of Nazi Germany in this silent ice continent. Some of the versions are very exotic and, at first glance, devoid of common sense, although they contain references to some documents of the special services and memoirs of very old veterans of the German Navy and Air Force. And yet they seem to deserve some attention, even if they are examples of the military mythology of the 20th century.

    "The Fuhrer sailed to Antarctica"

    On the Internet, you can find links to a certain secret report by Colonel V.Kh. Heimlich, the former chief of American intelligence in Berlin, who believed that "there is no evidence for the theory of the Fuhrer's suicide." Hence, lovers of historical sensations conclude that the Fuhrer managed to avoid a well-deserved retribution. In this opinion, they are strengthened by the publication of the Chilean magazine "Zig-Zag" dated January 16, 1948, from which it follows that on April 30, 1945, Luftwaffe captain Peter Baumgart started on his plane from Germany to Norway, with Hitler on board. In one of the fjords of this northern country, the Fuhrer, accompanied by several persons, allegedly plunged into one of the submarines, a detachment of which headed for Antarctica. Some residents of Easter Island, by the way, recalled the strange nightly visits of rust-covered submarines in the fall of 1945.

    It was reported about the creation by the Nazis in Antarctica of a certain "base 211" and even an entire underground city called "New Berlin" with a population of almost two million people. The main occupation of the inhabitants of the underworld are genetic engineering and space flights. In support of this hypothesis, journalists refer to repeated sightings of UFOs in the South Pole region. In 1976, Japanese researchers, using the latest radar equipment, allegedly discovered nineteen objects that headed from outer space to Antarctica and suddenly disappeared from the radar screen in the region of the ice continent.

    “I look to the future with confidence. The "weapon of retaliation" that I have at my disposal will change the situation in favor of the Third Reich."

    Adolf Gitler,
    February 24, 1945.
    All publications on this topic look like a myth. But at the same time, it is known that even in the prewar years, the Nazis, obsessed with finding traces of ancient civilizations, were interested in Antarctica and during 1938-1939 carried out two expeditions to the continent. The Luftwaffe planes delivered by ships to Antarctica took detailed photographs of vast territories and dropped several thousand metal pennants with a swastika there. The entire surveyed area was named New Swabia and was declared part of the future thousand-year Reich.

    After the expedition, Captain Ritscher reported to Field Marshal Goering: “Every 25 kilometers, our planes dropped pennants. We have covered an area of ​​approximately 8,600 thousand square meters. Of these, 350,000 square meters were photographed.” It is also known that in 1943, Admiral Karl Doenitz dropped a mysterious phrase: "The German submarine fleet is proud of the fact that on the other side of the world it created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer."

    There is some circumstantial evidence in favor of the hypothesis that from 1938 to 1943 the Nazis built several secret settlements in Antarctica in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land. For the transportation of goods, mainly submarines from the Fuhrer's Convoy (35 submarines) were used. According to historians, at the very end of the war in the port of Kiel, torpedo weapons were removed from these submarines and loaded with containers with various cargoes. In Kiel, the submarines received passengers whose faces were hidden by surgical bandages.
    German experts believed that, according to the "hollow Earth" theory, it is in Antarctica that there are giant underground cavities - oases with warm air. German submariners who explored Antarctica, if we trust the statements of some Western researchers of the secrets of the Third Reich, allegedly managed to find such underground caves, which they called "paradise". There, in 1940, on the personal instructions of Hitler, the construction of two underground bases began, and in 1942, the transfer of future residents to New Swabia began, primarily scientists and specialists from Ananerbe, an integrated scientific center of the SS, as well as "full-fledged Aryans" from among members of the Nazi party and state. During the construction, prisoners of war were used, who were periodically destroyed and replaced with "fresh" labor.
    In January 1947, some US archivists claim, the US Navy launched Operation High Jump disguised as a conventional research expedition. A naval squadron headed to the shores of Antarctica: an aircraft carrier, 13 other warships. In total - more than four thousand people with a six-month supply of food, 25 aircraft. But shortly after Queen Maud's arrival on Earth, Admiral Richard Byrd, who commanded the squadron, unexpectedly received an order from Washington to interrupt the operation and return the ships to their permanent bases. The researchers, however, managed to make more than 49 thousand aerial photographs of the coast.

    The beginning of the US Navy expedition coincided with the completion of interrogations of the former commanders of the German submarines U-530 and U-977, conducted by the American and British intelligence services. The commander of U-530 testified that on April 13, 1945, his submarine left the base in Kiel. After reaching the coast of Antarctica, 16 people from the team allegedly built an ice cave and laid boxes containing relics of the Third Reich, including documents and personal belongings of Hitler. This operation was codenamed "Valkyrie 2". Upon its completion on July 10, 1945, U-530 openly entered the Argentine port of Mar del Plata, where it surrendered to the authorities. The submarine "U-977" under the command of Heinz Schaeffer also visited New Swabia.
    A year later, the Brizant magazine, published in Western Europe, reported shocking details of this operation. The Americans were allegedly attacked from the air and lost one ship and four combat aircraft. With reference to the military personnel who dared to have a frank conversation, the magazine wrote about some “flying discs” that “surfaced from under the water” and attacked the Americans, about strange atmospheric phenomena that caused mental disorders among the expedition members.
    The magazine contained an excerpt from the report of the head of the operation, Admiral R. Byrd, which he allegedly made at a secret meeting of a special commission investigating the incident. “The United States needs to take defensive actions against enemy fighters flying out of the polar regions,” the admiral allegedly argued. “In the event of a new war, America could be attacked by an enemy with the ability to fly from one pole to another at incredible speed!”

    In the 1950s, after Byrd's death, references to a diary of the admiral appeared in the press. As follows from the records, allegedly made by the commander himself, during an operation in Antarctica, the plane on which he flew to reconnoiter the ice continent was forced to land by strange aircraft, "similar to British soldier's helmets." A tall, blue-eyed, blond man approached Byrd, who got out of the plane, who, in broken English, conveyed an appeal to the American government demanding an end to nuclear testing. This mysterious stranger turned out to be a representative of a settlement created by the German Nazis in Antarctica. Later, the United States, according to rumors, reached an agreement with the fugitives from defeated Germany who had taken refuge in underground structures: the Germans introduce Americans to their advanced technologies, and they supply the German colony with raw materials.
    "The German submarine fleet is proud to have created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer on the other side of the world."

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