Who is smarter than a chicken or a duck. A chicken is smarter than a man - sensational research by scientists

Hello dear readers and readers! We present to you today the sensational news, which made a lot of noise in Western circles and caused hundreds of discussions in Asia. Scientists have found that a chicken is smarter than a person! Despite the fact that many of us consider the chicken to be a primitive living creature that lives, basically, guided by its basic instincts, and does not really think about the meaning of its existence.

Nevertheless, science proves to us, intelligent people, that in some aspects we are lagging behind in development, in comparison with the feathered beauties living in chicken coops.

Daniel Smith is a scientist, anthropologist and evolutionist who has devoted his entire life to studying the secrets about man, society, developmental features and human life. Thanks to this, the scientific world saw many discoveries, became clearer to understand complex social mechanisms, the principles of their development and formation. However, the human brain has always been a special interest of the scientist.

Who would have guessed that we, intelligent people, who allow ourselves to make fun of the "chicken mind", actually lagged behind in development from the object of our jokes.

Now the phrase "chicken mind" can be perceived not as an insult, but as a compliment! Research by Daniel Smith proved that humans still have room to grow in comparison to feathered friends. It turned out that chickens are smarter than humans only because they use their intellectual potential more actively than humans.

Research essence

During the study, the scientist wanted to find out the features of brain activity in situations. As it turned out, it is stress that is a powerful stimulus for unlocking the capabilities of all living organisms on the planet. It is stress that activates mechanisms that normally are in a dormant state.

Chicken and humans were artificially introduced into a state of stress and began to study the activity of the brain and the degree of realization of intelligence. In the course of these studies, scientists were expecting an incredible, unexpected discovery. Chickens easily used 16-18% of their mental potential, while for the average person the limit figure is 14%.

However, it is also surprising that despite a low percentage of realization of intellectual potential, a person still remains a leader in terms of his ability to adapt and survive in extreme conditions.

It is not yet known until the end how the ability of chickens and people at different stages of development to use their mental abilities changed - the scientist is still working in the study of this direction, but there is already information that this was not always the case.

What follows from this?

Of course, the fact that a chicken is smarter than a human should not be taken literally. The fact is that the intellectual abilities of humans and birds differ significantly. The essence of the study is different - its results show us that with an unequal level of mental abilities, it was the hens who stepped forward in their development and learned to use their potential to a fuller extent.

Evolutionists suggest that this is the result of the experience of survival, and in a person in a period of real threat to life, his abilities can also be fully activated. However, the fact remains - the chicken has surpassed humans in development and uses for its own good more of what nature has given it than humans!

In India there is a proverb - any chicken is smarter than a child or any child is dumber than a chicken.

The study that a chicken is smarter than a person was carried out quite recently, and the results of his work were shared by Daniel Smith only on January 13, 2018.

But, scientists did not stop working on this issue, moreover, science all over the world became interested in such. Therefore, let's hope that in the near future science will please us with new, interesting discoveries. Is a chicken smarter than a person? Now to emphasize that "you have a chicken brain" - we will consider it a compliment.

Chicken is smarter than man

We wish everyone positive and good luck in business!

In the comments you can add your photos of laying hens, rooster and chickens! Or other poultry. We're wondering what kind of chicken coop you have?
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Poultry farmers are at a loss. Scientists have come to an unexpected conclusion. It turns out that the chicken is not at all stupid, quite the contrary. She has enough intelligence to not only understand what is happening around, but also to feel and empathize. The author of the publication on the BBC website wonders if the new discovery will lead to the emergence of a movement in defense of chicken rights in the world?

Do we need smart chickens?

Humanity has been plagued by several moral dilemmas in recent decades. Among them is a method of obtaining meat on an industrial scale. After the laws protecting endangered species of plants and animals were passed, they started talking about the fact that our four-legged pets also have rights. Then the turn came to the cattle. Defenders of the "smaller brothers" noticed how much cows suffer when they are taken to slaughter, and also that pigs are no more stupid than domestic dogs, and it is cruel to slaughter them for meat.

From this point of view, the chicken looked like an ideal factory for meat production. Firstly, the product is dietary, and the body grows quickly and does not require special maintenance costs. Secondly, the chicken is a stupid bird, supposedly it still doesn't understand anything about its life. Thirdly, everyone eats chickens: Muslims and Jews who do not eat pork, and Hindus who do not eat beef.

Here is the result. In the modern world, the "population" of chickens in poultry farms and in households around the world is 19 billion! According to experts, this is the most common bird species on Earth. At a minimum, chickens are the most common poultry. What happens if tomorrow the idea of \u200b\u200bprotecting chickens from human violence comes up?

It would be naive to believe that the poultry farms will be closed immediately. On the one hand, this would cause an acute shortage of meat. On the other hand, the chickens themselves, if we could ask them such a question, would hardly have spoken out against their breeding. After all, such a huge population of kurono arose only because mankind wants to eat chicken and eggs.

However, the recognition of chickens as an intelligent bird may well lead to a change in the technologies for raising and killing them. While it is believed that the chicken is stupid, he does not hide her at all what fate awaits her at the end of her life. Not only in households, but also on poultry farms, slaughter is carried out practically in front of the rest of the chickens, which have to wait for their turn for several more weeks or months. To change the situation, poultry farmers would have to invest additional capital in new farm areas and technology improvements. This, of course, will lead to a rise in the price of chicken, which is now considered one of the cheapest types of meat.

How was the intelligence level of chickens determined?

Scientists have proven that chickens can count, not only communicate with each other, but also cheat and manipulate. And, besides, they have a rather complex social organization. According to researchers, the level of development of chickens is much higher than that of many herd animals or animals. The definition of "stupid bird" is definitely not suitable for them.

Lizel O "Dwyer and Susan Hazel in 2015 at the University of Adelaide (Australia) conducted a study of the psychology of behavior in chickens and tried to teach them unusual skills. Similar experiments were carried out in the United States in January 2017. Oddly enough, the conclusions of the American O" Dwyer are practically completely coincided with the results that his Australian colleagues shared two years ago.

For example, two piles of food were hidden from chickens behind screens - one more than the other. The birds quickly found a large group and called for their girlfriends. The same thing happened when the piles were moved from place to place, trying to confuse the chickens. They solved a simple problem in a matter of seconds.

The behavior of roosters in chicken "harems" is also known. Being a real owner, the male is not only the first to find food, but also beckons the chickens to the place where you can eat. It is interesting that if he has a competitor in this matter, then he immediately comes to conflict and a brutal fight. It turns out that this species is also power-hungry.

Finally, scientists tried to manipulate the number of chicks in a brood and found that the mother hen definitely knows how many children she has. That is, chickens can also count ...

Other studies have looked at the subjective perception of chickens by humans. Focus group members, who had never previously worked in poultry, were asked to work on poultry farms for several weeks. At the beginning and at the end of the experiment, they filled out questionnaires in which they tried to assess the level of intelligence of chickens.

The result of this study was also unexpected. Almost one hundred percent of the participants, having watched the birds for a relatively short time, dramatically changed their opinions about them. Chickens look stupid only in the minds of those who see them exclusively on supermarket shelves in an already cut form, the researchers note.

But what was most surprising was how quickly the chickens learn to do quite complex things. It is very difficult to find similar abilities among representatives of other species, scientists say. After observing how these balls of yellow fluff behave, you will forever refuse to offend the chicken with low marks.

Are chickens so stupid?

The chickens look a little odd, albeit cute. There are about 19 billion chickens in the world, making them one of the most abundant bird species on the planet. Many people perceive domestic chickens as pets, despite the fact that they are typical of the chicken class - along with pheasants, partridges and turkeys. They are viewed as a silly little homemade egg and feather factory. But, perhaps, after reading our article, you will change your mind.

Arithmetic skills

It turned out that even small groups of chickens are capable of quite intelligently and sometimes using aggression to interact with each other.

Scientists conducted a study in which they invited a group of students to observe a two-hour training of chickens. The birds were forced to alternately experience 3 emotions: boredom, sadness and joy.

At first, the students were convinced that watching chickens was rather boring. In the end, however, they changed their minds and admired how quickly these birds are able to learn.

Another study was previously published showing that chickens have a good memory and can add and subtract. The author of the experiment, Rosa Rugani, suggested feeding the chickens daily near a plate with 5 dots. For some time, the researchers accustomed the birds to this, and then placed 2 more tablets next to each other: on one there were 2 points, and on the other - 8. The chickens remembered that the food is located behind the one where 5 points are depicted, and understood that 2 is less than 5, therefore such a plate is located on the left, and with eight on the right. Scientists believe that this proves the presence of arithmetic skills in chickens.

Intelligent communication

The researchers also found that birds don't just cackle: they have a conversation. For example, if a rooster finds food, it makes special sounds to call for chickens, and these sounds differ depending on the type of food. If there is a competitor nearby (another rooster), he will peck all the food on his own. However, there are also cases when birds deceive each other. For example, roosters sometimes call chickens, using the same sounds as when detecting food, to a place where there is no food. Apparently, this is their own peculiar way of "framing". There is a certain amount of communication in the pen: the birds communicate with each other and can change the subject, depending on who the conversation is with.


Another experience with chickens has shown that these birds are capable of planning and self-control. In two different bowls, they were offered food: in the first case, the grain was poured with an interval of 2 seconds, but in small portions, and in the second, with an interval of 6 seconds, but in a large volume. The birds preferred to wait to get more food.

Birds can show empathy

Chickens have been noted to be empathic. This is especially true in the case of the maternal instinct. If birds see how small chickens are placed in an incubator, where there is a lack of air, older chickens begin to loudly and often call children, their heart beats faster at this moment. They worry even if the chick is not uncomfortable and is doing well.

The next time you feel like calling someone a stupid chicken, think about the fact that maybe these birds didn't deserve to be thought of as such. It is very important that such studies are carried out and prove that chickens have intelligence. Maybe this will help those who breed these birds to look at them in a new way and stop perceiving them as an egg factory.

Image copyright Ernie Janes / naturepl.com

Despite their reputation as hopeless dumbass, chickens are remarkable for their intelligence and ability to empathize, the observer found out.

Reputation: tourita is a stupid bird, a walking factory for the production of meat and delicious eggs.

Actually: uhthat very common bird in the world is distinguished by intelligence and, perhaps, even able to respond to the condition of its fellows, which poses a number of ethical questions for the poultry industry.

The case with chickens is somewhat unusual.

There are over 19 billion chickens on Earth, making them one of the most abundant vertebrate species on our planet.

Image copyright Image caption Do you need a lot of intelligence to peck grain?

However, most people rarely see them or do not see them at all - at least not in a living state.

This leads to some pretty strange ideas about chickens.

According to some studies, people often do not even classify them as common birds.

Nevertheless, these are typical representatives of the order of chickens, to which such bird species as turkey, partridge and pheasant belong.

Chickens can count, possess some degree of self-awareness and even manipulate each other.

In addition, chickens are often considered stupid animals, whose psyche does not possess the complex properties of "higher" species - for example, apes or great apes.

This attitude, fostered by the typical image of chickens in popular culture, may help people to eat eggs and meat from industrial farmed chickens without much experience.

But in fact, chickens are not at all stupid.

In fact, they have such a high intelligence that even a short acquaintance with these birds can break the ingrained stereotypes.

As part of a study published in 2015, Lizel O "Dwyer and Susan Hazel conducted hands-on labs with alumni of the University of Adelaide in Australia. Studying psychology and perception processes, students conducted experiments that included teaching chickens.

I never suspected that chickens are pretty smart and learn fast enough.

Before the start of the classes, the students answered the questions of the questionnaire. Most of them admitted that they had little to do with chickens and perceived them as primitive creatures, unable to feel boredom, frustration, or joy.

Just a two-hour training session was enough to make the students more likely to recognize that chickens can experience all three of these emotions.

"Chickens are much smarter than I thought before," one student wrote in the comments to the final questionnaire.

Image copyright Tony Heald / naturepl.com Image caption Male jungle hen (Gallus gallus) - the closest wild relative of the domestic hen

“We took two completely different social groups and found them to have the same initial views and the same change,” she explains.

Now she intends to study whether such experiences will affect people's eating habits - for example, whether they will switch to chicken obtained in more ethical ways, in their opinion.

Researchers have found that chickens can count and perform basic arithmetic operations

Along with many other contributions, O'Dwyer's study was included in a scientific review on perception in chickens by Lori Marino of the Kimmel Animal Welfare Center in Canabe, Utah, USA and published in January 2017.

"This document is part of a collaborative project called Someone, organized by the animal shelter network and the Kimmela Center," says Marino. "The goal of the project is to educate people about industrially bred animals from a scientific point of view."

According to Marino, the scientific evidence clearly confirms that chickens are not at all as goofy and stupid as many people believe.

Image copyright Ernie Janes / naturepl.com Image caption Chickens have amazing skills

An example is the series of studies published over the past decade by Rosa Rugani and her colleagues at the University of Padua, Italy.

Based on experiments with newly hatched chickens, researchers have established that chickens can count and even perform basic arithmetic operations.

From the moment of birth, there were five objects next to the chickens - plastic containers from Kinder Surprise.

Perhaps chickens also know how to "mentally travel in time"

A few days later, the scientists took these containers and, in front of the chickens, placed three of them behind one screen and two behind the other.

The chickens more often approached the screen, behind which more items were hidden.

This was followed by an experiment to test the chickens' ability to memorize, add and subtract.

Hiding objects behind two screens, scientists began to carry them in front of the chickens from behind one screen after another.

The chickens probably kept track of the number of items behind each screen and still more often approached the screen behind which there were more containers.

From a very young age, chickens show good math skills even with insufficient training, Rugani says.

Image copyright Pete Cairns / naturepl.com Image caption This chicken is not at all a "chicken" mind

She believes that such abilities can be possessed not only by chickens, but also by higher animals in general.

"Skills like this help animals in nature - for example, to get more food or find a larger group of animals to which they can join," - says the scientist.

Chickens are also able to "mentally travel in time" to some extent, that is, imagine what will happen in the future in order to eventually get more food.

Such conclusions are contained in a 2005 study by Shevon Abaysingh, then working at the University of Bristol (UK).

In Abaysingh's experiment, chickens could peck on one of the buttons to gain short-term access to food after a two-second delay, or the second, which opened the feeder for a longer time, but after six seconds.

At a much higher frequency, birds pecked at the second button, picking up more food after a longer wait.

In other words, they displayed willpower, a quality that some biologists believe indicates some degree of self-awareness.

In addition, chickens are characterized by a complex system of social relations.

Image copyright Ernie Janes / naturepl.com Image caption Social life in chickens is very difficult.

According to some studies, birds can understand how their fellows see the world and use this knowledge to their advantage.

If a rooster in search of food finds a particularly tasty morsel, he usually "dances" and issues a characteristic call for food, trying to impress the surrounding chickens.

Chickens are quick to bite cocks that use this trick too often.

However, if males in a subordinate position behave in the same way, the dominant rooster may notice this and attack them.

Therefore, in the presence of a dominant rooster, subordinate individuals usually "dance" in silence in order to impress the females and not attract the attention of the dominant male.

At the same time, some males try to fraudulently attract females and make sounds characteristic of the call to food, even if they cannot boast of tasty finds.

Unsurprisingly, chickens are quick to bite through cocks that use this trick too often.

Some evidence even indicates that chickens may experience rudimentary forms of empathy for their fellow chickens.

Image copyright Klein & Hubert / naturepl.com Image caption Chickens can be very sociable

In a series of experiments over the past six years, Joanna Edgar of the University of Bristol, UK, and her colleagues studied the response of chickens to blowing air over their chickens.

Before that, chickens were given the opportunity to be convinced by their own experience that this procedure causes mild discomfort.

When a jet of air was directed at the chickens, the chickens would have an increased heart rate and they would often call the chickens over.

Chickens react to potential chick discomfort based on their own experience

However, if air was blown into an empty space next to the chickens without causing them discomfort, the chickens behaved as usual.

That said, the chickens were worried when the chickens were placed in a "dangerous" box, even if they were not actually blown with air and they were not aware of the threat.

These results suggest that chickens may respond to potential chick discomfort based on their own experience and not simply on signs of frustration in chicks.

Image copyright Ernie Janes / naturepl.com Image caption Chickens are raised in many countries

According to Edgar, the experiments are not yet complete. “We haven't yet figured out whether the behavioral and physiological responses of chickens to mild discomfort in their chicks are indicative of an emotional response or are simply akin to arousal or interest,” she says.

If it turns out that chickens are able to sympathize with their fellows in trouble, then this will raise a number of serious questions about the methods used during raising chickens on industrial farms.

"On farms, all animals often see, hear and smell other animals at a time when they are in pain and stress," says Edgar. "It's important to understand if such situations have a negative impact on their well-being."

Marino also believes it is time to discuss this topic.

"Perceiving chickens as stupid and stupid animals is partly due to a reluctance to acknowledge their intelligence and sensitivity because people eat them," she says.

The inconvenient truth is that chickens understand a lot more than people think.

But will the consumers who have learned about this agree to change their route through the meat section of the store?

"What a bird is a chicken"

Object of study:

homemade chicken.

Subject of study:

Purpose of the study:

prove the idea that chicken is a beneficial bird for humans.


if you skillfully organize a farm, then a chicken can be of great benefit to a person.

Research objectives:

    Explore the scientific literature on domestic chicken.

    Observe the keeping of chickens at home.

    To identify the most favorable conditions for keeping chickens to increase their egg production.

    Check the identified conditions during the experiment.

    Analyze the data obtained and draw conclusions on the work.

Research methods:

Analysis of scientific literature;

questioning of children and adults;

observation, experiment.

Work plan:

    Examine the literature on chicken.

    Observe domestic chickens.

    Find out from parents about the benefits this bird brings to people.

    Conduct an experiment with chicken eggs.

    To conclude.

The degree of knowledge and scientific novelty (relevance)

Is there a simpler bird among domesticated ones than chicken? It would seem that there is nothing interesting in it and cannot be.

But if you carefully observe the chickens, you can see a lot of interesting things. Having learned all the subtleties of their behavior, maintenance and feeding, you can learn to care for them and get much more eggs without much difficulty.

At all times, the attitude of people towards the chicken family was rather disdainful. Many people think that they threw a handful, another grain or mixed feed in the evening - and order. And the rest of the food, they themselves will find. In addition, chickens usually huddle somewhere in the far corner of the barn, where they are cold and hungry. Of course, with such a content, they rush only for a few months, and even then only in the summer. It is difficult to imagine a complete diet of a modern person without eggs, because they contain all the nutrients necessary for our health. This is an irreplaceable product in our home!

Practical significance:

1. Acquisition of search and research skills;

2. Knowledge about keeping domestic chicken will allow you to run a household;

3. Satisfaction with communication with parents.

    Amazing transformations are taking place in nature. Indeed: is it not a miracle how a small seed turns into a huge tree, into a lush bush or into a beautiful flower.
    An ordinary chicken egg is also one of the wonders of nature. After all, it can turn into a handsome man - a bully of a rooster or into a hen - a laying hen. Rooster, hen, chicken have entered our life since childhood. I really love animals and birds. It was always interesting for me to watch them. I have a small farm at home. We keep chickens and rabbits. It was very interesting for me to watch chickens. Dad brings me a fresh, warm egg from the chicken coop every morning for breakfast. So I thought: who is this chicken and what benefits does it bring?

In my work, I will rely on scientific literature, conversations with the teacher, parents and observations of bird life.

2. Studying the literature about this bird, I learned that homemade chicken - the most numerous and widespread type of poultry.

Our modern chickens originated from the banking chickens domesticated in India about 5 thousand years ago. Man had already tamed a goat, a sheep, and a cow, and the chicken still freely lived in the Asian jungle. She ate seeds, insects, snails. She knew how to fly, although she preferred to while away the time in the thickets of bushes, the nest was on the ground. It was a small, well-knit creature weighing no more than a kilogram. The body, placed almost upright, was supported by high strong legs. The bird walked, sticking out its chest importantly, keeping its tail on departure. With a sharp, guttural voice, she scared away her enemies. Such was the ancient so-called bank chicken.

Characteristic features: birds of medium size with a dense build. Strong strong legs allow you to walk for a long time and tirelessly and break the soil in search of food. Skin formations on the head - a crest (leaf-shaped, pink-shaped, pod-shaped, etc.), earlobes, earrings and spurs on the legs (only in roosters). Plumage color is varied, often white. The beak and metatarsus of most breeds are yellow, less often white-pink, black, etc. The eggshell is white or brown in different shades.

Chickens are among the most useful and outstanding poultry in terms of their productivity. They are bred for the sake of meat and eggs, in addition, feathers and down are obtained from them.

Over the long history of human domestication, a large number of different breeds of chickens have been bred.

Breeds of chickens.

There are many breeds of chickens in the world, different in appearance, color, breeding characteristics and direction of use. There are currently about 180 chicken breeds in Russia .

Most of the private households in our city keep an ordinary Russian chicken - pestle, Leghorn chicken, Russian white chicken, Moscow black chicken.

RUSSIAN CHICKEN PESTRUSHKA has a large head. There is no crest or it is small, the comb can be of different shapes. The lobes are red, pink, white, there may be small bumps and a beard. The neck is short and thick. The back is wide, the chest is also wide, convex. The wings are large, somewhat lowered. The lower legs are short, hidden in the body feathers. Metatarsus thin, non-feathered or weakly feathered, in color - from yellow to slate-black. The rooster has a lush mane, a tail with large fluttering braids. Along with the usual plumage, Russian chickens had curly, silky plumage. Their color could be very diverse, often striped, like a striped Plymouth Rock. There were specimens with unusually beautiful plumage, for example, blue, spotted gray.

LEGGORN is the most highly productive breed of domestic chickens of Mediterranean origin and egg direction. The color of the plumage is most often white, the color of the eggshell is also white. Today there are over 20 different color variations of the Leghorn plumage. This light egg-laying chicken breed is the most widespread in the world. Chickens of this breed have a wedge-shaped body, a wide and deep chest, a voluminous belly. White Leghorns have a leaf-shaped crest, which usually hangs to the side in chickens, and stands straight in roosters. The beak and legs are dark in color, the earrings are red. Egg production 160-230 eggs, egg weight 55-58 g, live weight of chickens 1.9-2.2 kg, roosters - 2.6-2.8 kg.

R USSKAYA WHITE CHICKEN - it has a stronger and rougher skeleton; the body is long, wide and deep; the head is short, wide with a large leaf-shaped crest (in chickens it is of medium length); the back is wide, long, straight; the chest is wide, rounded, the belly is voluminous; beak, metatarsus and toes are yellow; the skin is also yellow in color; plumage is white, dense, well covering the whole body. The average egg production of laying hens reaches 200-255 eggs per year. Live weight of roosters - 2.8-3 kg, chickens - 1.9-2 kg, egg weight - 60-62 g. From highly productive laying hens, up to 330 eggs with an average weight of 65 g are obtained per year. Eggs are white. A dozen eggs consume 3-3.5 kg of feed. Russian white chickens are more viable and have better meat qualities than Leghorns.

M OSKOVSKAYA BLACK CHICKEN. Bred by the team of the Bratsevskaya poultry farm in collaboration with the team of the poultry department of the Moscow Agricultural Academy by complex reproductive crossing of Yurlovskaya vociferous, brown Leghorns and New Hampshire with further breeding of hybrids "in themselves". The selection of hybrids was carried out according to a combination of characteristics - egg production, live weight, early maturity, meat forms and vitality. The plumage is black, on the neck is combined with yellow. Roosters have brownish-yellow plumage on their necks, loins and shoulders. Black Moscow chickens have an increased live weight - 2.7-3 kg, and roosters - 3.5-3.7 kg. The average annual productivity is 170-180 eggs. Egg mass over 60 g.

3. Talking to my dad, I learned that chicken is a very healthy bird.

First, we eat meat, all parts of the body, as well as offal. For example, chicken meat can be used to cook various dishes: grilled chicken, Jezebel wings, Indian chicken breast, chicken legs with raisins, and delicious jellied meat is obtained from the legs and heads. Nothing is thrown out of chicken giblets when properly applied and used. The heart, liver, ventricles and intestines are used (chicken kupaty dish). There is a yellow film inside the stomachs, it is used for medical purposes (medicine). It is generally accepted that chicken is the best fortifying food for sick people.

Secondly, we eat eggs. An egg is the most delicate food for a person. The yolk is easily digested and digested in the stomach, it is considered a valuable addition to the food of even infants, especially since it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Confectioners will have nothing to do without chicken eggs. Eggs are added to the dough for sweet buns, cookies, gingerbread cookies, biscuits, waffles, and meringue cake is generally made without flour - from proteins whipped with sugar. Scientists have proven that moderate consumption of the product brings tangible benefits. Scientists observed preschool children who ate an egg every day, and noted that the children had noticeably improved blood composition by the end of the experiment. In the old days, eggs were mixed with mortar for laying stone walls of buildings. Monuments of architecture that can be seen in our city of Troitsk have survived to this day. Strange as it may seem, but cosmetologists recommend using such a strong bonding material for washing hair. True, for this you need to take only the yolk. When we look at paintings in a museum, we don’t think that we have yet another example of the use of a chicken egg. Old masters used yolk to dissolve paints. Also, the egg is an indispensable food for chickens.

A person eats an egg, throws away the shell and does not suspect that the shell is also valuable, an excellent feed for a bird. Flour made from it can be used for calcium fortification of culinary and bakery products. The shell is used for the use of soil, for the enrichment of animals and poultry with calcium. The shell is a unique product, it contains a lot of minerals and nutrients necessary for the life and development of people, animals and plants. In Paris, an egg weighing 320 grams was kept in a museum of rarities.

Feathers are also used in chicken, they are used in the manufacture of pillows, feather beds, clothes (down jackets) and even floats. Pillows and featherbeds are considered environmentally friendly, which means they will not harm your health. At the industrial exhibition in Dusseldorf in 1979, a model was shown of an enterprise that processes poultry feathers into livestock feed, it is very high in protein, which is necessary for the growth and development of animals. Chicken droppings are used to fertilize the soil and contain a large amount of nutrients.

Animals such as pigs consume it as food.

Reading the literature about the benefits of chickens, I learned that many beautiful crafts can be made from all the products obtained from this bird. For example, eggshells make great pictures, pots for seedlings. All Orthodox people celebrate the Christian holiday "Easter" and eggs are the main attribute and symbol of this great holiday. Eggs are dyed and decorated for the holiday. The better and more beautifully you decorate, the more interesting the holiday will be.

Feathers can be used to make decorations. For example, a Christmas tree, decorative pendants to the ceiling and on the wall, a fan, flowers, jewelry for women.

Birds from the order of chickens are a feathered exotic, which are in great demand among wealthy owners of mansions. After all, a decorative and rare bird slowly walking around the house is really very beautiful!

The sports direction of amateur poultry farming deserves to be written especially about it. More than one generation of poultry breeders was fond of cock fights. In cockfighting, a bird of mainly fighting breeds has always participated. The history of this peculiar sport goes back to ancient times, when fighting breeds were probably bred specifically for entertainment. Among the ancient Greeks, fights of feathered fighters served educational purposes. The tournaments had to be attended by young people - future warriors. They were taken as an example of desperately fighting roosters. The best fighters, like horses, had pedigrees. Rooster sport brought a lot of profit, as big bets were placed on the bird. This type of activity was dedicated to the paintings of artists - "Cockfight" 1937 by I.S. Kulikov. The artist very vividly depicted the battle of two cocks in the ring of Asian fans

    Experiments with a chicken egg.

In order to prove the benefits of a chicken egg, I decided to conduct a series of experiments.

Experience number 1. Freshness of eggs.

Can you find out without breaking an egg? The simplest thing is to dip the raw egg into the water. If it sinks, it is fresh. If it pops up - spoiled. The fact is that during long-term storage in a warm place, the processes of decomposition of protein and yolk take place in the egg. They are accompanied by the release of gas, which is partially eroded through small pores in the shell. The egg becomes lighter and floats in the water.
But what is good for experience is not always good for practical purposes. The most accessible thing is to look at the light, if the egg is light, it is fresh, if it is dark, this is not good for food.

Experience number 2. Rubber ball from an egg.

Place the hard-boiled egg in a container and cover it completely with vinegar. Let's watch the egg. Tiny bubbles can be seen on its surface. This acetic acid attacks the calcium carbonate contained in the eggshell. After some time, the eggshell will change color. After 3 days, take out the egg and gently rinse it with tap water. Let's press on the egg. Amazingly, it bounces off a hard surface. For comparison, you can try soaking a raw egg in vinegar for 3-4 days. The egg shell will become soft and elastic. You can squeeze the egg slightly. But I don't recommend trying to hit the floor or other hard surfaces.

Experience No. 3. The content of calcium in a chicken egg.

Our teeth are strong thanks to calcium. And what happens to the teeth if it is absent? An ordinary chicken egg will help us find out. After all, its shell is 90% calcium.

For the experiment, we need a raw chicken egg, vinegar and a glass. Put the chicken egg in a glass, fill the egg with vinegar so that there is no smell - be sure to close the glass with a lid. The egg has sunk and is at the bottom. After a couple of hours, I saw that the egg floated up and small bubbles appeared. It is from the calcium in the shell that carbon dioxide is released, which is lighter than water, and therefore rises up. That is, the eggshell begins to dissolve in the vinegar. We leave it all for a day. And this is what we observe - the egg floats on top, and at the bottom of the glass there is a white sediment. We take out the egg from the vinegar, rinse it thoroughly under running water. And what do we see? Within a day, the shell dissolved completely. The egg looks like a boiled one. And covered on top only with an elastic, soft film.

That's how it is! Without calcium, our teeth are completely defenseless! But we can keep them strong and healthy! To do this, you need to eat foods containing calcium in sufficient quantities, for example, a lot of calcium in dairy products, in many vegetables and fruits. And, of course, it is correct and daily to care for your teeth. And, eat less foods that contain acid, such as Coca-Cola.


During my research work, I came to the following conclusions:

    My hypothesis is completely proven. If you skillfully organize the farm, then chicken can become a waste-free valuable and profitable product.

    Chicken is a waste-free production, since it is 100% used in cooking.

    The chicken can be used as a decorative and rare bird.

    Serves as a subject of hobby. Used in decorations, attributes, symbols.

    For a long time, there has been a rooster sport, which brought great profit.

"The chicken will have nothing but the chicken cry"

Ilf and Petrov "Multi-Stage America"

But the cry uttered by the chicken is also used for its intended purpose. He says that an egg has already appeared and not only.


1. Avramenko IM "Practical advice on keeping all breeds of chickens" -Moscow: AST, 2002 - 304 p.

2. Bozzi ML, Palazzolo V., Palazzeski R., Prati E. Modern children's encyclopedia "Facts, discoveries, fantasies" - Moscow: "Machaon", 2008 - 254 p.

3. Beiko V.B., Berezina M.F., Bogatyreva E.L. and others. Great encyclopedia of the animal world. - M .: CJSC "ROSMEN - PRESS", 2005. - 303C.

4. Gorbacheva NS "Breeds of chickens and their content in the household plots." - Moscow: Art and Fashion, 1993. - 144 p.

5. Children's encyclopedia "Agriculture" / Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR /, volume 6, second edition - Moscow: Publishing house "Education", 1967 - 504 p.

6. Isachenko L.S. Descendants of the banking savage. - M .: Kolos 1995 .-- 171s.

7. The magazine "Household economy" for 1984-1986 years.

8. The journal "Poultry" for the 1980-1990s.

9. Ziper A. F. "Breeding of hens of egg breeds". - Moscow: AST, 2004 .-- 96 p.

10.Usha B.V., Belyakov I.M., Avakayants B.M., Bessarabov B.F., Slugin V.S. and others. "Your household economy" - Moscow: LLC "World of books", 2002 - 480 p.

11. Hoerschelmann Heinrich "Birds" / Per. with him. E.Yu. Zhirnova ./- Moscow: OOO

“TD“ Publishing House of the World of Books ”, 2007 - 48 p.


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