Who created the red army. From And

The Red Book is a kind of list in which all species of animals and plants appear, which, if not taken action, will face complete extinction. An annotated list, which is a book, is necessary to fulfill organizational tasks for the protection and registration of endangered rare species. Based on the data of the Red Book, no matter what level it may be (international, national or regional), programs are formed aimed at protecting and rescuing certain species.

The history of the creation of the Red Book begins in 1963, it is directly related to the work of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, created in 1948.

Peter Scott, Chairman of the Commission on Rare Species, suggested giving the title to the publication - "Red Book". Later he became the holder and compiler of the book of the planet (the Red Book of the international level). Red is a symbol of danger, and, of course, it has nothing to do with the red symbols of the Soviet Union, which did not prevent the USSR from presenting itself as the initiator of the book for a long time.

The Red Book is replenished with new data constantly. By the beginning of 1980, the world was aware of the release of four editions, today there are many more. Although they have a book format, they are similar to a thick loose-leaf calendar. It was conceived so on purpose, so that any sheet could be replaced with a new one. There was no need to reprint all volumes.

Descriptions of those species are colored green, the position of which, after entering them into the Red Book, has stabilized. Unfortunately, there are many more endangered animals, birds, fish and plants. For example, today the Red Book will be able to tell about 305 species and subspecies of endangered mammals. Of these, the position has stabilized only in 7 species. Out of 258 bird species (and their subspecies), only 4 improved positions. Out of the descriptions of 98 reptiles, only 2 are colored green. The situation has not improved in any species of fish and amphibians. Throughout the history of the Red Book, 14 species of animals have become completely extinct.

Having no legal status and not being binding, the ISPO Red Book can only help with recommendations to the governments of those countries where this or that species has a threatening situation.

At the end of 1988, IASP created a new form of information on wild animals, which is called the "Red List of Threatened Species", which is not analogous to the Red Book, but performs the same function, with only different methods of classification.

2001 - the time of the reprint of the Red Book of Russia. They created it already, adhering to the principles that are described in the "Red List of Threatened Species", classifying not only by species, but also by the degree of extinction. In addition, each subject of the federation and region publishes its own local Red Book.

Who created the Red Army? They say - Trotsky. And who is Trotsky, or Bronstein really. A civilian intellectual who lived abroad all his life, there he became an intelligence agent of His Royal Majesty the King of Great Britain. And the British establishment, led by His Majesty, slept and saw the collapsed Russian Empire. The most educated part of the high military command, including officers, generals and admirals of the General Staff of the Russian Army and their intelligence agents of the GRU, knew about Great Britain's plans to defeat the Russian State and took countermeasures to prevent a catastrophe in Russia. However, Tsar Nicholas II did not understand such a development, and in the end brought the empire to a fall.

With the incitement of the establishment and agents of MI6 of Great Britain, the Russian Tsar was overthrown in March 1917 by the elite of the liberal politicians and the military of Russia, who at that time had a direct influence on the power structures of the country. The overthrow of the tsar was attended by Chairman of the State Duma Rodzianko, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Ingushetia Prince Lvov, leaders of the bourgeois factions of the State Duma Guchkov, Milyukov, Kerensky, deputies of the State Duma Shulgin, Tereshchenko, Chief of Staff of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander General Alekseev, front commanders Generals Ruzsky, Admiralty, Brusilov Kolchak, commanders of armies and formations, Generals Krymov, Denikin, Kornilov, Krasnov and others. Not only were these conspirators forced to abdicate the throne of Tsar Nicholas II and his son Alexei Nikolaevich, but they also forced the new Tsar Mikhail II to abdicate, and this is not the overthrow of the individual, but the elimination of the system. And the strangest thing was that no one who came to power in Russia knew what to do with this power. Freedoms were introduced, which resulted in manifestations of anarchy. They could not come up with general laws for the entire state, and the people began to act in every way. The army began to fall apart before our eyes. The deserters fled from the front and in each village created their own states like "Father Angel", and the central government was inactive, because there was nothing to act with. The so-called dual power was established in Petrograd. The Provisional Government, which was called power without power, and the Soviets of Workers, Peasants, Soldiers and Sailors' Deputies, which was called power without power. Under these conditions, understanding the current situation, when it is impossible to return the tsar to the throne, because no one wanted him, but also to support the helpless Provisional Government with mediocre and, according to the GRU, traitorous leaders of this government, the absolute majority of senior officers, generals and admirals did not want and they staked on the overthrow of this insignificant government of the liberals and the transfer of power to the only remaining force at that time - the Bolsheviks.

The General Staff of the Russian Army is developing a plan to overthrow the Provisional Government and transfer this power to the Bolsheviks, but not Trotsky. Everything was done so that the new Soviet government was headed by Lenin.

The construction of a new state began. They began to build a new army. And who do you think put it together, Trotsky with Sklyansky, Zheleznyak with Raskolnikov and the lohmach Antonov-Ovseenko? No. Russian senior officers, generals and admirals. It is difficult to list their names here. There were about 50 thousand of them. Trotsky knew how not to command troops, but only to shoot officers such as the tsarist military sergeant major (lieutenant colonel) army commander Mironov, tsarist captain 1st rank, red commander of the Baltic fleet Shchastny. This foreigner Trotsky (Bronstein) could not create an army of any kind in Russia. It was created by Russian patriotic officers, generals and admirals. Here we celebrate the "Birthday of the Red Army" on February 23 every year. On this day, Lieutenant General Dmitry Pavlovich Parsky created the combat-ready 1st, as we call it, the Red Army compound stopped the German troops near Narva and Yamburg. The Germans did not go further and, following the example of the troops of General Parsky, other armies, formations and regiments of the Red Army began to form. Soon, the former tsarist general Parsky created the Red Northern Front, it was headed and the Germans did not poke their nose there. By the way, later, several officers under the patronage of General Parsky wrote and adopted military regulations in the Red Army.

So under such leadership, the Enduring and Legendary was created!

Initially, the Soviet Red Army, whose creation took place against the backdrop of the outbreak of the civil war, had utopian features. The Bolsheviks believed that under a socialist system, the army should be built on a voluntary basis. This project was in line with Marxist ideology. Such an army was opposed to the regular armies of Western countries. According to the theoretical doctrine, there could only be "general arming of the people" in society.

Creation of the Red Army

The first steps of the Bolsheviks indicated that they really wanted to abandon the old tsarist system. On December 16, 1917, a decree was adopted abolishing officer ranks. The commanders were now elected by their own subordinates. According to the party's plan, on the day the Red Army was created, the new army was to become truly democratic. Time has shown that these plans could not survive the trials of the bloody era.

The Bolsheviks managed to seize power in Petrograd with the help of a small Red Guard and separate revolutionary detachments of sailors and soldiers. The provisional government was paralyzed, which obscenely facilitated the task of Lenin and his supporters. But outside the capital remained a huge country, most of which was not at all happy with the party of radicals, whose leaders had arrived in Russia in a sealed carriage from enemy Germany.

By the beginning of a full-scale civil war, the Bolshevik armed forces were characterized by poor military training and a lack of centralized effective management. Those who served in the Red Guard were guided by revolutionary chaos and their own political convictions, which could change at any moment. The position of the just proclaimed Soviet power was more than precarious. She needed a fundamentally new Red Army. The creation of the armed forces became a matter of life and death for the people who were sitting in Smolny.

What difficulties did the Bolsheviks face? The party could not form its own army on the previous apparatus. The best cadres of the period of the monarchy and the Provisional Government hardly wanted to cooperate with the left radicals. The second problem was that Russia had been waging a war against Germany and its allies for several years. The soldiers were tired - they were demoralized. In order to replenish the ranks of the Red Army, its founders had to come up with a popular incentive that would become a good reason to take up arms again.

The Bolsheviks did not have to go far for this. They made the principle of class struggle the main driving force of their army. With the coming to power, the RSDLP (b) issued many decrees. According to the slogans, the peasants received land, and the workers - factories. Now they had to defend these gains of the revolution. Hatred of the old system (landowners, capitalists, etc.) was the foundation on which the Red Army was based. The creation of the Red Army took place on January 28, 1918. On this day, the new government, represented by the Council of People's Commissars, adopted a corresponding decree.

First successes

Vsevobuch was also established. This system was intended for general military training of residents of the RSFSR, and then the USSR. Vsevobuch appeared on April 22, 1918, after the decision on its creation was made at the VII Congress of the RCP (b) in March. The Bolsheviks hoped that the new system would help them quickly replenish the ranks of the Red Army.

The formation of the armed detachments was carried out directly by the councils at the local level. In addition, for this purpose were established at first, they enjoyed considerable independence from the central government. Who consisted of the then Red Army? The creation of this armed structure entailed an influx of a wide variety of personnel. These were people who served in the old tsarist army, peasant militias, soldiers and sailors from among the Red Guards. The heterogeneity of the composition negatively affected the combat readiness of this army. In addition, the detachments often acted inconsistently due to the election of commanders, collective and rally management.

Despite all the flaws, the Red Army in the first months of the civil war was able to achieve important successes, which became the guarantee of its future unconditional victory. The Bolsheviks managed to keep Moscow and Yekaterinodar. Local uprisings were suppressed due to a noticeable numerical advantage, as well as broad popular support. Populist decrees of the Soviet government (especially in 1917-1918) did their job.

Trotsky at the head of the army

It was this man who stood at the origins of the October Revolution in Petrograd. The revolutionary led the seizure of city communications and the Winter Palace from Smolny, where the Bolshevik headquarters was located. At the first stage of the Civil War, the figure of Trotsky was in no way inferior to the figure of Vladimir Lenin in terms of the scale and importance of decisions made. Therefore, it is not surprising that Lev Davidovich was elected People's Commissar for Military Affairs. His organizational talent in all its glory manifested itself precisely in this post. The very first two people's commissars stood at the origins of the creation of the Red Army.

Tsarist officers in the Red Army

In theory, the Bolsheviks saw their army as meeting strict class requirements. However, the lack of experience of the majority of workers and peasants could be the reason for the defeat of the party. Therefore, the history of the creation of the Red Army took another turn, when Trotsky proposed to staff its ranks with former tsarist officers. These professionals had considerable experience. All of them went through the First World War, and some remembered the Russo-Japanese War. Many of them were noblemen by birth.

On the day the Red Army was created, the Bolsheviks proclaimed that it would be cleared of landowners and other enemies of the proletariat. However, practical necessity gradually corrected the course of the Soviet regime. In the face of danger, she was flexible enough in her decisions. Lenin was much more a pragmatist than a dogmatist. Therefore, he agreed to a compromise on the issue with the tsarist officers.

The presence of a "counter-revolutionary contingent" in the Red Army has long been a headache for the Bolsheviks. Former tsarist officers have revolted more than once. One of these was the rebellion led by Mikhail Muravyov in July 1918. This Left Socialist-Revolutionary and former Tsarist officer was appointed by the Bolsheviks as commander of the Eastern Front when the two parties were still forming a single coalition. He tried to seize power in Simbirsk, which at that time was located next to the theater of operations. The mutiny was suppressed by Joseph Vareikis and Mikhail Tukhachevsky. The uprisings in the Red Army, as a rule, occurred due to the harsh repressive measures of the command.

The appearance of the commissioners

Actually, the date of the creation of the Red Army is not the only important mark on the calendar for the history of the formation of Soviet power in the vastness of the former Russian Empire. Since the composition of the armed forces gradually became more and more heterogeneous, and the propaganda of the opponents became stronger, the Council of People's Commissars decided to establish the post of military commissars. They were supposed to carry out party propaganda among the soldiers and old specialists. The commissars made it possible to smooth out the contradictions in the rank-and-file, motley in political views. Having received significant powers, these party representatives not only educated and educated the Red Army soldiers, but also informed the top about the unreliability of individuals, discontent, etc.

Thus, the Bolsheviks instilled a dual power in the military units. There were commanders on one side, and commissars on the other. The history of the creation of the Red Army would have been completely different if not for their appearance. In an emergency, the commissar could become the sole leader, leaving the commander in the background. To control divisions and larger formations, military councils were created. Each such body included one commander and two commissars. Only the most ideologically hardened Bolsheviks became them (as a rule, people who joined the party before the revolution). With the increase in the army, and hence the commissars, the authorities had to create a new educational infrastructure necessary for the operational training of propagandists and agitators.


In May 1918, the All-Russian General Headquarters was established, and in September - the Revolutionary Military Council. These dates and the date of the creation of the Red Army became key for the spread and strengthening of the power of the Bolsheviks. Immediately after the October Revolution, the party set out to radicalize the situation in the country. After the unsuccessful elections for the RSDLP (b), this institution (necessary to determine the Russian future on an elective basis) was dispersed. Now the opponents of the Bolsheviks were left without legal tools to defend their position. The white movement quickly emerged in different regions of the country. It was only possible to fight it by military means - it was for this that the creation of the Red Army was needed.

Photos of defenders of the communist future began to be published in a huge heap of propaganda newspapers. The Bolsheviks initially tried to secure an influx of recruits with the help of catchy slogans: "The socialist fatherland is in danger!" and so on. These measures gave an effect, but it was not sufficient. By April, the size of the army had increased to 200 thousand people, but this would not have been enough to subjugate the entire territory of the former Russian Empire to the party. Do not forget that Lenin dreamed of a world revolution. Russia for him was only the initial springboard for the offensive of the international proletariat. To strengthen propaganda in the RKKA, the Political Directorate was established.

In the year of the creation of the Red Army, they entered it not only for ideological reasons. In a country exhausted by a long war with the Germans, a shortage of food has long been felt. The risk of hunger was especially acute in cities. In such desperate conditions, the poor sought to be in the service at any cost (regular rations were guaranteed there).

Introduction of universal conscription

Although the creation of the Red Army began in accordance with the decree of the Council of People's Commissars in January 1918, the accelerated pace of organizing the new armed forces began in May, when the Czechoslovak Corps rebelled. These soldiers, captured during the First World War, sided with the white movement and opposed the Bolsheviks. In a paralyzed and fragmented country, a relatively small 40,000-strong corps became the most combat-ready and professional army.

Lenin and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee were agitated by the news of the uprising. The Bolsheviks decided to stay ahead of the curve. On May 29, 1918, a decree was issued, according to which forced recruitment into the army was introduced. It took the form of mobilization. In domestic politics, the Soviet government adopted the course of war communism. The peasants were not only deprived of their crops, which went to the state, but also en massed in the troops. Party mobilizations to the front became commonplace. By the end of the Civil War, half of the members of the RSDLP (b) ended up in the army. At the same time, almost all Bolsheviks became commissars and political workers.

In the summer, Trotsky initiated the history of the creation of the Red Army, in short, crossed another important milestone. On July 29, 1918, all men suitable for health, who were between 18 and 40 years old, were registered. Even representatives of the enemy bourgeois class (former merchants, industrialists, etc.) were included in the rear militia. Such drastic measures have borne fruit. The creation of the Red Army by September 1918 made it possible to send more than 450 thousand people to the front (about 100 thousand more remained in the rear forces).

Trotsky, like Lenin, temporarily brushed aside Marxist ideology in order to increase the fighting efficiency of the armed forces. It was he who, as People's Commissar, initiated important reforms and transformations at the front. The death penalty was reinstated in the army for desertion and non-observance of orders. The insignia, uniform form, the sole authority of leadership and many other signs of the tsarist time returned. On May 1, 1918, the first parade of the Red Army took place on the Khodynskoye field in Moscow. The Vsevobuch system started working at full capacity.

In September, Trotsky headed the newly formed Revolutionary War Council. This state body became the top of the administrative pyramid that led the army. Trotsky's right hand was Joachim Vatsetis. He was the first under Soviet rule to receive the post of commander-in-chief. In the same autumn, the fronts were formed - South, East and North. Each of them had its own headquarters. The first month of the creation of the Red Army was a time of uncertainty - the Bolsheviks were torn between ideology and practice. Now the course towards pragmatism has become the main one, and the Red Army began to take the forms that turned out to be its foundation over the next decades.

War communism

Without a doubt, the reasons for the creation of the Red Army were to defend the Bolshevik regime. At first, she controlled a very small part of European Russia. At the same time, the RSFSR was under pressure from opponents from all sides. After the Brest Peace Treaty was signed with Imperial Germany, the Entente forces invaded Russia. The intervention was minor (it only covered the north of the country). The European powers supported the whites mainly with the supply of weapons and money. For the Red Army, the attack by the French and British was only an additional reason for the consolidation and strengthening of propaganda in the rank and file. Now the creation of the Red Army could be briefly and intelligibly explained by the defense of Russia against foreign invasion. Such slogans allowed an increase in the influx of recruits.

At the same time, throughout the Civil War, there was a problem of supplying the armed forces with all kinds of resources. The economy was paralyzed, strikes often broke out in factories, and hunger became the norm in the countryside. It was against this background that the Soviet government began to pursue a policy of war communism.

Its essence was simple. The economy became radically centralized. The state completely took over the distribution of resources in the country. Industrial enterprises were nationalized immediately after the October Revolution. Now the Bolsheviks had to squeeze all the juice out of the village. Food appropriation, harvest taxes, individual terror of peasants who did not want to share their grain with the state - all this was used in order to feed and finance the Red Army.

Fighting desertion

Trotsky personally went to the front in order to control the execution of his orders. On August 10, 1918, he arrived in Sviyazhsk, when the battles for Kazan were going on nearby. In a stubborn battle, one of the Red Army regiments wavered and fled. Then Trotsky publicly shot every tenth soldier in this formation. Such a massacre, more like a ritual, resembled the ancient Roman tradition - decimation.

By the decision of the People's Commissar, they began to shoot not only deserters, but also simulators who asked for leave from the front due to an imaginary illness. The apogee of the fight against the fugitives was the creation of foreign detachments. During offensives, specially selected soldiers stood up behind the main army, who shot cowards right in the course of the battle. Thus, with the help of draconian measures and incredible brutality, the Red Army became exemplary disciplined. The Bolsheviks had the courage and pragmatic cynicism to do what the commanders of Trotsky, who did not disdain by any methods to spread Soviet power, soon began to be called the "demon of revolution".

Unification of the armed forces

The appearance of the Red Army men also gradually changed. At first, the Red Army did not provide for a uniform uniform. The soldiers, as a rule, donned their old military uniforms or civilian clothes. Due to the huge influx of peasants, shod in bast shoes, there are much more than those shod in their usual boots. This anarchy lasted until the end of the unification of the armed forces.

At the beginning of 1919, according to the decision of the Revolutionary Military Council, sleeve insignia were introduced. At the same time, the Red Army men received their own headdress, which became popularly known as Budenovka. Gymnastics and overcoats got colored valves. The red star sewn onto the headdress has become a recognizable symbol.

The introduction of some of the characteristics of the former army into the Red Army led to the formation of an opposition faction in the party. Its members advocated the rejection of an ideological compromise. Lenin and Trotsky, joining forces, in March 1919 at the VIII Congress were able to defend their course.

The fragmentation of the white movement, the powerful propaganda of the Bolsheviks, their decisiveness in carrying out repressions to rally their own ranks and many other circumstances led to the fact that Soviet power was established on the territory of almost the entire former Russian Empire, except Poland and Finland. The Red Army won the Civil War. At the final stage of the conflict, its number was already 5.5 million.

As we have seen, mankind began to pay serious attention to the problem of reducing biological diversity and the disappearance from the face of the earth of many species of living organisms only in the last century. Red Lists and Red Lists are compiled to draw the attention of government and public organizations to the adoption of measures to conserve vulnerable species. Zoologists were the first to sound the alarm. In 1902, the International Convention for the Conservation of Birds was signed, and since 1963 the World Conservation Union (since 1990 - the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources - IUCN) began to publish lists of endangered and rare species of animals. In the USSR, these lists appeared only in 1974, when the Committee on Endangered Plant Species was established, and by 1978 the first Russian Red Book of Plants had already been published. Kukurichkin G.M. Protection of Nature. Red and Green Books. - Surgut: GOU VPO "Surgut state. un-t Khanty-Mansiysk auth. env. - Ugra ", 2010. - 35 p.

The creation of the Red Book was inspired by the British zoologist Peter Scott. It is a collection of facts about the unique inhabitants of our planet, who are threatened with extinction or who, alas, have already disappeared.

The Red Book became the reaction of the outstanding minds of the 19th-20th centuries, who realized what a great threat to nature the economic activity of the ever-growing humanity poses. In 1949, at the initiative of the IUCN, a commission was created, which was entrusted with compiling lists of rare endangered species.

As a result, the lists received the name "Red Book" because the red color from ancient times symbolized danger, threat, death, warning. But the Book itself was published only in 1963, because it took fourteen years to create the lists, given that at that time there were not so many advanced technologies in the service of science as in the 21st century.

The first volume of the Red Book dealt with mammals, and the second with birds. Each species was described on a separate page, information was provided on its history, features and reasons that put it under threat of extinction. Conservation measures were separately recommended, both for wild species and those kept in captivity.

The next three volumes of the World Red Data Book were published in 1966-71. This also includes lists of species of reptiles and amphibians. At the same time, the achievement of the new edition was the classification of species:

Endangered species requiring urgent special measures to preserve them;

Species whose numbers are declining;

Rare, but not yet endangered species;

Species whose position is uncertain due to the lack of reliable information about them;

Restored species, whose extinction was stopped with the help of protective measures.

This classification is partly based on all modern Red Data Books and the Red Data Book of Russia.

The third edition of the Red Book was published in 1972. The number of species in it has increased. In this edition of the Red Book, the description of animals, their status according to the above classification, the current state of the species or subspecies, the definition of its geographical distribution, population structure and number, measures for protection and restoration were indicated.

The fourth edition of the Red Book was carried out in 1978-1980. At the same time, more than a dozen species in the new edition passed into the category of "restored". Some species were completely excluded from the Book, as they are now quite common. Vrishch A.E., Khristoforova N.K. Red books and their importance for education and enlightenment // News of TINRO (Pacific Research Fisheries Center). 2009.Vol. 158.S. 198-208.

But the work of the IUCN never stops. The IUCN Commission constantly draws new information from the national Red Data Books and through a questionnaire survey. It monitors the position of species of living organisms in the world, as well as negative and positive factors affecting the position of endangered plants and animals.

The public first started talking about the Red Book after the Second World War. Historians and economists, politicians and public figures, extras and financiers summed up the material and moral losses suffered by humanity. Much has been written about this, however, even with the presence of the Red Book, it is impossible to accurately determine the damage caused to nature by man.

Gradually, a transition has been outlined from the creation of international Red Data Books to national ones, and then to regional and municipal (district, or city) ones. In the USSR, the first Red Data Book dedicated to rare and endangered plant species was published as a reference book in 1975. Thus, the history of the creation of the Red Data Books in Russia and their use for the protection of species diversity spans about 40 years. Initially, the Red Data Books were created, which included species of flora and fauna rare throughout the country.

In many countries, national Red Data Books have been developed for species that are not included in the International Red Data Book, but are rare or endangered for a particular state.

The Red Book was no longer as a reference book of the USSR, it was approved in 1974 and published in 1978. It included 62 species and subspecies of mammals, 63 species and subspecies of birds, 21 species of reptiles, 8 species of amphibians, as well as 444 species of plants.

The second edition of the Red Book in the Soviet Union was carried out in 1984 and included 202 species of insects, 2 species of crustaceans, 19 species of molluscs, 11 species of worms, 9 species and subspecies of fish, 9 species of amphibians, 37 species and subspecies of reptiles, 80 species of birds and 94 species and subspecies of mammals. The authors of the Book divided all of them into five categories:

I - endangered species;

II - species, the number of which is still high now, but it is declining very quickly;

ІІІ - the rarest species or living in a limited area;

IV - species of low abundance, but poorly studied, which cannot be attributed to the previous categories;

V - species, the populations of which, after protection, began to increase and the danger of their extinction has passed. Mirzoyan E.N. and other Formation of ecological concepts in the USSR. Seven Outstanding Theories. - M .: Librokom, 2012 .-- 632 p.

In 1984, the second edition of the Red Book of the USSR was published, where three more categories were noted:

Species, still in significant numbers, which, however, may be in danger;

Rare, poorly studied species that are difficult to classify;

Reproduced species - the state of which no longer causes alarm, but requires constant monitoring and is not subject to economic use.

So, in the Red Book, five categories of species were identified that need the attention of society and each person.

After the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the Russian Federation, it became necessary to create a new Red Book, not only due to geographical and territorial changes, but also legal ones.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation began to develop a draft of the Red Data Book of Russia, which lasted from 1992 to 2001, while the old Soviet edition of the Book was in force.

In the Red Book of Russia, published in 2001, six categories of species were identified:

0 - extinct species. The time of their disappearance ranges from 50 years for vertebrates and from 100 years for invertebrates;

1 - species, as well as their groups (taxa), which are on the verge of extinction, i.e. species whose numbers are alarmingly small;

2 - species declining in numbers, populations in which a steady decline in the number of individuals is recorded;

3 - rare species that live only in limited areas;

4 - indeterminate species - rather rare species for which there is no exact statistical information about population fluctuations;

5 - restored and restored - previously rare and endangered species and taxa, which now, thanks to human efforts or natural factors, are increasing.

In total, 8 taxa of amphibians, 21 taxa of reptiles, 128 taxa of birds and 74 taxa of mammals are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, 231 taxa in total. As well as 155 species of invertebrates (including insects), 43 species of cyclostomes and fish, 8 species of amphibians, 20 species of reptiles, 118 species of birds and 64 species of mammals. These figures are less than in the Red Data Book of the USSR, where, for example, 94 species of endangered mammals were listed, however, it should be noted that some of these species have now become a sad property of the Red Data Books of neighboring countries. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_book

At the same time, scientists are optimistic about the category "0" - probably disappeared. In this, there is a hope that some species of animals did not disappear completely, but for example, went to regions that are difficult for humans to access. So in 2013, Cuban cracked tooth was discovered in Cuba, which was considered extinct since 2003.

In the Red Book of the Russian Federation, all species are divided into groups ("mammals", "birds", "reptiles" Skaldina OV Red Book of Russia. - M .: Eksmo, 2011. - 272 p., In volume 2 - among plants " angiosperms "," gymnosperms ", etc. Melikhova NM, Skaldina OV The Red Book of Russia. Plants of Russia. - M .: Eksmo, 2013. - 240 p.). Each species is provided with a detailed description, incl. with information on its distribution, habitats, species abundance and measures of its protection. The data is supplemented by maps showing habitats.

In addition, materials are provided on the legal side of the protection of wildlife, on the species found in the protected areas of the country and on the classification of such protected areas.

About 30 years ago, regional Red Data Books also began to be created in the USSR. This process does not stop today. Currently, there are 63 republican, regional, regional Red Data Books.

Thus, the Red Book has several purposes:

Biological - it is designed for specialists, scientists;

Environmental protection - provides for the development of measures for the conservation of animals and plants;

Legal - establishes a special legal status for species of animals and plants; defines criminal, administrative and material and moral responsibility for the extermination of species of living organisms. The book is the basis for the development of new laws to punish violators of legal norms on the protection of nature;

Scientific - is a methodological basis for justifying the creation of new protected areas; serves as a scientific reference;

Cultural and educational and educational. Khvan T.A., Shinkina M.V. Ecology. Fundamentals of rational nature management. - M .: Yurayt, 2011 .-- 320

The criteria for listing species in the Red Book are:

Chronological - distribution, state of populations of endemic species with a broken range, rare species;

Florogenetic - relict species (representatives of different geological periods);

Ecological-cenotic - endangered species;

4- pragmatic - the practical use of one type or another;

Aesthetic, etc.

This means that the Red Book is a subject of scientific activity, a perfect textbook and manual, reliable guidance and recommendations for action in the field of environmental protection.

For two days I have watched the birth of a new myth about that L. Trotsky(nee Bronstein) - creator of the Red Army.

Strange, but in two higher military educational institutions, at the Department of Military History, I was taught differently.

Although in our time there are many fans to rewrite history and, as they say, paraphrasing the well-known proverb, every gopher imagines himself in the field as an agronomist.

And now the facts.
1. On January 28 (15th old style), 1918, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin signed a decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army and the establishment of the All-Russian Collegium for the Organization and Management of the Red Army under the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs (“Civil War and Military Intervention in the USSR ". Encyclopedia. M., 1983, p. 292). Podvoisky, Eremeev, Mekhonoshin, Krylenko, Trifonov, Yurenev were appointed members of this structure (ibid., P. 125)
Strange, but I do not see on this list someone who likes to catch an ice ax with Trotsky's head. This figure at that time served as People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs., and it was through his fault that the Brest-Litovsk Treaty was signed on conditions unfavorable for Soviet Russia. Trotsky thwarted the peace negotiations with Germany, and the Germans launched an offensive against Soviet Russia, where on February 23, 1918, near Pskov and Narva, they were stopped by units of the Red Army.

Further, it was the breakdown of negotiations with Germany that caused the removal of Leib Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky) from the post of People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs. It turns out that on February 23, 1918, a day that is symbolic for the Red Army, this Trotsky had nothing to do with the Red Army, from the word AT ALL.

2. The first People's Commissar of Defense in Soviet Russia was an old Bolshevik (a member of the party since 1901), Russian by origin Nikolai Ilyich Podvoisky. He held this position from December 10, 1917 to March 14, 1918. As far as I understand, March follows February in both the old and the new style. And at this time, Trotsky was no longer even the people's commissar for foreign affairs.

3.On March 4, 1918, at the suggestion of V.I. Lenin, the Supreme Military Council was formed. Mikhail Bonch-Bruevich became the head of the Air Force, and accordingly Proshyan and Shutko were appointed commissars ("Civil War and Military Intervention in the USSR". Encyclopedia. M., 1983, p. 292).
Further from the encyclopedia
In January 1918, the formation of the First Corps of the Red Army began in Petrograd. The largest part of it was made up of St. Petersburg workers. In March 1918, this unit already included 10 battalions, a machine gun and horse regiments, a heavy artillery division, a light artillery brigade, a mortar division, 3 air squadrons, a motorcycle, engineering and automobile units, and a searchlight team. In February and March 1918, corps units took part in the famous battles with the Germans near Pskov and Narva, as well as at Vitebsk and Orsha ("Civil War and Military Intervention in the USSR". Encyclopedia. M., 1983, p. 447).

The real creators of the Red Army are V.I. Lenin, N.I. Podvoisky and Bonch-Bruevich.

And Trotsky was not the organizer of the October Uprising in 1917, just as he was not the creator of the Red Army.
And uneducated peoplecan continue to toast to the creator of the Red Army Trotsky
I. Bezler

P.S. And in addition to the aforementioned "No peace, no war, but disband the army" on February 11, 1918, Kuhlmann once again asked whether the Bolsheviks accept the terms of peace. To this Trotsky burst out with a demagogic speech: “We no longer want to take part in this purely imperialist war, where the claims of the possessing classes are clearly paid for in human blood.
In anticipation of the, we hope, approaching hour, when the oppressed working classes of all countries will take power into their own hands, like the working class of Russia, we are leading our army and our people out of the war. We are giving the order for the complete demobilization of our armies. ”(World War I: 1914-1918: facts, documents Moscow 2003, p. 460) Upon returning to Petrograd, immediately upon Trotsky's order, an appeal was issued“ Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! " dated 13.02.1918 with the famous demobilization order. (Voenno-istoricheskii zhurnal. 1991. No. 2. S. 46-48.)
And now this balabol-demagogue Trotsky is called the creator of the Red Army.

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