Constanta is the largest port in Romania. Port of Constanta: steps into the future Port of Constanta romania

What will the main container hub of the Black Sea region spend 750 million euros on and why the Dutch want to make Constanta the eastern port gate of Europe.

Romania inherited from the dictator Ceausescu a mega-port that never reached even 50% capacity utilization in its best years. However, its development never stops. Currently, projects worth more than 750 million euros are being implemented in the port of Constanta. If we take into account that recently, in addition to Constanta, Russian and Baltic harbors have also begun to compete with Ukrainian ports, then if all the projects conceived by the Romanians are implemented, the situation may significantly worsen not in our favor.

Constanta can become the main "gas" gate for the European Union from the east - if plans are implemented to build an alternative gas pipeline bypassing Russia to transport gas from the Transcaucasus (the AGRI pipeline project between Azerbaijan, Georgia and Romania). In the meantime, one of the largest Black Sea harbors declares itself primarily as the leading container port in the region, which in the best of times served up to 1.5 million TEU per year. Constanta has also become a nodal point for transshipment of dry cargo and bulk - 26 and 10 million tons per year, respectively, which is more than in any of the Ukrainian ports. Part of the Russian transit bulk cargo went through it, bypassing the Ukrainian Danube ports, and last year Konstantin Zhevago, the owner of Ferrexpo (which controls Poltava GOK), began to reload its iron ore through Constanta.

Development projects The geopolitical and economic importance of Constanta may soon increase significantly. For several years now, discussions have been underway on the AGRI (Azerbaijan-Georgia-Romania Interconnector) gas pipeline project, which will pass through the territory of three countries to deliver fuel further along the Black Sea to Romania through its sea gates and the EU countries. In 2010, the heads of state signed a corresponding memorandum, and last year, Georgian Foreign Minister Grigol Vashadze confirmed that all parties to the agreement retain an active interest in it. Hungary has also promised to join the project, and it is expected that other European countries that depend on Gazprom supplies and want to create their own way to the Caspian energy resources will show interest.

In parallel, Romania is also a participant in another alternative gas pipeline project - Nabukko, but it is constantly being postponed. In the event that AGRI is implemented before Nabukko (the construction of the latter has already been postponed to 2018), the port of Constanta needs to be ready to receive about 8 billion cubic meters of gas per year (this is the planned capacity of the gas pipeline). Fuel will be delivered through the pipeline to the coast of Georgia, then in liquefied form by tankers - to Constanta, and then, after the transformation of hydrocarbons back into a gas state, they will go through the territory of Romania and Hungary to Western Europe.

However, such plans, in which politicians are usually more important than economics, are not yet given much importance in the port itself. All projects currently being implemented here are focused more on increasing the throughput of existing terminals and improving the quality of infrastructure. The development of the port is based on the long-term transport strategy of Romania for 2007-2013. According to the indicators laid down in it, the total cost of all projects planned for this time is more than 750 million euros.

Almost all projects of Constanta are being implemented with EU money, and without this donation, the port may stop its development altogether

One of the most costly is the project to create an artificial island by reclamation of 22.1 hectares. "Given a number of requests received from Romanian and foreign companies that intend to invest in the development of the river / sea zone for the development of economic activity, it is necessary to create new port platforms. The artificial island located inside the port of Constanta provides great opportunities for this," - stated in the investment prospectus of the project. The new port area will be a platform on an artificial island created using soil excavated during the construction of the Danube-Black Sea canal. The estimated cost of the project is 300 million euros.

Another expensive project is the construction of new specialized terminals at berths III and berth IV in the southern part of the port. The southern zone differs from the northern one by the presence of great depths, which makes it possible to receive large vessels. In general, the depths at the port's berths now vary between 7 and 19 m. The South Zone berthing line is 30 km long, and there are 25 berths with cargoes such as ore, coal, phosphates, crude oil, oil products, grain, chemicals, container cargo, there are also warehouses. The northern part consists of 12 basins, the depth of which varies from 7 to 13.50 m; the number of berths is 82, the length of the berthing front is 15.50 km. In the development of the southern zone, according to the strategy, 185 million euros will be invested.

Despite the fact that Constanta is one of the deepest Black Sea ports (great depth is only at the berths of the Turkish port of Erdemir, up to 20 m), the administration also plans to increase the depth of the harbor. It is planned to spend a total of 50 million euros on bringing the port depths to the design depths, deepening the channels in the Northern zone from 7 to 9 m, as well as dredging and dredging works in the parking lots, adjacent water area and the supply channel.

Another project is designed to solve the urgent problem of access roads - as cargo flows in the port increase, the load on the bridge across the Danube - Black Sea canal increases, in connection with which 85 million euros will be spent on the construction of a second bridge (the so-called Road project 0 + 540 km) . This will connect the southern part of the port with the Bucharest-Constanta highway, as well as with the northern part of the port itself. In addition, a 1.05 km extension of the port's northern pier is planned, which, according to the estimated cost of the project, will cost 121 million euros.

Property Issues All these projects are being implemented primarily with grant funds from the European Union. So far, Constanta is a state port. The Seaports Authority of Constanta is a profitable company. Its income in 2012 amounted to 269.7 million lei (83.4 million dollars), and profit - 22.6 million lei (7 million dollars).

Until recently, namely in October last year, the National Company of the Seaports Authority of Constanta, Constanta S.A. (CNAPM), which manages the port and its smaller satellites Media and Mangalia, was under state control through the Ministry of Transport. It owns 60% of the shares of this enterprise. Another 20% of the shares are owned by the Constanta City Council and the investment fund Propritatea Fund.

In Romania, a wave of political discussions has repeatedly been raised on the topic of who should own the enterprise - the city authorities of Constanta or the state. In October 2012, the city administration, represented by Mayor Radu Mazare, announced that the issue of transferring 60% of the state shares of the port to the city had already been actually resolved. "This is a political will, it has already been agreed upon at the level of the parliamentary coalition and the prime minister," Mazare said at the time. Earlier, in 2008, despite public opposition, the city received a 20% stake in the port thanks to the decision of President Traian Basescu. Evil tongues claimed that the president had a personal business interest in this. Similar allegations are being made today. The ex-Minister of Transport of Romania, Alexander Nazare, said that the mayor of the city wants to make a "cash cow" out of the port. "This is a strategic asset that should remain under the control of the state. According to some reports, Constanta has the potential to become the second largest port in Europe," the former minister said. According to him, during the term of the mayor, the assets of the port were seized by various interest groups and passed into private management.

In addition, opponents of the idea of ​​transferring the port to the control of the city argue that this may affect the company's receipt of assistance from the EU. For this money, almost all projects of Constanta are being implemented today, and without this donation, the port may stop its development altogether. The European Union has a number of mechanisms for allocating such assistance, part of the funds goes through ministries, part - for the development of individual regions. According to the company, the volume of assimilated investments in 2011 amounted to 15.3 million euros, of which 38.07% of own funds, 61.43% - European funds and 0.5% of budget allocations. Also, investments of 709.6 million lei (219 million dollars) were planned for 2012, of which 669.6 million lei (207 million dollars) were to come from EU funds.

Perhaps there is a real threat of a reduction in income in the event of a change in the donor program. However, the European Union also seems to have its own ideas about the Romanian sea gate. Last year, the media actively discussed the possibility of buying the port by investors from the Dutch Rotterdam, which was allegedly ready to pay 1 billion euros for the port. According to some Romanian officials, the Netherlands is trying to persuade Romania to sell Constanta by blocking its entry into the Schengen zone. The interest of the Dutch in the Black Sea harbor, which is in a completely different “weight category” (Rotterdam handles more than 400 million tons of cargo per year, that is, 10 times more than Constanta), was explained by many as the desire of Rotterdam to prevent a possible increase in competition.

Constanta and Ukraine - competition issues There are many myths about the Romanian port of Constanta in the domestic port environment, says Konstantin Ilnitsky, head of the BlackSeaTrans research center. It is often spoken about not only as the largest and fastest growing in the region, but also as a serious competitor for Ukrainian harbors in the struggle for transit. This is only partly true, the expert believes. The largest port on the Black Sea by most indicators is still the Russian Novorossiysk. If in 2011 the volume of transshipment in Constanta (together with Midia and Mangalia) amounted to 49.5 million tons, then Novorossiysk handled 116 million tons of cargo in the same year.

Constanta can definitely be called the leader in terms of the reserve of capacities, which are realized by less than half - the design capacity of the port is 120 million tons. Although in Novorossiysk, according to BlackSeaTrans, it is still higher - 152 million tons. "But in terms of the number of berths - 140 units - and the length of the berthing front - almost 30 km - Constanta really has no competitors on the Black Sea. For comparison, Novorossiysk has 88 berths, and the total length of the berthing front is 15 km," notes Mr. Ilnitsky.

It is also worth adding to this that the port has an extra-long double breakwater 14 km long, has a territory of 1313 hectares and a water area of ​​2613 hectares. Again, for comparison: the water area of ​​the port of Odessa is 220 hectares, Ilyichevsk - 480 hectares, Yuzhny port - about 600 hectares. The length of the mooring line in Odessa is only 9 km, in Ilyichevsk - 5 km, in Yuzhny - 2.3 km. Our ports of Constanta are also inferior in depth: the Romanian port can handle ships with a draft of up to 19 m, which allows mooring at the berths of the harbor. tankers with a deadweight of 165 thousand tons, dry cargo carriers with a deadweight of 220 thousand tons and container ships with a deadweight of 79 thousand tons (Post Panamax). The depths of Ukrainian ports noticeably lose: in Odessa - no more than 13, in Ilyichevsk - 14 and in Yuzhny - 15 meters.

Constanta is considered to be a significant container hub in the region. The largest container operator on the Black Sea, DP World Constantza, operates here. In 2011, she handled 649,022 TEU. However, if we take the total ports of Romania and Ukraine, then here we bypass our neighbors: the total container turnover of Constanta in 2011 amounted to 662,796 TEU TEU, while our container ports, according to TIS, managed to receive almost 800 thousand TEU. At the same time, the operator of the container terminal of the Odessa port, the GPK-Ukraine company, took the second place in terms of volumes in the Black Sea (317,844 TEU). As Konstantin Ilnitsky explains, competition with this port for transit, including container shipping (and we actually never competed with Constanta for other types of cargo) is no longer as relevant for Ukraine as it was a few years ago. This is due to the active growth of Novorossiysk and other Russian ports, as well as the active development of port facilities in the Baltic States.

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Vladimir Dergachev, photographs by Anton Dergachev

The casino near the maritime station is a symbol of Constanta, and its deplorable state characterizes the decade-long "successes" of the country's European integration.

Constanta(310 thousand inhabitants) - the sea capital and the third largest city in Romania. In the vicinity there are mineral springs and long sea beaches of the Mamaia resort.

In ancient times, the ancient Greek trading colony of Toma, founded around 500 BC, was located on the site of Constanta. In 29 B.C. the city was captured by the Romans. Here, at the beginning of the new era, the poet Ovid was exiled and died.

Later, the city was renamed in honor of the half-sister of Constantine the Great (274-337). In 681, the local lands became part of the Bulgarian kingdom, and since 1419 - part of the Ottoman Empire.
By the middle of the 19th century, the population of the city was dominated by Crimean Tatars (~36%), who moved here from the Crimea, after its entry into the Russian Empire, Greeks (~30%) and Bulgarians (~24%). In 1878, following the results of the Berlin Congress, Constanta and the rest of the northern Dobruja was transferred by the Ottoman Empire to Romania, after which an active influx of the Romanian population began. At present, the population is absolutely dominated by Romanians (92.2%), Turks about 2.9%, Crimean Tatars up to 2.8%.

On October 22, 1916, the city was occupied by German troops. Under the Bucharest Peace Treaty of 1918, the city remained under the joint control of the Central Powers and was liberated by the Allied forces in the same year.

During the Second World War, Romania was an ally of Nazi Germany; in addition to the Romanian fleet, the German and Italian Navy, which controlled the northern part of the Black Sea, was stationed in the naval base of Constanta. Therefore, Constanta was repeatedly attacked by ships and aircraft of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet.

On August 20, 1944, the Iasi-Chisinau offensive operation of the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front began under the command of Marshal of the Soviet Union Fyodor Tolbukhin. The successful development of the operation and the victory of the August Uprising in Bucharest allowed the landing of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet on August 30, 1944 to occupy Constanta without enemy resistance.

The commander of the Romanian fleet, the admiral, through a captured Romanian officer, was given an ultimatum, with which he courageously agreed, and the German ships left the naval base. The Soviet landing party of 30 torpedo boats and 6 "small hunter" boats left the Danube Delta for Constanta, with about 800 soldiers and officers of the Marine Corps on board. On a lake near Constanta, several Soviet seaplanes with an airborne assault splashed down. Without resistance from the Romanians, the headquarters of the Romanian fleet and the naval base were occupied. Due to the lack of resistance, the Romanian military crews of the occupied ships were sent home. In total, Soviet sailors got 4 destroyers, a destroyer, 2 Romanian submarines, 4 small Italian submarines, a floating base, 7 minelayers, several minesweepers and boats in the port as military trophies.

Currently, the port of Constanta, located in the south-east of the city, is the largest Black Sea port after Novorossiysk, the eastern sea gate of the European Union. In 2016, the total cargo turnover of the port of Constanta amounted to 52 million tons, including 45% of which fell on the transshipment of grain cargo. The design capacity is 120 million tons (thanks to the dictator Ceausescu). The port has 140 berths with a total length of 30 km. The Romanian port can handle ships with a draft of up to 19 meters (in Ukrainian ports 13 - 15 meters). The port of Constanta also has modern ferry and container terminals. The container hub is served by the largest operator on the Black Sea - DP World Constantza. The head office of the management company is located in Dubai (United Arab Emirates). The choice of this operator was one of the conditions for the admission of Romania to the European Union. True Arabs (Bedouins) working in this company have a professionalism and qualities that are not characteristic of many others - they do not drink, do not smoke and do not take bribes.

To the south of Constanta is the navigable canal Danube - Black Sea.

Berths of the northern port of Constanta

The city houses the Consulates General of China, Russia and Turkey. Constanta has 24 sister cities, including Novorossiysk (Russia) and Odessa (Ukraine).

Famous Russian Romanian pop singer Petr Leshchenko(1898 - 1954) after his arrest in July 1952, he was transferred to Constanta and interrogated as a witness in the case of Vera Belousova-Leshchenko, who was accused of treason. He died two years later in another Romanian prison, his place of burial is unknown.

The yacht at the Varna-Constanta crossing is met by a Romanian border boat

On the way to the yacht club in Constanta

Entrance to the bay

Maritime administration building (?)

Lupa Capitolina. Romanians identify themselves as descendants of the ancient Romans. This is symbolized by the sculpture "Capitoline Wolf", the original of which, dated to the 5th century BC. kept in a museum in Rome. The sculpture depicts a she-wolf nursing two babies - Romulus and Remus, who later, according to legend, became the founders of Rome. The high pedestal, probably, allows us to hope that the sculpture is seen in modern Rome, where, however, not the ancient Romans, but another people already live. In addition, the eyes of citizens are fixed on the she-wolf, which makes it possible not to notice the garbage and dirt on the streets of the Romanian sea capital. Romania joined the European Union, hoping to take an honorable place at the origins of Western European civilization.

Ovid Square. National Museum of History and Archeology

In front of the museum stands a monument to the Roman poet Publius Ovid Nason. He was born in 43 BC. and was exiled to the city of Tomis (Constsnta) in 8 AD, where he died 9 years later.

Sculpture on an antique theme

Museum of Art

The famous casino on the sea promenade of Constanta. The first casino building was built after the War of Independence with the Ottoman Empire in 1880. It was located near Farul Genovez (Genoese lighthouse), at the end of Bulevardul Elisabeta boulevard. The building had a ballroom, two reading rooms, two games rooms and a terrace overlooking the coast. A privileged audience gathered on the terrace, for which balls were held every summer evening, a military brass band played and celebrity concerts were regularly organized.

In 1891 the Cazino was destroyed by a violent storm and two years later a new building was erected.
In 1910, by order of the city hall, a modern casino building was built in the Art Nouveau style. The upper part of the building was richly decorated with maritime-themed stucco. Cazino soon became very famous abroad, with players coming incognito from all over Europe. The building became the main symbol of the city, it was very popular with wealthy people, although the sea waves repeatedly swallowed passionate gamblers. The problem was widely discussed in the Romanian Parliament, but despite this, gambling was not banned. During World War I, the Cazino building was used as a hospital. In the period between the two world wars, casinos were again used for their intended purpose. In Soviet times, party meetings were held in this building, then a restaurant worked.

In 1985-1987, the Cazino was restored and the furniture inside was completely replaced. Today the building is in an abandoned state. It continues to be the only Romanian Art Nouveau building. In 2011, the Romanian government handed over Constanta Casino to the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, leaving it in a sorry state.

Renovated seaside promenade in Constanta

Orthodox Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul on Archdiocese Street (Strada Arhiepiscopiei). The temple was built in 1885 after the liberation from the Turks.

Anatolian medieval mosque built by the Turks

The Royal Mosque of Carol I (Moscheea regala Carol I) was built by order of the Romanian king in 1910, is actually a twin of the Anatolian mosque and the spiritual center for the Muslim population of Constanta. The minaret reaches a height of 50 meters; its observation deck overlooks the Old City and the port. The architecture of the building shows a mixture of Byzantine and Romanian styles. The muezzin climbs to the top of the minaret several times a day, climbing 140 steps to call the faithful to prayer.

The Catholic Cathedral of St. Anthony was built in 1937 in the Romanesque style.

Another iconic building

Queen Elisabeth of Hohenzollern of Romania, Princess Vidska (1843 - 1916) was born in an old castle with towers, standing on a high cliff above the Rhine. Her father Herman belonged to the ancient family of the Vidsky princes. Her mother Mary of Nassau came from an equally ancient family. Her mother's younger brother, Prince Nikolai of Nassau, married the daughter of Alexander Pushkin, Natalya. Elizabeth sympathized with her uncle and his beautiful wife, and lived with them in St. Petersburg for a year and a half. Elizabeth was distantly related to the descendants of Nicholas I, who was married to her grandmother's cousin, and to other Romanovs. At twenty-six, Elizabeth married thirty-year-old Karl Hohenzollern, who became the Prince of Romania in 1866 through the efforts of European diplomacy. In 1881, the Principality became the independent Kingdom of Romania, and the subjects celebrated the coronation of Charles and Elizabeth. The queen turned out to be a prolific writer (pen name Carmen Silva), she published a lot in European magazines. Despite this passion, the marriage was happy, she constantly repeated: "I am first of all a wife, then a queen, and then a poet."

Some quotes from Carmen Silva:
“Worse than waiting, there can be only one thing: when there is nothing to wait for.”
"For a man, unhappy love is a pretext for enjoyment without any love."

"When hope leaves us, it leaves to dig our grave."

Monument to Carmen Silva (Romanian Queen Elizabeth of Romania)

Streets of Old Constanta

Many buildings in Constanta are in a deplorable state. Over the past century and a half, the national composition of the population has changed dramatically; under the communists, a significant part of the housing stock was nationalized. One of the conditions for joining the European Union was restitution. The return of property to the former owners is slow, including many years of litigation. In addition, the factor of elementary mismanagement cannot be ignored.

A building with columns and lions sitting on top in Stara Konstanz ( strada Nicolae Titulescu 9). The Masonic Lodge of Constanta met in this building in the 1930s.

In Old Constanta, luxurious mansions coexist with buildings such as Khrushchev.

Ruin and debris is an integral part of the urban landscape of the sea capital of Romania. Incomprehensible streams with a characteristic smell flow along the asphalt in the alleys. Here you do not immediately realize that you are in a country of the European Union.

True, modern sewer manholes with the coat of arms of the city have already appeared.

Romanian climatic and mud resort Mamaia located north of Constanta on an eight-kilometer spit between the Black Sea and Lake Syutgol (in Turkish "milk lake"). Intensive development of the territory began in 1958.

City, adm. c. County of Constanta, Romania. Founded ca. 320 and named Constanta (Constanta) after the name of Constance, the sister of the then ruling Rome. Emperor Constantine I. Geographical names of the world: Toponymic Dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M ... Geographic Encyclopedia

Constanta- CONSTANTZA, a city in Romania. Over 350 thousand inhabitants. The main port of the country on the Black Sea (cargo turnover is about 15 million tons per year); international Airport. Shipbuilding and ship repair; pulp and paper, furniture, light industry, food industry. Museums:… … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Exist., number of synonyms: 2 city (2765) port (361) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

- (Constanţa), a city in Romania, a port on the Black Sea, the administrative center of the county of Constanta. 349 thousand inhabitants (1994). The port's cargo turnover is about 15 million tons per year. International Airport. Shipbuilding and ship repair, pulp and paper, furniture, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

I Constanta (Constanţa) county in the southeast of Romania, in the southern part of the Dobruja plateau, near the Black Sea coast. The area is 7.1 thousand km2. Population 513.3 thousand people (1970). The administrative center of Constanta. Industry provides 2.1% of the gross ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Constanta- city, adm. c. County of Constanta, Romania. Founded ca. 320 and named Constanta (Constanta) after the name of Constance, the sister of the then ruling Rome. Emperor Constantine I... Toponymic Dictionary

- (Constanta) a city in Romania, a port on the Black m. 150.7 t. (1962). In place of K. in the 6th century. BC e. The city of Toma was founded by the Ionian Greeks. In the Hellenistic Toma era means. bargain. Centre; in 29 BC e. conquered by the Romans. Here he was in exile (8 ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

Constanta- the name of the female family of the place in Romania ... Spelling Dictionary of Ukrainian Movies

Constanta- (Constanza, rum. Constanta)ConstanzaConstanta, ch. port of Romania on the Black Sea; 315920 inhabitants (1989). It was founded as a Greek colony in the 7th century. BC, later captured by the Romans. The Roman poet Ovid (43 BC - 17 AD) lived here in … Countries of the world. Vocabulary

The name of two representatives of a noble family is d Avalos. Constanza d'Avalos (1460) Duchess of Francavilla, widow of Federigo del Balzo, who was named among the possible models of the Gioconda (based on the lines of the sonnet Enea Arpino). She lived in Ischia and in ... ... Wikipedia


  • Soldier's field, Vladimir Osinin. The name of this book is symbolic, which includes stories about the Great Patriotic War and the first post-war years ("The Flood", "Bamboo Spears", "Libesee", "Nura", "Constanta", "After ...
  • Get rid of Mozart! , Nikolai Shumakov. The novel "Joy and Passion" is dedicated to the youth of Wolfgang Mozart, the time when he, in childhood and adolescence, struck the world with unusual talent, tried in vain to achieve recognition. Action…

The best time to visit Constanta are the months from May to September. During this period, the weather is conducive not only to visiting many unique sights, but also to warm sea bathing, carefree rest on numerous fluffy and cozy beaches and romantic walks along the coastline under the lapping of waves. Sea water in the area of ​​​​this resort town is virtually impeccable cleanliness and in summer it sometimes warms up to degrees Celsius. Of course, you can come to Constanta at any other time, and neither the low temperature nor the falling snow can prevent you from enjoying the city, its indescribable historical atmosphere and a magnificent kaleidoscope of local attractions. Snow in Constanta, as a rule, can drop in from October to March, you will not find special wind or severe frosts here. Therefore, the city for everyone, and especially for real tourists, is open all year round.

How to get to Constanta?

If your path will pass through Bucharest, then you can choose the transport option that suits your taste and travel budget. There are at least 4 options: plane, train, bus or rental car. Meanwhile, if you are traveling by your car, then you need to build an individual route, or leave the car in Bucharest for a while and use any of the listed methods of transportation. Also, when planning your trip, keep in mind that Constanta has an international airport Kogalniceanu, located just 24 kilometers north of Constanta. The airport offers flights not only to and from Bucharest, but also charter flights from Russia, the Netherlands and Sweden. Arriving in Kogalnichana, you can easily get to Constanta with the help of taxi services. Such a trip will cost about 20 RON (5 US dollars).

The Constanta railway and highway connect not only with Bucharest, but also with another magnificent Romanian seaside resort town called Mangalia. Automotive modern convenient highway E-87 (Tulcea-Mamaia-Constanta-Mangalia). If you will be heading by car from the West, then use the E-60 highway (Oradea-Cluj-Brasov-Bucharest-Constanta). The distance from Bucharest to Constanta is 232 kilometers.

Estimated prices for the direction Bucharest-Constanta:
1st class train tickets - 86 RON ($21);
2nd class train tickets - 58 RON ($15);
air flight one way - 300 RON (75 dollars);
round-trip airfare - 360 RON ($90).

Hotels and restaurants in Constanta

The abundance of hotels of different levels and a catering establishment strikes the eye of the most sophisticated traveler. For example, if you want to stay in a 4 or 5-star hotel of comfort level, then you will be given this opportunity for 55-80 dollars per person (220-320 RON). Local cozy restaurants will be happy to treat you to delicious Romanian, Mediterranean and European cuisines. Romanian dishes are colorful, unforgettably tasty and very diverse. Do not forget to try truly Romanian dishes, the real taste of which you will not be able to taste anywhere else in the world: hominy, mititei, feta cheese, sarmauti, chorbyu, plakia, tokan, aliventsi, kozunac, panashi, melay and of course, excellent local wines that are not leave indifferent any gourmet. Be sure to try true Romanian food - you will not regret it and want to take the recipe to repeat this feast when you return to your native land.

In the evening and at night, virtually every restaurant presents its own musical program. Romanian dances are so groovy and cheerful that you won’t even have time to look back, as you start dancing with the cheerful locals. Musicians in Romania excel themselves - any of your musical orders will certainly sound in the best local performance. Of course - not for free, but from the heart.
There are many round-the-clock establishments in the city, as well as nightclubs with modern incendiary shows and art programs. Every tourist can find a place to their liking, regardless of age, musical and gastronomic preferences, as well as gender
Tipping in Romania is customary in the amount of 10 percent of the bill.

Attractions, excursions and entertainment in Constanta

The cultural heritage of the city's past is partially hidden under modern buildings. But there is still something to see. A godsend for tourists is the “sculptural warehouse” of 1962, which reminds of a prosperous earlier interesting civilization and supplies valuable exhibits to the Museum of the History and Areology of the city, founded back in 1889. Other interesting sights of Constanta include:

Sea Museum;
Museum of Ethnography;

In addition, Constanta abounds with a great scattering of temples, cathedrals and churches of various concessions and religions. Basic places of worship that you should definitely see with your own eyes:

Karola Mosque;
Catholic church;
Orthodox Cathedral of Peter and Paul.
In the latter, you can admire the unique frescoes that have been preserved surprisingly intact. In addition, this cathedral is not like other Orthodox buildings - it has a hint of Ottoman architecture. The creation of the cathedral dates back to 1898.

The mosque, founded in 1910, is actually a twin of the Anatolian mosque and the center for the Muslim part of the population of Constanta. From the site of this building, you can see virtually the entire city, including the port area. The minaret reaches a height of 30 meters.

In addition to the listed attractions, in Constanta you can get a lot of positive emotions in the planetarium, aquarium, dolphinarium, drama and musical theaters, the legendary local casino, built according to drawings and diagrams provided by the Kingdom of Monaco itself in the early 20th century. However, in the casino you can still play the real roulette. The Aquarium of Constanta is one of the best in the world. There are a huge number of species of marine fauna and flora. The territory is distinguished by the scale of buildings. Some tourists spend the whole day here, with pleasure, measuredly watching the harmonious course of life of underwater inhabitants.

The water area of ​​the port will delight travelers with a kaleidoscope of ships bringing cargo from many countries of the world. The port, being one of the largest in Europe, has the ability to receive virtually any ships that pass through the Suez Canal. The feature of the port is the ancient ancient Greek and Ottoman ships forever chained to the pier. In addition, the embankment is rich in other historical values, for example, models of ships belonging to different eras of the development of navigation.

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