Code of an officer of the Russian Empire. IV

© Edition. Registration. LLC Group of Companies "RIPOL classic", 2016

Preface to the 1916 edition

Advice to a Young Officer, published in the third edition, is now even more necessary and useful due to wartime. The accelerated graduation of young people into officers does not give them the opportunity and time to learn in schools all the subtleties of tradition, the correct view of the essence of military education and discipline.

The young officer will have to work on himself independently. It is for this work that this manual will render invaluable services to each officer. It will give him useful advice and guidance on many issues of the upcoming service. The laconic presentation of individual aphorisms guarantees quick memorization and the ability to find the necessary information at any time. If we take into account that misdemeanors in peacetime become crimes in wartime, and are punished especially severely, then the value of the advice collected here in a concise form becomes even more obvious. They enable the officer to avoid many mistakes, to understand what is legal and what is criminal, to understand everything that is required of him in order to be a good officer who does not drop his dignity.

These tips are equally useful to those who are on the front line and in the rear of the army, where you often have to deal with people of dubious professions and behavior.

This handbook will save young officers from many mistakes and blunders in the service and in private life. An officer who has not yet mastered his new position, which is based on conventions, restraint and military tact, is often at a loss and does not know how he should act in certain cases not provided for by the charters. And as a result of ignorance of laws in general (even if it is important for the military to protect one's honor with weapons), irreparable blunders occur, forcing the officer to leave the regiment or end up on trial.

We repeat that here are concisely set forth those rules of life, which, undoubtedly, will only benefit every officer in the upcoming service. These original aphorisms make the officer seriously think about military service on the merits, and not judge it superficially, by its external form and saber-rattling.

An officer will not find these councils in any charters.

The purpose of this peculiar work is the desire to prevent inexperienced military youth from a false, destructive step. Here are collected old, but eternal truths that are forgotten by the majority, and unknown to young officers.

The third edition of this handbook speaks for itself.

V. M. Kulchitsky "Discipline above all."

I. The basis and essence of military service

Believe in God, be devoted to the Sovereign Emperor, His Family and love the Motherland.

The first and main duty of a soldier is loyalty to the Sovereign Emperor and the Fatherland. Without this quality, he is unfit for military service.

The integrity of the Empire and the maintenance of its prestige is based on the strength of the army and navy; their qualities and shortcomings resonate throughout the country, so it is not your business to get involved in social issues and political philosophies; your job is to carry out your duties steadily.


Put above all the glory of the Russian army.


Be brave. But courage is true and feigned. The arrogance of youth is not courage. A military man must always be prudent and consider his actions calmly and carefully. If you are low and arrogant, everyone will hate you.


Obey discipline.

Dragoon officer during the Napoleonic wars. 1800–1815


Respect your boss and trust him.


Be afraid to violate your duty - by doing this you will forever lose your good name.


The officer must be faithful and truthful. Without these qualities, it is almost impossible for a military man to remain in the army. Veren is a person doing his duty; truthful - if he does not change his word. Therefore, never promise unless you are sure that you will keep the promise.


Be polite and humble in dealing with all people.


The best part of courage is caution.

II. Arrival at the regiment

Arriving at the regiment, the officer acts in accordance with the Const. garn. sl. Art. 400 and 401, i.e., is the commander of the regiment. In practice, they do this: arriving at the office at about 11 o’clock, the officer introduces himself and gets acquainted first of all with the regimental adjutant, who gives all the necessary advice and instructions, since each regiment has its own customs and traditions. If an officer appears to the regiment commander at the apartment, then, without finding him at home, he should appear a second time, trying to catch him: it is not recommended to sign or leave a service ticket for the first time. Report to the commander of the company (hundred, squadron, battery) to which the appointment took place. Taking in the office from the senior clerk a list with the addresses of Messrs. officers and noting married people in it, make visits to everyone without delay 1
Visits are not made during wartime. The time to introduce himself to the authorities is indefinite, and the dress code is marching.

It is recommended to have time to do them at once, in one day. The dress code is dress code. The rest of the time: for all official occasions, visits, congratulations - ordinary, unless ordered by regiment to be in a different one. Not finding the elder at home - leave a service ticket (not a business card at all). Married - a service ticket and a business card. Before being presented to the regimental commander and not yet in the regiment, appearing in public places (theaters, gardens, concerts, evenings) is considered tactless. Upon arrival at the regiment, the first impression is of great importance.

Having not yet arrived at the regiment and being on vacation, having met an officer of your regiment (in the same city), you should definitely approach him and introduce yourself first, and appear to the regiment commander.

III. Relationships with superiors and with yourself

Always remember that you are an officer.


Be formal with your superiors.


Remember that the boss is always and everywhere the boss.


Never criticize the actions and deeds of the authorities in general; with someone especially, and God forbid - with the lower ranks.


Any order of the head of the service, in whatever form it may be expressed (proposal, request, advice), is an order (Decision of the Chief Military Court of 1881 No. 183).


If you are older in rank, and in terms of the distribution of posts you will be subordinate to the younger, you are obliged to fulfill all the orders of the person placed over you, without any dispute (St. Military. P., VII ed. 2.20).


If you come on vacation for three days or less, then, without appearing in person, you must certainly send your vacation ticket to the command. control.

Arriving for more than three days, it is necessary to appear personally to the commandant.


At the end of the vacation period, he is obliged to appear again at the commandant's office or inform the commandant's office in an open letter: “I went to the place of my service today” (signature).


“Who wants to be able to order, must be able to obey!” Napoleon said.


Take care of your honor, the honor of the regiment and the army.


Dress appropriately and always clean.


Be strict with your duties (Disc. set. § 1).


Keep yourself simple, with dignity, without foppishness.

Cossack and officer. 1812


Be restrained (correct) and tactful always, with everyone and everywhere.


Be courteous and pre-emptive, but not intrusive and flattering. Know how to leave on time so as not to be superfluous.


It is necessary to remember the boundary where complete politeness ends and where servility begins.


Make yourself talk less.


Be observant and careful in expressions.


Do not write hasty letters and reports in haste.


Be less frank in general - you will regret it. Remember: "My tongue is my enemy."


Don't be silly - you won't prove your dashing, but you will compromise yourself. Forget the "good old time" and the expression: "Bad officer who doesn't drink." Now it’s different: “A bad officer who drinks” ... and “such” officer is not kept in the regiment.


Do not rush to converge on a short leg with a person whom you did not know enough.


Avoid “you”, which gives a reason and the right to familiarities of bad taste (amikoshonstvo), an excuse on the rights of friendship to scold you, interfere in your affairs, say vulgarity, rudeness, etc.


Often the elder, having drunk, offers the first one to switch to “you” with him. Nevertheless, the next day, be diplomatic: either speak to him in “you”, or wait until he first turns to you in “you”. In a word, tact is a necessary condition in order not to get into an awkward position and into a mess.


Avoid stories and scandals. Do not act as an uninvited witness: by supporting one, you will make an enemy in the other: a double-edged sword. Neutrality is a means even for great powers to maintain good relations with everyone.


A person who has made enemies, no matter how smart, kind, honest and truthful he is, dies almost inevitably, because our enemies in society are always active; friends, on the other hand, are always passive - they only sympathize, regret, sigh, but do not fight for the perishing, fearing for their own fate.

Life Guards Cossack Regiment. Cossacks in Paris in 1814


Avoid cash accounts with comrades. Money always ruins relationships.


“If you can, help a friend financially, but personally avoid taking it, because it drops your dignity.”


Do not make debts, do not dig holes for yourself. Live within your means. Drop false selfishness. It is immoral to make debts without being able to pay them, otherwise - do not get into someone else's pocket ... In a word: "Stretch your legs according to your clothes."


Do not splurge on someone else's account, not having the means to repay the same, if you do not want your dignity and pride to suffer. Remember the French proverb: "It is better to drink bad wine from your own small glass than good wine from someone else's large."


Live alone - calmer. Living together with a friend eventually leads to a break.


Do not take personally offensive remarks, witticisms, ridicule, said after, which often happens on the streets and in public places. Be above it. Leave - you will not lose, but you will get rid of the scandal.


Consider every decisive step. It is impossible to correct a mistake, but it is difficult to make amends. "Measure seven times, cut once."


"Be attentive before a quarrel than yield after a quarrel."


At a critical moment, friends will not help: in military service they are powerless, bound by discipline and obedience to superiors.


If you can’t say anything good about someone, then refrain from saying bad things, if you know.


Do not ignore anyone's advice - listen. The right to follow him or not will remain with you.


To be able to take good advice from another is no less an art than to give good advice to oneself.


Avoid military conversations with anyone outside of duty, especially during wartime.

Cossacks in Paris in 1814


Be careful in choosing acquaintances; be guided not only by their education, but also by their social position in society. "Tell me who you know and what you read, and I'll tell you who you are."


In the presence of batmen (in general, with servants), refrain from talking on sensitive topics. This habit is necessary firmly root in yourself and always remember it. Unfortunately, most people forget this. Meanwhile, the servants listen with particular sensitivity and look closely at the life of their masters, take note of everything and often spread absurd gossip to the homes of acquaintances (through the servants).


The person using the orderly must monitor his health, behavior and must not allow illegal treatment with him; It is absolutely forbidden to give orderlies for the service of another person.


Responsibility for non-compliance with the uniform of a batman and his behavior falls on the officer with whom the batman is a member.


Do not use the services of someone else's orderly, without prior permission, do not order anything - tactless.


After graduating from school, keep practicing. In the knowledge of the art of war is your strength. There is no time to learn in battles, but you have to apply what you have learned. Do not lose sight of the fact that it is necessary to know all kinds of weapons.


The officer in all cases of his life and service submits a written report: on arrival in the regiment, on departure on a business trip, vacation and return from such, on taking up or surrendering a position, on illness and recovery, on clashes and cases in the service or outside it , about any petitions and so on.


Reports are written concisely, to the point and without titles to the boss.


The signature of an officer, in whatever rank he may be, must always be legible and without any flourishes.


Military officials are governed by the same rules as officers.

Carabinieri officer of the Russian Imperial Guard. 1815

IV. old truths

Firmness of will and fearlessness are two qualities necessary for a military man.


The officer must be distinguished by moral qualities, on which the personal greatness of the fighter is based, since the charm over the masses, which is so necessary for the leader, is associated with him.


The strength of an officer is not in impulses, but in inviolable calm.


Honor tempers courage and ennobles bravery.


Honor is the shrine of an officer.


The officer must respect the human rights of his brother - the lower rank.


The boss, who does not spare the vanity of his subordinates, suppresses in them the noble desire to become famous and thereby lowers their moral strength.


All age classes of the population pass through the ranks of the army, the influence of the officer corps extends to all the people.


Woe to the country if, leaving the service, a soldier endures disgust for the soldiers' ranks.


Do not pass off as irrefutable truth what you either do not believe at all, or at least doubt. To do so is a crime.


It is necessary that not only the formal side of the service flourish, but also the moral one.


The army is an oak that protects the Motherland from storms.

V. Rules of life

For regimental ladies do not look after (in the vulgar sense). Do not create dirt in your regimental family, in which you will have to serve for decades. Such novels always end tragically.


Never express opinions about women. Remember - women at all times have been the cause of discord and the greatest misfortunes not only of individuals, but of entire empires.


Protect the reputation of the woman who trusted you, whoever she may be. A decent person in general, especially an officer, even in the intimate circle of his faithful and experienced friends, never talks about such things, because a woman is always most afraid of publicity.


There are situations in life when you need to silence your heart and live with your mind.


In your intimate life, be very, very careful - "the regiment is your supreme judge."


Any unseemly actions of an officer are discussed by the regimental court of honor.

Officer of the Cossack Don Army of the Imperial Guard of Russia. 1815


One should not talk about service and affairs in society.


Keep the entrusted secret or secret, even of an unofficial nature. A secret communicated by you to even one person ceases to be a secret.


Do not cross the line of conventions developed by the traditions of the regiment and life.


Be guided in life by instinct, a sense of justice and a duty of decency.


Be able not only to think and reason, but be silent in time and hear everything.


In military service, do not show pride in trifles, otherwise you will always suffer because of it.


Always be on the lookout and don't let go.


Although military personnel are allowed to engage in literary activities, they do not have the right to sign under their articles indicating their rank and position. (Circus. Head. Piece 1908 No. 61).


For printing, military personnel are subject not only to the general criminal procedure, but can be brought to court by the society of officers, and those not subject to this court - to disciplinary liability, inclusive up to dismissal from service in a disciplinary procedure ( Prik. according to the Military Vedas. 1908 No. 310)


To catch other people in lies means to harm yourself and them.


Try to keep your words soft in a dispute, and your arguments firm. Try not to annoy the enemy, but to convince him.


It is not customary for officers to dance at public masquerades.


When entering a public place, be careful, if the audience is there without a top dress or caps, then you need to do the same.


If you want to smoke, ask the ladies for permission, but rather wait until you are offered either by the mistress of the house or by the elder (depending on where and when).


Everyone has his own shortcomings: no one can do without the help of others, and therefore we must help each other with advice and mutual warnings.


When speaking, avoid gestures and do not raise your voice.


If you have entered a society in which there is a person with whom you are in a quarrel, then, when greeting everyone, it is customary to shake hands with him, of course, if this cannot be avoided without paying the attention of those present or the owners. Sharing a hand does not give rise to unnecessary talk, and does not oblige you to anything.


According to the Highest expressed will, it is necessary for an officer to salute, when meeting on the streets, chief officers of all types of weapons, regardless of their rank and without waiting for a greeting from them first.


Chief officers (lieutenant colonels, colonels) and generals are obliged to salute the established honor. When entering them, if the officer was sitting, it is necessary to stand up and bow, and not barely get up or continue to sit.

Officer of the Russian Imperial Guard. 1815


It is indecent to salute and casually accept honor (also of the lower ranks) with your left hand (except for the wounded) or with a cigarette in your teeth, nod your head, keep your left hand in your pocket when saluting.


The cap must be worn in accordance with the charter, and the overcoat must always be fastened with all buttons.


Needless to say, an officer must obey in public places all the rules that exist for the public.


In general, the behavior of an officer should pay attention to others with his correctness and foresight.

VI. In service

Don't let mistakes and false tricks confuse you. Nothing teaches like the realization of one's mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education.

Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.


Spare the vanity of the soldiers. In ordinary people, it is no less developed than in us, and, due to their subordination, is more sensitive.


Soldiers are not silent sheep, but merciless judges who came from different parts of boundless Russia, taking back everything they experienced in the service: gratitude and anger, respect and contempt, love and hatred. The silence of the soldiers is bound by a harsh and iron discipline, and does not come from a lack of development. They know how to appreciate justice and humanity.


Beating a soldier is against the law.


Adjutant General Dragomirov said: “Correct the stance without touching it. When you correct with words, the soldier will correct himself, and if you sculpt with your hands, he will forget what the mistake was, because it did not reach his consciousness.


Even a horse loves to be told, and teaching a man like a dumb creature is not at all appropriate.


In the classroom, always be cheerful, always even and calm, demanding and fair.


You should not “flirt” with a soldier - you will undermine your authority.


It is important that subordinates respect you, and not be afraid. Where there is fear, there is no love, but there is hidden ill will or hatred.


Be truthful always, and especially with a soldier. Fulfill the promise to him, otherwise you will accustom him to lying.


Truthfulness everywhere, and especially in education, is the main condition.


Never touch a drunk. If a soldier is drunk, never personally take repressive measures, so as not to be insulted and protested, often unconsciously. Order the drunk to be taken to the same lower ranks as he is (but not to the non-commissioned officer - for the same reasons), and if they are not there, to the police. By this you save a drunk from the crime of insulting an officer (non-commissioned officer).


When arresting those in a state of intoxication, it is forbidden to enter into any personal explanations with the violator of order.


In difficult times, tone means a lot, for what? to do - in the sense of an order, but how? do - in tune.


There is nothing worse than indecision. Better a worse decision than hesitation or inaction. You can't get back a lost moment.


Respect the laws and teach them to respect them by your own example.


Do not object and do not enter into an argument in the service with a senior in rank.


Be careful with the state property and money entrusted to you by service. No matter how much you need money, never borrow from it. Any defect is a waste. The responsibility is great.

Officer of the Imperial Guard. 1815

VII. In training with soldiers

The dull monotony of occupations does not develop the soldier, but kills the spirit.

An officer's code of honor that will be useful to any man. Here are collected old, but eternal truths from the way of life of the officers of pre-revolutionary Russia, which are forgotten by the majority, and unknown to the young.

"Advice to a young officer" is equally useful both in the front lines and in the rear of the army. Their goal is the desire to prevent inexperienced military youth from making a false, fatal step. Here are collected old, but eternal truths that are forgotten by the majority, and unknown to young officers. V. M. Kulchitsky

I. The basis and essence of military service

1. Believe in God, be devoted to the Sovereign Emperor, His family and love the Motherland.
The first and main duty of a soldier is loyalty to the Sovereign, the Emperor and the Fatherland. Without this quality, he is not fit for military service. The integrity of the empire and the maintenance of its prestige are based on the strength of the army and navy; their qualities and shortcomings resonate throughout the country; therefore it is not your business to get involved in social questions and political philosophies; your job is to keep doing yours. responsibilities.
2. Put above all the glory of the Russian Army.
3. Be brave. But courage is true and feigned. The arrogance of youth is not courage. A military man must always be prudent and consider his actions calmly and carefully. If you are low and arrogant, everyone will hate you.
4. Obey discipline.
5. Respect your superiors and trust them.
6. Be afraid to violate your duty - this is forever, you will lose your good name.
7. An officer must be faithful and truthful. Without these qualities, it is almost impossible for a military man to remain in the army. Faithful - a person who fulfills his duty, truthful - if he is not:
changes his word. Therefore, never promise unless you are sure that you will keep the promise.
8. Be polite and humble in dealing with all people.
9. The best part of courage is caution.

II. Arrival at the regiment

Arriving at the regiment, the officer acts in accordance with the Const. garn. cl. 400 and 401, that is, is the commander of the regiment. In practice, they do this: arriving at the office at about 11 o'clock, the officer introduces himself and first of all gets acquainted with the regimental adjutant, who gives all the necessary advice and instructions, since each regiment has its own customs (traditions). If an officer appears to the regiment commander at the apartment, then, without finding him at home, he should appear a second time, trying to catch him: it is not recommended to sign or leave a service ticket for the first time.
Report to the commander of the company (hundred, squadron, battery) to which the appointment took place. Taking in the office from the senior clerk a list with the addresses of Messrs. officers and, noting married people in it, make visits to everyone without postponing them. It is recommended to have time to do them at once in one day. Dress uniform. The rest of the time: for all official occasions, visits, congratulations - ordinary, unless ordered by regiment to be in a different one. Without finding the elder at home, leave a service ticket (not a business card at all). Married - a service ticket and a business card. Before being presented to the regiment commander and not having yet appeared in the regiment, one should not appear in public places (theaters, gardens, concerts, evenings); considered inappropriate. Upon arrival at the regiment, the first impression is of great importance.
Before arriving at the regiment and while on vacation, you will meet an officer of your regiment (in the same city), you should definitely go to him and be the first to introduce yourself, to appear to the regiment commander.

III. Attitude towards superiors and oneself

1. Always remember that you are an officer.
2. Be formal with your superiors,
3. Remember that the boss is always and everywhere the boss.
4. Never criticize the actions and deeds of the boss in general; with someone - especially, and God forbid at the lower ranks.
5. Any order of the head of the service, in whatever form it may be expressed (proposal, request, advice) is an order.
6. If you are older in rank, and in terms of the distribution of posts you will be subordinate to the younger, you are obliged to fulfill everything, the orders of the person placed over you, without any dispute.
7. If you come on vacation for three days or less, then, without appearing in person, you must certainly send your vacation ticket to the commandant's office. Arriving for more than three days, it is necessary to appear personally to the commandant.
8. At the end of the vacation period, he is obliged to appear again at the Commandant's Office or inform the Commandant's Office in an open letter: “I went to the place of my service today” (Signature).
9. "Who wants to be able to order, must be able to obey!" Napoleon said.
10. Take care of your honor, the honor of the regiment and the army.
11. Dress strictly in uniform and always clean.
12. Strictly treat your official duties .. (Disc. Const. § 1).
13. Keep yourself simple, with dignity, without foppishness.
14. Be restrained (correct) and tactful always, with everyone and everywhere.
15. Be courteous and helpful, but not intrusive and flattering. Know how to leave on time so as not to be superfluous ..
16. It is necessary to remember the boundary where complete politeness ends and where servility begins.
17. Make yourself talk less.
18. Be observant and careful in expressions.
19. Do not write hasty letters and reports in the heat of the moment.
20. Be less frank in general, you will regret it. Remember: "My tongue is my enemy."
21. Don't go crazy - you won't prove dashing with this, but you will compromise yourself. Forget "good old time" and the expression "Bad officer who doesn't drink." Now it’s different: “A bad officer who drinks,” and “Such an officer is not kept in the regiment.”
22. Do not rush to get on a short footing with a person whom you did not know enough.
23. Avoid "you", which gives a reason and the right to familiarities of bad taste, an excuse on the rights of friendship to scold you, interfere in your affairs, say vulgarity, rudeness, etc.
24. Often the elder, drunk, offers to go with him. no misters". However, the next day, be diplomatic:
either speak to him in “you”, or wait until he is the first to address you in “you”. In a word, tact is a necessary condition in order not to get into an awkward position or a mess.
25. Avoid stories and scandals. Do not act as an uninvited witness: by supporting one, you will make an enemy in the other - a double-edged sword. Neutrality is a means even of great powers; a means to maintain good relations with all,
26. A person who has made enemies, no matter how clever, kind, honest and truthful, dies almost inevitably, since enemies in society are always active, friends are passive; they only sympathize, regret, sigh, but do not fight for the perishing, fearing for their own fate,
27. Avoid cash accounts with comrades. Money always ruins relationships.
28. Do not make debts: do not dig holes for yourself. Live within your means. Drop false selfishness. It is immoral to make debts without being able to pay them; otherwise - do not get into someone else's pocket ...
29. Himself, if you can, help a friend financially, but personally avoid taking it, as this lowers your dignity.
30. Do not revel in someone else's account, not having the means to repay the same, if you do not want your dignity and pride to suffer. Remember the French proverb: "It is better to drink bad wine from your own small glass than good wine from someone else's large."
31. Live alone - calmer. Living together with a friend eventually leads to squabbles, even a break.
32. Do not take personally insulting remarks, witticisms of ridicule said after, which often happens on the streets and in public places. Be above it. Leave - you will not lose, but you will get rid of the scandal.
33. Consider each decisive step. It is impossible to correct a mistake, but it is difficult to make amends. "Measure seven times, cut once."
34. Be attentive before a quarrel than yield after a quarrel.
35. At a critical moment, friends will not help: they are powerless in military service, bound by discipline and obedience to superiors.
36. If you can’t say anything good about someone, then refrain from saying bad things, if you know.
37. Do not neglect anyone's advice - listen. The right to follow him or not will remain with you.
38. Be able to take good advice from another -. an art no less than giving good advice to oneself.
39. Avoid military conversations with anyone outside of duty, especially during wartime.
40. Be careful in choosing acquaintances: be guided not only by their education, but also by their social position in society. "Tell me who you know and I'll tell you who you are."
41. In the presence of batmen (in general, in the presence of a servant), refrain from speaking on sensitive topics. This habit must be firmly eradicated in oneself and always remembered. Unfortunately, most people forget this. Meanwhile, the servant listens especially sensitively and looks closely at the life of their masters, takes note of everything and often spreads ridiculous rumors to the homes of acquaintances (through the servants).
42. A person who uses a batman must monitor his health, behavior and must not allow illegal treatment with him; to give orderlies for the service of another person is, of course, prohibited.
43. Responsibility for non-compliance with the uniform of batmen and behavior falls on the officer under whom the batman is a member.
44. Do not use the services of someone else's orderly without prior permission, do not order anything - not tactfully.
45. After graduating from college, continue to study. In the knowledge of the art of war is your strength. There is no time to learn in battles, but you have to apply what you have learned. Do not lose sight of the fact that it is necessary to know all kinds of weapons.
46. ​​An officer in all cases of his life and service submits a written report: on his arrival in the regiment, on his departure on a business trip, vacation and return from such, on taking up or surrendering a position, on illness and recovery, on clashes and cases in the service or outside it, about all sorts of petitions, and so on.
47. Reports are written concisely, to the point and without titles to the boss.
48. The signature of an officer, in whatever rank he may be, must always be legible and without any flourishes.
49. Military officials are guided by the same rules as officers.

IV. old truths

1. Firmness of will and fearlessness are two qualities necessary for a military man.
2. An officer must be distinguished by moral qualities, on which the personal behavior of a fighter is based, since charm over the masses, which is so necessary for a leader, is associated with him.
3. The strength of an officer is not in impulses, but in unbreakable calm.
4. Honor builds courage and ennobles courage
5. Honor is the shrine of an officer.
6. The officer must respect the human rights of his brother - the lower rank.
7. A boss who does not spare the pride of his subordinates suppresses their noble desire to become famous and thereby lowers their moral strength.
8. All age classes of the population pass through the ranks of the army, the influence of the officer corps extends to the whole people.
9. Woe to the country if, leaving the service, a soldier endures disgust for the soldier ranks.
10. Do not pass off as undeniable truth what you either do not believe at all, or at least doubt. To do so is a crime.
11. It is necessary that not only the formal side of the service flourish, but also the moral one.
12. Maintaining an army is expensive. But the cost of the army is an insurance premium that the state pays to ensure its security and independence.
13. The army is an oak that protects the homeland from storms.

V. Rules of life

1. Do not take care of the regimental ladies (in the vulgar sense). Do not create dirt in your regimental family, in which you will have to serve for decades. Such novels always end tragically.
2. Never express opinions about women. Remember, women at all times have been the cause of discord and the greatest misfortunes, not only of individuals, but of entire empires.
3. Take care of the reputation of the woman who trusted you, whoever she may be. A decent person in general, especially an officer, even in the intimate circle of his faithful and experienced friends, never talks about such things - a woman is always most afraid of publicity.
4. There are situations in life when you need to silence your heart and live with your mind.
5. Be very, very careful in your intimate life. “The regiment is your supreme judge.”
6. Any unseemly actions of an officer are discussed by the regimental court of honor.
7. One should not talk about service and affairs in society.
8. Keep the entrusted secret or secret, even of an unofficial nature. A secret communicated by you to even one person ceases to be a secret.
9. Do not cross the line of conventions developed by the traditions of the regiment and life.
10. Be guided in life by instinct, a sense of justice and a duty of decency.
11. Be able not only to think and reason, but also to be silent in time and hear everything.
12. In military service, do not show pride in trifles, otherwise you will always suffer because of it.
13. Be always on the alert and do not loosen up.
14. Although servicemen are allowed to engage in literary activities, they are not entitled to sign their articles with the designation of their rank and position (Circus. Head. Piece 1908 No. 61).
15. For printing, military personnel are subject not only to the general criminal procedure, but can be brought to court by the society of officers, and those not subject to this court - to disciplinary responsibility, inclusive until dismissal from service in a disciplinary procedure (Prik. on military. Ved. 1908 No. 310).
16. To catch other people in lies means to harm yourself and them.
17. Try to keep your words soft in the dispute, and the arguments are firm. Try not to annoy the enemy, but to convince him.
18. It is not customary for officers to dance at public masquerades.
19. Entering a public place, be careful, if the audience is there without any top dress and without caps, then you must do the same.
20. If you want to smoke, ask for permission, but rather wait until you are offered either by the mistress of the house or by the elder (depending on where and when).
21. Everyone has his own shortcomings: no one can do without the help of others, and therefore we must help each other with advice and mutual warnings.
22. When speaking, avoid gestures and do not raise your voice.
23. If you have entered a society in which there is a person with whom you are in a quarrel, then, when greeting everyone, it is customary to shake hands with him, of course, if this cannot be avoided without paying the attention of those present or the hosts. Sharing a hand does not give rise to unnecessary talk, and does not oblige you to anything.
24. According to the Highest expressed will, it is necessary for an officer to salute with a salute when meeting on the street chief officers of all types of weapons, regardless of the seniority of their rank and without waiting for a greeting from them first.
25. Chief officers (lieutenant colonels, colonels) and generals are obliged to give the established. honour. Upon entering them, if the officer was sitting, one must stand up and bow, and not barely get up or continue to sit.

26. It is indecent to salute and carelessly accept honor ((also from the lower ranks) with your left hand (except for the wounded), or with a cigarette in your teeth, nod your head, keep your left hand in your pocket when saluting. Walking arm in arm with a lady "the officer is not released from saluting according to the charter.
27. The cap must be worn in accordance with the charter, and the overcoat is always fastened with all buttons.
28. Needless to say, an officer must obey in public places all the rules that exist for the public.
29 In general, the behavior of an officer should pay attention to those around him with his correctness and forethought.

VI. In service

1. Don't let mistakes and false tricks confuse you. Nothing teaches like the realization of one's mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education. Only the one who does nothing does not make mistakes.
2. Spare the vanity of soldiers. In ordinary people it is no less developed than in us and, due to their subordination, is more sensitive.
3. Soldiers are not silent sheep, but merciless judges who came from different parts of boundless Russia, taking back, there, everything experienced in the service: gratitude and anger; respect and contempt; love and hate. The silence of the soldiers is bound by a harsh and iron discipline, and does not come from a lack of development. They know how to appreciate justice and humanity.
4. Beating a soldier is prohibited by law.
5. Adjutant General Dragomirov said: “Correct the stance without touching it. When you correct with words, the soldier will correct himself, and if you sculpt with your hands, he will forget what the mistake was, because it did not reach his consciousness.
6. Even a horse loves to be told, and teaching a person like a dumb creature is not at all appropriate.
7. In the classroom, always be cheerful, always even and calm, demanding and fair.
8. You shouldn't "flirt" with a soldier. You undermine your authority.
9. Authority is acquired by knowledge of business and service.
10. It is important that subordinates respect you, and not be afraid. Where there is fear, there is no love, but hidden ill will or hatred.
11. Always be truthful, and especially with a soldier. Fulfill the promise to him, otherwise you will accustom him to lying.
12. Truthfulness everywhere, and especially in education, is the main condition.
13. Never touch a drunk. If a soldier is drunk, never personally take repressive measures, so as not to be insulted and protested, often unconsciously. Order the drunk to be taken to the same lower ranks as he is (but not to the non-commissioned officer for the same reasons), and if they are not there, to the police. By this you save a drunk from the crime of insulting an officer or non-commissioned officer.
14. When arresting those who are in a state of intoxication, it is forbidden to enter into any personal explanations with the violator of order.
15. In difficult moments, tone means a lot: for what to do is in the sense of an order, and how to do it is in tone.
16. There is nothing worse than indecision. Better a worse decision than hesitation or inaction. You can't get back a lost moment.
17. Respect the laws and teach them to respect them by your own example.
18. Do not object and do not enter into disputes in the service with a senior in rank.
19. Be careful with the state property and money entrusted to you in the service. No matter how much you need money, never borrow from it. Any defect is a waste. The responsibility is great.

VII. In training with soldiers

1. The dull monotony of occupations does not develop a soldier, but kills the spirit.
2. A soldier, leaving home, carries with him the imprint of those chiefs who led him.
3. The officer should know first of all with whom he is dealing. Representatives of all nationalities of Russia gather in the barracks or trenches. Their beliefs, outlook, character, moral make-up are different. Think about these first hours of soldier's service. Encourage this adult child.
Tell the recruit from the heart a few good, warm words. Do not tell him anything about the service in the first days. Don't scare him. Do it wisely and you will conquer him: he is yours.
4. Woe to you if a recruit is distrustful and sees in his boss only a strict formal serviceman who can only punish.
5. An officer must gain trust in many ways. One of them is literacy, the Russian alphabet.
6. Literacy is strength, the most powerful tool, which will destroy any kind of false political view, with which a recruit comes to the barracks.
7. Do not forget the soldier's kitchen, because "through the stomach, the soldier goes the way to his heart."
8. Do not resort to harmful sentimentalism.
9. A soldier likes to be talked to.
10. The officer is the elder brother of the soldier.
11. Brother, but not familiar, otherwise discipline is in danger.
12. Mean by this the command is reasonable, strict, but humane, devoid of arrogance and cruelty.
13. Perished authority - perished and all the military educational work of the chief.
14. For military educational work, one of the means is frequent communication with the lower ranks, conversations.
15. Set things up in such a way that the hours of "literature" for Sol-i dates will be a pleasant and useful rest.
16. You go to literature - work out a little at home, draw up a summary of the conversation, a plan for yourself on a piece of paper.
17. Do not get carried away with lectures. An important condition: short-term reading? -3/4 hours. Experience has shown that it is difficult to listen for a long time, people get tired and fall asleep.
18. Reading should be interrupted; move on to conversations, to jokes - they are useful, with laughter, the brain rests and will again be efficient.
19. Communicate little by little: one, two thoughts.
20. Use example and show.
21. A good example is always better than a rule.

VIII. About the court of honor

1. Do not forget that in order to preserve the dignity of military service, officers who are seen in disapproving behavior or actions that are incompatible with the concepts of military honor and valor of the officer rank or exposing the lack of rules of morality and nobility in the officer are subjected to the court of the society of officers. This court is also given the right to deal with quarrels that occur between officers.
2. The court of honor is held behind closed doors. No more than 24 hours are allowed for the consideration of the case in the court of honor and the decision of the verdict. On the verdict of the court of honor on the merits of the case, complaints do not rely. A court of honor is a regimental secret, Whoever divulges it is subject to a court of honor.
3. Among the actions dealt with in the regimental court of honor, there may be: a fight between officers, borrowing money from lower ranks, playing cards with lower ranks, on billiards, bringing persons of dubious behavior to the officers' meeting, writing anonymous letters, dishonest playing cards, refusing to pay a card debt, ambiguous courtship of the wife of a comrade in the regiment, appearing in a public place in a drunken or indecent state, etc.
4. Duels are allowed only by order or permission of the regimental court of honor. Dueling in wartime is prohibited.

IX. Supervisor's Responsibilities

1. The chief must develop and maintain in his subordinates the consciousness of the sanctity of the oath and the high significance of a warrior called to protect the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland from Enemies external and internal, be an example for them in the performance of duty and service.
2. Be fair, even, persistent in your demands, setting an example of vivacity, impeccable behavior, exact fulfillment of all requirements of the law and orders of superiors.
3. Unquestioning obedience to the chief is the soul of military service and the key to success in battle.
4. Take care of the health of your subordinates, delve into their life and needs, be their adviser, leader and intercessor for them before their superiors, take care of their well-being, be friendly.
5. A junior in rank in the presence of a senior replaces anyone. does not make tea.
6. It is forbidden by law to borrow money from the lower ranks.
7. If necessary, he must always turn to his immediate superior. With the permission of this latter, you can turn to the next boss on command.
8. When present at reviews and exercises, one should not be in an overcoat or cape, if the chief and senior are without them.
9. It is forbidden to take off a headdress for a greeting.
10. When giving an order, be guided by the following:
a) the order must be reasonable;
b) feasible for the recipient of the order;
c) give the order firmly, clearly and definitely;
d) be sure to make him repeat the order you gave to make sure it is understandable. If the soldier cannot repeat it, then do not be angry, but explain it to him calmly a second time until he understands.
11. You should not enter the premises of a foreign company (arena, stables) without the knowledge of the commander or officer of this company;
only the officer on duty in the unit is obliged to be everywhere, without reporting to anyone, during the day or night, being the person responsible for the well-being of the unit.
12. Refrain from doing anything and even order directly to people other than those bosses to whom they are subordinate.
13. In the ranks, do not rush to correct mistakes yourself and do not command, in addition to those to whom it belongs.
14. With all sorts of mistakes and shortcomings on the part of people, where there is only no evil will, take on first of all the individual and platoon. The soldier knows his business - ask who taught him; reward or punish first of all this latter, as responsible for him.
15. In a word, strictly observe the subordination, which exists only for this, so that there is order. Never jump over its steps, no matter how modest they may be, because by doing so you will allegedly show the uselessness of leaders as. those.
16. Everything that contributes to the development of camaraderie and the merging of squads and platoons into one whole should be encouraged in every possible way; however, that hinders this - immediately eliminate.

X. When defense with weapons is allowed

1. Defense is permitted by laws for the protection of:

a) life;
b) health;
c) freedom;
d) female honor and chastity;
e) dwellings in case of forcible invasion;
e) property (robbery), or when caught in a kidnapping or. If the property is damaged, the offender resists by force his detention or the taking away of the stolen property.
Therefore, for example, killing a thief before he has made any resistance or attack does not fit under the concept of defense and is punishable as a simple murder.
2. Defense is allowed only in the event of a real attack, expressed already in any threatening actions. The mere supposed or imagined intention to carry out an attack, which was not expressed in any actions, cannot be considered a condition for a necessary defense.
3. Defense is allowed to protect not only oneself, but also other persons in danger.
4. Defense is allowed only in case of an unlawful attack. Therefore, it is impossible to defend against persons who have committed, although violent, but legal actions, for example, from police or patrol officers who, on duty, detain persons who make a mess. It will no longer be defense, but resistance to the authorities.
When defending, "the use of force and whatever measures" is allowed, therefore, if necessary, weapons.
5. Defense is allowed only to the extent that is really necessary to repel an attack. Therefore, any harm done to the attacker in vain, after the danger has already been averted, is recognized as an abuse of defense and subjects the guilty person to punishment.
6. Defense against the chief is not allowed at all, except for the case when the actions of the chief threaten the subordinate with a clear danger, but even in this case it should be limited to protection to the extent necessary for personal self-preservation. Therefore, for example, beatings inflicted by a superior on a subordinate do not give the latter. right to the defense, unless they threaten him with a clear danger.
7. If all the above conditions are met, the defender from the attack is not liable for his actions, even if their consequences were to inflict wounds, mutilation and even death on the attacker.
8. Under the concept of necessary defense, a fight cannot be brought up. The use of weapons in a fight exposes the perpetrator to the responsibility of the law.

XI. Instructions for preparing people for military affairs

1. Start the lesson without an announcement - there will be more time for business and there will be no needless burden on memory.
2. Do not give the name of the subject without showing it.
3. Avoid teaching on the same program; it develops attention in the arrow.
4. Do not forget that the charter is for us, and we are not for the charter. There is time - to do everything as it should be, but not - according to common sense.
5. As in any business, so in the matter of teaching, think not about finding obstacles, but about the means to overcome them.
6. Always and in all classes go out with a full pack and a full pack, otherwise the skill to wear and fit equipment is not developed, and the weight carried will always seem heavy.
7. To practice the chiefs of all levels up to and including the commander of the section, both in return and in the transmission of orders, as well as in filling positions.
8. End every teaching and lesson with a brief lecture.
9. The root of soldier's science is internal, and most importantly, guard duty; then comes shooting, swordsmanship, formation, gymnastics and literature, the crown of all is tactical training.

To the Charter of the garrison service

1. Never forget 3 points for anyone:
a) whose orders to accept;
b) when to shoot or stab;
c) special duties in posts.
2. Charter garn. sl. teach only practically.
3. Teaching practically, whose orders the sentry executes, to teach from below, starting with the one who sets the sentry to the post.

To the Charter of the internal service
1. Charter ext. sl. - to teach exclusively by showing and constant monitoring of the execution of everything shown.
2. To introduce and demand, first of all, diligence from everyone, and set an example for the first one yourself.
Diligence is characterized by the accuracy and speed of execution of the given order.
3. Ensure that no one ever leaves without permission.
4. Establish a holy rule: no matter what happens to you, report immediately on command.
5. Keep track of everyone and everyone, so that the body is kept clean, clothes are neat, and government property is safe.
6. Be sure to demand a repetition of any given order.
7. Treat the property of the population humanely.

To the shooting business

1. It is obligatory for anyone who is supposed to have a gun to start the day with a butt and aim.
2. Never aim in vain - with a mandatory check of both attachment and aiming.
3. Teach application and aiming in pairs, not in ranks; in this order time is not wasted; there is no tiring, tedious waiting in line, and people, mutually checking each other, will know the matter more firmly.
4. Remember that the best rangefinder is an eye, and therefore, in any case, deal with it.
5. Shooting training must be completed. firing at live or dead targets, checking the merit of each shot fired.


Prick a scarecrow from a running start, without stopping on the rack; strike from the heart, pulling out the bayonet and run behind the scarecrow. Prick always from the bottom up.

1. Do not forget that the main condition for the success of any drill is the attention of people, and therefore develop this always and everywhere. Attention is to be achieved by turns, rifle techniques by numbers, free separation of people from the formation and a conditional change in the meaning of commands and signals.
2. Do not rule the handstands: do it with a word, starting with the legs, the correct position of the shoulders and the entire body depends on the correct position of which.
3. Never bother about alignment, but strive only for a free and even step, then alignment will come by itself.
4. At the command "stop" - dead silence and immobility; You won't see the error without correction. With an amendment for a mile to see.
5. Do not mix directions with alignment; the ability to take a direction and maintain it - to demand from each individually.
6. The closed part should be conducted in such a way that people themselves strive to quickly restore order if it is disturbed by something, subject to complete silence. Conversation in the ranks is not only a bad habit, but also a sign of fussiness.

Word classes

1. Supplement any practical teaching with verbal teaching about what people should know.
2. Do not ask any lessons and "hollow" is not allowed.
3. Prayer, work, singing, music, games, reading and other useful entertainment should fill the rest of your free time. At the same time, do not forget for the purpose of training walks to the position, to the artillerymen and other closest neighbors in order to get to know each other and get closer.
.4. The prayer and commandments of the Lord, as well as the prayer for the Tsar, should be known to everyone with sense and understanding.
5. Explain to everyone that surrendering to the enemy is a shame and a crime. The family of the surrendered ration is not given out, it will be very difficult to be in captivity, because the Germans treat the prisoners harshly, they give them little to eat, they force them to do hard work, they are subjected to corporal punishment, ”surrendered means did not resist, and therefore did not harm the enemy. Therefore, surrender prolongs the war.
6. Explain that running away and evading service is shameful and useless. Measures have been taken against this, and anyone who fled will be caught. The punishment for this is very severe.
7. To inspire the lower ranks that the population's own property must be treated with care, remembering that we are at war with the Germans, and not with civilians. After all, they are already ruined by the enemy. The thief will be severely punished.

tactical training

1. Do not ask difficult tasks. To solve, without further ado, simply the tasks of defending and attacking a height, a ravine, a forest, a separate building, a village, a trench, a fortification and a gorge, while not forgetting reconnaissance, rest and its protection.
2. Whoever wants to know tactics must decompose it into a series of practical techniques shown in a field with divisions, as statutory departments are shown - without showing there is no knowledge.
3. When teaching people, do not forget their upbringing, for which:
a) creating surprises at every step, teach them not to get lost;
b) set, if possible, such goals, the achievement of which would require perseverance;
c) to seek courage and fidelity where apparently there is no place for them;
d) always support any striving forward, teaching at the same time to rely only on oneself.
4. Tasks for classes on two sides are set so that the mode of action is not predetermined by the task. Let each, in order to achieve his goal, choose defense or attack, as he pleases.
5. To achieve constant and uninterrupted communication both along the front and in depth.
6. Secret words to be strictly observed.
7. Always think about saving and feeding ammo.
8. Watching the flanks is a necessary attribute of any battle formation: only eyes are needed here, not fighting strength.
9. When guarding, try to see everything, being yourself invisible, and for stability, where necessary; then dig in.
10. The main task of protective measures is not to catch single people, but to protect troops from an unexpected enemy.
11. Camping movements and reconnaissance require constant practice, and therefore every day - wherever you go, wherever you return - go with security and reconnaissance measures.
12. In the dark, go without a shot at close intervals and distances with intermediate chains, hiding behind a dense patrol chain; you have to walk like the blind walk: you need almost contact.

XII. Remember aphorisms

1. He who fears nothing is more powerful than he who is feared by all.
2. Becoming funny means losing your case.
3. When two people quarrel, both are always to blame.
4. Pull but don't tear.
5. Example is the most eloquent of sermons.
6. Backbiting harms three at once: the one about whom they speak badly; the one who is spoken badly; but most of all to him who speaks evil.
7. A gunshot wound can be healed, but a tongue wound never heals.
8. The strongest delusions are those that do not have. doubt.
9. Courage gives success to an officer, and success gives courage.
10. It's smart to be silent by the way.
11. Means to get bored - say everything you know.
12. Modest is not the one who is indifferent to praise, but the one who is attentive to censures.
13. The last resort should always be the last.
14. Everyone looks, but not everyone sees.
15. Laws should be followed, not reinterpreted.
16. Vanity is a sign of consciousness of one's insignificance.
17. Thinking correctly is more valuable than knowing a lot.
18. For taste - to the young, for advice - to the old.
19. If you say, you won’t turn back; if you write, you won’t erase it; if you cut it off, you won’t put it on.

20. A clear conscience is the best pillow.
21. The beauty of the mind causes surprise, the beauty of the soul - respect.
22. It is necessary to conquer with the mind that which cannot be overcome by force. eighteen
23. Do not be intrusive so that you are not pushed away, and do not move too far away so that you are not forgotten.
24. It's not your job to get involved in social issues.
25. The best part of courage is caution.
26. Did not introduce himself to the commander - wait a little with the theater.
27. Know how to leave on time.
28. Friends are not enemies, they are always passive.
29. Friends are powerless. They are bound by obedience to superiors.
30. Woe to a country where a soldier has an aversion to the soldier's ranks.
31. Expenses for the army - the insurance premium of the state.
32. Do not be humiliated by the publicity of intimacy.
33. And salute next to the lady.
34. Spare the vanity of soldiers. They have it developed no less than the officers.
35. It is important that subordinates respect you, and not be afraid.
36. There is nothing worse than indecision. Better a worse decision than hesitation or inaction.
37. A good example is always better than a rule.
38. Perished authority - perished and all the military educational work of the chief.
39. Do not forget that the charter is for us, and we are not for the charter.
40. When two people quarrel, both are always to blame, ”
41. Courage gives success to an officer, and success gives courage.
42. Vanity is a sign of consciousness of one's insignificance.


So, if you want to be a boss, do everything as you read it, just do everything to the smallest detail, otherwise “a fly in the ointment will spoil a barrel of honey,” and if you serve in everything like that, then everything will be fine with you. You yourself will be a good warrior and an honest defender of the Motherland; your superiors will love you and reward you for everything being in order and in order, and your subordinates will love you for being fair. courteous to them, you love them yourself and replace their father. To know, and the service is in good order, and the authorities are satisfied, and you are calm, and your people are well; most pleasant and from people honor and respect.

The work of captain V.M. Kulchitsky's "Advice to a Young Officer" only in the years from 1915 to 1917 went through six editions. The seventh was thwarted by the events of October 17th. "Advice to a young officer," their author wrote, "is equally useful both for those in the front lines and in the rear of the army. Their goal is the desire to prevent inexperienced military youth from a false, disastrous step. Here are collected old, but eternal truths that are forgotten by the majority, and unknown to young officers.

Russian officer's code of honor:

Do not promise if you are not sure that you will keep the promise.

Keep yourself simple, with dignity, without foppishness.

It is necessary to remember the boundary where dignified politeness ends and servility begins.

Be less frank - you will regret it.

Remember: my tongue is my enemy!

Don't cutie - you can't prove dashing, but you will compromise yourself.

Do not rush to converge on a short leg with a person whom you did not know enough.

Avoid cash accounts with comrades. Money always ruins relationships.

Do not take personally offensive remarks, witticisms, ridicule, said after, which often happens on the streets and in public places. Be above it. Leave - you will not lose, but you will get rid of the scandal.

If you can’t say anything good about someone, then refrain from saying bad things, if you know.

Do not neglect anyone's advice - listen. The right to follow him or not will remain with you. Knowing how to take good advice from another is no less an art than giving good advice to yourself.

Protect the reputation of the woman who trusted you, whoever she may be.

There are situations in life when you need to silence your heart and live with your mind.

A secret communicated by you to at least one person ceases to be a secret.

Always be on the lookout and don't let go.

Try to keep your words soft in the dispute, and the arguments are firm. Try not to annoy the enemy, but to convince him.

When speaking, avoid gestures and do not raise your voice.

Nothing teaches like realizing your mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.

When two people quarrel, both are always to blame.

It is important that subordinates respect you, and not be afraid.

Where there is fear, there is no love, but there is hidden hostility or hatred.

There is nothing worse than indecision.

Better a worse decision than hesitation or inaction.

You can't get back a lost moment.

The best part of courage is caution.

The strongest delusions are those that have no doubt.

Humble is not the one who is indifferent to praise, but the one who is attentive to censure.

Thinking right is more valuable than knowing a lot.

🙂 My dear reader, take some time and read the Code of Honor for a Russian Officer of 1804. By following these rules, you will avoid many life mistakes.

Today we are in a different time, more than 200 years and a whole Soviet era separate us from 1804. But the word "honor" will always be relevant. " Honor can only be lost once." EM. Kapiev

Russian officer's code of honor

  • 1. Do not promise if you are not sure that you will keep the promise.
  • 2. Keep yourself simple, with dignity, without foppishness.
  • 3. It is necessary to remember the boundary where complete politeness ends and servility begins.
  • 4. Do not write hasty letters and reports in a hurry.
  • 5. Be less frank - you will regret it. Remember: my tongue is my enemy!
  • 6. Don't be a fool - you won't prove dashing, but you will compromise yourself.
  • 7. Do not rush to converge on a short leg with a person whom you did not know enough.
  • 8. with comrades. Money ruins relationships.
  • 9. Do not take personally offensive remarks, witticisms, ridicule, said after. Be above it.
  • 10. If you can’t say anything good about someone, then refrain from saying bad things either.
  • 11. Do not neglect anyone's advice - listen.
  • 12. The strength of an officer is not in impulses, but in unbreakable calm.
  • 13. Take care of the reputation of the woman who trusts you, whoever she is.
  • 14. There are situations in life when you need to silence your heart and live with your mind.
  • 15. A secret communicated by you to at least one person ceases to be a secret.
  • 16. Be always on the alert and do not loosen up.
  • 17. Try to keep your words soft in the dispute, and the arguments are firm.
  • 18. It is not customary for officers to dance at public masquerades.
  • 19. When speaking, avoid gesticulation and do not raise your voice.
  • 20. If you entered a society in which the person with whom you are in a quarrel is among. Then, greeting everyone, it is customary to give a hand to him.
  • 21. Nothing teaches like realizing your mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.
  • 22. When two people quarrel, both are always to blame.
  • 23. Authority is acquired by knowledge of business and service. It is important that subordinates respect you, and not be afraid. Where there is fear, there is no love, but there is hidden hostility.
  • 24. There is nothing worse than indecision. Better a worse decision than hesitation or inaction.
  • 25. Soul - to God, heart - to a woman, duty - to the Fatherland, honor - to no one!

What is the honor of an officer

The code of honor of a Russian officer - "honor is the main treasure for an officer, whose sacred duty is to keep it clean and impeccable." Dahl's explanatory dictionary explains: “Honor is the inner, moral dignity of a person. Valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience.

The officers of the Russian army were called "white bone", implying a clear conscience and spotless honor, which were above all for the officer. About how honest (or dishonest) a person is, mainly those around him judge, public opinion is formed. Usually people highly appreciate those who are "man of honor".

“Honor is the shrine of an officer, it is the highest good, which he is obliged to preserve and keep clean. Honor is his reward in happiness and consolation in grief; she does not tolerate and cannot endure any stain ”M.S. Galkin

Self-esteem had nothing to do with swagger, arrogance or a sense of superiority over the civilian population.

“On the contrary, an officer must respect every rank and behave with equal dignity with all classes of society. Moreover, in relation to people who are below him in education. He should not sink to the level of their morals, but on the contrary, try to raise them to his own height.

Nobility consists in the ability to sacrifice personal interests in favor of others, generosity, inability to humiliate and humiliate others.

With the transition, mainly to a contract basis, the requirements for the observance by military personnel of the rules relating to the concepts of military honor and dignity have decreased. And there is an explanation for that.

Previously, for the officer corps, military service was the meaning of life and was not limited to the term of the contract. Today, military personnel only fulfill their constitutional duty and exercise their right to work through military service.

The contract does not contain obligations to observe the moral and moral principles relating to the military honor of military personnel. I think that orders to have a conscience or honor cannot be in nature. This is nurtured from childhood. "Take care of the honor from a young age, and the dress again."

"Russian officer" is the definition of a special breed of people. Rather a title than a title that unites several eras of our history at once. And not every Russian military can really be considered a Russian officer. Probably everyone remembers this quote: "... what is the honor of an officer, I know - they quickly learned this at the front"? Vladimir Sharapov's remark from "The meeting place cannot be changed." Although formally he was a Soviet officer, he was Russian in spirit.

The point, of course, is not in innate qualities. Fortitude, nobility - all this is taught. How to be a Russian officer. To do this, there was a special set of rules, which - albeit informally - had to be observed. Since the time of Peter I, there has been a charter in the Russian army. Already Peter's "Military Article" of 1715 regulated the basic rules of military science, army discipline and subordination.

However, there was another, informal set of rules for the behavior of an officer. Those rules that made a real gentleman out of an officer. For a long time, there was no unified written military code of honor, like the Japanese Bushido, in Russia. He appeared - a coincidence or not? - in 1904, in the year of the Russo-Japanese War. "Advice to a Young Officer" was written by captain Valentin Mikhailovich Kulchitsky. In fact, this is a set of already existing unwritten rules, Kulchitsky only brought them together. At one time it was the most popular brochure, now thoroughly forgotten: in the period from 1915 to 1917, it went through six editions.

Many of the rules of conduct listed in the "Tips ..." are universal and will be useful to any man. Here are some of them:

  1. If you are harsh and arrogant, everyone will hate you.
  2. Be polite and humble in dealing with all people.
  3. Do not promise if you are not sure that you will keep the promise.
  4. Keep yourself simple, with dignity, without foppishness.
  5. Be restrained, correct and tactful always, with everyone and everywhere.
  6. Be courteous and helpful, but not intrusive and flattering. Know how to leave on time so as not to be superfluous.
  7. It is necessary to remember the boundary where complete politeness ends and where servility begins.
  8. Don't be silly - you won't prove your dashing, but you will compromise yourself.
  9. Do not rush to converge on a short leg with a person whom you did not know enough.
  10. Avoid cash accounts with comrades. Money always ruins relationships.
  11. Himself, if you can, help a friend financially, but personally avoid taking it, as this lowers your dignity.
  12. Do not make debts: do not dig holes for yourself. Live within your means.
  13. Do not take personally offensive remarks, witticisms, ridicule, said after, which often happens on the streets and in public places. Be above it. Leave - you will not lose, but you will get rid of the scandal.
  14. If you can’t say anything good about someone, then refrain from saying bad things, if you know.
  15. Do not disregard anyone's advice - listen. The right to follow him or not will remain with you.
  16. To be able to take good advice from another is no less an art than to give good advice to oneself.
  17. Honor tempers courage and ennobles bravery.
  18. The boss, who does not spare the pride of his subordinates, suppresses in them the noble desire to become famous and thereby lowers their moral strength.
  19. Protect the reputation of the woman who trusted you, whoever she may be.
  20. There are situations in life when you need to silence your heart and live with your mind.
  21. Be guided in life by instinct, a sense of justice and a duty of decency.
  22. Always be on the lookout and don't let go.
  23. Try to keep your words soft in the dispute, and the arguments are firm. Try not to annoy the enemy, but to convince him.
  24. When speaking, avoid gestures and do not raise your voice.
  25. There is nothing worse than indecision. Better a worse decision than hesitation or inaction. You can't get back a lost moment.
  26. The one who fears nothing is more powerful than the one who is feared by everyone.
  27. When two people quarrel, both are always to blame.
  28. The strongest delusions are those that have no doubt.
  29. It's smart to be silent.
  30. Humble is not the one who is indifferent to praise, but the one who is attentive to censure.

Prepared by Alexander Ryazantsev

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