Karmic causes of loneliness. Three main reasons for all failures

You are already many years old. There are many friends, many meetings and goodbyes, but there is no love, there is no such person whom one would like to keep, without whom life is unthinkable. You divorced your husband, you have two children in your arms, all your efforts are aimed at their well-being, but you are a living person, and you want personal happiness. You understand that the happiness of your children largely depends on whether their mother is happy.

You are no longer young, life has developed, maybe not quite the way you dreamed. I really want tenderness, mutual understanding, a kind, affectionate word, the warmth of a person who is nearby. You have not used up the supply of love, spiritual generosity, care that you want to give and be happy because someone needs you.

Let's try to overcome the karma of loneliness.

Let's try to give our impulse of love, expectation, thirst for happiness into space. Giving, let's think that we are sending it to a soul that is in tune with us, which could gratefully accept our generous energy gift.

If you feel that the desire to overcome loneliness is very strong in you, do the following energy work aimed at attracting the soul, which is also looking for you in space.

1 . Try to imagine the person you would like to see next to you. No need to imagine his face, figure, clothes, you should not think about how many hard cash he has in his pocket, whether he has a car, an apartment or his own store in the city center.

Try feel in the form presented soul mate, try to catch his breath and feel how close it is to you. It must be a vibration, which is in tune with yours so much that their common melody is harmonious and already inseparable into two separate parts.

2 . This breath, this vibration, imagine standing at your side. behind the left shoulder(for women) or located slightly in front of the right shoulder(for a man). Try mentally talking to him (or her). Tell us how you feel and how you would like to see your life in the near future. Imagine that you are being answered.

You will be surprised to find that the answer you present cannot be changed at will. The vibration that you have created has a character that cannot be changed without changing the vibration itself. You can even consult with your friend, each time pleasantly surprised how well he understands you.

3 . Your fictitious energy vibration, your dream, your new friend is already giving you a state of harmony. And now, going to visit, to a disco, to a theater, to a concert, both at home and on the street, feel this harmony in yourself, try not to lose it.

According to the energy law of Correspondence, you will attract a vibration to yourself that will be very, very similar to the one that is your bright dream.

When conducting energy work, you must observe the following rules.

1 . The focus on the presentation process should not be excessive. The energy you work with should be an easy dream, a bright hope, a transparent dream. There should be no tension or heaviness in the head. There should be as much light and quiet joy as possible in thoughts and feelings.

2 . You must certainly free your soul from mercantile and pragmatic tasks. Even if you are tired of living in squalor and poverty, do not imagine a prince with a fat wallet. The wallet can outweigh in your dreams, and then the prince suddenly turns into, for example, a pimp. And you will be surprised to find in it exactly the vibration that you wanted.

If you want to get out of poverty through marriage, don't imagine a lot of money, it always ends badly. Imagine a harmonious soul for you, imagine that together you sound great and the melody of your life is so good that all other favorable factors are simply added to it. Easy and unobtrusive. Attached, but do not become the central theme of your dreams! " Together we will be fine! "That's your feeling.

3 . Try not to invent a new vibration each time depending on your mood, but you can also imagine the same person of your dreams in a different mood. If you are confused in your thoughts and desires, it means that you have not yet understood yourself, have not understood what you need, and then your work is premature, it can only interfere with the natural course of events in your life.

4 . Do not tell anyone that you are doing such energy work. This is a very subtle vibration, if someone knows about it, another vibration (energy) involuntarily turns on, and it is not known what effect it will have on your work.

5 . And finally, there is no need to doubt whether you will succeed or fail to realize what you want. Treat your work as a pleasure, as your little pleasant secret, a pink dream that helps you live. And what will be the result - leave it to the discretion of the Higher Forces.

It is good if you accompany all your work with a prayer to God. Your condition should be quiet and bright, prayer - humble.

  • Lord, I thank You for everything that is given to me in life (you can list, mentioning both joyful and successful, and sad, referring to troubles as trials). I apparently deserved everything bad, everything good was given to me as a priceless gift.
  • I thank You, Lord.
  • How I wish I could meet love in my life. So that he (she) is consonant with me, so that he (could) give happiness to her (him), and he (she) to me. So that there is mutual understanding and respect between us, so that our love brings harmony to this beautiful world.
  • If only I am worthy (worthy) of such love, I ask you to let me, Lord, meet her (him), because I want to love and give joy to a loved one (because I want to have children and give them joy, etc.).

The state of humility before the Higher powers, the humility of one's pride (which is a manifestation of dissatisfaction with life) - this is what a person usually needs to acquire before "taking off the crown of celibacy." Neutralizing the various negative energies that are present in your field is a good thing, but it will not bring anything if the inner work is not done. Competent internal work can overcome any negatives. " Seek to find ", - said Jesus, referring to the search for harmony within himself.

How does the karma of loneliness appear? Based on the general structure of the world, we can say that each person does not come to this earth by chance. Each of us has our own purpose, which we, one way or another, fulfill.

And even if you do not want to turn right at the traffic light, choose this particular apple or meet this particular person - everything will push you to the right decision, because every second of your life is a step towards fulfilling your own destiny. And everything that we encounter in this life, one way or another, leads us following to correct our own karmic mistakes of the past, to get rid of the seal of loneliness.

To determine whether there is a karma of loneliness, no matter how scary this formulation may sound, in fact, it is good. It is given to a person so that he carefully considers his past behavior and even corrects some of the mistakes of past lives. And don't think you're alone because you're terrible. No, everything is much deeper, literally at the cosmic level. And the fact that you are given time to correct the mistakes of the past is a plus, because in the future you will have stable and even relationships that will be strengthened by the experience of past years, past incarnations.

What could be the cause of loneliness. How to deal with it?

The problem of loneliness is quite widespread in our life. In the modern age of information noise, it is difficult to focus on a single vibration - the vibration of yourself and your true partner. Therefore, many people, in a hurry and fuss, are left alone, having failed to build a long and happy relationship.

Why, in fact, can we say that a person has the karma of loneliness? You should not look for these reasons in your current past - all this was in your previous lives.

1. Perhaps in your last incarnation you created an idol for yourself that left you alone. Or you yourself have become such an idol - a person who rudely rejected someone's attempts to start a relationship. This also includes excessive requirements for people who would like a relationship with you - for example, you clearly divided which social status representative can count on something, and which one does not immediately.

2. Perhaps your past incarnation was looking for pure and unearthly love for so long, rejecting everything earthly and simple, that you simply remained alone, and so deeply that you suffer even in your next life.

3. Or, for example, in your past life you did not know how to love, and you had all tender feelings only for yourself.

4. Maybe you never looked for love in a past life. You could devote your life to serving some other purpose, and love was something alien to you.

5. Or maybe you were happy but lost your loved one and never got over it. Or they sacrificed their personal lives for the sake of their children.

Of course, all this is not a mandatory and far from complete list, because how many people - so many mistakes. And it will be very difficult to start an analysis of loneliness, and even more so to learn how to cope with loneliness, without a specialist, because not every person can know what he was like in his past incarnation.

How to get rid of the seal of loneliness?

In order to get rid of the karma of loneliness, you need to start with yourself. Take a close look at what exactly life wants to tell you, on what path it pushes you and what it wants from you. Of course, the fact that you finally follow the right path will weaken your karma of loneliness, but for the best effect - that is, to completely get rid of the seal of loneliness - it follows. It is a specialist at the mental level who can guide you, suggest the right path and the right decisions.

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The karmic causes of loneliness can be associated with the past experience of the soul and acquired by a person in past incarnations. If you think that karmic loneliness is about you, the experience and advice of an Astro7 expert will be very useful.

What is karmic loneliness?

At birth, we receive certain karmic tasks, and some even karmic blocks that need to be overcome in this life. Based on the laws of karma, we do not come into this world by chance, but in order to fulfill our mission, which is to be carried out by each individual person. Even if we do not intend to make contact with the people around us, anyway, sooner or later fate will push us with such a person with whom we need to go through processing. Every person we encounter today appears in our lives in order to correct past karmic mistakes. The karma of loneliness is given to a person so that the person plunges into a deeper self-knowledge and analysis of those situations that were done incorrectly in a past life and in past incarnations. As a rule, if a person is rejected here and now and does not have a successful stable personal relationship, this means that he needs to look for other ways to establish relationships with people around him. And only through self-development can one change one's destiny and correct one's karma, and then loneliness will turn into another form, which will give a person a prosperous partner and comfortable relationships.

Reasons for karmic loneliness

Now we will look at some of the reasons that lead to karmic loneliness. Perhaps in the last incarnation you created an idol for yourself and ended up with nothing. Or vice versa - you could become an object of admiration, who rudely rejected attempts to establish normal relations with him. You may have set the bar too high for the social status of your fans, and by doing so, cut off the slightest possibility of contact with people of a lower social status. Some in the past experience were in constant search for true love, never finding their ideal. Others did not know how to love at all, while for someone the only subject for love and adoration was himself. Someone in a past life, in the name of serving ideals, withdrew from worldly affairs and dedicated himself to God. Someone was afraid of responsibility for another person and could not become a support for a loved one. Someone did not find the strength to search for a new half after the death of a partner, feeling affection for a dead love. Someone left children for whom a person sacrificed his personal life. All these people have common components - this is the karma of loneliness, which determines the future path in subsequent incarnations. As a result of this, a person cannot meet a couple and remains alone for knowledge and introspection until full awareness of what is happening is achieved.

How to deal with karmic loneliness?

In order to correct the karma of loneliness and start living harmoniously, it is very important to analyze your actions, deeds and situations that you regularly encounter. It is necessary to be attentive to the lessons that real life brings, and then there is a real chance to correct some karmic mistakes through transformation and volitional efforts, which in the end can lead to building successful relationships. Working with a qualified expert in the field of esotericism can speed up the analysis process. Remember: after going through a difficult experience, we come into this world alone, and all that accompanies us is fellow travelers on our life path, who can give us the opportunity to correct our destiny and live in harmony. So be aware of everything that happens. And pay special attention to recurring or similar situations - it is in them that the key to solving karmic problems lies.

Greetings to all blog readers! How to work off karma, how to make your life happier, how to connect to the egregor of money - every person wants to know this. Consider the basic techniques for correcting fate or karma.

Karmic debt - what is it

A person comes into this world to learn, to gain life experience. He is given a certain destiny, according to which the individual must experience all emotional experiences, both good and bad. As he behaves in this life, karma will be worked out.

In his lifetime, a person will not be able to work out all types, so he is given a large number of lives so that he can close all the existing karmic debts.

To close the debt, you must have as much time as it took for the development of the karmic situation. An example of bad karma: you were hit by a drunk driver, then fled the scene of the accident. Everyone blames him, they will probably judge him. But if you dig through the centuries, it turns out that in the last incarnation you drove over it on your wagon, also being drunk. The situation repeats itself, only in reverse. Everything in the Universe is in balance, the balance of contrasts is maintained.

How to find out if there is a karmic debt

Signs of heavy karma:

  1. The individual makes great efforts, but nothing happens in his life.
  2. There is a constant deficit of strength, energy, joy. For example, a person starts a new business, but suddenly an obstacle arises in the form of a lack of enthusiasm, strength or money.
  3. Constantly there are quarrels, conflict situations for no apparent reason.
  4. The “black streak” in the form of losses, losses, disruption of plans - everything indicates the presence of a karmic debt that needs to be closed.

All tests are given not in order to prevent one from rising, but in order to think about the correctness of one's actions, thoughts, reflections, and then engage in atonement for sins, purification of the soul.

Important! Karmic debts can be worked out to one and all! But first you need to establish the cause, to identify which laws of KARMA are violated.

What does it mean to work? After establishing the cause and karmic debt, it is important to understand how to pay off debts. Then work on developing the necessary qualities in yourself, apologize to those to whom you are guilty, repent. There are cases when you have to turn to a spiritual mentor.

Often, part of the debt can be written off by itself if a person changes his behavior, begins to lead a righteous life in compliance with all karmic laws, do good deeds, think correctly, without judging or blaming anyone.

Healing will come when work is done on oneself, the realization of one's mistakes according to karmic laws. When an individual changes himself for the better, then reality will take the direction of a change for the better.

By fixing the debt, you can get rid of the severity of the trouble. What leads to karmic debt:

  • failure to fulfill promises;
  • abandonment of tasks and goals in life;
  • craving for appropriation of someone else's;
  • unwillingness to cleanse one's soul, engage in self-development;
  • rejection of human laws.

How to make your life better

Karma is the greatest Teacher, you just need to correctly reveal your potential. You yourself create your own destiny, if you are unhappy, then change, let go of grievances and complaints, because they will not solve your problem.

What does it mean to work out a karmic connection. Consider the example of relationships with inharmonious partners that karma gives us. Such people appear in ours so that we try to close our karmic debt. You hate them, but you have to be with them every day.

Such a connection cannot be broken, it can only be worked out. How to fix the situation? We must get rid of the hatred for this man. To forgive him everything without demanding gratitude, then the debt will dissolve by itself. Also some tips to help you:

  • Do not enter into conflicts, even if you really want to.
  • Do not react to the provocative actions of the partner in retribution.
  • Do not swear, do not bicker, do not offend, do not be offended yourself either.
  • Avoid developing hatred, jealousy, envy and the desire for revenge.
  • Do not try to keep close to you.
  • Don't demand anything.
  • Do not expect from him that in response to your kind attitude, he will suddenly change a lot.

Cultivate acceptance of everything that happens and, of course,. Do not row against the current, but try to catch the wave so that you can go to a new life on it.

For some people, pride prevents them from accepting this method of behavior. But here it is important to understand that love and forgiveness do not humiliate, on the contrary, you stand in the position of giving, not asking.

How to understand that karma has been worked out? It's very simple - you feel gratitude to him for the treatment, even warm feelings, you are free from each other and can calmly go your own way, not remembering what he did wrong. If you still have not freed yourself from hatred for him, then the retribution has not been worked out and you can be treated again by the same unpleasant karmic partner.

If the relationship didn't work out

You have noticed that things don’t work out with your loved one, you get angry, even hate, but you live together. It means that by karma he came to heal you, perhaps because of a relationship in another life. But how to break the karma of relationships in order to live on, remove the negative charge to this partner.

You also have to work on yourself. Or you remove grievances, claims against him and live on. By removing all this, you will understand what this partner came to treat you for. Perhaps your relationship will move to a new level when you don’t react to his “overshoots” as painfully as before.

If you decide to finally break off relations, then thank him for the lessons, let him go on all 4 sides. If you have received relief, you can meet him as a stranger, you have neither anger nor resentment - your connection is broken.

How to close family karma

So that the sins of the family do not interfere with your happiness, you need to work them out through or rituals. The debts of the clan are especially insidious, because they are passed on to children and grandchildren. It is the descendants who must restore the balance, even if they do not know which of his kind behaved incorrectly.

Ancestral karma is also cleansed through mercy, creation, respectful attitude towards people and the whole world. How to find out what kind of debts there are?

If the debts are heavy, then handicapped children may be born in the family or they die in infancy. Diseases, problems that arise out of nowhere, bad family relationships, discord, quarrels, weak energy indicate karmic debts.

12 generations influence fate. It would be nice to have information about the fate of 6-7 generations in order to know what to correct.

How to come to the healing of tribal karma:

  1. Go to church to improve your karma. A strong personality will quickly close family debts.
  2. It is necessary to read prayers for 40 days, without missing a day. If you missed it, then read it all over again. First you need to read “Our Father” three times, “Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice”, “For the cleansing of the family”
  3. Finish reading the Thanksgiving Prayer.
  4. Thus, you will beg forgiveness for the sins of the family.

Their children will have to work off the sins of their parents. There is no need to condemn your parents, accept them as they are, forgive for all children's insults, if any. Surround your parents with care and selfless love.

It is important to work off the karma of relatives and friends with the help of penitential prayer. Ask the Almighty to forgive your own sins, as well as your ancestors.

Cleansing on a Spiritual Level

There are different ways and rituals of liberation from the burden of karma. But the main one is "Forgiveness", which has an inseparable connection with repentance.

We will always find something for which we need to forgive and for which we ask for forgiveness. When we forgive someone, we release him in peace, when we ask for forgiveness, we ourselves are freed from the burden.

These actions can be performed hundreds of times anytime, anywhere. They make it possible to get rid of the burden that does not allow us to follow the bright path of self-development.


  1. You need to sit down, relax, take a deep breath and exhale, then repeat again. Exhaling, release all tension, all heaviness, feel lightness.
  2. Imagine that the person who offended you, or whom you offended, is standing in front of you.
  3. Tell him "I'm sorry" or "I'm sorry" .
  4. After you need to say: “Forgive me, and I forgive you. I forgive and let go of all the bad things that happened between us.”

How to give impulse to the Universe

To overcome the karma of loneliness, it is necessary to start the impulse of expectation of happiness.

Do the work to attract the soul that seeks you in space.

  1. Imagine the person you would like to see next to you, try to feel his breath.
  2. Light breathing behind the left shoulder is represented by women, and slightly in front of the right shoulder - by men.
  3. Mentally talk to this person. Imagine what he said. You will be surprised how close he is to you in spirit, how harmony has come.
  4. Wherever you go, do not lose this feeling of happiness, this harmony. This feeling will attract a kindred spirit.
  5. Imagine how good you are together. Do not tell anyone about your energy work.
  6. Pray to God to send you a good good life partner, ask for a happy family life.

Because of what loneliness arises can be found by hand:

  • If loneliness is given by birth, then the “marriage line” will not be on the left palm.
  • If a “crown of celibacy” is imposed, then these lines will not be on the right palm, but they are on the left.
  • The marriage line is located on the side of the beginning of the hill of Mercury.

This concludes the first part of our penetration into the secrets of how to clear karma.

Prayer for the cleansing of the family or prayer of repentance

“Lord, I ask for forgiveness before all those whom I voluntarily or involuntarily offended in this life and in my past lives. Lord, I forgive everyone who offended me voluntarily or involuntarily in this life or in my past lives. Lord, I ask forgiveness for my dead relatives. Lord, I ask forgiveness for my living relatives. Lord, I ask for forgiveness before the people whom my ancestors offended voluntarily or involuntarily, by word, deed or thought. I ask you, Lord, heal, cleanse and protect me, my family, and fill me with Your Power of the Holy Spirit, love, light, strength, harmony and health. I ask you, Lord, cleanse my family. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

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