How to develop imaginative thinking in adults. The role of images in mental activity

By thinking we understand the human ability to reason, reflecting reality through the word, concept, judgment, representation. According to the form, the following types of it are distinguished: visual-figurative, visual-effective, abstract-logical.

The first of them is more inherent in people of creative professions. Its essence is psychological relationships and connections with people, objects, events, circumstances, processes.

Figurative thinking is a process of cognition, in which a mental image is formed in the human mind, reflecting the perceived object of the environment. Figurative thinking is realized on the basis of ideas that a person perceived before. Images are either retrieved from memory or created by the imagination. In the course of solving mental problems, these images can undergo such changes that lead to finding new, unexpected, extraordinary, creative solutions to complex problems.

How do we use imaginative thinking?

Thanks to imaginative thinking, you can learn how to find a way out of difficult situations, solve difficult problems. For example, you can use the following visualization technique for this purpose:

1. Present your problem in the form of a picture-image. For example, you have problems in business. Imagine it as a withering tree.

2. Come up with and draw images that reflect the cause of what is happening and “rescue” images that will help find a solution. For example, an excess of the sun (too many outdated, pressured, decisions made by someone earlier that interfere with creative thinking. An excess of the sun can also represent, for example, increased competition). Think about what is needed in order to save the plant: watering (new ideas and solutions), or sun protection, or inviting a specialist gardener, or fertilizing the soil, or something else?

3. Do not rush yourself, rethinking does not come instantly, but soon it will certainly come in the form of insight.

Imaginative thinking can help us calm down by providing psychological protection from an unnerving situation or an unpleasant person. We tend to take what is happening to heart, and therefore need to protect the psyche from overload. Most often, the technique of presenting the offender in an absurd or comical form is used. For example, you were hurt and offended by someone's stinginess. Do not be offended, better imagine a thrifty hamster with huge, stuffed cheeks. Well, he can’t live without supplies, that’s how it works. Is it worth it to be offended? Better smile. Imagine a merciless satrap completely naked - this is ridiculous and ridiculous, and his cry will no longer have power over you.

There is an assumption that the ability to visualize the future increases the chances of its implementation. The more colorful and detailed visualization, the better. True, there is a caveat: as in all good things, in this visualization one should observe the measure. The main principle is “do no harm”.

The use of imaginative thinking makes life more interesting, and communication and self-realization - more complete.

Development of figurative thinking

How to develop imaginative thinking?

Here are some exercises that can help with this:

- Look at any chosen object. Consider it for some time. Close your eyes and visualize it in detail. Open your eyes, check how completely and accurately everything was presented and what was “overlooked”.

- Remember what the thing that you put on (shoeed) yesterday looks like. Describe it in detail, try not to miss a single detail.

- Imagine some animal (fish, bird, insect) and think about what benefit or harm it can bring. All work must be done mentally. You need to "see" the animal and clearly imagine everything that is associated with it. For example, a dog. See how she greets you, how happily she waves her tail, licks her hands, looks into your eyes, plays with a child, protects you in the yard from offenders ... All events should take place like in a movie. Let your imagination run wild. This exercise can be done in a variety of ways: using unrelated associations or like a movie with a sequentially developing plot with a logical continuation.

Figurative thinking in children

Children easily imagine both objects and circumstances in their imagination, it is as natural for them as breathing. In childhood, imagination merges with thinking so much that they cannot be separated. The development of the child's thinking occurs during games, drawing, modeling, construction. All these activities make you imagine this or that in the mind, which becomes the basis of figurative thinking. On this basis, verbal and logical thinking will subsequently be formed, without which one cannot do in the classroom.

Children's perception of the world through images contributes to the development of imagination, fantasy, and also becomes the basis for the development of creativity, which is so important for success in any business.

What exercises contribute to the development of figurative thinking in children?

1. We read or tell fairy tales with facial expressions, gestures, emotions.

2. We play by reincarnating. We play with children, change roles and images. We encourage children's games with reincarnation.

3. We draw - and we remember, and we compose, and we invent. Let the child remember a character from a recently read fairy tale or cartoon character. And then let him draw a new friend or just a new character for him. Did you get a "kalyaka kid"? Finish it so that something new or something recognizable comes out.

4. We compose. You can start for yourself - about what you see: about this little sprout that has made its way between the stones, about this tireless ant, pulling a burden three times more than itself, about this grasshopper ... Compose together, do not be afraid to fantasize and encourage the child's fantasy.

5. Riddles are a real find. They can be guessed along the way, they can be invented. They make you look at objects and phenomena from different angles, think outside the box and not give up.

6. We observe and notice: what or who does this cloud, this pebble, this snag look like?

Thinking games will greatly help your child gain new knowledge, compare, memorize, reveal relationships between phenomena, learn about the world and develop.

Figurative thinking in adults

There is a simple test-check that allows you to understand whether your figurative thinking is well developed. To do this, you need to select any picture (do not try to immediately take complex images, start with simple ones), look at it for some time (about a minute), trying to take into account all the nuances - the location of lines and objects, color and shades, plot and other nuances. After you feel that you have noticed everything, close your eyes and mentally achieve a detailed reproduction. See it with closed eyes clearly and clearly. Happened? Fine! This means that you only need to maintain the level of imaginative thinking that you already have. But if the picture did not work out, if there were gaps or vague forms - train by doing this exercise.

A more complicated option is the visualization of abstract pictures. You can draw one yourself from dots, broken lines, patterns, using different colors and shapes, and then remember. Pay attention to details and individual signs. Games for the development of thinking are easy to find on the Internet, on sites dedicated to self-development. Help in this and developing simulators. For example, in the Pyramidstroy game, figurative thinking, coupled with imagination, will help you remember words that are completely unrelated to each other, combining them into an incredible story. Training and games for the development of thinking are very helpful in keeping brain activity in good shape, they should be given attention throughout life.

The development of imaginative thinking improves creative abilities, favors the manifestation of creativity, the generation of new ideas. In addition, thanks to the development of imaginative thinking, memorization improves, the assimilation of new things is facilitated, intuition improves, and flexibility of thinking appears.

We wish you self-confidence and successful self-development!

Figurative thinking has a number of features that turn it into a universal tool that can and should be used in your life by any person.

The mental activity of a person is multifaceted. After all, each of us has to face a variety of tasks that require their own, special approach. Figurative thinking is directly related to a person's perception of objects in the real world. It occurs in close interaction with other mental processes - memory, attention, imagination.

Does every person have the ability to think figuratively?

The development of imaginative thinking is of interest to many, but there are adults who are not confident in their abilities. It must be understood that in human thinking, some processes are carried out visually. Sometimes a person realizes that he operates with his past perceptions, their memories, as real objects. To assess this feature, you can answer the following three questions:

  • What material were your favorite shoes made from when you were 15? What did they feel like?
  • How many windows does your grandmother (your grandfather, second cousin) have in a village house?
  • What will the Latin letter S look like if it is “mirrored” in the opposite direction?

Typically, people who answer the first of these questions imagine the shoes they wore as teenagers, "touching" the surface in their mind's eye. As for the second question, usually a person retrieves the image of this house from memory, "goes around" it around, counting the windows. As for the letter S, usually in the process of mentally “mirroring” it, a person mentally rotates it and “looks” at the result. These examples show that the same mental processes are involved in the process of reproducing images.

Figurative thinking in preschool children

Visual-figurative thinking is the main type of thinking in a child at preschool age. It is with his help that the baby performs most of the operations. By the time the child enters this period of development, he is able to perform only those tasks that can be done with tools or pens. Such actions are aimed at achieving an immediate result. As the child develops, his actions become more and more complex. Problems of a different type arise, in which the result of the baby's activity will not be direct, but will have an indirect character. The simplest example is throwing a ball against a wall. The ball is thrown so that the child then catches it again. The same tasks in which the result of actions is indirect include playing with a constructor, mechanical toys, and so on.

The development of visual-figurative thinking in children is an important task. After all, in order to solve complicated problems, one cannot do without the ability to manage images. Also, this type of thinking teaches the child to respond to the images presented by the outside world. Therefore, for a preschooler, the development of imaginative thinking is the key to successful learning in the lower grades. In middle preschool age, children learn to keep in their imagination images of various objects, to fix patterns. For example, a cucumber is associated with the shape of an oval, a square with the shape of a table surface.

Simple ways to develop imagination in preschoolers

The simplest methods for developing visual-figurative thinking in preschoolers are:

  • Seeing beautiful landscapes.
  • Excursions to various exhibitions of works of art.
  • Journeys in which the parent will tell in detail about the monument of nature.
  • Puzzles of various difficulty levels.
  • Making crafts from colored cardboard, applications.
  • Drawing using both the dominant and non-dominant hand.


Making paper figures is very popular with parents and teachers. This requires only a few items - cardboard, paper, scissors. As a rule, young children are not very interested in the complex process of folding paper until they see the result. Therefore, it is good for an adult to demonstrate the “miracles” of this type of crafts for a start.

Modeling from plasticine

This is one of the easiest and most fun ways to develop imaginative thinking for toddlers. Modeling allows you to develop not only imagination, but also fine motor skills. Even if the baby will get the simplest products - “koloboks”, “carrots”, “balls”, the most important thing is that the lesson arouses interest in him. Plasticine should be soft, plastic. You can replace this material with polymer clay or offer your child modeling from salt dough.

Creative thinking. Junior School

Getting older, the child gradually ceases to rely on visual images in his thinking. The possibilities of thinking are becoming wider, the baby learns to give ever broader characteristics to objects. He learns to operate with different images in memory, to transform them - for example, to connect objects and separate them in his fantasy. Various games contribute to the development of logical and figurative thinking:

  • Board games (for example, dominoes, lotto). Special puzzles can also arouse interest in the baby.
  • Reading various children's books, colorful magazines with interesting descriptions, encyclopedias.
  • Creative work: drawing, macrame, appliqué creation. Modeling also helps the development of imaginative thinking in schoolchildren.
  • Watching cartoons and films about the world.
  • Family holidays, travel.
  • Walk outdoors.

A good exercise for the development of visual-figurative thinking of preschoolers is the game "What does it look like?". It allows the child to learn an original and creative approach to solving problems. The task is that for each picture (circle, square, triangle, spiral, or abstract picture) you need to come up with as many associations as possible. This exercise is good for a group of children. This game contributes well to the development of imaginative thinking in younger students.

Why is imaginative thinking necessary for an adult

Developed imaginative thinking is necessary in many professions - for example, designers cannot do without it. The phrase "draw me something bright and memorable" should not confuse the worker; on the contrary, these words should be a catalyst for mental activity. Working on imaginative thinking helps to develop analytical skills. Exercises for the development of such skills will be useful not only for workers in creative professions, but also for all those who would like to expand their horizons.

Figurative thinking: how to develop an adult

Before starting to perform the exercises, an adult needs to believe in himself, to throw away the idea that he does not have a well-developed sense of humor, a creative streak, and imagination. Everyone has all these abilities - it's just that, most likely, they ended up in the "backyard" of consciousness.

A direct proof that every person has an imagination is the ability to call up visual images in memory. Everyone remembers what their parent, girlfriend or friend looks like. A person is also able to describe the features of the metro station closest to him or his favorite place in the city. You do not need to do exercises for the development of imaginative thinking for a long time in order to recall the small details of your favorite places in your memory, to remember how the houses and streets of your native city look like. So, you can make an imaginary "journey" in time and again be captured by vivid memories. Therefore, you just have to work a little to expand the space of your imagination.

Bean fantasy

A good way to develop imaginative thinking is an exercise called the Fantasy Bean. Its author is the famous storyteller Gianni Rodari. I must say that the technique is suitable for both adults and children. The writer explains: ordinary associations do not develop the imagination. For example, the phrase "horse - dog" does not give room for imagination, being just a mention of animals from the same semantic series.

Gianni Rodari's method contributes to the development of artistic and figurative thinking. The "binomial fantasy" should ideally be determined by chance. For example, you can randomly open a book (or different books) on different pages. You can combine two excerpts of phrases from advertising.

storyteller experiment

Gianni Rodari recalls how he experimented with children during the lesson with a randomly chosen word "cupboard". Taken separately, it could hardly evoke any emotions - no one will laugh or cry when thinking about the closet. However, if you connect the concept of "closet" with the concept of "dog", then everything becomes completely different. The easiest way to link these two images together is to use prepositions. For example, "dog in the closet", "dog on the closet". Then the imagination will prompt various images - it may be a dog running with its own booth on its back along the street. Or a dog that has a personal closet with different outfits.

Other Methods

A few more ways to develop imaginative thinking:

  • Working with drudles - doodles with many meanings that need to be described. Such pictures in their appearance resemble scribbles that a person draws while talking on the phone or listening to a boring lecture. However, the drudle has one feature - its creators initially put meaning into it. In the picture below you can see drudles that contribute to the development of imaginative thinking.

  • Another way is to try to imagine the objects you have just seen. A game called "Matches" helps a lot. To carry it out, you need to throw five matches on the table, look at them, turn away, and at the other end of the table depict their location with the other five matches. It may not work at first, but practice will bring results over time. Each time you need to try to spend less time on playback. When it starts to turn out, the number of matches can be increased.
  • You can also come up with new functions for already familiar objects. For example, in the usual lace or nylon tights, you can dry onions, use them as a decorative element for decorating flower pots, and make dolls out of them.
  • Another good way is to select epithets and anti-epithets for a word. To complete this exercise, you need to write out any word in the center of a sheet of paper, on the right side - those definitions that suit it. On the left - place words that cannot be used in any way with this object or phenomenon. An example is the word "person". A person can be free, smart, rich, thin, advanced, etc. Definitions that do not fit this word are ancient, refractory, liquid, pointed.
  • You can try to play back the last meeting with friends or colleagues. In the process of remembering, you need to try to remember: how many people were in the company? What were they wearing? What dishes were on the table? What was the conversation about, what topics were discussed? What experiences accompanied this meeting?

These exercises can be modified to your liking. The main thing in them is that these methods involve imaginative thinking. The more often you perform exercises, the more this property of the psyche will develop.

Visual-figurative thinking is a process of solving problems, during which a person works with objects, only imagining them visually, but without interacting with them in reality. In other words, using a visual-figurative thought process, a person can move the image of a certain object (for example, a TV) to any place (for example, to another part of the apartment during the rearrangement of furniture), and imagine how it will look there, while not moving it in reality.

Visual-figurative thinking: what is it

A distinctive feature of this type of thinking is the establishment of extraordinary connections between properties and objects. It is necessary when a person wants to get something as a result of his activity, but at the same time he simply imagines the situation, how he would do it and what will happen in the end. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for this kind of thinking.

According to the psychologist J. Piaget, the following stages can be distinguished in the development of the child's thought process:

  1. Practical (sensory-motor). A child from birth to 2 years old learns the world with the help of manipulations with objects.
  2. Preoperative. It starts at about 2 years old and continues until 7 years old. At this time, speech develops, as well as the ability to see the image of an object in the mind, performing various manipulations with it.

It occurs at the age of 4-5, when the kids gradually move from the contact method with objects to work with their images in the mind when solving problems.

IMPORTANT! The visual-figurative thought process becomes the main one at the age of 5-6 years. At this time, to solve a specific problem, the child no longer needs to interact with the object, he can perform all his actions in the mind, at the mental level.

Development of visual figurative thinking

At the beginning of the preschool period, kids are able to solve problems related to movement, the use of an object only with direct contact with it with their hands. Over time, they develop the ability, while searching for an answer, not to influence the subject tactilely, but to focus on representing it in the mind.

The development of visual-figurative thinking is possible if kids can combine different parts of objects, move them, highlight the main features in the mind. Already from the age of 4, the basic functions of the psyche are fully formed in children, which creates the basis for the intensive development of this type of thought process. It is at this time that it is important to train the child, and for this special exercises have been developed, which are divided into 2 groups:


Their main goal is to allow the child to create something new on the basis of a set of certain images. Sources can be very different, from mathematical symbols, alphabetic and digital symbols, to complex geometric shapes.

Tasks are set differently. You can ask the child to create a figure of a man from digital and mathematical signs. Or give him free rein and see what he can do. Similar tasks include tasks for finding and restoring the missing element.

A good exercise is the game "Chessboard", in which it is proposed to create a field from various particles, alternating them. You can organize competitions for speed and gradually increase the size of the fields.


The purpose of such exercises for the development of visual-figurative thinking is to change the original, finished image, so that in the end something new is obtained. Most often, exercises with matches are used. The child is given an image made of matches or sticks. It is proposed to remove a few matches or shift them so that a new figure is obtained. For example, the source is a house, from which you need to make a flag by shifting sticks (matches).

Speed ​​quests help a lot. Participants are given sheets with the letters “Sh” drawn in the amount of 20 pieces. As a task, it is proposed to finish each letter so that a new object appears. All 20 looks must be recognizable and different. After the end of the time allotted for the task, it is discussed about the recognition and originality of the created images.

Group drawing is used as an exercise. At the same time, the task should be set before the painters - to create a non-trivial image. You can narrow the topic a little and offer to draw a non-existent monster or a phone of the future.

For kids, you can offer the following exercises:

  • draw the letter "Ш" and try to rotate it so that another letter of the alphabet is obtained. It should turn out "E";
  • describe a dewdrop, a dawn, a rainbow, a toothbrush.

Thus, the ability to represent objects in the mind, move them, perform various manipulations, provides an opportunity for a preschooler to learn the general principles of the existence of things and phenomena in reality. The level of development of visual-figurative thinking, which is achieved at the age of 7 years, is a basic contribution to the overall process of the formation of the psyche.

One often hears people complain about a bad memory or complain about absent-mindedness. And, accordingly, they are looking for an opportunity to improve the process of memorization, develop their attention and observation. But I have never heard anyone say that they cannot think and would like to learn how to think. This is very strange, because mental abilities are important in any activity. Maybe this happens because thinking is such a valuable gift that it is a shame to admit its lack?

Perhaps another equally important reason for the reluctance to develop thinking is the belief that it is impossible for an adult to do this. And the only way to become even a little smarter is to accumulate knowledge.

But this point of view is wrong. It is not only possible, but necessary, to develop thinking in an adult, and knowledge alone will not get you far. Information, regardless of its volume, is only a building material for thinking. Bricks alone are not enough for a bricklayer to build a beautiful castle, he also needs skills, abilities, knowledge of technical techniques and craftsmanship as an alloy of all this together.

You can, of course, recall the developers' statement that it does not change with age. But thinking is not exactly intelligence. Thinking is an activity, and any one requires mastering and developing skills. The process of forming mental skills not only enriches a person with new ways and methods of thinking, but also develops and complicates the brain itself.

Our brain is a very flexible and sensitive instrument, which is designed for constant active work. The efficiency and quality of our thinking just depend on it. After all, in the process of the brain's work, new connections are formed between neurons, neural networks become more complex, which means that the ability to think develops.

So, the answer to the question “is it necessary to develop thinking” is obvious. It remains to figure out how to do it.

Development of abstract-logical thinking

It is considered the highest form of the thought process, although this can be argued, since it is not connected with it, but with figurative thinking. But, one way or another, logic is necessary for an adult to solve a wide variety of problems: from everyday, everyday, to professional and scientific.

What to develop

Logical thinking is based on several mental operations:

  • Analysis is the division of a single whole into separate significant elements, understanding the structure of things and phenomena, their systemic organization.
  • Comparison is a comparison of individual elements of the system, individual things and phenomena in order to determine their similarities and differences.
  • Synthesis is the transition from individual elements to the whole, the unification of parts, often associated with their combination in a new combination.
  • Abstraction is a distraction from the non-essential or a transition from objective thinking to thinking using abstract concepts (numbers, formulas), replacing specific images with abstract concepts.

The first three basic operations can be illustrated by a common children's game of colored pyramids. The child disassembles the already assembled pyramid and examines its rings - this is an analysis. Then, during the assembly process, he compares the rings by size, sometimes by color and shape - this is a comparison. Then he assembles a pyramid of individual elements - synthesis. This is how the thought process proceeds at the level of visual-effective thinking accessible to the baby. And we want to develop a logical one, so we will perform operations not with rings and cubes, but with concepts.

For logical thinking, developed speech is also necessary, since this thinking proceeds in a conceptual form. Moreover, this applies not only to oral, but also to written speech, which in itself is more logical and orderly.

How to develop

Logical thinking is based on strict laws and rules that were developed by ancient philosophers, and logic has always been considered the art of thinking. Theoretical knowledge, although useful, is not sufficient for development. If you do not know them, then this is not an obstacle to development. It is more important practice, mastering skills. And thinking skills, like any other skills, are formed in the process of training. And for those who want to develop logic skills, we can offer several exercises.

Exercises to develop logical thinking

There are many ways to develop logical thinking in activities. For example, psychologists advise to read more. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s fiction or scientific literature, the main thing is to comprehend what you read, write down your thoughts, conclusions, argue with the author, catch him on contradictions. Board and computer games based on it, for example, chess, checkers, sea battle and others, help well in the development of logic.

You can use specially designed exercises for this purpose.

Exercise "Logic chains"

This is one of the most common training tasks for the development of logic. It has many forms, types, modifications for different ages. Its goal is to learn to establish logical connections between things, phenomena, concepts.

Option 1

Example: given two objects - a fish and a bottle. Find something that connects them. Possible answers include:

  • both objects have a similar streamlined shape;
  • both fish and bottle are associated with water;
  • if the bottle is plastic, then it, like a fish, can swim;
  • the fish and the bottle may have the same color;
  • both objects contain substances useful for humans, etc.

Option 2

Two events occur, separated by a relatively short period of time:

  1. A pencil falls to the floor from the head of the firm's desk.
  2. There is a fire in the room of one of the southern resorts.

Establish a logical connection between the first and second event. See how many intermediate events will be in your logical chain. Try to build another, where there are more or less events.

If the exercise is carried out in a group, then it will be interesting to compare and analyze the logical chains of all participants, to choose the most interesting one. You can continue the exercise by inventing the next event and establishing a connection already between the fire and it.

Exercise "Writing proposals"

Logical thinking is closely connected with speech activity; in general, it proceeds mainly in conceptual and sign form. Therefore, for the development of logical thinking, it is useful to write short (and long) stories, essays, notes, and keep a diary.

And for those who are not very good at it or feel sorry for the time, you can start with separate proposals. But not simple, but uniting unrelated concepts and objects. Your task is not just to write a sentence, but in such a way that it looks quite logical.

We choose three objects that are maximally unrelated to each other. For example: "squirrel", "helicopter" and "cup of cappuccino". Now compose a phrase that would logically unite these objects. Here, for example, such a sentence can be composed: “I was relaxing on the veranda when a squirrel fell out of a helicopter flying over me and plopped right into my cup of cappuccino.”

Try to come up with your own proposal or choose the other three objects. For example: scissors, shark, barbecue; book, lemon, circus, etc.

Exercise "I'll say it differently"

This exercise is also for the development of verbal thinking, which is the basis of logical thinking. Come up with some simple, even banal phrase relating to an ordinary event. For example: "We love Friday because it's the last day of the work week."

Now express the same idea, but in different words. The main condition: not a single word from the original phrase should be repeated. How many such new sentences with the same meaning can you make?

Logical thinking is undoubtedly important, and it is impossible to do without it in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. But imaginative thinking is no less important.

Figurative thinking and its development

Figurative thinking is controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain, the center of a person is also located there. This, in general, says it all. But the problem is that the right hemisphere is at first ahead of the left in development, and at the age of 3-5 years it dominates in mental activity. But then the active development of the sign function (speech, writing, counting) stimulates the development of the left hemisphere, which is responsible for abstract logical thinking. The activity of the right hemisphere decreases, and figurative thinking fades into the background.

"But what about creativity?" - you ask. That's it. , the development of creative potential is impossible without operations with images. And outside of creativity, this thinking is needed. The ability to reproduce pictures, sounds, smells, movements, analyze them, combine them, and include them in mental and objective activity is associated with it. Moreover, it has been proven that any mental act begins with the birth of images, and proceeds in close connection with them.

What to develop

Returning to the question of the development of figurative thinking, we will determine in which direction to move, what properties and qualities of our psyche need to be developed:

  • figurative;
  • operations with images, their analysis, comparison, combination;
  • imagination, as the ability to create new images;
  • combinatorial activity - the ability to consciously and purposefully construct images from the elements of what is stored in memory;
  • to see the qualities and properties of things hidden from logical thinking;
  • the ability to fantasize.

One of the most effective ways to develop imaginative thinking is to engage in creativity. It helps to constantly keep the right hemisphere in good shape, so many of the exercises contain an element of creativity.

Exercise "Recreating Images"

Most of us are concerned with the accumulation of knowledge. We strive to remember the necessary information, names, dates, numbers, rules. And how often do we try to remember and consciously keep images in memory? Are they less important? For example, the image of an autumn park in your hometown or the face of a loved one, the smell of grandma's pies or the sound of the surf. After all, most often what we remember is random fragments of impressions. Let's try to change this and practice reproducing images.

Let's start simple. Remember the face of someone close to you. Try to reproduce it in detail, remembering every stroke, wrinkle, mole. Now imagine that this person is smiling, sad, frowning, winking at you.

Now let's move on to more complex tasks.

Imagine five colored objects. First, five reds, for example, strawberries, a balloon, etc. Then five oranges, and so on throughout the spectrum. To avoid confusion, write down these seven groups of objects in order.

Imagine an image of a tree you know (birch under the window, maple on the way to work). Try to remember it in detail and pay attention to what time of the year you see this tree. Now imagine how the image will change at another time - autumn, winter, spring, summer. The image of a tree can be replaced by the image of a house or a street, a river or a yard.

Remember and imagine different sounds: 5 sounds of nature (the sound of rain, the rustle of autumn leaves, etc.), 5 sounds of the city, 5 sounds made by animals, 5 sounds of mechanisms.

Remember and imagine in detail some event (holiday, family dinner, meeting with the boss, etc.). Try to remember images of people, furniture, utensils, trying to imagine colors, sounds, taste sensations, and smells.

Exercises "Fantastic Images"

Creative is the "aerobatics" of imaginative thinking, so let's practice creating new images. Of what? And from everything that is in our memory. But to facilitate the process, let's take some basis. For example, sign. This is an attribute of logical thinking, the more interesting it is to use it for the development of figurative thinking.

A sign - it can be a number, a letter, or some kind of mathematical symbol such as an integral - is an abstract object, it does not exist in the objective world. But we will eliminate this injustice. Imagine, for example, the number 4 in the form of a material and living being, endowed with its own characteristics, character, habits, preferences. And write a short story. Try to make the image of the four as realistic as possible. Think about where she lives, what she prefers for dinner, who she is friends with, what she does.

At first, this may seem difficult and even strange. But do not give up, it is our left hemisphere, outraged by the illogical thinking, that blocks the flight of fantasy. Do not let him suppress his imagination, connect him to work. What is more logical for the number 4? What activity suits her better?

You can also create an image of a sound, such as the noise of a vacuum cleaner. What is he - good or evil, warm or cold? What color is the sound of a vacuum cleaner? Why are cats afraid of him? Maybe they see some evil creature? What does it look like?

Games with images are loved by both children and adults, but these are not just games, they are a very powerful tool for the development of our thinking and psyche as a whole. After all, everything that goes beyond the boring and gray routine makes the gears of our brain spin faster. Don't let them rust out of work. After all, even the medieval philosopher Rene Descartes said: “Sogito ergo sum” - “I think, therefore I exist.”

Scientists offer several options for defining thinking:

  1. The highest stage of assimilation and processing by a person of information, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between objects of reality.
  2. The process of displaying the explicit properties of objects and, as a result, creating an idea of ​​the surrounding reality.
  3. This is the process of cognition of reality, which is based on the acquired knowledge, the constant replenishment of the baggage of ideas and concepts.

Thinking is studied by several disciplines. The laws and types of thinking are considered by logic, the psychophysiological component of the process - physiology and psychology.

Thinking develops throughout a person's life, starting from infancy. This is a sequential process of displaying the realities of reality in the human brain.

Types of human thinking

Most often, psychologists divide thinking by content:

abstract (verbal-logical) thinking;

Visual-figurative thinking

Developed by artists, sculptors, fashion designers - people of the creative profession. They transform reality into an image, and with its help, new properties are distinguished from standard objects, and non-standard combinations of things are established.

Visual-figurative thinking implies a visual solution to the problem, without resorting to practical actions. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the development of this species.

Many people think that visual-figurative thinking and imagination are one and the same. You are wrong.

Thinking is based on a real process, object or action. Imagination, on the other hand, includes the creation of a fictitious, unrealistic image that is not in reality.

Exercises for the development of visual-figurative thinking:

1. Q&A:

If the capital letter N from the English alphabet is turned 90 degrees, what letter will be the result?

Ear shape of a German Shepherd?

How many rooms are in the living room of your house?

2. Create an image of the last family dinner. Mentally draw an event and answer the questions:

How many family members were present, who was wearing what?

What meals were served?

What was the conversation about?

Imagine your plate, where your hands lay, the face of a relative sitting next to you. Feel the taste of the food you have eaten.

Was the picture shown in black and white or color?

Describe the visual image of the room.

3. Describe each of the items presented:

drops of morning dew;

an eagle soaring in the sky.

4. Imagine Beauty, Wealth, Success.

Describe the selected image using two nouns, three adjectives and verbs, one adverb.

5. Introduce the people you interacted with today.

What did they look like, what were they wearing? Describe their appearance (eye color, hair color, height and build).

Verbal-logical type of thinking (Abstract thinking)

A person sees the picture as a whole, highlights only the significant qualities of the phenomenon, not noticing minor details that only complement the subject. Such thinking is well developed among physicists, chemists - people who are directly related to science.

Abstract thinking has 3 forms:

concept - objects are combined according to signs;

judgment - the assertion or denial of any phenomenon or connection between objects;

inference - conclusions based on several judgments.

An example of abstract thinking:

You have a soccer ball (you can even take it in your hands). What can be done with it?

Options: play football, throw into the ring, sit on it, etc. are not abstracts. But if you imagine that a good ball game will attract the attention of a coach, and you can get into a famous football team ... this is already beyond, abstract thinking.

Exercises for the development of abstract thinking:

1. "Who is extra?"

From a series of words, select one or more words that do not fit the meaning:

cautious, fast, cheerful, sad;

turkey, dove, crow, duck;

Ivanov, Andryusha, Sergey, Vladimir, Inna;

square, pointer, circle, diameter.

plate, saucepan, spoon, glass, broth.

2. What is different:

Find at least 3 differences for each pair.

3. Main and secondary.

From a number of words, select one or two, without which the concept is impossible, cannot exist in principle.

Game - players, penalty, cards, rules, dominoes.

War - guns, planes, battle, soldiers, command.

Youth - love, growth, teenager, quarrels, choice.

Boots - heel, sole, laces, clasp, bootleg.

Barn - walls, ceiling, animals, hay, horses.

Road - asphalt, traffic lights, traffic, cars, pedestrians.

4. Read the phrases backwards:

tomorrow the premiere of the play;

Come visit;

5. In 3 minutes, write as many words as you can that start with the letter w (w, h, z)

(beetle, toad, magazine, cruelty...).

6. Come up with 3 of the most unusual male and female names.

Visual Action Thinking

It implies the solution of mental problems through the transformation of the situation that has arisen in reality. This is the very first way to process the information received.

This type of thinking actively develops in preschool children. They begin to combine various objects into a single whole, analyze and operate with them. Develops in the left hemisphere of the brain.

In an adult, this kind of thinking is carried out through the transformation of the practical use of real objects. Visual-figurative thinking is extremely developed among people who are engaged in industrial work - engineers, plumbers, surgeons. When they see an object, they understand what actions to perform with it. People say that people of such professions have a “full hand”.

Visual-figurative thinking helped the ancient civilizations, for example, to measure the earth, because both the hands and the brain are involved in the process. This is the so-called manual intelligence.

The game of chess perfectly develops visual-effective thinking.

Exercises for the development of visual-effective thinking

  1. The simplest, but very effective task for the development of this kind of thinking is the collection of constructors. There should be as many details as possible, at least 40 pieces. Visual instructions can be used.
  2. No less useful for the development of this type of thinking are various puzzles and puzzles. The more details, the better.
  3. Make 2 equal triangles from 5 matches, 2 squares and 2 triangles from 7 matches.
  4. Turn into a square by cutting once in a straight line, a circle, a rhombus and a triangle.
  5. Blind a cat, a house, a tree from plasticine.
  6. Determine without special devices the weight of the pillow on which you sleep, all the clothes you are wearing, the size of the room in which you are.

Each person must have developed all three types of thinking, but one type always prevails. You can determine this even in childhood, while observing the behavior of the child.

Read also:

human intelligence

Development of critical thinking

How to get rid of negative thoughts?

comments 6

Theories about the origin and presence of thinking in humans are divided into 2 groups. Representatives of the first believe that intellectual abilities are innate and unchanging. One of the most famous theories of the first group is the Gestalt psychology theory of thinking. According to the second group, mental abilities develop in the course of a person's life. Thinking depends either on the external influences of the environment, or on the internal development of the subject, or on the basis of both.

The main condition for the development of children's thinking is their purposeful education and training. In the process of upbringing, the child masters objective actions and speech, learns to independently solve first simple, then complex tasks, as well as understand the requirements of adults and act in accordance with them.

[…] we attract to ourselves what we think about. Positive thinking brings joy, success, wealth and happiness to life. […]

[…] is the ability/ability to use imagination, thinking, innate and acquired skills and memory to […]

[…] perceive the world somewhat illusory. But at the same time, thinking and memory functions are remarkably developed. Often […]

[…] develops abilities, forms thinking. The involvement of the individual in the labor process leads to […]

Development of figurative thinking

We often envy those who can, without wasting time on a long analysis of the situation, find a way out of it. Such people seem to have an incredibly developed intuition, because all subsequent calculations only confirm the correctness of their decision. Perhaps intuition also plays a role here, and perhaps the whole point is that they have developed imaginative thinking. What is it and how to become such a virtuoso of thought, we will talk now.

Figurative type of thinking and its varieties

Human thinking is very multifaceted, because we all have to solve very different tasks every day. But still there is a division into types, however, the classifications are different. Some schools divide thinking into practical and theoretical, others speak of template and non-standard thinking, while others classify thinking according to the use of various substitutes for reality - a word, an object or an image. That is, according to the latter classification, subject-effective, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking are distinguished.

We are interested in figurative (visual-figurative, figurative-associative or spatial-figurative) thinking. It is believed that this type of thinking was the next stage after the development of subject-effective. Figurative thinking allows you to see the whole situation as a whole, without relying on clear logical chains. If a verbal answer is not needed, then the conclusion is not formulated. The word in this type of thinking is only a means of expressing the transformations carried out through images. Some people tend to consider imagination as a kind of imaginative thinking, but this is not true. Imagination recreates the desired image from figurative memory, and figurative thinking is based on real-life objects.

The formation of figurative thinking occurs gradually, with the development of all mental processes and the accumulation of life experience. Some people, due to their individual characteristics, find it difficult to operate with mental images; they definitely need a visual basis. But as it turns out, it is possible to develop imaginative thinking, of course, if you spend time and make due efforts.

How to develop imaginative thinking?

There are many exercises for the development of visual-figurative thinking, let's look at the most common of them.

  1. Various riddles for the development of figurative thinking are very popular. It's funny that children often cope with them, but their parents find it difficult to decide. For example, here is such a riddle: what are all people on Earth doing at the same time? The answer is they get older.
  2. The following exercise will help to train figurative thinking. Think of all the people you interacted with that day. Imagine in detail what they looked like - eye and hair color, height, age, clothes. Try to imagine their mannerisms, habits. Do the same with the people you saw yesterday, at the weekend, during your last vacation, at a birthday party.
  3. Imagine any positive emotion, just don't attach it to any object or memory. Try to reproduce different emotions. How well do you do it?
  4. The development of visual-figurative thinking will help geometry, or rather geometric shapes. Imagine each of the following solids: sphere, cube, prism, pyramid, tetrahedron, icosahedron, dodecahedron, octahedron. Do not rush to immediately reproduce the image, first imagine the location of the faces, mentally study the objects from the outside and from the inside, try to feel the volume of each figure.
  5. If you're good at imagining real-life objects, create a mental image of something you've never seen before. Imagine fairy-tale characters and animals, imagine the vehicles of the future, the clothes and jewelry that our grandchildren's great-grandchildren will wear.
  6. In addition to images of certain things, one must train in the presentation of pure ideas, not tied to any particular object. Imagine the idea of ​​beauty, energy, peace, harmony, illusion and reality.

Perhaps at first the images will not be as bright as we would like. To fix this, try to just look, feel, but do not describe in words your feelings.

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Creative thinking. Development of figurative thinking

By thinking we understand the human ability to reason, reflecting reality through the word, concept, judgment, representation. According to the form, the following types of it are distinguished: visual-figurative, visual-effective, abstract-logical.

The first of them is more inherent in people of creative professions. Its essence is psychological relationships and connections with people, objects, events, circumstances, processes.

Figurative thinking is a process of cognition, in which a mental image is formed in the human mind, reflecting the perceived object of the environment. Figurative thinking is realized on the basis of ideas that a person perceived before. Images are either retrieved from memory or created by the imagination. In the course of solving mental problems, these images can undergo such changes that lead to finding new, unexpected, extraordinary, creative solutions to complex problems.

How do we use imaginative thinking?

Thanks to imaginative thinking, you can learn how to find a way out of difficult situations, solve difficult problems. For example, you can use the following visualization technique for this purpose:

1. Present your problem in the form of a picture-image. For example, you have problems in business. Imagine it as a withering tree.

2. Come up with and draw images that reflect the cause of what is happening and “rescue” images that will help find a solution. For example, an excess of the sun (too many outdated, pressured, decisions made by someone earlier that interfere with creative thinking. An excess of the sun can also represent, for example, increased competition). Think about what is needed in order to save the plant: watering (new ideas and solutions), or sun protection, or inviting a specialist gardener, or fertilizing the soil, or something else?

3. Do not rush yourself, rethinking does not come instantly, but soon it will certainly come in the form of insight.

Imaginative thinking can help us calm down by providing psychological protection from an unnerving situation or an unpleasant person. We tend to take what is happening to heart, and therefore need to protect the psyche from overload. Most often, the technique of presenting the offender in an absurd or comical form is used. For example, you were hurt and offended by someone's stinginess. Do not be offended, better imagine a thrifty hamster with huge, stuffed cheeks. Well, he can’t live without supplies, that’s how it works. Is it worth it to be offended? Better smile. Imagine a merciless satrap completely naked - this is ridiculous and ridiculous, and his cry will no longer have power over you.

There is an assumption that the ability to visualize the future increases the chances of its implementation. The more colorful and detailed visualization, the better. True, there is a caveat: as in all good things, in this visualization one should observe the measure. The main principle is “do no harm”.

The use of imaginative thinking makes life more interesting, and communication and self-realization - more complete.

Development of figurative thinking

How to develop imaginative thinking?

Here are some exercises that can help with this:

Look at any chosen item. Consider it for some time. Close your eyes and visualize it in detail. Open your eyes, check how completely and accurately everything was presented and what was “overlooked”.

Remember what the thing that you put on (shoeed) yesterday looks like. Describe it in detail, try not to miss a single detail.

Imagine an animal (fish, bird, insect) and think about what benefit or harm it can bring. All work must be done mentally. You need to "see" the animal and clearly imagine everything that is associated with it. For example, a dog. See how she greets you, how happily she waves her tail, licks her hands, looks into your eyes, plays with a child, protects you in the yard from offenders ... All events should take place like in a movie. Let your imagination run wild. This exercise can be done in a variety of ways: using unrelated associations or like a movie with a sequentially developing plot with a logical continuation.

Figurative thinking in children

Children easily imagine both objects and circumstances in their imagination, it is as natural for them as breathing. In childhood, imagination merges with thinking so much that they cannot be separated. The development of the child's thinking occurs during games, drawing, modeling, construction. All these activities make you imagine this or that in the mind, which becomes the basis of figurative thinking. On this basis, verbal and logical thinking will subsequently be formed, without which one cannot do in the classroom.

Children's perception of the world through images contributes to the development of imagination, fantasy, and also becomes the basis for the development of creativity, which is so important for success in any business.

What exercises contribute to the development of figurative thinking in children?

1. We read or tell fairy tales with facial expressions, gestures, emotions.

2. We play by reincarnating. We play with children, change roles and images. We encourage children's games with reincarnation.

3. We draw - and we remember, and we compose, and we invent. Let the child remember a character from a recently read fairy tale or cartoon character. And then let him draw a new friend or just a new character for him. Did you get a "kalyaka kid"? Finish it so that something new or something recognizable comes out.

4. We compose. You can start for yourself - about what you see: about this little sprout that has made its way between the stones, about this tireless ant, pulling a burden three times more than itself, about this grasshopper ... Compose together, do not be afraid to fantasize and encourage the child's fantasy.

5. Riddles are a real find. They can be guessed along the way, they can be invented. They make you look at objects and phenomena from different angles, think outside the box and not give up.

6. We observe and notice: what or who does this cloud, this pebble, this snag look like?

Thinking games will greatly help your child gain new knowledge, compare, memorize, reveal relationships between phenomena, learn about the world and develop.

Figurative thinking in adults

There is a simple test-check that allows you to understand whether your figurative thinking is well developed. To do this, you need to select any picture (do not try to immediately take complex images, start with simple ones), look at it for some time (about a minute), trying to take into account all the nuances - the location of lines and objects, color and shades, plot and other nuances. After you feel that you have noticed everything, close your eyes and mentally achieve a detailed reproduction. See it with closed eyes clearly and clearly. Happened? Fine! This means that you only need to maintain the level of imaginative thinking that you already have. But if the picture did not work out, if there were gaps or vague forms - train by doing this exercise.

A more complicated option is the visualization of abstract pictures. You can draw one yourself from dots, broken lines, patterns, using different colors and shapes, and then remember. Pay attention to details and individual signs. Games for the development of thinking are easy to find on the Internet, on sites dedicated to self-development. The developing simulators Bitreyniki also help in this. For example, in the Pyramidstroy game, figurative thinking, coupled with imagination, will help you remember words that are completely unrelated to each other, combining them into an incredible story. Training and games for the development of thinking are very helpful in keeping brain activity in good shape, they should be given attention throughout life.

The development of imaginative thinking improves creative abilities, favors the manifestation of creativity, the generation of new ideas. In addition, thanks to the development of imaginative thinking, memorization improves, the assimilation of new things is facilitated, intuition improves, and flexibility of thinking appears.

We wish you self-confidence and successful self-development!

Figurative thinking has a number of features that turn it into a universal tool that can and should be used in your life by any person.



The brain is the main human organ. It contains all the victories and defeats. The brain, like the body, can and should be developed.

Development of figurative thinking: features, methods and recommendations

The mental activity of a person is multifaceted. After all, each of us has to face a variety of tasks that require their own, special approach. Figurative thinking is directly related to a person's perception of objects in the real world. It occurs in close interaction with other mental processes - memory, attention, imagination.

Does every person have the ability to think figuratively?

The development of imaginative thinking is of interest to many, but there are adults who are not confident in their abilities. It must be understood that in human thinking, some processes are carried out visually. Sometimes a person realizes that he operates with his past perceptions, their memories, as real objects. To assess this feature, you can answer the following three questions:

  • What material were your favorite shoes made from when you were 15? What did they feel like?
  • How many windows does your grandmother (your grandfather, second cousin) have in a village house?
  • What will the Latin letter S look like if it is “mirrored” in the opposite direction?

Typically, people who answer the first of these questions imagine the shoes they wore as teenagers, "touching" the surface in their mind's eye. As for the second question, usually a person retrieves the image of this house from memory, "goes around" it around, counting the windows. As for the letter S, usually in the process of mentally “mirroring” it, a person mentally rotates it and “looks” at the result. These examples show that the same mental processes are involved in the process of reproducing images.

Figurative thinking in preschool children

Visual-figurative thinking is the main type of thinking in a child at preschool age. It is with his help that the baby performs most of the operations. By the time the child enters this period of development, he is able to perform only those tasks that can be done with tools or pens. Such actions are aimed at achieving an immediate result. As the child develops, his actions become more and more complex. Problems of a different type arise, in which the result of the baby's activity will not be direct, but will have an indirect character. The simplest example is throwing a ball against a wall. The ball is thrown so that the child then catches it again. The same tasks in which the result of actions is indirect include playing with a constructor, mechanical toys, and so on.

The development of visual-figurative thinking in children is an important task. After all, in order to solve complicated problems, one cannot do without the ability to manage images. Also, this type of thinking teaches the child to respond to the images presented by the outside world. Therefore, for a preschooler, the development of imaginative thinking is the key to successful learning in the lower grades. In middle preschool age, children learn to keep in their imagination images of various objects, to fix patterns. For example, a cucumber is associated with the shape of an oval, a square with the shape of a table surface.

Simple ways to develop imagination in preschoolers

The simplest methods for developing visual-figurative thinking in preschool children are:

  • Seeing beautiful landscapes.
  • Excursions to various exhibitions of works of art.
  • Journeys in which the parent will tell in detail about the monument of nature.
  • Puzzles of various difficulty levels.
  • Making crafts from colored cardboard, applications.
  • Drawing using both the dominant and non-dominant hand.


Making paper figures is very popular with parents and teachers. This requires only a few items - cardboard, paper, scissors. As a rule, young children are not very interested in the complex process of folding paper until they see the result. Therefore, it is good for an adult to demonstrate the “miracles” of this type of crafts for a start.

Modeling from plasticine

This is one of the easiest and most fun ways to develop imaginative thinking for toddlers. Modeling allows you to develop not only imagination, but also fine motor skills. Even if the baby will get the simplest products - “koloboks”, “carrots”, “balls”, the most important thing is that the lesson arouses interest in him. Plasticine should be soft, plastic. You can replace this material with polymer clay or offer your child modeling from salt dough.

Creative thinking. Junior School

Getting older, the child gradually ceases to rely on visual images in his thinking. The possibilities of thinking are becoming wider, the baby learns to give ever broader characteristics to objects. He learns to operate with different images in memory, to transform them - for example, to connect objects and separate them in his fantasy. Various games contribute to the development of logical and figurative thinking:

  • Board games (for example, dominoes, lotto). Special puzzles can also arouse interest in the baby.
  • Reading various children's books, colorful magazines with interesting descriptions, encyclopedias.
  • Creative work: drawing, macrame, appliqué creation. Modeling also helps the development of imaginative thinking in schoolchildren.
  • Watching cartoons and films about the world.
  • Family holidays, travel.
  • Walk outdoors.

A good exercise for the development of visual-figurative thinking of preschoolers is the game "What does it look like?". It allows the child to learn an original and creative approach to solving problems. The task is that for each picture (circle, square, triangle, spiral, or abstract picture) you need to come up with as many associations as possible. This exercise is good for a group of children. This game contributes well to the development of imaginative thinking in younger students.

Why is imaginative thinking necessary for an adult

Developed imaginative thinking is necessary in many professions - for example, designers cannot do without it. The phrase "draw me something bright and memorable" should not confuse the worker; on the contrary, these words should be a catalyst for mental activity. Working on imaginative thinking helps to develop analytical skills. Exercises for the development of such skills will be useful not only for workers in creative professions, but also for all those who would like to expand their horizons.

Figurative thinking: how to develop an adult

Before starting to perform the exercises, an adult needs to believe in himself, to throw away the idea that he does not have a well-developed sense of humor, a creative streak, and imagination. Everyone has all these abilities - it’s just that, most likely, they ended up in the “backyard” of consciousness.

A direct proof that every person has an imagination is the ability to recall visual images. Everyone remembers what their parent, girlfriend or friend looks like. A person is also able to describe the features of the metro station closest to him or his favorite place in the city. You do not need to do exercises for the development of imaginative thinking for a long time in order to recall the small details of your favorite places in your memory, to remember how the houses and streets of your native city look like. So, you can make an imaginary "journey" in time and again be captured by vivid memories. Therefore, you just have to work a little to expand the space of your imagination.

Bean fantasy

A good way to develop imaginative thinking is an exercise called the Fantasy Bean. Its author is the famous storyteller Gianni Rodari. I must say that the technique is suitable for both adults and children. The writer explains: ordinary associations do not develop the imagination. For example, the phrase "horse - dog" does not give room for imagination, being just a mention of animals from the same semantic series.

Gianni Rodari's method contributes to the development of artistic and figurative thinking. The "binomial fantasy" should ideally be determined by chance. For example, you can randomly open a book (or different books) on different pages. You can combine two excerpts of phrases from advertising.

storyteller experiment

Gianni Rodari recalls how he experimented with children during the lesson with a randomly chosen word "cupboard". Taken separately, it could hardly evoke any emotions - no one will laugh or cry when thinking about the closet. However, if you connect the concept of "closet" with the concept of "dog", then everything becomes completely different. The easiest way to link these two images together is to use prepositions. For example, "dog in the closet", "dog on the closet". Then the imagination will prompt various images - it may be a dog running with its own booth on its back along the street. Or a dog that has a personal closet with different outfits.

Other Methods

A few more ways to develop imaginative thinking:

  • Working with drudles - doodles with many meanings that need to be described. Such pictures in their appearance resemble scribbles that a person draws while talking on the phone or listening to a boring lecture. However, the drudle has one feature - its creators initially put meaning into it. In the picture below you can see drudles that contribute to the development of imaginative thinking.
  • Another way is to try to imagine the objects you just saw. A game called "Matches" helps a lot. To carry it out, you need to throw five matches on the table, look at them, turn away, and at the other end of the table depict their location with the other five matches. It may not work at first, but practice will bring results over time. Each time you need to try to spend less time on playback. When it starts to turn out, the number of matches can be increased.
  • You can also come up with new functions for already familiar objects. For example, in the usual lace or nylon tights, you can dry onions, use them as a decorative element for decorating flower pots, and make dolls out of them.
  • Another good way is to select epithets and anti-epithets for a word. To complete this exercise, you need to write out any word in the center of a sheet of paper, on the right side - those definitions that suit it. On the left - place words that cannot be used in any way with this object or phenomenon. An example is the word "person". A person can be free, smart, rich, thin, advanced, etc. Definitions that do not fit this word are ancient, refractory, liquid, pointed.
  • You can try to play back the last meeting with friends or colleagues. In the process of remembering, you need to try to remember: how many people were in the company? What were they wearing? What dishes were on the table? What was the conversation about, what topics were discussed? What experiences accompanied this meeting?

These exercises can be modified to your liking. The main thing in them is that these methods involve imaginative thinking. The more often you perform exercises, the more this property of the psyche will develop.

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