As distributed in the army. How at the assembly point they are selected for military units

"Do your eyes see well?"
Member of the medical board.

"How did you fuck me, take what you have."
Soldier - "clothesman" at the distributive.

"Needles, scissors, porn, vodka, deodorants - we rent everything."
Soldier - "checking" on the transit.

1. Previous on the topic.

Being sent to a distribution center is a big profit.

2. Distribution point. Personal experience.

The topics “how to behave in the military registration and enlistment office and at the distribution one” were sufficiently touched upon in past posts in the series. In today's issue - photos and videos directly from the field.

Farewell to friends. Reason to think about your surroundings.

Departure from the military office. All handed over for travel?

At the door of the "distribution". We are assured that everything will be fine.

Upon arrival at the "distributor" you will have to go through the last medical examination, for the most part, it is through passing it that you will finally find out where you are going to serve and live.

Interview after the medical examination. As you can see - normal guys, no crying clowns complaining that they are already starting to be beaten and humiliated.

This is how an average hall looks like, where parents and conscripts are told that everything will be fine with them and advised how to behave in the army.

For the most part, such conversations are exemplary and are held only for the first set of recruits. Distribution of gifts - pens, notebooks and calendars, although it looks silly, but a little reassures future soldiers.

Upon arrival at the "hotel" prior to distribution, you will be examined for integrity and quantity, and your bags for prohibited items and other other substances.

At some "distributors" inspection and "search" is carried out by soldiers. Others are police.

Immediately after that, you can wander around the “hotel” a bit and lie down on hard Spartan beds. And what - it's time to get used to the difficulties and hardships.

So I decided on a bed.

"Hotel" as it is.

The "numbers" are sorted out, the stress is sprayed with attempts to joke.

As soon as the "merchant" arrives for you, you will go with him to the clothing warehouse, where you will hand over your civilian attire and receive army uniforms. What to do and how to choose a uniform I wrote

Me and my sister in the uniform we just got. The stressful situation put pressure on me and I stopped attempts to cheer me up, I am sad about this now.

Sergei from Serpukhov and I are going to set sail with the "merchant" to the reception center of military unit 03523.

Here comes the bus...

Then we boarded an electric train and caught the glances of summer residents, Moscow office plankton and grannies.
After getting off the train, they moved to an army UAZ "loaf" and went straight to the unit. The car was cold and shaking, as if driving through bombed out places. Russia, cho.

Arriving at the place and passing through the checkpoint, I never realized that I was in the army. Realization came much later. All these days, in the receiver of military unit 03523, they were rather perceived as some kind of reality show, from which I would like to leave. It really was such a dull feeling.

PS - in the next post I will expand on the topic "army and girls", wait for Wednesday.

Definition of the type of troops
The type of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies is determined on the basis of a study of citizens who are not in the reserve. They study all citizens liable for military service for conscription and rational distribution of them by types, branches of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies (clause 22 of the Instruction, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 02.10.2007 N 400).

The study of citizens who are not in the reserve is carried out in two stages (clause 25 of the Instruction).
The first stage is the study of all citizens who, according to the results of the initial registration for military registration, are fit for military service or fit for military service with minor restrictions. The study is carried out from the moment of initial military registration until the moment when citizens reach the age of 18 years.
The second stage is the study of citizens who, according to the results of the first stage of the study, are subject to conscription for military service and do not have the right to exemption from military duty and conscription, to a deferment from conscription. This stage is carried out during the preparation and conduct of activities related to their conscription for military service (after citizens reach the age of 18 years).

Citizens are studied by accumulating and systematizing information about their state of health and physical development, psychological and moral and business qualities, education, professional training, marital status.

In the course of the study, documents containing information about a citizen are analyzed, including those received from organizations where he works (studies), from medical institutions, internal affairs bodies, inquiry bodies, preliminary investigation bodies and federal courts, civil registry offices, public organizations that train citizens for military service, from organizations that operate residential premises, and educational institutions that train citizens in military specialties.

Individual conversations are also held with the citizen, his parents (other legal representatives), teachers of the educational institution in which he works or studies (paragraph 24 of the Instruction).
In addition, when studying citizens, the training they received in military-patriotic youth and children's associations is also taken into account (clause 2, article 14, article 15 of the Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ).
The military commissar, based on the results of the first stage of studying citizens, preliminarily determines the type of troops where a citizen can be sent for military service by conscription (clause 14 of the Instruction).
Based on the results of the second stage, the military commissar draws up a sheet for studying the conscript, in which a conclusion is made on his preliminary appointment to a certain branch of the Armed Forces (clauses 27, 28 of the Instruction).
During conscription for military service, citizens are subjected to professional psychological selection (testing). Based on the assessment of psychological qualities and taking into account the education and professional readiness of recruits, a specialist in professional psychological selection (an employee of the military commissariat department) makes a conclusion on the advisability of distributing them according to the arms of the Armed Forces (paragraph 37 of the Instruction).
When making a decision on conscription, the conscription commission reasonably determines the type of troops of the Armed Forces where the citizen will be sent for military service (paragraph 51 of the Instruction).

Determination of the place of military service

The specific place of military service is determined at the city assembly point by the draft commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation when sending a citizen to the Armed Forces.

Conscripts with children, as well as sick and elderly parents (women - over 55 years old, men - over 60 years old), but who do not have the right to deferment from conscription for military service, if possible, are sent for military service to the military units of the Armed Forces , other troops, military formations and bodies stationed near their place of residence, within the established norms for conscription of citizens for military service for the respective municipalities. At the same time, a citizen must submit documents confirming these circumstances to the draft commission (clause 38 of the Instruction).
Citizens have no other grounds for choosing a place of military service.

Prepared on the basis of the material
lawyer Trignina V.G.,
Moscow Bar Association
"Military Bar Association"

Contractor Alexander, who himself has experience in selecting recruits, at the request of the editors, wrote about how the recruitment of young recruits to various military units takes place.

In connection with the beginning of the next conscription, the editors of the site asked me to write something for conscripts, so I will share my experience in selecting young recruits. I already, so this time I'll just briefly retell the list of things:

1) cheap phone with charger
2) wash accessories
3) food for the day
4) money
5) cigarettes (if you smoke)

After the medical examination at the military enlistment office, if you are deemed fit, you will be told when you need to come to the military registration and enlistment office and on that day you will be taken to the regional assembly point. Teams will be formed there to be sent to military units. The assembly point is a sensitive facility, there are military personnel on it who will keep order and will not let friends and parents go there. In the same place, you will undergo another medical examination and will wait for distribution to the team. After the medical examination, you will be taken to the waiting room (this is a room with benches and a table), where the officers will come and conduct an interview. I recommend discipline and silence, but I understand perfectly well that this will not achieve anything.

During the interview, officers will ask about your family, what you did before the call, about your desire to serve, about future plans, about expectations, about a criminal record, about education, they can ask smart questions. I don't think it's worth lying about something or not saying anything, because, firstly, the officer will have a personal file, and secondly, any deception will come out. If you do not want to serve, then it is better to say so right away.

After the interview, when you are assigned to the team, you will be put together, and it is better to stick together with your team. The next day you will be given a uniform - this will be your first day as a soldier. From the moment the uniform is issued, your team will have an officer or sergeant who will accompany you to the unit. They will answer questions, help with packing things in a duffel bag, explain how to wear a uniform. From now on, everything that your team escorts say is better to listen carefully and remember. You can also find out from them where you will be taken, call your parents and tell them about it.

After some time, you will be taken to the station, where you can chat with relatives and friends. If you see your parents and friends, then you don’t have to immediately run to them, wait for the officer’s instructions, then go up to him and say that they came to you, and try not to go far. I would also advise you not to be photographed in military uniform, because in a year you will look at your pictures like a university graduate at a first grader, but then whatever you want.

Then you will be put on a train, and you will go to the unit. On the train, it is worth observing discipline, not disturbing the peace of other passengers, and listening to the instructions of the officers. And do not spend all the money on the train, as they will come in handy in part.


A detailed photo report about the path that each conscript goes through - from the military registration and enlistment office to distribution. Oh, mom, I'm going to the army.
Leningrad Regional Military Commissariat, also known as the Leningrad Regional Assembly Point on the embankment of the river. Fontanka-90. Conscripts come here from all districts of the region, from the district departments of the military registration and enlistment office before being sent to the army.

Almost all employees of the military commissariat are now civilians. They are engaged in professional psychological selection and documentary training of conscripts before sending them to a military unit. Here, for each conscript, an order is given for a certain type of troops.

In total, during the spring draft, the Leningrad region must provide 3,500 recruits to the armed forces. Of these, at least 15% must be with higher education.

All conscripts sent to the unit undergo mandatory medical examinations. inspection. There is an opinion that the inspection is a formality. In fact, on it from the A-1 fitness category they can be transferred to A-2 and the conscript will no longer be sent to the landing force, but they will easily be taken to the infantry. It happens that the commission doubts the suitability of the conscript and sends him for additional examination. The probability of this is 0.2%.

All doctors in the medical commission are civilians. Half of them are permanently in the state, half are attracted from local medical institutions for the duration of the call.

As a rule, the conscript arrives at the assembly point and departs to the unit during the day. But some stay on it up to 3 days. For example, when sending to distant regions is formed. Therefore, all conditions for life are created at the assembly point.

Military registration and enlistment offices try to send to serve at the place of residence. But, since the Western Military District is the most densely populated, and military units are scattered throughout the country, those who have good reasons for this (single mother, pregnant wife, etc.) remain to serve their region in the first place.

A buyer comes from each military unit for conscripts.

The buyer looks at the contingent provided to him by the military registration and enlistment office, conducts a psychological conversation with him and, in case of an unsatisfactory result, may ask to replace the conscript.

According to tradition, for the past few years, all conscripts receive military uniforms at the military registration and enlistment office.

There is a lot of controversy about the merits and demerits of the new form. As I was told, those who are dissatisfied with the new uniform simply do not know how to wear it.

The conscript's civilian clothes are not thrown away. It can be sent home at the expense of the Department of Defense.

From the military enlistment office we go to the military unit in Sertolovo (Leningrad region).

There is a training unit in Sertolovo, where young soldiers will receive military specialties for 3 months, so that later they can continue serving in other units.

In terms of recruits, the commander immediately meets and checks personal belongings.

For hygiene purposes, socks are replaced with footcloths. Winter items of ammunition are deposited.

Under the guidance of sergeants, recruits fill out medical books and write their first letters home. In general, writing letters home is a regular obligatory business, because. some soldiers forget about it, and at home they worry.

According to the old army tradition, the conditionally old-timer passes on army experience to the young replenishment.

While the conscripts are getting acquainted with army life, the commanders decide who to teach for what specialty. Someone on the tank driver, someone on the sniper. It depends on many factors - civilian specialty, education, psychological predisposition, etc.

For conscripts in the army, there are both general requirements, for example, the absence of serious illnesses, disabilities and other ailments that clearly interfere with service, and special ones. The latter include the physical data of the future soldier, on which his entry into one or another branch of the military depends.

Closer to the sky

Physical data is crucial for selection in elite units, primarily in the airborne troops. In Soviet times, in addition to heroic health, a conscript to join the army elite had to pull himself up 20 times, do push-ups at least 50, and also run a marathon distance.

Little has changed these days. Physical development, the absence of diseases - it goes without saying. Those whose height is from 175 to 190 centimeters, and whose weight is in the range from 75 to 85 kilograms, can get into the paratroopers. Roughly speaking, the paratrooper should not be below average height and approximately equal to the average male build. Too tall, as well as weighing more than 85 kilograms, are not quite suitable for parachuting.

At the same time, the presence of bad habits had an impact on the chances of getting into the Airborne Forces. Addiction to alcohol, smoking - all this was a "black mark" for those who wanted to serve in the "landing troops", because heavy loads are contraindicated for them, and they are in the Airborne Forces at every turn.


Like the Marines, the Marines are an elite military unit. The conscript had a good chance of getting into this branch of the army if he had a height of 175 centimeters, a weight of about 80 kilograms, and the absence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, mental and other ailments.

The presence of sports categories greatly increased the chances of serving in the Marine Corps: among others, track and field athletes were valued. Due to endurance, agility and flexibility, they surpassed their colleagues and were usually sent by command to the most dangerous areas.

Small and nimble

Short and compact soldiers, who at the same time had visual acuity of at least 0.5, were more likely to hit the tank troops. As for any other serviceman, they have a minimum height limit of 150 centimeters and a weight of at least 44 kilograms. The upper height bar for tankers is 170-175 centimeters.

Compact conscripts are preferred for tank service because there is very little space in a combat vehicle. A soldier must be agile and agile, not experiencing difficulties when moving in tight quarters. A man of large complexion, of course, does not fit these requirements.

Missed the tank - welcome to the submarine

Low and compact, the path to the submarine fleet is also open. At the same time, only contract soldiers and career officers are currently serving on submarines in the Russian army.

Ever since the Soviet era, those wishing to serve on a submarine were determined by the average height of the group. To do this, each candidate was measured, the median height of the group was calculated, and then all those who were above the average were cut off. Those who are below enlisted in the service.

The fact is that the submarine has narrow passages and low ceilings. It will be difficult for tall people to move around the compartments of the vessel and not constantly bend in compact cabins. [S-BLOCK]

The way to the submarine is booked for servicemen with claustrophobia - fear of closed space. Sailors can stay within the submarine for weeks, so strong psychological stability and moral readiness to live in extremely cramped conditions is a necessary condition.

By the way, height and weight also affect the ability to get into the air force. For pilots, the ideal height is 165 centimeters. It has been proven that lean and short people endure stress in jet planes more easily due to their higher body density.

The draft board will help

Conscripts who had the right to drive vehicles of category "B" and "C" had a chance to serve the entire term for the steering wheel. To obtain a driver's license, the military registration and enlistment office sent a conscript to study at the Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy - DOSAAF.

In 2015, in addition to driver training, the society began training those wishing to serve in the airborne troops. Conscripts were trained at the rate of young fighters - a total of 200 hours of combined arms training, as well as several parachute jumps. Thus, their chances of serving in the Airborne Forces have increased dramatically.

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