How children prepare for school. How to prepare a child for school at home? Practical advice for all parents

Check out the list of knowledge and skills that your child must master before entering primary school. With the help of testing at home, determine what additional classes the future first grader needs.

What should a child be able to do for school?

It is necessary to start preparing a son or daughter for the first grade from 3-4 years old. Competent preschool preparation of children at home includes the development of the following skills for children:

  • List family members by name, describe yourself and their appearance.
  • Tell what parents are by profession, what mom and dad do at work.
  • State your residential address.
  • Know the seasons, describe their distinctive features. List the days of the week, the names of the months.
  • Be able to take care of yourself: independently dress, undress, lace up shoes.
  • List the parts of the human body.
  • Learn and apply in everyday life the words of politeness, the rules of behavior in the society of peers and adults.
  • List the letters of the alphabet, distinguish between vowels and consonants, read short words.
  • Count to 20, use backward counting.
  • Be able to add and subtract within 20.
  • Know primary colors.
  • Perform simple logic exercises, excluding the “extra” object from the row.
  • Know the simplest geometric shapes (square, triangle, circle) and be able to draw them.
  • Distinguish directions (up, down, right, left, forward, backward).
  • Compare objects: more-less, wider-narrower, higher-lower.
  • Orally describe the image in the picture.
  • Retell short text.
  • Distinguish between animate and inanimate objects, list domestic and wild animals.

Methods of preparing children for school

You can successfully prepare a child for school at home, if you follow several pedagogical principles:

  • Using the game as a way to transfer the basic educational material to a child of 6 years old.
  • Education of a preschooler should be gradually redirected from a visual-effective method to a visual-figurative one.
  • Educational games for children 6 years old should last no more than 25 minutes. Between training sessions, you need to provide the child with rest (at least a quarter of an hour).
  • It is necessary to maintain the cognitive interest of a preschooler by frequent changes in game forms.

Use the exercises developed by innovative teachers to prepare preschoolers for school. Effective methods of modern pedagogy:

  • Didactic material helps to quickly teach children to read in warehouses, develop logical thinking and speech apparatus. Letters, syllables, punctuation marks are written on cubes of different colors and sizes. The set also contains study tables. The cubes are filled with different contents, so they make different sounds. Thanks to this, a child of 6 years old learns to distinguish objects by weight, sound. There is a development of the visual, tactile, auditory spheres of the preschooler.

  • The pedagogical approach is based on respect for the child as an individual. The role of an adult is to reveal the creative, intellectual potential of the baby. Parents and educators who use this technique create special learning zones in the room: sensory, mathematical, linguistic, etc. Geometric shapes, lacing frames, puzzles, counting sticks, etc. are used for classes.

  • teaches children independence. Adults only observe, suggest, motivate boys and girls to physical and mental development. According to the authors of the methodology, every child is endowed with a number of unique inclinations from birth. If you do not train, abilities fade over time. The Nikitins developed the Uniclub dice game with 60 tasks of different difficulty levels.

How to prepare your child for school

Each mother can independently prepare a 6-year-old child for school at home or take them to special courses. Classes at home are good because they make it possible to choose an individual curriculum for a son or daughter. Preschool courses, kindergartens, in addition to preparing for school, teach children of 6 years to be independent, communicate with peers.

Math classes for toddlers

Preparing for school at home should be systemic. The mechanical memory of the child is activated by repeated repetition of educational material. Examples of game situations for children 4-6 years old, helping to learn the basics of mathematics:

  • Build a path, a bench, a gate, a house, etc. from multi-colored cubes according to the scheme. An adult can draw a schematic drawing on his own. Ask your child to count how many cubes of different colors were needed for a particular shape.
  • Combine hazelnuts, raw peanuts and walnuts. Ask your child to arrange them in saucers by type, compare the size. Offer to count the nuts. Let him determine which plate has more of them. Along with counting skills, this game develops fine motor skills for little boys and girls, which activates their mental activity and prepares their fingers for writing.
  • Cut out large squares from colored cardboard and cut them into 2-4 elements. Offer to assemble a figure from parts of the same color. Say the name of the geometric elements. For example, a square is obtained from two triangles.
  • Prepare some sweets (buttons, pebbles). Count them with your child. Arrange objects behind your back in 2 palms. Ask to guess how many sweets are in the right (left) hand. When checking, count aloud together. If the kid guessed at least once, he becomes the leader.
  • When playing role-playing games (farm, hospital, shop, etc.), come up with simple addition and subtraction problems. For example, 2 hares came to Dr. Aibolit, and then a bear and a fox. How many animals did the good doctor cure in total?
  • To play you will need a children's musical instrument. Show the girl or boy the squares with drawn circles. Let the kid hit, for example, a tambourine as many times as there are figures in the figure. Change roles.
  • Get your counting sticks ready. On cardboard squares, write numbers from 1 to 20. Lay out several items from sticks (house, bench, path). Let the son (daughter) put a square with a number next to the building. This number should correspond to the number of sticks in the figure. Change roles. Mistake intentionally. Let the kid test you.

How to teach a child to write

Any mother can teach a child to write at home, without giving it to a children's institution. From the age of 2, conduct classes on the development of fine motor skills of babies. Examples of finger exercises:

  • Transferring pieces of foam rubber from box to box using clothespins, children's tweezers.
  • Choose from a mixture of cereals (buckwheat, barley, etc.) large pasta of various shapes. Arranging them by type in different plates.
  • Fastening and unbuttoning buttons of various sizes.
  • Performing finger exercises.
  • Modeling of plasticine sausages, balls, cakes, etc.

Teach your child to use drawing tools as early as possible: pencils, brushes, felt-tip pens, etc. Do not immediately try to teach your child how to hold them correctly. It is important for little boys and girls to independently study and master the principle of operation of objects for drawing. Shapeless drawings are an important stage in the development of a baby's creativity and learning to write. During this period, do not correct the children, do not impose your point of view on them.

Suggest the following techniques to your preschool son or daughter:

  • coloring drawings;
  • drawing lines, zigzags, dots, waves;
  • drawing simple geometric shapes.

When teaching a 6-year-old child to write at home, follow these recommendations:

  • buy a comfortable ballpoint pen for the baby, show how to hold it correctly;
  • start classes by drawing straight, broken, wavy lines;
  • then teach the preschooler to circle the cells and their configurations;
  • gradually move to writing in block letters;
  • use printed notebooks for classes;
  • move on to learning how to write elements of capital letters only after the preschooler learns the alphabet well.

Teaching preschoolers to read

In pedagogy, there are 3 methods by which you can teach a preschooler to read. The first way is phonemic or sound. The minimum units of reading in it are sounds. Toddlers need to learn how to fold them. To do this, for example, they use such a game technique: a card with a consonant letter is placed in the back of a toy car. While the truck is moving, the sound is pronounced slowly.

To the side is a card with a vowel. As soon as the machine reaches it, they pronounce a vowel sound, getting a syllable. This method sometimes causes difficulty in babies with impaired speech and poor concentration. The second method of teaching reading is global. In it, the minimum unit of reading is the word. This method is more physiological, but long. The kid in a playful way is invited to remember a lot of short words written on cards.

Visual memory in children well developed. After a while, your son or daughter will begin to emphasize these words in any conditions - on signs, billboards, etc. The Global Reading Method can be used from 4 months of age. The disadvantage is that all the features of the Russian language cannot be reflected on the cards. This method is good as a basis for teaching a child to read.

The third method is warehouse. It is considered the most popular and effective. The easiest way to learn to read is with the help of Zaitsev's cubes. You can start training from the age of 3.5, because the mental activity of the baby during this period is very high. For the Zaitsev technique to be effective, you need:

  • It is good to know the nature of a child of this age: physical, psychological characteristics.
  • Do not combine warehouse and phonemic ways of teaching reading.
  • Follow N. Zaitsev's instructions.
  • Use for classes and cubes, and tables developed by the teacher.

  • Invite the baby to line up the cubes on which there is the letter "O". Say that this is how the train is going. In order for the trailers to hit the road, you need to read the syllables.
  • Prepare small toys. Say, for example, that the chanterelle will go in the "co" trailer. The daughter or son must find a cube with a given syllable and put a toy on it.
  • Build short words on the floor from cubes - “mom”, “dad”, “nata”, etc. Invite the baby to jump over them. After each jump, you need to say a word. At the end of a series of obstacles, put boxes with a surprise (toys, sweets) that the preschooler receives for participating in the game.
  • Make up the names of the child, mom, dad from the cubes. These are trailers in which the family goes on a trip. Invite the preschooler to turn away. Mom says that the evil wizard mixed up all the cars. The boy (girl) must restore the order of words (syllables).
  • Set up a row of several toys. Use the cubes to write the name of one of them. Invite the child to guess what is written. Change roles.

The Internet offers free videos on teaching children to read. The advantage of interactive lessons are guidelines for parents, a gradual transition from simple tasks to complex ones. Educational computer games for preschoolers are designed to memorize the alphabet, read syllables, simple words.

creative pursuits

If you can develop your child's cognitive interest, creative thinking before entering school, it will be easy for him to learn. Drawing, modeling, making handicrafts from improvised materials contribute to the development of imagination, a creative view of the world. It is important not to impose your vision on children, to provide them with a wide field for creativity.

Examples of creative activities for preschoolers:

  • Collect colorful pictures to prepare children for school. They should depict characters from fairy tales, objects, numbers, clothes, objects of nature, etc. The game consists in compiling a short story using several pictures chosen at random. The more cards, the more varied the plots for creativity.
  • Magnetic Theatre. Use a metal surface for theatrical action, such as a candy tin. Cut out fairy tale characters from magazines or draw on paper, stick them on magnetic tape. You can buy it at the craft store. By attaching characters and decorations with the sticky side to a metal surface, come up with entertaining stories with your child.
  • Crafts from anything. Collect waste materials: egg cartons, thread, wood chips, scraps, buttons, etc. Provide the child with the necessary tools for creativity. Show your preschooler how to use a glue gun, stapler, tape, etc. Help your son/daughter craft by encouraging him/her to be creative.

Psychological preparation of the child for school at home

The ability of the child's nervous system to quickly move from excitement to a calm state indicates the preschooler's readiness for the emotional stress of school. So that children quickly adapt to different living conditions:

  • Teach your child to finish what they started.
  • Practice perseverance. By the age of 6, a preschooler should be able to concentrate his attention on a specific lesson for 20-25 minutes.
  • Play with a child of 6 years in the "school". Let him be both a student and a teacher in a role-playing game.
  • Maintain a trusting relationship with your son or daughter. It is important that your child be sure to tell you about their problems at school.
  • Teach your preschooler how to overcome adversity. Show during the game that making mistakes is not scary. Suggest a way out of a difficult situation. Never do a six-year-old assignment.
  • Teach yourself to be independent. For example, assign a preschooler to go grocery shopping.
  • Instill responsibility, honesty, justice. A visit by a child to children's circles will help parents see how their son or daughter communicates with peers and gently correct behavior.
  • Tell children 6 years old about school. Explain school rules, give examples from your own school life.
  • Visit with your son or daughter the school in which the child will be enrolled. Introduce the preschooler to the teacher in advance. Write down in the "zero class", where the teacher is engaged with future classmates.


Preparing your child for school is the foundation for successful learning. It is important not only to give basic skills of writing, counting, reading, but also to ensure sufficient development of speech, to teach to communicate with peers and adults. The wider the horizons of a first-grader, the easier it is to declare oneself in a new team, to gain authority.

Modern realities are such that a poorly prepared child will always be a black sheep compared to more successful classmates. It is easier for children attending a kindergarten or a developmental center for preschoolers to adapt to new conditions and withstand the study load. Parents also need to know how to properly prepare their child for school at 6 years old in order to consolidate the knowledge gained at home.

What should a future first grader be able to do?

Check to see if your child's developmental level meets preschool requirements. Examine the list of requirements, think about whether your daughter or son is ready to cope with the proposed tasks. Give a negative point for each negative answer. The more "minuses", the wider the range of issues that need to be discussed with the preschooler.

The child must be ready for certain actions:

  • call all family members by name, introduce themselves, briefly talk about yourself and your hobbies;
  • be well versed in vowels, consonants, read simple texts, write in block letters;
  • know the differences between the seasons, explain what is now - summer or winter, know the days of the week, months;
  • navigate the day, distinguish between morning, lunch and evening;
  • know the rules of subtraction and addition;
  • name the basic geometric shapes: triangle, square, circle, draw them;
  • memorize a short text, retell it;
  • in a number of proposed items, find an extra one, explain why he excluded it.

There are other requirements as well. The prospective first grader must:

  • master basic self-care skills: without the help of adults, dress, undress, lace up shoes, keep the workplace clean;
  • know the rules of conduct in public places, respect others;
  • distinguish, correctly name the primary colors, preferably shades;
  • describe what is shown in the picture;
  • be able to count to 20, then back;
  • know the names of parts of the human body, be able to draw people with all the main "details";
  • correctly answer the questions: “Where?”, “Why?”, “When?”;
  • distinguish between inanimate/animate objects;
  • communicate with peers, defend your opinion, but do not beat those who disagree;
  • understand that you can not offend classmates and adults;
  • sit quietly in class for at least 15-20 minutes. Behave decently, do not be capricious, do not bully other students.

Important! It's hard to catch up during the summer months. You can not waste time for the recovery of children for many hours of classes. So you worsen the health of the nervous system, give too high a load on the growing body, discourage the desire to study. How to avoid overload? The solution is simple: start preparing for school from 3.5–4 years old. Little by little, at an acceptable pace, without pressure on the psyche, you will teach the baby everything you need.

Remember 5 important rules:

  • teachers and psychologists recommend conducting classes in a playful way. It is impossible to force, especially, to scream, beat the baby for refusing to study this or that material. The task of parents is to interest, to explain that an educated person will always earn respect among friends, peers and will be successful in life;
  • the duration of the mini-lesson is no more than 15 minutes. Between classes, a break of 15–20 minutes is required so that the children can warm up and run;
  • alternate math with reading, drawing with physical education, and so on. Prolonged mental stress adversely affects the growing body;
  • gradually increase the complexity of the material, do not rush with new tasks until the baby has thoroughly mastered the material covered;
  • use study guides with bright, large illustrations. Choose interesting texts that describe animals, birds, natural phenomena. Cultivate kindness, explain how important it is to help others. Offer good fairy tales and stories to study.

Math lessons

Classes for preparing for school in mathematics:

  • Start counting with familiar objects: small toys, sweets, vegetables and fruits. Later, switch to counting sticks, special cards. Use only whole numbers at first;
  • a great option is to study numbers in pairs, for example 1 and 2, 5 and 6. This makes it easier for the child to understand that 5 apples + 1 = 6 apples. Study one pair for a whole lesson, at the beginning of the next, repeat the material covered for 5–10 minutes, then move on to a new pair;
  • experienced teachers recommend studying geometry also in a playful way. Show a circle, a triangle and a square using the cookie as an example. It is easy to find confectionery of any shape in the store;
  • did the little student remember the names and shapes of the main figures? Learn to draw them with a ruler (triangle) and a pencil;
  • the maximum benefit will come from alternating counting, solving examples and studying geometry.

Writing lessons

  • train your hand: babies are not adapted for long writing;
  • Great help is provided by classes on the development of fine motor skills. Useful exercises with improvised objects (pasta, beans, soft dough, shoelaces, start at 2-3 years old);
  • learn to use comfortable scissors with non-sharp, rounded edges. Cutting out the figure along the contour prepares the hand for writing;
  • first, learn to write in block letters, only after memorizing the entire alphabet, go to capital letters;
  • explain to the baby that you need to write carefully, do not go beyond the stripes / cells. Buy a comfortable pen, tell me how to hold it;
  • learn finger gymnastics, do exercises with your child. Speak together: “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers are tired. And now we will rest and start writing again.
  • choose a writing notebook that meets the requirements of the modern school. In specialized stores there are many useful benefits.

Reading lessons

  • these activities come first. The sooner a small student masters reading, the easier it will be for him to study other subjects;
  • learn the letters alphabetically. Draw a big letter, mold it from plasticine, tell us what the symbol looks like. For example, O - glasses, D - house, F - beetle. Show the letter if it is obtained with the help of fingers, arms, legs, torso;
  • read a short text, put the story in front of the baby, ask them to find the letter that they just learned, for example, A;
  • ask what the text is about, be sure to ask a few questions about what you read;
  • later ask to retell;
  • after the lesson, rest is required, then switching to another type of activity.

How to wash a boy? Read helpful tips for parents.

The rules of nutrition and the menu for diabetes in a child are described on the page.

At the address and read about the diagnosis of pulpitis of milk teeth and the methods of its treatment.

Creative tasks

  • learn to use paints, brushes, felt-tip pens;
  • let the young student hatch the space inside the outlined area. Suitable material - coloring pages with large and small details;
  • combine drawing, modeling, applications with the study of geometric shapes. For example: a house is a square, a watermelon is a circle, a roof is a triangle;
  • offer to blind letters, numbers, so that they are better remembered.

Psychological readiness of the child for school

Consider the opinion of psychologists and educators. Experts believe that it is easier for first-graders to join the team, to accept new rules, prohibitions, routines, if certain skills are developed.

Teachers and psychologists have compiled a list of requirements, according to which a child at the age of 6 is ready to attend school:

  • wants to learn, has a craving for knowledge;
  • is able to compare various objects, concepts, draws conclusions based on analysis;
  • understands why children go to school, has the skills of social behavior, is aware of his own "I";
  • at least briefly keeps attention on the subject that is studying;
  • tries to overcome difficulties, brings the matter to the end.

How to psychologically prepare children for school: tips for parents:

  • talk with the baby, read, communicate;
  • after reading, discuss the text, ask questions. Ask the child's opinion, encourage him to analyze the situations described in a fairy tale, poem or story;
  • play “School” with your son or daughter, change roles “teacher - student”. Lessons - no longer than 15 minutes, pauses, physical education minutes are required. Praise the little student, give advice in the correct form;
  • Show by personal example how to overcome difficulties. Do not allow to leave the case halfway, tell me, advise, but do not finish (finish, finish writing) for the child. Finish the job together, but not instead of the child;
  • Avoid being overprotective. You can’t get used to treating your son or daughter like a little one, don’t you let them act on their own? Think about whether it will be comfortable for a little clumsy child in a children's team if he alone cannot quickly get dressed or tie his shoelaces. To avoid ridicule, offensive nicknames will help the recognition of the child's right to independence. Encourage the desire for independence, teach how to dress, undress, eat properly, cope with laces and buttons;
  • teach to communicate with peers, visit more often, organize games in the yard, if the children do not always find a common language, also participate in games, suggest how to play and not quarrel. Never laugh at your son or daughter in front of children (eye to eye too): low self-esteem is the cause of many troubles, self-doubt;
  • create positive motivation, explain why you need to study. Tell us how many new and interesting things the children will learn in the lessons;
  • explain what discipline is, why silence is needed in the classroom during the explanations of new material. Teach to ask questions, if something is not clear, say that the teacher cannot ask everyone how the material was learned. Students should also think about themselves and the maximum acquisition of knowledge;
  • tell me that you need to defend your interests without shouting and fists, by civilized methods. Teach self-respect, explain why you should not show excessive timidity or aggressiveness. Simulate several situations that often arise at school when communicating with peers, think about the way out. Listen to the opinion of the child, offer your own version if the son or daughter does not know what to do. Be attentive to the interests of the child, teach the rules of communication, encourage good deeds and deeds.

When preparing a child for school, take into account the advice of psychologists and teachers, show interest, inspire a small student. From an early age, develop a craving for knowledge, communicate, study the world around you. It is always easier for a well-prepared first-grader to master the school curriculum than for a child with a lack of elementary skills and limited horizons.

More useful tips for parents of future first graders in the following video:

The key to excellent schooling is a careful, rational organization of preschool education. The ideal age to start it is 3.5-4 years, as children undergo difficult testing when they enter the first grade. With a six-year-old child, starting preschool will be much more difficult. The list of skills upon admission to school is quite extensive, it will be very difficult to learn them in a short time, so you need to start the process as early as possible.

  1. Required skills for admission to grade 1
  2. The main features of the preschool preparation process
  3. Features of home preschool training for children 5-7 years old
  4. Reading lessons
  5. Math lessons
  6. writing lessons
  7. creative process
  8. Psychological preparation
  9. Actions of parents for competent moral preparation of the future student
  10. Physical training and hardening

Required skills for admission to 1st grade:

  • be able to tell basic information about yourself and your parents, about what you especially like to do;
  • know the days of the week, months, seasons, time of day;
  • know printed letters, vowels and consonants, be able to read several sentences and retell them;
  • have an understanding of addition and subtraction;
  • know elementary geometric shapes, draw them;
  • be able to serve themselves: put on and take off clothes and shoes, clean up after themselves after dinner and at the desk;
  • have basic social skills: greet, communicate with classmates and teachers;
  • know the basic colors and shades;
  • be able to clearly tell what is drawn in the picture;
  • know the score up to 20 (both forward and backward);
  • know the names and images of body parts;
  • have your own point of view, resolve the dispute with words, not fists;
  • behave well in class, do not make noise.

The main features of the preschool preparation process

  • duration of 1 lesson - 15 minutes, fill a 15-20-minute pause with games, a little exercise;
  • the intensity of classes should be increased little by little, after the child has well understood the previously studied information;
  • it is important to frequently change different types of lessons so as not to overload with the same type of information;
  • learning is best organized in the form of a game in order to arouse the interest of the baby. You can’t scold a child if he doesn’t want to study, you need to clearly and calmly explain to him what this is for;
  • classes should be carried out according to colorful textbooks with an abundance of pictures and not overloaded with textual information.

Features of home preschool training for children 5-7 years old

For successful admission to school, knowing only the alphabet and numbers is not enough. It is necessary to conduct diverse classes, including for the development of creative and social skills, while maintaining an interest in learning.

The more a future first-grader can do when he enters school, the easier it will be for him to adapt and the easier the child will be able to communicate with other students. It is advisable to prepare for school in specialized preschool organizations, but if parents do not have such an opportunity, you can very successfully deal with the baby and on your own, while following the following recommendations.

Reading Lessons:

  • such lessons should begin with counting familiar things (clothes, vegetables, toys), then proceed to classes on special sticks and cards;
  • it will be useful to learn numbers in pairs, for example 1 and 2, 3 and 4 (no more than one pair should be completed in one lesson);
  • it is better to study geometric shapes with the help of simple household items (fruits, cookies of various shapes), and after successful assimilation, start drawing them with a ruler on paper;
  • It is desirable to combine all these activities.

Writing lessons:

Experts say that the baby will get used to school better if you work out such aspects as:

  • sincere desire to study;
  • socialization, sociability, independence;
  • the ability to reason, research;
  • attentiveness, ability to concentrate;
  • the ability to cope with difficulties on their own and not be shy to ask for help from others.

Actions of parents for competent moral preparation of the future student:

  • talk with the child, listen to him, reason together;
  • after reading, discuss what was read, encourage the baby to make conclusions;
  • arrange a role-playing game on a school theme, during which to explain the main tasks of the teacher and the student;
  • praise more often, give instructions in a delicate form;
  • do not finish the task for the child, he must learn to complete it himself or ask for help;
  • teach self-reliance, this will contribute to the establishment of healthy relationships with the teacher and classmates;
  • teach them how to behave in a team, avoid conflicts - for this you need to let them play with friends more often, invite guys home;
  • by no means make fun of the child in the presence of others, especially on topics that are unpleasant for him - this can negatively affect the self-esteem of the baby, cause psychological problems in adulthood;
  • explain why you need to go to school, how much knowledge he can get and how interesting it will be to make new friends among classmates;
  • teach tact and organization, explain how to behave in the classroom and when communicating with other children;
  • the kid should not be shy to ask for help from the teacher or classmates if he missed something from the material covered;
  • learn to manage your emotions, to respond correctly to what happened in various situations. All sorts of skits and role-playing games can also help with this.

Physical training and hardening

Parents should properly organize summer holidays, ensure maximum exposure to fresh air, swim together in the sea or river, diversify the diet with an abundance of seasonal fruits and vegetables, limit excessive contact with household chemicals, the urban environment, and play outdoor games with the whole family.

Taking into account the various recommendations of diverse specialists regarding independent preschool activities, parents should also show individual methods, find their own approach, which will especially inspire the baby. Only by paying equal attention to all of the above aspects of preparation, your child will fully equip himself to enter a new stage of his life, maintaining physical and mental health.

With the approach of the day of knowledge, parents often ask themselves the question: how to prepare a child for school so that their beloved child can easily and quickly adapt to school life, easily master the workload and keep up with their peers? It is necessary to prepare a child for school in advance, that is, not a month, a week or a few days before the start of the educational process. If the parents came to their senses in enthusiasm and haste only in August, you should not expect distinctive results from the baby. Competent advice and recommendations from practical psychologists will be relevant for parents of future first-graders and will help prepare the baby for the new school year.

So how do you prepare your child for school at home?

August preparation. August is quite late. What can a baby learn in a month? During this period, he will only have time to realize the importance of the process itself, which is necessary for acquiring further life experience. If the parents did not have conversations with the child regarding the school, stress and long-term adaptation to new living conditions cannot be avoided. To instill reading skills, to teach a child to count, is also unlikely to succeed. This is not a one-day process that requires strong-willed efforts, awareness and purposefulness.

Summer period.

If the child went to kindergarten or attended an early development center, you listened to the recommendations of the educators and diligently followed them, in this case, it is quite realistic to prepare the baby for school via Skype in three months. To achieve positive results, it is necessary to properly distribute the load, deal with the child every day, draw up a daily routine, allocate time for learning, rest, active, developing and outdoor games. Start conversations about school so that when he enters first grade, he has an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe education system. Motivate for success, tell about what awaits him soon.

Throughout the year. For a year, a child can be quite successfully pulled up and set up for further productive studies. In addition, during this period, both parents at home and educators in the kindergarten can prepare the baby for school.

Preparation for school from the age of 4. Pediatricians and child psychologists recommend preparing a child for school from an early age. By this age, the baby has already formed self-awareness, the vocabulary is intensively replenished, the grammatical structure of speech is built, detailed generalizations appear - stories, monologues. Preschool age is the most favorable period for the development of memory and thinking. Emotional life by the age of four becomes constant and balanced. Unlike early childhood, the life of a preschooler is very diverse. The kid is included in the systems of the social environment, he has new activities, and with them new motives - competition, rivalry, success, motives associated with the assimilation and consolidation of moral norms. Preschoolers have a clear idea of ​​success and failure. By this time, the preschooler had managed to form as a person. In a playful way, he can already read, draw, write. The age of why begins, the baby shows interest in everything and strives for knowledge of the outside world. Do not suppress this initiative, let the child absorb all the useful and meaningful information. It is very important not to miss this moment and use it to instill value orientations and socially significant skills.

Asking experts when it is better to prepare a child for school, psychologists will unequivocally say that cognitive classes should be started from the age of 4. In this case, going to first class will not cause unnecessary trouble and will not negatively affect children's self-esteem. Of course, the above applies to children who do not have significant deviations and mental retardation.

Where to start preparing for school?


  • The faster the child gets acquainted with the letters, learns to read by syllables and recognize sounds, the more successful the process will be.
  • From an early age, read fairy tales, stories to your baby
  • Discuss the read text, ask questions, let the child learn to retell
  • Make it a rule to learn one letter every day. There are many visual aids, the alphabet on magnets, in pictures, books that will make learning fun and productive.
  • Let the child pronounce the learned letter aloud and find it in the text.
  • The game of association will contribute to quick memorization. Let the baby build an associative array, draw analogies with what this or that letter is associated with.


Spelling is closely related to reading. Here you can consolidate knowledge and perform exercises with the letters that you have learned.

  • Let the kid learn to write in block letters
  • For learning to write, use notebooks with an oblique ruler.
  • Give the child an example, write letters on the initial line so that he can do the exercise on his own according to your model. If the baby does not succeed, do not blame or scold for the mistake, point out the shortcomings in a friendly manner and do the exercise again. When writing letters, pay attention to the baby's accuracy and attentiveness.

Mathematics classes

For admission to the primary link, math lessons via Skype are essential.

  • To teach a child to count, it is advisable to purchase visual didactic materials. These can be pyramids with a numerical row and accounts, wooden toys depicting animals and numbers, sticks for counting.
  • Count toys, sweets, fruits, toes, hands.
  • Each new lesson, learn a couple of numbers. It is very important that the child memorize them and learn to write.
  • Geometric shapes, the concept of shape and size can be learned with the help of wooden insert frames, or with the help of cookie figures.

Do not limit the child in creativity, modeling, drawing, designing - they perfectly develop fine motor skills, prepare the hand for writing and contribute to the development of higher cognitive processes.

Also, parents of future first-graders are concerned about the psychological health of the baby. How to psychologically prepare him for going to first grade so that he does not feel internal constraint and feels confident? So that the child does not hide in the corners, interacts with other students, joins the learning process and communicates with teachers, it is important that he knows how to: communicate, understand the meaning of schooling, verbally defend his position, plan activities and set goals, be aware of the consequences of his behavior, had clear ideas about the discipline and the internal charter of the school. In addition, it is important that the first-grader has a favorable psychological attitude and an objective self-esteem.

Parents take note!!! Preparation for school should not be limited to reading, writing and counting. Before going to first grade, there should be a parental dialogue with the child, talk with him about how to behave with adults and peers, develop in him a sense of responsibility, independence, talk about discipline. If you notice signs of negativism, concealment, unreasonable aggression in your child’s behavior, immediately consult a child psychologist so as not to start the problem and provoke more alienation.

Vyacheslav Alexandrovich - teaching Russian language and literature remotely (via Skype)

Education: higher, Moscow State University for the Humanities. M.A. Sholokhov, Faculty of Philology, teacher of the Russian language and literature (1975 - 1980).

Teaching experience:

  • teacher of the Russian language and literature in Moscow schools and universities under the Labor Code and the contract (1980 - 1993);
  • teacher of Russian language and literature at the faculty of pre-university training
  • (Moscow Regional Pedagogical University), (1980 - 2001);


Lessons in computer science with the participation of tutors on Skype are fraught with many advantages:

  • Thanks to the Skype program, the educational process acquires excellent visualization, which makes it possible to perfectly see and hear your interlocutor during the lesson;
  • A computer science tutor for children using Skype (Skype) creates an exceptionally friendly atmosphere during learning. The teacher, in order to achieve maximum effect, addresses only one student;
  • Individual approach to all your listeners. Remote tutors in computer science via Skype develop an individual training scheme for each student, using various author's developments;
  • An online computer science tutor lays the foundation of knowledge and skills in the child, transferring experience and forming perseverance, diligence, striving for the goal;
  • The cost of computer science lessons via Skype is 2-3 times cheaper than face-to-face counterparts, especially when it comes to tutoring services in large metropolitan areas;

    I teach:

    English for kids, children, teenagers and adults;

    Mathematics from grades 1 to 7.

Opinions about how to properly prepare a future student for training sessions at home differ among parents. Some are sure that the last summer before lessons should be spent exclusively in relaxation, others load their child as much as possible so that in the future it does not lag behind classmates. Only later it turns out that some children become “retrained” and are bored in the classroom, others are great at counting and reading, but lose things and do not orient themselves at all in the building of the educational institution, still others read English well, but have difficulty learning their own language or discomfort in communication. The list is endless, primary school teachers have many similar stories. How to find the golden mean so that the baby will open a new stage in his life with interest?

Psychological readiness of the child for the school process

Psychological preparation for the school process of kids is the most important. It is of tremendous importance, regardless of what type of educational institution was chosen:

  1. Improving communication skills with other children, accepting oneself in the social position of the student. The acquired experience reflects his personal maturity. Psychologists recommend entrusting this mission to professionals working in centers for preparing children for the school process. The sooner parents turn to them, the more effective the result will be.
  2. The kid must understand that when faced with difficulties, parents and a teacher will always be next to him, ready to help. Together we can tackle any challenge. Volitional maturity in the process of preparing a baby is determined by his readiness for self-expression, the fulfillment of educational requirements.
  3. Intellectual maturity is very important for a child. It is determined by a quantitative vocabulary of words, knowledge about the world around us, the ability to analyze and build a logical chain. A prepared child is able to express his thoughts, carry out the tasks of teachers, freely communicate on topics familiar to him.

Skills and abilities that a future student should master

Below is a list of general requirements that every kid who has to cross the school threshold should cope with:

  • your full name, your birthday and your home address;
  • know letters, navigate vowels and consonants, read short texts (at least by syllables);
  • know the differences between the seasons, be able to describe them (the vocabulary is determined);
  • navigate the time of day;
  • name the basic geometric shapes and be able to depict them;
  • memorize short texts, be able to retell it (diction, memory are determined).

School preparation should also include the following skills:

  • correct behavior in public places;
  • self-care without the help of adults, putting things in order at the workplace;
  • a description of what is shown in the picture;
  • counts up to 20;
  • names of color shades;
  • answers to the questions: “who?”, “when?”, why?”;
  • a quiet pastime in the lesson for 20-25 minutes;
  • differences in the direction of "up", "down", "right", "left".

Preparing for the school program with a teacher

If it was decided to study in a specialized center for preschoolers, then parents in choosing an organization need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The experience of teachers who are involved in working with kids. Does the development center have a license to conduct educational activities. The number of students in the class, the interior of the room, the availability of auxiliary educational material.
  2. According to what programs and whether the system of conducting training sessions has been developed, what subject is emphasized, how long the lessons last, whether the teacher uses an individual approach to each student - these questions should be of interest in the first place. If the center for the preparation of children has a narrow specialization, it is worth considering whether this is necessary.
  3. The presence of classes that are aimed at developing the creative abilities of the baby. Such lessons are an obligatory part of the preparation.
  4. Pay attention to the general atmosphere in the classroom: whether the children are interested in learning, whether they feel inspired and want to learn more.

Preparing for the school curriculum at home

Of course, competent specialists in the field of pedagogy will quickly and professionally cope with all the above requirements. But what about those parents who independently deal with the baby and carry out his preparation for school? What to look for:

  1. A prepared future student must know all the letters in the alphabet. Then you should gradually move on to reading by syllables. It will be much easier for a child in school classes if he masters reading in advance. The acquired skill will be reflected in the correct sequence of writing letters. By the way, you should start writing in block letters, so the child will quickly master the letter. Hand training should be regular.
  2. Development of speech and diction. Invite your child, after watching a cartoon or a scientific children's program, to retell what they heard and saw. Do not neglect his opinion, teach him to express his thoughts without hesitation. The kid needs frequent communication, he asks numerous questions that at first glance may seem silly to parents, but do not neglect the answers to them.
  3. The ability to count is an important skill that many children should acquire by the first grade. Start by counting the plates on the table, the fingers, the number of books on the shelf, and so on. Then you can buy counting sticks or continue to develop abilities with colored pencils. An ordinary walk can be turned into an exciting activity. You can count puddles or trees, name the colors of the leaves and the size (big/small) of the animals that you meet on the way, distinguish between inanimate/animate objects.
  4. The intellectual development of children cannot be imagined without creativity. To improve fine motor skills of the hands, you can create all kinds of crafts. On the Internet you can find a huge number of master classes for every taste. Sculpting from clay and plasticine, working with scissors, paints and brushes also helps your child learn to write.
  5. Before you go to first grade, the baby must learn the rules of behavior, independence and safety indoors and outdoors. Wake up and go to rest at a certain time, do homework daily, do sports exercises for 30-40 minutes. Parents need to learn to let their children go. Let it be almost independent walks in the yard, when mom or dad is watching their baby from the side, trying not to interfere in the conversations that arise between children, especially in the case of a small conflict. It is important for parents not to get angry and not express their irritation if something does not work out for the future student. Each baby is unique and has its own rate of development.

It is easier and more fun for a kid who is properly prepared for the school program to be in class and take direct part in it. Parental support, friendships with other students, professionalism of the teacher and the correct organization of the curriculum, used at home or in specialized institutions - all this will help the child prepare for classes in an educational institution.

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