K p fu Kazan Volga Federal University. Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University

Kazan University is one of the oldest universities in Russia. Many scientific schools that have received worldwide recognition were founded here. Kazan University is included in the list of especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation, its ensemble is a historical, cultural and architectural monument of Russia.

Kazan University - from history

It was founded in 1804 and initially it had four faculties - historical-philological and physical-mathematical, medical and legal. Great Russian scientists studied here, among them - the creator of non-Euclidean geometry N. I. Lobachevsky, who from 1827 to 1846 was the rector of the university, astronomers I. M. Simonov and M. A. Kovalsky, chemists A. M. Butlerov, K. K. Klaus and N. N. Zinin, V. V. Markovnikov and A. M. Zaitsev, biologists and physicians V. M. Bekhterev and P. F. Lesgaft and many others. Among the pupils of the educational institution are famous historians and revolutionaries, artists and composers.

Kazan University was the center of advanced ideas and revolutionary struggle. In 1887, Vladimir Ulyanov entered the Faculty of Law. He took an active part in organizing a student gathering on December 4, 1917, for which he was expelled from the educational institution. However, despite, or maybe because of this fact, the University for many years bore the prefix "named after Ulyanov-Lenin."

On the basis of the educational institution, such universities of Kazan as medical and pedagogical, aviation and chemical-technological, agricultural, financial and economic were formed.

In 1925, Kazan University was awarded the title of V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin. In 1955 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and in 1979 - the Order of Lenin.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev dated October 21, 2009, the Volga Federal University was to be created on the basis of KSU. At the same time, students and teachers of KSU supported the preservation of the historical name of the university and it was decided to give the reorganized university the name "Kazan (Volga) Federal University" - KFU.

In 2011, in the process of reorganization, the Tatar State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University, the Kazan State Financial and Economic Faculty and the Yelabuga State Pedagogical University were attached to the educational institution.

Kazan University - Architecture

The ensemble of Kazan University is a town-planning and architectural monument of Russia. The complex of buildings built in the classical style occupies a block along Kremlevskaya (formerly Voskresenskaya) street.

In 1796, the Kazan Imperial Gymnasium was opened in the house for the military governor at the beginning of Voskresenskaya Street. By order of Alexander I of November 5, 1804, the Letter of Approval and the Charter of Kazan University were signed, which was originally located in the same building as the gymnasium.

The construction of new buildings began in 1822 according to the project of the architect P.G. Pyatnitsky. A member of the construction committee, and later the rector of the university N.I. took a great part in the development of the project. Lobachevsky. A significant contribution to the creation of the university complex was made by the architects M.P. Korinfsky and I.P. Bezsonov, M.N. Litvinov and V. Bernhard.

The main building was erected in 1825. Its length was 160 meters. The building is decorated with three porticos with columns, statues of famous personalities in the vestibule. The main staircase led to the classically decorated auditorium and the church, decorated in the Doric style.

The building center in the university courtyard was the semicircular building of the anatomical theater, which is a quadrangle with eight Ionic columns. On the wing of the building you can see the inscription in Latin "Here is a place where death is glad to help life." On the sides of the building of the anatomical theater there is a physico-chemical building and a library. Previously, these buildings were connected to the anatomical theater by a lattice colonnade, which has not been preserved to date. At the same time, a clinic and an astronomical observatory were built.

In the 20th century, the university buildings go beyond the historic quarter. The Faculty of Geology was located in the building of the former theological seminary on Voznesenskaya Street, the building of the Faculty of Chemistry was erected on Lobachevsky Street, and in the late 60s two high-rise educational and laboratory buildings were built to the north and west of the main building of the educational institution.

Kazan University today

Currently, about 50 thousand students study at KSU, the area of ​​​​training and laboratory facilities is 52 thousand square meters. There are dormitories for 12,000 people. Branches of KSU are located in Naberezhnye Chelny and Zelenodolsk, Yelabuga and Chistopol.

The Board of Trustees is headed by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

The educational complex of the university consists of five areas:

  • Physical and mathematical
  • natural science
  • Engineering
  • economic
  • Social and humanitarian.

A large number of scientific projects have been carried out with the participation of scientists from Great Britain and the USA, France and Hungary, Turkey and the CIS countries, as well as the Balkan Peninsula.

Institutes and faculties of KFU

Kazan Federal University is a multidisciplinary university that trains specialists in various fields at institutes and faculties headed by directors. The composition of the KFU includes:

  • Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology
  • Institute of Ecology and Geography
  • Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies
  • Institute of International Relations
  • Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. N.I. Lobachevsky
  • Institute of Physics
  • Chemical Institute. A.M. Butlerov
  • Faculty of Law
  • Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technology
  • Institute of Philology and Arts
  • Institute of Mass Communications and Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Philosophy
  • Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Restorative Medicine
  • Graduate School of Information Technologies and Information Systems
  • Institute of Economics and Finance
  • Institute of Management and Territorial Development
  • Higher School of State and Municipal Administration
  • Language Institute
  • All-University Department of Physical Education and Sports
  • Graduate School of Management and Business
  • MBA program
  • Institute of Continuing Education
  • Faculty of advanced training
  • Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Students
  • Institute for Comparative Studies of the Modernization of Societies
  • Engineering Institute

Kazan University has ten museums of various profiles, which are its real heritage. Museum exhibits and funds are used for scientific, cultural and educational purposes.

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews of KFU

Diana Gromova 23:26 06/04/2013

In 2012, I entered the Faculty of Economics of Kazan Federal University. Admission to KSFEI was my childhood dream, but two years ago several universities were merged into a single KFU, so now we are all one big family of the Kazan Federal University. The passing scores for this faculty have always been high - more than 230 points in three subjects, which is quite serious for the Unified State Examination. Fortunately, I scored almost 270, so there were no problems with admission. In general, thanks to the Unified State Exa...

Natalia Stepanenko 19:56 06/02/2013

Kazan Federal University (KFU) Ulyanov-Lenin, Kazan. One of the nine federal universities in Russia since 2010. Great figures of Russia studied here: Lenin, Tolstoy, Lobachevsky and others. But over time, a lot has changed. What is KFU now? I entered the faculty of journalism, now it is called the Institute of Mass Communications and Social Sciences. In addition to the exam, you need to take a creative competition, as in any other university. The faculty has several...

general information

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University"

Branches of KFU


No. 01664 is valid Indefinitely from 22.09.2015


No. 01539 valid from 12/01/2015 to 03/25/2021

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for KFU

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 6 7 7 5
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education70.27 74.97 69.53 67.32 70.12
Average USE score credited to the budget79.61 79.41 76.69 75.10 77.77
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis66.45 64.48 64.36 62.88 66.54
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department46.37 53.75 45.61 44.80 51.24
Number of students30545 30102 29491 28964 28391
full-time department24223 23932 22806 22876 21749
Part-time department92 78 150 232 339
Extramural6230 6092 6535 5856 6303
All data

The oldest university in Tatarstan was founded on November 17 (5 according to the old style) in 1804. The development of the university began as part of four departments: moral and political sciences (7 departments), physical and mathematical sciences (9 departments), medical sciences (6 departments) and verbal sciences (6 departments). Since the founding of the university, the following departments have been preserved: criminal and civil law, general physics, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, botany, geography, history, oriental languages, Russian, foreign languages. A significant contribution to the development and formation of the university was made by outstanding scientists and rectors - N.I. Lobachevsky and M.T. Nuzhin. World-class discoveries were made within the walls of Kazan University, without which it is impossible to imagine modern scientific research. So, without the theory of non-Euclidean geometry by N.I. Lobachevsky, it is difficult to talk about the development of modern astronautics. Without the theory of the chemical structure of organic substances by A.M. Butlerov, there would be no achievements of modern chemistry, which we see and feel in everyday life. The phenomenon of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), discovered by E.K. Zavoisky, today is one of the most effective methods of scientific analysis in natural science.

Today the university is headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Myakzyum SALAHOV.
The uniqueness of the education provided by Kazan University lies in its academic nature and quality, as well as in the fact that it is based on the rich traditions of the 200-year history of the university. As practice shows, the most popular specialties for which training is conducted at the university are: legal and economic specialties, specialties related to the development and application of information systems and technologies, as well as earth sciences (geological and environmental specialties). This is explained by the fact that Russia today is becoming a country with civil
society and market economy. At the same time, the future progress of society depends on the development of new technologies and advances in the natural sciences. Kazan University provides graduates with assistance in finding employment after graduation. This is mainly done by collecting information about the needs for specialists in various industries in the region and Kazan. This information is communicated to students in a timely manner. In addition, the university works with graduates so that they themselves make efforts for employment. The university is trying to track how the employment of young specialists is going, using the opportunities of the KSU Alumni Association for this. The percentage of graduates working in their specialty and the time of employment at different faculties differ significantly. Economists, lawyers, psychologists, and philologists start working most quickly in their specialty (from 50 to 75% in the first six months after graduation, up to 95% before the end of the year after graduation). In other specialties, the employment of graduates is sometimes delayed for a year or more. To date, more than 16.5 thousand students study at Kazan University (together with branches in the cities of Zelenodolsk and Naberezhnye Chelny). The annual number of graduates who receive a diploma with honors is about 600 people. The average competition for admission to a university for the last 4 years has been approximately 3 to 4 people per place. The geography of distribution of Kazan University graduates is very wide. Graduates of KSU work in various state and non-state organizations, institutions, enterprises, including the highest bodies of state power in Russia. Among the most famous and outstanding graduates of KSU are: Morozov Oleg Viktorovich, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation; Andrey Evgenievich Busygin, Deputy Head of the Department of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation; Govorukhin Stanislav, film director, State Duma deputy; Smakov Renat Mirgalimovich, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of Russia, etc. Communication with university graduates is carried out through the Kazan University Alumni Association.

Why was it decided to open a new university in Kazan? The fact is that in 1758 the Kazan gymnasium appeared. She was under the jurisdiction of Moscow University, which supplied her with teachers and educational materials. Employees were paid salaries from the amounts received from customs tax farmers. At the opening of the gymnasium, there were few students, but a year later their number grew to 111. And when a few decades later there was talk of creating a new university in the country, the authorities decided to open it on the basis of this successful, progressive gymnasium.

The first students of the university were 33 young people. The trustee of the Kazan Gymnasium, Rumovsky, selected the best pupils. They ranged in age from thirteen to twenty. Most of the nobles, the rest - raznochintsy.

Young people listened to lectures by specially invited professors. Almost all of the lecturers were foreigners, mostly Germans, who at that time were often invited to lecture at Russian educational institutions. The first ten years, from the moment the university was opened and until 1814, when the adopted Charter was put into effect, education was not at the highest level. Courses were haphazard, lectures were inconsistent. Students were not divided into different faculties. Sometimes there was not enough educational literature or manuals.

But in 1814 the situation changed. The university received real autonomy, teaching became planned, division into faculties appeared. At first there were only four of them, and they consisted of twenty-eight different departments: the department of moral and political sciences, which was later transformed into the faculty of law, the faculty of mathematical and physical sciences, the department of medicine and verbal sciences. And just at that heyday, trouble came to the university. In 1819, Mikhail Magnitsky, an official of the Ministry of Education, a favorite of Arakcheev, arrived in Kazan with a revision, endowed with broad powers and the rights of a trustee. The purpose of this audit was not an economic investigation or the discovery of irregularities.

Magnitsky issued a murderous resolution. In a report to the emperor, he proposed solemnly destroying the university and even publicly destroying its building itself (for the purchase of which, by the way, in 1804 the emperor allocated 66 thousand rubles). The emperor replied: “Why destroy, you can fix it” and appointed Magnitsky as rector, so that he himself would eradicate all the identified shortcomings. During the five years of his leadership, Kazan University fell into complete decline. In 1826, a new revision was appointed, which revealed not only a drop in the level of university education, but also a big waste. Based on the results of these inspections, Magnitsky was removed from his post.

The next rector was Mikhail Nikolayevich Musin-Pushkin, who sincerely loved the university and did a lot for its development, and a year later he was replaced by Lobachevsky, whose role in the history of Kazan University cannot be overestimated. The great scientist managed to expand the building of the university, add new buildings, and improve the quality of education. Under him, clinics of the medical faculty, chemical and physical laboratories, an observatory appeared, and all this was equipped with the latest modern technology. Since 1835, the department of Oriental languages ​​worked at the university, where Sanskrit and Chinese, Arabic and Mongolian were taught. Before the transfer of the Oriental Faculty to St. Petersburg University, it was the best in Russia and one of the best in the world.

Scientific work expanded at the university, a midwifery institute and a botanical garden, a printing house and several libraries were opened, and collections of antiquities and works of art were also collected. The university made Kazan one of the main scientific centers, and itself became a nest of advanced ideas. The best forces, the brightest scientific minds flocked to it. He grew his prestige in the country and in the world. The Soviet period became the era of further prosperity and development of the university. Outstanding scientists who worked in it laid the foundations of many scientific schools. Also, on the basis of Kazan University, several Volga universities arose. During the Great Patriotic War, some Leningrad and Moscow institutions of the USSR Academy of Sciences were evacuated here.

Now Kazan (Volga Region) University is one of the eight federal universities of Russia, included in the State Code of Especially Valuable Objects of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation. It has many faculties and institutes, it has branches in other cities, and thousands of students are educated there every year.

The first psychophysical laboratory in Russia was opened in Kazan in 1885. It was led by Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, a scientist who laid the foundations of Russian experimental psychology.

It was within the walls of Kazan University that the Russian doctor and military surgeon Alexander Vasilievich Vishnevsky developed the method of local anesthesia and described it in his work “Local anesthesia using the creeping illfiltrate method”. Before the discovery of general anesthesia, this method was the main method of pain relief during surgical operations. It is widely used not only in our country, but also in the world.

Russian astronomer Ivan Mikhailovich Simonov, one of the first graduates of Kazan University, took part in the round-the-world expedition of Bellingshausen and Lazarev, who discovered Antarctica. He left a detailed description of this research trip.

The outstanding chemist Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov, who proved the theory of the chemical structure of substances, was a graduate of the university, its professor, and later the rector.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin entered the Faculty of Law, from where he was expelled three months later for participating in student protests and riots caused by the introduction of the new Charter. Even within the walls of Kazan University, Lenin joined the People's Will circle.

Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University is one of the oldest educational institutions in Russia, which turns 215 in 2019.

The university trains top-level specialists both for the Volga region and for the whole of Russia, as well as countries of near and far abroad. Students have the opportunity to take part in exchange programs, language internships, and various forms of academic mobility.

KFU is the most powerful modern complex of 614 facilities located in Tatarstan, regions of Russia and abroad. Thanks to this, students and staff of the university are provided with all the conditions and opportunities for development.

The educational process is conducted in 13 institutes, 1 higher school and 1 faculty. Over the past 6 years, the university annually equips more than 100 educational and about 30 research laboratories with equipment at the level of the best world standards.

KFU has a developed system of stimulation and support for students. For this, 17 different types of scholarships have been developed - increased, social and many special ones.

The university includes a multidisciplinary medical complex, where KFU students are accepted. The university also has one of the largest student campuses in Russia - the Universiade Village, where 12 thousand students live.

Since 2013, KFU has been a member of the 5-100 federal program aimed at increasing international competitiveness and getting into the top 100 world university rankings. KFU is included in QS subject rankings in linguistics, archeology, journalism, English language and literature, education, economics, mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

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