Dzhatdoev Andrey Khasanovich is sick with cancer. Dzhatdoev Andrey Khasanovich

Dzhatdoev Andrey Khasanovich(born September 3, 1962) - Russian public and political figure, Head of the city of Stavropol since October 1, 20116

Dzhatdoev Andrey Khasanovich
Date of Birth September 3(1962-09-03 ) (56 years old)
Citizenship the USSR the USSR→Russia Russia
Occupation Head of the city of Stavropol
Education Stavropol Agricultural Institute. Moscow Modern Humanitarian Institute with a degree in Jurisprudence.
The consignment United Russia
Media at Wikimedia Commons


In 1984 he graduated from the Stavropol Agricultural Institute, after which he began his career in 1984 as a microbiologist at the Stavropol Biofactory.

In 1985-1987 he served in the Soviet Army. After serving in the army, in 1987 he began working as an instructor in the department of Komsomol organizations of the Industrial District Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, then head of the information sector of the Stavropol Territory Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, in October 1987 he was appointed head of the organizational and instructor department of the Industrial District Executive Committee of the city of Stavropol.

From 1989 to 1996, he worked as a department head, business manager, deputy head of the Industrial District Administration. In November 1996, he was appointed director of the economics department of the Stavropol administration.

In 2000, he received a legal education at the Moscow Modern Humanitarian Institute with a degree in Jurisprudence. In February 2001, he was appointed deputy head of the administration of the Industrial District of the city of Stavropol, and in 2003 he headed the district.

From 2007 to August 2008, he served as First Deputy Head of the Administration of the city of Stavropol, and in July he headed the Leninsky District.

On June 29, 2011, he was appointed to the post of First Deputy Head of the Administration of the city of Stavropol. On February 7, 2012, by decision of the Stavropol City Duma No. 180, he was appointed acting head of the administration of the city of Stavropol. On August 8, by decision of the Stavropol City Duma, he headed the city administration.

On September 28, 2016, in accordance with the decision of the Stavropol City Duma dated No. 904, he was appointed acting head of the city of Stavropol until the Stavropol City Duma elected the head of the city of Stavropol from among the candidates submitted by the competition commission based on the results of the competition.

On October 31, 2016, by the decision of the Stavropol City Duma No. 18, he was elected the head of the city of Stavropol.

The region and the city are together not only in celebration, but also in social construction

On the eve of the city's birthday, the results are traditionally summed up: what has been done and how, what has been achieved, and what plans are to be implemented in the future. Who, if not the first leader, sees both the past and the future - as a whole? With questions, we turned to the head of the administration of Stavropol Andrey Dzhatdoev. And once again they were convinced: stereotypes are alien to him, and public boasting is disgusting. The most important thing for himself and his team Andrey Khasanovich considers the result, and not the path to it, daily painstaking work, and not fanfare and slogans.

Andrey Dzhatdoev. Photo: press service of the administration of Stavropol.

Great date united us

And yet, our conversation with the head of the administration began with the most important thing - for the townspeople, residents of the region and citizens of a single huge country:

– City Day this year is different from the past: we recently celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, – said

A. Dzhatdoev. – This historical event united us so much that it became quite logical and understandable to unite the Day of the city and the region. After all, Stavropol does not claim any special role: we are just an administrative center, which is a part of the Stavropol Territory, a part of the North Caucasus, a part of Russia. Although with its rich history and traditions. And in this sense, I see these moments as significant, politically and ideologically important.

Quite recently, an inscription appeared in the historical meeting room of the administration stating that our city was awarded a diploma of the winner of the All-Russian competition “The most comfortable urban (rural) settlement in Russia”. The competition was held in six categories among 144 municipalities. Stavropol was recognized as the greenest and most comfortable in the country. The victory in such a prestigious competition is the result of the work of the whole city. The bar has been raised high, and we will try to keep it, not in ranks, but in content.

The city administration decided to use the received cash prize in full to create a comfortable pedestrian zone in the historical part of Stavropol: the reconstruction of October Revolution Avenue. At present, this work is almost completed. A significant section of the avenue was decorated with new wrought-iron benches and lanterns, the old asphalt was replaced with a modern tile coating, flower beds and lawns were updated. The Alley of Honorary Citizens of the city of Stavropol looks different, from where the City Day starts on September 19th.

- I think, - Andrei Khasanovich continues, - that this is really an achievement - and an achievement not only of the administration or a single leader, but also of all the townspeople who work in Stavropol, who love their native city, are proud of it, create material values.

First of all, we are talking about factories, enterprises of the city, which are not just afloat, but which are seriously increasing their capacities thanks to a balanced and specific state policy. We are talking about our teachers, and our doctors, public utilities - about many professions and specialties. This is the first.

Second. In March, the news was announced that Stavropol ranked third in Russia in terms of economic development. Our enterprises have shown a real breakthrough - each in its own field. This also applies to investments in the economy, and the tax component, and the budget, and the birth rate - in a word, the very “social well-being” that we, I’m not afraid to use the word, is on the rise. Again, not according to our own assessment, but based on the results of a serious analysis and comparison with the state of affairs in other Russian cities. And this, you see, is worth a lot! Krasnodar and Belgorod were ahead, but we overtook Moscow and St. Petersburg. What does it say? Yes, that Stavropol is developing and we have overcome regression and stagnation. I think this is very important, and therefore I set myself and my colleagues the following task: it is vital for us that such positive changes constantly take place in the city. We don't have to be ashamed of our achievements!

A breakthrough in social infrastructure is a reason to be proud

- Stavropol has changed significantly for the better in recent years. This is of great merit. Are you proud?

– Of course, and therefore again I will talk about recent results. This year we have on the street. Pirogov, the Alley of Veterans appeared with a wonderful playground. By the way, let me open the “curtain” a little: we plan to continue this alley up to the 45th parallel. We have our first bike path. Some people like it, some don't, but this is a living process, and it continues, and this is wonderful! Now the landscaping around the Stavropol concert hall is underway, and in the near future a cool children's town will appear here, which we have not had in the city yet. People will see interesting landscape design solutions, new flower beds, original coatings, a large parking lot and much more.

Another reason for pride: the development of social infrastructure - such a number of social facilities have not been built in the city at the same time. Let's count: a kindergarten is already under construction, funds are provided to "buy" two more. These are all federal programs, and here I want to sincerely thank the Governor of the Stavropol Territory, Vladimir Vladimirov, for the support of the citizens.

Two secondary schools are being built. So far, the only elevated pedestrian crossing in the city has been put into operation. The construction of a school for 990 students in the 204th quarter should be completed in December this year. This is the first and so far the only school in the microdistrict with a population of more than 15 thousand people. Another school - for 807 students - is being built in the 530th quarter of the regional center. Delivery of the object - mid-2016. This is extremely important for us, because after September 1, when we counted how many children came to the city's schools, it turned out that our occupancy rate is approaching 1.5.

There are 485 more first-graders than last year. I think these two schools will just help to "defuse" some tension in the zone of access to education. Let me remind you once again: one part of these facilities is being built at the expense of federal, regional and municipal programs, the other - at the expense of private investment. But the townspeople, by and large, do not care how much money is spent on construction. It is important that there are clinics, schools, kindergartens, swimming pools and bike paths - everything that makes the life of citizens better and more comfortable.

- About the clinic, please, in more detail ...

Yes, we should say more about it! When it was laid down, no one believed that construction would begin and the southwest of Stavropol would breathe easier - health care here would be provided by not one, but two clinics.

The head of the administration clearly demonstrates that he can, without leaving his office, observe the progress of the construction of literally every object - video cameras are installed everywhere, and they broadcast the process in real time. We saw all the sites - and the clinic, and schools, and kindergarten. And even a swimming pool, which is being built now in the northwestern microdistrict. By the way, this very object is being built within the framework of the so-called municipal-private partnership, the "fashion" for which throughout the country, in a sense, was introduced by our city in due time.

– The sports facility, unique in its architecture and content, is being built at the expense of the investor. It will house adult and children's swimming pools, halls for martial arts and game sports, a children's playroom, a medical center, a cafe, a beauty salon. Residents of the district are constantly interested in the fate of the sports complex: when? - Andrey Dzhatdoev continues. - The area is densely populated, there are several schools and educational institutions nearby, and there are no modern sports facilities where children could fully engage in. Therefore, the city administration supported this investment project. I am glad that today the psychology of entrepreneurs is noticeably changing - it has become a good form to invest in social infrastructure. This means that responsible business is actively developing in Stavropol.

- But the government "influences" entrepreneurs when it needs something from them, doesn't it?

- Yes, sometimes you have to ask, persuade, explain. But I don't see anything wrong with that. By the way, this is what happened with the swimming pool in the northwest – after all, another shopping center was planned there, but we managed to convince the partners that a universal facility for active family recreation would be more needed.

"Field" style of work: plow and move your brains

- Andrey Khasanovich, you have led the districts and the city for many years, what do you see as the main criterion for a manager?

– When it comes to leadership, there are different styles. I consider myself not a cabinet-type leader, but a “field” type. I am convinced by life and work: it is always better to see once than to hear a hundred times. And even the modern possibility - to see several objects under construction at once in real time on the screen of your own monitor - is only a help and a way to keep abreast of things all the time.

But no remote control method can be effective - I was also convinced of this by life and experience in various leadership positions. Yes, there are standard situations, but most often you have to make an operational decision on the spot. And it, I am convinced, is always justified by the very fact of immersion in the environment and the situation, in specifics, and not in the dry language of reports and reports.

And I also believe that people need to look into the eyes more often. And not only to subordinates, but more to residents of the city who want to communicate, look at the person who leads them. This is the work I love the most! Recently, we have begun to conduct visiting receptions - my deputies and I go to "sore points" - they are immediately evident from the statements and complaints of the townspeople.

The last time, for example, I was on the street. Osipenko. People asked about the stopping pavilion. We condemned the problem, "digested" it. I was convinced of something, I convinced people of something. Yes, there is not always understanding on the part of the townspeople in this or that situation: someone, for example, would like to have stops every 50 meters. You will talk to the people, and you will see things that you definitely will not notice and understand from the office!

And these moments often form or point to systemic problems. After all, the most important thing for us is to prevent private issues from turning into something global. Take the same transport. After all, for many years both I and my predecessors were engaged in it. But in the end, I came to the conclusion that it is impossible to solve everything at once with the “toolkit” that was before. Radical changes are needed here - both in terms of responsibility and in terms of organizing public transport.

And that is why a competition is being held now, where quite stringent and serious requirements are set regarding the availability of the GLONASS system, so that we can navigate in compliance with the traffic schedule. We have installed cashless fare payment terminals, which is also a novelty in our city. Yes, not everyone likes it, because we are pulling out significant cash flows “out of the shadows”, fixing banking transactions, getting the opportunity to monitor the completeness of tax payments. By the way, today 15,000 residents of Stavropol are paying with reusable plastic cards for travel in municipal transport.

Or take the problems of Demino village. A few kilometers from Stavropol, our urban microdistrict. But in fact, people live on the outskirts, where there is still no elementary infrastructure. There is not even a school room. We have now returned the doctor's office that used to be there, and now we are talking about creating a work center at the place of residence - the same schoolchild's room, a police stronghold. We talked with bankers about the installation of terminals. After all, people do not ask for much - they want elementary living conditions, about what is in the city center.

– How often do you have to switch to “manual” control?

- If we talk about efficiency, then I am convinced that the method of management that produces results is effective. But I do not hide, the result is not given just like that. Yes, sometimes you have to resort to “manual” control when unpleasant “surprises” happen. I mean missed projects and missed opportunities. And there are also emergencies - the same power outages - sometimes you can’t do without “manual” control. But this year, our power engineers are investing more than 200 million rubles in replacing power grids, which will allow us to get out (albeit not immediately) of similar situations. And yet, I would very much like to see most issues resolved, so to speak, offline - at the level of a responsible official or department, and not the head of administration. Alas, this does not always work. And here I am sure that such a problem is peculiar not only to our city, but all over the world and the country. Nobody discounts the human factor. So I think that my subordinates - all without exception - must and must be patriots of the city, no matter how loud it sounds. Everything else - sorting through pieces of paper, reports, numbers, hooks, reports, summaries. The townspeople are not interested. Therefore, if we talk about the organization of labor, then my main goal is not to give impossible orders. The bar is set high, but everything is real, everything is doable. Yes, you need to plow and move your brains.

In administrative and human "mode"

– When do you usually get up?

I wake up at five or six in the morning. I'm getting old, I guess.

– When do you finish your work day?

- Differently. As a rule, this is 9 pm - in a regular situation. But for me, the concept of “working day” is very relative. There were cases when at night I had to carry people myself after a fire. So there is no need to talk about any mode.

- Is it true that you like to sing while working on your site?

- No, it's not true. I mow grass in the garden - yes. The wife waters the flowers, she likes this business. But to sing - God deprived me of this talent, the bear stepped on my ear.

- How do you spend your leisure time? Do you have any hobby?

- Probably, I'm more busy with work than with some special hobby - that's my way of life! Although there used to be fishing and hunting. I don't think I live right. You have to try to change your life.

Are you a leader by nature?

“Life taught me everything. In those days when I started working, we were entrusted with fairly large projects. Yes, it was a tough question. But they trusted! For example, when I was an instructor in the district committee of the Komsomol, I was engaged in the construction of a rest home for railway workers in Budyonnovsk. He assembled a team of builders, led them, and all this was in a fairly autonomous mode. The best teacher, I think, is our life, the conditions in which a person works. You just need to study right.

- And in the family, who are you more - the leader or the follower?

- We were on vacation at sea, and it turned out that my children (Daria is 11 years old, Danila - 8) do not perceive me as a "senior" - their wife Elena is in greater "authority". It took a lot of effort to regain some leadership positions ...

- How do you feel about criticism - in the eyes, behind the eyes, public? After all, the townspeople and colleagues, senior leaders see you, as they say, each from his own bell tower?

- One question when they criticize for a cause, and here - only thanks! Because you can’t follow everything, and when prompted, I accept both criticism and someone else’s point of view. I think this is a constructive approach - otherwise you are not a leader, but a local "king" with his whims and beliefs, which you cannot even try to break. No, I'm not like that - not a tyrant, despot and satrap.

I sincerely sympathize with those people who criticized and often openly slandered the administration and me personally as a principle of life, if not worse - into a kind of business project that brings livelihood or cheap points in politics. You can’t make money like that - there are a lot of other, not dirty ways to make a living. These people are definitely atheists, but all the same, all of us will have to answer to God for both good and bad. Of this I am sure.

In response to the last question, there was some kind of pain and anxiety. No, not a hidden resentment, rather the opposite - regret that such situations can unsettle even a seasoned and experienced leader. And yet, saying goodbye, Andrey Khasanovich returned to the main thing for himself, repeating once again: the most important thing in any work is the result. And right! Even the biblical truth “by their fruits you shall know them…” speaks of the same…

Since the beginning of the 90s of the last century, Stavropol has seriously expanded its borders, and today the city limits are located where wheat used to grow. And this means that the administration of the regional capital has more worries than an example. About what the city lives today, we talk with the head of Stavropol Andrey Dzhatdoev.

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- Not so long ago, Stavropol won the federal competition for the best settlement in the nomination of cities - administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Indeed, the guests admire Stavropol deservedly. Some flower beds are worth something... But visitors are mainly interested in the center. Is there, figuratively speaking, life beyond the Moscow Ring Road, that is, on the outskirts of the regional capital?

- Stavropol has indeed made significant progress in terms of improvement, creation of comfortable living conditions, and appearance. Glad it didn't go unnoticed. And Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government Dmitry Kozak noted this when presenting the city with an award. I must say that the recognition received concerns not only the central part of Stavropol. You can list for a long time what has been done primarily for sleeping areas. And more will be done. We are at the forefront in many areas. In particular, this concerns the greening of the city, small architectural forms, which, of course, diversify the urban landscape. We cleared the city of an abundance of billboards, of which there were about one and a half thousand. Today there are about 300 left. There was no goal of just sadistically cutting them off. The administration was guided by the wishes of the townspeople, who spoke in favor of such a decision in the framework of sociological surveys, at meetings of residents held by the district administrations of the regional center. Judge for yourself what it's like to listen to the rustling shutters of a billboard all night. Some billboards blocked the view from the window, which is also inconvenient, narrowing the view to motorists. Business agreed with this formulation of the issue.

However, if I, as the head of the city, would now declare that I am satisfied with everything, then there is nothing for me to do in this place. In such a large household there is always unfinished business. Today, the administration is particularly concerned about the consequences of the harsh winter of 2016/2017. Only the lazy did not resent the number of remaining potholes on the roads. There are many more of them than in previous seasons. So the refurbishment is in full swing. In total, 300 million rubles were allocated to the city for these purposes. Some inconvenience has to be endured, but the main road activity takes place at night, when there are practically no cars. There is still a lot of work, so contractors are unlikely to cope with the entire volume before August.

- Andrey Khasanovich, recently kiosks have been actively liquidated in Stavropol, including Soyuzpechat. Not all townspeople like it.

I consider this process to be natural. Unseemly beer gardens, old ruins-kiosks, a legacy of the 90s of the last century, when there really was a need for them, are disappearing in the city. Today, the indicator of provision of retail space per capita in Stavropol is 1.6 times higher than the national one. In the new situation, it's time to think about the architectural appearance of our streets. Kiosks will not disappear completely. They just need to look fundamentally different. All this rather painstaking work is carried out in close cooperation with the deputies of the City Duma. Currently, we are forming a new echelon of kiosks in accordance with the approved sketches and location for the sale of the same printed matter, ice cream, and other small goods. No emergency happened. This is a global practice in the formation of the urban environment.

- Paid parking has become a serious topic of conversation. The parking meters are, figuratively speaking, in an open field, it is not clear who controls the situation. Why was City Parking LLC from Krasnodar chosen to implement the project, where, as you know, the local prosecutor's office has claims against this company? Was there no worthy candidate in the Stavropol Territory?

- There are many fables about this. Remember, not so long ago on Karl Marx, Bulkin, Sovetskaya and other streets it was impossible to squeeze through cars - the concentration was gigantic. Paid parking made it possible to organize the space, partially relieve the most stressed sections of city highways. The administration was forced to take measures that limited the ability of some motorists to travel to the city center by car, since parking now has to be paid. As for the "clean field". Parking meters do not remain without the supervision of controllers. Another thing is that they have to move from one parking lot to another. Payment methods can be different - from a bank card, using a mobile application. The user manual is simple.

About choosing a contractor. We don't care about the fact that there, in Krasnodar, there is a conflict with parking lots. They honestly won the tender with us. Moreover, among our entrepreneurial structures there were no those who are able to cope with such a project. It just so happened that if someone does not like something, it is immediately given the format of illegality. The main condition is that the investor installs all the necessary equipment, software, video surveillance systems for his own money. Not a single budget ruble is allocated for these purposes. On the contrary, already at the stage of implementation, 10 percent of the total income is dripping into the city treasury. In general, the interaction algorithm is as follows: initially, all parking revenues are transferred to the city budget, and then the LLC is compensated for the costs. Based on the results of the audit, the prosecutor's office made a number of comments, one of them was to allocate more parking spaces for the disabled, which was done. "City parking" - definitely not a sharashka office. The enterprise successfully works at the federal level, fulfills its obligations to the city, pays taxes. Throwing mud is the easiest thing to do.

And besides, the municipality does not rely only on paid parking. Free for two hours will be parking for 600 places at the new perinatal center, which will be commissioned this autumn. On Kazachya, 25, next to the European shopping center, free multi-storey parking has already been launched. The underground parking under construction on Aleksandrovskaya Square may also be free. The decision has not yet been made. If there was such an economic opportunity, the mayor's office would make all parking free. However, any structure needs maintenance, so you can’t do without spending. And the city treasury is not yet in the condition to live, as under communism.

- The sleeping quarters are no less than the center, parking lots are needed, and more ...

– This is a modern trend, which is actively cultivated by the city administration. A new construction project cannot now be approved without reference to a car parking facility. The Cosmos shopping and entertainment center in the south-west of the city has become even more in demand after it has acquired an underground parking lot.

Since last year, a new building standard has been introduced in Stavropol for housing as well. If you want to build, please, but only in the ratio: one apartment - one parking space. Moreover, housing today is no longer a shortage, in order to agree to everything, if only to build. Most construction organizations have already adopted these rules of the game.

- What makes the head of the regional center especially happy today?

- You know, I want to say that there is a certain extreme in our life: we have lost the habit of talking about good things. And this is wrong. Currently, several super projects are being implemented in Stavropol, which will soon, of course, decorate the city, make it more comfortable and harmonious. Federal funds, together with regional ones, were allocated for their implementation thanks to the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Governor.

One of them is already working. This is a modern perinatal center. A new polyclinic in the southwestern part of the city (530th quarter) for 770 visits per shift at the finish line. It remains to mount the equipment, and by the end of the year the institution will accept the first patients.

Today I was at the construction site where the largest exhibition center “Russia. My History”, where expositions will be placed, thanks to which it will be possible to get acquainted in detail and visually with the history of the Russian State. The regional component will also be mandatory. Projects of this magnitude are currently being implemented only in ten regions of Russia. A new city avenue with six lanes will run nearby. And the square in front of this monumental building will certainly become one of the favorites for the townspeople in the near future.

The 240th anniversary of the city will celebrate the 240th anniversary of the city this autumn at Angel Square: an LED screen for showing films, original landscaping elements. It is no coincidence that the project received a gold diploma at the All-Russian competition.

The construction of the Ice Palace, which the townspeople have already been waiting for, has begun. It is scheduled to be commissioned in October next year.

The Theater Square in the city center, Lenin Square are subject to reconstruction and renovation, where not only the coating will be replaced, but also a skate park will be arranged to the delight of young Stavropol residents. In the Perspektivny microdistrict, the construction of a new school for a thousand students with two swimming pools is in full swing. The city has big plans for the improvement of courtyards, the construction of sports and children's playgrounds. The list goes on.

- It is known that all cases cannot be redone. And there will never be enough money for everything. It is necessary to prioritize.

- The number of cars in the regional capital is increasing, new transport interchanges are needed. The birth rate is growing. Our task is to keep up with these processes, to provide children with kindergartens in a timely manner. There are not enough places for recreation - you need your own water park, where there will be water rides, a tennis court, and other entertainment. By the way, its construction is already planned. Enough remains of emergency housing, from which it is necessary to relocate people to comfortable conditions.

Trees grow old - a change is also needed. In two years, 40,000 young trees have been planted. And this is still not enough. In this regard, I recall the Japanese wisdom: "The best time to plant trees was 20 years ago, the next best time is today." By and large, it's not just about preserving urban plantings. About the need to live every day, remember that it depends on us, what tomorrow will be like.

- What is the main dream of the mayor of the regional capital?

- I would like the guests to say how lucky the Stavropol residents are to live in such a wonderful city. For this, however, much more needs to be done. It turns out that it will be difficult for me to list everything I dream about. Then so. The main dream is that all dreams come true.



In 1984 he graduated from the Stavropol Agricultural Institute.

In 2000 he graduated from the Moscow Modern Humanitarian Institute with a degree in Jurisprudence.



The head of Stavropol has risen in the rating of leaders of Russian cities

The head of Stavropol, Andrey Dzhatdoev, has risen two more lines in the National Ranking of Mayors.

Teachers' ball will be held in Stavropol on October 5

The city solemn meeting dedicated to Teacher's Day will be held at the Stavropol Palace of Children's Creativity at 15:00.

The event will be attended by teachers, educators, teachers of institutions of additional education, as well as honored teachers of Russia and veterans of pedagogical work. For many years of conscientious work, a great contribution to the education and upbringing of the younger generation, 68 teachers of Stavropol will be awarded departmental awards, diplomas and letters of thanks.

For the first time a tourism festival was held in Stavropol

A unique opportunity to get acquainted with the tourist potential of the city and the region was given to visitors of the First Tourism Festival in Stavropol, which was dedicated to the World Tourism Day. The festival was organized by the administration of Stavropol, with the assistance of the Ministry of Culture of the Stavropol Territory.

The festival started on the Fortress Hill and was held in the format of an exhibition-fair, where visitors could get acquainted with the various offers of tour operators, get advice and even book trips. All those who came were met by entertainment venues, exhibitions of tourist and souvenir products of folk art masters, as well as representatives of associations of auto and motorcycle travelers of the Stavropol Territory, and much more.

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