Dolphin Zeus died. Dolphin therapy - a lie to desperate parents

Dolphin Zeus, for whose life veterinarians and protectors of aquatic mammals fought, did not hold any grudge against anyone and held on to life until the very end. Animal rights activist Natalya Makeeva told about this to the correspondent of the TV and radio company "Anapa Region". “I think that he even forgave the one on whose fault he and Delphi died,” Makeeva said.

April 6, Anapa Region. Dolphin Zeus, for whose life veterinarians and protectors of aquatic mammals fought, did not hold any grudge against anyone and held on to life until the very end. Animal rights activist Natalya Makeeva told about this to the Anapa Region TV and Radio Company. "I think that he forgave even the one through whose fault he and Delphi died.", - says Makeeva.

Natalya Makeeva, one of the participants in the rescue of the dolphins of Zeus and Delphi from the silo pit, which was located in an unheated building. Then veterinarians stated exhaustion and a whole bunch of diseases. The released were transported to the Utrish Dolphinarium under the supervision of specialists. Delphi could not be saved, and Zeus, who turned out to be more resilient, tried to look vigorous and cheerful until the last day.

"Zeus is an amazing dolphin, this is an example of how to fight for life until the last breath." , - said the animal protector. Veterinarians who tried to save the dolphin's life admitted that "the case was very difficult," she said.

In June last year, Zeus, Delphi and Plato's beluga whale could be seen in a mobile dolphinarium, which was installed in the Izmailovsky Park in Moscow. As one of the city portals told about leisure then,"During the summer holidays, they will delight the children of the capital with regular show programs" ... It was also reported that they"Happy to pose in front of camera lenses together with everyone who wants to" ... The ticket price for the show, which lasted less than an hour, declared in the same place was 500 rubles with a grandstand capacity of 400 people.

Potential viewers were told that cetaceans tolerate the Moscow climate well, and the design of the pool is thought out to the smallest detail. Parameters such as temperature, salt and chlorine content are controlled by special sensors. Meanwhile, animal advocates opposed the attraction. In their opinion, the pool with a volume of about a thousand cubic meters at a depth of three meters was too small for three cetaceans.

In mid-July, animal rights activists rallies took place near the temporary dolphinarium and signatures were collected for its closure. The interdistrict environmental prosecutor's office demanded to remove the dolphinarium due to violation of veterinary and sanitary rules.

Meanwhile, on September 2, the news agency \ "Moscow \", with reference to the administration of the park, reported that the dolphinarium is closed due to the approach of cold weather.“The inhabitants of the dolphinarium will leave for the winter in the Krasnodar Territory, but they will not return to Izmailovsky Park for the next summer season, but will perform elsewhere. Perhaps they will return to Moscow again ", - the message says.

Zeus and Delphus were found by animal rights activists in November in the village of Veselovka, Temryuk district. The court fined their owners 1 million rubles and decided to transfer the then still living Zeus to the state, but the entrepreneurs managed to appeal this decision.

In fact, this meant that the dolphin had to be returned to the entrepreneurs. The prosecutor's office said that they would challenge the verdict at a higher instance. Upon the death of Zeus a prosecutor's check was organized.

The workers of the Anapa Dolphinarium on Bolshoy Utrish, where the mammal now lives, are sure of this.

The day before, animal rights activists announced that Zeus' dolphin would be released into the Black Sea. In their opinion, this will give the animal an incentive to move more and help to recover.

However, the dolphinarium workers are sure of the opposite.

Zeus is not yet completely healthy, he is very weak, - said the employee of the dolphinarium, whose name she asked not to be named. - For many years of working with dolphins, I will definitely be able to distinguish a healthy animal from a sick one. He can't go to sea. Letting him go free is tantamount to ruining him.

The senior dolphin trainer Nikolay Mitsuk also agrees with her.

Zeus must not be allowed to float freely. His spine is crooked. The animal is still receiving antibiotics and pills. And he will no longer be able to fish in the sea on his own, the speed is not the same, - complains the coach.

Dolphins arrive to feed by the end of April or even mid-May, he said. Therefore, if Zeus is now released into the sea, he will be left all alone. And in general, these mammals live in flocks, they are not alone. And the wounded dolphin lived in poor conditions for a very long time, he has no family, moreover, by human standards, he is disabled. And a stranger will not be accepted into the flock. He himself will not survive. In addition, now the water temperature in the sea is not more than 10 degrees, it will freeze.

Now a case has been initiated about an administrative offense on the confiscation and seizure of animals. However, the decision did not come into legal force - the owners of the animals will appeal against it. The next hearing is scheduled for March 10, then the first results will be known. After the decree comes into legal force, we can and will talk about the fate of the dolphin - whether to release it or not, - the Azov-Black Sea environmental prosecutor told us.

Until all the proceedings are over, "free" Zeus does not shine.

Let's remind that two bottlenose dolphins were brought from Veselovka in a terrible state to the Anapa dolphinarium. The animals were kept in a shallow pool without low temperature filtration. The owner of the bottlenose dolphins had no documentation confirming the legality of their purchase. In addition, the dolphins did not have microchips with identification numbers.

Veterinarians have identified multiple infections and severe malnutrition in mammals. One of the dolphins died some time later.

Soon, the environmental prosecutor's office confiscated two exhausted bottlenose dolphins from an entrepreneur from the Temryuk region.

Material " Infernal Dolphinarium. Concentration camp for animals set up in Temryuk district»Can be read.

This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
below is the date when the material was published on the original site!

Latest news from Krasnodar region on the topic:
Dolphin Zeus, tortured by flayers, will not survive in the wild

Dolphin Zeus, tortured by flayers, will not survive in the wild- Krasnodar


About a sick dolphin held hostage in a lawsuit

The innocent Red Book dolphin Zeus, by the will of a ruthless businessman, is illegally deprived of freedom, family and health. In anticipation of the end of the litigation, he may lose his life itself ... As has already happened with his friend in misfortune - Delfa, tortured by being held in captivity by the company of the same entrepreneur. The Court of Appeal ruled on March 24 that keeping dolphins in a silo pit in a depleted state on the farm is absolutely appropriate for a species listed in the Red Book.

The story of the death of Delphi and the disease of Zeus.

Inhuman in its cruelty, the story of two dolphins found on a farm in the village of Veselovka, Krasnodar Territory, has spread almost all over the world. Delphi and Zeus, Black Sea bottlenose dolphins, listed in the Red Book, were kept in a former silo pit, converted into a shallow unheated "pool" with dirty stagnant water. Where they were found by state regulatory authorities with the help of the public on December 1, 2015 in a terrible physical condition - with twisted spines, extremely emaciated, frozen, with ulcers on the skin. The permits for the dolphin keeping provided for by the laws were not presented.

In order to preserve the lives of the Red Book animals, as well as in view of the obvious unsuitability of the reservoir for keeping dolphins, they were seized and sent for safekeeping and treatment to the dolphinarium on Bolshoy Utrish (OOO Firma Dolphin) before the trial. Based on the revealed facts of violations, the prosecutor's office opened three administrative cases under article 7.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation ("Unauthorized use of a water body in violation of the established conditions"), article 8.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation ("Failure to comply with environmental and sanitary-epidemiological requirements when handling production and consumption waste" ) and Art. 8.35 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation ("Destruction of rare and endangered species of animals").

The owner of the farm and dolphins is Pavlovskaya Sloboda LLC, and its director is M.N. Krokhin, a renowned entrepreneur in the dolphinarium industry and marine mammal trade. It is also known that he is engaged in breeding animals for the organization of collective hunts. On the account of the company there are lawsuits and fines for violations of sanitary and veterinary standards, inappropriate conditions of detention and lack of permits for animals, illegal construction. There is a document testifying that due to the fault and negligence of "Pavlovskaya Sloboda" 19 walruses died during transportation. According to unofficial, but verified data, on the conscience of this man there are many dead dolphins and beluga whales, he and the employees of the Pavlovskaya Sloboda company are constantly engaged in illegal catching of the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins from the Red Book.

In particular, according to public information, Zeus and Delphi, as well as her cub, were illegally caught in Taman Bay in the summer of 2014 and placed in one of the premises of the farm in Veselovka. Later, the dolphin was taken away from her mother and taken away in an unknown direction. In the summer of 2015, Delphi and Zeus were transported to the temporary dolphinarium of Pavlovskaya Sloboda LLC in the Izmailovsky Park in Moscow. This dolphinarium caused a lot of negative reviews in the society and was closed in September 2015 by a court decision due to numerous violations (however, this "coincided" with the closing of the season ...). And the dolphins were returned to the silo again ...

After the emergency confiscation of dolphins on 01.12.2015, despite all the efforts made by veterinarians and specialists to treat and support them, Delphi's condition continued to deteriorate continuously. On December 21, she died ... from severe infections, pathological changes in the lungs and heart, as well as severe damage to the spine - all this is a consequence of being in the icy dirty water of the silo pit of Pavlovskaya Sloboda LLC.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Temryuk district opened a criminal case under Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Cruelty to animals") against the director of "Pavlovskaya Sloboda".

Zeus, physically stronger, was on the mend, his condition stabilized for a while. But after the death of his girlfriend, he fell into depression. Dolphins are highly organized and sensitive creatures, the health of these animals directly depends on their mental state. Specialists and volunteers do everything possible to help him overcome depression and physical ailments - a severe curvature of the spine that occurred against the background of exhaustion, hypothermia, stress and infections resulting from unacceptable conditions of detention in Pavlovskaya Sloboda LLC. But obviously, the only thing Zeus needs is freedom. The ability to swim far and dive deep. Freezing motionless in his aviary, he constantly looks out to sea. People made a cripple out of him, but did not break his free spirit - he remains a wild dolphin, does not lend itself to training and does not tolerate medical manipulations to which all dolphins in dolphinariums are accustomed. Therefore, treatment does not help stop his illness. Zeus's physical condition worsens, the curvature of the spine increases. He's on the edge ...

Here is the expert opinion of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Marine Mammals of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Deputy Chairman of the Council for Marine Mammals Vsevolod Mikhailovich Belkovich:

“Positive shifts in the state of health of Zeus can come only if he is in a free natural habitat. Further keeping a dolphin in captivity, under these circumstances, can lead to its death ... For the natural process of straightening the tail stem, activating all systems and organs, mobilizing the protective mechanisms of the body, the dolphin needs active movement, swimming in unlimited space, diving to considerable depth ... The release of a dolphin into the natural environment will create a constant and natural stimulus for the animal to move and recover. "

Alexey Vladimirovich Yablokov, Chairman of the Council on Marine Mammals, Advisor to the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes that Zeus: “must be released into the natural habitat, having previously taken measures to rehabilitate him, and organize observation of him at sea. This is the only opportunity to improve his condition - treatment does not bring positive results, the presence of a semi-wild animal in captivity is clearly destructive for him. "

Conclusion of Tatyana Evgenievna Denisenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Microbiology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MBA named after K.I. Scriabin : "In the absence of positive dynamics in improving the clinical state of the animal in the process of rehabilitation measures, as well as taking into account the inability of this individual to live in captivity, the possible best option for the health and mental state of Zeus is to release him."

Experts' conclusions indicate that Zeus's life is in jeopardy - the longer he spends in captivity, the less chances he has to survive. Article 24 of the Federal Law of Russia No. 52-FZ "On the animal world" states that "Actions that can lead to the death, reduction in the number or violation of the habitat of objects of the animal world listed in the Red Data Books are not allowed."

DOLPHIN THERAPY - A LIE TO DESPERATE PARENTS Dolphin therapy is not a panacea for childhood autism, but another medical myth. The International Organization for the Protection of Whales and Dolphins, which has long tried to defend the right of marine mammals not to treat anyone, but to live their own marine life, presented the results of a detailed study of the issue to the public. This scientific work proves that dolphin therapy, which fans of unconventional therapeutic methods trumpeted at every corner, is nothing more than a marketing ploy. Dolphins don't heal anyone. Their therapeutic effect on children is comparable to that of any pet. The only difference is that no one invoices thousands of euros for "cat therapy". The conclusion reached by the defenders of dolphins after the research is this: an expensive treatment technique, in which the communication of small patients with dolphins is used as the main active factor, is currently used primarily for commercial purposes. According to the head of the study, Karola Otterstedt, dolphins, which allegedly treat sick children, do not tolerate imprisonment in dolphinariums very badly. And in their little patients, there is no sustainable result of therapy, for the sake of which it would be worth sacrificing money, and even the dolphins themselves. It is recorded that dolphins die from living in captivity much earlier than their free counterparts. Today, there are two fundamentally opposite theories on which the dolphin cure is supposedly based. One of them declares the development of concentration of attention in patients, while the other, on the contrary, claims that the patient, personally communicating with the dolphin, gets relaxation. And both of them promise a miracle of healing. However, miracles are expensive now: the cost of a "miracle", for example, in one of the US dolphinariums is 15 thousand euros. The treatment does not guarantee any documentary confirmation of the therapeutic effect. Under such conditions, cats, dogs and even turtles can be treated at home with the same success, if the child likes them and makes him happy. In any case, these animals are guaranteed not to harm the child, and they themselves do not experience torment from being kept in captivity. Still the most famous of the "waterfowl" people - Jacques-Yves Cousteau warned that life in captivity for such a highly organized animal like a dolphin is sheer torment. The dolphin is not a cat or a dog, and it is not at all as biologically close to humans as it is commonly believed. Popular TV shows managed to inspire us with the idea that the dolphin is almost the brother of homo sapiens. Meanwhile, unlike a person or a dog, this animal is oriented in space using ultrasound. Trapped in the tiny space of the pool compared to the ocean, the dolphin hears distorted sounds repeatedly reflected from smooth walls and literally loses its orientation in space. Maybe that's why recently one of the dolphins attacked people during a circus show at the dolphinarium in Curacao. As a result, three spectators were injured and hospitalized. Olga Filatova RBC daily newspaper

The animal activists learned from one of the local residents that dolphins are kept in terrible conditions at the old dairy farm, which is located in the village of Veselovka, Temryuk district, Krasnodar Territory.

“We received a complaint from a resident of Veselovka, according to which we, having assembled a team, went to the Temryuk District,” says a marine zoologist and a representative of the environmental organization “Ecological Watch for the North Caucasus” Konstantin Andramonov.

According to the stories of local residents, back in September 2015, several animals were kept on the old farm, of which at the time of the visit of the public activists only two Black Sea bottlenose dolphins remained.

Lived in a former silo pit

The swimming pool in which the dolphins live and the condition of mammals made animal protectors shudder.

“The pool is set up in a former silo pit, which is about 40 meters by 10 meters. The maximum depth is about 2 meters, which is undoubtedly catastrophically small for a dolphin, - Konstantin describes the conditions for keeping animals. - The roof for the pool is a non-insulated metal profile hangar. Light enters the windows. But due to the fact that several glasses are broken, a strong draft is walking through the room. "

The room is not electrified, which means that there can be no question of any water purification and filtration systems. In such conditions, according to the documents, two dolphins of the Black Sea bottlenose subspecies have been living for several months.

The water in the dolphin pool was so icy that the animals literally shook from the cold. Photo: "Kuban 24"

"Dolphins are shaking from the cold"

The appearance and health status of mammals in the Red Book leaves much to be desired.

“There are ulcerative formations on the body of animals. The teeth are worn out, and fresh wounds are visible on the lower jaws. The animals have become so emaciated that they can see sunken backs and sides, ”shares his observations animal rights activist from Moscow Lusine Balabadzhyan.

Konstantin Andramonov indignantly says that marine mammals are in unbearable conditions for them. In the pool, their respiratory and physical activity is minimal. Traces of damage can be seen on the bodies. Bottlenose dolphins literally tremble from the cold, the water temperature and drafts are so unacceptable for them.

Dolphins are fed with gobies - fish that have absolutely no nutrients and are practically not enriched with vitamins.

“Despite the fact that one of the men who brought food for the dolphins introduced himself as a marine mammal trainer, it’s hard to believe. His look and the look of other employees suggests that people suffer from chronic alcoholism, ”says Lusine.

Bottlenose dolphins were fed with gobies - a fish that contains few nutrients and useful vitamins. Photo: Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus

A million for dolphins from the Red Book

With the help of local deputies Ekaterina Chebotareva and Dmitry Sazonov, public figures got access to documents on the Red Data Book dolphins.

“The permit, which was granted by the personnel of the former dairy farm, contained information that in 1993 12 Black Sea bottlenose dolphins were caught in Sevastopol by Oceanarium Aquamarine LLC and in the future were to be kept in captivity for scientific and educational purposes and by no means for sale, ”says Konstantin Andramonov.

But the next document, which was shown to the animal rights activists, was a sale and purchase agreement and confirmed that the Crimean company Oceanarium Aquamarine was selling two specimens of the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins for 1,000,000 rubles to the Moscow company Pavlovskaya Sloboda LLC.

The same 1993 permit for the capture of 12 dolphins in Sevastopol. Photo: Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus

Zeus and Delphi

“We assume that the dolphins from the farm are Zeus and Delphi from the Izmailovsky Park in Moscow, where they entertained the residents of the capital and tourists last summer,” says Lusine. - This summer we held one-off pickets against dolphinariums in Izmailovo. Then we learned that there are two young Black Sea dolphins in the Izmaylovo Sea Theater. Dolphins practically did not know how to perform any tricks, but only cut circles around the pool - supposedly because they were young and had not yet learned. "

Lusine says that in such hellish conditions as on a farm, they could send only those dolphins who do not know how to "amuse" the public, and therefore do not bring financial profit - perhaps it was Zeus and Delphi. The animal activist also showed photographs of the found dolphins to trainers from Izmailovsky Park. They recognized their charges.

“And here is the discrepancy with their documents,” says Lusine. - If the animals from the barn are 12 dolphins caught back in 1993, then how could it happen that for more than 20 years in captivity they were not taught basic tricks? Or do other dolphins pass by someone else's documents? "

The girl assumes that the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins from the barn are young dolphins, caught recently and really have not yet been trained in anything. If her guesses are confirmed, then the owner of the dolphins may be prosecuted for illegal trafficking of the Red Book subspecies of marine mammals.

A document confirming that 2 individuals of the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins were transferred by the Sevastopol Moscow company. Photo: Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus

"The Greens staged a deception"

By the way, the "Sea Theater" in Izmailovo stopped its work after an inspection by the Moscow environmental prosecutor's office, which revealed a lot of violations in the work of the dolphinarium. The owner of the dolphinarium, which is Pavlovskaya Sloboda LLC, was fined. The media then reported that the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins and the polar whale, which "worked" with them, would be sent to one of the dolphinariums in the Krasnodar Territory to spend the winter. Then no one imagined that the "dolphinarium" for Zeus and Delphi would be the old cowshed. But if there is someone to fight for the lives of these animals, then what happened to the whale Plato still remains unknown.

By the way, from the words of animal defenders, Director of Pavlovskaya Sloboda LLC Mikhail Krokhin does not deny that dolphins do winter in the Temryuk region.

“The Greens have staged a deception. My animals are kept in excellent conditions, ”the entrepreneur briefly said in a telephone conversation with the correspondent.

On the bodies of animals, animal rights activists saw numerous injuries and ulcers. Photo: Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus

"Who warms up the water in the sea for dolphins?"

The representatives of the veterinary services are in solidarity with the merchant. Nikolay Pronin, Head of the Veterinary Directorate of the Temryuk District, tells how he, together with the head of the Slavic Department of the State Veterinary Inspection, Veterinary Supervision and Control Vladimir Perevalov, examined the pool with dolphins.

“The pool measures 95 by 18 meters with a maximum depth of 3.5 meters. Its bottom is equipped with moisture resistant material. The water in the pool comes directly from the Black Sea, but there is also a water filtration system, ”says Nikolay Pronin.

Dolphins, according to the chief veterinarian of the Temryuk region, play, eat the offered fish with pleasure, and also look cheerful and agile.

“These animal rights activists say that the water in the pool, you see, is icy,” Nikolay is indignant, “and who, tell me, heats the water for dolphins in the Black Sea? No one!"

Tortured 17 walruses

According to information that is freely available on the Internet, social activists found out that the head of Pavlovskaya Sloboda LLC Mikhail Krokhin has repeatedly become the protagonist of stories related to cruelty to animals.

In 2002, thanks to the "efforts" of Krokhin, 17 walruses died, which were first caught by Pavlovskaya Sloboda LLC, and then transported in unacceptable conditions. The animals were transported in the back of an all-terrain vehicle in nets, and not in transport cages for more than two days, which led to overheating and painful death of the walruses.

In May 2015, the court satisfied the claim of Rosprirodnadzor against the Pavlovskaya Sloboda company for illegal keeping of the Red Book dolphins and attracted the company to pay a fine of half a million rubles.

Dolphin health will be taken care of by Flipper's trainer

Animal rights activists plan to build a rehabilitation center that will be a salvation for all marine mammals who find themselves on the brink of life and death. Lusine Balabadzhyan says that he agreed to support this ambitious project Rick O'Barry Is a former world-renowned dolphin trainer who trained animals for the filming of the series "Flipper", and now actively advocates forgiving the keeping of dolphins in captivity.

“This is the best specialist in his field,” says Lusine. "He is involved in animal rehabilitation and has already safely released more than 15 dolphins into the open sea."

The animals are very emaciated, therefore, first of all, they will be fattened in the new dolphinarium near Anapa. Photo: Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus

Bottlenose dolphins moved to Anapa

On December 1, 2015, animal rights activists shared the good news: Delphi and Zeus were transported to the dolphinarium in the village of Bolshoy Utrish, Anapa region. This dolphinarium is located in the sea and offers the best conditions for the affected marine mammals that animal conservationists can currently provide.

“At first, dolphins will live in a quarantine pool with warm water. In ordinary water, they will freeze, as they are very emaciated and have no fat layer at all. In the Utrish Dolphinarium, first of all, they will be well fed, ”Lusine shares his plans.

An entrepreneur who placed a pair of dolphins in dire conditions and nearly let them die faces an administrative case. The biggest punishment under the article "Keeping animals in the Red Data Book without a license" is a fine of 1,000,000 rubles and confiscation of dolphins.

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