Adyghe State University. Adyghe State University (ASU)

    Adyghe State University- Republic of Adygea, Maykop, st. Pervomayskaya, 208. Preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methods of preschool education, pedagogy and methods of primary education, social pedagogy. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical ... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    - (Adyghe State University, ASU), Maykop, founded in 1940 originally as the Maikop Teachers' Institute; in 1952 it was transformed into the Adyghe Pedagogical Institute; since 1993 the modern name. The university includes 2 ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see NPI (meanings). South Russian State Technical University (SRSTU (NPI)) ... Wikipedia

    South Russian State Technical University (YURGTU (NPI)) Year of foundation 1907 Rector ... Wikipedia

    SOUTHERN RUSSIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (YURGTU), Novocherkassk, founded in 1907. The university has 10 faculties: information technology and management, mining and geological, physical and mathematical, electromechanics and mechatronics ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    List of scientists who were awarded the title of "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation" in 2008: Abdulaev, Shikh Said Omarzhanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Chairman of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy ... ... Wikipedia

    Coordinates: 44°39′ s. sh. 40°00′ E  / 44.65° N sh. 40° in. etc. ... Wikipedia

    List of scientists who were awarded the title of "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation" in 2007: Abramovich, Iltezar Ilyich, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Chief Researcher. Ageeva, Natalya Mikhailovna, Doctor of Technical ... ... Wikipedia

Adyghe State University
international title Adygea State University
Former names
Year of foundation
Reorganized to university
Year of reorganization
Type state
rector Mamiy, Daud Kazbekovich
students about 14 thousand students: 5 thousand full-time;
6.5 thousand in absentia;
over 2 thousand - according to programs.
Specialty in 42 specialties of higher and secondary vocational education
PhD about 400 PhDs
The doctors about 100 doctors of sciences
teachers about 650 people
Location Maykop; branches in the cities of Apsheronsk, Belorechensk, Yeysk, Novokubansk, Sochi, in the village of Koshekhabl
Campus urban 3.2 ha
Legal address Russia Russia, 385000, Maykop, st. Pervomaiskaya, 208.
Media files at Wikimedia Commons

They fought for their country! Memorial plaque at the university. Maykop 2014.


In 1915, the Maikop Teachers' Institute was opened in the Caucasian educational district. It was closed after the end of the civil war in Russia. The history of the Adyghe State University dates back to 1940, when the Teacher's Institute was opened in Maykop, which became the Adyghe Pedagogical Institute in 1952, and in 1993 - a state university.

In 1998, the “Republican School of Physics and Mathematics at the Adygea State University” was established, and in 2005 it was renamed the “Republican School of Natural Mathematics at the Adygea State University” (REMS), becoming the main center in the republic for working with mathematically gifted students . In 2018, the Mathematical Park Open-Air Museum of Mathematics was opened on the territory of REMSH. This is the first educational project in Russia, which is a unique platform with mathematical art objects, where many tasks and theorems are visualized.

Currently, ASU is the leading educational and research center of the Republic of Adygea. In autumn 2015, the university celebrated its 75th anniversary.



The university provides training in 42 specialties of higher and secondary vocational education.

Approx. 14 thousand students: 5 thousand full-time; 6.5 thousand in absentia; over 2 thousand - under the programs of secondary vocational education.

Teaching staff - approx. 650 people, of which approx. 100

    Adyghe State University- Republic of Adygea, Maykop, st. Pervomayskaya, 208. Preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methods of preschool education, pedagogy and methods of primary education, social pedagogy. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical ... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Adyghe University- (Adyghe State University, ASU), Maykop, founded in 1940 originally as the Maikop Teachers' Institute; in 1952 it was transformed into the Adyghe Pedagogical Institute; since 1993 the modern name. The university includes 2 ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    South Russian State Technical University- This term has other meanings, see NPI (meanings). South Russian State Technical University (SRSTU (NPI)) ... Wikipedia

    South Russian Technical University- South Russian State Technical University (YURGTU (NPI)) Year of foundation 1907 Rector ... Wikipedia

    SOUTH RUSSIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY- SOUTHERN RUSSIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (YURGTU), Novocherkassk, founded in 1907. The university has 10 faculties: information technology and management, mining and geological, physical and mathematical, electromechanics and mechatronics ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    List of honored scientists of the Russian Federation for 2008- List of scientists who were awarded the title of "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation" in 2008: Abdulaev, Shikh Said Omarzhanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Chairman of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy ... ... Wikipedia

    Adygea- Coordinates: 44°39′ s. sh. 40°00′ E  / 44.65° N sh. 40° in. etc. ... Wikipedia

    List of honored scientists of the Russian Federation for 2007- List of scientists who were awarded the title of "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation" in 2007: Abramovich, Iltezar Ilyich, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Chief Researcher. Ageeva, Natalya Mikhailovna, Doctor of Technical ... ... Wikipedia

About the university

The history of the Adyghe State University dates back to 1940, when the Teacher's Institute was opened in Maikop, which in 1952 became the Adyghe Pedagogical Institute, and in 1993 - a state university. Currently, ASU is the leading educational and research center of the Republic of Adygea. In autumn 2010 the university will celebrate its 70th anniversary.

The rector of the Adyghe State University since 1996 is Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Hunagov Rashid Dumalichevich. R.D. Khunagov is a full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, the Academy of Social Sciences, the International Adyghe (Circassian) Academy, Honored Scientist of Kuban, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Honorary Doctor of the Abkhaz State University and Taganrog Radio Engineering University. Awarded with medals “Glory of Adygea”, “For outstanding contribution to the development of the Kuban”, Honorary Silver Medal named after. V.I. P. Sorokin "For contribution to the development of national sociology", Certificate of Honor of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Certificate of Honor of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory. Cavalier of the Order of Saint Sophia, Laureate of the European Socrates Prize, Laureate of the American Prize "Golden Certificate of Quality" and the medal "For Contribution to the Development of Science and Culture", Laureate of the Competition of Scientific Works on Caucasian Studies of the South of Russia named after. Yu.A. Zhdanova, Laureate of the All-Russian project "Effective personnel management" in the nomination "Head of the Year" (2009).

In the structure of the Adyghe State University - 3 Institutes (Institute of Arts, Institute of Physical Culture and Judo, Research Institute), 11 faculties (mathematics and computer science, physical, natural sciences, historical, philological, Adyghe philology and culture, foreign languages, legal, economic , pedagogical, international), 7 branches (in the Republic of Adygea and cities of the Krasnodar Territory), Humanitarian and Technical College, vocational training center, department of the South Russian Representative Office of the Russian Academy of Sciences, department of the Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories of the KBSC RAS, Republican School of Natural Mathematics, computer center "Turbo", preparatory department and other educational structures. The university has 53 departments, 27 of which have postgraduate studies and 7 - doctoral studies.

More than 14,000 students are trained in 42 specialties of higher and secondary vocational education, including: full-time 5175 people, part-time - 6541 people, external studies - 571 people, programs of secondary vocational education - over 2000 people.

The university employs 646 teachers, including over 100 doctors and about 400 candidates of science, 35 honored scientists of Russia and Adygea, 24 academicians of Russian and International Academies, 27 honored workers of education, culture and sports of Russia and Adygea.

ASU has 8 councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses in 14 specialties. There are 18 educational and research centers and laboratories. The annual amount of funding for scientific projects carried out on the basis of the university is over 30 million rubles.

6 scientific journals are published, the newspapers “Universitet” and “SNO Vesti” are published. The journal "Bulletin of ASU" has the status of a publication of the Higher Attestation Commission.

There are several museums, including: Museum of History of ASU, Museum of Nature, Museum of Fauna of the North-Western Caucasus, Educational and Mineralogical Museum. A Botanical Garden has been created on the territory of ASU Agrobiostation.

The university has a scientific library and a publishing house. An electronic library has been formed.

The total area of ​​educational and laboratory buildings of ASU is about 60 thousand square meters. The university has 3 academic buildings. In 2009, an educational building for 720 seats was put into operation, in which training is carried out according to SVE programs on the basis of the ASU Humanitarian and Technological College. At present, a new 8-storey building of ASU and the building of the scientific library are being built in the center of Maykop.

The ASU computer park includes about 1000 computers. The university has 42 computer labs connected to local networks. Work is underway to create a single high-speed computer network. The INTERNET CENTER is functioning.

In 2009, Adyghe State University entered a large network project of the TEMPUS program. The EU grant was allocated for the development of an educational program for the preparation of a bachelor of social work. This is one of the largest EU grants being implemented in Russia today. Suffice it to say that its funding exceeds one million euros. The work on the project is carried out in consortium with the leading universities of Russia (Moscow State Educational Institution, Kazan Academy of Social Education) and European countries - Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy.

ASU received a unique opportunity to jointly develop the content of professional training for bachelors with European partners in the context of reforming education in Russia and its Europeanization within the framework of the Bologna Process

The main goal of the project is to develop, on the basis of cooperation between European and Russian educational institutions, a bachelor of social work training program that takes into account the most advanced world experience and organically combines modern theoretical approaches and the latest practical trainings. In addition, it is planned to intensify the academic mobility of students and teachers, expand the introduction of innovative teaching technologies, and develop distance education.

The project is currently under active development. A series of joint working seminars of the project participants took place in Potsdam, Rome, Moscow, Kazan and Maikop. Adyghe State University twice hosted colleagues from Potsdam, Paris and Rome Universities, students of the department of social pedagogy of ASU had the opportunity to listen to lectures by leading professors from London, Paris and Rome. Educational and methodological complexes of a number of disciplines of the block "Social and humanitarian foundations of social work" have been developed. When developing materials, the strategic directions of reforming education were taken into account, namely: the use of a modular approach, the crediting of acquired knowledge on the basis of credit (credit) units; interdisciplinary approach; taking into account the intercultural component; systematic connection between theory and practice; providing distance training for training courses; constant monitoring of the quality of education; participation of students in the formation of the educational trajectory.

The university has created the necessary conditions for health-improving activities and recreational activities: there is a sanatorium-dispensary "Health", there are two recreation centers on the Black Sea coast and an educational and recreational complex "Mountain Legend", located in a picturesque mountainous area.

ASU actively cooperates with universities in Russia, near and far abroad, is a member of the International Association of Universities under UNESCO, the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature. For a number of years, groups of young people from near and far abroad countries have been studying at the university: the CIS, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Nigeria, Sudan, Chad and other countries.

Postgraduate students, teachers and scientists from the USA, France and Germany, specializing in the field of Russian language and Caucasian studies, come to internships and scientific conferences. Teachers of the Department of Adyghe Philology go on folklore expeditions to the countries of the East, teachers of the Institute of Arts regularly give concerts in European countries.

Strong traditions of spiritual, moral, aesthetic, civic-patriotic and labor education of students have developed in the Adyghe State University. Such events as the festival "Student Spring", the exhibition "World of Hobbies", "Day of Defenders of the Fatherland", meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War have become traditional; charitable action "Care".

The Sports and Tourism Center "Edelweiss" operates, whose activities are aimed at attracting students to sports and tourism all-around. The team of STC "Edelweiss" has repeatedly become the winner of the All-Russian championship of student teams in tourist all-around.

Many of the graduates of the ASU Institute of Physical Culture and Judo achieved outstanding success in sports, including: V. Nevzorov - the first Soviet world champion in judo wrestling, Olympic champion (Montreal), repeated champion of Europe and the USSR; A. Emizh - Olympic medalist (Moscow), European champion in judo wrestling; H. Tletseri - World champion, two-time winner of the Intercontinental World Cup, four-time European champion, repeated champion of the USSR in judo; A. Khapay, V. Gurin, S. Alkhaov, V. Dutov - repeated world and USSR champions in judo and sambo; H. Taov - two-time champion of Russia, bronze medalist in judo in the weight category up to 90 kg at the Olympic Games in Athens; M.Khasanov is a ten-time World champion in sambo wrestling. Women's handball team "Adyif" is the winner of the European club championship.20:46 08.10.2010

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