Another installation is in progress что делать.

When a software installation has hung, you might get the following error message when installing a program: “Error 1500. Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one .

This is due either to a couple of MSI installers running at the same time or an In-progress key left from an earlier installation. These are a few ways you can fix error 1500 in Windows 10.

How to fix Windows 10 error 1500

1. Close Background Software Processes

  • Firstly, you could try closing the background installer process with Task Manager. So right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager to open its window below.
  • Click the Process tab at the top of the Task Manager window if it isn’t already selected.
  • Next, find msiexec.exe , installer.exe and setup.exe listed under Background processes.
  • Select those processes and click their End task buttons.
  • In addition, you might also be able to find and close those processes from Task Manager’s Details tab.
  • Then open the software setup again to add the program to Windows.

2. Remove the Installation Reference with the Registry Editor

Did the first fix work? If not, you can try a fix that will delete an active installation status registry reference. This is how you can fix error 1500 with .

  • First, press the Win key + R hotkey to open Run; and then you can input ‘regedit’ to open the window below.
  • Next, go to the following registry subkey: HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Installer\InProgress .
  • Select the InProgress subkey and double-click its (Default) string. Erase that value’s contents and press OK .
  • Now you can close the and open the software’s installer again.

3. Stop and Restart Windows Installer

  • Stopping and restarting the , an essential component for adding various programs to windows, could also do the trick. To do that, first enter ‘services’ into the Cortana search box and select Services.
  • Now scroll to Windows Installer and double-click it to open the window below.
  • Click the Startup type drop-down menu and select Disabled from that menu. Alternatively, you can press the Stop button.
  • Next, press the Apply and OK buttons to confirm the new setting.
  • Now you should restart Windows 10.
  • After restarting Windows, open the Services and Windows Installer Properties windows again.
  • Press the Start button on the Windows Installer Properties window. Or you can select Manuel from the Startup type drop-down menu.
  • Press the Apply > OK buttons to close the Windows Installer Properties window.

4. Run the System File Checker Tool in Windows

The System File Checker, otherwise sfc /scannow, tool might also fix files pertaining to error 1,500. To run a system file check, press the Win key + X keyboard shortcut and select Command Prompt (Admin) from the menu. Enter ‘sfc /scannow ‘ into the Command Prompt window and press Return.

That will start a System File Checker scan in the Command Prompt, which might take a while.

5. Run the Windows Update and Windows Store App troubleshooters

If this error occurs when you try to install apps from the Microsoft Store, try running Windows 10’s built-in troubleshooter.Go to Start > type ‘settings’ > double-click on the first result.

Now, navigate to Update & Security and select Troubleshoot. Scroll down to Windows Store Apps and run the troubleshooter.

Follow the on-screen instructions to fix this problem. Go back to Troubleshoot and this time run the Windows Update Troubleshooter and then restart your computer.

6. Manually reset the Windows Updates Components

If the problem persists, try resetting the Windows Update Components. This solution will fix corrupted or missing Windows Update files. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Launch Command Prompt as administrator
  2. Type the following commands and hit Enter after each one to stop all the Windows Update Components:
    • net stop wuauserv
    • net stop cryptSvc
    • net stop bits
    • net stop msiserver
  3. Now, rename the SoftwareDistribution folder by entering the following commands:
    • ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
    • ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 Catroot2.old
  4. Restart the Update Components that you previously stopped at step 2. To do this, enter the following commands:
    • net start wuauserv
    • net start cryptSvc
    • net start bits
    • net start msiserver
  5. Close Command Prompt, restart your computer and check if the error persists.

Those are a few of the best fixes for error 1500. They’ll probably fix it, but you could also try a clean boot and reregistering the MSI via .

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in February 2017 and has been since completely revamped and updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.


Lyudmila Alekseyeva was a consistent member of the Human Rights Council.

Denis Davydov with the details on its most recent meeting.

Lyudmila Alekseyeva was missed at today"s meeting in the Kremlin. She worked in the Presidential Council until her last day.

Vladimir Putin: “She fought for justice as her conscience dictated. She did a lot to make the council an authoritative body and did a lot for the country. I ask you to honor her memory with a minute of silence.”

She emigrated but returned to Russia in the early 90s. She witnessed the establishment of the Russian civic society and helped form the protest culture.

Mikhail Fedotov, chairman of the Council: "Ms. Alekseyeva was once arrested on December 31st, 2009 during the unapproved rally on Triumfalnaya Square. Next year, on October 31st she managed to reach a compromise with the Moscow Mayor"s Office and got it to approve the next similar rally on the same square."

The Chairman of the Council proposed that the president continue to work on the law that governs rallies and demonstrations.

Vladimir Putin: "Why not? We just need to contemplate and make a carefully weighed decision. But you said that Ms. Alekseyeva was arrested and added that she knew how to reach a compromise".

You see? That means that it"s possible to reach a compromise without changing the law if one truly wishes to reach it. Still, it"s possible to consider some amendments to the law. Why not?”

Speaking of another detainee, human rights activist Lev Ponomaryov has been jailed for 25 days for encouraging the start an unapproved rally.

Nikolay Svanidze, member of the Council: "Lev Ponomaryov isn"t a hooligan, he"s a doctor of physics and mathematics. He"s a principled opponent of violence and a pacifist. He"s 77 years old. His reputation is as clean as a freshly wiped glass. I"m asking you, esteemed Mr. Putin to order the Federal Prosecutor to check the legitimacy of Ponomaryov"s arrest".

Vladimir Putin: “I"ll ask Yuri Chaika to check this case. At the same time, questioning the fairness of the court"s verdict in this very conversation is a hard thing for me to do, basically impossible. The court made a decision, then, there was a second one. Of course, I expected this question to arise. It goes without saying. It"s a special council, and the people here are special. It would"ve been odd if these questions had been omitted. But in the incident report that I read that he was calling for unapproved protests, rallies, and so on. However, we don"t want Moscow to become the next Paris, do we?

"The Parisian protesters are smashing the pavement and burning everything that they see. You see? They"re plunging the country into a state of emergency".

The Human Rights Council is concerned about the situations of Russians abroad. In order to help them, the council addresses similar foreign organizations. The American rights activists refused to cooperate.

Vladimir Putin: "Your American colleagues are disciplined people integrated into the system. You must clearly understand that. The same applies to almost every sphere in the life of the government and society. There are people there who defy the system. However, they"re also integrated into the system. Even if they"re not civil servants. Nothing unexpected ever happens there, I assure you. Even the recent neverending turmoil concerning the president and his decisions is actually a part of the system as well. It"s just that the system has cracks in it. But you"re free to engage in dialogue with them. I believe being always open for dialogue would be enough. What"s there to talk about? I don"t want to go into detail but their police shoot unarmed people, including women for no reason. Even if she jumps out of her car and runs away after speeding up is that a reason to kill her? But their police do. They shoot to kill. And get away with it".

Putin specifically discussed the situation of one Russian citizen held in an American jail. Maria Butina was arrested in the States for espionage.

Vladimir Putin: "That poor girl Butina is in jail, she might face up to 15 years in prison. For what? When I heard about her situation... This is a public event but I"ve got nothing to hide. I questioned all of the commanders of our intelligence services. Who is she? Nobody knows anything about her. Somebody from the Federation Council knew her. She used to work for some deputy senator. That"s it. And for that, she"s getting 15 years in prison? What"s that about? I don"t know what they might come up with to justify this 15-year sentence".

The discussion turned to the foreigners serving their sentences in Russia. A proposal is voiced: Instead of imprisoning them, we could just deport them. That is supposed to reduce prison overcrowding.

Vladimir Putin: "That would put the Russian citizens and foreigners on two different levels. After committing two similar crimes, a Russian citizen would end up behind bars while a foreigner would just go home. Does that sound like a punishment? That"s first. Secondly... See, Mr. Myslovsky confirms that. Okay, secondly we have a visa-free regime with the majority of CIS countries. If we deport a criminal they can take the next flight and go to another Russian city and roam it freely. That"s it, the punishment is over".

The president liked the idea of appointing child rights commissioners and financial ombudsmen in every region to provide assistance on the spot, without waiting for a decision from Moscow.

Denis Davydov, Alexandra Terpugova, and Yuri Gonchar Vesti.

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