Шведский певец франс. Франс - биография победителя из Швеции

Имя участника: Валль Франс Осифух Йеппссон

Возраст (день рождения): 19.12.1998

Город: Истад, Швеция

Песня: «If I Were Sorry»

Место: 5

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Семья Франса многонациональная - мама этническая шведка, а папа имеет английские и нигерийские корни, поэтому мальчик всю свою сознательную жизнь говорил на английском и шведском языке, что сильно помогло ему в певческой карьере.

Франс рано стал известен - уже в 2006 году . Сначала он появился в телевизионной передаче «БингоЛотто», а затем совместно с группой «Elias» записал песню «Who’s da Man», которую мальчишки посвятили шведской футбольной звезде Златану Ибрагимовичу. Композиция так понравилась слушателям родной страны Франса, что очень долго держалась в первой десятке национальных чартов.

В 2006 году мальчик записывает рождественскую балладу «Kul med Jul» и свой первый альбом «Da Man».

В 2008 году Франс снова обращается к футбольной теме и выпускает песню «Fotbollsfest», которая становится гимном шведской сборной. Тут же выходит одноименный альбом, ставший в карьере певца вторым.

Следующие 7 лет можно назвать затишьем в карьере юного исполнителя, но все же не пустыми.

В 2015 году выходит третий альбом исполнителя «Sitting inside» , который добавляет ему поклонников по всему миру. В 2016 году Франс принимает участие в фестивале «Melodifestivalen 2016», победитель которого будет представлять страну-хозяйку Швецию на Евровидении.

Романтическая композиция «If I Were Sorry» поразила жюри и Франс победил . Стоит отметить, что аттестационная комиссия конкурса достаточно долго проверяла песню на плагиат, но приняла решение что композиция оригинальная и будет допущена.

На момент выступления Франсу будет еще 17 лет и он будет самым юным представителем своей страны за последние 30 лет Евровидения. По мнению экспертов и букмекеров именно у шведского исполнителя неплохие шансы на победу.

Не смотря на то, что обычно страну-победителя прошлого года строго оценивают, Франс занял 5 место по итогам суммы голосований жюри и зрителей.

Задаваясь вопросом, кто занял 5-е место на Евровидение-2016, мы вспоминаем самого юного участника этого крупного песенного конкурса за последние тридцать лет - Франса, который представлял Швецию. Выступив с песней под названием ««If I Were Sorry», он покорил большое количество зрителей не только своим голосом, достойным более старших певцов проекта, но и неподдельными эмоциями, так соответствовавшими тематике композиции.

Франс - биография победителя из Швеции

Полное имя молодого человека, выступающего под простым псевдонимом Франс - Франс Йеппссон Валль. Он является не только исполнителем музыкальных композиций, но и автором собственных песен из Швеции. Кстати, именно в этом стране проходило Евровидение-2016 .

Франс - один из двойняшек, которые родились в Швеции и выросли в весьма необычной, межнациональной семье: мама - шведка, а папа - англичанин с нигерийскими корнями. Такое смешение стало причиной того, что мальчик с самого детства отлично владеет двумя языками. Кроме этого, такое обстоятельство вынуждало проводить много времени в двух городах разных стран - Лондоне и Стокгольме, что очень хорошо расширяло кругозор ребенка. Именно Англия подарила Францу любовь к музыкальному искусству и первые премудрости этого интересного и перспективного дела.

Вокальные таланты проявились у Франца еще в восемь лет, чем он не преминул воспользоваться в ближайшее же время. Так, а 2006 году была записана его первая музыкальная композиция под названием «Who’s da Man». Работа была сделана вместе с группой «Elias», состоявшей из друзей мальчика. Они посвятили песню знаменитому футбольному игроку Златану Ибрагимовичу - талантливому спортсмену и кумиру всех мальчиков Швеции тех лет. И эта история непохожа на миллионы схожих, рассказывающих о том, как мальчишки в сколоченной в каморке группе сочиняют музыку на актуальные темы. Песня коллектива «Elias» стала по-настоящему популярной, ротировалась на радио и больше трех месяцев занимала лидирующие строчки главного хит-парада Швеции «Sverigetopplistan».

Известные песни участника Евровидения 2016 из Швеции

Чуть позже в этом же году вышла вторая музыкальная композиция Франса. Она которая называлась «Kul med Jul», также не оставившая равнодушной слушателей и разместившаяся на завидных строчках чартов.

За первыми успешными песнями последовала студийная запись дебютного мини-альбома под названием «Da Man». Его постигла та же участь, что и предшествующие синглы. Кстати, песня для любимого футболиста стала не единственным треком на спортивную тематику. В 2008 году специально к старту Чемпионата Европы был написан гимн «Fotbollsfest», призванный поддержать национальную команду.

Обстоятельства сложились так, что после такого стремительного подъема Франс перестал радовать шведскую публику новыми хитами и исчез до нового яркого выступления.

Участие шведа в Евровидении-2016

В Швеции принято выбирать своего представителя, который будет отстаивать честь страны на предстоящем Евровидении, по результатам ежегодного фестиваля Melodifestivalen. В 2015 году победа на конкурсе досталась Монсу Сельмерлёву. Поэтому на плечи шведских конкурсантов фестиваля возлегла двойная ответственность, ведь именно их страна должна была стать хозяйкой на следующем мероприятии.

Франс соревновался за почетное право наравне с еще одиннадцатью достойными претендентами и выступал с песней под названием «If I Were Sorry». Его природное обаяние, а также романтичный контекст самой композиции принесли музыканту победу на отборочном фестивале и возможность представить родину в Стокгольме.

Некоторые критики из музыкальной сферы сравнивали конкурсную песню молодого певца с хитом американца Мэтта Саймонса под названием Catch & Release, однако это мнение не сыграло никакой роли в ходе отборочного тура и самого участия в Евровидении-2016. Более того, еще до начала мероприятия члены жюри видели в песне большой потенциал и заявку на хорошее место.

5-е место - это весьма достойный результат для семнадцатилетнего участника, у которого еще все впереди. Достигнет ли Франс высот музыкального Олимпа или Евровидение станет пиком его карьеры - покажет время.

In December 2006 he has presented Christmas single Kul med Jul and after that released debut double album Da Man. In 2008 he and Elias have released another football song: Fotbollsfest , which became official song of Sweden at the European Championship and has also topped national chart. Since then Frans lived a quieter life. "During this long period, I mostly tried to slow down a little, find myself, trying to figure out what I want for the future, and just going to school and trying to live a normal life" . As for the future, Frans has no definite plans yet, but for the moment he is happy to continue doing music. "I"m still interested in music. We have recorded some songs, and I have been featured in an advertising for Toyota" , he says. In 2015 he was back in the studio, working on the new music material with producers from Cardiac Records.

The song "If I Were Sorry" was co-written by Oscar Fogelström, Michael Saxell and member of Elias and producer of previous Frans" hits Fredrik Andersson. Fredrik Andersson performed on Melodifestivalen 2002 stage with group Solo and "Ge mig himlen för en dag". Fredrick was also behind Bjorn Ranelid"s and Sara Li"s entry "Mirakel" in the Melodifestivalen 2012. "I was spending some time in their studio, and after a while, we decided to write a song together. Since then we built it on bit by bit. We had never imagined that it would become such a success as we sat there in Ystad and wrote it" , says Frans. It was the record company that suggested the song should be sent to the Melodifestivalen, which met some scepticism from it"s creators. But it turned out that the song has been loved by the press, outperformed all entries in the audience survey and finally made it to the final, 10 years after previous performance of Frans on the big stage.

Frans performed the song for the very first time in Gävle during the fourth and last semi-final making it directly to the big final at the Friends Arena, Stockholm on March 12th. The single was released immediately after the performance on 28 February and reached the first place in Sverigetopplistan, music video on it was released on 2 March. Music video was shot in Ystad, where Frans still lives. The song has in record time streamed over 6.5 million times (this despite stiff competition from other strong Melodifestivalen contributions as well as world famous tracks signed by Zayn or Rihanna), and on 11 March, the day before the Melodifestivalen final, the single was certified platinum.

"I do not want to paint my own picture of the song, but rather I want people who listen to it themselves to interpret it and find their own meaning in the song"

Fredrik Andersson is a songwriter, producer and executive director of Cardiac Records. In 2015 Fredrik wrote and produced one of the most popular tracks in Sweden, Johnny G with the artist Badpojken. It was also Fredrik who in 2006 wrote the hit Who’s da man with Frans which stayed at the top of the charts for 21 weeks! Fredrik was awarded the Ystad Kommun Culture Prize last year. The prize was recognition for the initiative he had taken in founding the new music course at IMP - Institute of Music and Production.

Oscar Fogelström is a Swedish producer, songwriter, composer and originator. He’s been heard and seen throughout the world through his work with artists, in movies, commercials and creative writing. Oscar’s music and creativity has shaped and underpinned movies, TV shows and commercials for the past 15 years. His clients have included such names as Coke, Blackberry, Reebok and IKEA as well as award winning performers and movie directors.

Michael Saxell is one of Sweden"s most versatile successful songwriters in recent years. With multiple gold and platinum awards in Sweden and internationally in the past three decades, he’s a firm believer in the magic of the moment and translating it into song form. Saxell’s songs have been recorded by Canadian rockers BTO, country music legend Dickey Lee, Procol Harum’s Keith Reid, Terry Jacks, jazz great Ulf Wakenius, as well as numerous other international and Scandinavian artists.

Lotta Bromé will be SVT commentator of the live broadcasts. She has an extensive track record of program hosting on both radio and television. She also sat in the Swedish Eurovision jury in previous years. "I think it"s an huge honor and was very happy when I was asked. I"ve always been very interested in the Eurovision Song Contest and so for me it"s a bit of a dream" . Lotta says she looks forward to being a part of the Eurovision world. "It will be fun to go into this bubble and working with the entire gang because I think they are very professional" . She says that the most difficult task for her perhaps would be to keep track of the scoring, but she is sure she will cope well with that.

Winners of the special Melodifestivalen Web-Awards have been announced.

As the Swedish preselection itself, internet award ended in triumph of Frans and his entry "If I Were Sorry" - it was awarded Song of the Year, and Frans himself - Artist of the Year, Breakthrough of the Year and winner of six awards in total. Joy & Linnea Deb, Anton Hard af Segerstad narrowly managed to win Songwriters of the Year award. Best singer of the year - Lisa Ajax. Best band of the year - Panetoz. Best stage show and choreography - Ace Wilder.

Song of the year:
"If I Were Sorry" - 40%
"Human" - 26%
"Save Me" - 21%
"Constellation Price" - 13%

Artist of the year:
Frans - 40%
Wiktoria - 26%
Oscar Zia - 22%
Ace Wilder - 12%

Songwriters of the year:
Joy & Linnea Deb , Anton Hård af Segerstad (Ace Wilder, Lisa Ajax, Isa, Molly Pettersson Hammar) – 32 %
Fredrik Andersson, Oscar Fogelström, Frans Jeppsson Wall , Michael Saxell (Frans) – 31 %
Maria Smith, Victor Thell , Oscar Zia (Oscar Zia) – 26 %
Anderz Wrethow (SaRaha, David Lindgren, Samir & Viktor) – 11 %

French pioneer of electronic music, Jean-Michel Jarre, thinks that Frans has all the chances to win Eurovision 2016. "It has all the potential to win. And you in Sweden are now specialists in this, much more than France. I think it"s because Eurovision is too expensive for France to arrange and therefore we always send weird entries. So I"m afraid you next year will have to pay for Eurovision again, because your entry has a good chance" , he says.

Frans can sleep peacefully. EBU dismisses allegations that the Melodifestivalen winning can be a plagiarism. Shortly before the final of the national preselection, there appeared allegations that Frans song "If I Were sorry" may be a possible plagiarism of Matt Simon"s song "Catch & Release". Now, the Swedish entry has been examined by the Reference Group of the European Broadcasting Union and Eurovision Supervisor Jon Ola Sand has confirmed that "None of us have a sense that this is a plagiarism" . He confirmed EBU will not move forward in investigations, unless there is a legal claim from the songwriters behind the alleged original track. Pias Recordings, record company behind "Catch & Release" was aiming to do an own investigation, yet the outcome of it was unclear.

"There are different sorts of pop music for over 70 years and there are many songs that may sound similar, but plagiarism is a legal term and sometimes when authors say "this is my song, he has stolen my song." Then they have to go to court to prove it. But no one has contacted us, no one has contacted SVT and then there is seemingly no plagiarism", says Jon Ola Sand

Spanish broadcaster RTVE will organize podcast commentary for the final of Melodifestivalen. Starting at 19:30, fans will be able to turn on RTVE.es to podcast #MelfestSpain, lead by director Cesar Vallejo (RTVE.es) and journalist Irene Mahía (RTVE.es), joined by choreographer and dancer Giuseppe di Bella (Eurovision 2015) and composer Tony Sánchez-Ohlsson (songwriter of Eurovision hits "Quédate conmigo", "Amanecer", "I love you mi vida"). In addition, Sanchez-Ohlsson will help with translations from Swedish into Spanish. Join the discussion with hashtag #melfestspain.

List of the spokespersons of international juries for the Melodifestivalen final have been revealed:

Bosnia - former head of delegation Dejan Kukrić
Cyprus - CyBC producer Klitos Klitou
Belarus - deputy head of delegation Olga Salamakha
Netherlands - Eurovision commentator Daniel Dekker
Estonia - head of delegation Mart Normet
Israel - producer Tali Eshkoli
Italy - head of delegation Nicola Caligiore
Slovenia - singer, Eurovision 2011 participant Maja Keuc
France - former head of delegation Bruno Berberes
Norway - MGP-general Stig Karlsen
Australia - Blink TV director Stephanie Werrett

"We look to the south, north, east and west, but we also should remember about the fan factor. This year in the list there are some countries that are very involved and take Eurovision seriously, and in some cases have already made a profile by having been attending Melodifestivalen for several years, for example Klitos Klitou. He is irreplaceable here. Brand new countries of the international jury are Australia and Belarus. It"s great to have Australia in the family. They debuted in the Eurovision last year and we gave them their first 12 and they gave us their first 12", says Christer Björkman

30-seconds long audio clip of Molly Sanden"s Melodifestivalen entry has leaked on various international platforms on 15 February. It was removed shortly after being discovered. "There has not been any intent of the artist or the record company, in all communication it has been made clear that the release date should be set on 28 February. That means there are no grounds for disqualification. However, it is extremely unfortunate that the error has occurred and we strongly recommend that the record companies for the future are extremely clear in all communications with all of their sales channels", says Christer Björkman, Executive Producer of the Melodifestivalen 2016.

In order to neutralize the potential benefit SVT decided to give the same opportunity to preview all the entries from the 4th semifinal for a limited time. 30-second extracts will be published on svt.se/melodifestivalen at 17:00 today, Tuesday, and will be available for 24 hours.

Here are some key elements of Swedish national preselection Melodifestivalen coverage SVT and svt.se will offer this year:

Wednesdays, 11:30: Entries Bible: song"s lyrics, list of special effects and props used, names of all dancers and singers etc.
Wednesdays, 12-18: Text coverage from first off-stage rehearsals, followed by first press listening.
Thursdays, 11-17 (after performers have rehearsed): Watch and listen to 30 seconds of each artist"s rehearsal.
Thursdays, 20:00: Welcome Party
Fridays, 13-18: Text coverage from rehearsals
Fridays, 20-21.30: First rehearsal with an audience
Fridays, appr. 22.00: Results of public-poll at dress-rehearsal.
Saturdays, 14:00: Participating songs will be published in a studio versions (likely 2:30 cuts).
Saturdays, 14:00-15.35: Second dress-rehearsal.
Saturdays, 20:00-21.30: The show airs live with chat from the green room. Chat with all the artists directly after their performance.
Saturdays, 22:10: Follow one of the finalists behind the scenes from the venue to the afterparty in a live feed
Saturdays, 23:00: Afterparty

Additional plans for Week 1 (including live Periscope chats with artists, hosts and special guests) are available .


Swedish broadcaster SVT usual was selecting it"s Eurovision Song Contest entry from the Melodifestivalen competition. At least 28 songs were to be competing in the 2016 Melodifestival. The entries competing in the 2016 Melodifestival were: 14 entries that the selection panel chooses from amongst the submissions to the Regular contest and Public contest; and 13 entries comprising either musical works created by composers/songwriters that SVT has invited or entries that SVT selects from amongst the submissions; plus one entry from "Svensktoppen Nästa". Entries were to be submitted by being uploaded as a SOUND file to svt.se/melodifestivalen from 1 September 2015 to 8.59 am on 16 September 2015.
"We are so proud and happy with our victory in the Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna. Now we are getting ready and making effort for another top placing, this time om home ground. As always, we are looking for songs in various languages, genres and styles. The big variety is a part of Melodifestivalen", says Christer Björkman, the head producer of Melodifestivalen 2016

This year, Anette Helenius took the job as project manager for Melodifestivalen 2016. Between 2006 and 2009 she worked as a production manager for the program. She will lead this year"s project along with executive producer Christer Björkman. Helenius takes over from Maria Ilstedt, project manager and recipient of this year"s honorary award in Melodifestivalen web prize, and Christel Tholse Willers, chief-editor of the Melodifestivalen 2015. Edward af Sillén returns to the role of content producer (who debuted in the role in 2009 and worked on it till 2013). As earlier, he will write the script together with Daniel Rehn, helped by David Sundin, and collaborating closely with the television producer Ulrica Örn.

Besides new project manager Melodifestivalen got a new logo. "We wanted to refresh ourselves before the previous logo is starting to feel old. The logo we have had since 2011 has worked very well on TV but has been difficult to handle in the press and other media. We wanted to have one that works on a wider scale. We have also the 15th anniversary of the modern version of the Melodifestivalen, and the new logo will be seen as a tribute" , says Anette Helenius. Logo has been developed by design group Dallas.

Swedish citizens and/or persons registered as resident in Sweden (on 1 September 2015 or later) were allowed to compete in the contest as composers/songwriters. Persons who are not Swedish citizens or registered residents as of 1 September 2015 could compete in the contest provided that their entry has at least one composer/songwriter who meets the requirements. It is SVT"s intention to reserve approx. 30% of the contest"s places for entries sung mainly in Swedish. The same song could be submitted as separate entries if it is sung in different languages. It is SVT"s intention to reserve at least 50% of the contest"s places for entries written by female composers/lyricists either alone or with male colleagues (only applies to the Regular contest).

Only works that have not previously been made publicly available – be it through public transmission, performance, publication, distribution or otherwise – could compete. The requirement against previous publication/distribution precludes the release of either the tune or the lyrics to the public in any way or format, be it on disk, cassette, video, film, in printed form, etc. The requirement against previous public performance precludes its performance at concerts or similar. The requirement against public transmission precludes its broadcast or public dissemination via radio, TV, internet or mobile telephone network. As in the last year, songs finishing in semifinals on 3-7 places can be released publicly after the end of the show, but songs qualifying to the finals can not be released until the end of the 4th semifinal.

Only entries longer than two (2.00) minutes but shorter than three (3.00) minutes could compete. An entry falling either side of this time band will remain in the selection process on condition that the judges deem it possible to re-arrange the song to the accepted length and that the composer(s)/songwriter(s) consent to the fact and execution of the required modification. Wholly instrumental entries will not be accepted; songs must include vocals, sung or spoken. Entries could be submitted in any language, which will remain the language of performance in the 2016 Melodifestivalen unless SVT instructs otherwise in connection with the selection process.

Participating artists must be at least 16 years of age before the entry"s first day of competing for the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. However, the artist selected for the 2016 Melodifestivalen is not necessarily the one who will represent Sweden at the ESC, and SVT reserves the right to replace him. A maximum of eight persons may take part in the performance of a competing entry in the Melodifestival. When representing Sweden in the European Song Contest, however, this number is reduced to six. The provision of instrumental backing tracks is a condition of entry in the contest. If these backing tracks include a pre-recorded chorus, the chorus may not feature the performing artist(s), who must sing live. The entry that is to represent Sweden at the ESC will not be allowed to use such prerecorded choruses on its backing track at all.

The selection panel was choosing entries from amongst the submissions to the Ordinarie tävling (Regular contest), for which both lyrics and music must have been written by at least one composer/songwriter who has already had a musical work published. The same panel also was selecting five entries from the submissions to the Allmänhetens tävling (Public contest), which only accepted songs by composer(s)/songwriter(s) who have NOT already had a musical work published. These five entries were qualified directly amongst the best top 100 entries. The Public Contest had no guaranteed place in 2016 Melodifestivalen.

The panel, selecting 14 of 28 competing entries was composed of people of different ages, some having roots in the music industry, others being ordinary viewers:
Mari Ryberger, entries producer of Melodifestivalen,
Carl-Philip Landin, 23, consultant,
Maria Ericson, 28, in charge of artists at Allsång på Skansen and deputy project manager of Melodifestivalen 2016,
Martin Glemme, 34, web promotion manager,
Anna Shimoda, 30, editor Hänt, Aller förlag,
Magnus Rogmark, 47, consultant,
Robert Sehlberg, 45, music director, MTG Radio,
Lisa Arnold, 27, dancer,
Simon Grusell, 18, student,
Cecilia Eriksson, 23, music student,
Ben Robertsson, 27, teacher, member of Melodifestivalklubben,
Edin Jusuframic, dancer and choreographer,
Ken Olausson, 42, engineer and blogger,
Mari Hesthammaer, 23, music editor, P3,
Rickard Keilor, 43, programming editor, SBS Radio,
Kerstin Behrendtz, 64, music editor, P4,
Axel Scholtzé, 22, production assistant.

2450 entries have been submitted, of which 1982 to the Regular contest, and 468 to Public contest. This is 273 entries more than last year. In terms of the number of entries submitted Melodifestivalen is the largest selection for the Eurovision Song Contest. Among the largest foreign counterparts are Germany, Norway and Denmark, where last season were submitted 1213, 800 and 687 entries respectively.

The final of "Svensktoppen Nästa" was held on 6 September in Gothenburg. Michael Fannon was declared as the winner, but it was decided that Smajling Swedes will get a place among the 28 participants of Melodifestivalen 2016. Since 2012, the winner of the "Svensktoppen Nästa" was offered a place in Melodifestivalen, but this year he did not automatically get a place in the contest, but rather the jury appointed one of the finalists as the bonus prize. "Svensktoppen Nästa" is radio music where the visual part is not at all important, while in Melodifestivalen it is the whole more important. It is not only about the song but it must be able to translated into a show on the stage as well" , explained Christer Björkman.

Halmstad has debuted as a host city for the Melodifestivalen, Second Chance show took place in Halmstad Arena. Semifinal 1 took place on February 6, in Gothenburg, Scandinvium (hosted semifinals every year from 2003 to 2015); Semifinal 2 on February 13 in Malmö, Malmö Arena (2004, 2009-2015); Semifinal 3 on February 20, Norrkoping, Himmelstalundshallen (2002, 2009); Semifinal 4 on February 27, Gavle, Gavlerinken arena (2007); Second chance on March 5, Halmstad, Halmstad Arena (debut); Final on March 12, Stockholm, Friends Arena (2013-2015; 2002-2012 at the Ericsson Globe, also in Stockholm). Tickets for the shows have gone on sale on Thursday, 29 October. Gina Dirawi hosted all shows joined by host and comedian Petra Mede (1), host and comedian Henrik Schyffert (3), singer Sarah Dawn Finer (4), singers and actors Ola Salo and Peter Jöback (Second Chance) and comedian William Spetz (Final). On 3 February it was announced that Charlotte Perrelli was withdrawn from the hosting semifinal 2 because of her participation in the Comviq mobile advertising campaign, however she was invited to have extended guest role in the show. Hosts of the shows performed: Semi 1: "Hela Sveriges fest" and with Lasse Kronér "Allt är Eurovisions fel" (It"s all Eurovision"s fault), Semi 2: "Flickorna från Sverige", Semi 3: "Under Pressure" and "Love Story", Semi 4: "Du och jag igen" (Australian 2015 entry by Guy Sebastian) and with Jon Henrik Fjällgren - "Hela Sveriges sång" (All of Sweden"s song), Second Chance: "Skyfall" by Adele, "Sing Me Out".

Guest acts: Semi 1: 2006 Spanish Eurovision entrants Las Ketchup with "The Ketchup Song (Aserejé)", Semi 2: Charlotte Perrelli with "Atemlos durch die Nacht" of Helene Fischer, Second Chance: Hasse Andersson - "Guld och gröna skogar", Final: Sarah Dawn Finer as Lynda Woodruff, Måns Zelmerlöw with a children"s choir - "Heroes", and a medley of past Melodifestivalen hits to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the current format of the competition: "Adrenaline" (2002), "Don"t Stop Believing" (2015), "Kom" (2010), "Kom och ta mig" (2002), "Bröder" (2014), "Moving On" (2009), "Live Forever" (2007), "Snälla snälla" (2009), "Sing For Me" (2006), "Håll om mig" (2005), "Begging" (2013), "Vem é dé du vill ha" (2002), "Lay Your Love on Me" (2008), "Hero" (2008), "La dolce vita" (2004). Recurring interval act include Jonas Gardell"s schlager school and dramatic readings of past Melodifestivalen song lyrics by Swedish actors.

In addition to SVT 1 show was broadcasted live from 20:00 to 21:30 on radio P4 hosted by Carolina Norén. Additional related programming such as interviews, hosted by Carolina Norén and Micke Cederberg, were aired every Saturday from 21:30 to 22:30 on P4 Musik. On 5 February was also launched web channel P4 Melodifest, which offers Melodifestivalen and Eurovision playlist, and will broadcast around the clock daily until May 20 at sverigesradio.se and app Sveriges Radio Play. The final was also broadcast on SVT24 with sign-language performers as well as via the virtual reality mobile application SVT 360. International broadcasts of the final took place on RÚV in Iceland, on NRK3 in Norway and on Yle Fem in Finland, while RTVE Spain website provided live online Spanish commentary.

Mobile app voting, which arouse many debates last year, again was used during Melodifestivalen 2016. However, this time it was allowed to vote with hearts not only during the performance of the song in question, but during the whole show. As in last year, app users were able to give maximum up to 5 votes for each song with the help of the app. Mobile app voting was free of charge, but have the same weight as regular phone and SMS voting. "We wanted to minimize risk of viewers missing the time slot voting for their favourite entries" , said project manager Anette Helenius.

As usual, it was also possible to vote via telephone and SMS, vote opened when program started at 20:00. There were two numbers to choose from: one costing 3.60 SEK and the other 9.90 SEK, of which 8.90 goes to Radiohjälpen. It was possible to vote 20 times by telephone and text messages per entry, that means using all options it is possible to cast up to 85 votes every show. In the final each group of 11 groups of jurors was giving 11*43=473. Telephone and SMS voting ended only about five minutes after the completion of the jury"s vote. Viewers also had 473 votes to share, so they were divided according to the percentages of the votes received.

Stage design, created by Frida Arvidsson and Viktor Brattström has been revealed on 22 January. The stage this year will be visually divided in two parts, a LED screen side on the right hand, and part based on the light effects on the other side. The edge of the stage will be rounded with a curved rail camera that will be able to create new images. "We have more intimate stage than before. The crowd comes near the artist , says Frida Arvidsson. Green room got a new look as well, and this year will be connected with the stage at a level of four meters above the ground. Graphic designer David Nordström, who worked last year with the winner Måns Zelmerlöw, this year will be providing graphics to the whole Melodifestivalen.

The official list of competing artists was presented on 30 November at the the press conference. Aftonbladet newspaper in it"s publications publication managed to name 25 of 28 participating artists, excluding Krista Siegfrids, Wiktoria and Victor och Natten. The running order has been revealed via Periscope broadcast on 12 January. A pretty complicated system of stickers has been used by Christer Björkman to order the entries on the demonstration wall:

Pink: high-energy songs
Lilac: schlager
Pale lilac: a particular type of mid-tempo pop done only by Lisa Ajax this year
Yellow: mid-tempo pop
Green: songs performed by young male singers
Orange: high energy at a particular tempo

Green star: songs in Swedish
Red star: songs with at least one female co-writer

Backing teams were made this year of backing singers Mia Stegmar and Jonathan Jaarnek Norén and dancers Daniel Koivunen, Edin Jusuframic, Linda Hansson, and Nathalie Akselsen. Mia Stegmar is a familiar name, as she was member of huskören before and competed with her band Itchycoo. Idol participant Jonathan Jaarnek Norén is a new name for this year. This year two more dancers were added to the team, because they will also take part in each opening and interval act. Daniel Koivunen and Edin Jusuframic have been voted dancers of the year in 2013 and 2015 online awards. They were joined by the veteran Linda Hansson and newcomer Nathalie Akselsen.

Votes casted in the shows: 4,389,687 - Semi 1, 4,647,934 - Semi 2, 4,389,051 - Semi 3, 4,592,313 - Semi 4, 6,059,917 - Second Chance, 12,643,275 - Final.
Viewers: 3,279,000 - Semi 1, 3,167,000 - Semi 2, 3,241,000 - Semi 3, 3,079,000 - Semi 4, 2,921,000 - Second Chance, 3,464,000 - Final (3,736,000 last year).

Semi-Final 1 - 6 February, Gothenburg, Scandinavium
21.66% (949535)
# Performer Entry Songwriter(s) 1st 2nd Total
01. Samir och Viktor Bada nakna 752944 77908 18.96% (830852)
02. Pernilla Andersson Mitt guld Pernilla Andersson, Fredrik Rönnqvist 258740 5.90%
03. Mimi Werner Ain"t No Good Mimi Werner, Göran Werner, Marcus Svedin, Jason Saenz 617265 67180 15.62% (684445)
04. Albin & Mattias Andréasson Rik 725693 61166 17.95% (786859)
-- Anna Book Himmel för två Sven-Inge Sjöberg, Lennart Wastesson, Larry Forsberg, Camilla Läckberg DQ
06. Robin Bengtsson Constellation Prize Bobby Ljunggren, Henrik Wikström, Mark Hole, Martin Eriksson 836672 112863
07. Ace Wilder Don"t worry Joy Deb, Linnea Deb, Anton Hård af Segerstad, Ace Wilde 772879 99797 19.91% (872676)

On 4 February, two days before the show, it was announced that Anna Book"s song "Himmel för två" has been disqualified from the competition. As was discovered, it"s English version "Taking Care of a Broken Heart", has competed in Moldovan preselection 2014 performed by Felicia Dunaf. Song of Dunaf was published in studio version, as well as was performed at the live auditions, which also were streamed online live. At the end she has qualified to the televized stage of the preselection with different song. Songwriters of the song competing in Moldova were listed as Aidan O Connor, Svin Inge Sjoberg, Larry Forsberg, Lenneart Wastesson - Aidan O Connor, Svin Inge Sjoberg. Songwriters of the Swedish entry - Sven-Inge Sjöberg, Lennart Wastesson, Larry Forsberg, Camilla Läckberg, while the latter wrote Swedish lyrics for it. Rules of the Swedish preselection are clear in this regards: "Only works that have not previously been made publicly available – be it through public transmission, performance, publication, distribution or otherwise – may compete. The requirement against previous publication/distribution precludes the release of either the tune or the lyrics to the public in any way or format, be it on disk, cassette, video, film, in printed form, etc. The requirement against previous public performance precludes its performance at concerts or similar. The requirement against public transmission precludes its broadcast or public dissemination via radio, TV, internet or mobile telephone network". "Our rules are crystal clear. If the song was published before the competition, it may not take part in the contest. This is of course deeply unfortunate for everyone involved and I really feel for Anna Book who was hit hard by this" , says Christer Björkman, executive producer. Singer was offered to perform in the interval act of the show.

Semi-Final 2 - 13 February, Malmö, Malmö Arena
# Performer Entry Songwriter(s) 1st 2nd Total
01. David Lindgren We Are Your Tomorrow Anderz Wrethov, Sharon Vaughn, Gustav Efraimsson 807520 64752 18.81% (872272)
02. Victor och Natten 100% Dag Lundberg, Nicklas Lif, Jesper Lundh 427891 9.23%
03. Molly Pettersson Hammar Hunger 657452 46011 15.17% (703463)
04. Isa I Will Wait 786203 63393 18.32% (849596)
05. Krista Siegfrids Faller Krista Siegfrids, Gabriel Alares, Magnus Wallin, Gustaf Svenungsson 452301 36341 10.54% (488642)
06. Patrik Isaksson, Tommy Nilsson & Uno Sveningsson Håll mitt hjärta Patrik Isaksson, Tommy Nilsson, Uno Svenningsson 371290 8.01%
07. Wiktoria Save me Jens Siverstedt, Jonas Wallin, Lauren Dyson 832355 91648 19.93% (924003)

Semi-Final 3 - 20 February, Norrkoping, Himmelstalundshallen
# Performer Entry Songwriter(s) 1st 2nd Total
01. SaRaha Kizunguzungu 506273 66361 13.08% (572634)
02. Swingfly feat. Helena Gutarra You Carved Your Name Jocke Åhlund, Andreas Kleerup 411040 9.39%
03. SMILO Weight of the world Arvid Ångström, Dennis Babic, Oscar Berglund Juhola, Anton Göransson, Robin Danielsson 524216 37007 12.82% (561223)
04. After Dark Kom ut som en stjärna Sven-Inge Sjöberg, Lenart Wastesson, Larry Forsberg, Lina Eriksson, Kent Sippan Olsson, Calle Kindbom 355959 8.13%
05. Lisa Ajax My Heart Wants Me Dead Linnea Deb, Joy Deb, Anton Hård af Segerstad, Nikki Flores, Sara Forsberg 880118 68760 21.68% (948878)
06. Boris Réne Put Your Love On Me 598521 57891 15.00% (656412)
07. Oscar Zia Human Oscar Zia, Victor Thell, Maria Smit 791989 78463 19.89% (870452)

Semi-Final 4 - 27 February, Gavle, Gavlerinken arena
# Performer Entry Songwriter(s) 1st 2nd Total
01. Eclipse Runaways Erik Mårtensson 462162 54294 11.28% (516456)
02. Dolly Style Rollercoaster 563559 33537 13.04% (597096)
03. Martin Stenmarck Du tar mig tillbaks David Stenmarck 345313 7.54%
04. Linda Bengtzing Killer Girl Mathias Kallenberger, Andreas Berlin, Linda Bengtzing, Dag Öhrlund 330615 7.22%
05. Frans If I Were Sorry Oscar Fogelström, Michael Saxell, Fredrik Andersson, Frans Jeppsson Wall 870725 147443 22.23% (1018168)
06. Panetoz Håll om mig hårt 766466 67694 18.22 (834160)
07. Molly Sandén Youniverse Molly Sandén, Danny Saucedo, John Alexis 852284 85091 20.47% (937375)

Second Chance, 5 March, Halmstad, Halmstad Arena
Duel Performer Entry Songwriter(s) Total
1. Panetoz Håll om mig hårt Jimmy Jansson, Karl-Ola Kjellholm, Jakke Erixson, Pa Modou Badjie, Njol Badjie, Nebeyu Baheru 65.71% (965823)
1. Molly Pettersson Hammar Hunger Joy Deb, Linnea Deb, Anton Hård af Segerstad, Molly Pettersson Hammar 34.29% (503953)
2. Albin & Mattias Andréasson Rik Albin Johnsén, Mattias Andréasson 46.79% (735852)
2. Boris Réne Put Your Love On Me Boris Réne, Tobias Lundgren, Tim Larsson 53.21% (836686)
3. Isa I Will Wait Anton Hård af Segerstad, Joy Deb, Linnea Deb, Nikki Flores 49.64% (763862)
3. SaRaha Kizunguzungu Anderz Wrethov, Sara "SaRaha" Larsson, Arash Labaf 50.36% (775093)
4. Dolly Style Rollercoaster Thomas G:son, Peter Boström, Alexandra Salomonsson 38.63% (571216)
4. Samir och Viktor Bada nakna Fredrik Kempe, David Kreuger, Anderz Wrethov 61.37% (907432)

Final, 12 March, Friends Arena
# Performer Entry Jury Tele Tot
01. Panetoz Håll om mig hårt 14(0+6+0+0+0 +0+0+2+4+2+0) 39 (1033326) 53
02. Lisa Ajax My Heart Wants Me Dead 23(0+0+6+0+2 +0+6+1+6+0+2) 33 (876209) 56
03. David Lindgren We Are Your Tomorrow 11(1+0+4+0+0 +2+0+4+0+0+0) 28 (739125) 39
04. SaRaha Kizunguzungu 11(0+0+0+0+4 +6+0+0+0+0+1) 36 (971097) 47
05. Oscar Zia Human 89(10+10+12+1+6 +10+8+10+2+10+10) 43 (1150943) 132
06. Ace Wilder Don"t Worry 83(8+2+8+12+8 +4+12+12+1+4+12) 35 (933756) 118
07. Robin Bengtsson Constellation Prize 40(4+8+0+8+1 +0+4+0+10+1+4) 43 (1142783) 83
08. Molly Sandén Youniverse 39(6+4+2+2+10 +0+1+0+0+8+6) 37 (988640) 76
09. Boris René Put Your Love on Me 6(0+0+1+4+0 +1+0+0+0+0+0) 35 (931166) 41
10. Frans If I Were Sorry 88(12+12+0+10+12 +8+10+6+12+6+0) 68 (1815697) 156
11. Wiktoria Save Me 69(2+1+19+6+0 +12+2+8+8+12+8) 45 (1206130) 114
12. Samir & Viktor Bada nakna 0(0+0+0+0+0 +0+0+0+0+0+0) 31 (845605) 31

International juries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Belarus, The Netherlands, Estonia, Israel, Italy, Slovenia, France, Norway, Australia.

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